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Line 15: | igs_as_unitass_item_pkg; igs_ps_unitass_item_pkg

11: +======================================================================+
13: +======================================================================+
14: | Nalin Kumar 24-May-2003 Modified the call to the igs_as_su_atmpt_itm_pkg;
15: | igs_as_unitass_item_pkg; igs_ps_unitass_item_pkg
16: | Added the references of the newly added columns
17: | in the base tables. This is as per 'Assessment
18: | Item description Build'; Bug# 2829291;
19: | smvk 09-Jul-2004 Bug # 3676145. Modified the cursors c_suaai,

Line 895: FROM igs_ps_unitass_item uai

891: -- Added by ddey for the bug # 2162831
892: --
893: CURSOR c_usc_ass (cp_uoo_id igs_en_su_attempt.uoo_id%TYPE) IS
894: SELECT uai.ass_id
895: FROM igs_ps_unitass_item uai
896: WHERE uai.uoo_id = cp_uoo_id
897: AND uai.logical_delete_dt IS NULL;
898: --
899: usc_ass_rec c_usc_ass%ROWTYPE;

Line 1222: FROM igs_ps_unitass_item usai,

1218: usai.final_mandatory_type_code,
1219: usai.final_weight_qty,
1220: usai.grading_schema_cd,
1221: usai.gs_version_number
1222: FROM igs_ps_unitass_item usai,
1223: igs_as_assessmnt_itm ai,
1224: igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt uai,
1225: igs_as_unit_class uc,
1226: igs_ca_inst_rel cir

Line 1437: -- Included the below to update action date in IGS_PS_UNITASS_ITEM in case

1433: RAISE;
1434: END;
1435: END asspl_prc_update_uai;
1436: --
1437: -- Included the below to update action date in IGS_PS_UNITASS_ITEM in case
1438: -- of assessment item setup is present at unit section level
1439: -- as a part of calculation of records -1 bug n0:2162831
1440: --
1441: PROCEDURE asspl_prc_upd_usec_uai (

Line 1442: p_uoo_id igs_ps_unitass_item.uoo_id%TYPE,

1438: -- of assessment item setup is present at unit section level
1439: -- as a part of calculation of records -1 bug n0:2162831
1440: --
1441: PROCEDURE asspl_prc_upd_usec_uai (
1442: p_uoo_id igs_ps_unitass_item.uoo_id%TYPE,
1443: p_ass_id igs_ps_unitass_item.ass_id%TYPE,
1444: p_sequence_number igs_ps_unitass_item.sequence_number%TYPE,
1445: p_session_id igs_ge_s_log.KEY%TYPE,
1446: p_log_dt IN OUT NOCOPY DATE

Line 1443: p_ass_id igs_ps_unitass_item.ass_id%TYPE,

1439: -- as a part of calculation of records -1 bug n0:2162831
1440: --
1441: PROCEDURE asspl_prc_upd_usec_uai (
1442: p_uoo_id igs_ps_unitass_item.uoo_id%TYPE,
1443: p_ass_id igs_ps_unitass_item.ass_id%TYPE,
1444: p_sequence_number igs_ps_unitass_item.sequence_number%TYPE,
1445: p_session_id igs_ge_s_log.KEY%TYPE,
1446: p_log_dt IN OUT NOCOPY DATE
1447: ) IS

Line 1444: p_sequence_number igs_ps_unitass_item.sequence_number%TYPE,

1440: --
1441: PROCEDURE asspl_prc_upd_usec_uai (
1442: p_uoo_id igs_ps_unitass_item.uoo_id%TYPE,
1443: p_ass_id igs_ps_unitass_item.ass_id%TYPE,
1444: p_sequence_number igs_ps_unitass_item.sequence_number%TYPE,
1445: p_session_id igs_ge_s_log.KEY%TYPE,
1446: p_log_dt IN OUT NOCOPY DATE
1447: ) IS
1448: gv_other_detail VARCHAR2 (255);

Line 1451: -- Select the IGS_PS_UNITASS_ITEM table for update NOWAIT and set

1447: ) IS
1448: gv_other_detail VARCHAR2 (255);
1449: BEGIN -- asspl_prc_upd_usec_uai
1450: --
1451: -- Select the IGS_PS_UNITASS_ITEM table for update NOWAIT and set
1452: -- the action date to null.
1453: -- If a lock occurs, then commit the processing anyway but report on
1454: -- the exception. No need to rollback as processing completed. If the
1455: -- item and action date is processed again then no changes will occur

Line 1464: FROM igs_ps_unitass_item pai

1460: PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT (e_resource_busy, -54);
1461: CURSOR c_uai_upd_usec IS
1463: pai.*
1464: FROM igs_ps_unitass_item pai
1465: WHERE pai.uoo_id = p_uoo_id
1466: AND pai.ass_id = p_ass_id
1467: AND pai.sequence_number = p_sequence_number
1468: FOR UPDATE OF action_dt NOWAIT;

Line 1477: igs_ps_unitass_item_pkg.update_row (

1473: IF c_uai_upd_usec%NOTFOUND THEN
1474: CLOSE c_uai_upd_usec;
1476: ELSE
1477: igs_ps_unitass_item_pkg.update_row (
1478: x_rowid => v_uai_upd_usec_rec.ROWID,
1479: x_unit_section_ass_item_id => v_uai_upd_usec_rec.unit_section_ass_item_id,
1480: x_uoo_id => v_uai_upd_usec_rec.uoo_id,
1481: x_ass_id => v_uai_upd_usec_rec.ass_id,

Line 1671: UPDATE igs_ps_unitass_item

1667: -- of calculation of records -1 bug n0:2162831
1668: --
1669: IF v_uai_rec.record_ind = 'USEC' THEN
1670: IF v_clear_action_dt THEN
1671: UPDATE igs_ps_unitass_item
1672: SET action_dt = NULL,
1673: last_update_date = SYSDATE,
1674: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
1675: last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id,