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Line 2079: from per_shared_types

2075: --
2076: function GET_SYSTEM_SHARED_TYPE(p_availability_status_id number)
2077: return varchar2 is
2078: cursor c1 is select system_type_cd
2079: from per_shared_types
2080: where shared_type_id = p_availability_status_id;
2081: l_system_type varchar2(30);
2082: begin
2083: open c1;

Line 2114: per_shared_types where shared_type_id = p_unit_id;

2110: from hr_all_positions_f
2111: where position_id = p_position_id;
2112: --
2113: cursor c1(p_unit_id number) is select system_type_cd from
2114: per_shared_types where shared_type_id = p_unit_id;
2115: cursor c2(p_budget_id number) is select bdt.budget_detail_id
2116: from pqh_budget_details bdt,pqh_budget_versions bvr
2117: where bvr.budget_id = p_budget_id
2118: and p_effective_date between bvr.date_from and nvl(bvr.date_to,p_effective_date)

Line 2562: from per_shared_types

2558: l_budgeted_fte number;
2560: cursor c1(p_unit_id number) is
2561: select system_type_cd
2562: from per_shared_types
2563: where shared_type_id = p_unit_id;
2565: cursor c2(p_budget_id number) is
2566: select bdet.budget_detail_id

Line 2846: per_shared_types where shared_type_id = p_unit_id;

2842: from hr_all_positions_f
2843: where position_id = p_position_id;
2844: --
2845: cursor c1(p_unit_id number) is select system_type_cd from
2846: per_shared_types where shared_type_id = p_unit_id;
2847: cursor c2(p_budget_id number) is
2848: select bdt.budget_detail_id, bdt.budget_unit1_value, bdt.budget_unit2_value, bdt.budget_unit3_value
2849: from pqh_budget_details bdt,pqh_budget_versions bvr
2850: where bvr.budget_id = p_budget_id

Line 2939: per_shared_types where shared_type_id = p_unit_id;

2935: from hr_all_positions_f
2936: where position_id = p_position_id;
2937: --
2938: cursor c1(p_unit_id number) is select system_type_cd from
2939: per_shared_types where shared_type_id = p_unit_id;
2940: --
2941: begin
2942: hr_utility.set_location('inside chk_pos_budget',10);
2943: hr_utility.set_location('position_id is '||p_position_id,20);

Line 3066: per_shared_types where shared_type_id = p_unit_id;

3062: where assignment_id = p_assignment_id
3063: and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
3064: --
3065: cursor c1(p_unit_id number) is select system_type_cd from
3066: per_shared_types where shared_type_id = p_unit_id;
3068: begin
3069: begin
3070: open c_bus_grp_id(p_assignment_id);