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2 /* $Header: AHLVUCUS.pls 115.3 2004/01/27 03:03:03 jeli noship $ */
4 -------------------------------------------------
5 -- Define Record Type for Utilization Details. --
6 -------------------------------------------------
7 TYPE utilization_rec_type IS RECORD (
8       ORGANIZATION_CODE	          VARCHAR2(3),
9       ITEM_NUMBER                 VARCHAR2(2000),
10       ORGANIZATION_ID             NUMBER,
11       INVENTORY_ITEM_ID           NUMBER,
12       SERIAL_NUMBER               VARCHAR2(30),
15       UOM_CODE		          VARCHAR2(3),
16       RULE_CODE	                  VARCHAR2(30),
17       RULE_MEANING                VARCHAR2(80),
18       READING_VALUE               NUMBER,
19       READING_DATE                DATE,
20       COUNTER_NAME                VARCHAR2(30),
21       COUNTER_ID                  NUMBER,
22       CASCADE_FLAG                VARCHAR2(1) := 'N',
23       DELTA_FLAG                  VARCHAR2(1) := 'N'
24 );
26 --G_MISS_Utilization_Rec   Utilization_Rec_Type;
28 ----------------------------------------------
29 -- Define Table Types for record structures --
30 ----------------------------------------------
31 TYPE utilization_tbl_type IS TABLE OF utilization_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
33 -----------------------------------------
34 -- Declare Procedure for Utilization  --
35 -----------------------------------------
37 PROCEDURE Update_Utilization(p_api_version       IN          NUMBER,
38                              p_init_msg_list     IN          VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
39                              p_commit            IN          VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
40                              p_validation_level  IN          NUMBER    := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
41                              p_Utilization_tbl   IN          AHL_UC_Utilization_PVT.utilization_tbl_type,
42                              x_return_status     OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
43                              x_msg_count         OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER,
44                              x_msg_data          OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
45 -- Start of Comments --
46 --  Procedure name    : Update_Utilization
47 --  Type        : Private
48 --  Function    : Updates the utilization based on the counter rules defined in the master configuration
49 --                given the details of an item/counter id/counter name/uom_code.
50 --                Casacades the updates down to all the children if the p_cascade_flag is set to 'Y'.
51 --  Pre-reqs    :
52 --  Parameters  :
53 --  Standard IN  Parameters :
54 --    p_api_version                   IN      NUMBER                Required
55 --    p_init_msg_list                 IN      VARCHAR2     Default  FND_API.G_FALSE
56 --    p_commit                        IN      VARCHAR2     Default  FND_API.G_FALSE
57 --    p_validation_level              IN      NUMBER       Default  FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
58 --
59 --  Standard OUT Parameters :
60 --    x_return_status                 OUT     VARCHAR2               Required
61 --    x_msg_count                     OUT     NUMBER                 Required
62 --    x_msg_data                      OUT     VARCHAR2               Required
63 --
64 --  Update_Utilization Parameters:
65 --
66 --    p_Utilization_tbl                IN      Required.
67 --      For each record, at any given time only one of the following combinations is valid to identify the
68 --      item instance to be updated:
69 --        1.  Organization id and Inventory_item_id    AND  Serial Number.
70 --            This information will identify the part number and serial number of a configuration.
71 --        2.  Counter ID -- if this is passed a specific counter ONLY will be updated irrespective of the value
72 --            of p_cascade_flag.
73 --        3.  CSI_ITEM_INSTANCE_ID -- if this is passed, then this item instance and items down the hierarchy (depends on
74 --            the value p_cascade_flag) will be updated.
75 --      At any given time only one of the following combinations is valid to identify the type of item counters to be
76 --      updated:
77 --        1.  COUNTER_ID
78 --        2.  COUNTER_NAME
79 --        3.  UOM_CODE
80 --
81 --      Reading_Value                 IN   Required.
82 --      This will be the value of the counter reading.
83 --
84 --      cascade_flag    -- Can take values Y and N. Y indicates that the counter updates will cascade down the hierarchy
85 --                      beginning at the item number passed. Ift its value is N then only the item counter will be updated.
86 --      delta_flag      -- Can take values Y and N. Y indicates that the counter reading values refer to the delta and the
87 --                      N means the reading value is current value
88 --
89 -- NOTES
90 --   1. p_reading_value can be delta reading or net_reading depending on delta_flag. And the delta reading
91 --      can either be positive(ascending counter) or negative(descending counter). The net_reading can be
92 --      greater or less than its current reading value.
93 --   2. For parameters counter_id, counter_name and UOM_code, one and only one can be provided each time.
94 --   3. If counter_id is provided, then just update the specific counter_id, p_cascade_flag doesn't apply
95 --      at all.
96 --   4. If counter_name is provided, then if the counter doesn't exist for the start instance, and reading
97 --      value is net reading then raise error and stop, but if the reading_value is delta reading and cascade_flag = 'Y',
98 --      then get all of the highest component instances of the start instance which have the counter associated but all their
99 --      ancestors don't. Loop through all of these component instances and the specific counter.
100 --   5. If UOM_code is provided, then if delta_flag='Y', then get all of the distinct counters which associated with the start
101 --      instance and all of its component instance, otherwise just get all of the distinct counters which associated with the
102 --      the start instance only. Then loop through these counters like the above step.
103 -- End of Comments --
105 END AHL_UC_Utilization_PVT;