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1 package body iby_riskyinstr_pkg as
2 /*$Header: ibyrkinb.pls 120.1.12010000.2 2008/07/29 05:52:22 sugottum ship $*/
5 procedure delete_allRiskyInstr
6 is
7 begin
8    delete from iby_irf_risky_instr;
9 commit;
10 end;
12  /*
13   ** Procedure: add_RiskyInstr
14   ** Purpose: Appends/Adds the vector of RiskyInstr into the table. For
15   ** each risky instrument, if it matches (payeeid,instrtype,and numbers)
16   ** then does nothing, else adds it to table
17   */
18 procedure add_RiskyInstr (i_count in integer,
19 			  i_riskyinstr in RiskyInstr_Table,
20 			  o_results out nocopy Result_Table)
21 is
22   i int;
23   l_payeeid varchar2(80);
24   l_instrtype varchar2(80);
25   l_payeecount int;
26   l_instypecount int;
27   l_riskinscount int;
28   lx_cc_number iby_creditcard.ccnumber%TYPE;
29   lx_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
30   lx_msg_count     NUMBER;
31   lx_msg_data      VARCHAR2(200);
32   l_cc_hash1  iby_irf_risky_instr.cc_number_hash1%TYPE;
33   l_cc_hash2  iby_irf_risky_instr.cc_number_hash2%TYPE;
34   l_cc_number iby_creditcard.ccnumber%TYPE;
35   l_account_no_hash1  iby_irf_risky_instr.acct_number_hash1%TYPE;
36   l_account_no_hash2  iby_irf_risky_instr.acct_number_hash2%TYPE;
37 begin
38        -- initialize the values.
39        i := 1;
40 	--dbms_output.put_line('at beginning');
42        -- loop through the list of ranges passed and update
43        -- the database.
44        while ( i <= i_count ) loop
45 	 -- extract the values fromt the database.
46          l_payeeid   := i_riskyinstr(i).PayeeID;
47          l_instrtype := i_riskyinstr(i).InstrType;
49          SELECT COUNT(-1) INTO l_payeecount
50             FROM iby_payee
51 	   WHERE payeeid = l_payeeid;
53        	 SELECT COUNT(-1) INTO l_instypecount
54             FROM fnd_lookups
55 	   WHERE lookup_type = 'IBY_INSTRUMENT_TYPES'
56               and lookup_code = l_instrtype;
58          IF ( l_payeecount <> 1 ) THEN
59            o_results(i).success := 0;
60            o_results(i).errmsg := 'IBY_204260';
61          ELSIF (l_instypecount <> 1) then
62   	   o_results(i).success := 0;
63            o_results(i).errmsg := 'IBY_204261';
64 	 ELSIF (l_instrtype = 'CREDITCARD' and
65                 (i_riskyinstr(i).CreditCard_Num is null or
66 		i_riskyinstr(i).CreditCard_Num = '' )) then
67 	   o_results(i).success := 0;
68            o_results(i).errmsg := 'IBY_204262';
69 	ELSIF (l_instrtype = 'BANKACCOUNT' and
70                 (i_riskyinstr(i).Routing_Num is null or
71 		 i_riskyinstr(i).Routing_Num = '' or
72 		 i_riskyinstr(i).Account_Num is null or
73 		  i_riskyinstr(i).Account_Num = '')) then
74 	   o_results(i).success := 0;
75            o_results(i).errmsg := 'IBY_204263';
76 	 ELSE
77 	   IF ( l_instrtype = 'CREDITCARD' ) then
78               -- Added for bug# 7228388
79               -- Strip the symbols
80               IBY_CC_VALIDATE.StripCC
81               (1.0, FND_API.G_FALSE, i_riskyinstr(i).CreditCard_Num,
82               IBY_CC_VALIDATE.c_FillerChars,
83               lx_return_status, lx_msg_count, lx_msg_data, lx_cc_number);
84               -- Get hash values of the credit number
85               l_cc_hash1 := iby_security_pkg.get_hash
86                             (lx_cc_number,FND_API.G_FALSE);
87               l_cc_hash2 := iby_security_pkg.get_hash
88                             (lx_cc_number,FND_API.G_TRUE);
89                 SELECT COUNT(-1) INTO l_riskinscount
90                 FROM iby_irf_risky_instr
91                 WHERE payeeid = l_payeeid
92                   and instrtype = l_instrtype
93                   and cc_number_hash1 = l_cc_hash1
94                   and cc_number_hash2 = l_cc_hash2;
95                 IF ( l_riskinscount = 0 )  then
96                 -- Included hash1 and hash2 values as part of bug#7228388
97                  insert into iby_irf_risky_instr
98                        (payeeid, instrtype,
99                         creditcard_no, object_version_number,
100                         last_update_date, last_updated_by,
101                         creation_date, created_by, cc_number_hash1,
102                         cc_number_hash2)
103                   values ( l_payeeid, l_instrtype,
104                         null,
105                         1, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
106                         sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, l_cc_hash1, l_cc_hash2);
107                   o_results(i).success := 1;
108                   if ( SQL%ROWCOUNT = 0 ) then
109                   -- raise application error for the range it has failed.
110                      o_results(i).success := 0;
111                     o_results(i).errmsg := 'IBY_204264';
112                   end if;
113                 ELSE
114                      o_results(i).success := 0;
115                      o_results(i).errmsg := 'IBY_204265';
116                 END IF;
119 	   ELSIF ( l_instrtype = 'BANKACCOUNT') then
120                -- Get the hash values of the account number
121                 l_account_no_hash1 := iby_security_pkg.get_hash
122                                   (i_riskyinstr(i).Account_Num,FND_API.G_FALSE);
123                 l_account_no_hash2 := iby_security_pkg.get_hash
124                                   (i_riskyinstr(i).Account_Num,FND_API.G_TRUE);
125 	        SELECT COUNT(-1) INTO l_riskinscount
126             	FROM iby_irf_risky_instr
127 	   	WHERE payeeid = l_payeeid
128 		  and instrtype = l_instrtype
129                   and routing_no = i_riskyinstr(i).Routing_Num
130 		  and acct_number_hash1 = l_account_no_hash1
131                   and acct_number_hash2 = l_account_no_hash2;
133 		IF ( l_riskinscount = 0 )  then
134 		 insert into iby_irf_risky_instr
135 	               (payeeid, instrtype, routing_no,
136 			account_no, object_version_number,
137                 	last_update_date, last_updated_by,
138 			creation_date, created_by,acct_number_hash1,
139                         acct_number_hash2)
140             	  values ( l_payeeid, l_instrtype,
141 			i_riskyinstr(i).Routing_Num,
142 			null,
143                 	1, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
144 			sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,l_account_no_hash1,
145                         l_account_no_hash2);
146   	          o_results(i).success := 1;
147 		  if ( SQL%ROWCOUNT = 0 ) then
148                   -- raise application error for the range it has failed.
149                      o_results(i).success := 0;
150                      o_results(i).errmsg := 'IBY_204264';
151             	  end if;
152 		ELSE
153 	     	     o_results(i).success := 0;
154                      o_results(i).errmsg := 'IBY_204265';
155                 END IF;
156 	   END IF;
157 	END IF;
158 	i := i +1;
159      end loop;
160 commit;
161 end;
163  /*
164   ** Procedure: delete_RiskyInstr
165   ** Purpose: Delete the vector of RiskyInstr into the table. For
166   ** each risky instrument, if it matches (payeeid,instrtype,and numbers)
167   ** then delete the entry from table, else does nothing
168   */
169 procedure delete_RiskyInstr (i_count in integer,
170 			     i_riskyinstr in RiskyInstr_Table,
171 			     o_results out nocopy Result_Table)
172 is
173   i int;
174   l_payeeid varchar2(80);
175   l_instrtype varchar2(80);
176   l_payeecount int;
177   l_instypecount int;
178   l_riskinscount int;
179   lx_cc_number iby_creditcard.ccnumber%TYPE;
180   lx_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
181   lx_msg_count     NUMBER;
182   lx_msg_data      VARCHAR2(200);
183   l_cc_hash1  iby_irf_risky_instr.cc_number_hash1%TYPE;
184   l_cc_hash2  iby_irf_risky_instr.cc_number_hash2%TYPE;
185   l_cc_number iby_creditcard.ccnumber%TYPE;
186   l_account_no_hash1  iby_irf_risky_instr.acct_number_hash1%TYPE;
187   l_account_no_hash2  iby_irf_risky_instr.acct_number_hash2%TYPE;
188 begin
189        -- initialize the values.
190        i := 1;
192        -- loop through the list of ranges passed and update
193        -- the database.
194        while ( i <= i_count ) loop
195 	 -- extract the values from the database.
196          l_payeeid   := i_riskyinstr(i).PayeeID;
197          l_instrtype := i_riskyinstr(i).InstrType;
199          SELECT COUNT(-1) INTO l_payeecount
200             FROM iby_payee
201 	   WHERE payeeid = l_payeeid;
203        	 SELECT COUNT(-1) INTO l_instypecount
204             FROM fnd_lookups
205 	   WHERE lookup_type = 'IBY_INSTRUMENT_TYPES'
206               and lookup_code = l_instrtype;
208          IF (l_payeecount <> 1) then
209            o_results(i).success := 0;
210            o_results(i).errmsg := 'IBY_204260';
211          ELSIF (l_instypecount <> 1) then
212   	   o_results(i).success := 0;
213            o_results(i).errmsg := 'IBY_204261';
214 	 ELSE
215 	   IF (l_instrtype = 'CREDITCARD') then
216               -- Included hash1 and hash2 values as part of bug#7228388
217               -- Strip symbols from the credit card, if any
218               IBY_CC_VALIDATE.StripCC
219               (1.0, FND_API.G_FALSE, i_riskyinstr(i).CreditCard_Num,
220               IBY_CC_VALIDATE.c_FillerChars,
221               lx_return_status, lx_msg_count, lx_msg_data, lx_cc_number);
222               -- Get hash values of the credit number
223               l_cc_hash1 := iby_security_pkg.get_hash
224                             (lx_cc_number,FND_API.G_FALSE);
225               l_cc_hash2 := iby_security_pkg.get_hash
226                             (lx_cc_number,FND_API.G_TRUE);
227 		Delete FROM iby_irf_risky_instr
228 	           WHERE payeeid = l_payeeid
229 		    and instrtype = l_instrtype
230 	            and cc_number_hash1 = l_cc_hash1
231                     and cc_number_hash2 = l_cc_hash2;
232   	          o_results(i).success := 1;
233  		  if ( SQL%NOTFOUND ) then
234                     o_results(i).success := 0;
235                     o_results(i).errmsg := 'IBY_204266';
236             	  end if;
237 	   ELSIF ( l_instrtype = 'BANKACCOUNT' ) then
238                 -- Included hash1 and hash2 values as part of bug#7228187
239                 -- Get hash values of the account number
240                 l_account_no_hash1 := iby_security_pkg.get_hash
241                                 (i_riskyinstr(i).Account_Num,FND_API.G_FALSE);
242                 l_account_no_hash2 := iby_security_pkg.get_hash
243                                 (i_riskyinstr(i).Account_Num,FND_API.G_TRUE);
244 		Delete FROM iby_irf_risky_instr
245 	   	WHERE payeeid = l_payeeid
246 		  and instrtype = l_instrtype
247                   and routing_no = i_riskyinstr(i).Routing_Num
248 		  and acct_number_hash1 = l_account_no_hash1
249                   and acct_number_hash2 = l_account_no_hash2;
250   	          o_results(i).success := 1;
251 		  if ( SQL%NOTFOUND ) then
252                      o_results(i).success := 0;
253                      o_results(i).errmsg := 'IBY_204266';
254              	  end if;
255 	    END IF;
256 	  END IF;
257      i:= i+1;
258      end loop;
259 commit;
260 end;
262 end iby_riskyinstr_pkg;