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APPS.IGS_AZ_GEN_001 dependencies on IGS_PE_PERS_ENCUMB

Line 1132: cp_encumbrance_type igs_pe_pers_encumb.encumbrance_type%TYPE,

1128: --
1129: -- Cursor to check if the Hold already existes for the Student
1130: --
1131: CURSOR cur_stu_encumb (
1132: cp_encumbrance_type igs_pe_pers_encumb.encumbrance_type%TYPE,
1133: cp_person_id hz_parties.party_id%TYPE) IS
1134: SELECT encumbrance_type,
1135: start_dt
1136: FROM igs_pe_pers_encumb

Line 1136: FROM igs_pe_pers_encumb

1132: cp_encumbrance_type igs_pe_pers_encumb.encumbrance_type%TYPE,
1133: cp_person_id hz_parties.party_id%TYPE) IS
1134: SELECT encumbrance_type,
1135: start_dt
1136: FROM igs_pe_pers_encumb
1137: WHERE encumbrance_type = cp_encumbrance_type
1138: AND person_id = cp_person_id
1139: AND TRUNC (start_dt) <= TRUNC (SYSDATE)
1140: AND NVL (expiry_dt, SYSDATE) >= SYSDATE;

Line 1168: lvEncumbranceType igs_pe_pers_encumb.encumbrance_type%TYPE;

1164: lvcHoldPersonIds VARCHAR2(32767); -- Variable to hold the comma separated person IDs of the students who are going to be applied advising hold. Will be used in sending the notification.
1165: lvcHoldMsgSubject fnd_new_messages.message_text%TYPE;
1166: lvcHoldMsgText fnd_new_messages.message_text%TYPE;
1167: lvnHoldExixts NUMBER;
1168: lvEncumbranceType igs_pe_pers_encumb.encumbrance_type%TYPE;
1169: lvEncmbTypeStartDt igs_pe_pers_encumb.start_dt%TYPE;
1170: l_cur_az_holds_upd cur_az_holds_upd%ROWTYPE;
1171: --
1172: BEGIN

Line 1169: lvEncmbTypeStartDt igs_pe_pers_encumb.start_dt%TYPE;

1165: lvcHoldMsgSubject fnd_new_messages.message_text%TYPE;
1166: lvcHoldMsgText fnd_new_messages.message_text%TYPE;
1167: lvnHoldExixts NUMBER;
1168: lvEncumbranceType igs_pe_pers_encumb.encumbrance_type%TYPE;
1169: lvEncmbTypeStartDt igs_pe_pers_encumb.start_dt%TYPE;
1170: l_cur_az_holds_upd cur_az_holds_upd%ROWTYPE;
1171: --
1172: BEGIN
1173: --

Line 1215: -- 1. Create a record in table IGS_PE_PERS_ENCUMB

1211: fnd_message.set_name ('IGS', 'IGS_AZ_STU_LIST_HOLD_APPLIED');
1212: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.log, fnd_message.get);
1213: END IF;
1214: --
1215: -- 1. Create a record in table IGS_PE_PERS_ENCUMB
1216: --
1217: -- Concatenate the person Ids for sending the notification:
1218: --
1219: lvcHoldPersonIds := lvcHoldPersonIds || ',' || std_rec.student_person_id; -- To do See here I am using student_person_id inplace of group_student_ID(seq gen PK) as mentioned in FD.

Line 1230: igs_pe_pers_encumb_pkg.insert_row (

1226: CLOSE cur_stu_encumb;
1227: --
1228: IF (lvEncumbranceType IS NULL) THEN
1229: --
1230: igs_pe_pers_encumb_pkg.insert_row (
1231: x_rowid => lvHoldRowID,
1232: x_person_id => std_rec.student_person_id,
1233: x_encumbrance_type => lvcHoldType,
1234: x_start_dt => ldHldStrtDt,

Line 2305: FROM igs_pe_pers_encumb hld

2301: --
2302: CURSOR cur_std_grp_hld (cp_hold_type VARCHAR2, cp_start_date DATE) IS
2303: SELECT hld.ROWID row_id,
2304: hld.*
2305: FROM igs_pe_pers_encumb hld
2306: WHERE hld.person_id = p_person_id
2307: AND hld.encumbrance_type = cp_hold_type
2308: AND hld.start_dt = cp_start_date; --AND hld.EXPIRY_DT IS NULL ;
2309: --

Line 2356: igs_pe_pers_encumb_pkg.update_row (

2352: END LOOP; --effect_rec
2353: --
2354: -- Once all the effects are end dated end date the hold itself.
2355: --
2356: igs_pe_pers_encumb_pkg.update_row (
2357: x_rowid => hold_rec.row_id,
2358: x_person_id => hold_rec.person_id,
2359: x_encumbrance_type => hold_rec.encumbrance_type,
2360: x_start_dt => hold_rec.start_dt,