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1 PACKAGE BODY pay_eosy_ac_pkg AS
2 /* $Header: pyuseoac.pkb 120.0.12000000.2 2007/07/16 17:31:14 rpasumar noship $ */
3 /*
4    ******************************************************************
5    *                                                                *
6    *  Copyright (C) 1992 Oracle Corporation UK Ltd.,                *
7    *                   Chertsey, England.                           *
8    *                                                                *
9    *  All rights reserved.                                          *
10    *                                                                *
11    *  This material has been provided pursuant to an agreement      *
12    *  containing restrictions on its use.  The material is also     *
13    *  protected by copyright law.  No part of this material may     *
14    *  be copied or distributed, transmitted or transcribed, in      *
15    *  any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic,   *
16    *  ma    for EO Survey report.
17    26-Apr-2001  fusman      115.0
19    Name:    This package defines the cursors needed to run
20             EO Survey  Multi-Threaded
22    Change List
23    -----------
24    Date         Name        Vers   Description
25    -----------  ----------  -----  -----------------------------------
26    25-Apr-01    fusman      115.0   Created.
27    28-JUN-04    vbanner     115.1   Changed to pass GSCC.
28    30-SEP-04    ynegoro     115.2   Changed c_actions cursor and range_cursor
29                                     by BUG3886008
30    01-OCT-04    ynegoro     115.3   Changed c_actions cursor
31    04-OCT-04    ynegoro     115.4   Changed c_actions cursor to pick up
32                                     terminated employee
33    25-OCT-04    ynegoro     115.5   Changed c_actions cursor in action_creation
34                                     BUG3941460 and BUG3964366
35    29-OCT-04    ynegoro             Changed range_cursor and c_actions
36                                     cursor BUG3958260
37    04-NOV-04    ynegoro     115.6   Deleted previous change for BUG3958260
38                                     3958260 is not a bug.
39    16-JUL-07      rpasumar     115.7  To report a person whose ethnic origin is blank.
40 */
42  --------------------------- range_cursor ---------------------------------
43  PROCEDURE range_cursor (pactid in number,
44                          sqlstr out nocopy varchar2) is
45    l_payroll_id number;
46    leg_param    pay_payroll_actions.legislative_parameters%type;
47    l_package    varchar2(70);
49 Begin
51    l_package := 'pay_eosy_ac_pkg.range_cursor';
52    --hr_utility.trace_on(null,'fusman');
53    hr_utility.set_location('Entering.. ' || l_package,10);
55    sqlstr:=
56          'select  distinct paf.person_id
57           from       pay_payroll_actions ppa, -- pyugen
58                      per_gen_hierarchy_nodes pghn,
59                      per_assignments_f paf,
60                      per_assignment_status_types past,
61                      per_jobs pj,
62                      fnd_common_lookups fcl
63           where ppa.payroll_action_id = :pactid
64           AND pghn.hierarchy_version_id = pay_eosy_ac_pkg.get_parameter
65                                                   (''HI_VER_ID'',ppa.legislative_parameters)
66           AND (
67                 (
68                   entity_id = nvl(pay_eosy_ac_pkg.get_parameter
69                                                   (''EST_ID'',ppa.legislative_parameters),pghn.entity_id)
70                   AND node_type =''EST''
71                 )
72         OR
73           (
74              parent_hierarchy_node_id in(SELECT hierarchy_node_id
75                                          FROM per_gen_hierarchy_nodes
76                                          WHERE hierarchy_version_id =pay_eosy_ac_pkg.get_parameter
77                                                                       (''HI_VER_ID'',ppa.legislative_parameters)
78                                          AND   entity_id = nvl(pay_eosy_ac_pkg.get_parameter
79                                                                       (''EST_ID'',ppa.legislative_parameters),entity_id)
80                                          AND node_type = ''EST'')
81             AND node_type = ''LOC''
82          )
83       )
84           and paf.location_id = pghn.entity_id
85           and paf.assignment_status_type_id = past.assignment_status_type_id
86           and past.per_system_Status = ''ACTIVE_ASSIGN''
87           and paf.effective_start_Date = (select max(effective_Start_date)
88                                     from per_assignments_f paf1
89                                     where paf1.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
90                                     and paf1.effective_start_Date <=ppa.start_Date
91                                  -- and paf1.effective_end_date >=ppa.start_date
92                                     and paf1.effective_end_date >=trunc(ppa.start_date,''Y'')   -- BUG3886008
93                                     and paf1.assignment_status_type_id =
94                                                         paf.assignment_Status_type_id
95                                     and paf1.primary_flag = ''Y''
96 --                                    and paf1.location_id = paf.location_id -- BUG3958260
97                                     )
98             and paf.assignment_type = ''E''
99             and paf.primary_flag=''Y''
100             AND paf.job_id = pj.job_id
101             AND pj.job_information1= fcl.lookup_code
102             AND fcl.lookup_type = ''US_EEO1_JOB_CATEGORIES''
103             /*AND exists
104                   (SELECT ''x'' from per_people_f
105                    WHERE  person_id = paf.person_id
106                    AND    per_information1 is not null)*/
107             order by paf.person_id';
109    hr_utility.trace('pactid = ' || pactid);
110    hr_utility.set_location('Leaving.. ' || l_package,20);
111    --hr_utility.trace_off;
112  END range_cursor;
115  ----------------------------- action_creation --------------------------------
116  PROCEDURE action_creation( pactid    in number,
117                             stperson  in number,
118                             endperson in number,
119                             chunk     in number)
120  IS
122   cursor c_actions(pactid    number,
123                    stperson  number,
124                    endperson number,
125                    l_start_date date,
126                    l_end_date   date,
127                    l_version_id number,
128                    l_est_id     number ) is
129   SELECT  paa.assignment_action_id,
130           paf.assignment_id,
131           paf.person_id,
132           paa.tax_unit_id,
133           paf.location_id
134   FROM    pay_assignment_actions paa,
135           pay_payroll_actions ppa,
136           per_assignments_f paf,
137           per_jobs pj,
138           per_gen_hierarchy_nodes pghn,
139        -- per_assignment_status_types past, -- BUG3886008
140           fnd_common_lookups fcl
141   WHERE   ppa.effective_date between  l_start_date and l_end_date
143   AND     ppa.action_type in ('R','Q','I')
144   AND     ppa.action_status = 'C'
145   AND     paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
146   AND     paa.action_status = 'C'
147   AND     paa.action_sequence IN (
148                  SELECT MAX(paa2.action_sequence)
149                    FROM pay_action_classifications pac,
150                         pay_payroll_actions ppa2,
151                         pay_assignment_actions paa2,
152                         per_assignments_f paf1
153                   WHERE paf1.person_id = paf.person_id
154                     AND paa2.assignment_id = paf1.assignment_id
155                     AND paf1.primary_flag  = 'Y'             -- BUG3941460
156                     AND paa2.tax_unit_id = paa.tax_unit_id
157                     AND ppa2.payroll_action_id = paa2.payroll_action_id
158                     AND ppa2.action_type = pac.action_type
159                     AND pac.classification_name = 'SEQUENCED'
160                     AND paa2.action_status = 'C'             -- BUG3886008
161                     AND ppa2.effective_date <= l_end_Date    -- BUG3964366
162                     --AND ppa2.effective_date between paf1.effective_start_date
163                     --   and paf1.effective_end_date          -- BUG3958260
164                     --AND paf1.location_id = paf.location_id   -- BUG3958260
165                     )
167   AND     paf.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
168   AND     paf.person_id between stperson and endperson
169   AND     paf.location_id = pghn.entity_id
170   ANd     pghn.hierarchy_version_id = l_version_id
171   AND     (
172            (
173             pghn.entity_id = nvl(l_est_id,pghn.entity_id)
174             AND pghn.node_type ='EST'
175           )
176         OR
177           (
178              pghn.parent_hierarchy_node_id
179                            in(select pghn2.hierarchy_node_id
180                                 from per_gen_hierarchy_nodes pghn2
181                                where pghn2.hierarchy_version_id =l_version_id
182                                and   pghn2.entity_id = nvl(l_est_id,pghn2.entity_id)
183                                and pghn2.node_type = 'EST')
184             AND pghn.node_type = 'LOC'
185          )
186        )
187 --  AND     paf.assignment_status_type_id = past.assignment_status_type_id
188 --  AND     past.per_system_Status = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN'   -- BUG3886008
189   AND     paf.effective_start_Date = (select max(effective_Start_date)
190                                     from per_assignments_f paf1
191                                     where paf1.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
192                                     and paf1.effective_start_Date <=l_end_date
193                                     and paf1.effective_end_date >= l_start_date
194                                  --   and paf1.assignment_status_type_id =
195                                  --                      paf.assignment_Status_type_id
196                                     and paf1.primary_flag = 'Y'
197                                     and paf1.location_id = paf.location_id --BUG3958260
198                                     )
199 --  AND     ppa.effective_date between paf.effective_start_Date and paf.effective_end_Date   -- BUG3886008
200   AND     paf.assignment_type = 'E'
201   AND     paf.primary_flag='Y'
202   AND     paf.job_id = pj.job_id
203   AND     pj.job_information1= fcl.lookup_code
204   AND     fcl.lookup_type = 'US_EEO1_JOB_CATEGORIES';
205   /*AND exists
206                   (SELECT 'x' from per_people_f ppf2
207                    WHERE  ppf2.person_id = paf.person_id
208                    AND    ppf2.per_information1 is not null)*/
210   CURSOR c_report_parameters(pactid number)
211   IS
212   SELECT start_date,
213          effective_date,
214          pay_eosy_ac_pkg.get_parameter('HI_VER_ID',legislative_parameters),
215          pay_eosy_ac_pkg.get_parameter('EST_ID',legislative_parameters)
216   FROM   pay_payroll_actions
217   WHERE  payroll_action_id=pactid;
219     lockingactid  number;
220     lockedactid   number;
221     l_asgnid        number;
222     l_person_id   number;
223     l_gre_id      number;
224     l_start_date date;
225     l_end_date   date;
226     l_est_id     number;
227     l_version_id number;
228     l_location_id number;
229     l_package    varchar2(70);
231     BEGIN
233     --hr_utility.trace_on(null,'fusman');
235     l_package := 'pay_eosy_ac_pkg.action_creation';
236     hr_utility.set_location('Enerring.. '||l_package||':stperson:'||stperson,10);
237     hr_utility.trace('pactid    = ' || pactid);
238     hr_utility.trace('stperson  = ' || stperson);
239     hr_utility.trace('endperson = ' || endperson);
240     hr_utility.trace('chunk     = ' || chunk);
242     OPEN c_report_parameters(pactid);
243     FETCH c_report_parameters INTO l_end_date,l_start_date,l_version_id,l_est_id;
244     CLOSE c_report_parameters;
246     hr_utility.trace('l_start_date = ' || l_start_date);
247     hr_utility.trace('l_end_date   = ' || l_end_date);
248     hr_utility.trace('l_version_id = ' || l_version_id);
249     hr_utility.trace('l_est_id     = ' || l_est_id);
251     hr_utility.set_location(l_package||':stperson:'||stperson,20);
252     OPEN c_actions(pactid,stperson,endperson,l_start_date,
253                    l_end_date,l_version_id,l_est_id);
254     LOOP
255       FETCH c_actions INTO lockedactid
256                           ,l_asgnid,l_person_id
257                           ,l_gre_id,l_location_id;
259       IF c_actions%notfound then
260         hr_utility.trace('In the c_actions%notfound in action cursor');
261         hr_utility.set_location(l_package||':stperson:'||stperson,30);
262         EXIT;
263       END IF;
265       hr_utility.set_location(l_package||':stperson:'||stperson,40);
266       --Get the assignment_action_id for creating one for each selected asact_id
268       SELECT pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
269       INTO lockingactid
270       FROM dual;
273       -- insert the action record.
274       hr_utility.set_location(l_package||':stperson:'||stperson,50);
275       hr_utility.trace('asact_id    = '||to_char(lockedactid));
276       hr_utility.trace('l_asgnid    = '||to_char(l_asgnid));
277       hr_utility.trace('l_person_id = '||to_char(l_person_id));
279       hr_nonrun_asact.insact(lockingactid,l_asgnid,pactid,chunk,l_gre_id);
280       UPDATE pay_assignment_actions
281       SET serial_number = l_person_id,
282           source_action_id  = l_location_id
283       WHERE assignment_action_id = lockingactid;
285       hr_utility.set_location(l_package||':stperson:'||stperson,60);
286       hr_utility.trace('After inserting into pay_assignment_actions, before pay_action_interlock');
287      -- insert an interlock to this action.
289       hr_nonrun_asact.insint(lockingactid,lockedactid);
290       hr_utility.trace('loop ends');
292     END LOOP;
293     CLOSE c_actions;
295     hr_utility.trace('END action_creation');
296     hr_utility.set_location('Leaving..  '||l_package||':stperson:'||stperson,100);
298     --hr_utility.trace_off;
300     END action_creation;
302      ---------------------------------- sort_action ----------------------------------
303  PROCEDURE sort_action(
304                payactid   in     varchar2, /* payroll action id */
305                sqlstr     in out nocopy varchar2, /* string holding the sql statement */
306                len        out nocopy    number    /* length of the sql string */
307                ) is
308   BEGIN
309       sqlstr :=
310             'select paa.rowid
311              from   pay_assignment_actions paa /* PYUGEN assignment action */
312              where paa.payroll_action_id = :payactid
313              for update of paa.assignment_id';
315           len := length(sqlstr); -- return the length of the string.
317  END sort_action;
320      ----------------------------- get_parameter -------------------------------
321  FUNCTION get_parameter(name in varchar2,
322                         parameter_list varchar2)
324  IS
325    start_ptr number;
326    end_ptr   number;
327    token_val pay_payroll_actions.legislative_parameters%type;
328    par_value pay_payroll_actions.legislative_parameters%type;
329  BEGIN
331      token_val := name || '=';
333      start_ptr := instr(parameter_list, token_val) + length(token_val);
334      end_ptr := instr(parameter_list, ' ',start_ptr);
336      /* if there is no spaces use then length of the string */
337      if end_ptr = 0 then
338         end_ptr := length(parameter_list) + 1;
339      end if;
341      /* Did we find the token */
342      if instr(parameter_list, token_val) = 0 then
343        par_value := NULL;
344      else
345        par_value := substr(parameter_list, start_ptr, end_ptr - start_ptr);
346      end if;
348      return par_value;
350  END get_parameter;
353   END pay_eosy_ac_pkg;