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Line 150: ,job_name per_jobs.name%type

147: type t_asg_wrk_strs is record
148: (grade_name per_grades.name%type
149: ,position_name hr_all_positions_f.name%type
150: ,job_name per_jobs.name%type
151: ,payroll_name pay_all_payrolls_f.payroll_name%type
152: ,organization_name hr_all_organization_units.name%type
153: ,location_code hr_locations_all.location_code%type
154: ,pay_basis_name per_pay_bases.name%type

Line 388: from per_jobs pjb

384: cursor csr_job(c_job_id in number
385: ,c_business_group_id in number
386: ,c_effective_date in date) is
387: select jtl.name
388: from per_jobs pjb
389: ,per_jobs_tl jtl
390: where pjb.job_id = c_job_id
391: and jtl.job_id = pjb.job_id
392: and jtl.language = Userenv('LANG')

Line 389: ,per_jobs_tl jtl

385: ,c_business_group_id in number
386: ,c_effective_date in date) is
387: select jtl.name
388: from per_jobs pjb
389: ,per_jobs_tl jtl
390: where pjb.job_id = c_job_id
391: and jtl.job_id = pjb.job_id
392: and jtl.language = Userenv('LANG')
393: and pjb.business_group_id = c_business_group_id

Line 1813: l_job_name per_jobs.name%type;

1809: l_pay_basis_name per_pay_bases.name%type;
1810: l_organization_name hr_all_organization_units.name%type;
1811: l_location_code hr_locations_all.location_code%type;
1812: l_payroll_name pay_all_payrolls_f.payroll_name%type;
1813: l_job_name per_jobs.name%type;
1814: l_position_name hr_all_positions_f.name%type;
1815: l_grade_name per_grades.name%type;
1816: begin
1817: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: ' || l_proc_name, 5);

Line 7474: l_job_name per_jobs.name%type;

7470: l_pay_basis_name per_pay_bases.name%type;
7471: l_organization_name hr_all_organization_units.name%type;
7472: l_location_code hr_locations_all.location_code%type;
7473: l_payroll_name pay_payrolls_f.payroll_name%type;
7474: l_job_name per_jobs.name%type;
7475: l_position_name per_positions.name%type;
7476: l_grade_name per_grades.name%type;
7478: l_pradd_ovlapval_override boolean;