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2 /* $Header: FAIGIEXS.pls 120.3.12010000.1 2008/07/28 13:12:08 appldev ship $   */
4 /*=========================================================================+
5  | Function Name:                                                          |
6  |    Do_Current_Addition                                                  |
7  |                                                                         |
8  | Description:                                                            |
9  |    This IAC hook function is to process addition for IAC and called from|
10  |    Depreciation program(fadcje.lpc).                                    |
11  |                                                                         |
12  +=========================================================================*/
13 FUNCTION Do_Current_Addition(
14    p_book_type_code                 VARCHAR2,
15    p_asset_id                       NUMBER,
16    p_calling_function               VARCHAR2
17 ) return BOOLEAN;
19 -- Bug6391045 : Added the function Do_Addition
20 /*=========================================================================+
21  | Function Name:                                                          |
22  |    Do_Addition                                                          |
23  |                                                                         |
24  | Description:                                                            |
25  |    This IAC hook function is to calculate catch-up at the time of       |
26  |    addition. IAC will encapsulate do_prior_addition call into this      |
27  |    do_addition call.                                                    |
28  |                                                                         |
29  +=========================================================================*/
30  FUNCTION Do_Addition(
31    p_trans_rec                      FA_API_TYPES.trans_rec_type,
32    p_asset_hdr_rec                  FA_API_TYPES.asset_hdr_rec_type,
33    p_asset_cat_rec                  FA_API_TYPES.asset_cat_rec_type,
34    p_asset_desc_rec                 FA_API_TYPES.asset_desc_rec_type,
35    p_asset_fin_rec                  FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type,
36    p_asset_deprn_rec                FA_API_TYPES.asset_deprn_rec_type,
37    p_asset_type_rec                 FA_API_TYPES.asset_type_rec_type,
38    p_calling_function               VARCHAR2
39 ) return BOOLEAN;
44 /*=========================================================================+
45  | Function Name:                                                          |
46  |    Do_Prior_Addition                                                    |
47  |                                                                         |
48  | Description:                                                            |
49  |    This IAC hook function is to process addition for IAC and called from|
50  |    Depreciation program(fadp5.lpc).                                     |
51  |                                                                         |
52  +=========================================================================*/
53 /* -- Bug6391045
54 FUNCTION Do_Prior_Addition(
55    p_book_type_code                 VARCHAR2,
56    p_asset_id                       NUMBER,
57    p_category_id                    NUMBER,
58    p_deprn_method_code              VARCHAR2,
59    p_cost                           NUMBER,
60    p_adjusted_cost                  NUMBER,
61    p_salvage_value                  NUMBER,
62    p_current_unit                   NUMBER,
63    p_life_in_months                 NUMBER,
64    p_calling_function               VARCHAR2
65 ) return BOOLEAN;
66 */
68 /*=========================================================================+
69  | Function Name:                                                          |
70  |    Do_Adjustment                                                        |
71  |                                                                         |
72  | Description:                                                            |
73  |    This IAC hook function is to process adjustment for IAC and called   |
74  |    from Adjustment API(FA_ADJUSTMENT_PUB.Do_All_Books).                 |
75  |                                                                         |
76  +=========================================================================*/
77 FUNCTION Do_Adjustment(
78    p_trans_rec                      FA_API_TYPES.trans_rec_type,
79    p_asset_hdr_rec                  FA_API_TYPES.asset_hdr_rec_type,
80    p_asset_cat_rec                  FA_API_TYPES.asset_cat_rec_type,
81    p_asset_desc_rec                 FA_API_TYPES.asset_desc_rec_type,
82    p_asset_type_rec                 FA_API_TYPES.asset_type_rec_type,
83    p_asset_fin_rec                  FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type,
84    p_asset_deprn_rec                FA_API_TYPES.asset_deprn_rec_type,
85    p_calling_function               VARCHAR2
86 ) return BOOLEAN;
88 /*=========================================================================+
89  | Function Name:                                                          |
90  |    Do_Reclass                                                           |
91  |                                                                         |
92  | Description:                                                            |
93  |    This IAC hook function is to process reclassification for IAC and    |
94  |    called from Reclass API(FA_RECLASS_PVT.Do_Reclass).                  |
95  |                                                                         |
96  +=========================================================================*/
97 FUNCTION Do_Reclass(
98    p_trans_rec                      FA_API_TYPES.trans_rec_type,
99    p_asset_hdr_rec                  FA_API_TYPES.asset_hdr_rec_type,
100    p_asset_cat_rec_old              FA_API_TYPES.asset_cat_rec_type,
101    p_asset_cat_rec_new              FA_API_TYPES.asset_cat_rec_type,
102    p_asset_desc_rec                 FA_API_TYPES.asset_desc_rec_type,
103    p_asset_type_rec                 FA_API_TYPES.asset_type_rec_type,
104    p_calling_function               VARCHAR2
105 ) return BOOLEAN;
107 /*=========================================================================+
108  | Function Name:                                                          |
109  |    Do_Transfer                                                          |
110  |                                                                         |
111  | Description:                                                            |
112  |    This IAC hook function is to process transfers for IAC and           |
113  |    called from Transfer API(FA_TRANSFER_PUB.Do_Transfer).               |
114  |                                                                         |
115  +=========================================================================*/
116 FUNCTION Do_Transfer(
117    p_trans_rec                      FA_API_TYPES.trans_rec_type,
118    p_asset_hdr_rec                  FA_API_TYPES.asset_hdr_rec_type,
119    p_asset_cat_rec                  FA_API_TYPES.asset_cat_rec_type,
120    p_calling_function               VARCHAR2
121 ) return BOOLEAN;
123 /*=========================================================================+
124  | Function Name:                                                          |
125  |    Do_Prior_Transfer                                                    |
126  |                                                                         |
127  | Description:                                                            |
128  |    This IAC hook function is to process transfers for IAC and called    |
129  |    from Depreciation program(fadp5.lpc).                                |
130  |                                                                         |
131  +=========================================================================*/
132 /* -- Bug6391045
133 FUNCTION Do_Prior_Transfer(
134    p_book_type_code                 VARCHAR2,
135    p_asset_id                       NUMBER,
136    p_category_id                    NUMBER,
137    p_transaction_header_id          NUMBER,
138    p_cost                           NUMBER,
139    p_adjusted_cost                  NUMBER,
140    p_salvage_value                  NUMBER,
141    p_current_unit                   NUMBER,
142    p_life_in_months                 NUMBER,
143    p_calling_function               VARCHAR2
144 ) return BOOLEAN;
146 */
148 /*=========================================================================+
149  | Function Name:                                                          |
150  |    Do_Unit_Adjustment                                                   |
151  |                                                                         |
152  | Description:                                                            |
153  |    This IAC hook function is to process unit adjustment for IAC and     |
154  |    called from Unit Adjustment API(FA_UNIT_ADJ_PUB.Do_Unit_Adjustment). |
155  |                                                                         |
156  +=========================================================================*/
157 FUNCTION Do_Unit_Adjustment(
158    p_trans_rec                      FA_API_TYPES.trans_rec_type,
159    p_asset_hdr_rec                  FA_API_TYPES.asset_hdr_rec_type,
160    p_asset_cat_rec                  FA_API_TYPES.asset_cat_rec_type,
161    p_calling_function               VARCHAR2
162 ) return BOOLEAN;
164 /*=========================================================================+
165  | Function Name:                                                          |
166  |    Do_Unplanned                                                         |
167  |                                                                         |
168  | Description:                                                            |
169  |    This IAC hook function is to process unplanned depreciation for IAC  |
170  |    and called from Unplanned Depreciation API                           |
171  |    (FA_UNPLANNED_PUB.Do_Unplanned).                                     |
172  |                                                                         |
173  +=========================================================================*/
174 FUNCTION Do_Unplanned(
175    p_trans_rec                      FA_API_TYPES.trans_rec_type,
176    p_asset_hdr_rec                  FA_API_TYPES.asset_hdr_rec_type,
177    p_asset_cat_rec                  FA_API_TYPES.asset_cat_rec_type,
178    p_asset_desc_rec                 FA_API_TYPES.asset_desc_rec_type,
179    p_asset_type_rec                 FA_API_TYPES.asset_type_rec_type,
180    p_unplanned_deprn_rec            FA_API_TYPES.unplanned_deprn_rec_type,
181    p_period_rec                   FA_API_TYPES.period_rec_type,
182    p_calling_function               VARCHAR2
183 ) return BOOLEAN;
185 /*=========================================================================+
186  | Function Name:                                                          |
187  |    Do_Depreciation                                                      |
188  |                                                                         |
189  | Description:                                                            |
190  |    This IAC hook function is to process Post-Depreciation for IAC and   |
191  |    called from Depreciation program(fadpmn.opc).                        |
192  |                                                                         |
193  +=========================================================================*/
194 FUNCTION Do_Depreciation(
195    p_book_type_code                 VARCHAR2,
196    p_period_counter                 NUMBER,
197    p_calling_function               VARCHAR2
198 ) return BOOLEAN;
201 /*=========================================================================+
202  | Function Name:                                                          |
203  |    Do_Gain_Loss                                                         |
204  |                                                                         |
205  | Description:                                                            |
206  |    This IAC hook function is to process gain and loss calculation for   |
207  |    IAC and called from Gain and Loss program(fagpro.lpc).               |
208  |                                                                         |
209  +=========================================================================*/
210 FUNCTION Do_Gain_Loss(
211    p_retirement_id                  NUMBER,
212    p_asset_id                       NUMBER,
213    p_book_type_code                 VARCHAR2,
214    p_event_id                       NUMBER,  -- Bug6391045
215    p_calling_function               VARCHAR2
216 ) return BOOLEAN;
218 /*=========================================================================+
219  | Function Name:                                                          |
220  |    Do_Rollback_Deprn                                                    |
221  |                                                                         |
222  | Description:                                                            |
223  |    This IAC hook function is to process Rollback Depreciation for IAC   |
224  |    and called from Rollback Depreciation program                        |
225  |    (FA_DEPRN_ROLLBACK_PKG.do_rollback).                                 |
226  |                                                                         |
227  +=========================================================================*/
228  -- Bug6391045 : New Signature for the function Do_Rollback_Deprn
229 FUNCTION Do_Rollback_Deprn(
230    p_asset_hdr_rec               fa_api_types.asset_hdr_rec_type,
231    p_period_rec                  fa_api_types.period_rec_type,
232    p_deprn_run_id                NUMBER,
233    p_reversal_event_id           NUMBER,
234    p_reversal_date               DATE,
235    p_deprn_exists_count          NUMBER,
236    p_calling_function            VARCHAR2
237 ) return BOOLEAN;
239 /*=========================================================================+
240  | Function Name:                                                          |
241  |    Do_Rollback_JE                                                       |
242  |                                                                         |
243  | Description:                                                            |
244  |    This IAC hook function is to process Rollback Journal Entries for    |
245  |    IAC and called from (FA_JE_ROLLBACK_PKG.do_rollback).                |
246  |                                                                         |
247  +=========================================================================*/
248 FUNCTION Do_Rollback_JE(
249    p_book_type_code                 VARCHAR2,
250    p_period_counter                 NUMBER,
251    p_set_of_books_id                NUMBER,
252    p_batch_name                     VARCHAR2,
253    p_je_batch_id                    NUMBER,
254    p_calling_function               VARCHAR2
255 ) return BOOLEAN;
257 /*=========================================================================+
258  | Function Name:                                                          |
259  |    IAC_Enabled                                                          |
260  |                                                                         |
261  | Description:                                                            |
262  |    This is to return flag to indicate whether subsequent IAC calls      |
263  |    should be made or not.                                               |
264  |    This function will return FALSE if IAC is not installed or not set   |
265  |    up to use IAC feature.                                               |
266  |                                                                         |
267  +=========================================================================*/
268 FUNCTION IAC_Enabled return BOOLEAN;