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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 13

  select cvl.name
        ,hr_general.decode_lookup ('CERTIFICATION_METHOD' ,cmpe.certification_method)  certification_method_desc
        ,hr_general.decode_lookup ('PROFICIENCY_SOURCE' ,cmpe.source_of_proficiency_level) src_proficiency_lvl_desc
        ,cmpe.status  -- added for Competnce Qualification link enahncement
  from   per_rating_levels  ratl
        ,per_competence_elements  cmpe
        ,per_competences_vl  cvl
  where  cmpe.competence_element_id = p_competence_element_id
  and    cmpe.competence_id = cvl.competence_id
  and    cmpe.proficiency_level_id = ratl.rating_level_id (+)
  and    trunc(sysdate) between nvl(cmpe.effective_date_from, trunc(sysdate))
         and nvl(cmpe.effective_date_to, trunc(sysdate));
Line: 39

 select step_value from per_rating_levels
 where rating_level_id = p_proficiency_level_id;
Line: 42

    select a.step_value
    from per_rating_levels a,per_competence_elements b
    where b.proficiency_level_id = a.rating_level_id(+)
    and b.competence_element_id = p_competence_element_id;
Line: 47

     select proficiency_level_id
     from per_competence_elements
     where competence_element_id = p_competence_element_id;
Line: 51

     select name
     from per_competences_vl
     where competence_id = p_competence_id;
Line: 55

     select effective_date_from
     from per_competence_elements
     where competence_element_id = p_competence_element_id;
Line: 59

     select competence_alias
     from per_competences_vl
     where competence_id = p_competence_id;
Line: 63

    select varchar2_value
    from hr_api_transaction_values
    where transaction_step_id = p_transaction_step_id and name = 'P_CHANGE_MODE';
Line: 67

    SELECT status
    FROM per_competence_elements
    WHERE competence_element_id = p_competence_element_id;
Line: 327

    select 'F' status
    from hr_api_transaction_steps s, hr_api_transaction_values a,
         hr_api_transaction_values b
    Where s.item_type = p_item_type
    and s.item_key  = p_item_key
    and s.transaction_step_id = a.transaction_step_id
    and s.transaction_step_id = b.transaction_step_id
    and a.name = 'P_COMPETENCE_ID' and a.number_value = p_competence_id
    and b.name = 'P_PERSON_ID' and b.number_value = p_person_id
    select 'F' status from hr_api_transaction_steps ts, hr_api_transactions t
    where ts.api_name = 'HR_COMP_PROFILE_SS.PROCESS_API'
    and ts.transaction_id = t.transaction_id
    and t.selected_person_id = p_person_id and t.status = 'Y'
    and exists (Select 'e' From hr_api_transaction_values c
                Where c.transaction_step_id = ts.transaction_step_id
                and c.name = 'P_COMPETENCE_ID'
                and c.number_value = p_competence_id);
Line: 423

        select varchar2_value into l_mode_value
        from hr_api_transaction_values
        where transaction_step_id = p_transaction_step_id and name = 'P_CHANGE_MODE';
Line: 430

            select max(effective_date_from)
            into l_eff_date_from
            from per_competence_elements
            where person_id = to_number(p_person_id)
            and competence_id = p_competence_id group by competence_id;
Line: 435

            select competence_element_id, object_version_number
              into l_competence_element_id, l_obj_ver_num
            from per_competence_elements
            where person_id = to_number(p_person_id)
            and effective_date_from = l_eff_date_from
            and competence_id = p_competence_id;
Line: 595

                select number_value
                into l_competence_element_id
                from hr_api_transaction_values
                where transaction_step_id = p_transaction_step_id
                and NAME = 'P_UPGRADED_FROM_REC_ID';
Line: 600

                select a.transaction_step_id
                into l_transaction_step_id
                from hr_api_transaction_values a,
                     hr_api_transaction_values b,
                     hr_api_transaction_steps steps
                where steps.transaction_id = l_transaction_id
                and steps.transaction_step_id = a.transaction_step_id
                and a.name = 'P_CHANGE_MODE'
                and a.varchar2_value = 'UPGRADE'
                and steps.transaction_step_id = b.transaction_step_id
                and b.name = 'P_COMPETENCE_ELEMENT_ID'
                and b.number_value = l_competence_element_id
                and a.transaction_step_id <> l_competence_element_id;
Line: 613

                update hr_api_transaction_values
                set date_value = (x_eff_date_from - 1)
                where transaction_step_id = l_transaction_step_id
                and name = 'P_EFF_DATE_TO';
Line: 619

    ELSIF p_change_mode = 'UPDATE_UPDATE' THEN
Line: 647

                        ,p_change_mode => 'UPDATE_APPLY'
                        ,p_sys_generated => 'N'
                        ,p_upg_from_rec_id => -1
                        ,p_status          => p_competence_status);
Line: 701

Procedure process_save_currentupdate
          (p_item_type              in wf_items.item_type%type
          ,p_item_key               in wf_items.item_key%type
          ,p_actid                  in varchar2
          ,p_person_id              in number
          ,p_change_mode            in varchar2  default null
          ,p_preupd_obj_vers_num    in number default null
          ,p_competence_id          in number default null
          ,p_competence_element_id  in number default null
          ,p_competence_name        in varchar2 default null
          ,p_competence_alias       in varchar2 default null
          ,p_proficiency_level_id   in number default null
          ,p_step_value             in number default null
          ,p_preupd_proficy_lvl_id  in number default null
          ,p_certification_mthd     in varchar2 default null
          ,p_proficy_lvl_source     in varchar2 default null
          ,p_eff_date_from          in varchar2 default null
          ,p_eff_date_to            in varchar2 default null
          ,p_certification_date     in varchar2 default null
          ,p_next_certifctn_date    in varchar2 default null
          ,p_comments               in varchar2 default null
          ,p_prev_step_value        in number   default null
          ,p_prev_start_date        in varchar2 default null
          ,p_competence_status      IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null
          ,transaction_step_id      in number default null) is
  l_proc varchar2(200) := g_package || 'process_save_currentupdate';
Line: 733

  l_wf_update_mode             varchar2(100) default null;
Line: 833

  IF p_change_mode = 'UPDATE_APPLY' THEN
Line: 873

                   ,p_change_mode => 'UPDATE_HIST'
                   ,p_sys_generated => 'Y'
                   ,p_upg_from_rec_id => -1
                   ,p_prev_status     => l_preupd_cmptnce_row.status
                   ,p_status          => p_competence_status);
Line: 915

                  ,p_change_mode => 'UPDATE_APPLY'
                  ,p_sys_generated => 'N'
                  ,p_upg_from_rec_id => p_competence_element_id
                  ,p_status          => p_competence_status);
Line: 919

  ELSIF p_change_mode = 'UPDATE_UPDATE' THEN
Line: 947

                   ,p_change_mode => 'UPDATE_APPLY'
                   ,p_sys_generated => 'N'
                   ,p_upg_from_rec_id => -1
                   ,p_status          => p_competence_status);
Line: 979

                      ,p_change_mode => 'UPDATE_APPLY'
                      ,p_sys_generated => 'N'
                      ,p_upg_from_rec_id => -1
                      ,p_status          => p_competence_status);
Line: 998

End process_save_currentupdate;
Line: 1131

       INTO l_item_type, l_item_key, l_activity_id
       FROM hr_api_transaction_steps
       WHERE transaction_step_id = p_transaction_step_id;
Line: 1197

     Select pce.status, Achieved_date INTO l_status, l_achieved_date
            per_competence_elements pce
         Where pce.competence_element_id = l_cmp_element_rec.competence_element_id;
Line: 1365

     Select s.transaction_step_id
     FROM hr_api_transaction_steps s,
          hr_api_transaction_values c, hr_api_transaction_values d,
          hr_api_transaction_values e, hr_api_transaction_values f
          s.item_type = p_item_type
 	and s.item_key = p_item_key
 	and s.activity_id = p_activity_id
        AND s.api_name = 'HR_COMP_PROFILE_SS.PROCESS_API'
        and c.transaction_step_id = s.transaction_step_id
        and d.transaction_step_id = s.transaction_step_id
        and e.transaction_step_id = s.transaction_step_id
        and f.transaction_step_id = s.transaction_step_id
        AND c.NAME = 'P_PERSON_ID'
        AND f.NAME = 'P_CHANGE_MODE'
        AND c.number_value = p_person_id
        AND d.number_value = p_competence_element_id
        AND e.number_value = p_competence_id
        AND f.varchar2_value = p_change_mode ;
Line: 1387

    select date_to end_date,
           date_from start_date
    from   per_competences_vl
    where  competence_id = p_competence_id;
Line: 1428

Line: 1537

       select varchar2_value into l_mode_fetch
       from hr_api_transaction_values
       where transaction_step_id = p_transaction_step_id
       and name = 'P_CHANGE_MODE';
Line: 1541

       if l_mode_fetch = 'UPGRADE' or l_mode_fetch = 'UPDATE_APPLY' then
Line: 1553

    select varchar2_value into m_mode from hr_api_transaction_values
    where transaction_step_id = p_transaction_step_id
    and name = 'P_CHANGE_MODE';
Line: 1558

        select number_value into l_prev_step_value
        from hr_api_transaction_values
        where transaction_step_id = p_transaction_step_id
        and name = 'P_PREV_STEP_VALUE';
Line: 1562

        select number_value into l_prev_prof_lvl_value
        from hr_api_transaction_values
        where transaction_step_id = p_transaction_step_id
        and name = 'P_PREUPD_PROFICY_LVL_ID';
Line: 1566

        select date_value into l_prev_start_date
        from hr_api_transaction_values
        where transaction_step_id = p_transaction_step_id
        and name = 'P_PREV_START_DATE';
Line: 1588

Line: 1589

      hr_utility.set_location('after calling delete_transaction_step_id  ',190);
Line: 1636

  select step.transaction_step_id
  from hr_api_transaction_steps step, hr_api_transaction_values val
  where step.transaction_id = p_transaction_id
    and val.transaction_step_id = step.transaction_step_id
    and val.varchar2_value = 'ADD';
Line: 1662

  select steps.transaction_step_id
    from hr_api_transaction_values val, hr_api_transaction_steps steps
   where steps.transaction_id = p_transaction_id
     and steps.transaction_step_id = val.transaction_step_id
     and val.name = 'P_CHANGE_MODE'
     and val.varchar2_value  IN ('UPDATE_APPLY','UPDATE_HIST');
Line: 1681

       delete from hr_api_transaction_values
        where transaction_step_id = I.transaction_step_id;
Line: 1683

       delete from hr_api_transaction_steps
        where transaction_step_id = I.transaction_step_id;
Line: 1695

  select steps.transaction_step_id
    from hr_api_transaction_values val, hr_api_transaction_steps steps
   where steps.transaction_id = p_transaction_id
     and steps.transaction_step_id = val.transaction_step_id
     and val.varchar2_value = 'ADD';
Line: 1709

       delete from hr_api_transaction_values
        where transaction_step_id = I.transaction_step_id;
Line: 1711

       delete from hr_api_transaction_steps
        where transaction_id = l_transaction_id
          and transaction_step_id = I.transaction_step_id;
Line: 1777

PROCEDURE delete_all_ids
          (p_item_type in varchar2
          ,p_item_key  in varchar2) is
l_proc varchar2(200) := g_package || 'delete_all_ids';
Line: 1782

 select transaction_step_id
   from hr_api_transaction_steps
  where transaction_id = p_transaction_id;
Line: 1794

       delete from hr_api_transaction_values
        where transaction_step_id = l_result.transaction_step_id;
Line: 1796

       delete from hr_api_transaction_steps
        where transaction_id = l_transaction_id
          and transaction_step_id = l_result.transaction_step_id;
Line: 1802

end delete_all_ids;
Line: 1804

PROCEDURE delete_transaction_step_id
          (p_transaction_step_id IN number) is
l_proc varchar2(200) := g_package || 'delete_transaction_step_id';
Line: 1815

    select transaction_id into l_transaction_id
    from hr_api_transaction_steps
    where transaction_step_id = l_transaction_step_id
    and rownum = 1;
Line: 1819

    select varchar2_value
    into l_mode
    from hr_api_transaction_values
    where transaction_step_id = l_transaction_step_id
    and name = 'P_CHANGE_MODE';
Line: 1826

        select number_value
        into l_competence_element_id
        from hr_api_transaction_values
        where transaction_step_id = l_transaction_step_id
        and NAME = 'P_UPGRADED_FROM_REC_ID';
Line: 1831

        select a.transaction_step_id into l_txid
        from hr_api_transaction_values a,hr_api_transaction_values b,
             hr_api_transaction_steps steps
        where steps.transaction_id = l_transaction_id
        and steps.transaction_step_id = a.transaction_step_id
        and a.name = 'P_CHANGE_MODE'
        and a.varchar2_value = 'UPGRADE'
        and steps.transaction_step_id = b.transaction_step_id
        and b.name = 'P_COMPETENCE_ELEMENT_ID'
        and b.number_value = l_competence_element_id
        and a.transaction_step_id <> l_transaction_step_id;
Line: 1842

        delete from hr_api_transaction_values where transaction_step_id = l_transaction_step_id ;
Line: 1843

        delete from hr_api_transaction_steps  where transaction_step_id = l_transaction_step_id ;
Line: 1844

        delete from hr_api_transaction_values where transaction_step_id = l_txid ;
Line: 1845

        delete from hr_api_transaction_steps  where transaction_step_id = l_txid ;
Line: 1847

        delete from hr_api_transaction_values where transaction_step_id = l_transaction_step_id ;
Line: 1848

        delete from hr_api_transaction_steps  where transaction_step_id = l_transaction_step_id ;
Line: 1855

PROCEDURE process_save_update_details
          (p_item_type              in wf_items.item_type%type
          ,p_item_key               in wf_items.item_key%type
          ,p_actid                  in varchar2
          ,p_person_id              in number
          ,p_proficiency_level_id   in number default null
          ,p_step_value             in number default null
          ,p_eff_date_from          in varchar2 default null
          ,p_prev_step_value        in number default null
          ,p_competence_status      IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null
          ,transaction_step_id      in number ) is
 l_proc varchar2(200) := g_package || 'process_save_update_details';
Line: 1898

     l_trans_tbl(l_count).param_value := 'UPDATE_APPLY';
Line: 1914

END process_save_update_details;
Line: 1917

procedure save_update_details
          (p_item_type            in varchar2
          ,p_item_key             in varchar2
          ,p_activity_id          in varchar2
          ,p_pid                  in number
          ,p_competence_id        in number
          ,p_competence_element_id in number default null
          ,p_proficiency_level_id in number default null
          ,p_eff_date_from        in varchar2 default null
          ,p_comments             in varchar2 default null
          ,p_eff_date_to          in varchar2 default null
          ,p_proficy_lvl_source   in varchar2 default null
          ,p_certification_mthd   in varchar2 default null
          ,p_certification_date   in varchar2 default null
          ,p_next_certifctn_date  in varchar2 default null
          ,p_preupd_obj_vers_num  in number default null
          ,p_transaction_step_id    in number
          ,p_prev_eff_date_from   in varchar2 default null
          ,p_pre_eff_date_to      in varchar2 default null
          ,p_competence_status    in varchar2 default null
          ,p_error_message        out nocopy long) is
l_proc varchar2(200) := g_package || 'save_update_details';
Line: 2106

end save_update_details;
Line: 2108

PROCEDURE final_update_save
          (p_item_type            in varchar2
          ,p_item_key             in varchar2
          ,p_activity_id          in varchar2
          ,p_competence_element_id in number default null
          ,p_pid                  in number
          ,p_proficiency_level_id in number default null
          ,p_eff_date_from        in varchar2 default null
          ,p_step_value           in number
          ,p_transaction_step_id    in number
          ,p_competence_status    IN VARCHAR2 ) is
l_proc varchar2(200) := g_package || 'final_update_save';
Line: 2149

     update hr_api_transaction_values val
     set val.varchar2_value = 'UPGRADE'
     where val.transaction_step_id in (select val1.transaction_step_id
                                       from hr_api_transaction_values val1,
                                            hr_api_transaction_steps steps
                                   where steps.transaction_id = l_transaction_id
                                   and steps.transaction_step_id = val1.transaction_step_id
                                   and val1.name = 'P_COMPETENCE_ELEMENT_ID'
                                   and val1.number_value = p_competence_element_id)
     and val.name = 'P_CHANGE_MODE'
     and val.varchar2_value = 'UPDATE_HIST';
Line: 2193

     select number_value into l_competence_element_id
     from hr_api_transaction_values
     where transaction_step_id = l_transaction_step_id
Line: 2197

     select a.transaction_step_id into l_tx_step_id
        from hr_api_transaction_values a,hr_api_transaction_values b,
             hr_api_transaction_steps steps
       where steps.transaction_id = l_transaction_id
         and steps.transaction_step_id = a.transaction_step_id
         and a.name = 'P_CHANGE_MODE'
         and a.varchar2_value = 'UPGRADE'
         and steps.transaction_step_id = b.transaction_step_id
         and b.name = 'P_COMPETENCE_ELEMENT_ID'
         and b.number_value = l_competence_element_id
         and a.transaction_step_id <> l_transaction_step_id;
Line: 2210

        update hr_api_transaction_values
        set date_value = l_preupd_date_to
        where transaction_step_id = l_tx_step_id
        and name = 'P_EFF_DATE_TO';
Line: 2227

end final_update_save;
Line: 2237

     select upper(rtrim(ltrim(p_competence_name))), upper(rtrim(ltrim(p_competence_alias)))
       into p_competence_name, p_competence_alias
       from dual;
Line: 2241

    select name,competence_alias,competence_id into p_competence_name,p_competence_alias,p_competence_id
      from per_competences_vl
     where upper(name) = p_competence_name or upper(competence_alias) = p_competence_alias
       and (business_group_id+0 = p_business_group_id
             or business_group_id is null);
Line: 2268

      select competence_id into l_competence_id from per_competences_vl
      where trim(upper(competence_alias)) =  trim(upper(p_competence_alias));
Line: 2278

      select competence_id into l_competence_id from per_competences_vl
      where trim(upper(name)) =  trim(upper(p_competence_name));
Line: 2288

        select competence_id into l_competence_id from per_competences_vl
        where (   (trim(upper(name))) = (trim(upper(p_competence_name)))) or ((trim(upper(competence_alias))) = (trim(upper(p_competence_alias)))     );
Line: 2507

procedure validate_updated_row
          (p_competence_id    in varchar2
          ,p_step_value       in varchar2
          ,p_person_id        in varchar2
          ,p_eff_date_from    in varchar2 default null
          ,r_step_value       out nocopy varchar2
          ,r_new_prof_level   out nocopy varchar2
          ,p_item_type        in varchar2 default null
          ,p_item_key         in varchar2 default null
          ,p_activity_id      in varchar2 default null
          ,p_error_message    out nocopy varchar2) is
l_proc varchar2(200) := g_package || 'validate_updated_row';
Line: 2529

    update_date_validate (p_person_id => p_person_id
                         ,p_competence_id => p_competence_id
                         ,p_eff_date_from => p_eff_date_from
                         ,p_error_message => p_error_message);
Line: 2534

            select ratl.step_value,ratl.rating_level_id
            into l_step_value,l_new_prof_level
            from per_competences_vl cvl, per_rating_levels ratl
            where ((ratl.competence_id = cvl.competence_id and cvl.competence_id = p_competence_id)
            or (cvl.rating_scale_id = ratl.rating_scale_id and cvl.competence_id = p_competence_id))
            and ratl.step_value = p_step_value;
Line: 2545

        Select count(*) INTO l_count
        FROM hr_api_transaction_steps S,
        hr_api_transaction_values A,
        hr_api_transaction_values C,
        hr_api_transaction_values D
        Where s.item_type = p_item_type
             and s.item_key = p_item_key
             and s.activity_id = nvl((p_activity_id),s.activity_id)
        and s.api_name = 'HR_COMP_OUTCOME_PROFILE_SS.PROCESS_API'
        AND c.transaction_step_id = s.transaction_step_id
        AND c.number_value = p_competence_id
        AND a.transaction_step_id = s.transaction_step_id
        AND a.NAME = 'P_DATE_FROM'
        AND d.transaction_step_id = s.transaction_step_id
        AND d.NAME = 'P_PERSON_ID'
        AND d.number_value = p_person_id
        AND a.date_value < to_date(p_eff_date_from, g_date_format);
Line: 2585

          Select count(*) INTO l_count
        FROM hr_api_transaction_steps S,
        hr_api_transaction_values A,
        hr_api_transaction_values C,
        hr_api_transaction_values D
        Where s.item_type = p_item_type
             and s.item_key = p_item_key
             and s.activity_id = nvl((p_activity_id),s.activity_id)
        and s.api_name = 'HR_COMP_OUTCOME_PROFILE_SS.PROCESS_API'
        AND c.transaction_step_id = s.transaction_step_id
        AND c.number_value = p_competence_id
        AND a.transaction_step_id = s.transaction_step_id
        AND a.NAME = 'P_DATE_FROM'
        AND d.transaction_step_id = s.transaction_step_id
        AND d.NAME = 'P_PERSON_ID'
        AND d.number_value = p_person_id
        AND a.date_value < to_date(p_eff_date_from, g_date_format);
Line: 2617

end validate_updated_row;
Line: 2626

    select name,competence_alias
    into l_competence_name,l_competence_alias from per_competences_vl
    where competence_id = p_competence_id;
Line: 2659

    select to_date(date_from, g_date_format) start_date
    from   per_competences_vl
    where  competence_id = p_competence_id;
Line: 2664

     select 'F' status
     from hr_api_transaction_steps s, hr_api_transaction_values a,
          hr_api_transaction_values b, hr_api_transaction_values d
     Where s.item_type = p_item_type
     and s.item_key  = p_item_key
     and s.transaction_step_id = a.transaction_step_id
     and s.transaction_step_id = b.transaction_step_id
     and s.transaction_step_id = d.transaction_step_id
     and a.name = 'P_COMPETENCE_ID' and a.number_value = p_competence_id
     and b.name = 'P_PERSON_ID' and b.number_value = p_person_id
     and d.name = 'P_CHANGE_MODE' and d.varchar2_value <> 'ADD'
     select 'F' status from hr_api_transaction_steps ts, hr_api_transactions t
     where ts.api_name = 'HR_COMP_PROFILE_SS.PROCESS_API'
     and ts.transaction_id = t.transaction_id
     and t.selected_person_id = p_person_id and t.status = 'Y'
     and exists (Select 'e' From hr_api_transaction_values c
                 Where c.transaction_step_id = ts.transaction_step_id
                 and c.name = 'P_COMPETENCE_ID'
                and c.number_value = p_competence_id)
     Select 'F' status from per_competence_elements pce
     where pce.person_id = p_person_id
     and pce.type = 'PERSONAL'
     and trunc(sysdate) between nvl(pce.effective_date_from,sysdate)
     and nvl(pce.effective_date_to,sysdate)
     and pce.competence_id = p_competence_id;
Line: 2700

   select rtrim(ltrim(p_competence_name)), rtrim(ltrim(p_competence_alias)), rtrim(ltrim(p_competence_id)), rtrim(ltrim(p_step_value))
     into p_competence_name, p_competence_alias, p_competence_id, p_step_value
     from dual;
Line: 2715

         select name, competence_alias
           into l_competence_name, l_competence_alias
           from per_competences_vl
          where competence_id = p_competence_id;
Line: 2725

       select name, competence_alias, competence_id
       into p_competence_name,p_competence_alias,p_competence_id
       from   per_competences_vl
       where upper(name) = nvl(upper(p_competence_name), upper(name))
       and nvl(upper(competence_alias),'#') = nvl(upper(p_competence_alias), nvl(upper(competence_alias),'#'))
       and (business_group_id+0 = p_business_group_id or business_group_id is null);
Line: 2745

            select per_rating_levels.step_value ,per_rating_levels.rating_level_id
              into p_step_value,p_prof_level_id
              from per_competences_vl, per_rating_levels
             where ((per_rating_levels.competence_id = per_competences_vl.competence_id
                or per_competences_vl.rating_scale_id = per_rating_levels.rating_scale_id)
               and (per_competences_vl.competence_id = p_competence_id) and (per_rating_levels.step_value = p_step_value))
               and (per_competences_vl.business_group_id+0 = p_business_group_id
                    or per_competences_vl.business_group_id is null);
Line: 2765

        Select count(*) INTO l_count
        FROM hr_api_transaction_steps S,
        hr_api_transaction_values A,
        hr_api_transaction_values C,
        hr_api_transaction_values D
        Where s.item_type = p_item_type
             and s.item_key = p_item_key
             and s.activity_id = nvl((p_activity_id),s.activity_id)
        and s.api_name = 'HR_COMP_OUTCOME_PROFILE_SS.PROCESS_API'
        AND c.transaction_step_id = s.transaction_step_id
        AND c.number_value = p_competence_id
        AND a.transaction_step_id = s.transaction_step_id
        AND a.NAME = 'P_DATE_FROM'
        AND d.transaction_step_id = s.transaction_step_id
        AND d.NAME = 'P_PERSON_ID'
        AND d.number_value = p_person_id
        AND a.date_value < to_date(p_eff_date_from, g_date_format);
Line: 2790

        Select count(*) INTO l_count
        FROM hr_api_transaction_steps S,
        hr_api_transaction_values A,
        hr_api_transaction_values C,
        hr_api_transaction_values D
        Where s.item_type = p_item_type
             and s.item_key = p_item_key
             and s.activity_id = nvl((p_activity_id),s.activity_id)
        and s.api_name = 'HR_COMP_OUTCOME_PROFILE_SS.PROCESS_API'
        AND c.transaction_step_id = s.transaction_step_id
        AND c.number_value = p_competence_id
        AND a.transaction_step_id = s.transaction_step_id
        AND a.NAME = 'P_DATE_TO'
        AND d.transaction_step_id = s.transaction_step_id
        AND d.NAME = 'P_PERSON_ID'
        AND d.number_value = p_person_id
        AND nvl(a.date_value,to_date(p_eff_date_to, g_date_format)) > to_date(p_eff_date_to, g_date_format);
Line: 2857

    select per_rating_levels.step_value ,per_rating_levels.rating_level_id
    into l_step_value,l_prof_level_id
    from per_competences_vl, per_rating_levels
    where ((per_rating_levels.competence_id = per_competences_vl.competence_id or per_competences_vl.rating_scale_id = per_rating_levels.rating_scale_id)
    and (per_competences_vl.competence_id = p_competence_id) and (per_rating_levels.step_value = p_step_value) );
Line: 2877

Procedure delete_add_page
          (transaction_step_ids in varchar2) is
l_proc varchar2(200) := g_package || 'delete_add_page';
Line: 2891

/*  HR_COMP_OUTCOME_PROFILE_SS.delete_add_page(
        p_transaction_step_id  => to_number(j)); */
Line: 2893

  delete from hr_api_transaction_values where transaction_step_id = to_number(j);
Line: 2894

  delete from hr_api_transaction_steps where transaction_step_id = to_number(j);
Line: 2903

end delete_add_page;
Line: 2914

   update hr_api_transaction_values val
        set val.varchar2_value = 'ADDITION'
    where transaction_step_id in (select transaction_step_id
                                  from hr_api_transaction_steps steps
                                  where steps.transaction_id = l_transaction_id)
    and val.name = 'P_CHANGE_MODE' and val.varchar2_value = 'ADD';
Line: 2923

procedure update_date_validate
          (p_person_id in varchar2 default null
          ,p_competence_id in varchar2 default null
          ,p_eff_date_from in varchar2 default null
          ,p_error_message out nocopy varchar2) is
l_proc varchar2(200) := g_package || 'update_date_validate';
Line: 2944

        select max(effective_date_from)
        into l_eff_date_from
        from per_competence_elements
        where person_id = to_number(p_person_id)
        and competence_id = to_number(p_competence_id) group by competence_id;
Line: 2966

end update_date_validate;
Line: 2978

    select effective_date_to
    into m_eff_date_to
    from per_competence_elements
    where person_id = p_person_id
    and competence_id = p_competence_id
    and effective_date_to < trunc(sysdate);
Line: 3003

  select transaction_step_id
  from hr_api_transaction_steps
  where item_type = p_item_type
  and   item_key  = p_item_key
  and   activity_id  = p_activity_id;
Line: 3442

  select competence_element_id
  from  per_competence_elements
  where competence_element_id = p_competence_element_id;
Line: 3490

      ELSE  -- pre-update is null
         hr_utility.set_location( l_proc , 50);
Line: 3512

      ELSE  -- pre-update is null
         hr_utility.set_location( l_proc , 75);
Line: 3530

      ELSE  -- pre-update is null
         hr_utility.set_location( l_proc , 100);
Line: 3547

      ELSE  -- pre-update is null
         hr_utility.set_location( l_proc , 125);
Line: 3564

      ELSE  -- pre-update is null
         hr_utility.set_location( l_proc , 150);
Line: 3582

      ELSE  -- pre-update is null
         hr_utility.set_location( l_proc , 180);
Line: 3600

      ELSE  -- pre-update is null
         hr_utility.set_location( l_proc , 210);
Line: 3682

        Select rl1.step_value || decode(rl1.name, '', '', ' ' || rl1.name) minprof,
               rl2.step_value || decode(rl2.name, '', '', ' ' || rl2.name) maxprof
        From per_competence_elements pce, per_all_assignments_f paaf,
             per_rating_levels rl1, per_rating_levels rl2
        Where paaf.person_id = p_person_id
        And trunc(sysdate) between paaf.effective_start_date and paaf.effective_end_date
        And pce.enterprise_id = paaf.business_group_id
        And pce.competence_id = p_competence_id
        And pce.type = 'REQUIREMENT'
        And trunc(sysdate) between nvl(pce.effective_date_from,sysdate) and nvl(pce.effective_date_to,sysdate)
        And proficiency_level_id = rl1.rating_level_id (+)
        And high_proficiency_level_id = rl2.rating_level_id (+);
Line: 3695

        Select rl1.step_value || decode(rl1.name, '', '', ', ' || rl1.name) minprof,
               rl2.step_value || decode(rl2.name, '', '', ', ' || rl2.name) maxprof
        From per_competence_elements pce, per_all_assignments_f paaf,
             per_rating_levels rl1, per_rating_levels rl2
        Where paaf.person_id = p_person_id
        And trunc(sysdate) between paaf.effective_start_date and paaf.effective_end_date
        And pce.job_id = paaf.job_id
        And pce.competence_id = p_competence_id
        And pce.type = 'REQUIREMENT'
        And trunc(sysdate) between nvl(pce.effective_date_from,sysdate) and nvl(pce.effective_date_to,sysdate)
        And proficiency_level_id = rl1.rating_level_id (+)
        And high_proficiency_level_id = rl2.rating_level_id (+);
Line: 3708

        Select rl1.step_value || decode(rl1.name, '', '', ', ' || rl1.name) minprof,
               rl2.step_value || decode(rl2.name, '', '', ', ' || rl2.name) maxprof
        From per_competence_elements pce, per_all_assignments_f paaf,
             per_rating_levels rl1, per_rating_levels rl2
        Where paaf.person_id = p_person_id
        And trunc(sysdate) between paaf.effective_start_date and paaf.effective_end_date
        And pce.position_id = paaf.position_id
        And pce.competence_id = p_competence_id
        And pce.type = 'REQUIREMENT'
        And trunc(sysdate) between nvl(pce.effective_date_from,sysdate) and nvl(pce.effective_date_to,sysdate)
        And proficiency_level_id = rl1.rating_level_id (+)
        And high_proficiency_level_id = rl2.rating_level_id (+);
Line: 3721

        Select rl1.step_value || decode(rl1.name, '', '', ', ' || rl1.name) minprof,
               rl2.step_value || decode(rl2.name, '', '', ', ' || rl2.name) maxprof
        From per_competence_elements pce, per_all_assignments_f paaf,
             per_rating_levels rl1, per_rating_levels rl2
        Where paaf.person_id = p_person_id
        And trunc(sysdate) between paaf.effective_start_date and paaf.effective_end_date
        And pce.organization_id = paaf.organization_id
        And pce.competence_id = p_competence_id
        And pce.type = 'REQUIREMENT'
        And trunc(sysdate) between nvl(pce.effective_date_from,sysdate) and nvl(pce.effective_date_to,sysdate)
        And proficiency_level_id = rl1.rating_level_id (+)
        And high_proficiency_level_id = rl2.rating_level_id (+);
Line: 3805

        Select 'Y'
        From per_competence_elements pce, per_all_assignments_f paaf, per_competences pc
        Where paaf.person_id = p_person_id
        And trunc(sysdate) between paaf.effective_start_date and paaf.effective_end_date
        And pc.competence_id = p_competence_id
        And pce.competence_id = pc.competence_id
        And pce.type = 'REQUIREMENT'
        And pce.mandatory = 'Y'
        And trunc(sysdate) between nvl(pce.effective_date_from,sysdate) and nvl(pce.effective_date_to,sysdate)
        And (pce.job_id = paaf.job_id
             Or pce.organization_id = paaf.organization_id
             Or pce.position_id = paaf.position_id
             Or pce.enterprise_id = paaf.business_group_id);