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Line 4792: p_hdesk_user_id : fnd user id of the help desk user id setup in GCD. Optional,

4788: Procedure for getting the user id and name of the contact on whose behalf the
4789: contract workflow is launched during renewal
4790: Parameters
4791: p_chr_id : id of the contract for which the workflow is launched
4792: p_hdesk_user_id : fnd user id of the help desk user id setup in GCD. Optional,
4793: if not passed will be derived from GCD.
4795: If no vendor/merchant contact bases on jtf object 'OKX_SALEPERS' can be found for the contract
4796: header, the help desk user is used. This behaviour is from R12 onwards, prior to this if a

Line 4830: fnd.user_id, fnd.user_name

4827: CURSOR c_k_srep_user(cp_chr_id IN NUMBER, cp_cpl_id IN NUMBER, cp_org_id IN NUMBER) IS
4828: SELECT
4829: --rsc.resource_id, srp.salesrep_id, srp.org_id, ctc.cro_code,
4830: fnd.user_id, fnd.user_name
4831: FROM okc_contacts ctc, fnd_user fnd,
4832: jtf_rs_resource_extns rsc, jtf_rs_salesreps srp
4833: WHERE ctc.dnz_chr_id = cp_chr_id
4834: AND ctc.cpl_id = cp_cpl_id

Line 4831: FROM okc_contacts ctc, fnd_user fnd,

4827: CURSOR c_k_srep_user(cp_chr_id IN NUMBER, cp_cpl_id IN NUMBER, cp_org_id IN NUMBER) IS
4828: SELECT
4829: --rsc.resource_id, srp.salesrep_id, srp.org_id, ctc.cro_code,
4830: fnd.user_id, fnd.user_name
4831: FROM okc_contacts ctc, fnd_user fnd,
4832: jtf_rs_resource_extns rsc, jtf_rs_salesreps srp
4833: WHERE ctc.dnz_chr_id = cp_chr_id
4834: AND ctc.cpl_id = cp_cpl_id
4835: AND ctc.cro_code IN (SELECT src.cro_code FROM okc_contact_sources src

Line 4842: AND rsc.user_id = fnd.user_id;

4838: AND src.buy_or_sell = 'S')
4839: AND srp.salesrep_id = to_number(ctc.object1_id1)
4840: AND nvl(srp.org_id, -99) = cp_org_id
4841: AND srp.resource_id = rsc.resource_id
4842: AND rsc.user_id = fnd.user_id;
4844: CURSOR c_fnd_user(cp_user_id IN NUMBER) IS
4845: SELECT user_name
4846: FROM fnd_user

Line 4844: CURSOR c_fnd_user(cp_user_id IN NUMBER) IS

4840: AND nvl(srp.org_id, -99) = cp_org_id
4841: AND srp.resource_id = rsc.resource_id
4842: AND rsc.user_id = fnd.user_id;
4844: CURSOR c_fnd_user(cp_user_id IN NUMBER) IS
4845: SELECT user_name
4846: FROM fnd_user
4847: WHERE user_id = cp_user_id;

Line 4846: FROM fnd_user

4842: AND rsc.user_id = fnd.user_id;
4844: CURSOR c_fnd_user(cp_user_id IN NUMBER) IS
4845: SELECT user_name
4846: FROM fnd_user
4847: WHERE user_id = cp_user_id;
4849: l_org_id NUMBER;
4850: l_cpl_id NUMBER;

Line 4892: --now get the fnd user id/name for the contact of type 'OKX_SALEPERS', if a vendor/merchant party

4888: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
4889: FND_LOG.string(FND_LOG.level_statement, l_mod_name || '.get_org_cpl', 'l_org_id=' || l_org_id||' ,l_cpl_id='||l_cpl_id);
4890: END IF;
4892: --now get the fnd user id/name for the contact of type 'OKX_SALEPERS', if a vendor/merchant party
4893: --is found
4894: IF (l_cpl_id IS NOT NULL) THEN
4896: OPEN c_k_srep_user(p_chr_id, l_cpl_id, l_org_id);

Line 4963: OPEN c_fnd_user(l_user_id);

4959: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
4960: FND_LOG.string(FND_LOG.level_statement, l_mod_name || '.get_helpdesk_user', 'getting user name for user id='||l_user_id);
4961: END IF;
4963: OPEN c_fnd_user(l_user_id);
4964: FETCH c_fnd_user INTO l_user_name;
4965: CLOSE c_fnd_user;
4966: END IF;
4967: x_user_id := l_user_id;

Line 4964: FETCH c_fnd_user INTO l_user_name;

4960: FND_LOG.string(FND_LOG.level_statement, l_mod_name || '.get_helpdesk_user', 'getting user name for user id='||l_user_id);
4961: END IF;
4963: OPEN c_fnd_user(l_user_id);
4964: FETCH c_fnd_user INTO l_user_name;
4965: CLOSE c_fnd_user;
4966: END IF;
4967: x_user_id := l_user_id;
4968: x_user_name := l_user_name;

Line 4965: CLOSE c_fnd_user;

4961: END IF;
4963: OPEN c_fnd_user(l_user_id);
4964: FETCH c_fnd_user INTO l_user_name;
4965: CLOSE c_fnd_user;
4966: END IF;
4967: x_user_id := l_user_id;
4968: x_user_name := l_user_name;

Line 4989: IF (c_fnd_user%isopen) THEN

4985: END IF;
4986: IF (c_k_srep_user%isopen) THEN
4987: CLOSE c_k_srep_user;
4988: END IF;
4989: IF (c_fnd_user%isopen) THEN
4990: CLOSE c_fnd_user;
4991: END IF;
4992: FND_MSG_PUB.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data );

Line 4990: CLOSE c_fnd_user;

4986: IF (c_k_srep_user%isopen) THEN
4987: CLOSE c_k_srep_user;
4988: END IF;
4989: IF (c_fnd_user%isopen) THEN
4990: CLOSE c_fnd_user;
4991: END IF;
4992: FND_MSG_PUB.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data );
4994: WHEN FND_API.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN

Line 5006: IF (c_fnd_user%isopen) THEN

5002: END IF;
5003: IF (c_k_srep_user%isopen) THEN
5004: CLOSE c_k_srep_user;
5005: END IF;
5006: IF (c_fnd_user%isopen) THEN
5007: CLOSE c_fnd_user;
5008: END IF;
5009: FND_MSG_PUB.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data );

Line 5007: CLOSE c_fnd_user;

5003: IF (c_k_srep_user%isopen) THEN
5004: CLOSE c_k_srep_user;
5005: END IF;
5006: IF (c_fnd_user%isopen) THEN
5007: CLOSE c_fnd_user;
5008: END IF;
5009: FND_MSG_PUB.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data );

Line 5027: IF (c_fnd_user%isopen) THEN

5023: END IF;
5024: IF (c_k_srep_user%isopen) THEN
5025: CLOSE c_k_srep_user;
5026: END IF;
5027: IF (c_fnd_user%isopen) THEN
5028: CLOSE c_fnd_user;
5029: END IF;
5030: FND_MSG_PUB.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data );

Line 5028: CLOSE c_fnd_user;

5024: IF (c_k_srep_user%isopen) THEN
5025: CLOSE c_k_srep_user;
5026: END IF;
5027: IF (c_fnd_user%isopen) THEN
5028: CLOSE c_fnd_user;
5029: END IF;
5030: FND_MSG_PUB.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data );