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2 /* $Header: bepdccp1.pkb 120.24 2006/12/04 09:44:53 vborkar noship $ */
3 --
4 -- {Start Of Comments}
5 --
6 -- {End Of Comments}
7 --
8 --
9 --UPD Changes New procedure for getting the dtmodes
10 --
11 procedure get_dt_modes(p_effective_date       in date,
12                        p_effective_end_date   in date,
13                        p_effective_start_date in date,
14                        p_dml_operation        in varchar2,
15                        p_datetrack_mode       in out nocopy varchar2
16           --             p_update                  out nocopy boolean
17                       ) is
18   l_update            boolean := true ;
19   l_datetrack_mode    varchar2(80) := p_datetrack_mode ;
20 begin
21   --
22   hr_utility.set_location('Intering get_dt_modes p_dt_mode '||l_datetrack_mode,10);
23   hr_utility.set_location('p_effective_start_date '||p_effective_start_date,10);
24   hr_utility.set_location('p_effective_end_date '||p_effective_end_date,10);
25   hr_utility.set_location('p_effective_date '||p_effective_date,10);
26   --
27   if p_effective_end_date <> hr_api.g_eot then
28     --
29     if p_dml_operation = 'INSERT' then
30       --
31       l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update;
32       l_update  := true;
33       --
34     elsif l_datetrack_mode in ('CORRECTION') then
35       --
36       l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_correction ;
37       l_update := true;
38       --
39     elsif l_datetrack_mode in ('UPDATE_OVERRIDE','UPDATE' ) then
40       --
41       if p_effective_date = p_effective_start_date then
42         l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_correction ;
43         l_update := true;
44       else
45         --
46         if l_datetrack_mode in ('UPDATE_OVERRIDE') then
47          --
48          l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update_override ;
49          l_update := false ;
50          --
51         elsif l_datetrack_mode in ('UPDATE') then
52          --
53          l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update;
54          --
55         end if;
56         --
57       end if;
58       --
59     elsif l_datetrack_mode in ('UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT') then
60       --
61       if p_effective_date = p_effective_start_date then
62         l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_correction ;
63         l_update := true;
64       else
65         l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update_change_insert ;
66         l_update := true;
67       end if;
68       --
69     else
70       --
71       l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update;
72       l_update  := false;
73       --
74     end if;
75     --
76   else
77     --
78     if p_dml_operation = 'INSERT' then
79       --
80       l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update;
81       l_update  := false;
82       --
83     elsif l_datetrack_mode in ('CORRECTION') then
84       --
85       l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_correction ;
86       l_update := false;
87       --
88     elsif l_datetrack_mode in ('UPDATE_OVERRIDE','UPDATE' ) then
89       --
90       if p_effective_date = p_effective_start_date then
91         l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_correction ;
92         l_update := true;
93       else
94         l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update ;
95         l_update := false ;
96       end if;
97       --
98     elsif l_datetrack_mode in ('UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT') then
99       --
100       if p_effective_date = p_effective_start_date then
101         l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_correction ;
102         l_update := false;
103       else
104         l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update ;
105         l_update := false;
106       end if;
107       --
108     else
109       --
110       l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update;
111       l_update  := false;
112       --
113     end if;
114     --
115   end if ;
116   --
117   p_datetrack_mode := l_datetrack_mode ;
118  --  p_update  := l_update ;
119   --
120   hr_utility.set_location('Leaving get_dt_modes p_dt_mode '||p_datetrack_mode,10);
121   --
122 end get_dt_modes ;
123 --
124 -- Start of Performance additions
125 --
126 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
127 -- |------------------------< init_copy_tbl >---------------------------------|
128 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
129 --
130 procedure init_table_data_in_cer(p_copy_entity_txn_id  in number) is
131   --
132   cursor c_table_data_in_cer is
133    select tr.table_alias, tr.table_route_id
134    from pqh_table_route tr
135    where  tr.table_route_id in(
136     select table_route_id from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
137     where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
138     and   cpe.number_of_copies = 1);
139   --
140 begin
141   --
142   g_table_data_in_cer.delete;
143   g_table_data_in_cer(0)    := null ;
144   g_table_data_in_cer_count := 0 ;
145   --
146   for l_table_data_in_cer in c_table_data_in_cer loop
147     --
148     g_table_data_in_cer(g_table_data_in_cer_count).table_alias
149               := l_table_data_in_cer.table_alias;
150     g_table_data_in_cer(g_table_data_in_cer_count).table_route_id
151               := l_table_data_in_cer.table_route_id;
152     g_table_data_in_cer_count    := g_table_data_in_cer_count + 1;
153     --
154   end loop;
155   --
156 end init_table_data_in_cer;
157 --
158 --
159 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
160 -- |------------------------< data_exists_for_table >----------------------|
161 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
162 --
163 function data_exists_for_table(p_table_alias in varchar2) return boolean is
164   --
165   l_ret_val boolean := false;
166 begin
167    --
169       for i in g_table_data_in_cer.FIRST..g_table_data_in_cer.LAST loop
170         if g_table_data_in_cer(i).table_alias = p_table_alias then
171           l_ret_val := true;
172           exit;
173         end if;
174       end loop;
175     --
176     return l_ret_val;
177     --
178 end data_exists_for_table;
180 --
181 -- End Performance additions
182 --
183 function get_fk(p_col_name varchar2, p_old_val number,p_dml_operation varchar2 default null) return number is
184   l_counter number;
185   l_ret_id  number := null;
186 begin
187   --
188   /*
189   if p_dml_operation = 'UPDATE' then
190     --
191     l_ret_id := p_old_val ;
192     --
193   else
194   */
195     --
196     l_counter := nvl(g_pk_tbl.LAST, 0);
197     if l_counter > 0  and p_old_val is not null then
198        for i in 1..l_counter loop
199            if g_pk_tbl(i).pk_id_column = p_col_name and
200               g_pk_tbl(i).old_value    = p_old_val
201            then
202               l_ret_id := g_pk_tbl(i).new_value;
203               exit;
204            end if;
205        end loop;
206        --
207     end if;
208     --
209   /*
210   end if;
211   */
212   return l_ret_id;
213   --
214 end;
215 --
216    --
217    -- Private procedure to update the cer with target details
218    --
219    procedure update_cer_with_target(c_pk_rec g_pk_rec_type, p_copy_entity_txn_id in number) is
220    begin
221      hr_utility.set_location('Inside update_cer_with_target ',233);
222          update ben_copy_entity_results
223            set information9     = c_pk_rec.copy_reuse_type||'-'||c_pk_rec.new_value
224            where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
225            and   table_route_id     = c_pk_rec.table_route_id
226            and   information1       = c_pk_rec.old_value ;
227    end update_cer_with_target ;
229    --
230    --
231     -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
232     -- |------------------------< ben_chk_col_len >------------------------|
233     -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
234     -- {Start Of Comments}
235     --
236     -- Public procedure to check if Name + Prefix/Suffix exceed max length of Name
237     -- column, if so raise error appropriately.
238     --
239     -- {End Of Comments}
240     --
241     procedure ben_chk_col_len (column_type varchar2
242                               ,table_name varchar2
243                               ,column_value varchar2) is
244      l_length  number  := length(column_value) ;
245      l_var    varchar2(4000):= '*'  ;
247     BEGIN
248       hr_utility.set_location('Inside ben_chk_col_len ',234);
249       --- pls dont change -- tilak
250       l_var :=  rpad(l_var,l_length,'*');
252         'declare
253            l_column  '||table_name||'.'||column_type||'%type ;
254          begin
255            l_column := :1;
256          exception when others then
257          fnd_message.set_name(''BEN'',''BEN_93353_PDC_MAX_LENGTH'');
258          fnd_message.raise_error ;
259          end;'
260        USING l_var;
261     END ben_chk_col_len;
263     --
264    procedure raise_error_message( p_table_alias in varchar2,
265                                   p_object_name in varchar2 ) is
266       l_message               varchar2(2000);
267       l_display_name          pqh_table_route_tl.display_name%TYPE := null ;
268       --
269       cursor c_display_name is
270         select display_name
271         from pqh_table_route_vl tr
272         where tr.table_alias = p_table_alias
273         and   tr.from_clause = 'OAB' ;
274       --
275      begin
276      --
277      l_message := substr(nvl(fnd_message.get,sqlerrm),1,1999) ;
278      --
279      fnd_message.clear;
280      --
281      open c_display_name;
282        fetch c_display_name into l_display_name ;
283      close c_display_name;
284      --
285      fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_93256_PDC_ERROR_STACK');
286      fnd_message.set_token('DISPLAY_NAME',l_display_name||' - '||p_object_name );
287      fnd_message.set_token('DETAILS',l_message);
288      fnd_message.raise_error ;
289    end raise_error_message ;
290    --
292    --
293    -- Start Log additions
294    --
296    --
297    -- Procedure to store Log details
298    --
299    procedure log_data(p_table_alias       in varchar2
300                      ,p_pk_id             in number
301                      ,p_new_name          in varchar2
302                      ,p_copied_reused_cd  in varchar2) is
303    begin
304      hr_utility.set_location('Entering log_data ',5);
306      if p_table_alias = 'PGM' then
307        if p_copied_reused_cd = 'COPIED' then
308          g_pgm_tbl_copied(g_pgm_tbl_copied_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
309          g_pgm_tbl_copied(g_pgm_tbl_copied_count).new_name := p_new_name;
310          g_pgm_tbl_copied_count    := g_pgm_tbl_copied_count + 1;
311        else
312          g_pgm_tbl_reused(g_pgm_tbl_reused_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
313          g_pgm_tbl_reused(g_pgm_tbl_reused_count).new_name := p_new_name;
314          g_pgm_tbl_reused_count    := g_pgm_tbl_reused_count + 1;
315        end if;
317      elsif  p_table_alias = 'PLN' then
318        if p_copied_reused_cd = 'COPIED' then
319          g_pln_tbl_copied(g_pln_tbl_copied_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
320          g_pln_tbl_copied(g_pln_tbl_copied_count).new_name := p_new_name;
321          g_pln_tbl_copied_count    := g_pln_tbl_copied_count + 1;
322        else
323          g_pln_tbl_reused(g_pln_tbl_reused_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
324          g_pln_tbl_reused(g_pln_tbl_reused_count).new_name := p_new_name;
325          g_pln_tbl_reused_count    := g_pln_tbl_reused_count + 1;
326        end if;
328      elsif  p_table_alias = 'OPT' then
329        if p_copied_reused_cd = 'COPIED' then
330          g_opt_tbl_copied(g_opt_tbl_copied_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
331          g_opt_tbl_copied(g_opt_tbl_copied_count).new_name := p_new_name;
332          g_opt_tbl_copied_count    := g_opt_tbl_copied_count + 1;
333        else
334          g_opt_tbl_reused(g_opt_tbl_reused_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
335          g_opt_tbl_reused(g_opt_tbl_reused_count).new_name := p_new_name;
336          g_opt_tbl_reused_count    := g_opt_tbl_reused_count + 1;
337        end if;
339      elsif  p_table_alias = 'PTP' then
340        if p_copied_reused_cd = 'COPIED' then
341          g_ptp_tbl_copied(g_ptp_tbl_copied_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
342          g_ptp_tbl_copied(g_ptp_tbl_copied_count).new_name := p_new_name;
343          g_ptp_tbl_copied_count    := g_ptp_tbl_copied_count + 1;
344        else
345          g_ptp_tbl_reused(g_ptp_tbl_reused_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
346          g_ptp_tbl_reused(g_ptp_tbl_reused_count).new_name := p_new_name;
347          g_ptp_tbl_reused_count    := g_ptp_tbl_reused_count + 1;
348        end if;
350      elsif  p_table_alias = 'EAT' then
351        if p_copied_reused_cd = 'COPIED' then
352          g_eat_tbl_copied(g_eat_tbl_copied_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
353          g_eat_tbl_copied(g_eat_tbl_copied_count).new_name := p_new_name;
354          g_eat_tbl_copied_count    := g_eat_tbl_copied_count + 1;
355        else
356          g_eat_tbl_reused(g_eat_tbl_reused_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
357          g_eat_tbl_reused(g_eat_tbl_reused_count).new_name := p_new_name;
358          g_eat_tbl_reused_count    := g_eat_tbl_reused_count + 1;
359        end if;
361      elsif  p_table_alias = 'BNB' then
362        if p_copied_reused_cd = 'COPIED' then
363          g_bnb_tbl_copied(g_bnb_tbl_copied_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
364          g_bnb_tbl_copied(g_bnb_tbl_copied_count).new_name := p_new_name;
365          g_bnb_tbl_copied_count    := g_bnb_tbl_copied_count + 1;
366        else
367          g_bnb_tbl_reused(g_bnb_tbl_reused_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
368          g_bnb_tbl_reused(g_bnb_tbl_reused_count).new_name := p_new_name;
369          g_bnb_tbl_reused_count    := g_bnb_tbl_reused_count + 1;
370        end if;
372      elsif  p_table_alias = 'CLF' then
373        if p_copied_reused_cd = 'COPIED' then
374          g_clf_tbl_copied(g_clf_tbl_copied_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
375          g_clf_tbl_copied(g_clf_tbl_copied_count).new_name := p_new_name;
376          g_clf_tbl_copied_count    := g_clf_tbl_copied_count + 1;
377        else
378          g_clf_tbl_reused(g_clf_tbl_reused_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
379          g_clf_tbl_reused(g_clf_tbl_reused_count).new_name := p_new_name;
380          g_clf_tbl_reused_count    := g_clf_tbl_reused_count + 1;
381        end if;
383       elsif  p_table_alias = 'HWF' then
384        if p_copied_reused_cd = 'COPIED' then
385          g_hwf_tbl_copied(g_hwf_tbl_copied_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
386          g_hwf_tbl_copied(g_hwf_tbl_copied_count).new_name := p_new_name;
387          g_hwf_tbl_copied_count    := g_hwf_tbl_copied_count + 1;
388        else
389          g_hwf_tbl_reused(g_hwf_tbl_reused_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
390          g_hwf_tbl_reused(g_hwf_tbl_reused_count).new_name := p_new_name;
391          g_hwf_tbl_reused_count    := g_hwf_tbl_reused_count + 1;
392        end if;
394       elsif  p_table_alias = 'AGF' then
395        if p_copied_reused_cd = 'COPIED' then
396          g_agf_tbl_copied(g_agf_tbl_copied_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
397          g_agf_tbl_copied(g_agf_tbl_copied_count).new_name := p_new_name;
398          g_agf_tbl_copied_count    := g_agf_tbl_copied_count + 1;
399        else
400          g_agf_tbl_reused(g_agf_tbl_reused_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
401          g_agf_tbl_reused(g_agf_tbl_reused_count).new_name := p_new_name;
402          g_agf_tbl_reused_count    := g_agf_tbl_reused_count + 1;
403        end if;
405       elsif  p_table_alias = 'LSF' then
406        if p_copied_reused_cd = 'COPIED' then
407          g_lsf_tbl_copied(g_lsf_tbl_copied_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
408          g_lsf_tbl_copied(g_lsf_tbl_copied_count).new_name := p_new_name;
409          g_lsf_tbl_copied_count    := g_lsf_tbl_copied_count + 1;
410        else
411          g_lsf_tbl_reused(g_lsf_tbl_reused_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
412          g_lsf_tbl_reused(g_lsf_tbl_reused_count).new_name := p_new_name;
413          g_lsf_tbl_reused_count    := g_lsf_tbl_reused_count + 1;
414        end if;
416       elsif  p_table_alias = 'PFF' then
417        if p_copied_reused_cd = 'COPIED' then
418          g_pff_tbl_copied(g_pff_tbl_copied_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
419          g_pff_tbl_copied(g_pff_tbl_copied_count).new_name := p_new_name;
420          g_pff_tbl_copied_count    := g_pff_tbl_copied_count + 1;
421        else
422          g_pff_tbl_reused(g_pff_tbl_reused_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
423          g_pff_tbl_reused(g_pff_tbl_reused_count).new_name := p_new_name;
424          g_pff_tbl_reused_count    := g_pff_tbl_reused_count + 1;
425        end if;
427       elsif  p_table_alias = 'CLA' then
428        if p_copied_reused_cd = 'COPIED' then
429          g_cla_tbl_copied(g_cla_tbl_copied_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
430          g_cla_tbl_copied(g_cla_tbl_copied_count).new_name := p_new_name;
431          g_cla_tbl_copied_count    := g_cla_tbl_copied_count + 1;
432        else
433          g_cla_tbl_reused(g_cla_tbl_reused_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
434          g_cla_tbl_reused(g_cla_tbl_reused_count).new_name := p_new_name;
435          g_cla_tbl_reused_count    := g_cla_tbl_reused_count + 1;
436        end if;
438       elsif  p_table_alias = 'REG' then
439        if p_copied_reused_cd = 'COPIED' then
440          g_reg_tbl_copied(g_reg_tbl_copied_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
441          g_reg_tbl_copied(g_reg_tbl_copied_count).new_name := p_new_name;
442          g_reg_tbl_copied_count    := g_reg_tbl_copied_count + 1;
443        else
444          g_reg_tbl_reused(g_reg_tbl_reused_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
445          g_reg_tbl_reused(g_reg_tbl_reused_count).new_name := p_new_name;
446          g_reg_tbl_reused_count    := g_reg_tbl_reused_count + 1;
447        end if;
449       elsif  p_table_alias = 'BNR' then
450        if p_copied_reused_cd = 'COPIED' then
451          g_bnr_tbl_copied(g_bnr_tbl_copied_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
452          g_bnr_tbl_copied(g_bnr_tbl_copied_count).new_name := p_new_name;
453          g_bnr_tbl_copied_count    := g_bnr_tbl_copied_count + 1;
454        else
455          g_bnr_tbl_reused(g_bnr_tbl_reused_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
456          g_bnr_tbl_reused(g_bnr_tbl_reused_count).new_name := p_new_name;
457          g_bnr_tbl_reused_count    := g_bnr_tbl_reused_count + 1;
458        end if;
460       elsif  p_table_alias = 'BPP' then
461        if p_copied_reused_cd = 'COPIED' then
462          g_bpp_tbl_copied(g_bpp_tbl_copied_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
463          g_bpp_tbl_copied(g_bpp_tbl_copied_count).new_name := p_new_name;
464          g_bpp_tbl_copied_count    := g_bpp_tbl_copied_count + 1;
465        else
466          g_bpp_tbl_reused(g_bpp_tbl_reused_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
467          g_bpp_tbl_reused(g_bpp_tbl_reused_count).new_name := p_new_name;
468          g_bpp_tbl_reused_count    := g_bpp_tbl_reused_count + 1;
469        end if;
471       elsif  p_table_alias = 'LER' then
472        if p_copied_reused_cd = 'COPIED' then
473          g_ler_tbl_copied(g_ler_tbl_copied_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
474          g_ler_tbl_copied(g_ler_tbl_copied_count).new_name := p_new_name;
475          g_ler_tbl_copied_count    := g_ler_tbl_copied_count + 1;
476        else
477          g_ler_tbl_reused(g_ler_tbl_reused_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
478          g_ler_tbl_reused(g_ler_tbl_reused_count).new_name := p_new_name;
479          g_ler_tbl_reused_count    := g_ler_tbl_reused_count + 1;
480        end if;
482       elsif  p_table_alias = 'PSL' then
483        if p_copied_reused_cd = 'COPIED' then
484          g_psl_tbl_copied(g_psl_tbl_copied_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
485          g_psl_tbl_copied(g_psl_tbl_copied_count).new_name := p_new_name;
486          g_psl_tbl_copied_count    := g_psl_tbl_copied_count + 1;
487        else
488          g_psl_tbl_reused(g_psl_tbl_reused_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
489          g_psl_tbl_reused(g_psl_tbl_reused_count).new_name := p_new_name;
490          g_psl_tbl_reused_count    := g_psl_tbl_reused_count + 1;
491        end if;
493       elsif  p_table_alias = 'ELP' then
494        if p_copied_reused_cd = 'COPIED' then
495          g_elp_tbl_copied(g_elp_tbl_copied_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
496          g_elp_tbl_copied(g_elp_tbl_copied_count).new_name := p_new_name;
497          g_elp_tbl_copied_count    := g_elp_tbl_copied_count + 1;
498        else
499          g_elp_tbl_reused(g_elp_tbl_reused_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
500          g_elp_tbl_reused(g_elp_tbl_reused_count).new_name := p_new_name;
501          g_elp_tbl_reused_count    := g_elp_tbl_reused_count + 1;
502        end if;
504       elsif  p_table_alias = 'DCE' then
505        if p_copied_reused_cd = 'COPIED' then
506          g_dce_tbl_copied(g_dce_tbl_copied_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
507          g_dce_tbl_copied(g_dce_tbl_copied_count).new_name := p_new_name;
508          g_dce_tbl_copied_count    := g_dce_tbl_copied_count + 1;
509        else
510          g_dce_tbl_reused(g_dce_tbl_reused_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
511          g_dce_tbl_reused(g_dce_tbl_reused_count).new_name := p_new_name;
512          g_dce_tbl_reused_count    := g_dce_tbl_reused_count + 1;
513        end if;
515       elsif  p_table_alias = 'GOS' then
516        if p_copied_reused_cd = 'COPIED' then
517          g_gos_tbl_copied(g_gos_tbl_copied_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
518          g_gos_tbl_copied(g_gos_tbl_copied_count).new_name := p_new_name;
519          g_gos_tbl_copied_count    := g_gos_tbl_copied_count + 1;
520        else
521          g_gos_tbl_reused(g_gos_tbl_reused_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
522          g_gos_tbl_reused(g_gos_tbl_reused_count).new_name := p_new_name;
523          g_gos_tbl_reused_count    := g_gos_tbl_reused_count + 1;
524        end if;
526       elsif  p_table_alias = 'BNG' then
527        if p_copied_reused_cd = 'COPIED' then
528          g_bng_tbl_copied(g_bng_tbl_copied_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
529          g_bng_tbl_copied(g_bng_tbl_copied_count).new_name := p_new_name;
530          g_bng_tbl_copied_count    := g_bng_tbl_copied_count + 1;
531        else
532          g_bng_tbl_reused(g_bng_tbl_reused_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
533          g_bng_tbl_reused(g_bng_tbl_reused_count).new_name := p_new_name;
534          g_bng_tbl_reused_count    := g_bng_tbl_reused_count + 1;
535        end if;
537       elsif  p_table_alias = 'PDL' then
538        if p_copied_reused_cd = 'COPIED' then
539          g_pdl_tbl_copied(g_pdl_tbl_copied_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
540          g_pdl_tbl_copied(g_pdl_tbl_copied_count).new_name := p_new_name;
541          g_pdl_tbl_copied_count    := g_pdl_tbl_copied_count + 1;
542        else
543          g_pdl_tbl_reused(g_pdl_tbl_reused_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
544          g_pdl_tbl_reused(g_pdl_tbl_reused_count).new_name := p_new_name;
545          g_pdl_tbl_reused_count    := g_pdl_tbl_reused_count + 1;
546        end if;
548       elsif  p_table_alias = 'SVA' then
549        if p_copied_reused_cd = 'COPIED' then
550          g_sva_tbl_copied(g_sva_tbl_copied_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
551          g_sva_tbl_copied(g_sva_tbl_copied_count).new_name := p_new_name;
552          g_sva_tbl_copied_count    := g_sva_tbl_copied_count + 1;
553        else
554          g_sva_tbl_reused(g_sva_tbl_reused_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
555          g_sva_tbl_reused(g_sva_tbl_reused_count).new_name := p_new_name;
556          g_sva_tbl_reused_count    := g_sva_tbl_reused_count + 1;
557        end if;
559       elsif  p_table_alias = 'CPL' then
560        if p_copied_reused_cd = 'COPIED' then
561          g_cpl_tbl_copied(g_cpl_tbl_copied_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
562          g_cpl_tbl_copied(g_cpl_tbl_copied_count).new_name := p_new_name;
563          g_cpl_tbl_copied_count    := g_cpl_tbl_copied_count + 1;
564        else
565          g_cpl_tbl_reused(g_cpl_tbl_reused_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
566          g_cpl_tbl_reused(g_cpl_tbl_reused_count).new_name := p_new_name;
567          g_cpl_tbl_reused_count    := g_cpl_tbl_reused_count + 1;
568        end if;
570       elsif  p_table_alias = 'CBP' then
571        if p_copied_reused_cd = 'COPIED' then
572          g_cbp_tbl_copied(g_cbp_tbl_copied_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
573          g_cbp_tbl_copied(g_cbp_tbl_copied_count).new_name := p_new_name;
574          g_cbp_tbl_copied_count    := g_cbp_tbl_copied_count + 1;
575        else
576          g_cbp_tbl_reused(g_cbp_tbl_reused_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
577          g_cbp_tbl_reused(g_cbp_tbl_reused_count).new_name := p_new_name;
578          g_cbp_tbl_reused_count    := g_cbp_tbl_reused_count + 1;
579        end if;
581       elsif  p_table_alias = 'CPT' then
582        if p_copied_reused_cd = 'COPIED' then
583          g_cpt_tbl_copied(g_cpt_tbl_copied_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
584          g_cpt_tbl_copied(g_cpt_tbl_copied_count).new_name := p_new_name;
585          g_cpt_tbl_copied_count    := g_cpt_tbl_copied_count + 1;
586        else
587          g_cpt_tbl_reused(g_cpt_tbl_reused_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
588          g_cpt_tbl_reused(g_cpt_tbl_reused_count).new_name := p_new_name;
589          g_cpt_tbl_reused_count    := g_cpt_tbl_reused_count + 1;
590        end if;
592       elsif  p_table_alias = 'FFF' then
593        if p_copied_reused_cd = 'COPIED' then
594          g_fff_tbl_copied(g_fff_tbl_copied_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
595          g_fff_tbl_copied(g_fff_tbl_copied_count).new_name := p_new_name;
596          g_fff_tbl_copied_count    := g_fff_tbl_copied_count + 1;
597        else
598          g_fff_tbl_reused(g_fff_tbl_reused_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
599          g_fff_tbl_reused(g_fff_tbl_reused_count).new_name := p_new_name;
600          g_fff_tbl_reused_count    := g_fff_tbl_reused_count + 1;
601        end if;
603       elsif  p_table_alias = 'ABR' then
604        if p_copied_reused_cd = 'COPIED' then
605          g_abr_tbl_copied(g_abr_tbl_copied_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
606          g_abr_tbl_copied(g_abr_tbl_copied_count).new_name := p_new_name;
607          g_abr_tbl_copied_count    := g_abr_tbl_copied_count + 1;
608        else
609          g_abr_tbl_reused(g_abr_tbl_reused_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
610          g_abr_tbl_reused(g_abr_tbl_reused_count).new_name := p_new_name;
611          g_abr_tbl_reused_count    := g_abr_tbl_reused_count + 1;
612        end if;
614       elsif  p_table_alias = 'APR' then
615        if p_copied_reused_cd = 'COPIED' then
616          g_apr_tbl_copied(g_apr_tbl_copied_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
617          g_apr_tbl_copied(g_apr_tbl_copied_count).new_name := p_new_name;
618          g_apr_tbl_copied_count    := g_apr_tbl_copied_count + 1;
619        else
620          g_apr_tbl_reused(g_apr_tbl_reused_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
621          g_apr_tbl_reused(g_apr_tbl_reused_count).new_name := p_new_name;
622          g_apr_tbl_reused_count    := g_apr_tbl_reused_count + 1;
623        end if;
625      elsif  p_table_alias = 'VPF' then
626        if p_copied_reused_cd = 'COPIED' then
627          g_vpf_tbl_copied(g_vpf_tbl_copied_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
628          g_vpf_tbl_copied(g_vpf_tbl_copied_count).new_name := p_new_name;
629          g_vpf_tbl_copied_count    := g_vpf_tbl_copied_count + 1;
630        else
631          g_vpf_tbl_reused(g_vpf_tbl_reused_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
632          g_vpf_tbl_reused(g_vpf_tbl_reused_count).new_name := p_new_name;
633          g_vpf_tbl_reused_count    := g_vpf_tbl_reused_count + 1;
634        end if;
636       elsif  p_table_alias = 'CCM' then
637        if p_copied_reused_cd = 'COPIED' then
638          g_ccm_tbl_copied(g_ccm_tbl_copied_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
639          g_ccm_tbl_copied(g_ccm_tbl_copied_count).new_name := p_new_name;
640          g_ccm_tbl_copied_count    := g_ccm_tbl_copied_count + 1;
641        else
642          g_ccm_tbl_reused(g_ccm_tbl_reused_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
643          g_ccm_tbl_reused(g_ccm_tbl_reused_count).new_name := p_new_name;
644          g_ccm_tbl_reused_count    := g_ccm_tbl_reused_count + 1;
645        end if;
647       elsif  p_table_alias = 'ACP' then
648        if p_copied_reused_cd = 'COPIED' then
649          g_acp_tbl_copied(g_acp_tbl_copied_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
650          g_acp_tbl_copied(g_acp_tbl_copied_count).new_name := p_new_name;
651          g_acp_tbl_copied_count    := g_acp_tbl_copied_count + 1;
652        else
653          g_acp_tbl_reused(g_acp_tbl_reused_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
654          g_acp_tbl_reused(g_acp_tbl_reused_count).new_name := p_new_name;
655          g_acp_tbl_reused_count    := g_acp_tbl_reused_count + 1;
656        end if;
657       elsif  p_table_alias = 'EGL' then
658        --
659        -- Bug 4169120 - Rate By Criteria
660        --
661        if p_copied_reused_cd = 'COPIED' then
662          g_egl_tbl_copied(g_egl_tbl_copied_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
663          g_egl_tbl_copied(g_egl_tbl_copied_count).new_name := p_new_name;
664          g_egl_tbl_copied_count    := g_egl_tbl_copied_count + 1;
665        else
666          g_egl_tbl_reused(g_egl_tbl_reused_count).pk_id    := p_pk_id;
667          g_egl_tbl_reused(g_egl_tbl_reused_count).new_name := p_new_name;
668          g_egl_tbl_reused_count    := g_egl_tbl_reused_count + 1;
669        end if;
670      end if;
672      hr_utility.set_location('Leaving log_data ',100);
673    end log_data;
674    --
675    --
676    -- Procedure to store Log details
677    --
678    procedure init_log_tbl is
679    begin
680      hr_utility.set_location('Entering init_log_tbl ',5);
682      g_pgm_tbl_copied.delete;
683      g_pgm_tbl_copied(0)    := null ;
684      g_pgm_tbl_copied_count := 0 ;
685      g_pgm_tbl_reused.delete;
686      g_pgm_tbl_reused(0)    := null ;
687      g_pgm_tbl_reused_count := 0 ;
689      g_pln_tbl_copied.delete;
690      g_pln_tbl_copied(0)    := null ;
691      g_pln_tbl_copied_count := 0 ;
692      g_pln_tbl_reused.delete;
693      g_pln_tbl_reused(0)    := null ;
694      g_pln_tbl_reused_count := 0 ;
696      g_opt_tbl_copied.delete;
697      g_opt_tbl_copied(0)    := null ;
698      g_opt_tbl_copied_count := 0 ;
699      g_opt_tbl_reused.delete;
700      g_opt_tbl_reused(0)    := null ;
701      g_opt_tbl_reused_count := 0 ;
703      g_ptp_tbl_copied.delete;
704      g_ptp_tbl_copied(0)    := null ;
705      g_ptp_tbl_copied_count := 0 ;
706      g_ptp_tbl_reused.delete;
707      g_ptp_tbl_reused(0)    := null ;
708      g_ptp_tbl_reused_count := 0 ;
710      g_eat_tbl_copied.delete;
711      g_eat_tbl_copied(0)    := null ;
712      g_eat_tbl_copied_count := 0 ;
713      g_eat_tbl_reused.delete;
714      g_eat_tbl_reused(0)    := null ;
715      g_eat_tbl_reused_count := 0 ;
717      g_bnb_tbl_copied.delete;
718      g_bnb_tbl_copied(0)    := null ;
719      g_bnb_tbl_copied_count := 0 ;
720      g_bnb_tbl_reused.delete;
721      g_bnb_tbl_reused(0)    := null ;
722      g_bnb_tbl_reused_count := 0 ;
724      g_clf_tbl_copied.delete;
725      g_clf_tbl_copied(0)    := null ;
726      g_clf_tbl_copied_count := 0 ;
727      g_clf_tbl_reused.delete;
728      g_clf_tbl_reused(0)    := null ;
729      g_clf_tbl_reused_count := 0 ;
731      g_hwf_tbl_copied.delete;
732      g_hwf_tbl_copied(0)    := null ;
733      g_hwf_tbl_copied_count := 0 ;
734      g_hwf_tbl_reused.delete;
735      g_hwf_tbl_reused(0)    := null ;
736      g_hwf_tbl_reused_count := 0 ;
738      g_agf_tbl_copied.delete;
739      g_agf_tbl_copied(0)    := null ;
740      g_agf_tbl_copied_count := 0 ;
741      g_agf_tbl_reused.delete;
742      g_agf_tbl_reused(0)    := null ;
743      g_agf_tbl_reused_count := 0 ;
745      g_lsf_tbl_copied.delete;
746      g_lsf_tbl_copied(0)    := null ;
747      g_lsf_tbl_copied_count := 0 ;
748      g_lsf_tbl_reused.delete;
749      g_lsf_tbl_reused(0)    := null ;
750      g_lsf_tbl_reused_count := 0 ;
752      g_pff_tbl_copied.delete;
753      g_pff_tbl_copied(0)    := null ;
754      g_pff_tbl_copied_count := 0 ;
755      g_pff_tbl_reused.delete;
756      g_pff_tbl_reused(0)    := null ;
757      g_pff_tbl_reused_count := 0 ;
759      g_cla_tbl_copied.delete;
760      g_cla_tbl_copied(0)    := null ;
761      g_cla_tbl_copied_count := 0 ;
762      g_cla_tbl_reused.delete;
763      g_cla_tbl_reused(0)    := null ;
764      g_cla_tbl_reused_count := 0 ;
766      g_reg_tbl_copied.delete;
767      g_reg_tbl_copied(0)    := null ;
768      g_reg_tbl_copied_count := 0 ;
769      g_reg_tbl_reused.delete;
770      g_reg_tbl_reused(0)    := null ;
771      g_reg_tbl_reused_count := 0 ;
773      g_bnr_tbl_copied.delete;
774      g_bnr_tbl_copied(0)    := null ;
775      g_bnr_tbl_copied_count := 0 ;
776      g_bnr_tbl_reused.delete;
777      g_bnr_tbl_reused(0)    := null ;
778      g_bnr_tbl_reused_count := 0 ;
780      g_bpp_tbl_copied.delete;
781      g_bpp_tbl_copied(0)    := null ;
782      g_bpp_tbl_copied_count := 0 ;
783      g_bpp_tbl_reused.delete;
784      g_bpp_tbl_reused(0)    := null ;
785      g_bpp_tbl_reused_count := 0 ;
787      g_ler_tbl_copied.delete;
788      g_ler_tbl_copied(0)    := null ;
789      g_ler_tbl_copied_count := 0 ;
790      g_ler_tbl_reused.delete;
791      g_ler_tbl_reused(0)    := null ;
792      g_ler_tbl_reused_count := 0 ;
794      g_elp_tbl_copied.delete;
795      g_elp_tbl_copied(0)    := null ;
796      g_elp_tbl_copied_count := 0 ;
797      g_elp_tbl_reused.delete;
798      g_elp_tbl_reused(0)    := null ;
799      g_elp_tbl_reused_count := 0 ;
801      g_dce_tbl_copied.delete;
802      g_dce_tbl_copied(0)    := null ;
803      g_dce_tbl_copied_count := 0 ;
804      g_dce_tbl_reused.delete;
805      g_dce_tbl_reused(0)    := null ;
806      g_dce_tbl_reused_count := 0 ;
808      g_gos_tbl_copied.delete;
809      g_gos_tbl_copied(0)    := null ;
810      g_gos_tbl_copied_count := 0 ;
811      g_gos_tbl_reused.delete;
812      g_gos_tbl_reused(0)    := null ;
813      g_gos_tbl_reused_count := 0 ;
815      g_bng_tbl_copied.delete;
816      g_bng_tbl_copied(0)    := null ;
817      g_bng_tbl_copied_count := 0 ;
818      g_bng_tbl_reused.delete;
819      g_bng_tbl_reused(0)    := null ;
820      g_bng_tbl_reused_count := 0 ;
822      g_pdl_tbl_copied.delete;
823      g_pdl_tbl_copied(0)    := null ;
824      g_pdl_tbl_copied_count := 0 ;
825      g_pdl_tbl_reused.delete;
826      g_pdl_tbl_reused(0)    := null ;
827      g_pdl_tbl_reused_count := 0 ;
829      g_sva_tbl_copied.delete;
830      g_sva_tbl_copied(0)    := null ;
831      g_sva_tbl_copied_count := 0 ;
832      g_sva_tbl_reused.delete;
833      g_sva_tbl_reused(0)    := null ;
834      g_sva_tbl_reused_count := 0 ;
836      g_cpl_tbl_copied.delete;
837      g_cpl_tbl_copied(0)    := null ;
838      g_cpl_tbl_copied_count := 0 ;
839      g_cpl_tbl_reused.delete;
840      g_cpl_tbl_reused(0)    := null ;
841      g_cpl_tbl_reused_count := 0 ;
843      g_cbp_tbl_copied.delete;
844      g_cbp_tbl_copied(0)    := null ;
845      g_cbp_tbl_copied_count := 0 ;
846      g_cbp_tbl_reused.delete;
847      g_cbp_tbl_reused(0)    := null ;
848      g_cbp_tbl_reused_count := 0 ;
850      g_cpt_tbl_copied.delete;
851      g_cpt_tbl_copied(0)    := null ;
852      g_cpt_tbl_copied_count := 0 ;
853      g_cpt_tbl_reused.delete;
854      g_cpt_tbl_reused(0)    := null ;
855      g_cpt_tbl_reused_count := 0 ;
857      g_fff_tbl_copied.delete;
858      g_fff_tbl_copied(0)    := null ;
859      g_fff_tbl_copied_count := 0 ;
860      g_fff_tbl_reused.delete;
861      g_fff_tbl_reused(0)    := null ;
862      g_fff_tbl_reused_count := 0 ;
864      g_abr_tbl_copied.delete;
865      g_abr_tbl_copied(0)    := null ;
866      g_abr_tbl_copied_count := 0 ;
867      g_abr_tbl_reused.delete;
868      g_abr_tbl_reused(0)    := null ;
869      g_abr_tbl_reused_count := 0 ;
871      g_apr_tbl_copied.delete;
872      g_apr_tbl_copied(0)    := null ;
873      g_apr_tbl_copied_count := 0 ;
874      g_apr_tbl_reused.delete;
875      g_apr_tbl_reused(0)    := null ;
876      g_apr_tbl_reused_count := 0 ;
878      g_vpf_tbl_copied.delete;
879      g_vpf_tbl_copied(0)    := null ;
880      g_vpf_tbl_copied_count := 0 ;
881      g_vpf_tbl_reused.delete;
882      g_vpf_tbl_reused(0)    := null ;
883      g_vpf_tbl_reused_count := 0 ;
885      g_ccm_tbl_copied.delete;
886      g_ccm_tbl_copied(0)    := null ;
887      g_ccm_tbl_copied_count := 0 ;
888      g_ccm_tbl_reused.delete;
889      g_ccm_tbl_reused(0)    := null ;
890      g_ccm_tbl_reused_count := 0 ;
892      g_acp_tbl_copied.delete;
893      g_acp_tbl_copied(0)    := null ;
894      g_acp_tbl_copied_count := 0 ;
895      g_acp_tbl_reused.delete;
896      g_acp_tbl_reused(0)    := null ;
897      g_acp_tbl_reused_count := 0 ;
899      -- Bug 4081161
900      g_psl_tbl_copied.delete;
901      g_psl_tbl_copied(0)    := null ;
902      g_psl_tbl_copied_count := 0 ;
903      g_psl_tbl_reused.delete;
904      g_psl_tbl_reused(0)    := null ;
905      g_psl_tbl_reused_count := 0 ;
906      -- Bug 4081161
908      --
909      -- Bug 4169120 - Rate By Criteria
910      --
911      g_egl_tbl_copied.delete;
912      g_egl_tbl_copied(0)    := null ;
913      g_egl_tbl_copied_count := 0 ;
914      g_egl_tbl_reused.delete;
915      g_egl_tbl_reused(0)    := null ;
916      g_egl_tbl_reused_count := 0 ;
918      -- NO MAPPING LOG
919      BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_three.g_not_copied_tbl.delete;
920      BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_three.g_not_copied_tbl(0)    := null ;
921      BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_three.g_not_copied_tbl_count := 0 ;
923     hr_utility.set_location('Leaving init_log_tbl ',100);
924    end init_log_tbl;
925    --
926    -- End Log additions
927    --
928    procedure compile_FFF_rows(
929          p_copy_entity_txn_id             in  number
930         ,p_effective_date                 in  date
931         ,p_formula_name                   in  varchar2  default null
932         ,p_formula_type_name              in  varchar2  default null
933         ,p_request_id                     out nocopy number
934    ) is
935    begin
936      --
937      -- Compile the formula
938      --
939      p_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request
940                      (application => 'FF'
941                      ,program => 'SINGLECOMPILE'
942                      ,argument1 => p_formula_type_name --'Oracle Payroll' formula type
943                      ,argument2 => p_formula_name); -- formula name
945      --
946    Exception
947      When Others Then
948        p_request_id :=   Null;
949    end compile_fff_rows;
950    --
952 PROCEDURE create_or_update_ff (
953    p_formula_id             IN   NUMBER,
954    p_effective_start_date   IN   DATE,
955    p_effective_end_date     IN   DATE,
956    p_business_group_id      IN   NUMBER,
957    p_legislation_code       IN   VARCHAR,
958    p_formula_type_id        IN   NUMBER,
959    p_formula_name           IN   VARCHAR,
960    p_description            IN   VARCHAR,
961    p_formula_text           IN   LONG,
962    p_sticky_flag            IN   VARCHAR,
963    p_compile_flag           IN   VARCHAR,
964    p_last_update_date       IN   DATE,
965    p_last_updated_by        IN   NUMBER,
966    p_last_update_login      IN   NUMBER,
967    p_created_by             IN   NUMBER,
968    p_creation_date          IN   DATE,
969    p_process_date           IN   DATE,
970    p_dml_operation          IN   VARCHAR,
971    p_datetrack_mode         IN   VARCHAR
972 )
973 IS
975    hr_utility.set_location ('Entering procedure create_or_update_ff creation ',10);
977    IF p_dml_operation = hr_api.g_insert
978    THEN
979       hr_utility.set_location (' p_dml_operation' || p_dml_operation, 10);
980       hr_utility.set_location (' p_datetrack_mode' || p_datetrack_mode, 10);
981       hr_utility.set_location (' p_formula_id' || p_formula_id, 10);
982       hr_utility.set_location (' p_process_date' || p_process_date, 10);
983       hr_utility.set_location (' p_effective_start_date'|| p_effective_start_date,10);
984       hr_utility.set_location (' p_effective_end_date' || p_effective_end_date,10);
986 --Perform an insert if the dml operation is insert
988       INSERT INTO ff_formulas_f
989                   (formula_id, effective_start_date, effective_end_date,
990                    legislation_code, formula_type_id, formula_name,
991                    description, formula_text, sticky_flag,
992                    compile_flag, business_group_id, last_update_date,
993                    last_updated_by, last_update_login, created_by,
994                    creation_date
995                   )
996            VALUES (p_formula_id, p_process_date, p_effective_end_date,
997                    p_legislation_code, p_formula_type_id, p_formula_name,
998                    p_description, p_formula_text, p_sticky_flag,
999                    p_compile_flag, p_business_group_id, p_last_update_date,
1000                    p_last_updated_by, p_last_update_login, p_created_by,
1001                    p_creation_date
1002                   );
1003 -- Record created successfully
1004    END IF;
1006    IF p_dml_operation = hr_api.g_update
1007    THEN
1008       hr_utility.set_location (' p_dml_operation' || p_dml_operation, 10);
1009       hr_utility.set_location (' p_datetrack_mode' || p_datetrack_mode, 10);
1010       hr_utility.set_location (' p_formula_id' || p_formula_id, 10);
1011       hr_utility.set_location (' p_process_date' || p_process_date, 10);
1012       hr_utility.set_location (' p_effective_start_date' || p_effective_start_date,10);
1013       hr_utility.set_location (' p_effective_end_date' || p_effective_end_date,10);
1015       IF p_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_update
1016       THEN
1017          UPDATE ff_formulas_f
1018             SET effective_end_date = (p_process_date - 1),
1019                 last_update_date = p_last_update_date,
1020                 last_updated_by = p_last_updated_by,
1021                 last_update_login = p_last_update_login,
1022                 created_by = p_created_by,
1023                 creation_date = p_creation_date
1024           WHERE formula_id = p_formula_id
1025             AND effective_start_date = p_effective_start_date
1026             AND effective_end_date = p_effective_end_date
1027             AND business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
1029          INSERT INTO ff_formulas_f
1030                      (formula_id, effective_start_date, effective_end_date,
1031                       legislation_code, formula_type_id, formula_name,
1032                       description, formula_text, sticky_flag,
1033                       compile_flag, business_group_id,
1034                       last_update_date, last_updated_by,
1035                       last_update_login, created_by, creation_date
1036                      )
1037               VALUES (p_formula_id, p_process_date, p_effective_end_date,
1038                       p_legislation_code, p_formula_type_id, p_formula_name,
1039                       p_description, p_formula_text, p_sticky_flag,
1040                       p_compile_flag, p_business_group_id,
1041                       p_last_update_date, p_last_updated_by,
1042                       p_last_update_login, p_created_by, p_creation_date
1043                      );
1044       END IF;
1046       IF p_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_correction
1047       THEN
1048          UPDATE ff_formulas_f
1049             SET legislation_code = p_legislation_code,
1050                 formula_type_id = p_formula_type_id,
1051                 formula_name = p_formula_name,
1052                 description = p_description,
1053                 formula_text = p_formula_text,
1054                 sticky_flag = p_sticky_flag,
1055                 compile_flag = p_compile_flag,
1056                 last_update_date = p_last_update_date,
1057                 last_updated_by = p_last_updated_by,
1058                 last_update_login = p_last_update_login,
1059                 created_by = p_created_by,
1060                 creation_date = p_creation_date
1061           WHERE formula_id = p_formula_id
1062             AND effective_start_date = p_effective_start_date
1063             AND effective_end_date = p_effective_end_date
1064             AND business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
1065       END IF;
1067       IF p_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_update_override
1068       THEN
1069          UPDATE ff_formulas_f
1070             SET effective_end_date = (p_process_date - 1),
1071                 last_update_date = p_last_update_date,
1072                 last_updated_by = p_last_updated_by,
1073                 last_update_login = p_last_update_login,
1074                 created_by = p_created_by,
1075                 creation_date = p_creation_date
1076           WHERE formula_id = p_formula_id
1077             AND effective_start_date = p_effective_start_date
1078             AND effective_end_date = p_effective_end_date
1079             AND business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
1081          DELETE FROM ff_formulas_f
1082                WHERE formula_id = p_formula_id
1083                  AND business_group_id = p_business_group_id
1084                  AND effective_start_date >= p_process_date;
1086          INSERT INTO ff_formulas_f
1087                      (formula_id, effective_start_date, effective_end_date,
1088                       legislation_code, formula_type_id, formula_name,
1089                       description, formula_text, sticky_flag,
1090                       compile_flag, business_group_id,
1091                       last_update_date, last_updated_by,
1092                       last_update_login, created_by, creation_date
1093                      )
1094               VALUES (p_formula_id, p_process_date, -- l_min_esd,
1095                       hr_api.g_eot, -- CHANGED FROM HARD-CODED DATE TO HR_API VARIABLE..
1096                       p_legislation_code, p_formula_type_id, p_formula_name,
1097                       p_description, p_formula_text, p_sticky_flag,
1098                       p_compile_flag, p_business_group_id,
1099                       p_last_update_date, p_last_updated_by,
1100                       p_last_update_login, p_created_by, p_creation_date
1101                      );
1102       END IF;
1104       IF p_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_update_change_insert
1105       THEN
1106          UPDATE ff_formulas_f
1107             SET effective_end_date = (p_process_date - 1),
1108                 last_update_date = p_last_update_date,
1109                 last_updated_by = p_last_updated_by,
1110                 last_update_login = p_last_update_login,
1111                 created_by = p_created_by,
1112                 creation_date = p_creation_date
1113           WHERE formula_id = p_formula_id
1114             AND business_group_id = p_business_group_id
1115             AND effective_start_date = p_effective_start_date
1116             AND effective_start_date = p_effective_end_date;
1118          INSERT INTO ff_formulas_f
1119                      (formula_id, effective_start_date, effective_end_date,
1120                       legislation_code, formula_type_id, formula_name,
1121                       description, formula_text, sticky_flag,
1122                       compile_flag, business_group_id,
1123                       last_update_date, last_updated_by,
1124                       last_update_login, created_by, creation_date
1125                      )
1126               VALUES (p_formula_id, p_process_date, -- l_min_esd,
1127                       p_effective_end_date,
1128                       p_legislation_code, p_formula_type_id, p_formula_name,
1129                       p_description, p_formula_text, p_sticky_flag,
1130                       p_compile_flag, p_business_group_id,
1131                       p_last_update_date, p_last_updated_by,
1132                       p_last_update_login, p_created_by, p_creation_date
1133                      );
1134       END IF;
1135    END IF;
1137    hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving procedure create_or_update_ff creation ',10);
1138    --
1139 END create_or_update_ff;
1140    --
1142 PROCEDURE create_fff_rows (
1143    p_validate                   IN   NUMBER DEFAULT 0,
1144    p_copy_entity_txn_id         IN   NUMBER,
1145    p_effective_date             IN   DATE,
1146    p_prefix_suffix_text         IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
1147    p_reuse_object_flag          IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
1148    p_target_business_group_id   IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
1149    p_prefix_suffix_cd           IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
1150 )
1151 IS
1152    --
1153    CURSOR c_unique_fff (l_table_alias VARCHAR2)
1154    IS
1155       SELECT DISTINCT cpe.information1, cpe.information2, cpe.information3,
1156                       cpe.information112 NAME, -- 5250824, 5253679 (FF Case Sensitive)
1157                       cpe.table_route_id,
1158                       cpe.dml_operation, cpe.datetrack_mode
1159                     --RKG Modfied for PDW FF Enhancements
1160       FROM            ben_copy_entity_results cpe, pqh_table_route tr
1161                 WHERE cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
1162                   AND cpe.table_route_id = tr.table_route_id
1163                   AND tr.table_alias = l_table_alias
1164                   AND cpe.number_of_copies = 1 --ADDITION
1165              GROUP BY cpe.information1,
1166                       cpe.information2,
1167                       cpe.information3,
1168                       cpe.information112,
1169                       cpe.table_route_id,
1170                       cpe.dml_operation,
1171                       cpe.datetrack_mode
1172    order by information1, information2; --added for bug: 5151945
1174    --
1175    CURSOR c_fff_min_max_dates (c_table_route_id NUMBER, c_information1 NUMBER)
1176    IS
1177       SELECT MIN (cpe.information2) min_esd, MAX (cpe.information3) min_eed
1178         FROM ben_copy_entity_results cpe
1179        WHERE cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
1180          AND cpe.table_route_id = c_table_route_id
1181          AND cpe.information1 = c_information1;
1183    --
1184    CURSOR c_fff (
1185       c_table_route_id   NUMBER,
1186       c_information1     NUMBER,
1187       c_information2     DATE,
1188       c_information3     DATE
1189    )
1190    IS
1191       SELECT cpe.*
1192         FROM ben_copy_entity_results cpe
1193        WHERE cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
1194          AND cpe.table_route_id = c_table_route_id
1195          AND cpe.information1 = c_information1
1196          AND cpe.information2 = c_information2
1197          AND cpe.information3 = c_information3
1198          AND ROWNUM = 1;
1200    -- Date Track target record
1201    CURSOR c_find_fff_in_target (
1202       c_fff_name               VARCHAR2,
1203       c_effective_start_date   DATE,
1204       c_effective_end_date     DATE,
1205       c_business_group_id      NUMBER,
1206       c_new_pk_id              NUMBER
1207    )
1208    IS
1209       SELECT fff.formula_id new_value
1210         FROM ff_formulas_f fff
1211        WHERE fff.formula_name = c_fff_name -- 5250824, 5253679 (FF Case Sensitive)
1212          AND fff.business_group_id = c_business_group_id
1213          AND fff.formula_id <> c_new_pk_id
1214          AND EXISTS (
1215                 SELECT NULL
1216                   FROM ff_formulas_f fff1
1217                  WHERE fff1.formula_name = c_fff_name -- 5250824 , 5253679 (FF Case Sensitive)
1218                    AND fff1.business_group_id = c_business_group_id
1219                    AND fff1.effective_start_date <= c_effective_start_date)
1220          AND EXISTS (
1221                 SELECT NULL
1222                   FROM ff_formulas_f fff2
1223                  WHERE fff2.formula_name = c_fff_name -- 5250824, 5253679 (FF Case Sensitive)
1224                    AND fff2.business_group_id = c_business_group_id
1225                    AND fff2.effective_end_date >= c_effective_end_date);
1227    --
1228    l_current_pk_id            NUMBER                                   := NULL;
1229    --UPD START
1230    --
1231    l_update                   BOOLEAN                                 := FALSE;
1232    l_datetrack_mode           VARCHAR2 (80)                 := hr_api.g_update;
1233    l_process_date             DATE;
1234    l_dml_operation            ben_copy_entity_results.dml_operation%TYPE;
1235    --
1236    --UPD END
1237     --TEMPIK
1238    l_dt_rec_found             BOOLEAN;
1239    --END TEMPIK
1240    l_prev_pk_id               NUMBER                                   := NULL;
1241    l_request_id               NUMBER                                   := NULL;
1242    l_first_rec                BOOLEAN                                  := TRUE;
1243    r_fff                      c_fff%ROWTYPE;
1244    l_formula_id               NUMBER;
1245    l_object_version_number    NUMBER;
1246    l_effective_start_date     DATE;
1247    l_effective_end_date       DATE;
1248    l_prefix                   pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%TYPE
1249                                                                        := NULL;
1250    l_suffix                   pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%TYPE
1251                                                                        := NULL;
1252    l_new_value                NUMBER (15);
1253    l_object_found_in_target   BOOLEAN                                 := FALSE;
1254    l_min_esd                  DATE;
1255    l_max_eed                  DATE;
1256    l_formula_type_id          NUMBER;
1257    l_effective_date           DATE;
1258    l_formula_name             ff_formulas_f.formula_name%TYPE; -- 5253679 (FF Case Sensitive)
1259 BEGIN
1260    --
1261    hr_utility.set_location ('Entering Formula creation ', 10);
1263    -- Initialization
1264    l_object_found_in_target := FALSE;
1266    -- End Initialization
1267    -- Derive the prefix - sufix
1268    IF p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX'
1269    THEN
1270       l_prefix := p_prefix_suffix_text;
1271    ELSIF p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX'
1272    THEN
1273       l_suffix := p_prefix_suffix_text;
1274    ELSE
1275       l_prefix := NULL;
1276       l_suffix := NULL;
1277    END IF;
1279    -- End Prefix Sufix derivation
1280    FOR r_fff_unique IN c_unique_fff ('FFF')
1281    LOOP
1282       IF (   ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date IS NULL
1283           OR (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date IS NOT NULL
1284               AND r_fff_unique.information3 >= ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date
1285              )
1286          )
1287       THEN
1288          --
1289          hr_utility.set_location ('Formula r_FFF_unique '|| r_fff_unique.information1,10);
1290          hr_utility.set_location ('l_dml_operation ' || l_dml_operation, 10);
1291          -- If reuse objects flag is 'Y' then check for the object in the target business group
1292          -- if found insert the record into PLSql table and exit the loop else try create the
1293          -- object in the target business group
1294          --
1295          l_object_found_in_target := FALSE;
1296         --UPD START
1297          l_update := FALSE;
1298          l_process_date := p_effective_date;
1299          l_dml_operation := r_fff_unique.dml_operation;
1301          --
1302          IF l_dml_operation = 'UPDATE'
1303          THEN
1304             --
1305             l_object_found_in_target := TRUE;
1307             --
1309             IF l_process_date BETWEEN r_fff_unique.information2
1310                                   AND r_fff_unique.information3
1311             THEN
1312                l_update := TRUE;
1314                IF    r_fff_unique.information1 <> NVL (g_pk_tbl (g_count - 1).old_value,-999)
1315                   OR NVL (g_pk_tbl (g_count - 1).pk_id_column, '999') <> 'FORMULA_ID'
1316                THEN
1317                   g_pk_tbl (g_count).pk_id_column := 'FORMULA_ID';
1318                   g_pk_tbl (g_count).old_value := r_fff_unique.information1;
1319                   g_pk_tbl (g_count).new_value := r_fff_unique.information1;
1320                   g_pk_tbl (g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
1321                   g_pk_tbl (g_count).table_route_id := r_fff_unique.table_route_id;
1322                   --
1323                   -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
1324                   --
1325                   g_count := g_count + 1;
1326                   --
1327                   log_data ('FFF',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_fff_unique.NAME || l_suffix,'REUSED');
1328                --
1329                END IF;
1331                hr_utility.set_location ('found record for update', 10);
1332             --
1333             ELSE
1334                --
1335                l_update := FALSE;
1336             --
1337             END IF;
1338          ELSE
1339             --
1340             --UPD END
1341             l_min_esd := NULL;
1342             l_max_eed := NULL;
1343             OPEN c_fff_min_max_dates (r_fff_unique.table_route_id,r_fff_unique.information1);
1344             FETCH c_fff_min_max_dates INTO l_min_esd, l_max_eed;
1346             IF (    ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date IS NOT NULL
1347                 AND l_min_esd < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date
1348                )
1349             THEN
1350                l_min_esd := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
1351             END IF;
1353             -- l_min_esd := greatest(l_min_esd,r_XXX_unique.information2);
1354             hr_utility.set_location ('Formula l_min_esd,l_max_eed '|| l_min_esd,30);
1356             -- Whether reuse or not always check whether object exists or not.
1357             IF p_reuse_object_flag = 'Y'
1358             THEN
1359                IF c_fff_min_max_dates%FOUND
1360                THEN
1361                   -- cursor to find the object
1362                   OPEN c_find_fff_in_target (l_prefix|| r_fff_unique.NAME|| l_suffix,
1363                                              l_min_esd,
1364                                              l_max_eed,
1365                                              p_target_business_group_id,
1366                                              NVL (l_formula_id, -999)
1367                                             );
1368                   FETCH c_find_fff_in_target INTO l_new_value;
1370                   IF c_find_fff_in_target%FOUND
1371                   THEN
1372                            --
1373                      --TEMPIK
1374                      l_dt_rec_found :=
1375                         dt_api.check_min_max_dates (p_base_table_name      => 'FF_FORMULAS_F',
1376                                                     p_base_key_column      => 'FORMULA_ID',
1377                                                     p_base_key_value       => l_new_value,
1378                                                     p_from_date            => l_min_esd,
1379                                                     p_to_date              => l_max_eed
1380                                                    );
1382                      IF l_dt_rec_found
1383                      THEN
1384                         --END TEMPIK
1385                         hr_utility.set_location ('Formula c_find_FFF_in_target found ',40);
1386                         --
1388                         IF    r_fff_unique.information1 <> NVL (g_pk_tbl (g_count - 1).old_value,-999)
1389                            OR NVL (g_pk_tbl (g_count - 1).pk_id_column, '999') <>'FORMULA_ID'
1390                         THEN
1391                            g_pk_tbl (g_count).pk_id_column := 'FORMULA_ID';
1392                            g_pk_tbl (g_count).old_value := r_fff_unique.information1;
1393                            g_pk_tbl (g_count).new_value := l_new_value;
1394                            g_pk_tbl (g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
1395                            g_pk_tbl (g_count).table_route_id := r_fff_unique.table_route_id;
1396                            --
1397                            -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
1398                            --
1399                            g_count := g_count + 1;
1400                            --
1401                            log_data ('FFF', l_new_value, l_prefix || r_fff_unique.NAME || l_suffix,'REUSED' );
1402                         --
1403                         END IF;
1405                         --
1406                         l_object_found_in_target := TRUE;
1407                      --TEMPIK
1408                      END IF;         -- l_dt_rec_found
1409                              --END TEMPIK
1410                   END IF;
1412                   CLOSE c_find_fff_in_target;
1413                --
1414                END IF;
1415             END IF;
1417             --
1418             hr_utility.set_location (' Before l_object_found_in_target ', 50);
1419             hr_utility.set_location (' Before r_FFF_unique.information1 = '|| r_fff_unique.information1,50);
1420             hr_utility.set_location (' Before r_FFF_unique.information2 = '|| r_fff_unique.information2,50);
1421             hr_utility.set_location (' Before r_FFF_unique.information3 = '|| r_fff_unique.information3,50);
1422             CLOSE c_fff_min_max_dates;
1423          END IF;
1425          IF NOT l_object_found_in_target OR l_update
1426          THEN
1427             --
1428             hr_utility.set_location (' l_object_found_in_target ', 60);
1429             OPEN c_fff (r_fff_unique.table_route_id,
1430                         r_fff_unique.information1,
1431                         r_fff_unique.information2,
1432                         r_fff_unique.information3
1433                        );
1434             --
1435             FETCH c_fff INTO r_fff;
1436             --
1437             CLOSE c_fff;
1438             --
1439             l_current_pk_id := r_fff.information1;
1440             --
1441             hr_utility.set_location (' l_current_pk_id ' || l_current_pk_id,20);
1442             hr_utility.set_location (' l_prev_pk_id ' || l_prev_pk_id, 20);
1444             --
1445             IF l_current_pk_id = l_prev_pk_id
1446             THEN
1447                --
1448                l_first_rec := FALSE;
1449             --
1450             ELSE
1451                --
1452                l_first_rec := TRUE;
1453             --
1454             END IF;
1456             --
1457             ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.ben_chk_col_len ('FORMULA_NAME', 'FF_FORMULAS_F',l_prefix|| r_fff.information112|| l_suffix);
1458             l_effective_date := r_fff.information2;
1460             IF (    ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date IS NOT NULL
1461                 AND l_effective_date < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date
1462                )
1463             THEN
1464                l_effective_date := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
1465             END IF;
1467             IF l_first_rec AND NOT l_update
1468             THEN
1469                -- Call Create routine.
1470                --
1471                hr_utility.set_location (' In the Insert FF_FORMULAS_F ', 70);
1473                --
1474                --
1475                --
1476                SELECT ff_formulas_s.NEXTVAL
1477                  INTO l_formula_id
1478                  FROM SYS.DUAL;
1479                --
1480                hr_utility.set_location (' l_formula_id ' || l_formula_id, 80);
1481                hr_utility.set_location (' l_formula_type_id ' || l_formula_type_id,80);
1482                hr_utility.set_location (' name ' || l_prefix || r_fff.information112 || l_suffix,80);
1483                hr_utility.set_location (' esd ' || r_fff.information2, 80);
1484                hr_utility.set_location (' eed ' || r_fff.information3, 80);
1486 	       l_formula_name := l_prefix || r_fff.information112 || l_suffix ; --5253679 (FF Case Sensitive)
1487                --
1488                create_or_update_ff (p_formula_id                => l_formula_id,
1489                                     p_effective_start_date      => r_fff.information2,
1490                                     p_effective_end_date        => r_fff.information3,
1491                                     p_business_group_id         => p_target_business_group_id,
1492                                     p_legislation_code          => r_fff.information13,
1493                                     p_formula_type_id           => r_fff.information160,
1494                                     p_formula_name              => l_formula_name, -- :FORMULA_NAME, 5253679 (FF Case Sensitive)
1495                                     p_description               => r_fff.information151,
1496                                     p_formula_text              => r_fff.information323,
1497                                     p_sticky_flag               => r_fff.information11,
1498                                     p_compile_flag              => r_fff.information12,
1499                                     p_last_update_date          => SYSDATE,
1500                                     p_last_updated_by           => 1,
1501                                     p_last_update_login         => 0,
1502                                     p_created_by                => 1,
1503                                     p_creation_date             => SYSDATE,
1504                                     p_process_date              => l_effective_date,
1505                                     p_dml_operation             => 'INSERT',
1506                                     p_datetrack_mode            => NULL
1507                                    );
1508                -- p_datetrack_mode is not necessary for dml_operation as INSERT
1511                -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
1512                -- Update all relevent cer records with new pk_id
1513                hr_utility.set_location ('Before plsql table ', 222);
1514                hr_utility.set_location ('new_value id ' || l_formula_id, 222);
1515                --
1516                g_pk_tbl (g_count).pk_id_column := 'FORMULA_ID';
1517                g_pk_tbl (g_count).old_value := r_fff.information1;
1518                g_pk_tbl (g_count).new_value := l_formula_id;
1519                g_pk_tbl (g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'COPIED';
1520                g_pk_tbl (g_count).table_route_id := r_fff_unique.table_route_id;
1521                --
1522                hr_utility.set_location ('After plsql table ', 222);
1523                --
1524                -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
1525                --
1526                g_count := g_count + 1;
1527                --
1528                -- Now call formula compilation.
1529                /*
1530                compile_FFF_rows(
1531                  p_copy_entity_txn_id             => p_copy_entity_txn_id
1532                 ,p_effective_date                 => p_effective_date
1533                 ,p_formula_name                   =>
1534                     replace(upper(l_prefix||r_FFF.information112||l_suffix),' ', '_'),
1535                 ,p_formula_type_name              => r_FFF.information113
1536                 ,p_request_id                     => l_request_id
1537                );
1538                */
1539                --
1540                log_data ('FFF', l_new_value,l_prefix || r_fff.information112 || l_suffix,'COPIED');
1541             --
1542             ELSE
1543                       --
1544                --UPD START
1545                hr_utility.set_location ('Before call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'|| l_datetrack_mode,5);
1547                --
1548                IF l_update
1549                THEN
1550                   --
1551                   l_datetrack_mode := r_fff.datetrack_mode;
1552                   --
1553                   get_dt_modes (p_effective_date            => l_process_date,
1554                                 p_effective_end_date        => r_fff.information3,
1555                                 p_effective_start_date      => r_fff.information2,
1556                                 p_dml_operation             => r_fff.dml_operation,
1557                                 p_datetrack_mode            => l_datetrack_mode
1558                                );
1559                   --    p_update                => l_update
1560                     --
1561                   l_effective_date := l_process_date;
1562                   l_formula_id := r_fff.information1;
1563                   l_object_version_number := r_fff.information265;
1564                   --
1566                   --
1567                   hr_utility.set_location ('After call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode' || l_datetrack_mode,5);
1568                   --
1570 		 l_formula_name := l_prefix || r_fff.information112 || l_suffix ; -- 5253679 (FF Case Sensitive)
1571                   --UPD END
1572                   -- Call Update routine for the pk_id created in prev run .
1573                   -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
1574                   create_or_update_ff (p_formula_id                => l_formula_id,
1575                                        p_effective_start_date      => r_fff.information2,
1576                                        p_effective_end_date        => r_fff.information3,
1577                                        p_business_group_id         => p_target_business_group_id,
1578                                        p_legislation_code          => r_fff.information13,
1579                                        p_formula_type_id           => r_fff.information160,
1580                                        p_formula_name              => l_formula_name, -- :FORMULA_NAME, 5253679 (FF Case Sensitive)
1581                                        p_description               => r_fff.information151,
1582                                        p_formula_text              => r_fff.information323,
1583                                        p_sticky_flag               => r_fff.information11,
1584                                        p_compile_flag              => r_fff.information12,
1585                                        p_last_update_date          => SYSDATE,
1586                                        p_last_updated_by           => 1,
1587                                        p_last_update_login         => 0,
1588                                        p_created_by                => 1,
1589                                        p_creation_date             => SYSDATE,
1590                                        p_process_date              => l_effective_date,
1591                                        p_dml_operation             => 'UPDATE',
1592                                        p_datetrack_mode            => l_datetrack_mode
1593                                       );
1594                ELSE
1595                   IF l_dml_operation <> 'UPDATE'
1596                   THEN
1597                     --
1598                      hr_utility.set_location (' l_formula_id ' || l_formula_id,90);
1599                      hr_utility.set_location (' l_formula_type_id '|| l_formula_type_id,90);
1600                      hr_utility.set_location (' name '|| l_prefix|| r_fff.information112|| l_suffix,90);
1601                      hr_utility.set_location (' esd ' || r_fff.information2,90);
1602                      hr_utility.set_location (' eed ' || r_fff.information3,90);
1604 		     l_formula_name := l_prefix || r_fff.information112 || l_suffix ; -- 5253679 (FF Case Sensitive)
1605                      --
1606                      create_or_update_ff (p_formula_id                => l_formula_id,
1607                                           p_effective_start_date      => r_fff.information2,
1608                                           p_effective_end_date        => r_fff.information3,
1609                                           p_business_group_id         => p_target_business_group_id,
1610                                           p_legislation_code          => r_fff.information13,
1611                                           p_formula_type_id           => r_fff.information160,
1612                                           p_formula_name              => l_formula_name, -- :FORMULA_NAME, 5253679 (FF Case Sensitive)
1613                                           p_description               => r_fff.information151,
1614                                           p_formula_text              => r_fff.information323,
1615                                           p_sticky_flag               => r_fff.information11,
1616                                           p_compile_flag              => r_fff.information12,
1617                                           p_last_update_date          => SYSDATE,
1618                                           p_last_updated_by           => 1,
1619                                           p_last_update_login         => 0,
1620                                           p_created_by                => 1,
1621                                           p_creation_date             => SYSDATE,
1622                                           p_process_date              => l_effective_date,
1623                                           p_dml_operation             => 'INSERT',
1624                                           p_datetrack_mode            => NULL
1625                                          );
1626 -- p_datetrack_mode is not necessary for dml_operation as INSERT
1627               --
1628               -- Do we need to call it twice ?
1629               -- Now call formula compilation.
1630               --
1631              /*
1632               compile_FFF_rows(
1633                p_copy_entity_txn_id             => p_copy_entity_txn_id
1634               ,p_effective_date                 => p_effective_date
1635               ,p_formula_name                   =>
1636                   replace(upper(l_prefix||r_FFF.information112||l_suffix),' ', '_'),
1637               ,p_formula_type_name              => r_FFF.information113
1638               ,p_request_id                     => l_request_id
1639               );
1640              */
1641               --
1642                   END IF;
1643                END IF;
1644             END IF;
1646             l_prev_pk_id := l_current_pk_id;
1647          --
1648          END IF;
1649       --
1650       END IF;
1651    --
1652    END LOOP;
1654    hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving Formula creation ', 10);
1658    THEN
1659       --
1660       raise_error_message ('FFF',l_prefix || r_fff.information112 || l_suffix);
1661 --
1662 END create_fff_rows;
1663 --
1664 --
1665  ---------------------------------------------------------------
1666  ----------------------< create_EAT_rows >-----------------------
1667  ---------------------------------------------------------------
1668  --
1669  procedure create_EAT_rows
1670  (
1671          p_validate                       in  number     default 0
1672         ,p_copy_entity_txn_id             in  number
1673         ,p_effective_date                 in  date
1674         ,p_prefix_suffix_text             in  varchar2  default null
1675         ,p_reuse_object_flag              in  varchar2  default null
1676         ,p_target_business_group_id       in  varchar2  default null
1677         ,p_prefix_suffix_cd               in  varchar2  default null
1678  ) is
1679   --
1680    cursor c_unique_EAT(l_table_alias varchar2) is
1681    select distinct cpe.information1,
1682      cpe.information2,
1683      cpe.information3,
1684      cpe.information170 name,
1685      cpe.table_route_id
1686    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe,
1687         pqh_table_route tr
1688    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
1689    and   cpe.table_route_id     = tr.table_route_id
1690    -- and   tr.where_clause        = l_BEN_ACTN_TYP
1691    and tr.table_alias = l_table_alias
1692    group by cpe.information1,cpe.information2,cpe.information3,
1693             cpe.information170, cpe.table_route_id
1694    order by information1, information2; --added for bug: 5151945
1695    --
1696    --
1697    cursor c_EAT_min_max_dates(c_table_route_id  number,
1698                 c_information1   number) is
1699    select
1700      min(cpe.information2) min_esd,
1701      max(cpe.information3) min_eed
1702    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
1703    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
1704    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
1705    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1 ;
1706    --
1707    cursor c_EAT(c_table_route_id  number,
1708                    c_information1   number,
1709                    c_information2   date,
1710                    c_information3   date )  is
1711    select
1712      cpe.*
1713    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
1714    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
1715    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
1716    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1
1717    and rownum = 1 ;
1718    -- Date Track target record
1719    cursor c_find_EAT_in_target( c_EAT_name                varchar2,
1720                                 c_effective_start_date    date,
1721                                 c_effective_end_date      date,
1722                                 c_business_group_id       number,
1723                                 c_new_pk_id               number) is
1724    select
1725      EAT.actn_typ_id new_value
1726    from BEN_ACTN_TYP EAT
1727    where
1728    EAT.name               = c_EAT_name and
1729    EAT.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
1730    and   EAT.actn_typ_id  <> c_new_pk_id
1731                 ;
1732    --
1733    l_current_pk_id           number := null ;
1734    --UPD START
1735    --
1736    l_update                  boolean      := false ;
1737    l_datetrack_mode          varchar2(80) := hr_api.g_update;
1738    l_process_date            date;
1739    l_dml_operation           ben_copy_entity_results.dml_operation%TYPE ;
1740    --
1741    --UPD END
1742    l_prev_pk_id              number := null ;
1743    l_first_rec               boolean := true ;
1744    r_EAT                     c_EAT%rowtype;
1745    l_actn_typ_id             number ;
1746    l_object_version_number   number ;
1747    l_effective_start_date    date ;
1748    l_effective_end_date      date ;
1749    l_prefix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
1750    l_suffix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
1751    l_new_value               number(15);
1752    l_object_found_in_target  boolean := false ;
1753    l_min_esd                 date;
1754    l_max_eed                 date;
1755    --
1756  begin
1757    -- Initialization
1758    l_object_found_in_target := false ;
1759    -- End Initialization
1760    -- Derive the prefix - sufix
1761    if   p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX' then
1762      l_prefix  := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
1763    elsif p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX' then
1764      l_suffix   := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
1765    else
1766      l_prefix := null ;
1767      l_suffix  := null ;
1768    end if ;
1769    -- End Prefix Sufix derivation
1770    for r_EAT_unique in c_unique_EAT('EAT') loop
1771      --
1772      hr_utility.set_location(' r_EAT_unique.table_route_id '||r_EAT_unique.table_route_id,10);
1773      hr_utility.set_location(' r_EAT_unique.information1 '||r_EAT_unique.information1,10);
1774      hr_utility.set_location( 'r_EAT_unique.information2 '||r_EAT_unique.information2,10);
1775      hr_utility.set_location( 'r_EAT_unique.information3 '||r_EAT_unique.information3,10);
1776      -- If reuse objects flag is 'Y' then check for the object in the target business group
1777      -- if found insert the record into PLSql table and exit the loop else try create the
1778      -- object in the target business group
1779      --
1780      l_object_found_in_target := false ;
1781      l_min_esd := null ;
1782      l_max_eed := null ;
1783        --
1784        open c_EAT(r_EAT_unique.table_route_id,
1785                 r_EAT_unique.information1,
1786                 r_EAT_unique.information2,
1787                 r_EAT_unique.information3 ) ;
1788        --
1789        fetch c_EAT into r_EAT ;
1790        --
1791        close c_EAT ;
1792        --
1793       -- if p_reuse_object_flag = 'Y' then  /* Always Reuse Action Types, Never create */
1794            -- cursor to find the object
1795            open c_find_EAT_in_target(r_EAT_unique.name, r_EAT_unique.information2,l_max_eed,
1796                                  p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_actn_typ_id, -999)  ) ;
1797            fetch c_find_EAT_in_target into l_new_value ;
1798            if c_find_EAT_in_target%found then
1799              --
1800              if r_EAT_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
1801                 nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'ACTN_TYP_ID'  then
1802                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'ACTN_TYP_ID' ;
1803                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_EAT_unique.information1 ;
1804                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := l_new_value ;
1805                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
1806                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_EAT_unique.table_route_id;
1807                 --
1808                 -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count) , p_copy_entity_txn_id) ;
1809                 --
1810                 g_count := g_count + 1 ;
1811              end if ;
1812              --
1813              l_object_found_in_target := true ;
1814            end if;
1815            close c_find_EAT_in_target ;
1816          --
1817      -- end if ;
1818      --
1820      /*
1821      if not l_object_found_in_target then
1822        --
1823        l_current_pk_id := r_EAT.information1;
1824        --
1825        hr_utility.set_location(' l_current_pk_id '||l_current_pk_id,20);
1826        hr_utility.set_location(' l_prev_pk_id '||l_prev_pk_id,20);
1827        --
1828        if l_current_pk_id =  l_prev_pk_id  then
1829          --
1830          l_first_rec := false ;
1831          --
1832        else
1833          --
1834          l_first_rec := true ;
1835          --
1836        end if ;
1837        --
1838        if l_first_rec then
1839          -- Call Create routine.
1840          hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_ACTN_TYP CREATE_ACTION_TYPE ',20);
1842              --
1843              P_VALIDATE               => false
1844              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => NVL(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ,p_effective_date)
1845              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
1846              --
1848 	                  ,P_ACTN_TYP_ID      => l_actn_typ_id
1849 	                  ,P_DESCRIPTION      => r_EAT.INFORMATION185
1850 	                  ,P_EAT_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_EAT.INFORMATION111
1851 	                  ,P_EAT_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_EAT.INFORMATION120
1852 	                  ,P_EAT_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_EAT.INFORMATION121
1853 	                  ,P_EAT_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_EAT.INFORMATION122
1854 	                  ,P_EAT_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_EAT.INFORMATION123
1855 	                  ,P_EAT_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_EAT.INFORMATION124
1856 	                  ,P_EAT_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_EAT.INFORMATION125
1857 	                  ,P_EAT_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_EAT.INFORMATION126
1858 	                  ,P_EAT_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_EAT.INFORMATION127
1859 	                  ,P_EAT_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_EAT.INFORMATION128
1860 	                  ,P_EAT_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_EAT.INFORMATION129
1861 	                  ,P_EAT_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_EAT.INFORMATION112
1862 	                  ,P_EAT_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_EAT.INFORMATION130
1863 	                  ,P_EAT_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_EAT.INFORMATION131
1864 	                  ,P_EAT_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_EAT.INFORMATION132
1865 	                  ,P_EAT_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_EAT.INFORMATION133
1866 	                  ,P_EAT_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_EAT.INFORMATION134
1867 	                  ,P_EAT_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_EAT.INFORMATION135
1868 	                  ,P_EAT_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_EAT.INFORMATION136
1869 	                  ,P_EAT_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_EAT.INFORMATION137
1870 	                  ,P_EAT_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_EAT.INFORMATION138
1871 	                  ,P_EAT_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_EAT.INFORMATION139
1872 	                  ,P_EAT_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_EAT.INFORMATION113
1873 	                  ,P_EAT_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_EAT.INFORMATION140
1874 	                  ,P_EAT_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_EAT.INFORMATION114
1875 	                  ,P_EAT_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_EAT.INFORMATION115
1876 	                  ,P_EAT_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_EAT.INFORMATION116
1877 	                  ,P_EAT_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_EAT.INFORMATION117
1878 	                  ,P_EAT_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_EAT.INFORMATION118
1879 	                  ,P_EAT_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_EAT.INFORMATION119
1880 	                  ,P_EAT_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_EAT.INFORMATION110
1881 	                  ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_EAT.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
1882              ,P_TYPE_CD      => r_EAT.INFORMATION11
1883              --
1884              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
1885          );
1886          -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
1887          -- Update all relevent cer records with new pk_id
1888          hr_utility.set_location('Before plsql table ',222);
1889          hr_utility.set_location('new_value id '||l_actn_typ_id,222);
1890          g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column := 'ACTN_TYP_ID' ;
1891          g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value    := r_EAT.information1 ;
1892          g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value    := l_ACTN_TYP_ID ;
1893          g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type  := 'COPIED';
1894          g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_EAT_unique.table_route_id;
1895          hr_utility.set_location('After plsql table ',222);
1896          --
1897          -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
1898          --
1899          g_count := g_count + 1 ;
1900        end if;
1901        --
1902        l_prev_pk_id := l_current_pk_id ;
1903        --
1904      end if;
1905      --
1906      */
1907    end loop;
1908    --
1909  exception when others then
1910      --
1911      BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.raise_error_message( 'EAT',r_eat.information5 );
1912      --
1913  end create_EAT_rows;
1915 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1916    --
1917    ---------------------------------------------------------------
1918    ----------------------< create_CPL_rows >-----------------------
1919    ---------------------------------------------------------------
1920    --
1921    procedure create_CPL_rows
1922    (
1923          p_validate                       in  number     default 0
1924         ,p_copy_entity_txn_id             in  number
1925         ,p_effective_date                 in  date
1926         ,p_prefix_suffix_text             in  varchar2  default null
1927         ,p_reuse_object_flag              in  varchar2  default null
1928         ,p_target_business_group_id       in  varchar2  default null
1929         ,p_prefix_suffix_cd               in  varchar2  default null
1930    ) is
1931    --
1932    l_PGM_ID  number;
1933    cursor c_unique_CPL(l_table_alias varchar2) is
1934    select distinct cpe.information1,
1935      cpe.information2,
1936      cpe.information3,
1937      cpe.INFORMATION170 name,
1938      cpe.table_route_id,
1939      cpe.dml_operation,
1940      cpe.datetrack_mode
1941    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe,
1942         pqh_table_route tr
1943    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
1944    and   cpe.table_route_id     = tr.table_route_id
1945    -- and   tr.where_clause        = l_BEN_CMBN_PLIP_F
1946    and tr.table_alias = l_table_alias
1947    and   cpe.number_of_copies   = 1 -- ADDITION
1948    group by cpe.information1,cpe.information2,cpe.information3, cpe.information170, cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
1949    order by information1, information2; --added for bug: 5151945
1950    --
1951    --
1952    cursor c_CPL_min_max_dates(c_table_route_id  number,
1953                 c_information1   number) is
1954    select
1955        min(cpe.information2) min_esd,
1956         max(cpe.information3) min_eed
1957    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
1958    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
1959    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
1960    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1 ;
1961    --
1962    cursor c_CPL(c_table_route_id  number,
1963                    c_information1   number,
1964                    c_information2   date,
1965                 c_information3   date )  is
1966    select
1967      cpe.*
1968    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
1969    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
1970    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
1971    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1
1972    and   cpe.information2       = c_information2
1973    and   cpe.information3       = c_information3
1974    and rownum = 1 ;
1975    -- Date Track target record
1976    cursor c_find_CPL_in_target( c_CPL_name           varchar2,
1977                                 c_effective_start_date    date,
1978                                 c_effective_end_date      date,
1979                                 c_business_group_id       number,
1980                                 c_new_pk_id               number) is
1981    select
1982      CPL.cmbn_plip_id new_value
1983    from BEN_CMBN_PLIP_F CPL
1984    where  CPL.name               = c_CPL_name and
1985    nvl(CPL.PGM_ID,-999)     = nvl(l_PGM_ID,-999)  and
1986    CPL.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
1987    and   CPL.cmbn_plip_id  <> c_new_pk_id
1988 --TEMPIK
1989    and c_effective_start_date between effective_start_date
1990                             and effective_end_date ;
1992 /*TEMPIK
1993    and exists ( select null
1994                 from BEN_CMBN_PLIP_F CPL1
1995                 where CPL1.name               = c_CPL_name and
1996                 nvl(CPL1.PGM_ID,-999)     = nvl(l_PGM_ID,-999)  and
1997                 CPL1.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
1998                 and   CPL1.effective_start_date <= c_effective_start_date )
1999    and exists ( select null
2000                 from BEN_CMBN_PLIP_F CPL2
2001                 where CPL2.name               = c_CPL_name and
2002                 nvl(CPL2.PGM_ID,-999)     = nvl(l_PGM_ID,-999)  and
2003                 CPL2.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
2004                 and   CPL2.effective_end_date >= c_effective_end_date )
2005                 ;
2006 TEMPIK */
2007    --TEMPIK
2008    l_dt_rec_found            boolean ;
2009    --END TEMPIK
2010    --
2011    -- Date Track target record
2012    --
2013    cursor c_find_CPL_name_in_target( c_CPL_name           varchar2,
2014                                 c_effective_start_date    date,
2015                                 c_effective_end_date      date,
2016                                 c_business_group_id       number,
2017                                 c_new_pk_id               number) is
2018    select
2019      CPL.cmbn_plip_id new_value
2020    from BEN_CMBN_PLIP_F CPL
2021    where  CPL.name               = c_CPL_name and
2022    CPL.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
2023    and   CPL.cmbn_plip_id  <> c_new_pk_id
2024    and exists ( select null
2025                 from BEN_CMBN_PLIP_F CPL1
2026                 where CPL1.name               = c_CPL_name and
2027                 CPL1.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
2028                 and   CPL1.effective_start_date <= c_effective_start_date )
2029    and exists ( select null
2030                 from BEN_CMBN_PLIP_F CPL2
2031                 where CPL2.name               = c_CPL_name and
2032                 CPL2.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
2033                 and   CPL2.effective_end_date >= c_effective_end_date )
2034                 ;
2035    --
2036    l_current_pk_id           number := null ;
2037    --UPD START
2038    --
2039    l_update                  boolean      := false ;
2040    l_datetrack_mode          varchar2(80) := hr_api.g_update;
2041    l_process_date            date;
2042    l_dml_operation           ben_copy_entity_results.dml_operation%TYPE ;
2043    --
2044    --UPD END
2045    l_prev_pk_id              number := null ;
2046    l_first_rec               boolean := true ;
2047    r_CPL                     c_CPL%rowtype;
2048    l_cmbn_plip_id             number ;
2049    l_object_version_number   number ;
2050    l_effective_start_date    date ;
2051    l_effective_end_date      date ;
2052    l_prefix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
2053    l_suffix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
2054    l_new_value               number(15);
2055    l_object_found_in_target  boolean := false ;
2056    l_min_esd                 date;
2057    l_max_eed                 date;
2058    l_effective_date          date;
2059    --
2060  begin
2061    -- Initialization
2062    l_object_found_in_target := false ;
2063    -- End Initialization
2065    for r_CPL_unique in c_unique_CPL('CPL') loop
2067      if (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is null or
2068         (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
2069          r_CPL_unique.information3 >=
2070                  ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date)
2071         ) then
2072        --
2073        if   p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX' then
2074          l_prefix  := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
2075        elsif p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX' then
2076          l_suffix   := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
2077        else
2078          l_prefix := null ;
2079          l_suffix  := null ;
2080        end if ;
2081        --
2082        hr_utility.set_location(' r_CPL_unique.table_route_id '||r_CPL_unique.table_route_id,10);
2083        hr_utility.set_location(' r_CPL_unique.information1 '||r_CPL_unique.information1,10);
2084        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_CPL_unique.information2 '||r_CPL_unique.information2,10);
2085        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_CPL_unique.information3 '||r_CPL_unique.information3,10);
2086        -- If reuse objects flag is 'Y' then check for the object in the target business group
2087        -- if found insert the record into PLSql table and exit the loop else try create the
2088        -- object in the target business group
2089        --
2090        open c_CPL(r_CPL_unique.table_route_id,
2091                 r_CPL_unique.information1,
2092                 r_CPL_unique.information2,
2093                 r_CPL_unique.information3 ) ;
2094        --
2095        fetch c_CPL into r_CPL ;
2096        --
2097        close c_CPL ;
2098        l_PGM_ID := get_fk('PGM_ID', r_CPL.INFORMATION260,r_CPL_unique.dml_operation);
2100        l_object_found_in_target := false ;
2101        --UPD START
2102        l_update := false;
2103        l_process_date := p_effective_date;
2104        l_dml_operation:= r_CPL_unique.dml_operation ;
2105        --
2106        if l_dml_operation = 'UPDATE' then
2107          --
2108          l_object_found_in_target := TRUE;
2109          --
2110          if l_process_date between r_CPL_unique.information2 and r_CPL_unique.information3 then
2111                l_update := true;
2112                if r_CPL_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
2113                   nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'CMBN_PLIP_ID'  then
2114                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'CMBN_PLIP_ID' ;
2115                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_CPL_unique.information1 ;
2116                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := r_CPL_unique.information1 ;
2117                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
2118                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_CPL_unique.table_route_id;
2119                   --
2120                   -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
2121                   --
2122                   g_count := g_count + 1 ;
2123                   --
2124                   log_data('CPL',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_CPL_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
2125                   --
2126                end if ;
2127                hr_utility.set_location( 'found record for update',10);
2128            --
2129          else
2130            --
2131            l_update := false;
2132            --
2133          end if;
2134        else
2135          --
2136          --UPD END
2137        l_min_esd := null ;
2138        l_max_eed := null ;
2139        open c_CPL_min_max_dates(r_CPL_unique.table_route_id, r_CPL_unique.information1 ) ;
2140        fetch c_CPL_min_max_dates into l_min_esd,l_max_eed ;
2142        if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
2143             l_min_esd < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
2144          l_min_esd := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
2145        end if;
2146        l_min_esd := greatest(l_min_esd,r_CPL_unique.information2);
2147        --
2148        /*
2149        open c_CPL(r_CPL_unique.table_route_id,
2150                 r_CPL_unique.information1,
2151                 r_CPL_unique.information2,
2152                 r_CPL_unique.information3 ) ;
2153        --
2154        fetch c_CPL into r_CPL ;
2155        --
2156        close c_CPL ;
2157        --
2158        l_PGM_ID := get_fk('PGM_ID', r_CPL.INFORMATION260);
2159        */
2160        if p_reuse_object_flag = 'Y' then
2161          if c_CPL_min_max_dates%found then
2162            -- cursor to find the object
2163            open c_find_CPL_in_target( l_prefix || r_CPL_unique.name|| l_suffix  ,l_min_esd,l_max_eed,
2164                                  p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_cmbn_plip_id, -999)  ) ;
2165            fetch c_find_CPL_in_target into l_new_value ;
2166            if c_find_CPL_in_target%found then
2167              --
2168              --TEMPIK
2169              l_dt_rec_found :=   dt_api.check_min_max_dates
2170                  (p_base_table_name => 'BEN_CMBN_PLIP_F',
2171                   p_base_key_column => 'CMBN_PLIP_ID',
2172                   p_base_key_value  => l_new_value,
2173                   p_from_date       => l_min_esd,
2174                   p_to_date         => l_max_eed );
2175              if l_dt_rec_found THEN
2176              --END TEMPIK
2177              if r_CPL_unique.information1 <> nvl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
2178                 nvl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'CMBN_PLIP_ID'  then
2179                 ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count).pk_id_column    := 'CMBN_PLIP_ID' ;
2180                 ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count).old_value       := r_CPL_unique.information1 ;
2181                 ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count).new_value       := l_new_value ;
2182                 ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
2183                 ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count).table_route_id  := r_CPL_unique.table_route_id;
2184                 --
2185                 -- -- update_cer_with_target( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count) , p_copy_entity_txn_id) ;
2186                 --
2187                 ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count + 1 ;
2188                 --
2189                 log_data('CPL',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_CPL_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
2190                 --
2191              end if ;
2192              --
2193              l_object_found_in_target := true ;
2194              --TEMPIK
2195              end if; -- l_dt_rec_found
2196              --END TEMPIK
2197              --
2198            else
2199              -- NEW
2200              if p_prefix_suffix_text is null then
2201                --
2202                open c_find_CPL_name_in_target( l_prefix || r_CPL_unique.name|| l_suffix  ,
2203                                l_min_esd,l_max_eed,
2204                                p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_cmbn_plip_id, -999) ) ;
2205                fetch c_find_CPL_name_in_target into l_new_value ;
2206                if c_find_CPL_name_in_target%found then
2207                  --
2208                  if   p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX' then
2209                    l_prefix  := BEN_PLAN_DESIGN_TXNS_API.g_pgm_pl_prefix_suffix_text ;
2210                  elsif p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX' then
2211                    l_suffix   := BEN_PLAN_DESIGN_TXNS_API.g_pgm_pl_prefix_suffix_text ;
2212                  else
2213                    l_prefix := null ;
2214                    l_suffix  := null ;
2215                  end if ;
2216                  --
2217                end if;
2218              close c_find_CPL_name_in_target ;
2219              end if;
2220              --dbms_output.put_line(' Second Cursor ');
2221            end if;
2222            close c_find_CPL_in_target ;
2223            -- NEW
2224          end if;
2225        end if ;
2226        --
2227        close c_CPL_min_max_dates ;
2228        --UPD START
2229        end if; --if p_dml_operation
2230        --
2231        -- if not l_object_found_in_target then
2232        if not l_object_found_in_target OR l_update  then
2233          --
2234        --UPD END
2235          --
2236          l_current_pk_id := r_CPL.information1;
2237          --
2238          hr_utility.set_location(' l_current_pk_id '||l_current_pk_id,20);
2239          hr_utility.set_location(' l_prev_pk_id '||l_prev_pk_id,20);
2240          --
2241          if l_current_pk_id =  l_prev_pk_id  then
2242            --
2243            l_first_rec := false ;
2244            --
2245          else
2246            --
2247            l_first_rec := true ;
2248            --
2249          end if ;
2250          --
2251          ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.ben_chk_col_len('NAME' ,'BEN_CMBN_PLIP_F' ,l_prefix || r_CPL.information170 || l_suffix);
2252          --
2254          l_effective_date := r_CPL.information2;
2255          if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
2256               l_effective_date < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
2257            l_effective_date := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
2258          end if;
2260          if l_first_rec and not l_update then
2261            -- Call Create routine.
2262            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_CMBN_PLIP_F CREATE_CMBN_PLIP ',20);
2264              --
2265              P_VALIDATE               => false
2266              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
2267              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
2268              --
2269              ,P_CMBN_PLIP_ID      => l_cmbn_plip_id
2270 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_CPL.INFORMATION111
2271 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_CPL.INFORMATION120
2272 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_CPL.INFORMATION121
2273 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_CPL.INFORMATION122
2274 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_CPL.INFORMATION123
2275 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_CPL.INFORMATION124
2276 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_CPL.INFORMATION125
2277 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_CPL.INFORMATION126
2278 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_CPL.INFORMATION127
2279 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_CPL.INFORMATION128
2280 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_CPL.INFORMATION129
2281 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_CPL.INFORMATION112
2282 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_CPL.INFORMATION130
2283 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_CPL.INFORMATION131
2284 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_CPL.INFORMATION132
2285 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_CPL.INFORMATION133
2286 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_CPL.INFORMATION134
2287 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_CPL.INFORMATION135
2288 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_CPL.INFORMATION136
2289 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_CPL.INFORMATION137
2290 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_CPL.INFORMATION138
2291 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_CPL.INFORMATION139
2292 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_CPL.INFORMATION113
2293 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_CPL.INFORMATION140
2294 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_CPL.INFORMATION114
2295 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_CPL.INFORMATION115
2296 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_CPL.INFORMATION116
2297 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_CPL.INFORMATION117
2298 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_CPL.INFORMATION118
2299 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_CPL.INFORMATION119
2300 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_CPL.INFORMATION110
2301 	                  ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_CPL.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
2302                           ,P_PGM_ID      => l_PGM_ID
2303              --
2304              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
2305              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
2306              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
2307            );
2308            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
2309            -- Update all relevent cer records with new pk_id
2310            hr_utility.set_location('Before plsql table ',222);
2311            hr_utility.set_location('new_value id '||l_cmbn_plip_id,222);
2312            ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count).pk_id_column := 'CMBN_PLIP_ID' ;
2313            ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count).old_value    := r_CPL.information1 ;
2314            ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count).new_value    := l_CMBN_PLIP_ID ;
2315            ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count).copy_reuse_type  := 'COPIED';
2316            ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count).table_route_id  := r_CPL_unique.table_route_id;
2317            hr_utility.set_location('After plsql table ',222);
2318            --
2319            -- update_cer_with_target( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
2320            --
2321            ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count + 1 ;
2322            --
2323            log_data('CPL',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_CPL.information170 || l_suffix,'COPIED');
2324            --
2325          else
2326            --
2327            -- Call Update routine for the pk_id created in prev run .
2328            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
2329            hr_utility.set_location('Before call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'||l_datetrack_mode,5);
2330            --
2331            if l_update then
2332              --
2333              l_datetrack_mode := r_CPL.datetrack_mode ;
2334              --
2335              get_dt_modes(
2336                p_effective_date        => l_process_date,
2337                p_effective_end_date    => r_CPL.information3,
2338                p_effective_start_date  => r_CPL.information2,
2339                p_dml_operation         => r_CPL.dml_operation,
2340                p_datetrack_mode        => l_datetrack_mode );
2341            --    p_update                => l_update
2342              --
2343              l_effective_date := l_process_date;
2344              l_cmbn_plip_id   := r_CPL.information1;
2345              l_object_version_number := r_CPL.information265;
2346              --
2347            end if;
2348            --
2349            hr_utility.set_location('After call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'||l_datetrack_mode,5);
2350            --
2351            IF l_update OR l_dml_operation <> 'UPDATE' THEN
2352            --UPD END
2353            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_CMBN_PLIP_F UPDATE_CMBN_PLIP ',30);
2355              --
2356              P_VALIDATE               => false
2357              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
2358              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
2359              --
2360              ,P_CMBN_PLIP_ID      => l_cmbn_plip_id
2361 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_CPL.INFORMATION111
2362 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_CPL.INFORMATION120
2363 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_CPL.INFORMATION121
2364 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_CPL.INFORMATION122
2365 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_CPL.INFORMATION123
2366 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_CPL.INFORMATION124
2367 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_CPL.INFORMATION125
2368 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_CPL.INFORMATION126
2369 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_CPL.INFORMATION127
2370 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_CPL.INFORMATION128
2371 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_CPL.INFORMATION129
2372 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_CPL.INFORMATION112
2373 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_CPL.INFORMATION130
2374 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_CPL.INFORMATION131
2375 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_CPL.INFORMATION132
2376 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_CPL.INFORMATION133
2377 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_CPL.INFORMATION134
2378 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_CPL.INFORMATION135
2379 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_CPL.INFORMATION136
2380 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_CPL.INFORMATION137
2381 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_CPL.INFORMATION138
2382 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_CPL.INFORMATION139
2383 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_CPL.INFORMATION113
2384 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_CPL.INFORMATION140
2385 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_CPL.INFORMATION114
2386 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_CPL.INFORMATION115
2387 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_CPL.INFORMATION116
2388 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_CPL.INFORMATION117
2389 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_CPL.INFORMATION118
2390 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_CPL.INFORMATION119
2391 	                  ,P_CPL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_CPL.INFORMATION110
2392 	                  ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_CPL.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
2393              ,P_PGM_ID      => l_PGM_ID
2394              --
2395              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
2396              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
2397              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER => l_object_version_number
2398              ,P_DATETRACK_MODE        => l_datetrack_mode
2399            );
2400            end if;
2401          --
2402          end if;
2403          --
2404          -- Delete the row if it is end dated.
2405          --
2406          if (trunc(l_max_eed) <> trunc(hr_api.g_eot) and
2407              trunc(l_max_eed) <> l_effective_end_date and      /* Bug 4302963 */
2408              trunc(l_max_eed) = r_CPL.information3) then
2409            --
2410            BEN_CMBN_PLIP_API.delete_CMBN_PLIP(
2411                 --
2412                 p_validate                       => false
2413                 ,p_cmbn_plip_id                   => l_cmbn_plip_id
2414                 ,p_effective_start_date           => l_effective_start_date
2415                 ,p_effective_end_date             => l_effective_end_date
2416                 ,p_object_version_number          => l_object_version_number
2417                 ,p_effective_date                 => l_max_eed
2418                 ,p_datetrack_mode                 => hr_api.g_delete
2419                 --
2420                 );
2421                 --
2422          end if;
2423          --
2424          l_prev_pk_id := l_current_pk_id ;
2425          --
2426        end if;
2427        --
2428      end if;
2429      --
2430    end loop;
2431    --
2432  exception when others then
2433    --
2434    raise_error_message( 'CPL',l_prefix || r_CPL.information170 || l_suffix) ;
2435    --
2436  end create_CPL_rows;
2438    --
2439    ---------------------------------------------------------------
2440    ----------------------< create_CBP_rows >-----------------------
2441    ---------------------------------------------------------------
2442    --
2443    procedure create_CBP_rows
2444    (
2445          p_validate                       in  number     default 0
2446         ,p_copy_entity_txn_id             in  number
2447         ,p_effective_date                 in  date
2448         ,p_prefix_suffix_text             in  varchar2  default null
2449         ,p_reuse_object_flag              in  varchar2  default null
2450         ,p_target_business_group_id       in  varchar2  default null
2451         ,p_prefix_suffix_cd               in  varchar2  default null
2452    ) is
2453    --
2454    l_PGM_ID  number;
2455    cursor c_unique_CBP(l_table_alias varchar2) is
2456    select distinct cpe.information1,
2457      cpe.information2,
2458      cpe.information3,
2459      cpe.INFORMATION170 name,
2460      cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
2461    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe,
2462         pqh_table_route tr
2463    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
2464    and   cpe.table_route_id     = tr.table_route_id
2465    -- and   tr.where_clause        = l_BEN_CMBN_PTIP_F
2466    and tr.table_alias = l_table_alias
2467    and   cpe.number_of_copies   = 1 -- ADDITION
2468    group by cpe.information1,cpe.information2,cpe.information3, cpe.INFORMATION170, cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
2469    order by information1, information2; --added for bug: 5151945
2470    --
2471    --
2472    cursor c_CBP_min_max_dates(c_table_route_id  number,
2473                 c_information1   number) is
2474    select
2475      min(cpe.information2) min_esd,
2476      max(cpe.information3) min_eed
2477    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
2478    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
2479    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
2480    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1 ;
2481    --
2482    cursor c_CBP(c_table_route_id  number,
2483                 c_information1   number,
2484                 c_information2   date,
2485                 c_information3   date )  is
2486    select
2487      cpe.*
2488    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
2489    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
2490    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
2491    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1
2492    and   cpe.information2       = c_information2
2493    and   cpe.information3       = c_information3
2494    and rownum = 1 ;
2495    -- Date Track target record
2496    cursor c_find_CBP_in_target( c_CBP_name           varchar2,
2497                                 c_effective_start_date    date,
2498                                 c_effective_end_date      date,
2499                                 c_business_group_id       number,
2500                                 c_new_pk_id               number) is
2501    select
2502      CBP.cmbn_ptip_id new_value
2503    from BEN_CMBN_PTIP_F CBP
2504    where CBP.name               = c_CBP_name and
2505    nvl(CBP.PGM_ID,-999)     = nvl(l_PGM_ID,-999)  and
2506    CBP.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
2507    and   CBP.cmbn_ptip_id  <> c_new_pk_id
2508 --TEMPIK
2509    and c_effective_start_date between effective_start_date
2510                             and effective_end_date ;
2512 /*TEMPIK
2513    and exists ( select null
2514                 from BEN_CMBN_PTIP_F CBP1
2515                 where CBP1.name               = c_CBP_name and
2516                 nvl(CBP1.PGM_ID,-999)     = nvl(l_PGM_ID,-999)  and
2517                 CBP1.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
2518                 and   CBP1.effective_start_date <= c_effective_start_date )
2519    and exists ( select null
2520                 from BEN_CMBN_PTIP_F CBP2
2521                 where CBP2.name               = c_CBP_name and
2522                 nvl(CBP2.PGM_ID,-999)     = nvl(l_PGM_ID,-999)  and
2523                 CBP2.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
2524                 and   CBP2.effective_end_date >= c_effective_end_date )
2525                 ;
2526 TEMPIK */
2527    --TEMPIK
2528    l_dt_rec_found            boolean ;
2529    --END TEMPIK
2530    --
2531    cursor c_find_CBP_name_in_target( c_CBP_name           varchar2,
2532                                 c_effective_start_date    date,
2533                                 c_effective_end_date      date,
2534                                 c_business_group_id       number,
2535                                 c_new_pk_id               number) is
2536    select
2537      CBP.cmbn_ptip_id new_value
2538    from BEN_CMBN_PTIP_F CBP
2539    where CBP.name               = c_CBP_name and
2540    CBP.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
2541    and   CBP.cmbn_ptip_id  <> c_new_pk_id
2542    and exists ( select null
2543                 from BEN_CMBN_PTIP_F CBP1
2544                 where CBP1.name               = c_CBP_name and
2545                 CBP1.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
2546                 and   CBP1.effective_start_date <= c_effective_start_date )
2547    and exists ( select null
2548                 from BEN_CMBN_PTIP_F CBP2
2549                 where CBP2.name               = c_CBP_name and
2550                 CBP2.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
2551                 and   CBP2.effective_end_date >= c_effective_end_date )
2552                 ;
2553    l_current_pk_id           number := null ;
2554    --UPD START
2555    --
2556    l_update                  boolean      := false ;
2557    l_datetrack_mode          varchar2(80) := hr_api.g_update;
2558    l_process_date            date;
2559    l_dml_operation           ben_copy_entity_results.dml_operation%TYPE ;
2560    --
2561    --UPD END
2562    l_prev_pk_id              number := null ;
2563    l_first_rec               boolean := true ;
2564    r_CBP                     c_CBP%rowtype;
2565    l_cmbn_ptip_id             number ;
2566    l_object_version_number   number ;
2567    l_effective_start_date    date ;
2568    l_effective_end_date      date ;
2569    l_prefix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
2570    l_suffix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
2571    l_new_value               number(15);
2572    l_object_found_in_target  boolean := false ;
2573    l_min_esd                 date;
2574    l_max_eed                 date;
2575    l_effective_date          date;
2576    --
2577  begin
2578    -- Initialization
2579    l_object_found_in_target := false ;
2580    -- End Initialization
2582    for r_CBP_unique in c_unique_CBP('CBP') loop
2584      if (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is null or
2585         (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
2586          r_CBP_unique.information3 >=
2587                  ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date)
2588         ) then
2589        --
2590        if   p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX' then
2591          l_prefix  := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
2592        elsif p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX' then
2593          l_suffix   := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
2594        else
2595          l_prefix := null ;
2596          l_suffix  := null ;
2597        end if ;
2598        --
2599        hr_utility.set_location(' r_CBP_unique.table_route_id '||r_CBP_unique.table_route_id,10);
2600        hr_utility.set_location(' r_CBP_unique.information1 '||r_CBP_unique.information1,10);
2601        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_CBP_unique.information2 '||r_CBP_unique.information2,10);
2602        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_CBP_unique.information3 '||r_CBP_unique.information3,10);
2603        -- If reuse objects flag is 'Y' then check for the object in the target business group
2604        -- if found insert the record into PLSql table and exit the loop else try create the
2605        -- object in the target business group
2606        --
2607        l_object_found_in_target := false ;
2608        l_min_esd := null ;
2609        l_max_eed := null ;
2610        open c_CBP_min_max_dates(r_CBP_unique.table_route_id, r_CBP_unique.information1 ) ;
2611        fetch c_CBP_min_max_dates into l_min_esd,l_max_eed ;
2612        --
2614        if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
2615             l_min_esd < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
2616          l_min_esd := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
2617        end if;
2618        l_min_esd := greatest(l_min_esd,r_CBP_unique.information2);
2619        open c_CBP(r_CBP_unique.table_route_id,
2620                 r_CBP_unique.information1,
2621                 r_CBP_unique.information2,
2622                 r_CBP_unique.information3 ) ;
2623        --
2624        fetch c_CBP into r_CBP ;
2625        --
2626        close c_CBP ;
2627        --
2628        l_update := false;
2629        l_process_date := p_effective_date;
2630        l_dml_operation:= r_CBP_unique.dml_operation ;
2631        --
2632        l_PGM_ID := get_fk('PGM_ID', r_CBP.information260,l_dml_operation );
2633        if l_dml_operation = 'UPDATE' then
2634          --
2635          l_object_found_in_target := TRUE;
2636          --
2637          if l_process_date between r_CBP_unique.information2 and r_CBP_unique.information3 then
2638                l_update := true;
2639                if r_CBP_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
2640                   nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'CMBN_PTIP_ID'  then
2641                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'CMBN_PTIP_ID' ;
2642                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_CBP_unique.information1 ;
2643                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := r_CBP_unique.information1 ;
2644                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
2645                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_CBP_unique.table_route_id;
2646                   --
2647                   -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
2648                   --
2649                   g_count := g_count + 1 ;
2650                   --
2651                   log_data('CBP',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_CBP_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
2652                   --
2653                end if ;
2654                hr_utility.set_location( 'found record for update',10);
2655            --
2656          else
2657            --
2658            l_update := false;
2659            --
2660          end if;
2661        else
2662          --
2663          --UPD END
2664        if p_reuse_object_flag = 'Y' then
2665          if c_CBP_min_max_dates%found then
2666            -- cursor to find the object
2667           open c_find_CBP_in_target( l_prefix || r_CBP_unique.name|| l_suffix  ,r_CBP_unique.information2,l_max_eed,
2668                                  p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_cmbn_ptip_id, -999)  ) ;
2670            fetch c_find_CBP_in_target into l_new_value ;
2671            if c_find_CBP_in_target%found then
2672              --TEMPIK
2673              l_dt_rec_found :=   dt_api.check_min_max_dates
2674                  (p_base_table_name => 'BEN_CMBN_PTIP_F',
2675                   p_base_key_column => 'CMBN_PTIP_ID',
2676                   p_base_key_value  => l_new_value,
2677                   p_from_date       => l_min_esd,
2678                   p_to_date         => l_max_eed );
2679              if l_dt_rec_found THEN
2680              --END TEMPIK
2681              --
2682              if r_CBP_unique.information1 <> nvl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
2683                 nvl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'CMBN_PTIP_ID'  then
2684                 ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count).pk_id_column    := 'CMBN_PTIP_ID' ;
2685                 ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count).old_value       := r_CBP_unique.information1 ;
2686                 ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count).new_value       := l_new_value ;
2687                 ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
2688                 ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count).table_route_id  := r_CBP_unique.table_route_id;
2689                 --
2690                 -- update_cer_with_target( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count) , p_copy_entity_txn_id) ;
2691                 --
2692                 ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count + 1 ;
2693                 --
2694                 log_data('CBP',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_CBP_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
2695                 --
2696              end if ;
2697              --
2698              l_object_found_in_target := true ;
2699              --TEMPIK
2700              end if; -- l_dt_rec_found
2701              --END TEMPIK
2702            else
2703              if p_prefix_suffix_text is null then
2704                --
2705                open c_find_CBP_name_in_target( l_prefix || r_CBP_unique.name|| l_suffix  ,
2706                                l_min_esd,l_max_eed,
2707                                p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_cmbn_ptip_id, -999) ) ;
2708                fetch c_find_CBP_name_in_target into l_new_value ;
2709                if c_find_CBP_name_in_target%found then
2710                  --
2711                  if   p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX' then
2712                    l_prefix  := BEN_PLAN_DESIGN_TXNS_API.g_pgm_pl_prefix_suffix_text ;
2713                  elsif p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX' then
2714                    l_suffix   := BEN_PLAN_DESIGN_TXNS_API.g_pgm_pl_prefix_suffix_text ;
2715                  else
2716                    l_prefix := null ;
2717                    l_suffix  := null ;
2718                  end if ;
2719                  --
2720                end if;
2721                close c_find_CBP_name_in_target ;
2722              end if;
2723              --dbms_output.put_line(' Second Cursor ');
2724            end if;
2725            close c_find_CBP_in_target ;
2726            -- NEW
2727            --
2728          end if;
2729        end if ;
2730        --
2731        end if ;  --UPDATE
2732        --
2733        close c_CBP_min_max_dates ;
2734        if not l_object_found_in_target then
2735          --
2736          l_current_pk_id := r_CBP.information1;
2737          --
2738          hr_utility.set_location(' l_current_pk_id '||l_current_pk_id,20);
2739          hr_utility.set_location(' l_prev_pk_id '||l_prev_pk_id,20);
2740          --
2741          if l_current_pk_id =  l_prev_pk_id  then
2742            --
2743            l_first_rec := false ;
2744            --
2745          else
2746            --
2747            l_first_rec := true ;
2748            --
2749          end if ;
2750          --
2751          ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.ben_chk_col_len('NAME' ,'BEN_CMBN_PTIP_F' ,l_prefix || r_CBP.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix);
2752          --
2754          l_effective_date := r_CBP.information2;
2755          if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
2756               l_effective_date < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
2757            l_effective_date := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
2758          end if;
2760          if l_first_rec and not l_update then
2761            -- Call Create routine.
2762            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_CMBN_PTIP_F CREATE_CMBN_PTIP ',20);
2764              --
2765              P_VALIDATE               => false
2766              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
2767              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
2768              --
2769              ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_CBP.INFORMATION111
2770 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_CBP.INFORMATION120
2771 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_CBP.INFORMATION121
2772 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_CBP.INFORMATION122
2773 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_CBP.INFORMATION123
2774 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_CBP.INFORMATION124
2775 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_CBP.INFORMATION125
2776 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_CBP.INFORMATION126
2777 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_CBP.INFORMATION127
2778 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_CBP.INFORMATION128
2779 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_CBP.INFORMATION129
2780 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_CBP.INFORMATION112
2781 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_CBP.INFORMATION130
2782 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_CBP.INFORMATION131
2783 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_CBP.INFORMATION132
2784 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_CBP.INFORMATION133
2785 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_CBP.INFORMATION134
2786 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_CBP.INFORMATION135
2787 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_CBP.INFORMATION136
2788 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_CBP.INFORMATION137
2789 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_CBP.INFORMATION138
2790 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_CBP.INFORMATION139
2791 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_CBP.INFORMATION113
2792 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_CBP.INFORMATION140
2793 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_CBP.INFORMATION114
2794 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_CBP.INFORMATION115
2795 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_CBP.INFORMATION116
2796 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_CBP.INFORMATION117
2797 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_CBP.INFORMATION118
2798 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_CBP.INFORMATION119
2799 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_CBP.INFORMATION110
2800 	                  ,P_CMBN_PTIP_ID      => l_cmbn_ptip_id
2801 	                  ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_CBP.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
2802              ,P_PGM_ID      => l_PGM_ID
2803              --
2804              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
2805              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
2806              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
2807            );
2808            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
2809            -- Update all relevent cer records with new pk_id
2810            hr_utility.set_location('Before plsql table ',222);
2811            hr_utility.set_location('new_value id '||l_cmbn_ptip_id,222);
2812            ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count).pk_id_column := 'CMBN_PTIP_ID' ;
2813            ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count).old_value    := r_CBP.information1 ;
2814            ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count).new_value    := l_CMBN_PTIP_ID ;
2815            ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count).copy_reuse_type  := 'COPIED';
2816            ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count).table_route_id  := r_CBP_unique.table_route_id;
2817            hr_utility.set_location('After plsql table ',222);
2818            --
2819            -- update_cer_with_target( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
2820            --
2821            ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count + 1 ;
2822            --
2823            log_data('CBP',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_CBP.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix,'COPIED');
2824            --
2825          else
2826            --
2827            -- Call Update routine for the pk_id created in prev run .
2828            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
2829            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_CMBN_PTIP_F UPDATE_CMBN_PTIP ',30);
2831              --
2832              P_VALIDATE               => false
2833              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
2834              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
2835              --
2836              ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_CBP.INFORMATION111
2837 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_CBP.INFORMATION120
2838 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_CBP.INFORMATION121
2839 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_CBP.INFORMATION122
2840 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_CBP.INFORMATION123
2841 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_CBP.INFORMATION124
2842 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_CBP.INFORMATION125
2843 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_CBP.INFORMATION126
2844 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_CBP.INFORMATION127
2845 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_CBP.INFORMATION128
2846 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_CBP.INFORMATION129
2847 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_CBP.INFORMATION112
2848 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_CBP.INFORMATION130
2849 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_CBP.INFORMATION131
2850 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_CBP.INFORMATION132
2851 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_CBP.INFORMATION133
2852 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_CBP.INFORMATION134
2853 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_CBP.INFORMATION135
2854 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_CBP.INFORMATION136
2855 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_CBP.INFORMATION137
2856 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_CBP.INFORMATION138
2857 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_CBP.INFORMATION139
2858 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_CBP.INFORMATION113
2859 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_CBP.INFORMATION140
2860 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_CBP.INFORMATION114
2861 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_CBP.INFORMATION115
2862 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_CBP.INFORMATION116
2863 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_CBP.INFORMATION117
2864 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_CBP.INFORMATION118
2865 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_CBP.INFORMATION119
2866 	                  ,P_CBP_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_CBP.INFORMATION110
2867 	                  ,P_CMBN_PTIP_ID      => l_cmbn_ptip_id
2868 	                  ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_CBP.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
2869              ,P_PGM_ID      => l_PGM_ID
2870              --
2871              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
2872              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
2873              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER => l_object_version_number
2874              ,P_DATETRACK_MODE        => l_datetrack_mode
2875            );
2876            --
2877          end if;
2878          --
2879          -- Delete the row if it is end dated.
2880          --
2881          if (trunc(l_max_eed) <> trunc(hr_api.g_eot) and
2882              trunc(l_max_eed) <> l_effective_end_date and      /* Bug 4302963 */
2883              trunc(l_max_eed) = r_CBP.information3) then
2884              --
2885              BEN_CMBN_PTIP_API.delete_CMBN_PTIP(
2886                 --
2887                 p_validate                       => false
2888                 ,p_cmbn_ptip_id                   => l_cmbn_ptip_id
2889                 ,p_effective_start_date           => l_effective_start_date
2890                 ,p_effective_end_date             => l_effective_end_date
2891                 ,p_object_version_number          => l_object_version_number
2892                 ,p_effective_date                 => l_max_eed
2893                 ,p_datetrack_mode                 => hr_api.g_delete
2894                 --
2895                 );
2896                 --
2897          end if;
2898          --
2899          l_prev_pk_id := l_current_pk_id ;
2900          --
2901        end if;
2902        --
2903      end if;
2904      --
2905    end loop;
2906    --
2907  exception when others then
2908    --
2909    raise_error_message( 'CBP',l_prefix || r_CBP.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix) ;
2910    --
2911  end create_CBP_rows;
2913    --
2914    ---------------------------------------------------------------
2915    ----------------------< create_CPT_rows >-----------------------
2916    ---------------------------------------------------------------
2917    --
2918    procedure create_CPT_rows
2919    (
2920          p_validate                       in  number     default 0
2921         ,p_copy_entity_txn_id             in  number
2922         ,p_effective_date                 in  date
2923         ,p_prefix_suffix_text             in  varchar2  default null
2924         ,p_reuse_object_flag              in  varchar2  default null
2925         ,p_target_business_group_id       in  varchar2  default null
2926         ,p_prefix_suffix_cd               in  varchar2  default null
2927    ) is
2928    --
2929    l_OPT_ID  number;
2930    l_PGM_ID  number;
2931    l_PTIP_ID  number;
2932    cursor c_unique_CPT(l_table_alias varchar2) is
2933    select distinct cpe.information1,
2934      cpe.information2,
2935      cpe.information3,
2936      cpe.INFORMATION170 name,
2937      cpe.table_route_id,
2938      cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
2939    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe,
2940         pqh_table_route tr
2941    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
2942    and   cpe.table_route_id     = tr.table_route_id
2943    -- and   tr.where_clause        = l_BEN_CMBN_PTIP_OPT_F
2944    and tr.table_alias = l_table_alias
2945    and   cpe.number_of_copies   = 1 -- ADDITION
2946    group by cpe.information1,cpe.information2,cpe.information3, cpe.INFORMATION170, cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
2947    order by information1, information2; --added for bug: 5151945
2948    --
2949    --
2950    cursor c_CPT_min_max_dates(c_table_route_id  number,
2951                 c_information1   number) is
2952    select
2953      min(cpe.information2) min_esd,
2954      max(cpe.information3) min_eed
2955    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
2956    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
2957    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
2958    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1 ;
2959    --
2960    cursor c_CPT(c_table_route_id  number,
2961                 c_information1   number,
2962                 c_information2   date,
2963                 c_information3   date )  is
2964    select
2965      cpe.*
2966    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
2967    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
2968    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
2969    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1
2970    and   cpe.information2       = c_information2
2971    and   cpe.information3       = c_information3
2972    and rownum = 1 ;
2973    -- Date Track target record
2974    cursor c_find_CPT_in_target( c_CPT_name           varchar2,
2975                                 c_effective_start_date    date,
2976                                 c_effective_end_date      date,
2977                                 c_business_group_id       number,
2978                                 c_new_pk_id               number) is
2979    select
2980      CPT.cmbn_ptip_opt_id new_value
2981    from BEN_CMBN_PTIP_OPT_F CPT
2982    where  CPT.name               = c_CPT_name and
2983    nvl(CPT.OPT_ID,-999)     = nvl(l_OPT_ID,-999)  and
2984    nvl(CPT.PGM_ID,-999)     = nvl(l_PGM_ID,-999)  and
2985    CPT.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
2986    and   CPT.cmbn_ptip_opt_id  <> c_new_pk_id
2987 --TEMPIK
2988    and c_effective_start_date between effective_start_date
2989                             and effective_end_date ;
2991 /*TEMPIK
2992    and exists ( select null
2993                 from BEN_CMBN_PTIP_OPT_F CPT1
2994                 where CPT1.name               = c_CPT_name and
2995                 nvl(CPT1.OPT_ID,-999)     = nvl(l_OPT_ID,-999)  and
2996                 nvl(CPT1.PGM_ID,-999)     = nvl(l_PGM_ID,-999)  and
2997                 CPT1.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
2998                 and   CPT1.effective_start_date <= c_effective_start_date )
2999    and exists ( select null
3000                 from BEN_CMBN_PTIP_OPT_F CPT2
3001                 where CPT2.name               = c_CPT_name and
3002                 nvl(CPT2.OPT_ID,-999)     = nvl(l_OPT_ID,-999)  and
3003                 nvl(CPT2.PGM_ID,-999)     = nvl(l_PGM_ID,-999)  and
3004                 CPT2.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
3005                 and   CPT2.effective_end_date >= c_effective_end_date )
3006                 ;
3007 TEMPIK */
3008    --TEMPIK
3009    l_dt_rec_found            boolean ;
3010    --END TEMPIK
3011    --
3012    cursor c_find_CPT_name_in_target( c_CPT_name           varchar2,
3013                                 c_effective_start_date    date,
3014                                 c_effective_end_date      date,
3015                                 c_business_group_id       number,
3016                                 c_new_pk_id               number) is
3017    select
3018      CPT.cmbn_ptip_opt_id new_value
3019    from BEN_CMBN_PTIP_OPT_F CPT
3020    where  CPT.name               = c_CPT_name and
3021    CPT.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
3022    and   CPT.cmbn_ptip_opt_id  <> c_new_pk_id
3023    and exists ( select null
3024                 from BEN_CMBN_PTIP_OPT_F CPT1
3025                 where CPT1.name               = c_CPT_name and
3026                 CPT1.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
3027                 and   CPT1.effective_start_date <= c_effective_start_date )
3028    and exists ( select null
3029                 from BEN_CMBN_PTIP_OPT_F CPT2
3030                 where CPT2.name               = c_CPT_name and
3031                 CPT2.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
3032                 and   CPT2.effective_end_date >= c_effective_end_date )
3033                 ;
3034    l_current_pk_id           number := null ;
3035    --UPD START
3036    --
3037    l_update                  boolean      := false ;
3038    l_datetrack_mode          varchar2(80) := hr_api.g_update;
3039    l_process_date            date;
3040    l_dml_operation           ben_copy_entity_results.dml_operation%TYPE ;
3041    --
3042    --UPD END
3043    l_prev_pk_id              number := null ;
3044    l_first_rec               boolean := true ;
3045    r_CPT                     c_CPT%rowtype;
3046    l_cmbn_ptip_opt_id             number ;
3047    l_object_version_number   number ;
3048    l_effective_start_date    date ;
3049    l_effective_end_date      date ;
3050    l_prefix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
3051    l_suffix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
3052    l_new_value               number(15);
3053    l_object_found_in_target  boolean := false ;
3054    l_min_esd                 date;
3055    l_max_eed                 date;
3056    l_effective_date          date;
3057    --
3058  begin
3059    -- Initialization
3060    l_object_found_in_target := false ;
3061    -- End Initialization
3063    for r_CPT_unique in c_unique_CPT('CPT') loop
3065      if (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is null or
3066         (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
3067          r_CPT_unique.information3 >=
3068                  ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date)
3069         ) then
3070      --
3071        if   p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX' then
3072          l_prefix  := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
3073        elsif p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX' then
3074          l_suffix   := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
3075        else
3076          l_prefix := null ;
3077          l_suffix  := null ;
3078        end if ;
3079        --
3080        hr_utility.set_location(' r_CPT_unique.table_route_id '||r_CPT_unique.table_route_id,10);
3081        hr_utility.set_location(' r_CPT_unique.information1 '||r_CPT_unique.information1,10);
3082        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_CPT_unique.information2 '||r_CPT_unique.information2,10);
3083        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_CPT_unique.information3 '||r_CPT_unique.information3,10);
3084        -- If reuse objects flag is 'Y' then check for the object in the target business group
3085        -- if found insert the record into PLSql table and exit the loop else try create the
3086        -- object in the target business group
3087        --
3088        l_object_found_in_target := false ;
3089        l_min_esd := null ;
3090        l_max_eed := null ;
3091        open c_CPT_min_max_dates(r_CPT_unique.table_route_id, r_CPT_unique.information1 ) ;
3092        fetch c_CPT_min_max_dates into l_min_esd,l_max_eed ;
3093        --
3095        if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
3096             l_min_esd < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
3097          l_min_esd := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
3098        end if;
3099        l_min_esd := greatest(l_min_esd,r_CPT_unique.information2);
3100        open c_CPT(r_CPT_unique.table_route_id,
3101                 r_CPT_unique.information1,
3102                 r_CPT_unique.information2,
3103                 r_CPT_unique.information3 ) ;
3104        --
3105        fetch c_CPT into r_CPT ;
3106        --
3107        close c_CPT ;
3108        --
3109        --UPD START
3110        l_update := false;
3111        l_process_date := p_effective_date;
3112        l_dml_operation:= r_CPT_unique.dml_operation ;
3113        --
3114        l_OPT_ID := get_fk('OPT_ID', r_CPT.INFORMATION247,l_dml_operation);
3115        l_PGM_ID := get_fk('PGM_ID', r_CPT.INFORMATION260,l_dml_operation);
3116        l_PTIP_ID := get_fk('PTIP_ID', r_CPT.INFORMATION259,l_dml_operation);
3117        if l_dml_operation = 'UPDATE' then
3118          --
3119          l_object_found_in_target := TRUE;
3120          --
3121          if l_process_date between r_CPT_unique.information2 and r_CPT_unique.information3 then
3122                l_update := true;
3123                if r_CPT_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
3124                   nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'CMBN_PTIP_OPT_ID'  then
3125                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'CMBN_PTIP_OPT_ID' ;
3126                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_CPT_unique.information1 ;
3127                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := r_CPT_unique.information1 ;
3128                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
3129                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_CPT_unique.table_route_id;
3130                   --
3131                   -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
3132                   --
3133                   g_count := g_count + 1 ;
3134                   --
3135                   log_data('CPT',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_CPT_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
3136                   --
3137                end if ;
3138                hr_utility.set_location( 'found record for update',10);
3139            --
3140          else
3141            --
3142            l_update := false;
3143            --
3144          end if;
3145        else
3146          --
3147          --UPD END
3148        if p_reuse_object_flag = 'Y' then
3149          if c_CPT_min_max_dates%found then
3150            -- cursor to find the object
3151            open c_find_CPT_in_target( l_prefix || r_CPT_unique.name|| l_suffix  ,l_min_esd,l_max_eed,
3152                                  p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_cmbn_ptip_opt_id, -999)  ) ;
3153            fetch c_find_CPT_in_target into l_new_value ;
3154            if c_find_CPT_in_target%found then
3155              --
3156              --TEMPIK
3157              l_dt_rec_found :=   dt_api.check_min_max_dates
3158                  (p_base_table_name => 'BEN_CMBN_PTIP_OPT_F',
3159                   p_base_key_column => 'CMBN_PTIP_OPT_ID',
3160                   p_base_key_value  => l_new_value,
3161                   p_from_date       => l_min_esd,
3162                   p_to_date         => l_max_eed );
3163              if l_dt_rec_found THEN
3164              --END TEMPIK
3165              if r_CPT_unique.information1 <> nvl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
3166                 nvl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'CMBN_PTIP_OPT_ID'  then
3167                 ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count).pk_id_column    := 'CMBN_PTIP_OPT_ID' ;
3168                 ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count).old_value       := r_CPT_unique.information1 ;
3169                 ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count).new_value       := l_new_value ;
3170                 ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
3171                 ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count).table_route_id  := r_CPT_unique.table_route_id;
3172                 --
3173                 -- update_cer_with_target( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count) , p_copy_entity_txn_id) ;
3174                 --
3175                 ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count + 1 ;
3176                 --
3177                 log_data('CPT',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_CPT_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
3178                 --
3179              end if ;
3180              --
3181              l_object_found_in_target := true ;
3182              --TEMPIK
3183              end if; -- l_dt_rec_found
3184              --END TEMPIK
3185            else
3186              -- NEW
3187              if p_prefix_suffix_text is null then
3188                --
3189                open c_find_CPT_name_in_target( l_prefix || r_CPT_unique.name|| l_suffix  ,
3190                                l_min_esd,l_max_eed,
3191                                p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_cmbn_ptip_opt_id, -999) ) ;
3192                fetch c_find_CPT_name_in_target into l_new_value ;
3193                if c_find_CPT_name_in_target%found then
3194                  --
3195                  if   p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX' then
3196                    l_prefix  := BEN_PLAN_DESIGN_TXNS_API.g_pgm_pl_prefix_suffix_text ;
3197                  elsif p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX' then
3198                    l_suffix   := BEN_PLAN_DESIGN_TXNS_API.g_pgm_pl_prefix_suffix_text ;
3199                  else
3200                    l_prefix := null ;
3201                    l_suffix  := null ;
3202                  end if ;
3203                  --
3204                end if;
3205                close c_find_CPT_name_in_target ;
3206              end if;
3207              --dbms_output.put_line(' Second Cursor ');
3208            end if;
3209            close c_find_CPT_in_target ;
3210            -- NEW
3211            --
3212          end if;
3213        end if ;
3214        --
3215        end if; --UPDATE
3216        close c_CPT_min_max_dates ;
3217        -- if not l_object_found_in_target then
3218        if not l_object_found_in_target OR l_update  then
3219          --
3220          l_current_pk_id := r_CPT.information1;
3221          --
3222          hr_utility.set_location(' l_current_pk_id '||l_current_pk_id,20);
3223          hr_utility.set_location(' l_prev_pk_id '||l_prev_pk_id,20);
3224          --
3225          if l_current_pk_id =  l_prev_pk_id  then
3226            --
3227            l_first_rec := false ;
3228            --
3229          else
3230            --
3231            l_first_rec := true ;
3232            --
3233          end if ;
3234          --
3235          ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.ben_chk_col_len('NAME' ,'BEN_CMBN_PTIP_OPT_F' ,l_prefix || r_CPT.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix);
3236          --
3238          l_effective_date := r_CPT.information2;
3239          if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
3240               l_effective_date < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
3241            l_effective_date := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
3242          end if;
3244          if l_first_rec and not l_update then
3245            -- Call Create routine.
3246            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_CMBN_PTIP_OPT_F CREATE_CMBN_PTIP_OPT ',20);
3248              --
3249              P_VALIDATE               => false
3250              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
3251              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
3252              --
3253              ,P_CMBN_PTIP_OPT_ID      => l_cmbn_ptip_opt_id
3254 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_CPT.INFORMATION111
3255 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_CPT.INFORMATION120
3256 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_CPT.INFORMATION121
3257 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_CPT.INFORMATION122
3258 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_CPT.INFORMATION123
3259 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_CPT.INFORMATION124
3260 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_CPT.INFORMATION125
3261 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_CPT.INFORMATION126
3262 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_CPT.INFORMATION127
3263 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_CPT.INFORMATION128
3264 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_CPT.INFORMATION129
3265 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_CPT.INFORMATION112
3266 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_CPT.INFORMATION130
3267 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_CPT.INFORMATION131
3268 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_CPT.INFORMATION132
3269 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_CPT.INFORMATION133
3270 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_CPT.INFORMATION134
3271 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_CPT.INFORMATION135
3272 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_CPT.INFORMATION136
3273 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_CPT.INFORMATION137
3274 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_CPT.INFORMATION138
3275 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_CPT.INFORMATION139
3276 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_CPT.INFORMATION113
3277 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_CPT.INFORMATION140
3278 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_CPT.INFORMATION114
3279 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_CPT.INFORMATION115
3280 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_CPT.INFORMATION116
3281 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_CPT.INFORMATION117
3282 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_CPT.INFORMATION118
3283 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_CPT.INFORMATION119
3284 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_CPT.INFORMATION110
3285 	                  ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_CPT.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
3286 	                  ,P_OPT_ID      => l_OPT_ID
3287 	                  ,P_PGM_ID      => l_PGM_ID
3288              ,P_PTIP_ID      => l_PTIP_ID
3289              --
3290              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
3291              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
3292              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
3293            );
3294            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
3295            -- Update all relevent cer records with new pk_id
3296            hr_utility.set_location('Before plsql table ',222);
3297            hr_utility.set_location('new_value id '||l_cmbn_ptip_opt_id,222);
3298            ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count).pk_id_column := 'CMBN_PTIP_OPT_ID' ;
3299            ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count).old_value    := r_CPT.information1 ;
3300            ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count).new_value    := l_CMBN_PTIP_OPT_ID ;
3301            ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count).copy_reuse_type  := 'COPIED';
3302            ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count).table_route_id  := r_CPT_unique.table_route_id;
3303            hr_utility.set_location('After plsql table ',222);
3304            --
3305            -- update_cer_with_target( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_pk_tbl(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
3306            --
3307            ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_count + 1 ;
3308            --
3309            log_data('CPT',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_CPT.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix,'COPIED');
3310            --
3311          else
3312            --
3313            if l_update then
3314              --
3315              l_datetrack_mode := r_CPT.datetrack_mode ;
3316              --
3317              get_dt_modes(
3318                p_effective_date        => l_process_date,
3319                p_effective_end_date    => r_CPT.information3,
3320                p_effective_start_date  => r_CPT.information2,
3321                p_dml_operation         => r_CPT.dml_operation,
3322                p_datetrack_mode        => l_datetrack_mode );
3323            --    p_update                => l_update
3324              --
3325              l_effective_date := l_process_date;
3326              l_cmbn_ptip_opt_id   := r_CPT.information1;
3327              l_object_version_number := r_CPT.information265;
3328              --
3329            end if;
3330            --
3331            hr_utility.set_location('After call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'||l_datetrack_mode,5);
3332            --
3333            IF l_update OR l_dml_operation <> 'UPDATE' THEN
3334            -- Call Update routine for the pk_id created in prev run .
3335            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
3336            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_CMBN_PTIP_OPT_F UPDATE_CMBN_PTIP_OPT ',30);
3338              --
3339              P_VALIDATE               => false
3340              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
3341              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
3342              --
3343              ,P_CMBN_PTIP_OPT_ID      => l_cmbn_ptip_opt_id
3344 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_CPT.INFORMATION111
3345 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_CPT.INFORMATION120
3346 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_CPT.INFORMATION121
3347 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_CPT.INFORMATION122
3348 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_CPT.INFORMATION123
3349 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_CPT.INFORMATION124
3350 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_CPT.INFORMATION125
3351 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_CPT.INFORMATION126
3352 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_CPT.INFORMATION127
3353 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_CPT.INFORMATION128
3354 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_CPT.INFORMATION129
3355 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_CPT.INFORMATION112
3356 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_CPT.INFORMATION130
3357 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_CPT.INFORMATION131
3358 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_CPT.INFORMATION132
3359 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_CPT.INFORMATION133
3360 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_CPT.INFORMATION134
3361 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_CPT.INFORMATION135
3362 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_CPT.INFORMATION136
3363 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_CPT.INFORMATION137
3364 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_CPT.INFORMATION138
3365 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_CPT.INFORMATION139
3366 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_CPT.INFORMATION113
3367 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_CPT.INFORMATION140
3368 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_CPT.INFORMATION114
3369 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_CPT.INFORMATION115
3370 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_CPT.INFORMATION116
3371 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_CPT.INFORMATION117
3372 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_CPT.INFORMATION118
3373 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_CPT.INFORMATION119
3374 	                  ,P_CPT_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_CPT.INFORMATION110
3375 	                  ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_CPT.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
3376 	                  ,P_OPT_ID      => l_OPT_ID
3377 	                  ,P_PGM_ID      => l_PGM_ID
3378              ,P_PTIP_ID      => l_PTIP_ID
3379              --
3380              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
3381              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
3382              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER => l_object_version_number
3383              ,P_DATETRACK_MODE        => l_datetrack_mode
3384            );
3385            --
3386          end if; --l_update
3387          end if;
3388          --
3389          -- Delete the row if it is end dated.
3390          --
3391          if (trunc(l_max_eed) <> trunc(hr_api.g_eot) and
3392              trunc(l_max_eed) <> l_effective_end_date and      /* Bug 4302963 */
3393            trunc(l_max_eed) = r_CPT.information3) then
3394            --
3395            BEN_CMBN_PTIP_OPT_API.delete_CMBN_PTIP_OPT(
3396                 --
3397                 p_validate                       => false
3398                 ,p_cmbn_ptip_opt_id                   => l_cmbn_ptip_opt_id
3399                 ,p_effective_start_date           => l_effective_start_date
3400                 ,p_effective_end_date             => l_effective_end_date
3401                 ,p_object_version_number          => l_object_version_number
3402                 ,p_effective_date                 => l_max_eed
3403                 ,p_datetrack_mode                 => hr_api.g_delete
3404                 --
3405                 );
3406                 --
3407          end if;
3408          --
3409          l_prev_pk_id := l_current_pk_id ;
3410          --
3411        end if;
3412        --
3413      end if;
3414      --
3415    end loop;
3416    --
3417  exception when others then
3418    --
3419    raise_error_message( 'CPT',l_prefix || r_CPT.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix) ;
3420    --
3421  end create_CPT_rows;
3423    --
3424    ---------------------------------------------------------------
3425    ----------------------< create_BNB_rows >-----------------------
3426    ---------------------------------------------------------------
3427    --
3428    procedure create_BNB_rows
3429    (
3430          p_validate                       in  number     default 0
3431         ,p_copy_entity_txn_id             in  number
3432         ,p_effective_date                 in  date
3433         ,p_prefix_suffix_text             in  varchar2  default null
3434         ,p_reuse_object_flag              in  varchar2  default null
3435         ,p_target_business_group_id       in  varchar2  default null
3436         ,p_prefix_suffix_cd               in  varchar2  default null
3437    ) is
3438    --
3439    --UPD START
3440    /*
3441    cursor c_unique_BNB(l_table_alias varchar2) is
3442    select distinct cpe.information1,
3443      cpe.information2,
3444      cpe.information3,
3445      cpe.INFORMATION170 name,
3446      cpe.table_route_id,
3447      cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
3448    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe,
3449         pqh_table_route tr
3450    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
3451    and   cpe.table_route_id     = tr.table_route_id
3452    -- and   tr.where_clause        = l_BEN_BNFTS_BAL_F
3453    and tr.table_alias = l_table_alias
3454    and   cpe.number_of_copies = 1 --ADDITION
3455    group by cpe.information1,cpe.information2,cpe.information3, cpe.INFORMATION170, cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode ;
3457    */
3458    cursor c_unique_BNB(l_table_alias varchar2) is
3459    select distinct cpe.information1,
3460      cpe.information2,
3461      cpe.information3,
3462      cpe.INFORMATION170 name,
3463      cpe.table_route_id,
3464      cpe.dml_operation,
3465      cpe.datetrack_mode
3466    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
3467    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
3468      and cpe.table_alias = l_table_alias
3469      and cpe.number_of_copies = 1 --ADDITION
3470    group by cpe.information1,
3471             cpe.information2,
3472             cpe.information3,
3473             cpe.INFORMATION170,
3474             cpe.table_route_id,
3475             cpe.dml_operation,
3476             cpe.datetrack_mode
3477     order by information1, information2; --added for bug: 5151945
3478     --UPD END
3479    --
3480    cursor c_BNB_min_max_dates(c_table_route_id  number,
3481                 c_information1   number) is
3482    select
3483      min(cpe.information2) min_esd,
3484      max(cpe.information3) min_eed
3485    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
3486    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
3487    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
3488    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1 ;
3489    --
3490    cursor c_BNB(c_table_route_id  number,
3491                 c_information1   number,
3492                 c_information2   date,
3493                 c_information3   date )  is
3494    select
3495      cpe.*
3496    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
3497    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
3498    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
3499    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1
3500    and   cpe.information2       = c_information2
3501    and   cpe.information3       = c_information3
3502    and rownum = 1 ;
3503    -- Date Track target record
3504    cursor c_find_BNB_in_target( c_BNB_name          varchar2,
3505                                 c_effective_start_date    date,
3506                                 c_effective_end_date      date,
3507                                 c_business_group_id       number,
3508                                 c_new_pk_id               number) is
3509    select
3510      BNB.bnfts_bal_id new_value
3511    from BEN_BNFTS_BAL_F BNB
3512    where BNB.name               = c_BNB_name
3513    and   BNB.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
3514    and   BNB.bnfts_bal_id  <> c_new_pk_id
3515 --TEMPIK
3516    and c_effective_start_date between effective_start_date
3517                             and effective_end_date ;
3519 /*TEMPIK
3520    and exists ( select null
3521                 from BEN_BNFTS_BAL_F BNB1
3522                 where BNB1.name               = c_BNB_name
3523                 and   BNB1.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
3524                 and   BNB1.effective_start_date <= c_effective_start_date )
3525    and exists ( select null
3526                 from BEN_BNFTS_BAL_F BNB2
3527                 where BNB2.name               = c_BNB_name
3528                 and   BNB2.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
3529                 and   BNB2.effective_end_date >= c_effective_end_date ) ;
3530 TEMPIK */
3531    --TEMPIK
3532    l_dt_rec_found            boolean ;
3533    --END TEMPIK
3534    --
3535    --UPD START
3536    --
3537    l_update                  boolean      := false ;
3538    l_datetrack_mode          varchar2(80) := hr_api.g_update;
3539    l_process_date            date;
3540    l_dml_operation           ben_copy_entity_results.dml_operation%TYPE ;
3541    --
3542    --UPD END
3543    --
3544    l_current_pk_id           number := null ;
3545    l_prev_pk_id              number := null ;
3546    l_first_rec               boolean := true ;
3547    r_BNB                     c_BNB%rowtype;
3548    l_bnfts_bal_id             number ;
3549    l_object_version_number   number ;
3550    l_effective_start_date    date ;
3551    l_effective_end_date      date ;
3552    l_prefix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
3553    l_suffix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
3554    l_new_value               number(15);
3555    l_object_found_in_target  boolean := false ;
3556    l_min_esd                 date;
3557    l_max_eed                 date;
3558    l_effective_date          date;
3559    --
3560  begin
3561    l_object_found_in_target := false ;
3562    -- End Initialization
3563    -- Derive the prefix - sufix
3564    if   p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX' then
3565      l_prefix  := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
3566    elsif p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX' then
3567      l_suffix   := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
3568    else
3569      l_prefix := null ;
3570      l_suffix  := null ;
3571    end if ;
3572    -- End Prefix Sufix derivation
3573    for r_BNB_unique in c_unique_BNB('BNB') loop
3575      if (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is null or
3576         (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
3577          r_BNB_unique.information3 >=
3578                  ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date)
3579         ) then
3580        --
3581        hr_utility.set_location(' r_BNB_unique.table_route_id '||r_BNB_unique.table_route_id,10);
3582        hr_utility.set_location(' r_BNB_unique.information1 '||r_BNB_unique.information1,10);
3583        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_BNB_unique.information2 '||r_BNB_unique.information2,10);
3584        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_BNB_unique.information3 '||r_BNB_unique.information3,10);
3585        hr_utility.set_location( 'p_effective_date'||p_effective_date,10);
3586        --
3587        -- If reuse objects flag is 'Y' then check for the object in the target business group
3588        -- if found insert the record into PLSql table and exit the loop else try create the
3589        -- object in the target business group
3590        --
3591        l_object_found_in_target := false ;
3592        --UPD START
3593        l_update := false;
3594        l_process_date := p_effective_date;
3595        l_dml_operation:= r_BNB_unique.dml_operation ;
3596        --
3597        if l_dml_operation = 'UPDATE' then
3598          --
3599          l_object_found_in_target := TRUE;
3600          --
3601          if l_process_date between r_BNB_unique.information2 and r_BNB_unique.information3 then
3602                l_update := true;
3603                if r_BNB_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
3604                   nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'BNFTS_BAL_ID'  then
3605                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'BNFTS_BAL_ID' ;
3606                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_BNB_unique.information1 ;
3607                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := r_BNB_unique.information1 ;
3608                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
3609                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_BNB_unique.table_route_id;
3610                   --
3611                   -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
3612                   --
3613                   g_count := g_count + 1 ;
3614                   --
3615                   log_data('BNB',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_BNB_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
3616                   --
3617                end if ;
3618                hr_utility.set_location( 'found record for update',10);
3619            --
3620          else
3621            --
3622            l_update := false;
3623            --
3624          end if;
3625        else
3626          --
3627          --UPD END
3628          l_min_esd := null ;
3629          l_max_eed := null ;
3630          open c_BNB_min_max_dates(r_BNB_unique.table_route_id, r_BNB_unique.information1 ) ;
3631          fetch c_BNB_min_max_dates into l_min_esd,l_max_eed ;
3632          --
3633          if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
3634               l_min_esd < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
3635            l_min_esd := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
3636          end if;
3637          l_min_esd := greatest(l_min_esd,r_BNB_unique.information2);
3638          if p_reuse_object_flag = 'Y' then
3639            if c_BNB_min_max_dates%found then
3640              -- cursor to find the object
3641              open c_find_BNB_in_target( l_prefix ||r_BNB_unique.name || l_suffix,l_min_esd,l_max_eed,
3642                                    p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_bnfts_bal_id, -999)  ) ;
3643              fetch c_find_BNB_in_target into l_new_value ;
3644              if c_find_BNB_in_target%found then
3645                --
3646                --TEMPIK
3647                l_dt_rec_found :=   dt_api.check_min_max_dates
3648                  (p_base_table_name => 'BEN_BNFTS_BAL_F',
3649                   p_base_key_column => 'BNFTS_BAL_ID',
3650                   p_base_key_value  => l_new_value,
3651                   p_from_date       => l_min_esd,
3652                   p_to_date         => l_max_eed );
3653                --
3654                if l_dt_rec_found THEN
3655                --END TEMPIK
3656                if r_BNB_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
3657                   nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'BNFTS_BAL_ID'  then
3658                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'BNFTS_BAL_ID' ;
3659                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_BNB_unique.information1 ;
3660                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := l_new_value ;
3661                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
3662                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_BNB_unique.table_route_id;
3663                   --
3664                   -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
3665                   --
3666                   g_count := g_count + 1 ;
3667                   --
3668                   log_data('BNB',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_BNB_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
3669                   --
3670                end if ;
3671                --
3672                l_object_found_in_target := true ;
3673                --TEMPIK
3674                end if; -- l_dt_rec_found
3675                --END TEMPIK
3676              end if;
3677              close c_find_BNB_in_target ;
3678            --
3679            end if;
3680          end if ;
3681          --
3682          close c_BNB_min_max_dates ;
3683          --
3684        --UPD START
3685        end if; --if p_dml_operation
3686        --
3687        -- if not l_object_found_in_target then
3688        if not l_object_found_in_target OR l_update  then
3689          --
3690        --UPD END
3691          open c_BNB(r_BNB_unique.table_route_id,
3692                 r_BNB_unique.information1,
3693                 r_BNB_unique.information2,
3694                 r_BNB_unique.information3 ) ;
3695          --
3696          fetch c_BNB into r_BNB ;
3697          --
3698          close c_BNB ;
3699          --
3700          l_current_pk_id := r_BNB.information1;
3701          --
3702          hr_utility.set_location(' l_current_pk_id '||l_current_pk_id,20);
3703          hr_utility.set_location(' l_prev_pk_id '||l_prev_pk_id,20);
3704          --
3705          if l_current_pk_id =  l_prev_pk_id  then
3706            --
3707            l_first_rec := false ;
3708            --
3709          else
3710            --
3711            l_first_rec := true ;
3712            --
3713          end if ;
3714          --
3715          ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.ben_chk_col_len('NAME' ,'BEN_BNFTS_BAL_F' ,l_prefix || r_BNB.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix);
3716          --
3718          l_effective_date := r_BNB.information2;
3719          if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
3720               l_effective_date < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
3721            l_effective_date := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
3722          end if;
3723          --UPD START
3724          --if l_first_rec and not l_update then
3725          if l_first_rec and not l_update then
3726          --UPD END
3727            -- Call Create routine.
3728            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_BNFTS_BAL_F CREATE_BENEFITS_BALANCE ',20);
3730              --
3731              P_VALIDATE               => false
3732              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
3733              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
3734              --
3735              ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_BNB.INFORMATION111
3736 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_BNB.INFORMATION120
3737 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_BNB.INFORMATION121
3738 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_BNB.INFORMATION122
3739 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_BNB.INFORMATION123
3740 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_BNB.INFORMATION124
3741 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_BNB.INFORMATION125
3742 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_BNB.INFORMATION126
3743 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_BNB.INFORMATION127
3744 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_BNB.INFORMATION128
3745 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_BNB.INFORMATION129
3746 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_BNB.INFORMATION112
3747 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_BNB.INFORMATION130
3748 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_BNB.INFORMATION131
3749 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_BNB.INFORMATION132
3750 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_BNB.INFORMATION133
3751 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_BNB.INFORMATION134
3752 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_BNB.INFORMATION135
3753 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_BNB.INFORMATION136
3754 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_BNB.INFORMATION137
3755 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_BNB.INFORMATION138
3756 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_BNB.INFORMATION139
3757 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_BNB.INFORMATION113
3758 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_BNB.INFORMATION140
3759 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_BNB.INFORMATION114
3760 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_BNB.INFORMATION115
3761 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_BNB.INFORMATION116
3762 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_BNB.INFORMATION117
3763 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_BNB.INFORMATION118
3764 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_BNB.INFORMATION119
3765 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_BNB.INFORMATION110
3766 	                  ,P_BNFTS_BAL_DESC      => r_BNB.INFORMATION185
3767 	                  ,P_BNFTS_BAL_ID      => l_bnfts_bal_id
3768 	                  ,P_BNFTS_BAL_USG_CD      => r_BNB.INFORMATION11
3769 	                  ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_BNB.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
3770 	                  ,P_NNMNTRY_UOM      => r_BNB.INFORMATION13
3771              ,P_UOM      => r_BNB.INFORMATION12
3772              --
3773              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
3774              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
3775              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
3776            );
3777            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
3778            -- Update all relevent cer records with new pk_id
3779            hr_utility.set_location('Before plsql table ',222);
3780            hr_utility.set_location('new_value id '||l_bnfts_bal_id,222);
3781            g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column := 'BNFTS_BAL_ID' ;
3782            g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value    := r_BNB.information1 ;
3783            g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value    := l_BNFTS_BAL_ID ;
3784            g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type  := 'COPIED';
3785            g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_BNB_unique.table_route_id;
3786            hr_utility.set_location('After plsql table ',222);
3787            --
3788            -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
3789            --
3790            g_count := g_count + 1 ;
3791            --
3792            log_data('BNB',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_BNB.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix,'COPIED');
3793            --
3794          else
3795            --
3796            -- Call Update routine for the pk_id created in prev run .
3797            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
3798            --
3799            --UPD START
3800            hr_utility.set_location('Before call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'||l_datetrack_mode,5);
3801            --
3802            if l_update then
3803              --
3804              l_datetrack_mode := r_BNB.datetrack_mode ;
3805              --
3806              get_dt_modes(
3807                p_effective_date        => l_process_date,
3808                p_effective_end_date    => r_BNB.information3,
3809                p_effective_start_date  => r_BNB.information2,
3810                p_dml_operation         => r_BNB.dml_operation,
3811                p_datetrack_mode        => l_datetrack_mode );
3812            --    p_update                => l_update
3813              --
3814              l_effective_date := l_process_date;
3815              l_bnfts_bal_id   := r_BNB.information1;
3816              l_object_version_number := r_BNB.information265;
3817              --
3818            end if;
3819            --
3820            hr_utility.set_location('After call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'||l_datetrack_mode,5);
3821            --
3822            IF l_update OR l_dml_operation <> 'UPDATE' THEN
3823            --UPD END
3824            --
3825            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_BNFTS_BAL_F UPDATE_BENEFITS_BALANCE ',30);
3827              --
3828              P_VALIDATE               => false
3829              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
3830              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
3831              --
3832              ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_BNB.INFORMATION111
3833 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_BNB.INFORMATION120
3834 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_BNB.INFORMATION121
3835 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_BNB.INFORMATION122
3836 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_BNB.INFORMATION123
3837 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_BNB.INFORMATION124
3838 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_BNB.INFORMATION125
3839 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_BNB.INFORMATION126
3840 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_BNB.INFORMATION127
3841 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_BNB.INFORMATION128
3842 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_BNB.INFORMATION129
3843 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_BNB.INFORMATION112
3844 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_BNB.INFORMATION130
3845 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_BNB.INFORMATION131
3846 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_BNB.INFORMATION132
3847 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_BNB.INFORMATION133
3848 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_BNB.INFORMATION134
3849 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_BNB.INFORMATION135
3850 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_BNB.INFORMATION136
3851 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_BNB.INFORMATION137
3852 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_BNB.INFORMATION138
3853 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_BNB.INFORMATION139
3854 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_BNB.INFORMATION113
3855 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_BNB.INFORMATION140
3856 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_BNB.INFORMATION114
3857 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_BNB.INFORMATION115
3858 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_BNB.INFORMATION116
3859 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_BNB.INFORMATION117
3860 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_BNB.INFORMATION118
3861 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_BNB.INFORMATION119
3862 	                  ,P_BNB_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_BNB.INFORMATION110
3863 	                  ,P_BNFTS_BAL_DESC      => r_BNB.INFORMATION185
3864 	                  ,P_BNFTS_BAL_ID      => l_bnfts_bal_id
3865 	                  ,P_BNFTS_BAL_USG_CD      => r_BNB.INFORMATION11
3866 	                  ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_BNB.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
3867 	                  ,P_NNMNTRY_UOM      => r_BNB.INFORMATION13
3868              ,P_UOM      => r_BNB.INFORMATION12
3869              --
3870              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
3871              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
3872              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER => l_object_version_number
3873           --UPD START
3874             -- ,P_DATETRACK_MODE        => l_datetrack_mode
3875              ,P_DATETRACK_MODE        => l_datetrack_mode
3876           --UPD END
3877            );
3878            --
3879            --UPD START
3880            end if;  -- l_update
3881            --UPD END
3882          end if;
3883          --
3884          -- Delete the row if it is end dated.
3885          --
3886          if (trunc(l_max_eed) <> trunc(hr_api.g_eot) and
3887              trunc(l_max_eed) <> l_effective_end_date and      /* Bug 4302963 */
3888            trunc(l_max_eed) = r_BNB.information3) then
3889            --
3891                 --
3892                 p_validate                       => false
3893                 ,p_bnfts_bal_id                   => l_bnfts_bal_id
3894                 ,p_effective_start_date           => l_effective_start_date
3895                 ,p_effective_end_date             => l_effective_end_date
3896                 ,p_object_version_number          => l_object_version_number
3897                 ,p_effective_date                 => l_max_eed
3898                 ,p_datetrack_mode                 => hr_api.g_delete
3899                 --
3900                 );
3901                 --
3902          end if;
3903          --
3904          l_prev_pk_id := l_current_pk_id ;
3905          --
3906        end if;
3907        --
3908      end if;
3909      --
3910    end loop;
3911  exception when others then
3912    --
3913    raise_error_message( 'BNB',l_prefix || r_BNB.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix) ;
3914    --
3915  end create_BNB_rows;
3916 --
3917    --
3918    ---------------------------------------------------------------
3919    ----------------------< create_CLF_rows >-----------------------
3920    ---------------------------------------------------------------
3921    --
3922    procedure create_CLF_rows
3923    (
3924          p_validate                       in  number     default 0
3925         ,p_copy_entity_txn_id             in  number
3926         ,p_effective_date                 in  date
3927         ,p_prefix_suffix_text             in  varchar2  default null
3928         ,p_reuse_object_flag              in  varchar2  default null
3929         ,p_target_business_group_id       in  varchar2  default null
3930         ,p_prefix_suffix_cd               in  varchar2  default null
3931    ) is
3932    --
3933    cursor c_unique_CLF(l_table_alias varchar2) is
3934    select distinct cpe.information1,
3935      cpe.information2,
3936      cpe.information3,
3937      cpe.INFORMATION170 name,
3938      cpe.table_route_id,
3939      cpe.dml_operation  --UPD
3940    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
3941      --   pqh_table_route tr UPD
3942    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
3943    -- and   cpe.table_route_id     = tr.table_route_id  UPD
3944    -- and   tr.where_clause        = l_BEN_COMP_LVL_FCTR
3945    and cpe.table_alias = l_table_alias  --UPD
3946    and   cpe.number_of_copies = 1 --ADDITION
3947    group by cpe.information1,cpe.information2,cpe.information3, cpe.INFORMATION170, cpe.table_route_id,
3948             cpe.dml_operation
3949    order by information1, information2; --added for bug: 5151945
3950    --
3951    --
3952    cursor c_CLF_min_max_dates(c_table_route_id  number,
3953                 c_information1   number) is
3954    select
3955      min(cpe.information2) min_esd,
3956      max(cpe.information3) min_eed
3957    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
3958    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
3959    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
3960    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1 ;
3961    --
3962    cursor c_CLF(c_table_route_id  number,
3963                 c_information1   number,
3964                 c_information2   date,
3965                 c_information3   date )  is
3966    select
3967      cpe.*
3968    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
3969    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
3970    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
3971    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1
3972    and rownum = 1 ;
3973    -- Date Track target record
3974    cursor c_find_CLF_in_target( c_CLF_name          varchar2,
3975                                 c_effective_start_date    date,
3976                                 c_effective_end_date      date,
3977                                 c_business_group_id       number,
3978                                 c_new_pk_id               number) is
3979    select
3980      CLF.comp_lvl_fctr_id new_value
3981    from BEN_COMP_LVL_FCTR CLF
3982    where CLF.name               = c_CLF_name
3983    and   CLF.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
3984    and   CLF.comp_lvl_fctr_id  <> c_new_pk_id;
3985    --
3986    l_current_pk_id           number := null ;
3987    --UPD START
3988    --
3989    l_update                  boolean      := false ;
3990    l_datetrack_mode          varchar2(80) := hr_api.g_update;
3991    l_process_date            date;
3992    l_dml_operation           ben_copy_entity_results.dml_operation%TYPE ;
3993    --
3994    --UPD END
3995    l_prev_pk_id              number := null ;
3996    l_first_rec               boolean := true ;
3997    r_CLF                     c_CLF%rowtype;
3998    l_comp_lvl_fctr_id             number ;
3999    l_object_version_number   number ;
4000    l_effective_start_date    date ;
4001    l_effective_end_date      date ;
4002    l_prefix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
4003    l_suffix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
4004    l_new_value               number(15);
4005    l_object_found_in_target  boolean := false ;
4006    l_min_esd                 date;
4007    l_max_eed                 date;
4008    -- NEW
4009    l_bnfts_bal_id            number;
4010    l_defined_balance_id      number ;
4011    --
4012    l_parent_effective_start_date date;
4013    --
4014    l_COMP_CALC_RL            number(15);
4015    l_COMP_LVL_DET_RL         number(15);
4016    l_RNDG_RL                 number(15);
4017    --
4018  begin
4019    l_object_found_in_target := false ;
4020    -- End Initialization
4021    -- Derive the prefix - sufix
4022    if   p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX' then
4023      l_prefix  := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
4024    elsif p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX' then
4025      l_suffix   := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
4026    else
4027      l_prefix := null ;
4028      l_suffix  := null ;
4029    end if ;
4030    -- End Prefix Sufix derivation
4031    for r_CLF_unique in c_unique_CLF('CLF') loop
4032      --
4033      hr_utility.set_location(' r_CLF_unique.table_route_id '||r_CLF_unique.table_route_id,10);
4034      hr_utility.set_location(' r_CLF_unique.information1 '||r_CLF_unique.information1,10);
4035      hr_utility.set_location( 'r_CLF_unique.information2 '||r_CLF_unique.information2,10);
4036      hr_utility.set_location( 'r_CLF_unique.information3 '||r_CLF_unique.information3,10);
4037      -- If reuse objects flag is 'Y' then check for the object in the target business group
4038      -- if found insert the record into PLSql table and exit the loop else try create the
4039      -- object in the target business group
4040      --
4041      l_object_found_in_target := false ;
4042      l_min_esd := null ;
4043      l_max_eed := null ;
4045      --
4046      open c_CLF(r_CLF_unique.table_route_id,
4047                 r_CLF_unique.information1,
4048                 r_CLF_unique.information2,
4049                 r_CLF_unique.information3 ) ;
4050      --
4051      fetch c_CLF into r_CLF ;
4052      --
4053      close c_CLF ;
4055      --
4056        l_dml_operation := r_CLF_unique.dml_operation;
4057        --
4058        l_BNFTS_BAL_ID := get_fk('BNFTS_BAL_ID', r_CLF.INFORMATION225,l_dml_operation);
4059        l_COMP_CALC_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_CLF.INFORMATION262,l_dml_operation);
4060        l_COMP_LVL_DET_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_CLF.INFORMATION257,l_dml_operation);
4061        l_RNDG_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_CLF.INFORMATION258,l_dml_operation);
4062      --
4063      -- Do not copy CLF if Comp_Src_Cd = 'Benefit Balance Type' and  Benefit Balance is not copied over
4064      --
4065      hr_utility.set_location( 'r_CLF.information16'||r_CLF.information16,1);
4066      hr_utility.set_location( 'l_bnfts_bal_id '||l_bnfts_bal_id,1);
4067      hr_utility.set_location( 'l_dml_operation'||l_dml_operation,1);
4068      --
4069      if r_CLF.information16 = 'BNFTBALTYP' and l_bnfts_bal_id is null then
4070         -- Need to populate the FK's for RHI to go thru fine.
4071                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'COMP_LVL_FCTR_ID' ;
4072                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_CLF_unique.information1 ;
4073                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := r_CLF_unique.information1 ;
4074                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
4075                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_CLF_unique.table_route_id;
4076                   --
4077                   g_count := g_count + 1 ;
4078      else
4079      --UPD START
4080      --
4081      l_update := false;
4082      --
4083      if l_dml_operation = 'UPDATE' then
4084        --
4085                l_update := true;
4086                if r_CLF_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
4087                   nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'COMP_LVL_FCTR_ID'  then
4088                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'COMP_LVL_FCTR_ID' ;
4089                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_CLF_unique.information1 ;
4090                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := r_CLF_unique.information1 ;
4091                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
4092                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_CLF_unique.table_route_id;
4093                   --
4094                   -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ; -- NEW
4095                   --
4096                   g_count := g_count + 1 ;
4097                   --
4098                   log_data('CLF',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_CLF_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
4099                   --
4100                end if ;
4101                l_comp_lvl_fctr_id := r_CLF_unique.information1 ;
4102                l_object_version_number := r_CLF.information265 ;
4103                hr_utility.set_location( 'found record for update',10);
4104            --
4105      else
4106        --UPD END
4107        --
4108        if p_reuse_object_flag = 'Y' then
4109            -- cursor to find the object
4110            open c_find_CLF_in_target( l_prefix || r_CLF_unique.name|| l_suffix  ,r_CLF_unique.information2,l_max_eed,
4111                                  p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_comp_lvl_fctr_id, -999)  ) ;
4112            fetch c_find_CLF_in_target into l_new_value ;
4113            if c_find_CLF_in_target%found then
4114              --
4115              if r_CLF_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
4116                 nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'COMP_LVL_FCTR_ID'  then
4117                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'COMP_LVL_FCTR_ID' ;
4118                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_CLF_unique.information1 ;
4119                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := l_new_value ;
4120                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
4121                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_CLF_unique.table_route_id;
4122                 --
4123                 -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ; -- NEW
4124                 --
4125                 g_count := g_count + 1 ;
4126                 --
4127                 log_data('CLF',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_CLF_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
4128                 --
4129              end if ;
4130              --
4131              l_object_found_in_target := true ;
4132            end if;
4133            close c_find_CLF_in_target ;
4134        end if ;
4135        --
4136      --UPD START
4137      end if ;
4138      --  if not l_object_found_in_target then
4139        if not l_object_found_in_target OR l_update  then
4140          --
4141        --UPD END
4142          --
4143          l_current_pk_id := r_CLF.information1;
4144          --
4145          hr_utility.set_location(' l_current_pk_id '||l_current_pk_id,20);
4146          hr_utility.set_location(' l_prev_pk_id '||l_prev_pk_id,20);
4147          --
4148          if l_current_pk_id =  l_prev_pk_id  then
4149            --
4150            l_first_rec := false ;
4151            --
4152          else
4153            --
4154            l_first_rec := true ;
4155            --
4156          end if ;
4157          --
4158          ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.ben_chk_col_len('NAME' ,'BEN_COMP_LVL_FCTR' ,l_prefix || r_CLF.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix);
4159          --
4161          l_parent_effective_start_date := r_CLF.information10;
4162          if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null ) then
4163            if l_parent_effective_start_date is null then
4164              l_parent_effective_start_date := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
4165            elsif l_parent_effective_start_date < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date  then
4166              l_parent_effective_start_date := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
4167            end if;
4168          end if;
4170          if BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_mapping_done then
4171            l_defined_balance_id := r_CLF.information176 ;
4172          else
4173            l_defined_balance_id := r_CLF.information174 ;
4174          end if ;
4175          --
4176          --UPD START
4177          --To avoid creating a child with out a parent
4178          --
4179          --
4180          if r_CLF.information16 = 'BNFTBALTYP' and l_BNFTS_BAL_ID is null then
4181             l_first_rec := false ;
4182          end if;
4183          --
4184          if l_first_rec and not l_update then
4185          --UPD END
4186            -- Call Create routine.
4187            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_COMP_LVL_FCTR CREATE_COMP_LEVEL_FACTORS ',20);
4190              --
4191              P_VALIDATE               => false
4192              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => NVL(l_parent_effective_start_date,p_effective_date)
4193              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
4194              --
4195              ,P_BNFTS_BAL_ID      => l_BNFTS_BAL_ID
4196 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_CLF.INFORMATION111
4197 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_CLF.INFORMATION120
4198 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_CLF.INFORMATION121
4199 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_CLF.INFORMATION122
4200 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_CLF.INFORMATION123
4201 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_CLF.INFORMATION124
4202 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_CLF.INFORMATION125
4203 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_CLF.INFORMATION126
4204 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_CLF.INFORMATION127
4205 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_CLF.INFORMATION128
4206 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_CLF.INFORMATION129
4207 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_CLF.INFORMATION112
4208 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_CLF.INFORMATION130
4209 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_CLF.INFORMATION131
4210 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_CLF.INFORMATION132
4211 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_CLF.INFORMATION133
4212 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_CLF.INFORMATION134
4213 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_CLF.INFORMATION135
4214 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_CLF.INFORMATION136
4215 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_CLF.INFORMATION137
4216 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_CLF.INFORMATION138
4217 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_CLF.INFORMATION139
4218 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_CLF.INFORMATION113
4219 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_CLF.INFORMATION140
4220 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_CLF.INFORMATION114
4221 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_CLF.INFORMATION115
4222 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_CLF.INFORMATION116
4223 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_CLF.INFORMATION117
4224 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_CLF.INFORMATION118
4225 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_CLF.INFORMATION119
4226 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_CLF.INFORMATION110
4227 	                  ,P_COMP_ALT_VAL_TO_USE_CD      => r_CLF.INFORMATION11
4228 	                  ,P_COMP_CALC_RL      => l_COMP_CALC_RL
4229 	                  ,P_COMP_LVL_DET_CD      => r_CLF.INFORMATION18
4230 	                  ,P_COMP_LVL_DET_RL      => l_COMP_LVL_DET_RL
4231 	                  ,P_COMP_LVL_FCTR_ID      => l_comp_lvl_fctr_id
4232 	                  ,P_COMP_LVL_UOM      => r_CLF.INFORMATION15
4233 	                  ,P_COMP_SRC_CD      => r_CLF.INFORMATION16
4234 	                  ,P_DEFINED_BALANCE_ID      => l_DEFINED_BALANCE_ID
4235 	                  ,P_MN_COMP_VAL      => r_CLF.INFORMATION294
4236 	                  ,P_MX_COMP_VAL      => r_CLF.INFORMATION293
4237 	                  ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_CLF.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
4238 	                  ,P_NO_MN_COMP_FLAG      => r_CLF.INFORMATION13
4239 	                  ,P_NO_MX_COMP_FLAG      => r_CLF.INFORMATION12
4240 	                  ,P_RNDG_CD      => r_CLF.INFORMATION14
4241 	                  ,P_RNDG_RL      => l_RNDG_RL
4242                           ,P_STTD_SAL_PRDCTY_CD      => r_CLF.INFORMATION17
4243 			  ,p_proration_flag      => r_CLF.INFORMATION20
4244 			  ,p_start_day_mo	 => r_CLF.INFORMATION21
4245 			  ,p_end_day_mo	         => r_CLF.INFORMATION22
4246 			  ,p_start_year          => r_CLF.INFORMATION23
4247 			  ,p_end_year            => r_CLF.INFORMATION24
4248              --
4249                           ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
4250            );
4251            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
4252            -- Update all relevent cer records with new pk_id
4253            hr_utility.set_location('Before plsql table ',222);
4254            hr_utility.set_location('new_value id '||l_comp_lvl_fctr_id,222);
4255            g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column := 'COMP_LVL_FCTR_ID' ;
4256            g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value    := r_CLF.information1 ;
4257            g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value    := l_COMP_LVL_FCTR_ID ;
4258            g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type  := 'COPIED';
4259            g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_CLF_unique.table_route_id;
4260            hr_utility.set_location('After plsql table ',222);
4261            --
4262            -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ; -- NEW
4263            --
4264            g_count := g_count + 1 ;
4265            --
4266            log_data('CLF',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_CLF.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix,'COPIED');
4267            --
4268          --UPD START
4269          elsif l_update THEN
4270            --
4271            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_COMP_LVL_FCTR UPDATE_COMP_LEVEL_FACTORS ',20);
4272            --
4274              --
4275              P_VALIDATE               => false
4276              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => NVL(l_parent_effective_start_date,p_effective_date)
4277              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
4278              --
4279              ,P_BNFTS_BAL_ID      => l_BNFTS_BAL_ID
4280 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_CLF.INFORMATION111
4281 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_CLF.INFORMATION120
4282 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_CLF.INFORMATION121
4283 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_CLF.INFORMATION122
4284 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_CLF.INFORMATION123
4285 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_CLF.INFORMATION124
4286 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_CLF.INFORMATION125
4287 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_CLF.INFORMATION126
4288 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_CLF.INFORMATION127
4289 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_CLF.INFORMATION128
4290 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_CLF.INFORMATION129
4291 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_CLF.INFORMATION112
4292 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_CLF.INFORMATION130
4293 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_CLF.INFORMATION131
4294 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_CLF.INFORMATION132
4295 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_CLF.INFORMATION133
4296 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_CLF.INFORMATION134
4297 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_CLF.INFORMATION135
4298 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_CLF.INFORMATION136
4299 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_CLF.INFORMATION137
4300 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_CLF.INFORMATION138
4301 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_CLF.INFORMATION139
4302 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_CLF.INFORMATION113
4303 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_CLF.INFORMATION140
4304 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_CLF.INFORMATION114
4305 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_CLF.INFORMATION115
4306 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_CLF.INFORMATION116
4307 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_CLF.INFORMATION117
4308 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_CLF.INFORMATION118
4309 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_CLF.INFORMATION119
4310 	                  ,P_CLF_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_CLF.INFORMATION110
4311 	                  ,P_COMP_ALT_VAL_TO_USE_CD      => r_CLF.INFORMATION11
4312 	                  ,P_COMP_CALC_RL      => l_COMP_CALC_RL
4313 	                  ,P_COMP_LVL_DET_CD      => r_CLF.INFORMATION18
4314 	                  ,P_COMP_LVL_DET_RL      => l_COMP_LVL_DET_RL
4315 	                  ,P_COMP_LVL_FCTR_ID      => l_comp_lvl_fctr_id
4316 	                  ,P_COMP_LVL_UOM      => r_CLF.INFORMATION15
4317 	                  ,P_COMP_SRC_CD      => r_CLF.INFORMATION16
4318 	                  ,P_DEFINED_BALANCE_ID      => l_DEFINED_BALANCE_ID
4319 	                  ,P_MN_COMP_VAL      => r_CLF.INFORMATION294
4320 	                  ,P_MX_COMP_VAL      => r_CLF.INFORMATION293
4321 	                  ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_CLF.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
4322 	                  ,P_NO_MN_COMP_FLAG      => r_CLF.INFORMATION13
4323 	                  ,P_NO_MX_COMP_FLAG      => r_CLF.INFORMATION12
4324 	                  ,P_RNDG_CD      => r_CLF.INFORMATION14
4325 	                  ,P_RNDG_RL      => l_RNDG_RL
4326                           ,P_STTD_SAL_PRDCTY_CD      => r_CLF.INFORMATION17
4327 	                  ,p_proration_flag      => r_CLF.INFORMATION20
4328 			  ,p_start_day_mo	 => r_CLF.INFORMATION21
4329 			  ,p_end_day_mo	         => r_CLF.INFORMATION22
4330 			  ,p_start_year          => r_CLF.INFORMATION23
4331 			  ,p_end_year            => r_CLF.INFORMATION24
4332              --
4333                            ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
4334            );
4335            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
4336          --UPD END
4337          end if;
4338          --
4339          l_prev_pk_id := l_current_pk_id ;
4340          --
4341        end if;
4342        --
4343      end if;
4344      --
4345    end loop;
4347  exception when others then
4348    --
4349    raise_error_message( 'CLF',l_prefix || r_CLF.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix) ;
4350    --
4351  end create_CLF_rows;
4354    --
4355    ---------------------------------------------------------------
4356    ----------------------< create_HWF_rows >-----------------------
4357    ---------------------------------------------------------------
4358    --
4359    procedure create_HWF_rows
4360    (
4361          p_validate                       in  number     default 0
4362         ,p_copy_entity_txn_id             in  number
4363         ,p_effective_date                 in  date
4364         ,p_prefix_suffix_text             in  varchar2  default null
4365         ,p_reuse_object_flag              in  varchar2  default null
4366         ,p_target_business_group_id       in  varchar2  default null
4367         ,p_prefix_suffix_cd               in  varchar2  default null
4368    ) is
4369    --
4370    cursor c_unique_HWF(l_table_alias varchar2) is
4371    select distinct cpe.information1,
4372      cpe.information2,
4373      cpe.information3,
4374      cpe.INFORMATION170 name,
4375      cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
4376    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe,
4377         pqh_table_route tr
4378    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
4379    and   cpe.table_route_id     = tr.table_route_id
4380    -- and   tr.where_clause        = l_BEN_HRS_WKD_IN_PERD_FCTR
4381    and tr.table_alias = l_table_alias
4382    and   cpe.number_of_copies   = 1 --ADDITION
4383    group by cpe.information1,cpe.information2,cpe.information3, cpe.INFORMATION170, cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
4384    order by information1, information2; --added for bug: 5151945
4385    --
4386    --
4387    cursor c_HWF_min_max_dates(c_table_route_id  number,
4388                 c_information1   number) is
4389    select
4390      min(cpe.information2) min_esd,
4391      max(cpe.information3) min_eed
4392    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
4393    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
4394    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
4395    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1 ;
4396    --
4397    cursor c_HWF(c_table_route_id  number,
4398                 c_information1   number,
4399                 c_information2   date,
4400                 c_information3   date )  is
4401    select
4402      cpe.*
4403    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
4404    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
4405    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
4406    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1
4407    and rownum = 1 ;
4408    -- Date Track target record
4409    cursor c_find_HWF_in_target( c_HWF_name          varchar2,
4410                                 c_effective_start_date    date,
4411                                 c_effective_end_date      date,
4412                                 c_business_group_id       number,
4413                                 c_new_pk_id               number) is
4414    select
4415      HWF.hrs_wkd_in_perd_fctr_id new_value
4417    where HWF.name               = c_HWF_name
4418    and   HWF.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
4419    and   HWF.hrs_wkd_in_perd_fctr_id  <> c_new_pk_id
4420                 ;
4421    --
4422    l_current_pk_id           number := null ;
4423    --UPD START
4424    --
4425    l_update                  boolean      := false ;
4426    l_datetrack_mode          varchar2(80) := hr_api.g_update;
4427    l_process_date            date;
4428    l_dml_operation           ben_copy_entity_results.dml_operation%TYPE ;
4429    --
4430    --UPD END
4431    l_prev_pk_id              number := null ;
4432    l_first_rec               boolean := true ;
4433    r_HWF                     c_HWF%rowtype;
4434    l_hrs_wkd_in_perd_fctr_id             number ;
4435    l_object_version_number   number ;
4436    l_effective_start_date    date ;
4437    l_effective_end_date      date ;
4438    l_prefix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
4439    l_suffix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
4440    l_new_value               number(15);
4441    l_object_found_in_target  boolean := false ;
4442    l_min_esd                 date;
4443    l_max_eed                 date;
4444    l_BNFTS_BAL_ID  number;
4445    l_DEFINED_BALANCE_ID  number;
4446    l_HRS_WKD_CALC_RL  number;
4447    l_HRS_WKD_DET_RL  number;
4448    l_RNDG_RL  number;
4449    l_parent_effective_start_date date;
4450    --
4451  begin
4452    -- Initialization
4453    l_object_found_in_target := false ;
4454    -- End Initialization
4455    -- Derive the prefix - sufix
4456    if   p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX' then
4457      l_prefix  := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
4458    elsif p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX' then
4459      l_suffix   := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
4460    else
4461      l_prefix := null ;
4462      l_suffix  := null ;
4463    end if ;
4464    -- End Prefix Sufix derivation
4465    for r_HWF_unique in c_unique_HWF('HWF') loop
4466      --
4467      hr_utility.set_location(' r_HWF_unique.table_route_id '||r_HWF_unique.table_route_id,10);
4468      hr_utility.set_location(' r_HWF_unique.information1 '||r_HWF_unique.information1,10);
4469      hr_utility.set_location( 'r_HWF_unique.information2 '||r_HWF_unique.information2,10);
4470      hr_utility.set_location( 'r_HWF_unique.information3 '||r_HWF_unique.information3,10);
4471      -- If reuse objects flag is 'Y' then check for the object in the target business group
4472      -- if found insert the record into PLSql table and exit the loop else try create the
4473      -- object in the target business group
4474      --
4475      l_object_found_in_target := false ;
4476      l_min_esd := null ;
4477      l_max_eed := null ;
4480      open c_HWF(r_HWF_unique.table_route_id,
4481                 r_HWF_unique.information1,
4482                 r_HWF_unique.information2,
4483                 r_HWF_unique.information3 ) ;
4484      --
4485      fetch c_HWF into r_HWF ;
4486      --
4487      close c_HWF ;
4488      --
4489        l_update := false;
4490        l_process_date := p_effective_date;
4491        l_dml_operation:= r_HWF_unique.dml_operation ;
4492      --
4493      l_BNFTS_BAL_ID := get_fk('BNFTS_BAL_ID', r_HWF.INFORMATION225,l_dml_operation);
4494      l_HRS_WKD_CALC_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_HWF.INFORMATION257,l_dml_operation);
4495      l_HRS_WKD_DET_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_HWF.INFORMATION258,l_dml_operation);
4496      l_RNDG_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_HWF.INFORMATION259,l_dml_operation);
4497      --
4498      --
4499      -- Do not copy HWF if Hrs_Src_Cd = 'Benefit Balance Type' and  Benefit Balance is not copied over
4500      --
4501      if r_HWF.information13 = 'BNFTBALTYP' and l_bnfts_bal_id is null then
4502                   -- bug 4112422
4503                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'HRS_WKD_IN_PERD_FCTR_ID' ;
4504                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_HWF_unique.information1 ;
4505                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := r_HWF_unique.information1 ;
4506                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
4507                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_HWF_unique.table_route_id;
4508 		  g_count := g_count + 1 ;
4509      else
4510        if l_dml_operation = 'UPDATE' then
4511          --
4512          l_object_found_in_target := TRUE;
4513          -- commented for bug 4112422
4514          -- if l_process_date between r_HWF_unique.information2 and r_HWF_unique.information3 then
4515                l_update := true;
4516                if r_HWF_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
4517                   nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'HRS_WKD_IN_PERD_FCTR_ID'  then
4518                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'HRS_WKD_IN_PERD_FCTR_ID' ;
4519                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_HWF_unique.information1 ;
4520                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := r_HWF_unique.information1 ;
4521                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
4522                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_HWF_unique.table_route_id;
4523                   --
4524                   -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
4525                   --
4526                   g_count := g_count + 1 ;
4527                   --
4528                   log_data('HWF',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_HWF_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
4529                   --
4530                end if ;
4531                l_HRS_WKD_IN_PERD_FCTR_ID := r_HWF_unique.information1 ;
4532                l_object_version_number := r_HWF.information265 ;
4533                hr_utility.set_location( 'found record for update',10);
4534            --
4535          -- else
4536            --
4537          --  l_update := false;
4538            --
4539          -- end if;
4540        else
4541          --
4542        if p_reuse_object_flag = 'Y' then
4543            -- cursor to find the object
4544            open c_find_HWF_in_target( l_prefix || r_HWF_unique.name || l_suffix ,r_HWF_unique.information2,l_max_eed,
4545                                  p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_hrs_wkd_in_perd_fctr_id, -999)  ) ;
4546            hr_utility.set_location('name = ' || l_prefix || r_HWF_unique.name || l_suffix, 999);
4547            hr_utility.set_location('tr bg  = ' || p_target_business_group_id, 999);
4548            hr_utility.set_location('tr id  = ' || l_hrs_wkd_in_perd_fctr_id, 999);
4549            fetch c_find_HWF_in_target into l_new_value ;
4550            if c_find_HWF_in_target%found then
4551              --
4552              if r_HWF_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
4553                 nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'HRS_WKD_IN_PERD_FCTR_ID'  then
4554                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'HRS_WKD_IN_PERD_FCTR_ID' ;
4555                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_HWF_unique.information1 ;
4556                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := l_new_value ;
4557                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
4558                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_HWF_unique.table_route_id;
4559                 --
4560                 -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count) , p_copy_entity_txn_id) ;
4561                 --
4562                 g_count := g_count + 1 ;
4563                 --
4564                 log_data('HWF',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_HWF_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
4565                 --
4566              end if ;
4567              --
4568              l_object_found_in_target := true ;
4569            end if;
4570            close c_find_HWF_in_target ;
4571          --
4572        end if ;
4573        --
4574        end if;
4575        --
4576        if not l_object_found_in_target or l_update then
4577          --
4578          l_current_pk_id := r_HWF.information1;
4579          --
4580          hr_utility.set_location(' l_current_pk_id '||l_current_pk_id,20);
4581          hr_utility.set_location(' l_prev_pk_id '||l_prev_pk_id,20);
4582          --
4583          if l_current_pk_id =  l_prev_pk_id  then
4584            --
4585            l_first_rec := false ;
4586            --
4587            hr_utility.set_location(' false',20);
4588          else
4589            --
4590            l_first_rec := true ;
4591            hr_utility.set_location(' true',20);
4592            --
4593          end if ;
4594          --
4595          if BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_mapping_done then
4596            l_DEFINED_BALANCE_ID := r_HWF.information176; -- Mapping
4597          else
4598            l_DEFINED_BALANCE_ID := r_HWF.information174;
4599          end if;
4600          --
4601          ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.ben_chk_col_len('NAME' ,'BEN_HRS_WKD_IN_PERD_FCTR' ,l_prefix || r_HWF.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix);
4602          --
4604          l_parent_effective_start_date := r_HWF.information10;
4605          if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null ) then
4606            if l_parent_effective_start_date is null then
4607              l_parent_effective_start_date := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
4608            elsif l_parent_effective_start_date < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date  then
4609              l_parent_effective_start_date := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
4610            end if;
4611          end if;
4612          --
4613          -- To avoid creating a child with out parent
4614          --
4615          if r_HWF.information13 = 'BNFTBALTYP' and l_BNFTS_BAL_ID is null then
4616             l_first_rec:=false;
4617          end if;
4618          --
4619          if l_first_rec and not l_update then
4620            -- Call Create routine.
4621            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_HRS_WKD_IN_PERD_FCTR CREATE_HRS_WKD_IN_PERD_FCTR ',20);
4623              --
4624              P_VALIDATE               => false
4625              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => NVL(l_parent_effective_start_date,p_effective_date)
4626              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
4627              --
4628              ,P_BNFTS_BAL_ID      => l_BNFTS_BAL_ID
4629 	                  ,P_DEFINED_BALANCE_ID      => l_DEFINED_BALANCE_ID
4630 	                  ,P_HRS_ALT_VAL_TO_USE_CD      => r_HWF.INFORMATION18
4631 	                  ,P_HRS_SRC_CD      => r_HWF.INFORMATION13
4632 	                  ,P_HRS_WKD_CALC_RL      => l_HRS_WKD_CALC_RL
4633 	                  ,P_HRS_WKD_DET_CD      => r_HWF.INFORMATION15
4634 	                  ,P_HRS_WKD_DET_RL      => l_HRS_WKD_DET_RL
4635 	                  ,P_HRS_WKD_IN_PERD_FCTR_ID      => l_hrs_wkd_in_perd_fctr_id
4636 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_HWF.INFORMATION111
4637 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_HWF.INFORMATION120
4638 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_HWF.INFORMATION121
4639 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_HWF.INFORMATION122
4640 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_HWF.INFORMATION123
4641 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_HWF.INFORMATION124
4642 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_HWF.INFORMATION125
4643 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_HWF.INFORMATION126
4644 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_HWF.INFORMATION127
4645 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_HWF.INFORMATION128
4646 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_HWF.INFORMATION129
4647 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_HWF.INFORMATION112
4648 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_HWF.INFORMATION130
4649 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_HWF.INFORMATION131
4650 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_HWF.INFORMATION132
4651 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_HWF.INFORMATION133
4652 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_HWF.INFORMATION134
4653 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_HWF.INFORMATION135
4654 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_HWF.INFORMATION136
4655 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_HWF.INFORMATION137
4656 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_HWF.INFORMATION138
4657 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_HWF.INFORMATION139
4658 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_HWF.INFORMATION113
4659 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_HWF.INFORMATION140
4660 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_HWF.INFORMATION114
4661 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_HWF.INFORMATION115
4662 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_HWF.INFORMATION116
4663 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_HWF.INFORMATION117
4664 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_HWF.INFORMATION118
4665 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_HWF.INFORMATION119
4666 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_HWF.INFORMATION110
4667 	                  ,P_MN_HRS_NUM      => r_HWF.INFORMATION293
4668 	                  ,P_MX_HRS_NUM      => r_HWF.INFORMATION294
4669 	                  ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_HWF.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
4670 	                  ,P_NO_MN_HRS_WKD_FLAG      => r_HWF.INFORMATION11
4671 	                  ,P_NO_MX_HRS_WKD_FLAG      => r_HWF.INFORMATION19
4672 	                  ,P_ONCE_R_CNTUG_CD      => r_HWF.INFORMATION16
4673 	                  ,P_PYRL_FREQ_CD      => r_HWF.INFORMATION12
4674 	                  ,P_RNDG_CD      => r_HWF.INFORMATION14
4675              ,P_RNDG_RL      => l_RNDG_RL
4676              --
4677              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
4678            );
4679            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
4680            -- Update all relevent cer records with new pk_id
4681            hr_utility.set_location('Before plsql table ',222);
4682            hr_utility.set_location('new_value id '||l_hrs_wkd_in_perd_fctr_id,222);
4683            g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column := 'HRS_WKD_IN_PERD_FCTR_ID' ;
4684            g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value    := r_HWF.information1 ;
4685            g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value    := l_HRS_WKD_IN_PERD_FCTR_ID ;
4686            g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type  := 'COPIED';
4687            g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_HWF_unique.table_route_id;
4688            hr_utility.set_location('After plsql table ',222);
4689            --
4690            -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
4691            --
4692            g_count := g_count + 1 ;
4693            --
4694            log_data('HWF',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_HWF.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix,'COPIED');
4695            --
4696            ELSIF l_update THEN
4697            --
4699              --
4700              P_VALIDATE               => false
4701              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => NVL(l_parent_effective_start_date,p_effective_date)
4702              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
4703              --
4704              ,P_BNFTS_BAL_ID      => l_BNFTS_BAL_ID
4705 	                  ,P_DEFINED_BALANCE_ID      => l_DEFINED_BALANCE_ID
4706 	                  ,P_HRS_ALT_VAL_TO_USE_CD      => r_HWF.INFORMATION18
4707 	                  ,P_HRS_SRC_CD      => r_HWF.INFORMATION13
4708 	                  ,P_HRS_WKD_CALC_RL      => l_HRS_WKD_CALC_RL
4709 	                  ,P_HRS_WKD_DET_CD      => r_HWF.INFORMATION15
4710 	                  ,P_HRS_WKD_DET_RL      => l_HRS_WKD_DET_RL
4711 	                  ,P_HRS_WKD_IN_PERD_FCTR_ID      => l_hrs_wkd_in_perd_fctr_id
4712 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_HWF.INFORMATION111
4713 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_HWF.INFORMATION120
4714 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_HWF.INFORMATION121
4715 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_HWF.INFORMATION122
4716 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_HWF.INFORMATION123
4717 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_HWF.INFORMATION124
4718 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_HWF.INFORMATION125
4719 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_HWF.INFORMATION126
4720 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_HWF.INFORMATION127
4721 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_HWF.INFORMATION128
4722 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_HWF.INFORMATION129
4723 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_HWF.INFORMATION112
4724 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_HWF.INFORMATION130
4725 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_HWF.INFORMATION131
4726 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_HWF.INFORMATION132
4727 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_HWF.INFORMATION133
4728 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_HWF.INFORMATION134
4729 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_HWF.INFORMATION135
4730 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_HWF.INFORMATION136
4731 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_HWF.INFORMATION137
4732 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_HWF.INFORMATION138
4733 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_HWF.INFORMATION139
4734 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_HWF.INFORMATION113
4735 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_HWF.INFORMATION140
4736 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_HWF.INFORMATION114
4737 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_HWF.INFORMATION115
4738 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_HWF.INFORMATION116
4739 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_HWF.INFORMATION117
4740 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_HWF.INFORMATION118
4741 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_HWF.INFORMATION119
4742 	                  ,P_HWF_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_HWF.INFORMATION110
4743 	                  ,P_MN_HRS_NUM      => r_HWF.INFORMATION293
4744 	                  ,P_MX_HRS_NUM      => r_HWF.INFORMATION294
4745 	                  ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_HWF.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
4746 	                  ,P_NO_MN_HRS_WKD_FLAG      => r_HWF.INFORMATION11
4747 	                  ,P_NO_MX_HRS_WKD_FLAG      => r_HWF.INFORMATION19
4748 	                  ,P_ONCE_R_CNTUG_CD      => r_HWF.INFORMATION16
4749 	                  ,P_PYRL_FREQ_CD      => r_HWF.INFORMATION12
4750 	                  ,P_RNDG_CD      => r_HWF.INFORMATION14
4751              ,P_RNDG_RL      => l_RNDG_RL
4752              --
4753              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
4754            );
4755          end if;
4756          --
4757          l_prev_pk_id := l_current_pk_id ;
4758          --
4759        end if;
4760        --
4761      end if;
4762      --
4763    end loop;
4764    --
4765  exception when others then
4766    --
4767    raise_error_message( 'HWF',l_prefix || r_HWF.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix) ;
4768    --
4769  end create_HWF_rows;
4771    --
4772    ---------------------------------------------------------------
4773    ----------------------< create_AGF_rows >-----------------------
4774    ---------------------------------------------------------------
4775    --
4776    procedure create_AGF_rows
4777    (
4778          p_validate                       in  number     default 0
4779         ,p_copy_entity_txn_id             in  number
4780         ,p_effective_date                 in  date
4781         ,p_prefix_suffix_text             in  varchar2  default null
4782         ,p_reuse_object_flag              in  varchar2  default null
4783         ,p_target_business_group_id       in  varchar2  default null
4784         ,p_prefix_suffix_cd               in  varchar2  default null
4785    ) is
4786    --
4787    cursor c_unique_AGF(l_table_alias varchar2) is
4788    select distinct cpe.information1,
4789      cpe.information2,
4790      cpe.information3,
4791      cpe.INFORMATION170 name,
4792      cpe.table_route_id,dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
4793    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe,
4794         pqh_table_route tr
4795    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
4796    and   cpe.table_route_id     = tr.table_route_id
4797    -- and   tr.where_clause        = l_BEN_AGE_FCTR
4798    and tr.table_alias = l_table_alias
4799    and   cpe.number_of_copies   = 1 --ADDITION
4800    group by cpe.information1,cpe.information2,cpe.information3, cpe.INFORMATION170, cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
4801    order by information1, information2; --added for bug: 5151945
4802    --
4803    --
4804    cursor c_AGF_min_max_dates(c_table_route_id  number,
4805                 c_information1   number) is
4806    select
4807      min(cpe.information2) min_esd,
4808      max(cpe.information3) min_eed
4809    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
4810    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
4811    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
4812    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1 ;
4813    --
4814    cursor c_AGF(c_table_route_id  number,
4815                 c_information1   number,
4816                 c_information2   date,
4817                 c_information3   date )  is
4818    select
4819      cpe.*
4820    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
4821    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
4822    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
4823    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1
4824    and rownum = 1 ;
4825    -- Date Track target record
4826    cursor c_find_AGF_in_target( c_AGF_name          varchar2,
4827                                 c_effective_start_date    date,
4828                                 c_effective_end_date      date,
4829                                 c_business_group_id       number,
4830                                 c_new_pk_id               number) is
4831    select
4832      AGF.age_fctr_id new_value
4833    from BEN_AGE_FCTR AGF
4834    where AGF.name               = c_AGF_name
4835    and   AGF.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
4836    and   AGF.age_fctr_id  <> c_new_pk_id
4837                 ;
4838    --
4839    l_current_pk_id           number := null ;
4840    --UPD START
4841    --
4842    l_update                  boolean      := false ;
4843    l_datetrack_mode          varchar2(80) := hr_api.g_update;
4844    l_process_date            date;
4845    l_dml_operation           ben_copy_entity_results.dml_operation%TYPE ;
4846    --
4847    --UPD END
4848    l_prev_pk_id              number := null ;
4849    l_first_rec               boolean := true ;
4850    r_AGF                     c_AGF%rowtype;
4851    l_age_fctr_id             number ;
4852    l_object_version_number   number ;
4853    l_effective_start_date    date ;
4854    l_effective_end_date      date ;
4855    l_prefix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
4856    l_suffix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
4857    l_new_value               number(15);
4858    l_object_found_in_target  boolean := false ;
4859    l_min_esd                 date;
4860    l_max_eed                 date;
4861    l_AGE_CALC_RL  number;
4862    l_AGE_DET_RL  number;
4863    l_RNDG_RL  number;
4864    --
4865  begin
4866    -- Initialization
4867    l_object_found_in_target := false ;
4868    -- End Initialization
4869    -- Derive the prefix - sufix
4870    if   p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX' then
4871      l_prefix  := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
4872    elsif p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX' then
4873      l_suffix   := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
4874    else
4875      l_prefix := null ;
4876      l_suffix  := null ;
4877    end if ;
4878    -- End Prefix Sufix derivation
4879    for r_AGF_unique in c_unique_AGF('AGF') loop
4880      --
4881      hr_utility.set_location(' r_AGF_unique.table_route_id '||r_AGF_unique.table_route_id,10);
4882      hr_utility.set_location(' r_AGF_unique.information1 '||r_AGF_unique.information1,10);
4883      hr_utility.set_location( 'r_AGF_unique.information2 '||r_AGF_unique.information2,10);
4884      hr_utility.set_location( 'r_AGF_unique.information3 '||r_AGF_unique.information3,10);
4885      -- If reuse objects flag is 'Y' then check for the object in the target business group
4886      -- if found insert the record into PLSql table and exit the loop else try create the
4887      -- object in the target business group
4888      --
4889      l_object_found_in_target := false ;
4890      l_min_esd := null ;
4891      l_max_eed := null ;
4892        --UPD START
4893        l_update := false;
4894        l_process_date := p_effective_date;
4895        l_dml_operation:= r_AGF_unique.dml_operation ;
4896        --
4897        if l_dml_operation = 'UPDATE' then
4898          --
4899          l_object_found_in_target := TRUE;
4900          -- 4193391 - commented the if else clause
4901          -- if l_process_date between r_AGF_unique.information2 and r_AGF_unique.information3 then
4902                l_update := true;
4903                if r_AGF_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
4904                   nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'AGE_FCTR_ID'  then
4905                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'AGE_FCTR_ID' ;
4906                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_AGF_unique.information1 ;
4907                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := r_AGF_unique.information1 ;
4908                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
4909                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_AGF_unique.table_route_id;
4910                   --
4911                   -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
4912                   --
4913                   g_count := g_count + 1 ;
4914                   --
4915                   log_data('AGF',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_AGF_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
4916                   --
4917                end if ;
4918                l_age_fctr_id := r_AGF_unique.information1 ;
4919                l_object_version_number := r_AGF.information265 ;
4920                hr_utility.set_location( 'found record for update',10);
4921            --
4922          -- else
4923            --
4924          --  l_update := false;
4925            --
4926          -- end if;
4927        else
4928          --
4929          --UPD END
4931      if p_reuse_object_flag = 'Y' then
4932            -- cursor to find the object
4933            open c_find_AGF_in_target( l_prefix || r_AGF_unique.name|| l_suffix  ,r_AGF_unique.information2,l_max_eed,
4934                                  p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_age_fctr_id, -999)  ) ;
4935            fetch c_find_AGF_in_target into l_new_value ;
4936            if c_find_AGF_in_target%found then
4937              --
4938              if r_AGF_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
4939                 nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'AGE_FCTR_ID'  then
4940                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'AGE_FCTR_ID' ;
4941                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_AGF_unique.information1 ;
4942                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := l_new_value ;
4943                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
4944                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_AGF_unique.table_route_id;
4945                 --
4946                 -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count) , p_copy_entity_txn_id) ;
4947                 --
4948                 g_count := g_count + 1 ;
4949                 --
4950                 log_data('AGF',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_AGF_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
4951                 --
4952              end if ;
4953              --
4954              l_object_found_in_target := true ;
4955            end if;
4956            close c_find_AGF_in_target ;
4957          --
4958      end if ;
4959      --
4960      end if;
4961      --
4962      if not l_object_found_in_target OR l_update then
4963        --
4964        open c_AGF(r_AGF_unique.table_route_id,
4965                 r_AGF_unique.information1,
4966                 r_AGF_unique.information2,
4967                 r_AGF_unique.information3 ) ;
4968        --
4969        fetch c_AGF into r_AGF ;
4970        --
4971        close c_AGF ;
4972        --
4973        l_current_pk_id := r_AGF.information1;
4974        --
4975        hr_utility.set_location(' l_current_pk_id '||l_current_pk_id,20);
4976        hr_utility.set_location(' l_prev_pk_id '||l_prev_pk_id,20);
4977        --
4978        if l_current_pk_id =  l_prev_pk_id  then
4979          --
4980          l_first_rec := false ;
4981          --
4982        else
4983          --
4984          l_first_rec := true ;
4985          --
4986        end if ;
4987        --
4988        l_AGE_CALC_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_AGF.INFORMATION262,l_dml_operation);
4989        l_AGE_DET_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_AGF.INFORMATION261,l_dml_operation);
4990        l_RNDG_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_AGF.INFORMATION257,l_dml_operation);
4991        --
4992        ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.ben_chk_col_len('NAME' ,'BEN_AGE_FCTR' ,l_prefix || r_AGF.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix);
4993        --
4994        if l_first_rec and not l_update then
4995          -- Call Create routine.
4996          hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_AGE_FCTR CREATE_AGE_FACTOR ',20);
4998              --
4999              P_VALIDATE               => false
5000              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => NVL(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ,p_effective_date)
5001              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
5002              --
5003              ,P_AGE_CALC_RL      => l_AGE_CALC_RL
5004 	                  ,P_AGE_DET_CD      => r_AGF.INFORMATION16
5005 	                  ,P_AGE_DET_RL      => l_AGE_DET_RL
5006 	                  ,P_AGE_FCTR_ID      => l_age_fctr_id
5007 	                  ,P_AGE_TO_USE_CD      => r_AGF.INFORMATION14
5008 	                  ,P_AGE_UOM      => r_AGF.INFORMATION15
5009 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_AGF.INFORMATION111
5010 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_AGF.INFORMATION120
5011 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_AGF.INFORMATION121
5012 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_AGF.INFORMATION122
5013 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_AGF.INFORMATION123
5014 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_AGF.INFORMATION124
5015 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_AGF.INFORMATION125
5016 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_AGF.INFORMATION126
5017 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_AGF.INFORMATION127
5018 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_AGF.INFORMATION128
5019 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_AGF.INFORMATION129
5020 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_AGF.INFORMATION112
5021 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_AGF.INFORMATION130
5022 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_AGF.INFORMATION131
5023 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_AGF.INFORMATION132
5024 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_AGF.INFORMATION133
5025 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_AGF.INFORMATION134
5026 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_AGF.INFORMATION135
5027 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_AGF.INFORMATION136
5028 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_AGF.INFORMATION137
5029 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_AGF.INFORMATION138
5030 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_AGF.INFORMATION139
5031 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_AGF.INFORMATION113
5032 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_AGF.INFORMATION140
5033 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_AGF.INFORMATION114
5034 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_AGF.INFORMATION115
5035 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_AGF.INFORMATION116
5036 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_AGF.INFORMATION117
5037 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_AGF.INFORMATION118
5038 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_AGF.INFORMATION119
5039 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_AGF.INFORMATION110
5040 	                  ,P_MN_AGE_NUM      => r_AGF.INFORMATION294
5041 	                  ,P_MX_AGE_NUM      => r_AGF.INFORMATION293
5042 	                  ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_AGF.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
5043 	                  ,P_NO_MN_AGE_FLAG      => r_AGF.INFORMATION11
5044 	                  ,P_NO_MX_AGE_FLAG      => r_AGF.INFORMATION12
5045 	                  ,P_RNDG_CD      => r_AGF.INFORMATION13
5046              ,P_RNDG_RL      => l_RNDG_RL
5047              --
5048              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
5049          );
5050          -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
5051          -- Update all relevent cer records with new pk_id
5052          hr_utility.set_location('Before plsql table ',222);
5053          hr_utility.set_location('new_value id '||l_age_fctr_id,222);
5054          g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column := 'AGE_FCTR_ID' ;
5055          g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value    := r_AGF.information1 ;
5056          g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value    := l_AGE_FCTR_ID ;
5057          g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type  := 'COPIED';
5058          g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_AGF_unique.table_route_id;
5059          hr_utility.set_location('After plsql table ',222);
5060          --
5061          -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
5062          --
5063          g_count := g_count + 1 ;
5064          --
5065          log_data('AGF',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_AGF.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix,'COPIED');
5066          --
5067        elsif l_update then
5069          hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_AGE_FCTR UPDATE_AGE_FACTOR ',20);
5071              --
5072              P_VALIDATE               => false
5073              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => NVL(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ,p_effective_date)
5074              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
5075              --
5076              ,P_AGE_CALC_RL      => l_AGE_CALC_RL
5077 	                  ,P_AGE_DET_CD      => r_AGF.INFORMATION16
5078 	                  ,P_AGE_DET_RL      => l_AGE_DET_RL
5079 	                  ,P_AGE_FCTR_ID      => l_age_fctr_id
5080 	                  ,P_AGE_TO_USE_CD      => r_AGF.INFORMATION14
5081 	                  ,P_AGE_UOM      => r_AGF.INFORMATION15
5082 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_AGF.INFORMATION111
5083 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_AGF.INFORMATION120
5084 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_AGF.INFORMATION121
5085 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_AGF.INFORMATION122
5086 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_AGF.INFORMATION123
5087 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_AGF.INFORMATION124
5088 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_AGF.INFORMATION125
5089 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_AGF.INFORMATION126
5090 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_AGF.INFORMATION127
5091 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_AGF.INFORMATION128
5092 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_AGF.INFORMATION129
5093 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_AGF.INFORMATION112
5094 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_AGF.INFORMATION130
5095 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_AGF.INFORMATION131
5096 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_AGF.INFORMATION132
5097 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_AGF.INFORMATION133
5098 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_AGF.INFORMATION134
5099 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_AGF.INFORMATION135
5100 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_AGF.INFORMATION136
5101 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_AGF.INFORMATION137
5102 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_AGF.INFORMATION138
5103 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_AGF.INFORMATION139
5104 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_AGF.INFORMATION113
5105 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_AGF.INFORMATION140
5106 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_AGF.INFORMATION114
5107 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_AGF.INFORMATION115
5108 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_AGF.INFORMATION116
5109 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_AGF.INFORMATION117
5110 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_AGF.INFORMATION118
5111 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_AGF.INFORMATION119
5112 	                  ,P_AGF_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_AGF.INFORMATION110
5113 	                  ,P_MN_AGE_NUM      => r_AGF.INFORMATION294
5114 	                  ,P_MX_AGE_NUM      => r_AGF.INFORMATION293
5115 	                  ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_AGF.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
5116 	                  ,P_NO_MN_AGE_FLAG      => r_AGF.INFORMATION11
5117 	                  ,P_NO_MX_AGE_FLAG      => r_AGF.INFORMATION12
5118 	                  ,P_RNDG_CD      => r_AGF.INFORMATION13
5119              ,P_RNDG_RL      => l_RNDG_RL
5120              --
5121              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
5122          );
5123        end if;
5124        --
5125        l_prev_pk_id := l_current_pk_id ;
5126        --
5127      end if;
5128      --
5129    end loop;
5130    --
5131  exception when others then
5132    --
5133    raise_error_message( 'AGF',l_prefix || r_AGF.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix) ;
5134    --
5135  end create_AGF_rows;
5137    --
5138    ---------------------------------------------------------------
5139    ----------------------< create_LSF_rows >-----------------------
5140    ---------------------------------------------------------------
5141    --
5142    procedure create_LSF_rows
5143    (
5144          p_validate                       in  number     default 0
5145         ,p_copy_entity_txn_id             in  number
5146         ,p_effective_date                 in  date
5147         ,p_prefix_suffix_text             in  varchar2  default null
5148         ,p_reuse_object_flag              in  varchar2  default null
5149         ,p_target_business_group_id       in  varchar2  default null
5150         ,p_prefix_suffix_cd               in  varchar2  default null
5151    ) is
5152    --
5153    cursor c_unique_LSF(l_table_alias varchar2) is
5154    select distinct cpe.information1,
5155      cpe.information2,
5156      cpe.information3,
5157      cpe.INFORMATION170 name,
5158      cpe.table_route_id,dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
5159    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe,
5160         pqh_table_route tr
5161    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
5162    and   cpe.table_route_id     = tr.table_route_id
5163    -- and   tr.where_clause        = l_BEN_LOS_FCTR
5164    and tr.table_alias = l_table_alias
5165    and   cpe.number_of_copies   = 1 --ADDITION
5166    group by cpe.information1,cpe.information2,cpe.information3, cpe.INFORMATION170, cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
5167    order by information1, information2; --added for bug: 5151945
5168    --
5169    --
5170    cursor c_LSF_min_max_dates(c_table_route_id  number,
5171                 c_information1   number) is
5172    select
5173      min(cpe.information2) min_esd,
5174      max(cpe.information3) min_eed
5175    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
5176    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
5177    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
5178    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1 ;
5179    --
5180    cursor c_LSF(c_table_route_id  number,
5181                 c_information1   number,
5182                 c_information2   date,
5183                 c_information3   date )  is
5184    select
5185      cpe.*
5186    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
5187    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
5188    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
5189    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1
5190    and rownum = 1 ;
5191    -- Date Track target record
5192    cursor c_find_LSF_in_target( c_LSF_name          varchar2,
5193                                 c_effective_start_date    date,
5194                                 c_effective_end_date      date,
5195                                 c_business_group_id       number,
5196                                 c_new_pk_id               number) is
5197    select
5198      LSF.los_fctr_id new_value
5199    from BEN_LOS_FCTR LSF
5200    where LSF.name               = c_LSF_name
5201    and   LSF.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
5202    and   LSF.los_fctr_id  <> c_new_pk_id
5203                 ;
5204    --
5205    l_current_pk_id           number := null ;
5206    --UPD START
5207    --
5208    l_update                  boolean      := false ;
5209    l_datetrack_mode          varchar2(80) := hr_api.g_update;
5210    l_process_date            date;
5211    l_dml_operation           ben_copy_entity_results.dml_operation%TYPE ;
5212    --
5213    --UPD END
5214    l_prev_pk_id              number := null ;
5215    l_first_rec               boolean := true ;
5216    r_LSF                     c_LSF%rowtype;
5217    l_los_fctr_id             number ;
5218    l_object_version_number   number ;
5219    l_effective_start_date    date ;
5220    l_effective_end_date      date ;
5221    l_prefix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
5222    l_suffix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
5223    l_new_value               number(15);
5224    l_object_found_in_target  boolean := false ;
5225    l_min_esd                 date;
5226    l_max_eed                 date;
5227    l_LOS_CALC_RL  number;
5228    l_LOS_DET_RL  number;
5229    l_LOS_DT_TO_USE_RL  number;
5230    l_RNDG_RL  number;
5231    --
5232  begin
5233    -- Initialization
5234    l_object_found_in_target := false ;
5235    -- End Initialization
5236    -- Derive the prefix - sufix
5237    if   p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX' then
5238      l_prefix  := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
5239    elsif p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX' then
5240      l_suffix   := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
5241    else
5242      l_prefix := null ;
5243      l_suffix  := null ;
5244    end if ;
5245    -- End Prefix Sufix derivation
5246    for r_LSF_unique in c_unique_LSF('LSF') loop
5247      --
5248      hr_utility.set_location(' r_LSF_unique.table_route_id '||r_LSF_unique.table_route_id,10);
5249      hr_utility.set_location(' r_LSF_unique.information1 '||r_LSF_unique.information1,10);
5250      hr_utility.set_location( 'r_LSF_unique.information2 '||r_LSF_unique.information2,10);
5251      hr_utility.set_location( 'r_LSF_unique.information3 '||r_LSF_unique.information3,10);
5252      -- If reuse objects flag is 'Y' then check for the object in the target business group
5253      -- if found insert the record into PLSql table and exit the loop else try create the
5254      -- object in the target business group
5255      --
5256      l_object_found_in_target := false ;
5257      l_min_esd := null ;
5258      l_max_eed := null ;
5259      --UPD START
5260      l_dml_operation := r_LSF_unique.dml_operation;
5261      --
5262      l_update := false;
5263      --
5264      if l_dml_operation = 'UPDATE' then
5265        --
5266                l_update := true;
5267                if r_LSF_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
5268                   nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'LOS_FCTR_ID'  then
5269                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'LOS_FCTR_ID' ;
5270                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_LSF_unique.information1 ;
5271                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := r_LSF_unique.information1 ;
5272                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
5273                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_LSF_unique.table_route_id;
5274                   --
5275                   -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ; -- NEW
5276                   --
5277                   g_count := g_count + 1 ;
5278                   --
5279                   log_data('LSF',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_LSF_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
5280                   --
5281                end if ;
5282                l_LOS_FCTR_ID := r_LSF_unique.information1 ;
5283                l_object_version_number := r_LSF.information265 ;
5284                hr_utility.set_location( 'found record for update',10);
5285            --
5286      else
5287      --
5288      if p_reuse_object_flag = 'Y' then
5289            -- cursor to find the object
5290            open c_find_LSF_in_target( l_prefix || r_LSF_unique.name|| l_suffix  ,r_LSF_unique.information2,l_max_eed,
5291                                  p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_los_fctr_id, -999)  ) ;
5292            fetch c_find_LSF_in_target into l_new_value ;
5293            if c_find_LSF_in_target%found then
5294              --
5295              if r_LSF_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
5296                 nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'LOS_FCTR_ID'  then
5297                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'LOS_FCTR_ID' ;
5298                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_LSF_unique.information1 ;
5299                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := l_new_value ;
5300                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
5301                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_LSF_unique.table_route_id;
5302                 --
5303                 -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count) , p_copy_entity_txn_id) ;
5304                 --
5305                 g_count := g_count + 1 ;
5306                 --
5307                 log_data('LSF',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_LSF_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
5308                 --
5309              end if ;
5310              --
5311              l_object_found_in_target := true ;
5312            end if;
5313            close c_find_LSF_in_target ;
5314          --
5315      end if ;
5316      --
5317      end if;
5318      if not l_object_found_in_target or l_update then
5319        --
5320        open c_LSF(r_LSF_unique.table_route_id,
5321                 r_LSF_unique.information1,
5322                 r_LSF_unique.information2,
5323                 r_LSF_unique.information3 ) ;
5324        --
5325        fetch c_LSF into r_LSF ;
5326        --
5327        close c_LSF ;
5328        --
5329        l_current_pk_id := r_LSF.information1;
5330        --
5331        hr_utility.set_location(' l_current_pk_id '||l_current_pk_id,20);
5332        hr_utility.set_location(' l_prev_pk_id '||l_prev_pk_id,20);
5333        --
5334        if l_current_pk_id =  l_prev_pk_id  then
5335          --
5336          l_first_rec := false ;
5337          --
5338        else
5339          --
5340          l_first_rec := true ;
5341          --
5342        end if ;
5343        --
5344        l_LOS_CALC_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_LSF.INFORMATION263,l_dml_operation);
5345        l_LOS_DET_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_LSF.INFORMATION257,l_dml_operation);
5346        l_LOS_DT_TO_USE_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_LSF.INFORMATION258,l_dml_operation);
5347        l_RNDG_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_LSF.INFORMATION259,l_dml_operation);
5348        --
5349        ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.ben_chk_col_len('NAME' ,'BEN_LOS_FCTR',l_prefix || r_LSF.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix);
5350        --
5351        if l_first_rec and not l_update then
5352          -- Call Create routine.
5353          hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_LOS_FCTR CREATE_LOS_FACTORS ',20);
5355              --
5356              P_VALIDATE               => false
5357              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => NVL(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date,p_effective_date)
5358              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
5359              --
5360              -- ,P_hrs_ALT_VAL_TO_USE_CD      => r_LSF.information11
5361            --  ,P_LOS_ALT_VAL_TO_USE_CD      => r_LSF.INFORMATION19
5362 	                  ,P_LOS_CALC_RL      => l_LOS_CALC_RL
5363 	                  ,P_LOS_DET_CD      => r_LSF.INFORMATION15
5364 	                  ,P_LOS_DET_RL      => l_LOS_DET_RL
5365 	                  ,P_LOS_DT_TO_USE_CD      => r_LSF.INFORMATION14
5366 	                  ,P_LOS_DT_TO_USE_RL      => l_LOS_DT_TO_USE_RL
5367 	                  ,P_LOS_FCTR_ID      => l_los_fctr_id
5368 	                  ,P_LOS_UOM      => r_LSF.INFORMATION17
5369 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_LSF.INFORMATION111
5370 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_LSF.INFORMATION120
5371 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_LSF.INFORMATION121
5372 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_LSF.INFORMATION122
5373 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_LSF.INFORMATION123
5374 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_LSF.INFORMATION124
5375 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_LSF.INFORMATION125
5376 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_LSF.INFORMATION126
5377 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_LSF.INFORMATION127
5378 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_LSF.INFORMATION128
5379 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_LSF.INFORMATION129
5380 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_LSF.INFORMATION112
5381 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_LSF.INFORMATION130
5382 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_LSF.INFORMATION131
5383 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_LSF.INFORMATION132
5384 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_LSF.INFORMATION133
5385 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_LSF.INFORMATION134
5386 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_LSF.INFORMATION135
5387 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_LSF.INFORMATION136
5388 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_LSF.INFORMATION137
5389 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_LSF.INFORMATION138
5390 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_LSF.INFORMATION139
5391 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_LSF.INFORMATION113
5392 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_LSF.INFORMATION140
5393 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_LSF.INFORMATION114
5394 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_LSF.INFORMATION115
5395 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_LSF.INFORMATION116
5396 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_LSF.INFORMATION117
5397 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_LSF.INFORMATION118
5398 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_LSF.INFORMATION119
5399 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_LSF.INFORMATION110
5400 	                  ,P_MN_LOS_NUM      => r_LSF.INFORMATION293
5401 	                  ,P_MX_LOS_NUM      => r_LSF.INFORMATION294
5402 	                  ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_LSF.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
5403 	                  ,P_NO_MN_LOS_NUM_APLS_FLAG      => r_LSF.INFORMATION13
5404 	                  ,P_NO_MX_LOS_NUM_APLS_FLAG      => r_LSF.INFORMATION12
5405 	                  ,P_RNDG_CD      => r_LSF.INFORMATION16
5406 	                  ,P_RNDG_RL      => l_RNDG_RL
5407              ,P_USE_OVERID_SVC_DT_FLAG      => r_LSF.INFORMATION11
5408              --
5409              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
5410          );
5411          -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
5412          -- Update all relevent cer records with new pk_id
5413          hr_utility.set_location('Before plsql table ',222);
5414          hr_utility.set_location('new_value id '||l_los_fctr_id,222);
5415          g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column := 'LOS_FCTR_ID' ;
5416          g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value    := r_LSF.information1 ;
5417          g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value    := l_LOS_FCTR_ID ;
5418          g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type  := 'COPIED';
5419          g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_LSF_unique.table_route_id;
5420          hr_utility.set_location('After plsql table ',222);
5421          --
5422          -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
5423          --
5424          g_count := g_count + 1 ;
5425          --
5426          log_data('LSF',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_LSF.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix,'COPIED');
5427          --
5428        elsif l_update then
5429          --
5431              --
5432              P_VALIDATE               => false
5433              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => NVL(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date,p_effective_date)
5434              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
5435              --
5436              -- ,P_hrs_ALT_VAL_TO_USE_CD      => r_LSF.information11
5437            --  ,P_LOS_ALT_VAL_TO_USE_CD      => r_LSF.INFORMATION19
5438 	                  ,P_LOS_CALC_RL      => l_LOS_CALC_RL
5439 	                  ,P_LOS_DET_CD      => r_LSF.INFORMATION15
5440 	                  ,P_LOS_DET_RL      => l_LOS_DET_RL
5441 	                  ,P_LOS_DT_TO_USE_CD      => r_LSF.INFORMATION14
5442 	                  ,P_LOS_DT_TO_USE_RL      => l_LOS_DT_TO_USE_RL
5443 	                  ,P_LOS_FCTR_ID      => l_los_fctr_id
5444 	                  ,P_LOS_UOM      => r_LSF.INFORMATION17
5445 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_LSF.INFORMATION111
5446 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_LSF.INFORMATION120
5447 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_LSF.INFORMATION121
5448 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_LSF.INFORMATION122
5449 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_LSF.INFORMATION123
5450 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_LSF.INFORMATION124
5451 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_LSF.INFORMATION125
5452 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_LSF.INFORMATION126
5453 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_LSF.INFORMATION127
5454 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_LSF.INFORMATION128
5455 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_LSF.INFORMATION129
5456 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_LSF.INFORMATION112
5457 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_LSF.INFORMATION130
5458 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_LSF.INFORMATION131
5459 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_LSF.INFORMATION132
5460 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_LSF.INFORMATION133
5461 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_LSF.INFORMATION134
5462 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_LSF.INFORMATION135
5463 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_LSF.INFORMATION136
5464 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_LSF.INFORMATION137
5465 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_LSF.INFORMATION138
5466 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_LSF.INFORMATION139
5467 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_LSF.INFORMATION113
5468 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_LSF.INFORMATION140
5469 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_LSF.INFORMATION114
5470 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_LSF.INFORMATION115
5471 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_LSF.INFORMATION116
5472 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_LSF.INFORMATION117
5473 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_LSF.INFORMATION118
5474 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_LSF.INFORMATION119
5475 	                  ,P_LSF_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_LSF.INFORMATION110
5476 	                  ,P_MN_LOS_NUM      => r_LSF.INFORMATION293
5477 	                  ,P_MX_LOS_NUM      => r_LSF.INFORMATION294
5478 	                  ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_LSF.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
5479 	                  ,P_NO_MN_LOS_NUM_APLS_FLAG      => r_LSF.INFORMATION13
5480 	                  ,P_NO_MX_LOS_NUM_APLS_FLAG      => r_LSF.INFORMATION12
5481 	                  ,P_RNDG_CD      => r_LSF.INFORMATION16
5482 	                  ,P_RNDG_RL      => l_RNDG_RL
5483              ,P_USE_OVERID_SVC_DT_FLAG      => r_LSF.INFORMATION11
5484              --
5485              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
5486          );
5487        end if;
5488        --
5489        l_prev_pk_id := l_current_pk_id ;
5490        --
5491      end if;
5492      --
5493    end loop;
5494    --
5495  exception when others then
5496    --
5497    raise_error_message( 'LSF',l_prefix || r_LSF.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix) ;
5498    --
5499  end create_LSF_rows;
5501    --
5502    ---------------------------------------------------------------
5503    ----------------------< create_PFF_rows >-----------------------
5504    ---------------------------------------------------------------
5505    --
5506    procedure create_PFF_rows
5507    (
5508          p_validate                       in  number     default 0
5509         ,p_copy_entity_txn_id             in  number
5510         ,p_effective_date                 in  date
5511         ,p_prefix_suffix_text             in  varchar2  default null
5512         ,p_reuse_object_flag              in  varchar2  default null
5513         ,p_target_business_group_id       in  varchar2  default null
5514         ,p_prefix_suffix_cd               in  varchar2  default null
5515    ) is
5516    --
5517    cursor c_unique_PFF(l_table_alias varchar2) is
5518    select distinct cpe.information1,
5519      cpe.information2,
5520      cpe.information3,
5521      cpe.INFORMATION218 name,
5522      cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
5523    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe,
5524         pqh_table_route tr
5525    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
5526    and   cpe.table_route_id     = tr.table_route_id
5527    -- and   tr.where_clause        = l_BEN_PCT_FL_TM_FCTR
5528    and tr.table_alias = l_table_alias
5529    and   cpe.number_of_copies   = 1 --ADDITION
5530    group by cpe.information1,cpe.information2,cpe.information3, cpe.INFORMATION218, cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
5531    order by information1, information2; --added for bug: 5151945
5532    --
5533    --
5534    cursor c_PFF_min_max_dates(c_table_route_id  number,
5535                 c_information1   number) is
5536    select
5537      min(cpe.information2) min_esd,
5538      max(cpe.information3) min_eed
5539    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
5540    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
5541    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
5542    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1 ;
5543    --
5544    cursor c_PFF(c_table_route_id  number,
5545                 c_information1   number,
5546                 c_information2   date,
5547                 c_information3   date )  is
5548    select
5549      cpe.*
5550    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
5551    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
5552    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
5553    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1
5554    and rownum = 1 ;
5555    -- Date Track target record
5556    cursor c_find_PFF_in_target( c_PFF_name          varchar2,
5557                                 c_effective_start_date    date,
5558                                 c_effective_end_date      date,
5559                                 c_business_group_id       number,
5560                                 c_new_pk_id               number) is
5561    select
5562      PFF.pct_fl_tm_fctr_id new_value
5563    from BEN_PCT_FL_TM_FCTR PFF
5564    where PFF.name               = c_PFF_name
5565    and   PFF.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
5566    and   PFF.pct_fl_tm_fctr_id  <> c_new_pk_id
5567                 ;
5568    --
5569    l_current_pk_id           number := null ;
5570    --UPD START
5571    --
5572    l_update                  boolean      := false ;
5573    l_datetrack_mode          varchar2(80) := hr_api.g_update;
5574    l_process_date            date;
5575    l_dml_operation           ben_copy_entity_results.dml_operation%TYPE ;
5576    --
5577    --UPD END
5578    l_prev_pk_id              number := null ;
5579    l_first_rec               boolean := true ;
5580    r_PFF                     c_PFF%rowtype;
5581    l_pct_fl_tm_fctr_id             number ;
5582    l_object_version_number   number ;
5583    l_effective_start_date    date ;
5584    l_effective_end_date      date ;
5585    l_prefix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
5586    l_suffix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
5587    l_new_value               number(15);
5588    l_object_found_in_target  boolean := false ;
5589    l_min_esd                 date;
5590    l_max_eed                 date;
5591    l_RNDG_RL  number;
5592    --
5593  begin
5594    -- Initialization
5595    l_object_found_in_target := false ;
5596    -- End Initialization
5597    -- Derive the prefix - sufix
5598    if   p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX' then
5599      l_prefix  := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
5600    elsif p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX' then
5601      l_suffix   := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
5602    else
5603      l_prefix := null ;
5604      l_suffix  := null ;
5605    end if ;
5606    -- End Prefix Sufix derivation
5607    for r_PFF_unique in c_unique_PFF('PFF') loop
5608      --
5609      hr_utility.set_location(' r_PFF_unique.table_route_id '||r_PFF_unique.table_route_id,10);
5610      hr_utility.set_location(' r_PFF_unique.information1 '||r_PFF_unique.information1,10);
5611      hr_utility.set_location( 'r_PFF_unique.information2 '||r_PFF_unique.information2,10);
5612      hr_utility.set_location( 'r_PFF_unique.information3 '||r_PFF_unique.information3,10);
5613      -- If reuse objects flag is 'Y' then check for the object in the target business group
5614      -- if found insert the record into PLSql table and exit the loop else try create the
5615      -- object in the target business group
5616      --
5617      l_object_found_in_target := false ;
5618      l_min_esd := null ;
5619      l_max_eed := null ;
5620      --UPD START
5621      l_dml_operation := r_PFF_unique.dml_operation;
5622      l_update := false;
5623      --
5624      if l_dml_operation = 'UPDATE' then
5625        --
5626                l_update := true;
5627                if r_PFF_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
5628                   nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'PCT_FL_TM_FCTR_ID'  then
5629                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'PCT_FL_TM_FCTR_ID' ;
5630                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_PFF_unique.information1 ;
5631                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := r_PFF_unique.information1 ;
5632                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
5633                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_PFF_unique.table_route_id;
5634                   --
5635                   -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ; -- NEW
5636                   --
5637                   g_count := g_count + 1 ;
5638                   --
5639                   log_data('PFF',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_PFF_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
5640                   --
5641                end if ;
5642                l_pct_fl_tm_fctr_id := r_PFF_unique.information1 ;
5643                l_object_version_number := r_PFF.information265 ;
5644                hr_utility.set_location( 'found record for update',10);
5645            --
5646      else
5647        --UPD END
5648      if p_reuse_object_flag = 'Y' then
5649            -- cursor to find the object
5650            open c_find_PFF_in_target( l_prefix || r_PFF_unique.name|| l_suffix  ,r_PFF_unique.information2,l_max_eed,
5651                                  p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_pct_fl_tm_fctr_id, -999)  ) ;
5652            fetch c_find_PFF_in_target into l_new_value ;
5653            if c_find_PFF_in_target%found then
5654              --
5655              if r_PFF_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
5656                 nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'PCT_FL_TM_FCTR_ID'  then
5657                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'PCT_FL_TM_FCTR_ID' ;
5658                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_PFF_unique.information1 ;
5659                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := l_new_value ;
5660                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
5661                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_PFF_unique.table_route_id;
5662                 --
5663                 -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count) , p_copy_entity_txn_id) ;
5664                 --
5665                 g_count := g_count + 1 ;
5666                 --
5667                 log_data('PFF',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_PFF_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
5668                 --
5669              end if ;
5670              --
5671              l_object_found_in_target := true ;
5672            end if;
5673            close c_find_PFF_in_target ;
5674          --
5675      end if ;
5676      --
5677      end if; --l_update
5678      if not l_object_found_in_target or l_update then
5679        --
5680        open c_PFF(r_PFF_unique.table_route_id,
5681                 r_PFF_unique.information1,
5682                 r_PFF_unique.information2,
5683                 r_PFF_unique.information3 ) ;
5684        --
5685        fetch c_PFF into r_PFF ;
5686        --
5687        close c_PFF ;
5688        --
5689        l_current_pk_id := r_PFF.information1;
5690        --
5691        hr_utility.set_location(' l_current_pk_id '||l_current_pk_id,20);
5692        hr_utility.set_location(' l_prev_pk_id '||l_prev_pk_id,20);
5693        --
5694        if l_current_pk_id =  l_prev_pk_id  then
5695          --
5696          l_first_rec := false ;
5697          --
5698        else
5699          --
5700          l_first_rec := true ;
5701          --
5702        end if ;
5703        --
5704        l_RNDG_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_PFF.INFORMATION257,l_dml_operation);
5705        --
5706        ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.ben_chk_col_len('NAME' ,'BEN_PCT_FL_TM_FCTR',l_prefix || r_PFF.INFORMATION218 || l_suffix);
5707        --
5708        if l_first_rec and not l_update then
5709          -- Call Create routine.
5710          hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_PCT_FL_TM_FCTR CREATE_PERCENT_FT_FACTORS ',20);
5712              --
5713              P_VALIDATE               => false
5714              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => NVL(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ,p_effective_date)
5715              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
5716              --
5717              ,P_MN_PCT_VAL      => r_PFF.INFORMATION294
5718 	                  ,P_MX_PCT_VAL      => r_PFF.INFORMATION293
5719 	                  ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_PFF.INFORMATION218 || l_suffix
5720 	                  ,P_NO_MN_PCT_VAL_FLAG      => r_PFF.INFORMATION11
5721 	                  ,P_NO_MX_PCT_VAL_FLAG      => r_PFF.INFORMATION12
5722 	                  ,P_PCT_FL_TM_FCTR_ID      => l_pct_fl_tm_fctr_id
5723 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_PFF.INFORMATION111
5724 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_PFF.INFORMATION120
5725 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_PFF.INFORMATION121
5726 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_PFF.INFORMATION122
5727 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_PFF.INFORMATION123
5728 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_PFF.INFORMATION124
5729 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_PFF.INFORMATION125
5730 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_PFF.INFORMATION126
5731 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_PFF.INFORMATION127
5732 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_PFF.INFORMATION128
5733 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_PFF.INFORMATION129
5734 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_PFF.INFORMATION112
5735 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_PFF.INFORMATION130
5736 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_PFF.INFORMATION131
5737 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_PFF.INFORMATION132
5738 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_PFF.INFORMATION133
5739 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_PFF.INFORMATION134
5740 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_PFF.INFORMATION135
5741 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_PFF.INFORMATION136
5742 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_PFF.INFORMATION137
5743 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_PFF.INFORMATION138
5744 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_PFF.INFORMATION139
5745 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_PFF.INFORMATION113
5746 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_PFF.INFORMATION140
5747 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_PFF.INFORMATION114
5748 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_PFF.INFORMATION115
5749 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_PFF.INFORMATION116
5750 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_PFF.INFORMATION117
5751 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_PFF.INFORMATION118
5752 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_PFF.INFORMATION119
5753 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_PFF.INFORMATION110
5754 	                  ,P_RNDG_CD      => r_PFF.INFORMATION15
5755 	                  ,P_RNDG_RL      => l_RNDG_RL
5756 	                  ,P_USE_PRMRY_ASNT_ONLY_FLAG      => r_PFF.INFORMATION13
5757              ,P_USE_SUM_OF_ALL_ASNTS_FLAG      => r_PFF.INFORMATION14
5758              --
5759              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
5760          );
5761          -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
5762          -- Update all relevent cer records with new pk_id
5763          hr_utility.set_location('Before plsql table ',222);
5764          hr_utility.set_location('new_value id '||l_pct_fl_tm_fctr_id,222);
5765          g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column := 'PCT_FL_TM_FCTR_ID' ;
5766          g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value    := r_PFF.information1 ;
5767          g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value    := l_PCT_FL_TM_FCTR_ID ;
5768          g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type  := 'COPIED';
5769          g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_PFF_unique.table_route_id;
5770          hr_utility.set_location('After plsql table ',222);
5771          --
5772          -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
5773          --
5774          g_count := g_count + 1 ;
5775          --
5776          log_data('PFF',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_PFF.INFORMATION218 || l_suffix,'COPIED');
5777          --
5778        elsif l_update then
5779          --
5780          hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_PCT_FL_TM_FCTR UPDATE_PERCENT_FT_FACTORS ',20);
5782              --
5783              P_VALIDATE               => false
5784              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => NVL(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ,p_effective_date)
5785              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
5786              --
5787              ,P_MN_PCT_VAL      => r_PFF.INFORMATION294
5788 	                  ,P_MX_PCT_VAL      => r_PFF.INFORMATION293
5789 	                  ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_PFF.INFORMATION218 || l_suffix
5790 	                  ,P_NO_MN_PCT_VAL_FLAG      => r_PFF.INFORMATION11
5791 	                  ,P_NO_MX_PCT_VAL_FLAG      => r_PFF.INFORMATION12
5792 	                  ,P_PCT_FL_TM_FCTR_ID      => l_pct_fl_tm_fctr_id
5793 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_PFF.INFORMATION111
5794 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_PFF.INFORMATION120
5795 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_PFF.INFORMATION121
5796 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_PFF.INFORMATION122
5797 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_PFF.INFORMATION123
5798 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_PFF.INFORMATION124
5799 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_PFF.INFORMATION125
5800 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_PFF.INFORMATION126
5801 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_PFF.INFORMATION127
5802 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_PFF.INFORMATION128
5803 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_PFF.INFORMATION129
5804 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_PFF.INFORMATION112
5805 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_PFF.INFORMATION130
5806 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_PFF.INFORMATION131
5807 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_PFF.INFORMATION132
5808 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_PFF.INFORMATION133
5809 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_PFF.INFORMATION134
5810 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_PFF.INFORMATION135
5811 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_PFF.INFORMATION136
5812 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_PFF.INFORMATION137
5813 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_PFF.INFORMATION138
5814 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_PFF.INFORMATION139
5815 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_PFF.INFORMATION113
5816 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_PFF.INFORMATION140
5817 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_PFF.INFORMATION114
5818 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_PFF.INFORMATION115
5819 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_PFF.INFORMATION116
5820 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_PFF.INFORMATION117
5821 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_PFF.INFORMATION118
5822 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_PFF.INFORMATION119
5823 	                  ,P_PFF_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_PFF.INFORMATION110
5824 	                  ,P_RNDG_CD      => r_PFF.INFORMATION15
5825 	                  ,P_RNDG_RL      => l_RNDG_RL
5826 	                  ,P_USE_PRMRY_ASNT_ONLY_FLAG      => r_PFF.INFORMATION13
5827              ,P_USE_SUM_OF_ALL_ASNTS_FLAG      => r_PFF.INFORMATION14
5828              --
5829              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
5830          );
5831        end if;
5832        --
5833        l_prev_pk_id := l_current_pk_id ;
5834        --
5835      end if;
5836      --
5837    end loop;
5838    --
5839  exception when others then
5840    --
5841    raise_error_message( 'PFF',l_prefix || r_PFF.INFORMATION218 || l_suffix) ;
5842    --
5843  end create_PFF_rows;
5845    --
5846    ---------------------------------------------------------------
5847    ----------------------< create_CLA_rows >-----------------------
5848    ---------------------------------------------------------------
5849    --
5850    procedure create_CLA_rows
5851    (
5852          p_validate                       in  number     default 0
5853         ,p_copy_entity_txn_id             in  number
5854         ,p_effective_date                 in  date
5855         ,p_prefix_suffix_text             in  varchar2  default null
5856         ,p_reuse_object_flag              in  varchar2  default null
5857         ,p_target_business_group_id       in  varchar2  default null
5858         ,p_prefix_suffix_cd               in  varchar2  default null
5859    ) is
5860    --
5861    cursor c_unique_CLA(l_table_alias varchar2) is
5862    select distinct cpe.information1,
5863      cpe.information2,
5864      cpe.information3,
5865      cpe.INFORMATION170 name,
5866      cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
5867    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe,
5868         pqh_table_route tr
5869    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
5870    and   cpe.table_route_id     = tr.table_route_id
5871    -- and   tr.where_clause        = l_BEN_CMBN_AGE_LOS_FCTR
5872    and tr.table_alias = l_table_alias
5873    and   cpe.number_of_copies   = 1 --ADDITION
5874    group by cpe.information1,cpe.information2,cpe.information3, cpe.INFORMATION170, cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
5875    order by information1, information2; --added for bug: 5151945
5876    --
5877    --
5878    cursor c_CLA_min_max_dates(c_table_route_id  number,
5879                 c_information1   number) is
5880    select
5881      min(cpe.information2) min_esd,
5882      max(cpe.information3) min_eed
5883    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
5884    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
5885    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
5886    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1 ;
5887    --
5888    cursor c_CLA(c_table_route_id  number,
5889                 c_information1   number,
5890                 c_information2   date,
5891                 c_information3   date )  is
5892    select
5893      cpe.*
5894    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
5895    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
5896    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
5897    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1
5898    and rownum = 1 ;
5899    -- Date Track target record
5900    cursor c_find_CLA_in_target( c_CLA_name          varchar2,
5901                                 c_effective_start_date    date,
5902                                 c_effective_end_date      date,
5903                                 c_business_group_id       number,
5904                                 c_new_pk_id               number) is
5905    select
5906      CLA.cmbn_age_los_fctr_id new_value
5908    where CLA.name               = c_CLA_name
5909    and   CLA.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
5910    and   CLA.cmbn_age_los_fctr_id  <> c_new_pk_id
5911                 ;
5912    --
5913    l_current_pk_id           number := null ;
5914    --UPD START
5915    --
5916    l_update                  boolean      := false ;
5917    l_datetrack_mode          varchar2(80) := hr_api.g_update;
5918    l_process_date            date;
5919    l_dml_operation           ben_copy_entity_results.dml_operation%TYPE ;
5920    --
5921    --UPD END
5922    l_prev_pk_id              number := null ;
5923    l_first_rec               boolean := true ;
5924    r_CLA                     c_CLA%rowtype;
5925    l_cmbn_age_los_fctr_id             number ;
5926    l_object_version_number   number ;
5927    l_effective_start_date    date ;
5928    l_effective_end_date      date ;
5929    l_prefix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
5930    l_suffix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
5931    l_new_value               number(15);
5932    l_object_found_in_target  boolean := false ;
5933    l_min_esd                 date;
5934    l_max_eed                 date;
5935    l_AGE_FCTR_ID  number;
5936    l_LOS_FCTR_ID  number;
5937    --
5938  begin
5939    -- Initialization
5940    l_object_found_in_target := false ;
5941    -- End Initialization
5942    -- Derive the prefix - sufix
5943    if   p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX' then
5944      l_prefix  := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
5945    elsif p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX' then
5946      l_suffix   := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
5947    else
5948      l_prefix := null ;
5949      l_suffix  := null ;
5950    end if ;
5951    -- End Prefix Sufix derivation
5952    for r_CLA_unique in c_unique_CLA('CLA') loop
5953      --
5954      hr_utility.set_location(' r_CLA_unique.table_route_id '||r_CLA_unique.table_route_id,10);
5955      hr_utility.set_location(' r_CLA_unique.information1 '||r_CLA_unique.information1,10);
5956      hr_utility.set_location( 'r_CLA_unique.information2 '||r_CLA_unique.information2,10);
5957      hr_utility.set_location( 'r_CLA_unique.information3 '||r_CLA_unique.information3,10);
5958      -- If reuse objects flag is 'Y' then check for the object in the target business group
5959      -- if found insert the record into PLSql table and exit the loop else try create the
5960      -- object in the target business group
5961      --
5962      l_object_found_in_target := false ;
5963      l_min_esd := null ;
5964      l_max_eed := null ;
5965           --UPD START
5966      l_dml_operation := r_CLA_unique.dml_operation;
5967      l_update := false;
5968      --
5969      if l_dml_operation = 'UPDATE' then
5970        --
5971                l_update := true;
5972                if r_CLA_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
5973                   nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'CMBN_AGE_LOS_FCTR_ID'  then
5974                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'CMBN_AGE_LOS_FCTR_ID';
5975                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_CLA_unique.information1 ;
5976                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := r_CLA_unique.information1 ;
5977                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
5978                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_CLA_unique.table_route_id;
5979                   --
5980                   -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ; -- NEW
5981                   --
5982                   g_count := g_count + 1 ;
5983                   --
5984                   log_data('CLA',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_CLA_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
5985                   --
5986                end if ;
5987                l_cmbn_age_los_fctr_id := r_CLA_unique.information1 ;
5988                l_object_version_number := r_CLA.information265 ;
5989                hr_utility.set_location( 'found record for update',10);
5990            --
5991      else
5992        --UPD END
5993      if p_reuse_object_flag = 'Y' then
5994            -- cursor to find the object
5995            open c_find_CLA_in_target( l_prefix || r_CLA_unique.name|| l_suffix  ,r_CLA_unique.information2,l_max_eed,
5996                                  p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_cmbn_age_los_fctr_id, -999)  ) ;
5997            fetch c_find_CLA_in_target into l_new_value ;
5998            if c_find_CLA_in_target%found then
5999              --
6000              if r_CLA_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
6001                 nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'CMBN_AGE_LOS_FCTR_ID'  then
6002                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'CMBN_AGE_LOS_FCTR_ID' ;
6003                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_CLA_unique.information1 ;
6004                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := l_new_value ;
6005                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
6006                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_CLA_unique.table_route_id;
6007                 --
6008                 -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count) , p_copy_entity_txn_id) ;
6009                 --
6010                 g_count := g_count + 1 ;
6011                 --
6012                 log_data('CLA',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_CLA_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
6013                 --
6014              end if ;
6015              --
6016              l_object_found_in_target := true ;
6017            end if;
6018            close c_find_CLA_in_target ;
6019          --
6020      end if ;
6021      end if ;
6022      --
6023      if not l_object_found_in_target or l_update then
6024        --
6025        open c_CLA(r_CLA_unique.table_route_id,
6026                 r_CLA_unique.information1,
6027                 r_CLA_unique.information2,
6028                 r_CLA_unique.information3 ) ;
6029        --
6030        fetch c_CLA into r_CLA ;
6031        --
6032        close c_CLA ;
6033        --
6034        l_current_pk_id := r_CLA.information1;
6035        --
6036        hr_utility.set_location(' l_current_pk_id '||l_current_pk_id,20);
6037        hr_utility.set_location(' l_prev_pk_id '||l_prev_pk_id,20);
6038        --
6039        if l_current_pk_id =  l_prev_pk_id  then
6040          --
6041          l_first_rec := false ;
6042          --
6043        else
6044          --
6045          l_first_rec := true ;
6046          --
6047        end if ;
6048        --
6049        l_AGE_FCTR_ID := get_fk('AGE_FCTR_ID', r_CLA.INFORMATION246,l_dml_operation );
6050        l_LOS_FCTR_ID := get_fk('LOS_FCTR_ID', r_CLA.INFORMATION243,l_dml_operation );
6051        --
6052        -- To avoid creating a child with out a parent
6053        --
6054        if l_AGE_FCTR_ID is null and l_LOS_FCTR_ID is null then
6055           l_first_rec:=false;
6056        end if;
6057        --
6058        ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.ben_chk_col_len('NAME' ,'BEN_CMBN_AGE_LOS_FCTR',l_prefix || r_CLA.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix);
6059        --
6060        if l_first_rec and not l_update then
6061          -- Call Create routine.
6062          hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_CMBN_AGE_LOS_FCTR CREATE_CMBN_AGE_LOS_FCTR ',20);
6064              --
6065              P_VALIDATE               => false
6066              -- ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => p_effective_date
6067              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
6068              --
6069              ,P_AGE_FCTR_ID      => l_AGE_FCTR_ID
6070 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_CLA.INFORMATION111
6071 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_CLA.INFORMATION120
6072 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_CLA.INFORMATION121
6073 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_CLA.INFORMATION122
6074 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_CLA.INFORMATION123
6075 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_CLA.INFORMATION124
6076 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_CLA.INFORMATION125
6077 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_CLA.INFORMATION126
6078 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_CLA.INFORMATION127
6079 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_CLA.INFORMATION128
6080 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_CLA.INFORMATION129
6081 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_CLA.INFORMATION112
6082 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_CLA.INFORMATION130
6083 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_CLA.INFORMATION131
6084 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_CLA.INFORMATION132
6085 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_CLA.INFORMATION133
6086 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_CLA.INFORMATION134
6087 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_CLA.INFORMATION135
6088 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_CLA.INFORMATION136
6089 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_CLA.INFORMATION137
6090 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_CLA.INFORMATION138
6091 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_CLA.INFORMATION139
6092 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_CLA.INFORMATION113
6093 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_CLA.INFORMATION140
6094 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_CLA.INFORMATION114
6095 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_CLA.INFORMATION115
6096 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_CLA.INFORMATION116
6097 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_CLA.INFORMATION117
6098 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_CLA.INFORMATION118
6099 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_CLA.INFORMATION119
6100 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_CLA.INFORMATION110
6101 	                  ,P_CMBND_MAX_VAL      => r_CLA.INFORMATION294
6102 	                  ,P_CMBND_MIN_VAL      => r_CLA.INFORMATION293
6103 	                  ,P_CMBN_AGE_LOS_FCTR_ID      => l_cmbn_age_los_fctr_id
6104 	                  ,P_LOS_FCTR_ID      => l_LOS_FCTR_ID
6105 	                  ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_CLA.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
6106              ,P_ORDR_NUM      => r_CLA.INFORMATION260
6107              --
6108              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
6109          );
6110          -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
6111          -- Update all relevent cer records with new pk_id
6112          hr_utility.set_location('Before plsql table ',222);
6113          hr_utility.set_location('new_value id '||l_cmbn_age_los_fctr_id,222);
6114          g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column := 'CMBN_AGE_LOS_FCTR_ID' ;
6115          g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value    := r_CLA.information1 ;
6116          g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value    := l_CMBN_AGE_LOS_FCTR_ID ;
6117          g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type  := 'COPIED';
6118          g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_CLA_unique.table_route_id;
6119          hr_utility.set_location('After plsql table ',222);
6120          --
6121          -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
6122          --
6123          g_count := g_count + 1 ;
6124          --
6125          log_data('CLA',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_CLA.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix,'COPIED');
6126          --
6127        elsif l_update then
6129          hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_CMBN_AGE_LOS_FCTR UPDATE_CMBN_AGE_LOS_FCTR ',20);
6131              --
6132              P_VALIDATE               => false
6133              -- ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => p_effective_date
6134              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
6135              --
6136              ,P_AGE_FCTR_ID      => l_AGE_FCTR_ID
6137 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_CLA.INFORMATION111
6138 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_CLA.INFORMATION120
6139 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_CLA.INFORMATION121
6140 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_CLA.INFORMATION122
6141 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_CLA.INFORMATION123
6142 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_CLA.INFORMATION124
6143 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_CLA.INFORMATION125
6144 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_CLA.INFORMATION126
6145 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_CLA.INFORMATION127
6146 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_CLA.INFORMATION128
6147 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_CLA.INFORMATION129
6148 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_CLA.INFORMATION112
6149 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_CLA.INFORMATION130
6150 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_CLA.INFORMATION131
6151 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_CLA.INFORMATION132
6152 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_CLA.INFORMATION133
6153 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_CLA.INFORMATION134
6154 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_CLA.INFORMATION135
6155 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_CLA.INFORMATION136
6156 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_CLA.INFORMATION137
6157 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_CLA.INFORMATION138
6158 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_CLA.INFORMATION139
6159 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_CLA.INFORMATION113
6160 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_CLA.INFORMATION140
6161 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_CLA.INFORMATION114
6162 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_CLA.INFORMATION115
6163 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_CLA.INFORMATION116
6164 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_CLA.INFORMATION117
6165 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_CLA.INFORMATION118
6166 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_CLA.INFORMATION119
6167 	                  ,P_CLA_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_CLA.INFORMATION110
6168 	                  ,P_CMBND_MAX_VAL      => r_CLA.INFORMATION294
6169 	                  ,P_CMBND_MIN_VAL      => r_CLA.INFORMATION293
6170 	                  ,P_CMBN_AGE_LOS_FCTR_ID      => l_cmbn_age_los_fctr_id
6171 	                  ,P_LOS_FCTR_ID      => l_LOS_FCTR_ID
6172 	                  ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_CLA.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
6173              ,P_ORDR_NUM      => r_CLA.INFORMATION260
6174              --
6175              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
6176          );
6177        end if;
6178        --
6179        l_prev_pk_id := l_current_pk_id ;
6180        --
6181      end if;
6182      --
6183    end loop;
6184    --
6185  exception when others then
6186    --
6187    raise_error_message( 'CLA',l_prefix || r_CLA.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix) ;
6188    --
6189  end create_CLA_rows;
6191    --
6192    ---------------------------------------------------------------
6193    ----------------------< create_PTP_rows >-----------------------
6194    ---------------------------------------------------------------
6195    --
6196    procedure create_PTP_rows
6197    (
6198          p_validate                       in  number     default 0
6199         ,p_copy_entity_txn_id             in  number
6200         ,p_effective_date                 in  date
6201         ,p_prefix_suffix_text             in  varchar2  default null
6202         ,p_reuse_object_flag              in  varchar2  default null
6203         ,p_target_business_group_id       in  varchar2  default null
6204         ,p_prefix_suffix_cd               in  varchar2  default null
6205    ) is
6206    --
6207    cursor c_unique_PTP(l_table_alias varchar2) is
6208    select distinct cpe.information1,
6209      cpe.information2,
6210      cpe.information3,
6211      cpe.INFORMATION170 name,
6212      cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
6213    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe,
6214         pqh_table_route tr
6215    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
6216    and   cpe.table_route_id     = tr.table_route_id
6217    -- and   tr.where_clause        = l_BEN_PL_TYP_F
6218    and tr.table_alias = l_table_alias
6219    and   cpe.number_of_copies   = 1 --ADDITION
6220    group by cpe.information1,cpe.information2,cpe.information3, cpe.INFORMATION170, cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
6221    order by information1, information2; --added for bug: 5151945
6222    --
6223    --
6224    cursor c_PTP_min_max_dates(c_table_route_id  number,
6225                 c_information1   number) is
6226    select
6227      min(cpe.information2) min_esd,
6228      max(cpe.information3) min_eed
6229    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
6230    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
6231    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
6232    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1 ;
6233    --
6234    cursor c_PTP(c_table_route_id  number,
6235                 c_information1   number,
6236                 c_information2   date,
6237                 c_information3   date )  is
6238    select
6239      cpe.*
6240    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
6241    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
6242    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
6243    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1
6244    and   cpe.information2       = c_information2
6245    and   cpe.information3       = c_information3
6246    and rownum = 1 ;
6247    -- Date Track target record
6248    cursor c_find_PTP_in_target( c_PTP_name          varchar2,
6249                                 c_effective_start_date    date,
6250                                 c_effective_end_date      date,
6251                                 c_business_group_id       number,
6252                                 c_new_pk_id               number) is
6253    select
6254      PTP.pl_typ_id new_value
6255    from BEN_PL_TYP_F PTP
6256    where PTP.name               = c_PTP_name
6257    and   PTP.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
6258    and   PTP.pl_typ_id  <> c_new_pk_id
6259 --TEMPIK
6260    and c_effective_start_date between effective_start_date
6261                             and effective_end_date ;
6263 /*TEMPIK
6264    and exists ( select null
6265                 from BEN_PL_TYP_F PTP1
6266                 where PTP1.name               = c_PTP_name
6267                 and   PTP1.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
6268                 and   PTP1.effective_start_date <= c_effective_start_date )
6269    and exists ( select null
6270                 from BEN_PL_TYP_F PTP2
6271                 where PTP2.name               = c_PTP_name
6272                 and   PTP2.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
6273                 and   PTP2.effective_end_date >= c_effective_end_date )
6274                 ;
6275 TEMPIK */
6276    --TEMPIK
6277    l_dt_rec_found            boolean ;
6278    --END TEMPIK
6279    --
6280    l_current_pk_id           number := null ;
6281    --UPD START
6282    --
6283    l_update                  boolean      := false ;
6284    l_datetrack_mode          varchar2(80) := hr_api.g_update;
6285    l_process_date            date;
6286    l_dml_operation           ben_copy_entity_results.dml_operation%TYPE ;
6287    --
6288    --UPD END
6289    l_prev_pk_id              number := null ;
6290    l_first_rec               boolean := true ;
6291    r_PTP                     c_PTP%rowtype;
6292    l_pl_typ_id             number ;
6293    l_object_version_number   number ;
6294    l_effective_start_date    date ;
6295    l_effective_end_date      date ;
6296    l_prefix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
6297    l_suffix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
6298    l_new_value               number(15);
6299    l_object_found_in_target  boolean := false ;
6300    l_min_esd                 date;
6301    l_max_eed                 date;
6302    l_effective_date          date;
6303    --
6304  begin
6305    -- Initialization
6306    l_object_found_in_target := false ;
6307    -- End Initialization
6308    -- Derive the prefix - sufix
6309    if   p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX' then
6310      l_prefix  := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
6311    elsif p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX' then
6312      l_suffix   := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
6313    else
6314      l_prefix := null ;
6315      l_suffix  := null ;
6316    end if ;
6317    -- End Prefix Sufix derivation
6318    for r_PTP_unique in c_unique_PTP('PTP') loop
6320      if (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is null or
6321         (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
6322          r_PTP_unique.information3 >=
6323                  ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date)
6324         ) then
6325        --
6326        hr_utility.set_location(' r_PTP_unique.table_route_id '||r_PTP_unique.table_route_id,10);
6327        hr_utility.set_location(' r_PTP_unique.information1 '||r_PTP_unique.information1,10);
6328        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_PTP_unique.information2 '||r_PTP_unique.information2,10);
6329        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_PTP_unique.information3 '||r_PTP_unique.information3,10);
6330        -- If reuse objects flag is 'Y' then check for the object in the target business group
6331        -- if found insert the record into PLSql table and exit the loop else try create the
6332        -- object in the target business group
6333        --
6334        l_object_found_in_target := false ;
6335        --UPD START
6336        l_update := false;
6337        l_process_date := p_effective_date;
6338        l_dml_operation:= r_PTP_unique.dml_operation ;
6339        --
6340        if l_dml_operation = 'UPDATE' then
6341          --
6342          l_object_found_in_target := TRUE;
6343          --
6344          if l_process_date between r_PTP_unique.information2 and r_PTP_unique.information3 then
6345                l_update := true;
6346                if r_PTP_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
6347                   nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'PL_TYP_ID'  then
6348                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'PL_TYP_ID' ;
6349                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_PTP_unique.information1 ;
6350                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := r_PTP_unique.information1 ;
6351                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
6352                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_PTP_unique.table_route_id;
6353                   --
6354                   -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
6355                   --
6356                   g_count := g_count + 1 ;
6357                   --
6358                   log_data('PTP',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_PTP_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
6359                   --
6360                end if ;
6361                hr_utility.set_location( 'found record for update',10);
6362            --
6363          else
6364            --
6365            l_update := false;
6366            --
6367          end if;
6368        else
6369          --
6370          --UPD END
6371        l_min_esd := null ;
6372        l_max_eed := null ;
6373        open c_PTP_min_max_dates(r_PTP_unique.table_route_id, r_PTP_unique.information1 ) ;
6374        fetch c_PTP_min_max_dates into l_min_esd,l_max_eed ;
6376        if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
6377             l_min_esd < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
6378          l_min_esd := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
6379        end if;
6380        --
6381        -- if there are update rows
6382        --
6383        l_min_esd := greatest(l_min_esd,r_PTP_unique.information2);
6386        hr_utility.set_location( 'p_reuse_object_flag = ' || p_reuse_object_flag, 10);
6387        if p_reuse_object_flag = 'Y' then
6388          if c_PTP_min_max_dates%found then
6389            -- cursor to find the object
6390              hr_utility.set_location( 'l_prefix || r_PTP_unique.name|| l_suffix =   ' || l_prefix || r_PTP_unique.name|| l_suffix,10);
6391              hr_utility.set_location( 'l_min_esd =   ' || l_min_esd ,10);
6392              hr_utility.set_location( 'l_max_eed =   ' || l_max_eed ,10);
6393              open c_find_PTP_in_target( l_prefix || r_PTP_unique.name|| l_suffix  ,l_min_esd,l_max_eed,
6394                                  p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_pl_typ_id, -999)  ) ;
6395              fetch c_find_PTP_in_target into l_new_value ;
6396              if c_find_PTP_in_target%found then
6397                --
6398              --TEMPIK
6399              l_dt_rec_found :=   dt_api.check_min_max_dates
6400                  (p_base_table_name => 'BEN_PL_TYP_F',
6401                   p_base_key_column => 'PL_TYP_ID',
6402                   p_base_key_value  => l_new_value,
6403                   p_from_date       => l_min_esd,
6404                   p_to_date         => l_max_eed );
6405              if l_dt_rec_found THEN
6406              --END TEMPIK
6407                hr_utility.set_location( 'r_PTP_unique.information3 found ',10);
6408                if r_PTP_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
6409                   nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'PL_TYP_ID'  then
6410                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'PL_TYP_ID' ;
6411                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_PTP_unique.information1 ;
6412                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := l_new_value ;
6413                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
6414                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_PTP_unique.table_route_id;
6415                   --
6416                   -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count) , p_copy_entity_txn_id) ;
6417                   --
6418                   g_count := g_count + 1 ;
6419                   --
6420                   log_data('PTP',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_PTP_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
6421                   --
6422                end if ;
6423                --
6424                l_object_found_in_target := true ;
6425              --TEMPIK
6426              end if; -- l_dt_rec_found
6427              --END TEMPIK
6428              end if;
6429              close c_find_PTP_in_target ;
6430              --
6431          end if;
6432        end if ;
6433        --
6434        close c_PTP_min_max_dates ;
6435        end if ; --l_update
6436        if not l_object_found_in_target or l_update then
6437          --
6438          open c_PTP(r_PTP_unique.table_route_id,
6439                 r_PTP_unique.information1,
6440                 r_PTP_unique.information2,
6441                 r_PTP_unique.information3 ) ;
6442          --
6443          fetch c_PTP into r_PTP ;
6444          --
6445          close c_PTP ;
6446          --
6447          l_current_pk_id := r_PTP.information1;
6448          --
6449          hr_utility.set_location(' l_current_pk_id '||l_current_pk_id,20);
6450          hr_utility.set_location(' l_prev_pk_id '||l_prev_pk_id,20);
6451          --
6452          if l_current_pk_id =  l_prev_pk_id  then
6453            --
6454            l_first_rec := false ;
6455            --
6456          else
6457            --
6458            l_first_rec := true ;
6459            --
6460          end if ;
6461          --
6462          ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.ben_chk_col_len('NAME' ,'BEN_PL_TYP_F',l_prefix || r_PTP.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix);
6463          --
6465          l_effective_date := r_PTP.information2;
6466          if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
6467               l_effective_date < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
6468            l_effective_date := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
6469          end if;
6471          if l_first_rec and not l_update then
6472            -- Call Create routine.
6473            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_PL_TYP_F CREATE_PLAN_TYPE ',20);
6475              --
6476              P_VALIDATE               => false
6477              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
6478              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
6479              --
6480             ,P_COMP_TYP_CD      => r_PTP.INFORMATION16
6481 	                 ,P_IVR_IDENT      => r_PTP.INFORMATION141
6482 	                 ,P_MN_ENRL_RQD_NUM      => r_PTP.INFORMATION261
6483 	                 ,P_MX_ENRL_ALWD_NUM      => r_PTP.INFORMATION260
6484 	                 ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_PTP.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
6485 	                 ,P_NO_MN_ENRL_NUM_DFND_FLAG      => r_PTP.INFORMATION14
6486 	                 ,P_NO_MX_ENRL_NUM_DFND_FLAG      => r_PTP.INFORMATION13
6487 	                 ,P_OPT_DSPLY_FMT_CD      => r_PTP.INFORMATION15
6488 	                 ,P_OPT_TYP_CD      => r_PTP.INFORMATION18
6489 	                 ,P_PL_TYP_ID      => l_pl_typ_id
6490 	                 ,P_PL_TYP_STAT_CD      => r_PTP.INFORMATION17
6491 	                 ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_PTP.INFORMATION111
6492 	                 ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_PTP.INFORMATION120
6493 	                 ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_PTP.INFORMATION121
6494 	                 ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_PTP.INFORMATION122
6495 	                 ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_PTP.INFORMATION123
6496 	                 ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_PTP.INFORMATION124
6497 	                 ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_PTP.INFORMATION125
6498 	                 ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_PTP.INFORMATION126
6499 	                 ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_PTP.INFORMATION127
6500 	                 ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_PTP.INFORMATION128
6501 	                 ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_PTP.INFORMATION129
6502 	                 ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_PTP.INFORMATION112
6503 	                 ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_PTP.INFORMATION130
6504 	                 ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_PTP.INFORMATION131
6505 	                 ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_PTP.INFORMATION132
6506 	                 ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_PTP.INFORMATION133
6507 	                 ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_PTP.INFORMATION134
6508 	                 ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_PTP.INFORMATION135
6509 	                 ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_PTP.INFORMATION136
6510 	                 ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_PTP.INFORMATION137
6511 	                 ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_PTP.INFORMATION138
6512 	                 ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_PTP.INFORMATION139
6513 	                 ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_PTP.INFORMATION113
6514 	                 ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_PTP.INFORMATION140
6515 	                 ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_PTP.INFORMATION114
6516 	                 ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_PTP.INFORMATION115
6517 	                 ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_PTP.INFORMATION116
6518 	                 ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_PTP.INFORMATION117
6519 	                 ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_PTP.INFORMATION118
6520 	                 ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_PTP.INFORMATION119
6521 	                 ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_PTP.INFORMATION110
6522 	                 ,P_SHORT_CODE      => r_PTP.INFORMATION11
6523              ,P_SHORT_NAME      => r_PTP.INFORMATION12
6524              --
6525              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
6526              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
6527              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
6528            );
6529            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
6530            -- Update all relevent cer records with new pk_id
6531            hr_utility.set_location('Before plsql table ',222);
6532            hr_utility.set_location('new_value id '||l_pl_typ_id,222);
6533            g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column := 'PL_TYP_ID' ;
6534            g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value    := r_PTP.information1 ;
6535            g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value    := l_PL_TYP_ID ;
6536            g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type  := 'COPIED';
6537            g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_PTP_unique.table_route_id;
6538            hr_utility.set_location('After plsql table ',222);
6539            --
6540            -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
6541            --
6542            g_count := g_count + 1 ;
6543            --
6544            log_data('PTP',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_PTP.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix,'COPIED');
6545            --
6546          else
6547            --
6548            hr_utility.set_location('Before call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'||l_datetrack_mode,5);
6549            --
6550            if l_update then
6551              --
6552              l_datetrack_mode := r_PTP.datetrack_mode ;
6553              --
6554              get_dt_modes(
6555                p_effective_date        => l_process_date,
6556                p_effective_end_date    => r_PTP.information3,
6557                p_effective_start_date  => r_PTP.information2,
6558                p_dml_operation         => r_PTP.dml_operation,
6559                p_datetrack_mode        => l_datetrack_mode );
6560            --    p_update                => l_update
6561              --
6562              l_effective_date := l_process_date;
6563              l_pl_typ_id   := r_PTP.information1;
6564              l_object_version_number := r_PTP.information265;
6565              --
6566            end if;
6567            --
6568            hr_utility.set_location('After call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'||l_datetrack_mode,5);
6569            -- Call Update routine for the pk_id created in prev run .
6570            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
6571            IF l_update OR l_dml_operation <> 'UPDATE' THEN
6572            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_PL_TYP_F UPDATE_PLAN_TYPE ',30);
6574              --
6575              P_VALIDATE               => false
6576              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
6577              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
6578              --
6579              ,P_COMP_TYP_CD      => r_PTP.INFORMATION16
6580 	                  ,P_IVR_IDENT      => r_PTP.INFORMATION141
6581 	                  ,P_MN_ENRL_RQD_NUM      => r_PTP.INFORMATION261
6582 	                  ,P_MX_ENRL_ALWD_NUM      => r_PTP.INFORMATION260
6583 	                  ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_PTP.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
6584 	                  ,P_NO_MN_ENRL_NUM_DFND_FLAG      => r_PTP.INFORMATION14
6585 	                  ,P_NO_MX_ENRL_NUM_DFND_FLAG      => r_PTP.INFORMATION13
6586 	                  ,P_OPT_DSPLY_FMT_CD      => r_PTP.INFORMATION15
6587 	                  ,P_OPT_TYP_CD      => r_PTP.INFORMATION18
6588 	                  ,P_PL_TYP_ID      => l_pl_typ_id
6589 	                  ,P_PL_TYP_STAT_CD      => r_PTP.INFORMATION17
6590 	                  ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_PTP.INFORMATION111
6591 	                  ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_PTP.INFORMATION120
6592 	                  ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_PTP.INFORMATION121
6593 	                  ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_PTP.INFORMATION122
6594 	                  ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_PTP.INFORMATION123
6595 	                  ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_PTP.INFORMATION124
6596 	                  ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_PTP.INFORMATION125
6597 	                  ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_PTP.INFORMATION126
6598 	                  ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_PTP.INFORMATION127
6599 	                  ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_PTP.INFORMATION128
6600 	                  ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_PTP.INFORMATION129
6601 	                  ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_PTP.INFORMATION112
6602 	                  ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_PTP.INFORMATION130
6603 	                  ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_PTP.INFORMATION131
6604 	                  ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_PTP.INFORMATION132
6605 	                  ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_PTP.INFORMATION133
6606 	                  ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_PTP.INFORMATION134
6607 	                  ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_PTP.INFORMATION135
6608 	                  ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_PTP.INFORMATION136
6609 	                  ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_PTP.INFORMATION137
6610 	                  ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_PTP.INFORMATION138
6611 	                  ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_PTP.INFORMATION139
6612 	                  ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_PTP.INFORMATION113
6613 	                  ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_PTP.INFORMATION140
6614 	                  ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_PTP.INFORMATION114
6615 	                  ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_PTP.INFORMATION115
6616 	                  ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_PTP.INFORMATION116
6617 	                  ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_PTP.INFORMATION117
6618 	                  ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_PTP.INFORMATION118
6619 	                  ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_PTP.INFORMATION119
6620 	                  ,P_PTP_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_PTP.INFORMATION110
6621 	                  ,P_SHORT_CODE      => r_PTP.INFORMATION11
6622              ,P_SHORT_NAME      => r_PTP.INFORMATION12
6623              --
6624              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
6625              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
6626              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER => l_object_version_number
6627              ,P_DATETRACK_MODE        => l_datetrack_mode
6628            );
6629            end if;
6630          end if;
6631          --
6632          --
6633          -- Delete the row if it is end dated.
6634          --
6635          if (trunc(l_max_eed) <> trunc(hr_api.g_eot) and
6636              trunc(l_max_eed) <> l_effective_end_date and      /* Bug 4302963 */
6637            trunc(l_max_eed) = r_PTP.information3) then
6638            --
6639            BEN_PLAN_TYPE_API.delete_PLAN_TYPE(
6640                 --
6641                 p_validate                       => false
6642                 ,p_pl_typ_id                   => l_pl_typ_id
6643                 ,p_effective_start_date           => l_effective_start_date
6644                 ,p_effective_end_date             => l_effective_end_date
6645                 ,p_object_version_number          => l_object_version_number
6646                 ,p_effective_date                 => l_max_eed
6647                 ,p_datetrack_mode                 => hr_api.g_delete
6648                 --
6649                 );
6650                 --
6651          end if;
6652          --
6653          l_prev_pk_id := l_current_pk_id ;
6654          --
6655        end if;
6656        --
6657      end if;
6658      --
6659    end loop;
6660    --
6661  exception when others then
6662    --
6663    raise_error_message( 'PTP',l_prefix || r_PTP.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix) ;
6664    --
6665  end create_PTP_rows;
6667    --
6668    ---------------------------------------------------------------
6669    ----------------------< create_PGM_rows >-----------------------
6670    ---------------------------------------------------------------
6671    --
6672    procedure create_PGM_rows
6673    (
6674          p_validate                       in  number     default 0
6675         ,p_copy_entity_txn_id             in  number
6676         ,p_effective_date                 in  date
6677         ,p_prefix_suffix_text             in  varchar2  default null
6678         ,p_reuse_object_flag              in  varchar2  default null
6679         ,p_target_business_group_id       in  varchar2  default null
6680         ,p_prefix_suffix_cd               in  varchar2  default null
6681    ) is
6682    --
6683    cursor c_unique_PGM(l_table_alias varchar2) is
6684    select distinct cpe.information1,
6685      cpe.information2,
6686      cpe.information3,
6687      cpe.INFORMATION170 name,
6688      cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
6689    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe,
6690         pqh_table_route tr
6691    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
6692    and   cpe.table_route_id     = tr.table_route_id
6693    -- and   tr.where_clause        = l_BEN_PGM_F
6694    and tr.table_alias = l_table_alias
6695    and   cpe.number_of_copies   = 1 --ADDITION
6696    group by cpe.information1,cpe.information2,cpe.information3, cpe.INFORMATION170, cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
6697    order by cpe.information1, cpe.information2 /* Bug 5076363 */;
6698    --
6699    --
6700    cursor c_PGM_min_max_dates(c_table_route_id  number,
6701                 c_information1   number) is
6702    select
6703      min(cpe.information2) min_esd,
6704      max(cpe.information3) min_eed
6705    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
6706    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
6707    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
6708    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1 ;
6709    --
6710    cursor c_PGM(c_table_route_id  number,
6711                 c_information1   number,
6712                 c_information2   date,
6713                 c_information3   date )  is
6714    select
6715      cpe.*
6716    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
6717    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
6718    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
6719    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1
6720    and   cpe.information2       = c_information2
6721    and   cpe.information3       = c_information3
6722    and rownum = 1 ;
6723    -- Date Track target record
6724    cursor c_find_PGM_in_target( c_PGM_name          varchar2,
6725                                 c_effective_start_date    date,
6726                                 c_effective_end_date      date,
6727                                 c_business_group_id       number,
6728                                 c_new_pk_id               number) is
6729    select
6730      PGM.pgm_id new_value
6731    from BEN_PGM_F PGM
6732    where PGM.name               = c_PGM_name
6733    and   PGM.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
6734    and   PGM.pgm_id  <> c_new_pk_id
6735 --TEMPIK
6736    and c_effective_start_date between effective_start_date
6737                             and effective_end_date ;
6739 /*TEMPIK
6740    and exists ( select null
6741                 from BEN_PGM_F PGM1
6742                 where PGM1.name               = c_PGM_name
6743                 and   PGM1.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
6744                 and   PGM1.effective_start_date <= c_effective_start_date )
6745    and exists ( select null
6746                 from BEN_PGM_F PGM2
6747                 where PGM2.name               = c_PGM_name
6748                 and   PGM2.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
6749                 and   PGM2.effective_end_date >= c_effective_end_date )
6750                 ;
6751 TEMPIK */
6752    --TEMPIK
6753    l_dt_rec_found            boolean ;
6754    --END TEMPIK
6755    --
6756    l_current_pk_id           number := null ;
6757    --UPD START
6758    --
6759    l_update                  boolean      := false ;
6760    l_datetrack_mode          varchar2(80) := hr_api.g_update;
6761    l_process_date            date;
6762    l_dml_operation           ben_copy_entity_results.dml_operation%TYPE ;
6763    --
6764    --UPD END
6765    l_prev_pk_id              number := null ;
6766    l_first_rec               boolean := true ;
6767    r_PGM                     c_PGM%rowtype;
6768    l_pgm_id             number ;
6769    l_object_version_number   number ;
6770    l_effective_start_date    date ;
6771    l_effective_end_date      date ;
6772    l_prefix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
6773    l_suffix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
6774    l_new_value               number(15);
6775    l_object_found_in_target  boolean := false ;
6776    l_min_esd                 date;
6777    l_max_eed                 date;
6778    l_AUTO_ENRT_MTHD_RL  number;
6779    l_DFLT_STEP_RL  number;
6780    l_SCORES_CALC_RL  number;
6781    l_DPNT_CVG_END_DT_RL  number;
6782    l_DPNT_CVG_STRT_DT_RL  number;
6783    l_ENRT_CVG_END_DT_RL  number;
6784    l_ENRT_CVG_STRT_DT_RL  number;
6785    l_ENRT_RL  number;
6786    l_RT_END_DT_RL  number;
6787    l_RT_STRT_DT_RL  number;
6788    l_VRFY_FMLY_MMBR_RL  number;
6789    l_SALARY_CALC_MTHD_RL number;
6790    l_status_cd          varchar2(30);
6791    l_effective_date          date;
6792    --
6793    l_DFLT_ELEMENT_TYPE_ID  number(15);
6794    l_DFLT_INPUT_VALUE_ID   number(15);
6795    --
6796    --
6797    --ML
6798    l_susp_if_dpnt_ssn_nt_prv_cd   ben_pgm_f.susp_if_dpnt_ssn_nt_prv_cd%type;
6799    l_susp_if_dpnt_dob_nt_prv_cd   ben_pgm_f.susp_if_dpnt_dob_nt_prv_cd%type;
6800    l_susp_if_dpnt_adr_nt_prv_cd   ben_pgm_f.susp_if_dpnt_adr_nt_prv_cd%type;
6801    --
6802  begin
6803    -- Initialization
6804    l_object_found_in_target := false ;
6805    -- End Initialization
6806    -- Derive the prefix - sufix
6807    if   p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX' then
6808      l_prefix  := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
6809    elsif p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX' then
6810      l_suffix   := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
6811    else
6812      l_prefix := null ;
6813      l_suffix  := null ;
6814    end if ;
6815    -- End Prefix Sufix derivation
6816    for r_PGM_unique in c_unique_PGM('PGM') loop
6818      if (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is null or
6819         (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
6820          r_PGM_unique.information3 >=
6821          ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date)
6822       ) then
6823        --
6824        hr_utility.set_location(' r_PGM_unique.table_route_id '||r_PGM_unique.table_route_id,10);
6825        hr_utility.set_location(' r_PGM_unique.information1 '||r_PGM_unique.information1,10);
6826        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_PGM_unique.information2 '||r_PGM_unique.information2,10);
6827        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_PGM_unique.information3 '||r_PGM_unique.information3,10);
6828        -- If reuse objects flag is 'Y' then check for the object in the target business group
6829        -- if found insert the record into PLSql table and exit the loop else try create the
6830        -- object in the target business group
6831        --
6832        l_object_found_in_target := false ;
6833        l_min_esd := null ;
6834        l_max_eed := null ;
6835        --UPD START
6836        l_update := false;
6837        l_process_date := p_effective_date;
6838        l_dml_operation:= r_PGM_unique.dml_operation ;
6839        --
6840        if l_dml_operation = 'UPDATE' then
6841          --
6842          l_object_found_in_target := TRUE;
6843          --
6844          if l_process_date between r_PGM_unique.information2 and r_PGM_unique.information3 then
6845                l_update := true;
6846                if r_PGM_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
6847                   nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'PGM_ID'  then
6848                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'PGM_ID' ;
6849                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_PGM_unique.information1 ;
6850                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := r_PGM_unique.information1 ;
6851                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
6852                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_PGM_unique.table_route_id;
6853                   --
6854                   -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
6855                   --
6856                   g_count := g_count + 1 ;
6857                   --
6858                   log_data('PGM',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_PGM_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
6859                   --
6860                end if ;
6861                hr_utility.set_location( 'found record for update',10);
6862            --
6863          else
6864            --
6865            l_update := false;
6866            --
6867          end if;
6868        else
6869        --end if; --dml_operation
6870        open c_PGM_min_max_dates(r_PGM_unique.table_route_id, r_PGM_unique.information1 ) ;
6871        fetch c_PGM_min_max_dates into l_min_esd,l_max_eed ;
6873        if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
6874             l_min_esd < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
6875          l_min_esd := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
6876        end if;
6877        --
6878        -- if there are update rows
6879        --
6880        l_min_esd := greatest(l_min_esd,r_PGM_unique.information2);
6882        if p_reuse_object_flag = 'Y' then
6883          if c_PGM_min_max_dates%found then
6884            -- cursor to find the object
6885            open c_find_PGM_in_target( l_prefix || r_PGM_unique.name|| l_suffix  ,l_min_esd,l_max_eed,
6886                                  p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_pgm_id, -999)  ) ;
6887            fetch c_find_PGM_in_target into l_new_value ;
6888            if c_find_PGM_in_target%found then
6889              --
6890              --TEMPIK
6891              l_dt_rec_found :=   dt_api.check_min_max_dates
6892                  (p_base_table_name => 'BEN_PGM_F',
6893                   p_base_key_column => 'PGM_ID',
6894                   p_base_key_value  => l_new_value,
6895                   p_from_date       => l_min_esd,
6896                   p_to_date         => l_max_eed );
6897              if l_dt_rec_found THEN
6898              --END TEMPIK
6899              if r_PGM_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
6900                 nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'PGM_ID'  then
6901                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'PGM_ID' ;
6902                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_PGM_unique.information1 ;
6903                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := l_new_value ;
6904                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
6905                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_PGM_unique.table_route_id;
6906                 --
6907                 -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count) , p_copy_entity_txn_id) ;
6908                 --
6909                 g_count := g_count + 1 ;
6910                 --
6911                 log_data('PGM',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_PGM_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
6912                 --
6913              end if ;
6914              --
6915              l_object_found_in_target := true ;
6916              --TEMPIK
6917              end if; -- l_dt_rec_found
6918              --END TEMPIK
6919            end if;
6920            close c_find_PGM_in_target ;
6921          --
6922          end if;
6923        end if ;
6924        --
6925        --
6926        close c_PGM_min_max_dates ;
6927        end if; --dml_operation
6928        --
6929        if not l_object_found_in_target or l_update then
6930          --
6931          open c_PGM(r_PGM_unique.table_route_id,
6932                 r_PGM_unique.information1,
6933                 r_PGM_unique.information2,
6934                 r_PGM_unique.information3 ) ;
6935          --
6936          fetch c_PGM into r_PGM ;
6937          --
6938          close c_PGM ;
6939          --
6940          l_current_pk_id := r_PGM.information1;
6941          --
6942          hr_utility.set_location(' l_current_pk_id '||l_current_pk_id,20);
6943          hr_utility.set_location(' l_prev_pk_id '||l_prev_pk_id,20);
6944          --
6945          if l_current_pk_id =  l_prev_pk_id  then
6946            --
6947            l_first_rec := false ;
6948            --
6949          else
6950            --
6951            l_first_rec := true ;
6952            --
6953          end if ;
6954          --
6955         l_AUTO_ENRT_MTHD_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_PGM.INFORMATION272,l_dml_operation );
6956 	l_DFLT_ELEMENT_TYPE_ID := get_fk('DFLT_ELEMENT_TYPE_ID', r_PGM.INFORMATION257,l_dml_operation );
6957 	l_DFLT_INPUT_VALUE_ID := get_fk('DFLT_INPUT_VALUE_ID', r_PGM.INFORMATION258,l_dml_operation );
6958 	l_DFLT_STEP_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_PGM.INFORMATION259,l_dml_operation );
6959 	l_DPNT_CVG_END_DT_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_PGM.INFORMATION269,l_dml_operation );
6960 	l_DPNT_CVG_STRT_DT_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_PGM.INFORMATION268,l_dml_operation );
6961 	l_ENRT_CVG_END_DT_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_PGM.INFORMATION266,l_dml_operation );
6962 	l_ENRT_CVG_STRT_DT_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_PGM.INFORMATION267,l_dml_operation );
6963 	l_ENRT_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_PGM.INFORMATION273,l_dml_operation );
6964 	l_RT_END_DT_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_PGM.INFORMATION271,l_dml_operation );
6965 	l_RT_STRT_DT_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_PGM.INFORMATION270,l_dml_operation );
6966 	l_SCORES_CALC_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_PGM.INFORMATION261,l_dml_operation );
6967         l_VRFY_FMLY_MMBR_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_PGM.INFORMATION274,l_dml_operation );
6968         l_SALARY_CALC_MTHD_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_PGM.INFORMATION293,l_dml_operation );
6969          --
6970          ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.ben_chk_col_len('NAME' ,'BEN_PGM_F',l_prefix || r_PGM.INFORMATION170|| l_suffix);
6971          --
6973          l_effective_date := r_PGM.information2;
6974          if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
6975               l_effective_date < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
6976            l_effective_date := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
6977          end if;
6979          --
6980          -- Bug : If called from plan design wizard copy the value selected by
6981          -- by the user.
6982          --
6983          if BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_transaction_category = 'BEN_PDCRWZ' then
6984             l_status_cd := r_pgm.information38;
6985          else
6986             l_status_cd := 'P';
6987          end if;
6989         --ML
6990         --
6991         if r_PGM.INFORMATION25  = 'Y' and  r_pgm.INFORMATION196 is null then
6992            l_susp_if_dpnt_ssn_nt_prv_cd  := 'RQDS';
6993         else
6994            l_susp_if_dpnt_ssn_nt_prv_cd  := r_pgm.INFORMATION196;
6995         end if;
6996       --
6997         if r_PGM.INFORMATION23  = 'Y' and  r_pgm.INFORMATION190 is null then
6998            l_susp_if_dpnt_dob_nt_prv_cd  := 'RQDS';
6999         else
7000            l_susp_if_dpnt_dob_nt_prv_cd  := r_pgm.INFORMATION190;
7001         end if;
7002       --
7003         if r_PGM.INFORMATION21  = 'Y' and  r_pgm.INFORMATION191 is null then
7004            l_susp_if_dpnt_adr_nt_prv_cd  := 'RQDS';
7005         else
7006            l_susp_if_dpnt_adr_nt_prv_cd  := r_pgm.INFORMATION191;
7007         end if;
7008       --
7010          if l_first_rec and not l_update then
7011            -- Call Create routine.
7012            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_PGM_F CREATE_PROGRAM ',20);
7014              --
7015              P_VALIDATE               => false
7016              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
7017              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
7018              --
7019              ,P_ACTY_REF_PERD_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION41
7020 	                  ,P_ALWS_UNRSTRCTD_ENRT_FLAG      => r_PGM.INFORMATION36
7021 	                  ,P_AUTO_ENRT_MTHD_RL      => l_AUTO_ENRT_MTHD_RL
7022 	                  ,P_COORD_CVG_FOR_ALL_PLS_FLG      => r_PGM.INFORMATION30
7023 	                  ,P_DFLT_ELEMENT_TYPE_ID      => l_DFLT_ELEMENT_TYPE_ID
7024 	                  ,P_DFLT_INPUT_VALUE_ID      => l_DFLT_INPUT_VALUE_ID
7025 	                  ,P_DFLT_PGM_FLAG      => NVL(r_PGM.INFORMATION13, 'N')
7026 	                  ,P_DFLT_STEP_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION14
7027 	                  ,P_DFLT_STEP_RL      => l_DFLT_STEP_RL
7028 	                  ,P_DPNT_ADRS_RQD_FLAG      => r_PGM.INFORMATION21
7029 	                  ,P_DPNT_CVG_END_DT_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION43
7030 	                  ,P_DPNT_CVG_END_DT_RL      => l_DPNT_CVG_END_DT_RL
7031 	                  ,P_DPNT_CVG_STRT_DT_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION44
7032 	                  ,P_DPNT_CVG_STRT_DT_RL      => l_DPNT_CVG_STRT_DT_RL
7033 	                  ,P_DPNT_DOB_RQD_FLAG      => r_PGM.INFORMATION23
7034 	                  ,P_DPNT_DSGN_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION40
7035 	                  ,P_DPNT_DSGN_LVL_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION37
7036 	                  ,P_DPNT_DSGN_NO_CTFN_RQD_FLAG      => r_PGM.INFORMATION31
7037 	                  ,P_DPNT_LEGV_ID_RQD_FLAG      => r_PGM.INFORMATION25
7038 	                  ,P_DRVBL_FCTR_APLS_RTS_FLAG      => r_PGM.INFORMATION34
7039 	                  ,P_DRVBL_FCTR_DPNT_ELIG_FLAG      => r_PGM.INFORMATION32
7040 	                  ,P_DRVBL_FCTR_PRTN_ELIG_FLAG      => r_PGM.INFORMATION33
7041 	                  ,P_ELIG_APLS_FLAG      => r_PGM.INFORMATION26
7042 	                  ,P_ENRT_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION51
7043 	                  ,P_ENRT_CVG_END_DT_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION42
7044 	                  ,P_ENRT_CVG_END_DT_RL      => l_ENRT_CVG_END_DT_RL
7045 	                  ,P_ENRT_CVG_STRT_DT_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION45
7046 	                  ,P_ENRT_CVG_STRT_DT_RL      => l_ENRT_CVG_STRT_DT_RL
7047 	                  ,P_ENRT_INFO_RT_FREQ_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION46
7048 	                  ,P_ENRT_MTHD_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION52
7049 	                  ,P_ENRT_RL      => l_ENRT_RL
7050 	                  ,P_IVR_IDENT      => r_PGM.INFORMATION141
7051 	                  ,P_MX_DPNT_PCT_PRTT_LF_AMT      => r_PGM.INFORMATION287
7052 	                  ,P_MX_SPS_PCT_PRTT_LF_AMT      => r_PGM.INFORMATION288
7053 	                  ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_PGM.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
7054 	                  ,P_PER_CVRD_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION20
7055 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_PGM.INFORMATION111
7056 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_PGM.INFORMATION120
7057 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_PGM.INFORMATION121
7058 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_PGM.INFORMATION122
7059 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_PGM.INFORMATION123
7060 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_PGM.INFORMATION124
7061 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_PGM.INFORMATION125
7062 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_PGM.INFORMATION126
7063 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_PGM.INFORMATION127
7064 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_PGM.INFORMATION128
7065 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_PGM.INFORMATION129
7066 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_PGM.INFORMATION112
7067 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_PGM.INFORMATION130
7068 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_PGM.INFORMATION131
7069 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_PGM.INFORMATION132
7070 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_PGM.INFORMATION133
7071 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_PGM.INFORMATION134
7072 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_PGM.INFORMATION135
7073 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_PGM.INFORMATION136
7074 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_PGM.INFORMATION137
7075 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_PGM.INFORMATION138
7076 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_PGM.INFORMATION139
7077 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_PGM.INFORMATION113
7078 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_PGM.INFORMATION140
7079 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_PGM.INFORMATION114
7080 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_PGM.INFORMATION115
7081 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_PGM.INFORMATION116
7082 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_PGM.INFORMATION117
7083 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_PGM.INFORMATION118
7084 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_PGM.INFORMATION119
7085 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_PGM.INFORMATION110
7086 	                  ,P_PGM_DESC      => r_PGM.INFORMATION219
7087 	                  ,P_PGM_GRP_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION49
7088 	                  ,P_PGM_ID      => l_pgm_id
7089 	                  ,P_PGM_PRVDS_NO_AUTO_ENRT_FLAG      => r_PGM.INFORMATION22
7090 	                  ,P_PGM_PRVDS_NO_DFLT_ENRT_FLAG      => r_PGM.INFORMATION24
7091 	                  ,P_PGM_STAT_CD      => l_status_cd
7092 	                  ,P_PGM_TYP_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION39
7093 	                  ,P_PGM_UOM      => r_PGM.INFORMATION50
7094 	                  ,P_PGM_USE_ALL_ASNTS_ELIG_FLAG      => r_PGM.INFORMATION29
7095 	                  ,P_POE_LVL_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION53
7096 	                  ,P_PRTN_ELIG_OVRID_ALWD_FLAG      => r_PGM.INFORMATION28
7097 	                  ,P_RT_END_DT_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION48
7098 	                  ,P_RT_END_DT_RL      => l_RT_END_DT_RL
7099 	                  ,P_RT_STRT_DT_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION47
7100 	                  ,P_RT_STRT_DT_RL      => l_RT_STRT_DT_RL
7101 	                  ,P_SCORES_CALC_MTHD_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION15
7102 	                  ,P_SCORES_CALC_RL      => l_SCORES_CALC_RL
7103 	                  ,P_SHORT_CODE      => r_PGM.INFORMATION11
7104 	                  ,P_SHORT_NAME      => r_PGM.INFORMATION12
7105 	                  ,P_TRK_INELIG_PER_FLAG      => r_PGM.INFORMATION35
7106 	                  ,P_UPDATE_SALARY_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION16
7107 	                  ,P_URL_REF_NAME      => r_PGM.INFORMATION185
7108 	                  ,P_USES_ALL_ASMTS_FOR_RTS_FLAG      => r_PGM.INFORMATION27
7109 	                  ,P_USE_MULTI_PAY_RATES_FLAG      => NVL(r_PGM.INFORMATION17, 'N')
7110 	                  ,P_USE_PROG_POINTS_FLAG      => NVL(r_PGM.INFORMATION18, 'N')
7111 	                  ,P_USE_SCORES_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION19
7112 	                  ,P_VRFY_FMLY_MMBR_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION54
7113              ,P_VRFY_FMLY_MMBR_RL       => l_VRFY_FMLY_MMBR_RL
7115              ,P_SALARY_CALC_MTHD_CD     => r_PGM.INFORMATION70
7117              ,P_SALARY_CALC_MTHD_RL     => l_SALARY_CALC_MTHD_RL
7118              --
7119              --ML
7120              ,p_SUSP_IF_DPNT_SSN_NT_PRV_CD             =>l_susp_if_dpnt_ssn_nt_prv_cd
7121              ,p_SUSP_IF_DPNT_DOB_NT_PRV_CD             =>l_susp_if_dpnt_dob_nt_prv_cd
7122              ,p_SUSP_IF_DPNT_ADR_NT_PRV_CD             =>l_susp_if_dpnt_adr_nt_prv_cd
7123              ,p_SUSP_IF_CTFN_NOT_DPNT_FLAG             =>nvl(r_pgm.INFORMATION192,'Y')
7124              ,p_DPNT_CTFN_DETERMINE_CD                 =>r_pgm.INFORMATION193
7125              --
7126              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
7127              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
7128              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
7129            );
7130            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
7131            -- Update all relevent cer records with new pk_id
7132            hr_utility.set_location('Before plsql table ',222);
7133            hr_utility.set_location('new_value id '||l_pgm_id,222);
7134            g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column := 'PGM_ID' ;
7135            g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value    := r_PGM.information1 ;
7136            g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value    := l_PGM_ID ;
7137            g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type  := 'COPIED';
7138            g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_PGM_unique.table_route_id;
7139            hr_utility.set_location('After plsql table ',222);
7140            --
7141            -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
7142            --
7143            g_count := g_count + 1 ;
7144            --
7145            log_data('PGM',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_PGM.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix,'COPIED');
7146            --
7147          else
7148            --
7149            -- Call Update routine for the pk_id created in prev run .
7150            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
7151            hr_utility.set_location('Before call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'||l_datetrack_mode,5);
7152            --
7153            if l_update then
7154              --
7155              l_datetrack_mode := r_PGM.datetrack_mode ;
7156              --
7157              get_dt_modes(
7158                p_effective_date        => l_process_date,
7159                p_effective_end_date    => r_PGM.information3,
7160                p_effective_start_date  => r_PGM.information2,
7161                p_dml_operation         => r_PGM.dml_operation,
7162                p_datetrack_mode        => l_datetrack_mode );
7163            --    p_update                => l_update
7164              --
7165              l_effective_date := l_process_date;
7166              l_pgm_id   := r_PGM.information1;
7167              l_object_version_number := r_PGM.information265;
7168              --
7169            end if;
7170            --
7171            hr_utility.set_location('After call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'||l_datetrack_mode,5);
7172            --
7173            IF l_update OR l_dml_operation <> 'UPDATE' THEN
7174            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_PGM_F UPDATE_PROGRAM ',30);
7177              --
7178              P_VALIDATE               => false
7179              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
7180              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
7181              --
7182              ,P_ACTY_REF_PERD_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION41
7183 	                  ,P_ALWS_UNRSTRCTD_ENRT_FLAG      => r_PGM.INFORMATION36
7184 	                  ,P_AUTO_ENRT_MTHD_RL      => l_AUTO_ENRT_MTHD_RL
7185 	                  ,P_COORD_CVG_FOR_ALL_PLS_FLG      => r_PGM.INFORMATION30
7186 	                  ,P_DFLT_ELEMENT_TYPE_ID      => l_DFLT_ELEMENT_TYPE_ID
7187 	                  ,P_DFLT_INPUT_VALUE_ID      => l_DFLT_INPUT_VALUE_ID
7188 	                  ,P_DFLT_PGM_FLAG      => NVL(r_PGM.INFORMATION13, 'N')
7189 	                  ,P_DFLT_STEP_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION14
7190 	                  ,P_DFLT_STEP_RL      => l_DFLT_STEP_RL
7191 	                  ,P_DPNT_ADRS_RQD_FLAG      => r_PGM.INFORMATION21
7192 	                  ,P_DPNT_CVG_END_DT_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION43
7193 	                  ,P_DPNT_CVG_END_DT_RL      => l_DPNT_CVG_END_DT_RL
7194 	                  ,P_DPNT_CVG_STRT_DT_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION44
7195 	                  ,P_DPNT_CVG_STRT_DT_RL      => l_DPNT_CVG_STRT_DT_RL
7196 	                  ,P_DPNT_DOB_RQD_FLAG      => r_PGM.INFORMATION23
7197 	                  ,P_DPNT_DSGN_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION40
7198 	                  ,P_DPNT_DSGN_LVL_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION37
7199 	                  ,P_DPNT_DSGN_NO_CTFN_RQD_FLAG      => r_PGM.INFORMATION31
7200 	                  ,P_DPNT_LEGV_ID_RQD_FLAG      => r_PGM.INFORMATION25
7201 	                  ,P_DRVBL_FCTR_APLS_RTS_FLAG      => r_PGM.INFORMATION34
7202 	                  ,P_DRVBL_FCTR_DPNT_ELIG_FLAG      => r_PGM.INFORMATION32
7203 	                  ,P_DRVBL_FCTR_PRTN_ELIG_FLAG      => r_PGM.INFORMATION33
7204 	                  ,P_ELIG_APLS_FLAG      => r_PGM.INFORMATION26
7205 	                  ,P_ENRT_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION51
7206 	                  ,P_ENRT_CVG_END_DT_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION42
7207 	                  ,P_ENRT_CVG_END_DT_RL      => l_ENRT_CVG_END_DT_RL
7208 	                  ,P_ENRT_CVG_STRT_DT_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION45
7209 	                  ,P_ENRT_CVG_STRT_DT_RL      => l_ENRT_CVG_STRT_DT_RL
7210 	                  ,P_ENRT_INFO_RT_FREQ_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION46
7211 	                  ,P_ENRT_MTHD_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION52
7212 	                  ,P_ENRT_RL      => l_ENRT_RL
7213 	                  ,P_IVR_IDENT      => r_PGM.INFORMATION141
7214 	                  ,P_MX_DPNT_PCT_PRTT_LF_AMT      => r_PGM.INFORMATION287
7215 	                  ,P_MX_SPS_PCT_PRTT_LF_AMT      => r_PGM.INFORMATION288
7216 	                  ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_PGM.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
7217 	                  ,P_PER_CVRD_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION20
7218 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_PGM.INFORMATION111
7219 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_PGM.INFORMATION120
7220 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_PGM.INFORMATION121
7221 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_PGM.INFORMATION122
7222 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_PGM.INFORMATION123
7223 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_PGM.INFORMATION124
7224 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_PGM.INFORMATION125
7225 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_PGM.INFORMATION126
7226 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_PGM.INFORMATION127
7227 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_PGM.INFORMATION128
7228 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_PGM.INFORMATION129
7229 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_PGM.INFORMATION112
7230 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_PGM.INFORMATION130
7231 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_PGM.INFORMATION131
7232 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_PGM.INFORMATION132
7233 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_PGM.INFORMATION133
7234 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_PGM.INFORMATION134
7235 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_PGM.INFORMATION135
7236 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_PGM.INFORMATION136
7237 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_PGM.INFORMATION137
7238 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_PGM.INFORMATION138
7239 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_PGM.INFORMATION139
7240 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_PGM.INFORMATION113
7241 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_PGM.INFORMATION140
7242 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_PGM.INFORMATION114
7243 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_PGM.INFORMATION115
7244 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_PGM.INFORMATION116
7245 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_PGM.INFORMATION117
7246 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_PGM.INFORMATION118
7247 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_PGM.INFORMATION119
7248 	                  ,P_PGM_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_PGM.INFORMATION110
7249 	                  ,P_PGM_DESC      => r_PGM.INFORMATION219
7250 	                  ,P_PGM_GRP_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION49
7251 	                  ,P_PGM_ID      => l_pgm_id
7252 	                  ,P_PGM_PRVDS_NO_AUTO_ENRT_FLAG      => r_PGM.INFORMATION22
7253 	                  ,P_PGM_PRVDS_NO_DFLT_ENRT_FLAG      => r_PGM.INFORMATION24
7254 	                  ,P_PGM_STAT_CD      => l_status_cd
7255 	                  ,P_PGM_TYP_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION39
7256 	                  ,P_PGM_UOM      => r_PGM.INFORMATION50
7257 	                  ,P_PGM_USE_ALL_ASNTS_ELIG_FLAG      => r_PGM.INFORMATION29
7258 	                  ,P_POE_LVL_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION53
7259 	                  ,P_PRTN_ELIG_OVRID_ALWD_FLAG      => r_PGM.INFORMATION28
7260 	                  ,P_RT_END_DT_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION48
7261 	                  ,P_RT_END_DT_RL      => l_RT_END_DT_RL
7262 	                  ,P_RT_STRT_DT_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION47
7263 	                  ,P_RT_STRT_DT_RL      => l_RT_STRT_DT_RL
7264 	                  ,P_SCORES_CALC_MTHD_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION15
7265 	                  ,P_SCORES_CALC_RL      => l_SCORES_CALC_RL
7266 	                  ,P_SHORT_CODE      => r_PGM.INFORMATION11
7267 	                  ,P_SHORT_NAME      => r_PGM.INFORMATION12
7268 	                  ,P_TRK_INELIG_PER_FLAG      => r_PGM.INFORMATION35
7269 	                  ,P_UPDATE_SALARY_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION16
7270 	                  ,P_URL_REF_NAME      => r_PGM.INFORMATION185
7271 	                  ,P_USES_ALL_ASMTS_FOR_RTS_FLAG      => r_PGM.INFORMATION27
7272 	                  ,P_USE_MULTI_PAY_RATES_FLAG      => NVL(r_PGM.INFORMATION17,'N')
7273 	                  ,P_USE_PROG_POINTS_FLAG      => NVL(r_PGM.INFORMATION18,'N')
7274 	                  ,P_USE_SCORES_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION19
7275 	                  ,P_VRFY_FMLY_MMBR_CD      => r_PGM.INFORMATION54
7276              ,P_VRFY_FMLY_MMBR_RL      => l_VRFY_FMLY_MMBR_RL
7278              ,P_SALARY_CALC_MTHD_CD     => r_PGM.INFORMATION70
7280              ,P_SALARY_CALC_MTHD_RL     => l_SALARY_CALC_MTHD_RL
7281              --ML
7282              ,p_SUSP_IF_DPNT_SSN_NT_PRV_CD             =>l_susp_if_dpnt_ssn_nt_prv_cd
7283              ,p_SUSP_IF_DPNT_DOB_NT_PRV_CD             =>l_susp_if_dpnt_dob_nt_prv_cd
7284              ,p_SUSP_IF_DPNT_ADR_NT_PRV_CD             =>l_susp_if_dpnt_adr_nt_prv_cd
7285              ,p_SUSP_IF_CTFN_NOT_DPNT_FLAG             =>nvl(r_pgm.INFORMATION192,'Y')
7286              ,p_DPNT_CTFN_DETERMINE_CD                 =>r_pgm.INFORMATION193
7287              --
7288              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
7289              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
7290              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER => l_object_version_number
7291              ,P_DATETRACK_MODE        => l_datetrack_mode
7292            );
7293            --
7294            end if;
7295          end if;
7296          --
7297          -- Delete the row if it is end dated.
7298          --
7299          if (trunc(l_max_eed) <> trunc(hr_api.g_eot) and
7300              trunc(l_max_eed) <> l_effective_end_date and      /* Bug 4302963 */
7301            trunc(l_max_eed) = r_PGM.information3) then
7302            --
7303            BEN_PROGRAM_API.delete_PROGRAM(
7304                 --
7305                 p_validate                       => false
7306                 ,p_pgm_id                   => l_pgm_id
7307                 ,p_effective_start_date           => l_effective_start_date
7308                 ,p_effective_end_date             => l_effective_end_date
7309                 ,p_object_version_number          => l_object_version_number
7310                 ,p_effective_date                 => l_max_eed
7311                 ,p_datetrack_mode                 => hr_api.g_delete
7312                 --
7313                 );
7314                 --
7315          end if;
7316          --
7317          l_prev_pk_id := l_current_pk_id ;
7318          --
7319        end if;
7320        --
7321      end if;
7322      --
7323    end loop;
7324    --
7325  exception when others then
7326    --
7327    raise_error_message( 'PGM',l_prefix || r_PGM.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix) ;
7328    --
7329  end create_PGM_rows;
7330    --
7331    ---------------------------------------------------------------
7332    ----------------------< create_REG_rows >-----------------------
7333    ---------------------------------------------------------------
7334    --
7335    procedure create_REG_rows
7336    (
7337          p_validate                       in  number     default 0
7338         ,p_copy_entity_txn_id             in  number
7339         ,p_effective_date                 in  date
7340         ,p_prefix_suffix_text             in  varchar2  default null
7341         ,p_reuse_object_flag              in  varchar2  default null
7342         ,p_target_business_group_id       in  varchar2  default null
7343         ,p_prefix_suffix_cd               in  varchar2  default null
7344    ) is
7345    --
7346    cursor c_unique_REG(l_table_alias varchar2) is
7347    select distinct cpe.information1,
7348      cpe.information2,
7349      cpe.information3,
7350      cpe.INFORMATION170 name,
7351      cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
7352    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe,
7353         pqh_table_route tr
7354    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
7355    and   cpe.table_route_id     = tr.table_route_id
7356    -- and   tr.where_clause        = l_BEN_REGN_F
7357    and tr.table_alias = l_table_alias
7358    and   cpe.number_of_copies   = 1 --ADDITION
7359    group by cpe.information1,cpe.information2,cpe.information3, cpe.INFORMATION170, cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
7360    order by information1, information2; --added for bug: 5151945
7361    --
7362    --
7363    cursor c_REG_min_max_dates(c_table_route_id  number,
7364                 c_information1   number) is
7365    select
7366      min(cpe.information2) min_esd,
7367      max(cpe.information3) min_eed
7368    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
7369    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
7370    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
7371    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1 ;
7372    --
7373    cursor c_REG(c_table_route_id  number,
7374                 c_information1   number,
7375                 c_information2   date,
7376                 c_information3   date )  is
7377    select
7378      cpe.*
7379    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
7380    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
7381    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
7382    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1
7383    and   cpe.information2       = c_information2
7384    and   cpe.information3       = c_information3
7385    and rownum = 1 ;
7386    -- Date Track target record
7387    cursor c_find_REG_in_target( c_REG_name          varchar2,
7388                                 c_effective_start_date    date,
7389                                 c_effective_end_date      date,
7390                                 c_business_group_id       number,
7391                                 c_new_pk_id               number) is
7392    select
7393      REG.regn_id new_value
7394    from BEN_REGN_F REG
7395    where REG.name               = c_REG_name
7396    and   REG.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
7397    and   REG.regn_id  <> c_new_pk_id
7398 --TEMPIK
7399    and c_effective_start_date between effective_start_date
7400                             and effective_end_date ;
7402 /*TEMPIK
7403    and exists ( select null
7404                 from BEN_REGN_F REG1
7405                 where REG1.name               = c_REG_name
7406                 and   REG1.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
7407                 and   REG1.effective_start_date <= c_effective_start_date )
7408    and exists ( select null
7409                 from BEN_REGN_F REG2
7410                 where REG2.name               = c_REG_name
7411                 and   REG2.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
7412                 and   REG2.effective_end_date >= c_effective_end_date )
7413                 ;
7414 TEMPIK */
7415    --TEMPIK
7416    l_dt_rec_found            boolean ;
7417    --END TEMPIK
7418    --
7419    l_current_pk_id           number := null ;
7420    --UPD START
7421    --
7422    l_update                  boolean      := false ;
7423    l_datetrack_mode          varchar2(80) := hr_api.g_update;
7424    l_process_date            date;
7425    l_dml_operation           ben_copy_entity_results.dml_operation%TYPE ;
7426    --
7427    --UPD END
7428    l_prev_pk_id              number := null ;
7429    l_first_rec               boolean := true ;
7430    r_REG                     c_REG%rowtype;
7431    l_regn_id             number ;
7432    l_object_version_number   number ;
7433    l_effective_start_date    date ;
7434    l_effective_end_date      date ;
7435    l_prefix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
7436    l_suffix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
7437    l_new_value               number(15);
7438    l_object_found_in_target  boolean := false ;
7439    l_min_esd                 date;
7440    l_max_eed                 date;
7441    l_ORGANIZATION_ID  number;
7442    l_effective_date          date;
7443    --
7444  begin
7445    -- Initialization
7446    l_object_found_in_target := false ;
7447    -- End Initialization
7448    -- Derive the prefix - sufix
7449    if   p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX' then
7450      l_prefix  := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
7451    elsif p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX' then
7452      l_suffix   := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
7453    else
7454      l_prefix := null ;
7455      l_suffix  := null ;
7456    end if ;
7457    -- End Prefix Sufix derivation
7458    for r_REG_unique in c_unique_REG('REG') loop
7460      if (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is null or
7461         (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
7462          r_REG_unique.information3 >=
7463                  ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date)
7464         ) then
7465        --
7466        hr_utility.set_location(' r_REG_unique.table_route_id '||r_REG_unique.table_route_id,10);
7467        hr_utility.set_location(' r_REG_unique.information1 '||r_REG_unique.information1,10);
7468        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_REG_unique.information2 '||r_REG_unique.information2,10);
7469        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_REG_unique.information3 '||r_REG_unique.information3,10);
7470        -- If reuse objects flag is 'Y' then check for the object in the target business group
7471        -- if found insert the record into PLSql table and exit the loop else try create the
7472        -- object in the target business group
7473        --
7474        l_object_found_in_target := false ;
7475        l_min_esd := null ;
7476        l_max_eed := null ;
7477        open c_REG_min_max_dates(r_REG_unique.table_route_id, r_REG_unique.information1 ) ;
7478        fetch c_REG_min_max_dates into l_min_esd,l_max_eed ;
7480        if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
7481             l_min_esd < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
7482          l_min_esd := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
7483        end if;
7484        l_min_esd := greatest(l_min_esd,r_REG_unique.information2);
7486        -- if p_reuse_object_flag = 'Y' then /* Always Reuse Regulations, Never create */
7487          if c_REG_min_max_dates%found then
7488            -- cursor to find the object
7489            open c_find_REG_in_target( r_REG_unique.name ,l_min_esd,l_max_eed,
7490                                  p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_regn_id, -999)  ) ;
7491            fetch c_find_REG_in_target into l_new_value ;
7492            if c_find_REG_in_target%found then
7493              --
7494              --TEMPIK
7495              l_dt_rec_found :=   dt_api.check_min_max_dates
7496                  (p_base_table_name => 'BEN_REGN_F',
7497                   p_base_key_column => 'REGN_ID',
7498                   p_base_key_value  => l_new_value,
7499                   p_from_date       => l_min_esd,
7500                   p_to_date         => l_max_eed );
7501              if l_dt_rec_found THEN
7502              --END TEMPIK
7503              if r_REG_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
7504                 nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'REGN_ID'  then
7505                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'REGN_ID' ;
7506                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_REG_unique.information1 ;
7507                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := l_new_value ;
7508                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
7509                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_REG_unique.table_route_id;
7510                 --
7511                 -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count) , p_copy_entity_txn_id) ;
7512                 --
7513                 g_count := g_count + 1 ;
7514                 --
7515                 log_data('REG',l_new_value,r_REG_unique.name,'REUSED');
7516                 --
7517              end if ;
7518              --
7519              l_object_found_in_target := true ;
7520              --TEMPIK
7521              end if; -- l_dt_rec_found
7522              --END TEMPIK
7523            end if;
7524            close c_find_REG_in_target ;
7525          --
7526          end if;
7527        -- end if ;
7528        --
7529        close c_REG_min_max_dates ;
7531        /*
7532        if not l_object_found_in_target then
7533          --
7534          open c_REG(r_REG_unique.table_route_id,
7535                 r_REG_unique.information1,
7536                 r_REG_unique.information2,
7537                 r_REG_unique.information3 ) ;
7538          --
7539          fetch c_REG into r_REG ;
7540          --
7541          close c_REG ;
7542          --
7543          l_current_pk_id := r_REG.information1;
7544          --
7545          hr_utility.set_location(' l_current_pk_id '||l_current_pk_id,20);
7546          hr_utility.set_location(' l_prev_pk_id '||l_prev_pk_id,20);
7547          --
7548          if l_current_pk_id =  l_prev_pk_id  then
7549            --
7550            l_first_rec := false ;
7551            --
7552          else
7553            --
7554            l_first_rec := true ;
7555            --
7556          end if ;
7557          --
7559          --
7560          ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.ben_chk_col_len('NAME' ,'BEN_REGN_F',l_prefix || r_REG.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix);
7561          --
7563          l_effective_date := r_REG.information2;
7564          if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
7565               l_effective_date < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
7566            l_effective_date := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
7567          end if;
7569          if l_first_rec and not l_update then
7570            -- Call Create routine.
7571            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_REGN_F CREATE_REGULATIONS ',20);
7573              --
7574              P_VALIDATE               => false
7575              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
7576              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
7577              --
7578             ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_REG.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
7579 	                 ,P_ORGANIZATION_ID      => l_ORGANIZATION_ID
7580 	                 ,P_REGN_ID      => l_regn_id
7581 	                 ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_REG.INFORMATION111
7582 	                 ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_REG.INFORMATION120
7583 	                 ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_REG.INFORMATION121
7584 	                 ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_REG.INFORMATION122
7585 	                 ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_REG.INFORMATION123
7586 	                 ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_REG.INFORMATION124
7587 	                 ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_REG.INFORMATION125
7588 	                 ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_REG.INFORMATION126
7589 	                 ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_REG.INFORMATION127
7590 	                 ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_REG.INFORMATION128
7591 	                 ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_REG.INFORMATION129
7592 	                 ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_REG.INFORMATION112
7593 	                 ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_REG.INFORMATION130
7594 	                 ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_REG.INFORMATION131
7595 	                 ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_REG.INFORMATION132
7596 	                 ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_REG.INFORMATION133
7597 	                 ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_REG.INFORMATION134
7598 	                 ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_REG.INFORMATION135
7599 	                 ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_REG.INFORMATION136
7600 	                 ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_REG.INFORMATION137
7601 	                 ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_REG.INFORMATION138
7602 	                 ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_REG.INFORMATION139
7603 	                 ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_REG.INFORMATION113
7604 	                 ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_REG.INFORMATION140
7605 	                 ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_REG.INFORMATION114
7606 	                 ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_REG.INFORMATION115
7607 	                 ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_REG.INFORMATION116
7608 	                 ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_REG.INFORMATION117
7609 	                 ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_REG.INFORMATION118
7610 	                 ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_REG.INFORMATION119
7611 	                 ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_REG.INFORMATION110
7612              ,P_STTRY_CITN_NAME      => r_REG.INFORMATION185
7613              --
7614              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
7615              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
7616              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
7617            );
7618            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
7619            -- Update all relevent cer records with new pk_id
7620            hr_utility.set_location('Before plsql table ',222);
7621            hr_utility.set_location('new_value id '||l_regn_id,222);
7622            g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column := 'REGN_ID' ;
7623            g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value    := r_REG.information1 ;
7624            g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value    := l_REGN_ID ;
7625            g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type  := 'COPIED';
7626            g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_REG_unique.table_route_id;
7627            hr_utility.set_location('After plsql table ',222);
7628            --
7629            -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
7630            --
7631            g_count := g_count + 1 ;
7632            --
7633            --
7634            log_data('REG',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_REG.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix ,'COPIED');
7635            --
7636          else
7637            --
7638            -- Call Update routine for the pk_id created in prev run .
7639            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
7640            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_REGN_F UPDATE_REGULATIONS ',30);
7642              --
7643              P_VALIDATE               => false
7644              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
7645              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
7646              --
7647              ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_REG.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
7648 	                  ,P_ORGANIZATION_ID      => l_ORGANIZATION_ID
7649 	                  ,P_REGN_ID      => l_regn_id
7650 	                  ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_REG.INFORMATION111
7651 	                  ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_REG.INFORMATION120
7652 	                  ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_REG.INFORMATION121
7653 	                  ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_REG.INFORMATION122
7654 	                  ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_REG.INFORMATION123
7655 	                  ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_REG.INFORMATION124
7656 	                  ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_REG.INFORMATION125
7657 	                  ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_REG.INFORMATION126
7658 	                  ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_REG.INFORMATION127
7659 	                  ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_REG.INFORMATION128
7660 	                  ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_REG.INFORMATION129
7661 	                  ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_REG.INFORMATION112
7662 	                  ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_REG.INFORMATION130
7663 	                  ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_REG.INFORMATION131
7664 	                  ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_REG.INFORMATION132
7665 	                  ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_REG.INFORMATION133
7666 	                  ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_REG.INFORMATION134
7667 	                  ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_REG.INFORMATION135
7668 	                  ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_REG.INFORMATION136
7669 	                  ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_REG.INFORMATION137
7670 	                  ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_REG.INFORMATION138
7671 	                  ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_REG.INFORMATION139
7672 	                  ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_REG.INFORMATION113
7673 	                  ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_REG.INFORMATION140
7674 	                  ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_REG.INFORMATION114
7675 	                  ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_REG.INFORMATION115
7676 	                  ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_REG.INFORMATION116
7677 	                  ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_REG.INFORMATION117
7678 	                  ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_REG.INFORMATION118
7679 	                  ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_REG.INFORMATION119
7680 	                  ,P_REG_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_REG.INFORMATION110
7681              ,P_STTRY_CITN_NAME      => r_REG.INFORMATION185
7682              --
7683              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
7684              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
7685              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER => l_object_version_number
7686              ,P_DATETRACK_MODE        => l_datetrack_mode
7687            );
7688            --
7689          end if;
7690          --
7691          -- Delete the row if it is end dated.
7692          --
7693          if (trunc(l_max_eed) <> trunc(hr_api.g_eot) and
7694            trunc(l_max_eed) = r_REG.information3) then
7695            --
7697                 --
7698                 p_validate                       => false
7699                 ,p_regn_id                   => l_regn_id
7700                 ,p_effective_start_date           => l_effective_start_date
7701                 ,p_effective_end_date             => l_effective_end_date
7702                 ,p_object_version_number          => l_object_version_number
7703                 ,p_effective_date                 => l_max_eed
7704                 ,p_datetrack_mode                 => hr_api.g_delete
7705                 --
7706                 );
7707                 --
7708          end if;
7709          --
7710          l_prev_pk_id := l_current_pk_id ;
7711          --
7712        end if;
7713        --
7714        */
7715      end if;
7716      --
7717    end loop;
7718    --
7719  exception when others then
7720    --
7721    raise_error_message( 'REG',l_prefix || r_REG.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix) ;
7722    --
7723  end create_REG_rows;
7725    --
7726    ---------------------------------------------------------------
7727    ----------------------< create_RZR_rows >-----------------------
7728    ---------------------------------------------------------------
7729    --
7730    procedure create_RZR_rows
7731    (
7732          p_validate                       in  number     default 0
7733         ,p_copy_entity_txn_id             in  number
7734         ,p_effective_date                 in  date
7735         ,p_prefix_suffix_text             in  varchar2  default null
7736         ,p_reuse_object_flag              in  varchar2  default null
7737         ,p_target_business_group_id       in  varchar2  default null
7738         ,p_prefix_suffix_cd               in  varchar2  default null
7739    ) is
7740    --
7741    cursor c_unique_RZR(l_table_alias varchar2) is
7742    select distinct cpe.information1,
7743      cpe.information2,
7744      cpe.information3,
7745      cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
7746    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe,
7747         pqh_table_route tr
7748    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
7749    and   cpe.table_route_id     = tr.table_route_id
7750    -- and   tr.where_clause        = l_BEN_PSTL_ZIP_RNG_F
7751    and tr.table_alias = l_table_alias
7752    and   cpe.number_of_copies   = 1 --ADDITION
7753    group by cpe.information1,cpe.information2,cpe.information3, cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
7754    order by information1, information2; --added for bug: 5151945 --
7755    --
7756    --
7757    cursor c_RZR_min_max_dates(c_table_route_id  number,
7758                 c_information1   number) is
7759    select
7760      min(cpe.information2) min_esd,
7761      max(cpe.information3) min_eed
7762    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
7763    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
7764    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
7765    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1 ;
7766    --
7767    cursor c_RZR(c_table_route_id  number,
7768                 c_information1   number,
7769                 c_information2   date,
7770                 c_information3   date )  is
7771    select
7772      cpe.*
7773    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
7774    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
7775    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
7776    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1
7777    and   cpe.information2       = c_information2
7778    and   cpe.information3       = c_information3
7779    and rownum = 1 ;
7780    r_RZR                     c_RZR%rowtype;
7781    -- Date Track target record
7782    cursor c_find_RZR_in_target(
7783                                 c_effective_start_date    date,
7784                                 c_effective_end_date      date,
7785                                 c_business_group_id       number,
7786                                 c_new_pk_id               number) is
7787    select
7788      RZR.pstl_zip_rng_id new_value
7789    from BEN_PSTL_ZIP_RNG_F RZR
7790    where
7791    RZR.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
7792    and   RZR.from_value = r_RZR.information142 --r_RZR.from_value
7793    and   nvl(RZR.to_value,-999) = nvl(r_RZR.information141,-999) --r_RZR.to_value
7794    and   RZR.pstl_zip_rng_id  <> c_new_pk_id
7795 --TEMPIK
7796    and c_effective_start_date between effective_start_date
7797                             and effective_end_date ;
7799 /*TEMPIK
7800    and exists ( select null
7801                 from BEN_PSTL_ZIP_RNG_F RZR1
7802                 where RZR1.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
7803                 and   RZR1.from_value = r_RZR.information142
7804                 and   nvl(RZR1.to_value,-999) = nvl(r_RZR.information141,-999)
7805                 and   RZR1.effective_start_date <= c_effective_start_date )
7806    and exists ( select null
7807                 from BEN_PSTL_ZIP_RNG_F RZR2
7808                 where RZR2.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
7809                 and   RZR2.from_value = r_RZR.information142
7810                 and   nvl(RZR2.to_value,-999) = nvl(r_RZR.information141,-999)
7811                 and   RZR2.effective_end_date >= c_effective_end_date ) ;
7812 TEMPIK */
7813    --TEMPIK
7814    l_dt_rec_found            boolean ;
7815    --END TEMPIK
7816    --
7817    l_current_pk_id           number := null ;
7818    --UPD START
7819    --
7820    l_update                  boolean      := false ;
7821    l_datetrack_mode          varchar2(80) := hr_api.g_update;
7822    l_process_date            date;
7823    l_dml_operation           ben_copy_entity_results.dml_operation%TYPE ;
7824    --
7825    --UPD END
7826    l_prev_pk_id              number := null ;
7827    l_first_rec               boolean := true ;
7828    l_pstl_zip_rng_id             number ;
7829    l_object_version_number   number ;
7830    l_effective_start_date    date ;
7831    l_effective_end_date      date ;
7832    l_prefix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
7833    l_suffix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
7834    l_new_value               number(15);
7835    l_object_found_in_target  boolean := false ;
7836    l_min_esd                 date;
7837    l_max_eed                 date;
7838    l_effective_date          date;
7839    --
7840  begin
7841    -- Initialization
7842    l_object_found_in_target := false ;
7843    -- End Initialization
7844    -- Derive the prefix - sufix
7845    if   p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX' then
7846      l_prefix  := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
7847    elsif p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX' then
7848      l_suffix   := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
7849    else
7850      l_prefix := null ;
7851      l_suffix  := null ;
7852    end if ;
7853    -- End Prefix Sufix derivation
7854    for r_RZR_unique in c_unique_RZR('RZR') loop
7856      if (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is null or
7857         (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
7858          r_RZR_unique.information3 >=
7859                  ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date)
7860         ) then
7861        --
7862        hr_utility.set_location(' r_RZR_unique.table_route_id '||r_RZR_unique.table_route_id,10);
7863        hr_utility.set_location(' r_RZR_unique.information1 '||r_RZR_unique.information1,10);
7864        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_RZR_unique.information2 '||r_RZR_unique.information2,10);
7865        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_RZR_unique.information3 '||r_RZR_unique.information3,10);
7866        -- If reuse objects flag is 'Y' then check for the object in the target business group
7867        -- if found insert the record into PLSql table and exit the loop else try create the
7868        -- object in the target business group
7869        --
7870        l_object_found_in_target := false ;
7871        l_min_esd := null ;
7872        l_max_eed := null ;
7873        open c_RZR_min_max_dates(r_RZR_unique.table_route_id, r_RZR_unique.information1 ) ;
7874        fetch c_RZR_min_max_dates into l_min_esd,l_max_eed ;
7875        --
7877        if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
7878             l_min_esd < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
7879          l_min_esd := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
7880        end if;
7881        l_min_esd := greatest(l_min_esd,r_RZR_unique.information2);
7883        open c_RZR(r_RZR_unique.table_route_id,
7884                 r_RZR_unique.information1,
7885                 r_RZR_unique.information2,
7886                 r_RZR_unique.information3 ) ;
7887        --
7888        fetch c_RZR into r_RZR ;
7889        --
7890        close c_RZR ;
7891        --UPD START
7892        l_update := false;
7893        l_process_date := p_effective_date;
7894        l_dml_operation:= r_RZR_unique.dml_operation ;
7895        --
7896        if l_dml_operation = 'UPDATE' then
7897          --
7898          l_object_found_in_target := TRUE;
7899          --
7900          if l_process_date between r_RZR_unique.information2 and r_RZR_unique.information3 then
7901                l_update := true;
7902                if r_RZR_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
7903                   nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'PSTL_ZIP_RNG_ID'  then
7904                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'PSTL_ZIP_RNG_ID' ;
7905                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_RZR_unique.information1 ;
7906                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := r_RZR_unique.information1 ;
7907                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
7908                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_RZR_unique.table_route_id;
7909                   --
7910                   -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
7911                   --
7912                   g_count := g_count + 1 ;
7913                   --
7914                   log_data('RZR',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_RZR_unique.information1|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
7915                   --
7916                end if ;
7917                hr_utility.set_location( 'found record for update',10);
7918            --
7919          else
7920            --
7921            l_update := false;
7922            --
7923          end if;
7924        else
7925          --
7926          --UPD END
7927        --
7928        --if p_reuse_object_flag = 'Y' then
7929          if c_RZR_min_max_dates%found then
7930            -- cursor to find the object
7931            open c_find_RZR_in_target( l_min_esd,l_max_eed,
7932                                  p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_pstl_zip_rng_id, -999)  ) ;
7933            fetch c_find_RZR_in_target into l_new_value ;
7934            if c_find_RZR_in_target%found then
7935              --
7936              --TEMPIK
7937              l_dt_rec_found :=   dt_api.check_min_max_dates
7938                  (p_base_table_name => 'BEN_PSTL_ZIP_RNG_F',
7939                   p_base_key_column => 'PSTL_ZIP_RNG_ID',
7940                   p_base_key_value  => l_new_value,
7941                   p_from_date       => l_min_esd,
7942                   p_to_date         => l_max_eed );
7943              if l_dt_rec_found THEN
7944              --END TEMPIK
7945              if r_RZR_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
7946                 nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'PSTL_ZIP_RNG_ID'  then
7947                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'PSTL_ZIP_RNG_ID' ;
7948                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_RZR_unique.information1 ;
7949                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := l_new_value ;
7950                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
7951                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_RZR_unique.table_route_id;
7952                 --
7953                 -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count) , p_copy_entity_txn_id) ;
7954                 --
7955                 g_count := g_count + 1 ;
7956              end if ;
7957              --
7958              l_object_found_in_target := true ;
7959              --TEMPIK
7960              end if; -- l_dt_rec_found
7961              --END TEMPIK
7962            end if;
7963            close c_find_RZR_in_target ;
7964          --
7965          end if;
7966        --end if ;
7967        --
7968        end if;
7969        close c_RZR_min_max_dates ;
7970        if not l_object_found_in_target or l_update then
7971        --
7972          /*
7973          open c_RZR(r_RZR_unique.table_route_id,
7974                 r_RZR_unique.information1,
7975                 r_RZR_unique.information2,
7976                 r_RZR_unique.information3 ) ;
7977          --
7978          fetch c_RZR into r_RZR ;
7979          --
7980          close c_RZR ;
7981          --
7982          */
7983          l_current_pk_id := r_RZR.information1;
7984          --
7985          hr_utility.set_location(' l_current_pk_id '||l_current_pk_id,20);
7986          hr_utility.set_location(' l_prev_pk_id '||l_prev_pk_id,20);
7987          --
7988          if l_current_pk_id =  l_prev_pk_id  then
7989            --
7990            l_first_rec := false ;
7991            --
7992          else
7993            --
7994            l_first_rec := true ;
7995            --
7996          end if ;
7997          --
7999          l_effective_date := r_RZR.information2;
8000          if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
8001               l_effective_date < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
8002            l_effective_date := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
8003          end if;
8005          if l_first_rec and not l_update then
8006            -- Call Create routine.
8007            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_PSTL_ZIP_RNG_F CREATE_POSTAL_ZIP_RANGE ',20);
8009              --
8010              P_VALIDATE               => false
8011              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
8012              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
8013              --
8014              ,P_FROM_VALUE      => r_RZR.INFORMATION142
8015 	                  ,P_PSTL_ZIP_RNG_ID      => l_pstl_zip_rng_id
8016 	                  ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_RZR.INFORMATION111
8017 	                  ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_RZR.INFORMATION120
8018 	                  ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_RZR.INFORMATION121
8019 	                  ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_RZR.INFORMATION122
8020 	                  ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_RZR.INFORMATION123
8021 	                  ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_RZR.INFORMATION124
8022 	                  ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_RZR.INFORMATION125
8023 	                  ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_RZR.INFORMATION126
8024 	                  ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_RZR.INFORMATION127
8025 	                  ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_RZR.INFORMATION128
8026 	                  ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_RZR.INFORMATION129
8027 	                  ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_RZR.INFORMATION112
8028 	                  ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_RZR.INFORMATION130
8029 	                  ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_RZR.INFORMATION131
8030 	                  ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_RZR.INFORMATION132
8031 	                  ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_RZR.INFORMATION133
8032 	                  ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_RZR.INFORMATION134
8033 	                  ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_RZR.INFORMATION135
8034 	                  ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_RZR.INFORMATION136
8035 	                  ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_RZR.INFORMATION137
8036 	                  ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_RZR.INFORMATION138
8037 	                  ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_RZR.INFORMATION139
8038 	                  ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_RZR.INFORMATION113
8039 	                  ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_RZR.INFORMATION140
8040 	                  ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_RZR.INFORMATION114
8041 	                  ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_RZR.INFORMATION115
8042 	                  ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_RZR.INFORMATION116
8043 	                  ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_RZR.INFORMATION117
8044 	                  ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_RZR.INFORMATION118
8045 	                  ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_RZR.INFORMATION119
8046 	                  ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_RZR.INFORMATION110
8047              ,P_TO_VALUE      => r_RZR.INFORMATION141
8048              --
8049              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
8050              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
8051              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
8052            );
8053            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
8054            -- Update all relevent cer records with new pk_id
8055            hr_utility.set_location('Before plsql table ',222);
8056            hr_utility.set_location('new_value id '||l_pstl_zip_rng_id,222);
8057            g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column := 'PSTL_ZIP_RNG_ID' ;
8058            g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value    := r_RZR.information1 ;
8059            g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value    := l_PSTL_ZIP_RNG_ID ;
8060            g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type  := 'COPIED';
8061            g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_RZR_unique.table_route_id;
8062            hr_utility.set_location('After plsql table ',222);
8063            --
8064            -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
8065            --
8066            g_count := g_count + 1 ;
8067            --
8068          else
8069            --
8070            --UPD START
8071            hr_utility.set_location('Before call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'||l_datetrack_mode,5);
8072            --
8073            if l_update then
8074              --
8075              l_datetrack_mode := r_RZR.datetrack_mode ;
8076              --
8077              get_dt_modes(
8078                p_effective_date        => l_process_date,
8079                p_effective_end_date    => r_RZR.information3,
8080                p_effective_start_date  => r_RZR.information2,
8081                p_dml_operation         => r_RZR.dml_operation,
8082                p_datetrack_mode        => l_datetrack_mode );
8083            --    p_update                => l_update
8084              --
8085              l_effective_date := l_process_date;
8086              l_pstl_zip_rng_id   := r_RZR.information1;
8087              l_object_version_number := r_RZR.information265;
8088              --
8089            end if;
8090            --
8091            hr_utility.set_location('After call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'||l_datetrack_mode,5);
8092            --
8093            IF l_update OR l_dml_operation <> 'UPDATE' THEN
8094            --UPD END
8095            -- Call Update routine for the pk_id created in prev run .
8096            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
8097            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_PSTL_ZIP_RNG_F UPDATE_POSTAL_ZIP_RANGE ',30);
8099              --
8100              P_VALIDATE               => false
8101              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
8102              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
8103              --
8104             ,P_FROM_VALUE      => r_RZR.INFORMATION142
8105 	                 ,P_PSTL_ZIP_RNG_ID      => l_pstl_zip_rng_id
8106 	                 ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_RZR.INFORMATION111
8107 	                 ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_RZR.INFORMATION120
8108 	                 ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_RZR.INFORMATION121
8109 	                 ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_RZR.INFORMATION122
8110 	                 ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_RZR.INFORMATION123
8111 	                 ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_RZR.INFORMATION124
8112 	                 ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_RZR.INFORMATION125
8113 	                 ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_RZR.INFORMATION126
8114 	                 ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_RZR.INFORMATION127
8115 	                 ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_RZR.INFORMATION128
8116 	                 ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_RZR.INFORMATION129
8117 	                 ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_RZR.INFORMATION112
8118 	                 ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_RZR.INFORMATION130
8119 	                 ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_RZR.INFORMATION131
8120 	                 ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_RZR.INFORMATION132
8121 	                 ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_RZR.INFORMATION133
8122 	                 ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_RZR.INFORMATION134
8123 	                 ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_RZR.INFORMATION135
8124 	                 ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_RZR.INFORMATION136
8125 	                 ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_RZR.INFORMATION137
8126 	                 ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_RZR.INFORMATION138
8127 	                 ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_RZR.INFORMATION139
8128 	                 ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_RZR.INFORMATION113
8129 	                 ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_RZR.INFORMATION140
8130 	                 ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_RZR.INFORMATION114
8131 	                 ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_RZR.INFORMATION115
8132 	                 ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_RZR.INFORMATION116
8133 	                 ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_RZR.INFORMATION117
8134 	                 ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_RZR.INFORMATION118
8135 	                 ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_RZR.INFORMATION119
8136 	                 ,P_RZR_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_RZR.INFORMATION110
8137              ,P_TO_VALUE      => r_RZR.INFORMATION141
8138              --
8139              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
8140              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
8141              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER => l_object_version_number
8142              ,P_DATETRACK_MODE        => l_datetrack_mode
8143            );
8144            --
8145            end if;
8146          end if;
8147          --
8148          -- Delete the row if it is end dated.
8149          --
8150          if (trunc(l_max_eed) <> trunc(hr_api.g_eot) and
8151              trunc(l_max_eed) <> l_effective_end_date and      /* Bug 4302963 */
8152            trunc(l_max_eed) = r_RZR.information3) then
8153            --
8155                 --
8156                 p_validate                       => false
8157                 ,p_pstl_zip_rng_id                   => l_pstl_zip_rng_id
8158                 ,p_effective_start_date           => l_effective_start_date
8159                 ,p_effective_end_date             => l_effective_end_date
8160                 ,p_object_version_number          => l_object_version_number
8161                 ,p_effective_date                 => l_max_eed
8162                 ,p_datetrack_mode                 => hr_api.g_delete
8163                 --
8164                 );
8165                 --
8166          end if;
8167          --
8168          l_prev_pk_id := l_current_pk_id ;
8169          --
8170        end if;
8171        --
8172      end if;
8173      --
8174    end loop;
8175    --
8176  exception when others then
8177    --
8178    raise_error_message( 'RZR',r_RZR.information5 ) ;
8179    --
8180  end create_RZR_rows;
8182    --
8183    ---------------------------------------------------------------
8184    ----------------------< create_BNR_rows >-----------------------
8185    ---------------------------------------------------------------
8186    --
8187    procedure create_BNR_rows
8188    (
8189          p_validate                       in  number     default 0
8190         ,p_copy_entity_txn_id             in  number
8191         ,p_effective_date                 in  date
8192         ,p_prefix_suffix_text             in  varchar2  default null
8193         ,p_reuse_object_flag              in  varchar2  default null
8194         ,p_target_business_group_id       in  varchar2  default null
8195         ,p_prefix_suffix_cd               in  varchar2  default null
8196    ) is
8197    --
8198    cursor c_unique_BNR(l_table_alias varchar2) is
8199    select distinct cpe.information1,
8200      cpe.information2,
8201      cpe.information3,
8202      cpe.INFORMATION170 name,
8203      cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
8204    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe,
8205         pqh_table_route tr
8206    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
8207    and   cpe.table_route_id     = tr.table_route_id
8208    -- and   tr.where_clause        = l_BEN_RPTG_GRP
8209    and tr.table_alias = l_table_alias
8210    and   cpe.number_of_copies   = 1 --ADDITION
8211    group by cpe.information1,cpe.information2,cpe.information3, cpe.INFORMATION170, cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
8212    order by information1, information2; --added for bug: 5151945
8213    --
8214    --
8215    cursor c_BNR_min_max_dates(c_table_route_id  number,
8216                 c_information1   number) is
8217    select
8218      min(cpe.information2) min_esd,
8219      max(cpe.information3) min_eed
8220    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
8221    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
8222    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
8223    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1 ;
8224    --
8225    cursor c_BNR(c_table_route_id  number,
8226                 c_information1   number,
8227                 c_information2   date,
8228                 c_information3   date )  is
8229    select
8230      cpe.*
8231    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
8232    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
8233    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
8234    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1
8235    and rownum = 1 ;
8236    -- Date Track target record
8237    cursor c_find_BNR_in_target( c_BNR_name          varchar2,
8238                                 c_effective_start_date    date,
8239                                 c_effective_end_date      date,
8240                                 c_business_group_id       number,
8241                                 c_new_pk_id               number) is
8242    select
8243      BNR.rptg_grp_id new_value
8244    from BEN_RPTG_GRP BNR
8245    where BNR.name               = c_BNR_name
8246    and  (BNR.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
8247          or BNR.business_group_id is null)   -- Bug 2907912
8248    and   BNR.rptg_grp_id  <> c_new_pk_id
8249                 ;
8250    --
8251    l_current_pk_id           number := null ;
8252    --UPD START
8253    --
8254    l_update                  boolean      := false ;
8255    l_datetrack_mode          varchar2(80) := hr_api.g_update;
8256    l_process_date            date;
8257    l_dml_operation           ben_copy_entity_results.dml_operation%TYPE ;
8258    --
8259    --UPD END
8260    l_prev_pk_id              number := null ;
8261    l_first_rec               boolean := true ;
8262    r_BNR                     c_BNR%rowtype;
8263    l_rptg_grp_id             number ;
8264    l_object_version_number   number ;
8265    l_business_group_id       number ;
8266    l_effective_start_date    date ;
8267    l_effective_end_date      date ;
8268    l_prefix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
8269    l_suffix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
8270    l_new_value               number(15);
8271    l_object_found_in_target  boolean := false ;
8272    l_min_esd                 date;
8273    l_max_eed                 date;
8274    --
8275  begin
8276    -- Initialization
8277    l_object_found_in_target := false ;
8278    -- End Initialization
8279    -- Derive the prefix - sufix
8280    if   p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX' then
8281      l_prefix  := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
8282    elsif p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX' then
8283      l_suffix   := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
8284    else
8285      l_prefix := null ;
8286      l_suffix  := null ;
8287    end if ;
8288    -- End Prefix Sufix derivation
8289    for r_BNR_unique in c_unique_BNR('BNR') loop
8290      --
8291      hr_utility.set_location(' r_BNR_unique.table_route_id '||r_BNR_unique.table_route_id,10);
8292      hr_utility.set_location(' r_BNR_unique.information1 '||r_BNR_unique.information1,10);
8293      hr_utility.set_location( 'r_BNR_unique.information2 '||r_BNR_unique.information2,10);
8294      hr_utility.set_location( 'r_BNR_unique.information3 '||r_BNR_unique.information3,10);
8295      -- If reuse objects flag is 'Y' then check for the object in the target business group
8296      -- if found insert the record into PLSql table and exit the loop else try create the
8297      -- object in the target business group
8298      --
8299      l_object_found_in_target := false ;
8300      l_min_esd := null ;
8301      l_max_eed := null ;
8302      --UPD START
8303      l_dml_operation := r_BNR_unique.dml_operation;
8304      --
8305      l_update := false;
8306      --
8307      if l_dml_operation = 'UPDATE' then
8308        --
8309                l_update := true;
8310                if r_BNR_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
8311                   nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'RPTG_GRP_ID'  then
8312                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'RPTG_GRP_ID' ;
8313                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_BNR_unique.information1 ;
8314                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := r_BNR_unique.information1 ;
8315                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
8316                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_BNR_unique.table_route_id;
8317                   --
8318                   -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ; -- NEW
8319                   --
8320                   g_count := g_count + 1 ;
8321                   --
8322                   log_data('BNR',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_BNR_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
8323                   --
8324                end if ;
8325                l_RPTG_GRP_ID := r_BNR_unique.information1 ;
8326                l_object_version_number := r_BNR.information265 ;
8327                hr_utility.set_location( 'found record for update',10);
8328            --
8329      else
8330      if p_reuse_object_flag = 'Y' then
8331            -- cursor to find the object
8332            open c_find_BNR_in_target( l_prefix || r_BNR_unique.name || l_suffix ,r_BNR_unique.information2,l_max_eed,
8333                                  p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_rptg_grp_id, -999)  ) ;
8334            fetch c_find_BNR_in_target into l_new_value ;
8335            if c_find_BNR_in_target%found then
8336              --
8337              if r_BNR_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
8338                 nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'RPTG_GRP_ID'  then
8339                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'RPTG_GRP_ID' ;
8340                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_BNR_unique.information1 ;
8341                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := l_new_value ;
8342                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
8343                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_BNR_unique.table_route_id;
8344                 --
8345                 -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count) , p_copy_entity_txn_id) ;
8346                 --
8347                 g_count := g_count + 1 ;
8348                 --
8349                 log_data('BNR',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_BNR_unique.name || l_suffix ,'REUSED');
8350                 --
8351              end if ;
8352              --
8353              l_object_found_in_target := true ;
8354            end if;
8355            close c_find_BNR_in_target ;
8356          --
8357      end if ;
8358      end if ;
8359      --
8360      if not l_object_found_in_target or l_update then
8361        --
8362        open c_BNR(r_BNR_unique.table_route_id,
8363                 r_BNR_unique.information1,
8364                 r_BNR_unique.information2,
8365                 r_BNR_unique.information3 ) ;
8366        --
8367        fetch c_BNR into r_BNR ;
8368        --
8369        close c_BNR ;
8370        --
8371        l_current_pk_id := r_BNR.information1;
8372        --
8373        hr_utility.set_location(' l_current_pk_id '||l_current_pk_id,20);
8374        hr_utility.set_location(' l_prev_pk_id '||l_prev_pk_id,20);
8375        --
8376        if l_current_pk_id =  l_prev_pk_id  then
8377          --
8378          l_first_rec := false ;
8379          --
8380        else
8381          --
8382          l_first_rec := true ;
8383          --
8384        end if ;
8385        --
8386        if(r_BNR.information4 is null) then
8387          l_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID := null;
8388        else
8389          l_business_group_id := p_target_business_group_id;
8390        end if;
8391        --
8392        ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.ben_chk_col_len('NAME' ,'BEN_RPTG_GRP',l_prefix || r_BNR.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix);
8393        --
8394        if l_first_rec and not l_update then
8395          -- Call Create routine.
8396          hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_RPTG_GRP CREATE_REPORTING_GROUP ',20);
8398              --
8399              P_VALIDATE               => false
8400              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => NVL(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ,p_effective_date)
8401              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => l_business_group_id
8402              --
8403              ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_BNR.INFORMATION111
8404 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_BNR.INFORMATION120
8405 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_BNR.INFORMATION121
8406 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_BNR.INFORMATION122
8407 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_BNR.INFORMATION123
8408 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_BNR.INFORMATION124
8409 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_BNR.INFORMATION125
8410 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_BNR.INFORMATION126
8411 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_BNR.INFORMATION127
8412 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_BNR.INFORMATION128
8413 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_BNR.INFORMATION129
8414 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_BNR.INFORMATION112
8415 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_BNR.INFORMATION130
8416 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_BNR.INFORMATION131
8417 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_BNR.INFORMATION132
8418 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_BNR.INFORMATION133
8419 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_BNR.INFORMATION134
8420 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_BNR.INFORMATION135
8421 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_BNR.INFORMATION136
8422 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_BNR.INFORMATION137
8423 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_BNR.INFORMATION138
8424 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_BNR.INFORMATION139
8425 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_BNR.INFORMATION113
8426 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_BNR.INFORMATION140
8427 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_BNR.INFORMATION114
8428 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_BNR.INFORMATION115
8429 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_BNR.INFORMATION116
8430 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_BNR.INFORMATION117
8431 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_BNR.INFORMATION118
8432 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_BNR.INFORMATION119
8433 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_BNR.INFORMATION110
8434 	                  ,P_FUNCTION_CODE      => r_BNR.INFORMATION11
8435 	                  ,P_LEGISLATION_CODE      => r_BNR.INFORMATION12
8436 	                  ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_BNR.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
8437 	                  ,P_RPG_DESC      => r_BNR.INFORMATION185
8438 	                  ,P_RPTG_GRP_ID      => l_rptg_grp_id
8439              ,P_RPTG_PRPS_CD      => r_BNR.INFORMATION13
8440              --
8441              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
8442          );
8443          -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
8444          -- Update all relevent cer records with new pk_id
8445          hr_utility.set_location('Before plsql table ',222);
8446          hr_utility.set_location('new_value id '||l_rptg_grp_id,222);
8447          g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column := 'RPTG_GRP_ID' ;
8448          g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value    := r_BNR.information1 ;
8449          g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value    := l_RPTG_GRP_ID ;
8450          g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type  := 'COPIED';
8451          g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_BNR_unique.table_route_id;
8452          hr_utility.set_location('After plsql table ',222);
8453          --
8454          -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
8455          --
8456          g_count := g_count + 1 ;
8457          --
8458          log_data('BNR',l_new_value,l_prefix ||  r_BNR.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix ,'COPIED');
8459          --
8460        elsif l_update then
8461          hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_RPTG_GRP UPDATE_REPORTING_GROUP ',20);
8463              --
8464              P_VALIDATE               => false
8465              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => NVL(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ,p_effective_date)
8466              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => l_business_group_id
8467              --
8468              ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_BNR.INFORMATION111
8469 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_BNR.INFORMATION120
8470 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_BNR.INFORMATION121
8471 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_BNR.INFORMATION122
8472 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_BNR.INFORMATION123
8473 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_BNR.INFORMATION124
8474 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_BNR.INFORMATION125
8475 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_BNR.INFORMATION126
8476 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_BNR.INFORMATION127
8477 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_BNR.INFORMATION128
8478 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_BNR.INFORMATION129
8479 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_BNR.INFORMATION112
8480 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_BNR.INFORMATION130
8481 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_BNR.INFORMATION131
8482 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_BNR.INFORMATION132
8483 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_BNR.INFORMATION133
8484 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_BNR.INFORMATION134
8485 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_BNR.INFORMATION135
8486 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_BNR.INFORMATION136
8487 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_BNR.INFORMATION137
8488 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_BNR.INFORMATION138
8489 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_BNR.INFORMATION139
8490 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_BNR.INFORMATION113
8491 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_BNR.INFORMATION140
8492 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_BNR.INFORMATION114
8493 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_BNR.INFORMATION115
8494 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_BNR.INFORMATION116
8495 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_BNR.INFORMATION117
8496 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_BNR.INFORMATION118
8497 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_BNR.INFORMATION119
8498 	                  ,P_BNR_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_BNR.INFORMATION110
8499 	                  ,P_FUNCTION_CODE      => r_BNR.INFORMATION11
8500 	                  ,P_LEGISLATION_CODE      => r_BNR.INFORMATION12
8501 	                  ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_BNR.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
8502 	                  ,P_RPG_DESC      => r_BNR.INFORMATION185
8503 	                  ,P_RPTG_GRP_ID      => l_rptg_grp_id
8504              ,P_RPTG_PRPS_CD      => r_BNR.INFORMATION13
8505              --
8506              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
8507          );
8508        end if;
8509        --
8510        l_prev_pk_id := l_current_pk_id ;
8511        --
8512      end if;
8513      --
8514    end loop;
8515    --
8516  exception when others then
8517    --
8518    raise_error_message( 'BNR',l_prefix ||  r_BNR.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix) ;
8519    --
8520  end create_BNR_rows;
8523    --
8524    ---------------------------------------------------------------
8525    ----------------------< create_RCL_rows >-----------------------
8526    ---------------------------------------------------------------
8527    --
8528    procedure create_RCL_rows
8529    (
8530          p_validate                       in  number     default 0
8531         ,p_copy_entity_txn_id             in  number
8532         ,p_effective_date                 in  date
8533         ,p_prefix_suffix_text             in  varchar2  default null
8534         ,p_reuse_object_flag              in  varchar2  default null
8535         ,p_target_business_group_id       in  varchar2  default null
8536         ,p_prefix_suffix_cd               in  varchar2  default null
8537    ) is
8538    --
8539    cursor c_unique_RCL(l_table_alias varchar2) is
8540    select distinct cpe.information1,
8541      cpe.information2,
8542      cpe.information3,
8543      cpe.INFORMATION218 name,
8544      cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
8545    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe,
8546         pqh_table_route tr
8547    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
8548    and   cpe.table_route_id     = tr.table_route_id
8549    -- and   tr.where_clause        = l_BEN_RLTD_PER_CHG_CS_LER_F
8550    and tr.table_alias = l_table_alias
8551    and   cpe.number_of_copies   = 1 --ADDITION
8552    group by cpe.information1,cpe.information2,cpe.information3, cpe.INFORMATION218, cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
8553    order by information1, information2; --added for bug: 5151945
8554    --
8555    --
8556    cursor c_RCL_min_max_dates(c_table_route_id  number,
8557                 c_information1   number) is
8558    select
8559      min(cpe.information2) min_esd,
8560      max(cpe.information3) min_eed
8561    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
8562    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
8563    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
8564    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1 ;
8565    --
8566    cursor c_RCL(c_table_route_id  number,
8567                 c_information1   number,
8568                 c_information2   date,
8569                 c_information3   date )  is
8570    select
8571      cpe.*
8572    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
8573    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
8574    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
8575    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1
8576    and   cpe.information2       = c_information2
8577    and   cpe.information3       = c_information3
8578    and rownum = 1 ;
8579    -- Date Track target record
8580    cursor c_find_RCL_in_target( c_RCL_name          varchar2,
8581                                 c_effective_start_date    date,
8582                                 c_effective_end_date      date,
8583                                 c_business_group_id       number,
8584                                 c_new_pk_id               number) is
8585    select
8586      RCL.rltd_per_chg_cs_ler_id new_value
8588    where RCL.name               = c_RCL_name
8589    and   RCL.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
8590    and   RCL.rltd_per_chg_cs_ler_id  <> c_new_pk_id
8591 --TEMPIK
8592    and c_effective_start_date between effective_start_date
8593                             and effective_end_date ;
8595 /*TEMPIK
8596    and exists ( select null
8597                 from BEN_RLTD_PER_CHG_CS_LER_F RCL1
8598                 where RCL1.name               = c_RCL_name
8599                 and   RCL1.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
8600                 and   RCL1.effective_start_date <= c_effective_start_date )
8601    and exists ( select null
8602                 from BEN_RLTD_PER_CHG_CS_LER_F RCL2
8603                 where RCL2.name               = c_RCL_name
8604                 and   RCL2.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
8605                 and   RCL2.effective_end_date >= c_effective_end_date )
8606                 ;
8607 TEMPIK */
8608    --TEMPIK
8609    l_dt_rec_found            boolean ;
8610    --END TEMPIK
8611    --
8612    l_current_pk_id           number := null ;
8613    --UPD START
8614    --
8615    l_update                  boolean      := false ;
8616    l_datetrack_mode          varchar2(80) := hr_api.g_update;
8617    l_process_date            date;
8618    l_dml_operation           ben_copy_entity_results.dml_operation%TYPE ;
8619    --
8620    --UPD END
8621    l_prev_pk_id              number := null ;
8622    l_first_rec               boolean := true ;
8623    r_RCL                     c_RCL%rowtype;
8624    l_rltd_per_chg_cs_ler_id             number ;
8625    l_object_version_number   number ;
8626    l_effective_start_date    date ;
8627    l_effective_end_date      date ;
8628    l_prefix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
8629    l_suffix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
8630    l_new_value               number(15);
8631    l_object_found_in_target  boolean := false ;
8632    l_min_esd                 date;
8633    l_max_eed                 date;
8634    l_RLTD_PER_CHG_CS_LER_RL  number;
8635    l_effective_date          date;
8636    --
8637  begin
8638    -- Initialization
8639    l_object_found_in_target := false ;
8640    -- End Initialization
8641    -- Derive the prefix - sufix
8642    if   p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX' then
8643      l_prefix  := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
8644    elsif p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX' then
8645      l_suffix   := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
8646    else
8647      l_prefix := null ;
8648      l_suffix  := null ;
8649    end if ;
8650    -- End Prefix Sufix derivation
8651    for r_RCL_unique in c_unique_RCL('RCL') loop
8653      if (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is null or
8654         (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
8655          r_RCL_unique.information3 >=
8656                  ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date)
8657         ) then
8658        --
8659        hr_utility.set_location(' r_RCL_unique.table_route_id '||r_RCL_unique.table_route_id,10);
8660        hr_utility.set_location(' r_RCL_unique.information1 '||r_RCL_unique.information1,10);
8661        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_RCL_unique.information2 '||r_RCL_unique.information2,10);
8662        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_RCL_unique.information3 '||r_RCL_unique.information3,10);
8663        -- If reuse objects flag is 'Y' then check for the object in the target business group
8664        -- if found insert the record into PLSql table and exit the loop else try create the
8665        -- object in the target business group
8666        --
8667        l_object_found_in_target := false ;
8668        --UPD START
8669        l_update := false;
8670        l_process_date := p_effective_date;
8671        l_dml_operation:= r_RCL_unique.dml_operation ;
8672        --
8673        if l_dml_operation = 'UPDATE' then
8674          --
8675          l_object_found_in_target := TRUE;
8676          --
8677          if l_process_date between r_RCL_unique.information2 and r_RCL_unique.information3 then
8678                l_update := true;
8679                if r_RCL_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
8680                   nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'RLTD_PER_CHG_CS_LER_ID'  then
8681                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'RLTD_PER_CHG_CS_LER_ID' ;
8682                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_RCL_unique.information1 ;
8683                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := r_RCL_unique.information1 ;
8684                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
8685                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_RCL_unique.table_route_id;
8686                   --
8687                   -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
8688                   --
8689                   g_count := g_count + 1 ;
8690                   --
8691                   log_data('RCL',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_RCL_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
8692                   --
8693                end if ;
8694                hr_utility.set_location( 'found record for update',10);
8695            --
8696          else
8697            --
8698            l_update := false;
8699            --
8700          end if;
8701        else
8702          --
8703          --UPD END
8704        l_min_esd := null ;
8705        l_max_eed := null ;
8706        open c_RCL_min_max_dates(r_RCL_unique.table_route_id, r_RCL_unique.information1 ) ;
8707        fetch c_RCL_min_max_dates into l_min_esd,l_max_eed ;
8709        if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
8710             l_min_esd < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
8711          l_min_esd := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
8712        end if;
8713        l_min_esd := greatest(l_min_esd,r_RCL_unique.information2);
8715        if p_reuse_object_flag = 'Y' then
8716          if c_RCL_min_max_dates%found then
8717            -- cursor to find the object
8718            open c_find_RCL_in_target( l_prefix || r_RCL_unique.name || l_suffix ,l_min_esd,l_max_eed,
8719                                  p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_rltd_per_chg_cs_ler_id, -999)  ) ;
8720            fetch c_find_RCL_in_target into l_new_value ;
8721            if c_find_RCL_in_target%found then
8722              --
8723              --TEMPIK
8724              l_dt_rec_found :=   dt_api.check_min_max_dates
8725                  (p_base_table_name => 'BEN_RLTD_PER_CHG_CS_LER_F',
8726                   p_base_key_column => 'RLTD_PER_CHG_CS_LER_ID',
8727                   p_base_key_value  => l_new_value,
8728                   p_from_date       => l_min_esd,
8729                   p_to_date         => l_max_eed );
8730              if l_dt_rec_found THEN
8731              --END TEMPIK
8732              if r_RCL_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
8733                 nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'RLTD_PER_CHG_CS_LER_ID'  then
8734                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'RLTD_PER_CHG_CS_LER_ID' ;
8735                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_RCL_unique.information1 ;
8736                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := l_new_value ;
8737                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
8738                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_RCL_unique.table_route_id;
8739                 --
8740                 -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count) , p_copy_entity_txn_id) ;
8741                 --
8742                 g_count := g_count + 1 ;
8743              end if ;
8744              --
8745              l_object_found_in_target := true ;
8746              --TEMPIK
8747              end if; -- l_dt_rec_found
8748              --END TEMPIK
8749            end if;
8750            close c_find_RCL_in_target ;
8751          --
8752          end if;
8753        end if ;
8754        --
8755        close c_RCL_min_max_dates ;
8756        end if;
8757        if not l_object_found_in_target or l_update then
8758          --
8759          open c_RCL(r_RCL_unique.table_route_id,
8760                 r_RCL_unique.information1,
8761                 r_RCL_unique.information2,
8762                 r_RCL_unique.information3 ) ;
8763          --
8764          fetch c_RCL into r_RCL ;
8765          --
8766          close c_RCL ;
8767          --
8768          l_current_pk_id := r_RCL.information1;
8769          --
8770          hr_utility.set_location(' l_current_pk_id '||l_current_pk_id,20);
8771          hr_utility.set_location(' l_prev_pk_id '||l_prev_pk_id,20);
8772          --
8773          if l_current_pk_id =  l_prev_pk_id  then
8774            --
8775            l_first_rec := false ;
8776            --
8777          else
8778            --
8779            l_first_rec := true ;
8780            --
8781          end if ;
8782          --
8783          l_RLTD_PER_CHG_CS_LER_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_RCL.INFORMATION260, l_dml_operation);
8784          --
8785          ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.ben_chk_col_len('NAME' ,'BEN_RLTD_PER_CHG_CS_LER_F',l_prefix || r_RCL.INFORMATION218 || l_suffix);
8786          --
8788          l_effective_date := r_RCL.information2;
8789          if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
8790               l_effective_date < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
8791            l_effective_date := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
8792          end if;
8794          if l_first_rec and not l_update then
8795            -- Call Create routine.
8796            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_RLTD_PER_CHG_CS_LER_F CREATE_RLTD_PER_CHG_CS_LER ',20);
8798              --
8799              P_VALIDATE               => false
8800              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
8801              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
8802              --
8803              ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_RCL.INFORMATION218 || l_suffix
8804 	                  ,P_NEW_VAL      => r_RCL.INFORMATION186
8805 	                  ,P_OLD_VAL      => r_RCL.INFORMATION185
8806 	                  ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_RCL.INFORMATION111
8807 	                  ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_RCL.INFORMATION120
8808 	                  ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_RCL.INFORMATION121
8809 	                  ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_RCL.INFORMATION122
8810 	                  ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_RCL.INFORMATION123
8811 	                  ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_RCL.INFORMATION124
8812 	                  ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_RCL.INFORMATION125
8813 	                  ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_RCL.INFORMATION126
8814 	                  ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_RCL.INFORMATION127
8815 	                  ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_RCL.INFORMATION128
8816 	                  ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_RCL.INFORMATION129
8817 	                  ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_RCL.INFORMATION112
8818 	                  ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_RCL.INFORMATION130
8819 	                  ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_RCL.INFORMATION131
8820 	                  ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_RCL.INFORMATION132
8821 	                  ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_RCL.INFORMATION133
8822 	                  ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_RCL.INFORMATION134
8823 	                  ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_RCL.INFORMATION135
8824 	                  ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_RCL.INFORMATION136
8825 	                  ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_RCL.INFORMATION137
8826 	                  ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_RCL.INFORMATION138
8827 	                  ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_RCL.INFORMATION139
8828 	                  ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_RCL.INFORMATION113
8829 	                  ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_RCL.INFORMATION140
8830 	                  ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_RCL.INFORMATION114
8831 	                  ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_RCL.INFORMATION115
8832 	                  ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_RCL.INFORMATION116
8833 	                  ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_RCL.INFORMATION117
8834 	                  ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_RCL.INFORMATION118
8835 	                  ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_RCL.INFORMATION119
8836 	                  ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_RCL.INFORMATION110
8837 	                  ,P_RLTD_PER_CHG_CS_LER_ID      => l_rltd_per_chg_cs_ler_id
8838 	                  ,P_RLTD_PER_CHG_CS_LER_RL      => l_RLTD_PER_CHG_CS_LER_RL
8839 	                  ,P_SOURCE_COLUMN      => r_RCL.INFORMATION141
8840 	                  ,P_SOURCE_TABLE      => r_RCL.INFORMATION142
8841              ,P_WHATIF_LBL_TXT      => r_RCL.INFORMATION219
8842              --
8843              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
8844              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
8845              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
8846            );
8847            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
8848            -- Update all relevent cer records with new pk_id
8849            hr_utility.set_location('Before plsql table ',222);
8850            hr_utility.set_location('new_value id '||l_rltd_per_chg_cs_ler_id,222);
8851            g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column := 'RLTD_PER_CHG_CS_LER_ID' ;
8852            g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value    := r_RCL.information1 ;
8853            g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value    := l_RLTD_PER_CHG_CS_LER_ID ;
8854            g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type  := 'COPIED';
8855            g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_RCL_unique.table_route_id;
8856            hr_utility.set_location('After plsql table ',222);
8857            --
8858            -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
8859            --
8860            g_count := g_count + 1 ;
8861            --
8862          else
8863            --
8864            --UPD START
8865            hr_utility.set_location('Before call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'||l_datetrack_mode,5);
8866            --
8867            if l_update then
8868              --
8869              l_datetrack_mode := r_RCL.datetrack_mode ;
8870              --
8871              get_dt_modes(
8872                p_effective_date        => l_process_date,
8873                p_effective_end_date    => r_RCL.information3,
8874                p_effective_start_date  => r_RCL.information2,
8875                p_dml_operation         => r_RCL.dml_operation,
8876                p_datetrack_mode        => l_datetrack_mode );
8877            --    p_update                => l_update
8878              --
8879              l_effective_date := l_process_date;
8880              l_rltd_per_chg_cs_ler_id   := r_RCL.information1;
8881              l_object_version_number := r_RCL.information265;
8882              --
8883            end if;
8884            --
8885            hr_utility.set_location('After call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'||l_datetrack_mode,5);
8886            --
8887            IF l_update OR l_dml_operation <> 'UPDATE' THEN
8888            --UPD END
8889            -- Call Update routine for the pk_id created in prev run .
8890            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
8891            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_RLTD_PER_CHG_CS_LER_F UPDATE_RLTD_PER_CHG_CS_LER ',30);
8893              --
8894              P_VALIDATE               => false
8895              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
8896              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
8897              --
8898             ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_RCL.INFORMATION218 || l_suffix
8899 	                 ,P_NEW_VAL      => r_RCL.INFORMATION186
8900 	                 ,P_OLD_VAL      => r_RCL.INFORMATION185
8901 	                 ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_RCL.INFORMATION111
8902 	                 ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_RCL.INFORMATION120
8903 	                 ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_RCL.INFORMATION121
8904 	                 ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_RCL.INFORMATION122
8905 	                 ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_RCL.INFORMATION123
8906 	                 ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_RCL.INFORMATION124
8907 	                 ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_RCL.INFORMATION125
8908 	                 ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_RCL.INFORMATION126
8909 	                 ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_RCL.INFORMATION127
8910 	                 ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_RCL.INFORMATION128
8911 	                 ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_RCL.INFORMATION129
8912 	                 ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_RCL.INFORMATION112
8913 	                 ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_RCL.INFORMATION130
8914 	                 ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_RCL.INFORMATION131
8915 	                 ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_RCL.INFORMATION132
8916 	                 ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_RCL.INFORMATION133
8917 	                 ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_RCL.INFORMATION134
8918 	                 ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_RCL.INFORMATION135
8919 	                 ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_RCL.INFORMATION136
8920 	                 ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_RCL.INFORMATION137
8921 	                 ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_RCL.INFORMATION138
8922 	                 ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_RCL.INFORMATION139
8923 	                 ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_RCL.INFORMATION113
8924 	                 ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_RCL.INFORMATION140
8925 	                 ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_RCL.INFORMATION114
8926 	                 ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_RCL.INFORMATION115
8927 	                 ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_RCL.INFORMATION116
8928 	                 ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_RCL.INFORMATION117
8929 	                 ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_RCL.INFORMATION118
8930 	                 ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_RCL.INFORMATION119
8931 	                 ,P_RCL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_RCL.INFORMATION110
8932 	                 ,P_RLTD_PER_CHG_CS_LER_ID      => l_rltd_per_chg_cs_ler_id
8933 	                 ,P_RLTD_PER_CHG_CS_LER_RL      => l_RLTD_PER_CHG_CS_LER_RL
8934 	                 ,P_SOURCE_COLUMN      => r_RCL.INFORMATION141
8935 	                 ,P_SOURCE_TABLE      => r_RCL.INFORMATION142
8936              ,P_WHATIF_LBL_TXT      => r_RCL.INFORMATION219
8937              --
8938              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
8939              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
8940              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER => l_object_version_number
8941              ,P_DATETRACK_MODE        => l_datetrack_mode
8942            );
8943            --
8944            end if;
8945          end if;
8946          --
8947          -- Delete the row if it is end dated.
8948          --
8949          if (trunc(l_max_eed) <> trunc(hr_api.g_eot) and
8950              trunc(l_max_eed) <> l_effective_end_date and      /* Bug 4302963 */
8951            trunc(l_max_eed) = r_RCL.information3) then
8952            --
8954                 --
8955                 p_validate                       => false
8956                 ,p_rltd_per_chg_cs_ler_id                   => l_rltd_per_chg_cs_ler_id
8957                 ,p_effective_start_date           => l_effective_start_date
8958                 ,p_effective_end_date             => l_effective_end_date
8959                 ,p_object_version_number          => l_object_version_number
8960                 ,p_effective_date                 => l_max_eed
8961                 ,p_datetrack_mode                 => hr_api.g_delete
8962                 --
8963                 );
8964                 --
8965          end if;
8966          --
8967          l_prev_pk_id := l_current_pk_id ;
8968          --
8969        end if;
8970        --
8971      end if;
8972      --
8973    end loop;
8974    --
8975  exception when others then
8976    --
8977    raise_error_message( 'RCL',l_prefix || r_RCL.INFORMATION218 || l_suffix) ;
8978    --
8979  end create_RCL_rows;
8981    --
8982    ---------------------------------------------------------------
8983    ----------------------< create_OPT_rows >-----------------------
8984    ---------------------------------------------------------------
8985    --
8986    procedure create_OPT_rows
8987    (
8988          p_validate                       in  number     default 0
8989         ,p_copy_entity_txn_id             in  number
8990         ,p_effective_date                 in  date
8991         ,p_prefix_suffix_text             in  varchar2  default null
8992         ,p_reuse_object_flag              in  varchar2  default null
8993         ,p_target_business_group_id       in  varchar2  default null
8994         ,p_prefix_suffix_cd               in  varchar2  default null
8995    ) is
8996    --
8997    cursor c_unique_OPT(l_table_alias varchar2) is
8998    select distinct decode(cpe.information264,cpe.information1,1,2), cpe.information1,
8999      cpe.information2,
9000      cpe.information3,
9001      cpe.INFORMATION170 name,
9002      cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
9003    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe,
9004         pqh_table_route tr
9005    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
9006    and   cpe.table_route_id     = tr.table_route_id
9007    -- and   tr.where_clause        = l_BEN_OPT_F
9008    and tr.table_alias = l_table_alias
9009    and   cpe.number_of_copies   = 1 --ADDITION
9010    group by decode(cpe.information264,cpe.information1,1,2),
9011             cpe.information1,
9012             cpe.information2,
9013             cpe.information3,
9014             cpe.INFORMATION170,
9015             cpe.table_route_id,
9016             cpe.dml_operation,
9017             cpe.datetrack_mode
9018    ORDER BY 1,2,3;
9019    --
9020    --
9021    cursor c_OPT_min_max_dates(c_table_route_id  number,
9022                 c_information1   number) is
9023    select
9024      min(cpe.information2) min_esd,
9025      max(cpe.information3) min_eed
9026    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
9027    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
9028    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
9029    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1 ;
9030    --
9031    cursor c_OPT(c_table_route_id  number,
9032                 c_information1   number,
9033                 c_information2   date,
9034                 c_information3   date )  is
9035    select
9036      cpe.*
9037    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
9038    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
9039    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
9040    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1
9041    and   cpe.information2       = c_information2
9042    and   cpe.information3       = c_information3
9043    and rownum = 1 ;
9044    -- Date Track target record
9045    cursor c_find_OPT_in_target( c_OPT_name          varchar2,
9046                                 c_effective_start_date    date,
9047                                 c_effective_end_date      date,
9048                                 c_business_group_id       number,
9049                                 c_new_pk_id               number) is
9050    select
9051      OPT.opt_id new_value
9052    from BEN_OPT_F OPT
9053    where OPT.name               = c_OPT_name
9054    and   OPT.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
9055    and   OPT.opt_id  <> c_new_pk_id
9056 --TEMPIK
9057    and c_effective_start_date between effective_start_date
9058                             and effective_end_date ;
9060 /*TEMPIK
9061    and exists ( select null
9062                 from BEN_OPT_F OPT1
9063                 where OPT1.name               = c_OPT_name
9064                 and   OPT1.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
9065                 and   OPT1.effective_start_date <= c_effective_start_date )
9066    and exists ( select null
9067                 from BEN_OPT_F OPT2
9068                 where OPT2.name               = c_OPT_name
9069                 and   OPT2.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
9070                 and   OPT2.effective_end_date >= c_effective_end_date )
9071                 ;
9072 TEMPIK */
9073    --TEMPIK
9074    l_dt_rec_found            boolean ;
9075    --END TEMPIK
9076    --
9077    --Mapping for CWB group Option
9078    --
9079    cursor c_get_grp_opt(p_grp_opt_name in varchar2,
9080                        p_effective_date in date) is
9081    select name, opt_id
9082    from ben_opt_f
9083    where name = p_grp_opt_name
9084      and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
9086    l_get_grp_opt c_get_grp_opt%rowtype;
9087     l_group_opt_id number := null ;
9088    --End Mapping for CWB group Option
9090    l_current_pk_id           number := null ;
9091    --UPD START
9092    --
9093    l_update                  boolean      := false ;
9094    l_datetrack_mode          varchar2(80) := hr_api.g_update;
9095    l_process_date            date;
9096    l_dml_operation           ben_copy_entity_results.dml_operation%TYPE ;
9097    --
9098    --UPD END
9099    l_prev_pk_id              number := null ;
9100    l_first_rec               boolean := true ;
9101    r_OPT                     c_OPT%rowtype;
9102    l_opt_id             number ;
9103    l_object_version_number   number ;
9104    l_effective_start_date    date ;
9105    l_effective_end_date      date ;
9106    l_prefix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
9107    l_suffix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
9108    l_new_value               number(15);
9109    l_object_found_in_target  boolean := false ;
9110    l_min_esd                 date;
9111    l_max_eed                 date;
9112    l_CMBN_PTIP_OPT_ID  number;
9113    l_RQD_PERD_ENRT_NENRT_RL  number;
9114    l_effective_date          date;
9115    -- Added during PDC change
9116    l_MAPPING_TABLE_PK_ID number;
9118    --
9119  begin
9120    -- Initialization
9121    l_object_found_in_target := false ;
9122    -- End Initialization
9123    -- Derive the prefix - sufix
9124    if   p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX' then
9125      l_prefix  := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
9126    elsif p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX' then
9127      l_suffix   := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
9128    else
9129      l_prefix := null ;
9130      l_suffix  := null ;
9131    end if ;
9132    -- End Prefix Sufix derivation
9133    for r_OPT_unique in c_unique_OPT('OPT') loop
9135      if (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is null or
9136         (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
9137          r_OPT_unique.information3 >=
9138                  ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date)
9139         ) then
9140        --
9141        hr_utility.set_location(' r_OPT_unique.table_route_id '||r_OPT_unique.table_route_id,10);
9142        hr_utility.set_location(' r_OPT_unique.information1 '||r_OPT_unique.information1,10);
9143        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_OPT_unique.information2 '||r_OPT_unique.information2,10);
9144        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_OPT_unique.information3 '||r_OPT_unique.information3,10);
9145        -- If reuse objects flag is 'Y' then check for the object in the target business group
9146        -- if found insert the record into PLSql table and exit the loop else try create the
9147        -- object in the target business group
9148        --
9149        l_object_found_in_target := false ;
9150        --UPD START
9151        l_update := false;
9152        l_process_date := p_effective_date;
9153        l_dml_operation:= r_OPT_unique.dml_operation ;
9154        --
9155        if l_dml_operation = 'UPDATE' then
9156          --
9157          l_object_found_in_target := TRUE;
9158          --
9159          if l_process_date between r_OPT_unique.information2 and r_OPT_unique.information3 then
9160                l_update := true;
9161                if r_OPT_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
9162                   nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'OPT_ID'  then
9163                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'OPT_ID' ;
9164                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_OPT_unique.information1 ;
9165                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := r_OPT_unique.information1 ;
9166                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
9167                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_OPT_unique.table_route_id;
9168                   --
9169                   -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
9170                   --
9171                   g_count := g_count + 1 ;
9172                   --
9173                   log_data('OPT',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_OPT_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
9174                   --
9175                end if ;
9176                hr_utility.set_location( 'found record for update',10);
9177            --
9178          else
9179            --
9180            l_update := false;
9181            --
9182          end if;
9183        else
9184          --
9185          --UPD END
9186        l_min_esd := null ;
9187        l_max_eed := null ;
9188        open c_OPT_min_max_dates(r_OPT_unique.table_route_id, r_OPT_unique.information1 ) ;
9189        fetch c_OPT_min_max_dates into l_min_esd,l_max_eed ;
9191        if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
9192             l_min_esd < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
9193          l_min_esd := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
9194        end if;
9195        l_min_esd := greatest(l_min_esd,r_OPT_unique.information2);
9197        if p_reuse_object_flag = 'Y' then
9198          if c_OPT_min_max_dates%found then
9199            -- cursor to find the object
9200            open c_find_OPT_in_target( l_prefix || r_OPT_unique.name || l_suffix ,l_min_esd,l_max_eed,
9201                                  p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_opt_id, -999)  ) ;
9202            fetch c_find_OPT_in_target into l_new_value ;
9203            if c_find_OPT_in_target%found then
9204              --
9205              --TEMPIK
9206              l_dt_rec_found :=   dt_api.check_min_max_dates
9207                  (p_base_table_name => 'BEN_OPT_F',
9208                   p_base_key_column => 'OPT_ID',
9209                   p_base_key_value  => l_new_value,
9210                   p_from_date       => l_min_esd,
9211                   p_to_date         => l_max_eed );
9212              if l_dt_rec_found THEN
9213              --END TEMPIK
9214              if r_OPT_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
9215                 nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'OPT_ID'  then
9216                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'OPT_ID' ;
9217                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_OPT_unique.information1 ;
9218                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := l_new_value ;
9219                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
9220                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_OPT_unique.table_route_id;
9221                 --
9222                 -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count) , p_copy_entity_txn_id) ;
9223                 --
9224                 g_count := g_count + 1 ;
9225                 --
9226                 log_data('OPT',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_OPT_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
9227                 --
9228              end if ;
9229              --
9230              l_object_found_in_target := true ;
9231              --TEMPIK
9232              end if; -- l_dt_rec_found
9233              --END TEMPIK
9234            end if;
9235            close c_find_OPT_in_target ;
9236          --
9237          end if;
9238        end if ;
9239        --
9240        close c_OPT_min_max_dates ;
9241        end if;
9242        if not l_object_found_in_target or l_update then
9243          --
9244          open c_OPT(r_OPT_unique.table_route_id,
9245                 r_OPT_unique.information1,
9246                 r_OPT_unique.information2,
9247                 r_OPT_unique.information3 ) ;
9248          --
9249          fetch c_OPT into r_OPT ;
9250          --
9251          close c_OPT ;
9252          --
9253          l_current_pk_id := r_OPT.information1;
9254          --
9255          hr_utility.set_location(' l_current_pk_id '||l_current_pk_id,20);
9256          hr_utility.set_location(' l_prev_pk_id '||l_prev_pk_id,20);
9257          --
9258          if l_current_pk_id =  l_prev_pk_id  then
9259            --
9260            l_first_rec := false ;
9261            --
9262          else
9263            --
9264            l_first_rec := true ;
9265            --
9266          end if ;
9267          --Mapping for CWB group Plan
9268          -- 4665663 - Group Plans/Options neednot be mapped.
9269          if (r_OPT.INFORMATION264 IS NOT NULL and
9270              r_OPT.INFORMATION264 <> r_OPT.INFORMATION1) then
9271              --
9272              l_group_opt_id := NULL;
9273              --
9274              if BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_mapping_done then
9275                l_group_opt_id := r_OPT.information176 ;
9276              end if;
9277              --
9278              if (l_group_opt_id IS NULL) then
9279                l_group_opt_id := get_fk('OPT_ID', r_OPT.INFORMATION264,l_dml_operation);
9280              end if ;
9281           end if;
9282           --
9283           /*
9284          if BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_mapping_done then
9285             l_group_opt_id := r_OPT.information176 ;
9286            --
9287          else
9288            l_group_opt_id := r_OPT.information174 ;
9289          end if ;
9291          if l_group_opt_id is null then
9292             --
9293             l_group_opt_id := get_fk('OPT_ID', r_OPT.INFORMATION264,l_dml_operation);
9294             --
9295          end if;
9296          */
9297          -- End Mapping for CWB group Option
9298          --
9299          l_CMBN_PTIP_OPT_ID := get_fk('CMBN_PTIP_OPT_ID', r_OPT.INFORMATION249,l_dml_operation);
9300 	     l_MAPPING_TABLE_PK_ID := get_fk('MAPPING_TABLE_PK_ID', r_OPT.INFORMATION257,l_dml_operation);
9301          l_RQD_PERD_ENRT_NENRT_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_OPT.INFORMATION258,l_dml_operation);
9302          --
9303          ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.ben_chk_col_len('NAME' ,'BEN_OPT_F',l_prefix || r_OPT.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix);
9304          --
9306          l_effective_date := r_OPT.information2;
9307          if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
9308               l_effective_date < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
9309            l_effective_date := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
9310          end if;
9311          --
9312          if l_first_rec and not l_update then
9313            -- Call Create routine.
9314            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_OPT_F CREATE_OPTION_DEFINITION ',20);
9316              --
9317              P_VALIDATE               => false
9318              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
9319              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
9320              --
9321              ,P_CMBN_PTIP_OPT_ID      => l_CMBN_PTIP_OPT_ID
9322              ,P_COMPONENT_REASON      => r_OPT.INFORMATION13
9323              ,P_INVK_WV_OPT_FLAG      => r_OPT.INFORMATION14
9324              ,P_MAPPING_TABLE_NAME      => r_OPT.INFORMATION141
9325              ,P_MAPPING_TABLE_PK_ID      => l_MAPPING_TABLE_PK_ID
9326              ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_OPT.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
9327              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_OPT.INFORMATION111
9328              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_OPT.INFORMATION120
9329              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_OPT.INFORMATION121
9330              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_OPT.INFORMATION122
9331              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_OPT.INFORMATION123
9332              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_OPT.INFORMATION124
9333              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_OPT.INFORMATION125
9334              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_OPT.INFORMATION126
9335              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_OPT.INFORMATION127
9336              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_OPT.INFORMATION128
9337              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_OPT.INFORMATION129
9338              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_OPT.INFORMATION112
9339              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_OPT.INFORMATION130
9340              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_OPT.INFORMATION131
9341              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_OPT.INFORMATION132
9342              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_OPT.INFORMATION133
9343              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_OPT.INFORMATION134
9344              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_OPT.INFORMATION135
9345              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_OPT.INFORMATION136
9346              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_OPT.INFORMATION137
9347              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_OPT.INFORMATION138
9348              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_OPT.INFORMATION139
9349              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_OPT.INFORMATION113
9350              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_OPT.INFORMATION140
9351              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_OPT.INFORMATION114
9352              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_OPT.INFORMATION115
9353              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_OPT.INFORMATION116
9354              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_OPT.INFORMATION117
9355              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_OPT.INFORMATION118
9356              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_OPT.INFORMATION119
9357              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_OPT.INFORMATION110
9358              ,P_OPT_ID      => l_opt_id
9359              ,P_RQD_PERD_ENRT_NENRT_RL      => l_RQD_PERD_ENRT_NENRT_RL
9360              ,P_RQD_PERD_ENRT_NENRT_UOM      => r_OPT.INFORMATION15
9361              ,P_RQD_PERD_ENRT_NENRT_VAL      => r_OPT.INFORMATION259
9362               -- Bug 3939490
9363              ,p_legislation_code	          => r_opt.information16
9364              ,p_legislation_subgroup	          => r_opt.information17
9365              -- Bug 3939490
9366              ,P_SHORT_CODE      => r_OPT.INFORMATION11
9367              ,P_SHORT_NAME      => r_OPT.INFORMATION12
9368              --
9369              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
9370              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
9371              --cwbglobal  cwb tilak
9372              ,P_GROUP_OPT_ID               => l_group_opt_id --r_OPT.INFORMATION176
9373              --
9374              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
9375            );
9376            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
9377            -- Update all relevent cer records with new pk_id
9378            hr_utility.set_location('Before plsql table ',222);
9379            hr_utility.set_location('new_value id '||l_opt_id,222);
9380            g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column := 'OPT_ID' ;
9381            g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value    := r_OPT.information1 ;
9382            g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value    := l_OPT_ID ;
9383            g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type  := 'COPIED';
9384            g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_OPT_unique.table_route_id;
9385            hr_utility.set_location('After plsql table ',222);
9386            --
9387            -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
9388            --
9389            g_count := g_count + 1 ;
9390            --
9391            log_data('OPT',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_OPT.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix,'COPIED');
9392            --
9393          else
9394            --
9395            --UPD START
9396            hr_utility.set_location('Before call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'||l_datetrack_mode,5);
9397            --
9398            if l_update then
9399              --
9400              l_datetrack_mode := r_OPT.datetrack_mode ;
9401              --
9402              get_dt_modes(
9403                p_effective_date        => l_process_date,
9404                p_effective_end_date    => r_OPT.information3,
9405                p_effective_start_date  => r_OPT.information2,
9406                p_dml_operation         => r_OPT.dml_operation,
9407                p_datetrack_mode        => l_datetrack_mode );
9408            --    p_update                => l_update
9409              --
9410              l_effective_date := l_process_date;
9411              l_opt_id   := r_OPT.information1;
9412              l_object_version_number := r_OPT.information265;
9413              --
9414            end if;
9415            --
9416            hr_utility.set_location('After call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'||l_datetrack_mode,5);
9417            --
9418            IF l_update OR l_dml_operation <> 'UPDATE' THEN
9419            --UPD END
9420            -- Call Update routine for the pk_id created in prev run .
9421            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
9422            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_OPT_F UPDATE_OPTION_DEFINITION ',30);
9424              --
9425              P_VALIDATE               => false
9426              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
9427              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
9428              --
9429              ,P_CMBN_PTIP_OPT_ID      => l_CMBN_PTIP_OPT_ID
9430              ,P_COMPONENT_REASON      => r_OPT.INFORMATION13
9431              ,P_INVK_WV_OPT_FLAG      => r_OPT.INFORMATION14
9432              ,P_MAPPING_TABLE_NAME      => r_OPT.INFORMATION141
9433              ,P_MAPPING_TABLE_PK_ID      => l_MAPPING_TABLE_PK_ID
9434              ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_OPT.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
9435              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_OPT.INFORMATION111
9436              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_OPT.INFORMATION120
9437              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_OPT.INFORMATION121
9438              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_OPT.INFORMATION122
9439              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_OPT.INFORMATION123
9440              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_OPT.INFORMATION124
9441              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_OPT.INFORMATION125
9442              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_OPT.INFORMATION126
9443              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_OPT.INFORMATION127
9444              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_OPT.INFORMATION128
9445              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_OPT.INFORMATION129
9446              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_OPT.INFORMATION112
9447              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_OPT.INFORMATION130
9448              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_OPT.INFORMATION131
9449              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_OPT.INFORMATION132
9450              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_OPT.INFORMATION133
9451              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_OPT.INFORMATION134
9452              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_OPT.INFORMATION135
9453              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_OPT.INFORMATION136
9454              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_OPT.INFORMATION137
9455              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_OPT.INFORMATION138
9456              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_OPT.INFORMATION139
9457              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_OPT.INFORMATION113
9458              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_OPT.INFORMATION140
9459              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_OPT.INFORMATION114
9460              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_OPT.INFORMATION115
9461              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_OPT.INFORMATION116
9462              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_OPT.INFORMATION117
9463              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_OPT.INFORMATION118
9464              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_OPT.INFORMATION119
9465              ,P_OPT_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_OPT.INFORMATION110
9466              ,P_OPT_ID      => l_opt_id
9467              ,P_RQD_PERD_ENRT_NENRT_RL      => l_RQD_PERD_ENRT_NENRT_RL
9468              ,P_RQD_PERD_ENRT_NENRT_UOM      => r_OPT.INFORMATION15
9469              ,P_RQD_PERD_ENRT_NENRT_VAL      => r_OPT.INFORMATION259
9470               -- Bug 3939490
9471              ,p_legislation_code	          => r_opt.information16
9472              ,p_legislation_subgroup	          => r_opt.information17
9473              -- Bug 3939490
9474              ,P_SHORT_CODE      => r_OPT.INFORMATION11
9475              ,P_SHORT_NAME      => r_OPT.INFORMATION12
9476              --
9477              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
9478              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
9479              --cwbglobal -- cwb tilak
9480              ,P_GROUP_OPT_ID               => r_OPT.INFORMATION264
9481              --
9482              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER => l_object_version_number
9483              ,P_DATETRACK_MODE        => l_datetrack_mode
9484            );
9485            --
9486            end if;
9487          end if;
9488          --
9489          -- Delete the row if it is end dated.
9490          --
9491          if (trunc(l_max_eed) <> trunc(hr_api.g_eot) and
9492              trunc(l_max_eed) <> l_effective_end_date and      /* Bug 4302963 */
9493            trunc(l_max_eed) = r_OPT.information3) then
9494            --
9496                 --
9497                 p_validate                       => false
9498                 ,p_opt_id                   => l_opt_id
9499                 ,p_effective_start_date           => l_effective_start_date
9500                 ,p_effective_end_date             => l_effective_end_date
9501                 ,p_object_version_number          => l_object_version_number
9502                 ,p_effective_date                 => l_max_eed
9503                 ,p_datetrack_mode                 => hr_api.g_delete
9504                 --
9505                 );
9506                 --
9507          end if;
9508          --
9509          l_prev_pk_id := l_current_pk_id ;
9510          --
9511        end if;
9512        --
9513      end if;
9514      --
9515    end loop;
9516    --
9517  exception when others then
9518    --
9519    raise_error_message( 'OPT',l_prefix || r_OPT.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix) ;
9520    --
9521  end create_OPT_rows;
9523    --
9524    ---------------------------------------------------------------
9525    ----------------------< create_LER_rows >-----------------------
9526    ---------------------------------------------------------------
9527    --
9528    procedure create_LER_rows
9529    (
9530          p_validate                       in  number     default 0
9531         ,p_copy_entity_txn_id             in  number
9532         ,p_effective_date                 in  date
9533         ,p_prefix_suffix_text             in  varchar2  default null
9534         ,p_reuse_object_flag              in  varchar2  default null
9535         ,p_target_business_group_id       in  varchar2  default null
9536         ,p_prefix_suffix_cd               in  varchar2  default null
9537    ) is
9538    --
9539    cursor c_unique_LER(l_table_alias varchar2) is
9540    select distinct cpe.information1,
9541      cpe.information2,
9542      cpe.information3,
9543      cpe.INFORMATION170 name,
9544      cpe.information16 typ_cd, -- Required for Absences
9545      cpe.information13 lf_evt_oper_cd, -- Required for Absences
9546      cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
9547    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe,
9548         pqh_table_route tr
9549    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
9550    and   cpe.table_route_id     = tr.table_route_id
9551    -- and   tr.where_clause        = l_BEN_LER_F
9552    and tr.table_alias = l_table_alias
9553    and   cpe.number_of_copies   = 1 --ADDITION
9554    group by cpe.information1,cpe.information2,cpe.information3, cpe.INFORMATION170,
9555    cpe.information16, cpe.information13,cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
9556    order by information1, information2; --added for bug: 5151945
9557    --
9558    --
9559    cursor c_LER_min_max_dates(c_table_route_id  number,
9560                 c_information1   number) is
9561    select
9562      min(cpe.information2) min_esd,
9563      max(cpe.information3) min_eed
9564    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
9565    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
9566    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
9567    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1 ;
9568    --
9569    cursor c_LER(c_table_route_id  number,
9570                 c_information1   number,
9571                 c_information2   date,
9572                 c_information3   date )  is
9573    select
9574      cpe.*
9575    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
9576    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
9577    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
9578    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1
9579    and   cpe.information2       = c_information2
9580    and   cpe.information3       = c_information3
9581    and rownum = 1 ;
9582    -- Date Track target record
9583    cursor c_find_LER_in_target( c_LER_name          varchar2,
9584                                 c_effective_start_date    date,
9585                                 c_effective_end_date      date,
9586                                 c_business_group_id       number,
9587                                 c_new_pk_id               number) is
9588    select
9589      LER.ler_id new_value
9590    from BEN_LER_F LER
9591    where LER.name               = c_LER_name
9592    and   LER.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
9593    and   LER.ler_id  <> c_new_pk_id
9594 --TEMPIK
9595    and c_effective_start_date between effective_start_date
9596                             and effective_end_date ;
9598 /*TEMPIK
9599    and exists ( select null
9600                 from BEN_LER_F LER1
9601                 where LER1.name               = c_LER_name
9602                 and   LER1.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
9603                 and   LER1.effective_start_date <= c_effective_start_date )
9604    and exists ( select null
9605                 from BEN_LER_F LER2
9606                 where LER2.name               = c_LER_name
9607                 and   LER2.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
9608                 and   LER2.effective_end_date >= c_effective_end_date )
9609                 ;
9610 TEMPIK */
9611    --TEMPIK
9612    l_dt_rec_found            boolean := false  ;
9613    --END TEMPIK
9615    cursor c_find_LER_TYP_in_target( c_LER_TYP_cd              varchar2,
9616                                     c_LF_EVT_OPER_cd          varchar2,
9617                                     c_effective_start_date    date,
9618                                     c_effective_end_date      date,
9619                                     c_business_group_id       number,
9620                                     c_new_pk_id               number) is
9621    select
9622    LER.ler_id new_value
9623    from BEN_LER_F LER
9624    where LER.typ_cd             = c_LER_TYP_cd
9625 -- 3508427: Including LE's of type Derived and Scheduled along with Abscences.
9626 -- and   LER.lf_evt_oper_cd     = c_LF_EVT_OPER_cd
9627    and ((LER.typ_cd = 'ABS' and  LER.lf_evt_oper_cd     = c_LF_EVT_OPER_cd )
9628            or ( LER.typ_cd in ('DRVDAGE', 'DRVDLOS', 'DRVDCAL',
9629                     'DRVDHRW', 'DRVDCMP', 'DRVDTPF',  'SCHEDDO','SCHEDDA','SCHEDDU',
9630                     'QMSCOCO', 'QDROCOU', 'QUAINGR', 'GSP','IREC') )
9631           )
9632 -- 3508427 Ends ---------
9633    and   LER.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
9634    and   LER.ler_id  <> c_new_pk_id
9635 --TEMPIK
9636    and c_effective_start_date between effective_start_date
9637                             and effective_end_date ;
9639 /*TEMPIK
9640    and exists ( select null
9641                 from BEN_LER_F LER1
9642                 where LER1.typ_cd                = c_LER_TYP_cd
9643                 and   LER1.lf_evt_oper_cd        = c_LF_EVT_OPER_cd
9644                 and   LER1.ler_id                = LER.ler_id
9645                 and   LER1.business_group_id     = c_business_group_id
9646                 and   LER1.effective_start_date <= c_effective_start_date )
9647    and exists ( select null
9648                 from BEN_LER_F LER2
9649                 where LER2.typ_cd              = c_LER_TYP_cd
9650                 and   LER2.lf_evt_oper_cd      = c_LF_EVT_OPER_cd
9651                 and   LER2.ler_id              = LER.ler_id
9652                 and   LER2.business_group_id   = c_business_group_id
9653                 and   LER2.effective_end_date >= c_effective_end_date )
9654                 ;
9655 TEMPIK */
9657    cursor c_lf_evt_oper_cd_exists( c_LER_TYP_cd              varchar2,
9658                                    c_LF_EVT_OPER_cd          varchar2,
9659                                    c_effective_start_date    date,
9660                                    c_effective_end_date      date,
9661                                    c_business_group_id       number,
9662                                    c_new_pk_id               number) is
9663    select
9664    LER.name
9665    from BEN_LER_F LER
9666    where LER.typ_cd             = c_LER_TYP_cd
9667    and   LER.lf_evt_oper_cd     = c_LF_EVT_OPER_cd
9668    and   LER.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
9669    and   LER.ler_id  <> c_new_pk_id
9670    and  ((LER.effective_start_date between c_effective_start_date
9671          and c_effective_end_date)
9672          or
9673         (LER.effective_end_date between c_effective_start_date
9674          and c_effective_end_date))
9675                 ;
9676    --
9677    l_current_pk_id           number := null ;
9678    --UPD START
9679    --
9680    l_update                  boolean      := false ;
9681    l_datetrack_mode          varchar2(80) := hr_api.g_update;
9682    l_process_date            date;
9683    l_dml_operation           ben_copy_entity_results.dml_operation%TYPE ;
9684    --
9685    --UPD END
9686    l_prev_pk_id              number := null ;
9687    l_first_rec               boolean := true ;
9688    r_LER                     c_LER%rowtype;
9689    l_ler_id             number ;
9690    l_object_version_number   number ;
9691    l_effective_start_date    date ;
9692    l_effective_end_date      date ;
9693    l_prefix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
9694    l_suffix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
9695    l_new_value               number(15);
9696    l_object_found_in_target  boolean := false ;
9697    l_min_esd                 date;
9698    l_max_eed                 date;
9699    l_LER_EVAL_RL  number;
9700    l_TMLNS_PERD_RL  number;
9701    l_target_ler_name         ben_ler_f.name%type;
9702    l_source_ler_name         ben_ler_f.name%type;
9703    l_effective_date          date;
9704    --
9705  begin
9706    -- Initialization
9707    l_object_found_in_target := false ;
9708    l_source_ler_name := null;
9709    -- End Initialization
9710    -- Derive the prefix - sufix
9711    if   p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX' then
9712      l_prefix  := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
9713    elsif p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX' then
9714      l_suffix   := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
9715    else
9716      l_prefix := null ;
9717      l_suffix  := null ;
9718    end if ;
9719    hr_utility.set_location('prefix '||l_prefix,100);
9720    hr_utility.set_location('suffix '||l_suffix,101);
9721    -- End Prefix Sufix derivation
9722    for r_LER_unique in c_unique_LER('LER') loop
9724      if (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is null or
9725         (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
9726          r_LER_unique.information3 >=
9727                  ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date)
9728         ) then
9730        l_source_ler_name := l_prefix || r_LER_unique.name || l_suffix; -- For display in error messages
9731        --
9732        hr_utility.set_location(' r_LER_unique.table_route_id '||r_LER_unique.table_route_id,10);
9733        hr_utility.set_location(' r_LER_unique.information1 '||r_LER_unique.information1,10);
9734        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_LER_unique.information2 '||r_LER_unique.information2,10);
9735        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_LER_unique.information3 '||r_LER_unique.information3,10);
9736        -- If reuse objects flag is 'Y' then check for the object in the target business group
9737        -- if found insert the record into PLSql table and exit the loop else try create the
9738        -- object in the target business group
9739        --
9740        l_object_found_in_target := false ;
9741        --UPD START
9742        l_update := false;
9743        l_process_date := p_effective_date;
9744        l_dml_operation:= r_LER_unique.dml_operation ;
9745        --
9746        if l_dml_operation = 'UPDATE' then
9747          --
9748          l_object_found_in_target := TRUE;
9749          --
9750          if l_process_date between r_LER_unique.information2 and r_LER_unique.information3 then
9751                l_update := true;
9752                if r_LER_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
9753                   nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'LER_ID'  then
9754                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'LER_ID' ;
9755                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_LER_unique.information1 ;
9756                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := r_LER_unique.information1 ;
9757                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
9758                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_LER_unique.table_route_id;
9759                   --
9760                   -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
9761                   --
9762                   g_count := g_count + 1 ;
9763                   --
9764                   log_data('LER',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_LER_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
9765                   --
9766                end if ;
9767                hr_utility.set_location( 'found record for update',10);
9768            --
9769          else
9770            --
9771            l_update := false;
9772            --
9773          end if;
9774        else
9775          --
9776          --UPD END
9777        l_min_esd := null ;
9778        l_max_eed := null ;
9779        open c_LER_min_max_dates(r_LER_unique.table_route_id, r_LER_unique.information1 ) ;
9780        fetch c_LER_min_max_dates into l_min_esd,l_max_eed ;
9782        if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
9783             l_min_esd < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
9784          l_min_esd := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
9785        end if;
9786        l_min_esd := greatest(l_min_esd,r_LER_unique.information2);
9788        --
9789        -- Ler's shopuld always be checked whether they exists or not.
9790        --
9791        -- if p_reuse_object_flag = 'Y' then
9792          if c_LER_min_max_dates%found then
9793            -- cursor to find the object
9794            -- Always check with original name.
9795            --
9796            l_new_value := null;
9797            open c_find_LER_in_target( l_prefix || r_LER_unique.name || l_suffix ,l_min_esd,l_max_eed,
9798                                       p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_ler_id, -999)  ) ;
9799            fetch c_find_LER_in_target into l_new_value ;
9800              --TEMPIK
9801              hr_utility.set_location('New value '||l_new_value,102);
9802              if l_new_value is not null then
9803                l_dt_rec_found :=   dt_api.check_min_max_dates
9804                  (p_base_table_name => 'BEN_LER_F',
9805                   p_base_key_column => 'LER_ID',
9806                   p_base_key_value  => l_new_value,
9807                   p_from_date       => l_min_esd,
9808                   p_to_date         => l_max_eed );
9809              end if;
9810              --END TEMPIK
9811            close c_find_LER_in_target ;
9812            --bug#3120115 - for compensation always new life event is created
9813            --with suffix/prefix
9814            if not l_dt_rec_found  and r_LER_unique.typ_cd <> 'COMP'
9815                then -- c_find_LER_in_target%found then
9816              --
9817              open c_find_LER_in_target( r_LER_unique.name ,l_min_esd,l_max_eed,
9818                                  p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_ler_id, -999)  ) ;
9819              fetch c_find_LER_in_target into l_new_value ;
9820              --TEMPIK
9821              if l_new_value is not null then
9822                l_dt_rec_found :=   dt_api.check_min_max_dates
9823                  (p_base_table_name => 'BEN_LER_F',
9824                   p_base_key_column => 'LER_ID',
9825                   p_base_key_value  => l_new_value,
9826                   p_from_date       => l_min_esd,
9827                   p_to_date         => l_max_eed );
9828              end if;
9829              --END TEMPIK
9830              close c_find_LER_in_target ;
9831            end if;
9833            -- For Absence Type Lers, check if any Ler with the same Life Event Operation Code exists
9834            -- If any Ler with the same Life Event Operation Code found, reuse that, else create
9835            -- If the LER_TYPE_CD is DERIVED OR SCHEDULED, always reuse if LER exists.
9836            if ( l_new_value is null or (not l_dt_rec_found ))
9837                and r_LER_unique.typ_cd in  -- 3508427. Included Derived and Scheduled LE's along with Absences.
9838                           ('ABS', 'DRVDAGE', 'DRVDLOS', 'DRVDCAL',
9839                            'DRVDHRW', 'DRVDCMP', 'DRVDTPF',  'SCHEDDO','SCHEDDA',
9840                            'SCHEDDU', 'QMSCOCO', 'QDROCOU', 'QUAINGR', 'GSP','IREC')  -- 3508427 Ends --
9841             then
9842              --
9843              open c_find_LER_TYP_in_target( r_LER_unique.typ_cd,r_LER_unique.lf_evt_oper_cd,l_min_esd,l_max_eed,
9844                                  p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_ler_id, -999)) ;
9845              fetch c_find_LER_TYP_in_target into l_new_value ;
9846              --TEMPIK
9847              if l_new_value is not null then
9848                l_dt_rec_found :=   dt_api.check_min_max_dates
9849                  (p_base_table_name => 'BEN_LER_F',
9850                   p_base_key_column => 'LER_ID',
9851                   p_base_key_value  => l_new_value,
9852                   p_from_date       => l_min_esd,
9853                   p_to_date         => l_max_eed );
9854              end if;
9855              --END TEMPIK
9856              close c_find_LER_TYP_in_target ;
9858              -- Bug 2851090 If any Ler with the same Life Event Operation Code exists, but cannot be reused
9859              -- because of the effective start and end dates being different, then throw error
9860              -- 3508427: Added 'type_cd = ABS' in the below if-condition to restrict Derived and Scheduled LE's.
9862 	     if ((l_new_value is null or (not l_dt_rec_found )) AND r_LER_unique.typ_cd = 'ABS') then
9863                open c_lf_evt_oper_cd_exists( r_LER_unique.typ_cd,r_LER_unique.lf_evt_oper_cd,l_min_esd,l_max_eed,
9864                                              p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_ler_id, -999)) ;
9865                fetch c_lf_evt_oper_cd_exists into l_target_ler_name;
9866                if c_lf_evt_oper_cd_exists%found then
9867                  close c_lf_evt_oper_cd_exists;
9868                  fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_93364_PDC_DUP_LE_OPER_CD');
9869                  fnd_message.set_token('NAME',l_target_ler_name);
9870                  fnd_message.set_token('OPER_CD',hr_general.decode_lookup('BEN_LF_EVT_OPER',r_LER_unique.lf_evt_oper_cd));
9871                  fnd_message.raise_error;
9872                end if;
9873                close c_lf_evt_oper_cd_exists ;
9874              end if;
9875            end if;
9877            if l_new_value is not null then -- c_find_LER_in_target%found then
9878              if l_dt_rec_found THEN
9879              if r_LER_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
9880                 nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'LER_ID'  then
9881                 --
9882                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'LER_ID' ;
9883                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_LER_unique.information1 ;
9884                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := l_new_value ;
9885                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
9886                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_LER_unique.table_route_id;
9887                 --
9888                 hr_utility.set_location(' g_count '||g_count,12);
9889                 hr_utility.set_location(' pk_id_column '||g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column,12);
9890                 hr_utility.set_location(' old_value '||g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value,12);
9891                 hr_utility.set_location(' new_value '||g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value,12);
9892                 hr_utility.set_location(' copy_reuse_type '||g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type,12);
9893                 hr_utility.set_location(' table_route_id '||g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id,12);
9894                 -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count) , p_copy_entity_txn_id) ;
9895                 --
9896                 g_count := g_count + 1 ;
9897                 --
9898                 log_data('LER',l_new_value,r_LER_unique.name,'REUSED');
9899                 --
9900              end if ;
9901              --
9902              l_object_found_in_target := true ;
9903              end if;
9904              --
9905            end if;
9906          --
9907          end if;
9908        -- end if ;
9909        --
9910        close c_LER_min_max_dates ;
9911        end if;
9912        if not l_object_found_in_target or l_update then
9913          --
9914          open c_LER(r_LER_unique.table_route_id,
9915                 r_LER_unique.information1,
9916                 r_LER_unique.information2,
9917                 r_LER_unique.information3 ) ;
9918          --
9919          fetch c_LER into r_LER ;
9920          --
9921          close c_LER ;
9922          --
9923          l_current_pk_id := r_LER.information1;
9924          --
9925          hr_utility.set_location(' l_current_pk_id '||l_current_pk_id,20);
9926          hr_utility.set_location(' l_prev_pk_id '||l_prev_pk_id,20);
9927          --
9928          if l_current_pk_id =  l_prev_pk_id  then
9929            --
9930            l_first_rec := false ;
9931            --
9932          else
9933            --
9934            l_first_rec := true ;
9935            --
9936          end if ;
9937          --
9939 	l_LER_EVAL_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_LER.INFORMATION261,l_dml_operation );
9940         l_TMLNS_PERD_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_LER.INFORMATION262,l_dml_operation );
9941          --
9942          ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.ben_chk_col_len('NAME' ,'BEN_LER_F',l_prefix || r_LER.information170 || l_suffix);
9943          --
9945          l_effective_date := r_LER.information2;
9946          if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
9947               l_effective_date < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
9948            l_effective_date := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
9949          end if;
9951          if l_first_rec and not l_update then
9952            -- Call Create routine.
9953            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_LER_F CREATE_LIFE_EVENT_REASON ',20);
9955              --
9956              P_VALIDATE               => false
9957              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
9958              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
9959              --
9960             ,P_CK_RLTD_PER_ELIG_FLAG      => r_LER.INFORMATION22
9961 	                 ,P_CM_APLY_FLAG      => r_LER.INFORMATION23
9962 	                 ,P_DESC_TXT      => r_LER.INFORMATION219
9963 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_LER.INFORMATION111
9964 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_LER.INFORMATION120
9965 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_LER.INFORMATION121
9966 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_LER.INFORMATION122
9967 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_LER.INFORMATION123
9968 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_LER.INFORMATION124
9969 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_LER.INFORMATION125
9970 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_LER.INFORMATION126
9971 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_LER.INFORMATION127
9972 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_LER.INFORMATION128
9973 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_LER.INFORMATION129
9974 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_LER.INFORMATION112
9975 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_LER.INFORMATION130
9976 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_LER.INFORMATION131
9977 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_LER.INFORMATION132
9978 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_LER.INFORMATION133
9979 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_LER.INFORMATION134
9980 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_LER.INFORMATION135
9981 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_LER.INFORMATION136
9982 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_LER.INFORMATION137
9983 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_LER.INFORMATION138
9984 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_LER.INFORMATION139
9985 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_LER.INFORMATION113
9986 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_LER.INFORMATION140
9987 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_LER.INFORMATION114
9988 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_LER.INFORMATION115
9989 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_LER.INFORMATION116
9990 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_LER.INFORMATION117
9991 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_LER.INFORMATION118
9992 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_LER.INFORMATION119
9993 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_LER.INFORMATION110
9994 	                 ,P_LER_EVAL_RL      => l_LER_EVAL_RL
9995 	                 ,P_LER_ID      => l_ler_id
9996 	                 ,P_LER_STAT_CD      => r_LER.INFORMATION15
9997 	                 ,P_LF_EVT_OPER_CD      => r_LER.INFORMATION13
9998 	                 ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_LER.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
9999 	                 ,P_OCRD_DT_DET_CD      => r_LER.INFORMATION21
10000 	                 ,P_OVRIDG_LE_FLAG      => r_LER.INFORMATION24
10001 	                 ,P_PTNL_LER_TRTMT_CD      => r_LER.INFORMATION17
10002 	                 ,P_QUALG_EVT_FLAG      => r_LER.INFORMATION25
10003 	                 ,P_SS_PCP_DISP_CD      => r_LER.INFORMATION26 --4301332
10004 	                 ,P_SHORT_CODE      => r_LER.INFORMATION11
10005 	                 ,P_SHORT_NAME      => r_LER.INFORMATION12
10006 	                 ,P_SLCTBL_SLF_SVC_CD      => r_LER.INFORMATION14
10007 	                 ,P_TMLNS_DYS_NUM      => r_LER.INFORMATION263
10008 	                 ,P_TMLNS_EVAL_CD      => r_LER.INFORMATION20
10009 	                 ,P_TMLNS_PERD_CD      => r_LER.INFORMATION19
10010 	                 ,P_TMLNS_PERD_RL      => l_TMLNS_PERD_RL
10011 	                 ,P_TYP_CD      => r_LER.INFORMATION16
10012              ,P_WHN_TO_PRCS_CD      => r_LER.INFORMATION18
10013              --
10014              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
10015              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
10016              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
10017            );
10018            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
10019            -- Update all relevent cer records with new pk_id
10020            hr_utility.set_location('Before plsql table ',222);
10021            hr_utility.set_location('new_value id '||l_ler_id,222);
10022            g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column := 'LER_ID' ;
10023            g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value    := r_LER.information1 ;
10024            g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value    := l_LER_ID ;
10025            g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type  := 'COPIED';
10026            g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_LER_unique.table_route_id;
10027            hr_utility.set_location('After plsql table ',222);
10028            --
10029            -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
10030            --
10031            g_count := g_count + 1 ;
10032            --
10033            log_data('LER',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_LER.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix,'COPIED');
10034            --
10035          else
10036            --
10037            --UPD START
10038            hr_utility.set_location('Before call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'||l_datetrack_mode,5);
10039            --
10040            if l_update then
10041              --
10042              l_datetrack_mode := r_LER.datetrack_mode ;
10043              --
10044              get_dt_modes(
10045                p_effective_date        => l_process_date,
10046                p_effective_end_date    => r_LER.information3,
10047                p_effective_start_date  => r_LER.information2,
10048                p_dml_operation         => r_LER.dml_operation,
10049                p_datetrack_mode        => l_datetrack_mode );
10050            --    p_update                => l_update
10051              --
10052              l_effective_date := l_process_date;
10053              l_ler_id   := r_LER.information1;
10054              l_object_version_number := r_LER.information265;
10055              --
10056            end if;
10057            --
10058            hr_utility.set_location('After call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'||l_datetrack_mode,5);
10059            --
10060            IF l_update OR l_dml_operation <> 'UPDATE' THEN
10061            -- Call Update routine for the pk_id created in prev run .
10062            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
10063            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_LER_F UPDATE_LIFE_EVENT_REASON ',30);
10065              --
10066              P_VALIDATE               => false
10067              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
10068              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
10069              --
10070             ,P_CK_RLTD_PER_ELIG_FLAG      => r_LER.INFORMATION22
10071 	                 ,P_CM_APLY_FLAG      => r_LER.INFORMATION23
10072 	                 ,P_DESC_TXT      => r_LER.INFORMATION219
10073 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_LER.INFORMATION111
10074 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_LER.INFORMATION120
10075 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_LER.INFORMATION121
10076 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_LER.INFORMATION122
10077 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_LER.INFORMATION123
10078 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_LER.INFORMATION124
10079 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_LER.INFORMATION125
10080 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_LER.INFORMATION126
10081 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_LER.INFORMATION127
10082 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_LER.INFORMATION128
10083 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_LER.INFORMATION129
10084 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_LER.INFORMATION112
10085 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_LER.INFORMATION130
10086 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_LER.INFORMATION131
10087 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_LER.INFORMATION132
10088 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_LER.INFORMATION133
10089 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_LER.INFORMATION134
10090 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_LER.INFORMATION135
10091 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_LER.INFORMATION136
10092 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_LER.INFORMATION137
10093 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_LER.INFORMATION138
10094 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_LER.INFORMATION139
10095 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_LER.INFORMATION113
10096 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_LER.INFORMATION140
10097 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_LER.INFORMATION114
10098 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_LER.INFORMATION115
10099 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_LER.INFORMATION116
10100 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_LER.INFORMATION117
10101 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_LER.INFORMATION118
10102 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_LER.INFORMATION119
10103 	                 ,P_LER_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_LER.INFORMATION110
10104 	                 ,P_LER_EVAL_RL      => l_LER_EVAL_RL
10105 	                 ,P_LER_ID      => l_ler_id
10106 	                 ,P_LER_STAT_CD      => r_LER.INFORMATION15
10107 	                 ,P_LF_EVT_OPER_CD      => r_LER.INFORMATION13
10108 	                 ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_LER.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
10109 	                 ,P_OCRD_DT_DET_CD      => r_LER.INFORMATION21
10110 	                 ,P_OVRIDG_LE_FLAG      => r_LER.INFORMATION24
10111 	                 ,P_PTNL_LER_TRTMT_CD      => r_LER.INFORMATION17
10112 	                 ,P_QUALG_EVT_FLAG      => r_LER.INFORMATION25
10113 	                 ,P_SS_PCP_DISP_CD      => r_LER.INFORMATION26 --4301332
10114 	                 ,P_SHORT_CODE      => r_LER.INFORMATION11
10115 	                 ,P_SHORT_NAME      => r_LER.INFORMATION12
10116 	                 ,P_SLCTBL_SLF_SVC_CD      => r_LER.INFORMATION14
10117 	                 ,P_TMLNS_DYS_NUM      => r_LER.INFORMATION263
10118 	                 ,P_TMLNS_EVAL_CD      => r_LER.INFORMATION20
10119 	                 ,P_TMLNS_PERD_CD      => r_LER.INFORMATION19
10120 	                 ,P_TMLNS_PERD_RL      => l_TMLNS_PERD_RL
10121 	                 ,P_TYP_CD      => r_LER.INFORMATION16
10122              ,P_WHN_TO_PRCS_CD      => r_LER.INFORMATION18
10123              --
10124              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
10125              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
10126              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER => l_object_version_number
10127              ,P_DATETRACK_MODE        => l_datetrack_mode
10128            );
10129            --
10130            end if;
10131          end if;
10132          --
10133          -- Delete the row if it is end dated.
10134          --
10135          if (trunc(l_max_eed) <> trunc(hr_api.g_eot) and
10136              trunc(l_max_eed) <> l_effective_end_date and      /* Bug 4302963 */
10137            trunc(l_max_eed) = r_LER.information3) then
10138            --
10140                 --
10141                 p_validate                       => false
10142                 ,p_ler_id                   => l_ler_id
10143                 ,p_effective_start_date           => l_effective_start_date
10144                 ,p_effective_end_date             => l_effective_end_date
10145                 ,p_object_version_number          => l_object_version_number
10146                 ,p_effective_date                 => l_max_eed
10147                 ,p_datetrack_mode                 => hr_api.g_delete
10148                 --
10149                 );
10150                 --
10151          end if;
10152          --
10153          l_prev_pk_id := l_current_pk_id ;
10154          --
10155        end if;
10156        --
10157      end if;
10158      --
10159    end loop;
10160    --
10161  exception when others then
10162    --
10163    raise_error_message( 'LER',l_source_ler_name) ;
10164    --
10165  end create_LER_rows;
10167    --
10168    ---------------------------------------------------------------
10169    ----------------------< create_LPL_rows >----------------------
10170    ---------------------------------------------------------------
10171    --
10172    procedure create_LPL_rows
10173    (
10174          p_validate                       in  number     default 0
10175         ,p_copy_entity_txn_id             in  number
10176         ,p_effective_date                 in  date
10177         ,p_prefix_suffix_text             in  varchar2  default null
10178         ,p_reuse_object_flag              in  varchar2  default null
10179         ,p_target_business_group_id       in  varchar2  default null
10180         ,p_prefix_suffix_cd               in  varchar2  default null
10181    ) is
10182    --
10183    l_LER_ID  number;
10184    l_LER_PER_INFO_CS_LER_RL  number;
10185    l_PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_ID  number;
10186    cursor c_unique_LPL(l_table_alias varchar2) is
10187    select distinct cer.information1,
10188      cer.information2,
10189      cer.information3,
10190      cer.table_route_id,cer.dml_operation,cer.datetrack_mode
10191    from ben_copy_entity_results cer,
10192         pqh_table_route tr
10193    where cer.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
10194    and   cer.table_route_id     = tr.table_route_id
10195    and tr.table_alias = l_table_alias
10196    and   cer.number_of_copies   = 1
10197    group by cer.information1,cer.information2,cer.information3, cer.table_route_id,cer.dml_operation,cer.datetrack_mode
10198    order by information1, information2; --added for bug: 5151945
10199    --
10200    --
10201    cursor c_LPL_min_max_dates(c_table_route_id  number,
10202                 c_information1   number) is
10203    select
10204      min(cer.information2) min_esd,
10205      max(cer.information3) min_eed
10206    from ben_copy_entity_results cer
10207    where cer.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
10208    and   cer.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
10209    and   cer.information1       = c_information1 ;
10210    --
10211    cursor c_LPL(c_table_route_id  number,
10212                 c_information1   number,
10213                 c_information2   date,
10214                 c_information3   date )  is
10215    select
10216      cer.*
10217    from ben_copy_entity_results cer
10218    where cer.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
10219    and   cer.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
10220    and   cer.information1       = c_information1
10221    and   cer.information2       = c_information2
10222    and   cer.information3       = c_information3
10223    and rownum = 1 ;
10224    -- Date Track target record
10225    cursor c_find_LPL_in_target(
10226                                 c_effective_start_date    date,
10227                                 c_effective_end_date      date,
10228                                 c_business_group_id       number,
10229                                 c_new_pk_id               number) is
10230    select
10231      LPL.ler_per_info_cs_ler_id new_value
10233    where
10234      LPL.LER_ID     = l_LER_ID  and
10236    LPL.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
10237    and   LPL.ler_per_info_cs_ler_id  <> c_new_pk_id
10238 --TEMPIK
10239    and c_effective_start_date between effective_start_date
10240                             and effective_end_date ;
10241 --END TEMPIK
10242 /*TEMPIK
10243    and exists ( select null
10244                 from BEN_LER_PER_INFO_CS_LER_F LPL1
10245                 where
10246                 LPL1.LER_ID     = l_LER_ID  and
10247                 LPL1.PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_ID  = l_PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_ID  and
10248                 LPL1.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
10249                 and   LPL1.effective_start_date <= c_effective_start_date )
10250    and exists ( select null
10251                 from BEN_LER_PER_INFO_CS_LER_F LPL2
10252                 where
10253                 LPL2.LER_ID     = l_LER_ID  and
10254                 LPL2.PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_ID  = l_PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_ID  and
10255                 LPL2.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
10256                 and   LPL2.effective_end_date >= c_effective_end_date )
10257                 ;
10258 TEMPIK */
10259    --TEMPIK
10260    l_dt_rec_found            boolean ;
10261    --END TEMPIK
10262    --
10263    l_current_pk_id           number := null ;
10264    --UPD START
10265    --
10266    l_update                  boolean      := false ;
10267    l_datetrack_mode          varchar2(80) := hr_api.g_update;
10268    l_process_date            date;
10269    l_dml_operation           ben_copy_entity_results.dml_operation%TYPE ;
10270    --
10271    --UPD END
10272    l_prev_pk_id              number := null ;
10273    l_first_rec               boolean := true ;
10274    r_LPL                     c_LPL%rowtype;
10275    l_ler_per_info_cs_ler_id             number ;
10276    l_object_version_number   number ;
10277    l_effective_start_date    date ;
10278    l_effective_end_date      date ;
10279    l_prefix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
10280    l_suffix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
10281    l_new_value               number(15);
10282    l_object_found_in_target  boolean := false ;
10283    l_min_esd                 date;
10284    l_max_eed                 date;
10285    l_effective_date          date;
10286    --
10287  begin
10288    -- Initialization
10289    l_object_found_in_target := false ;
10290    -- End Initialization
10291    -- Derive the prefix - sufix
10292    if   p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX' then
10293      l_prefix  := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
10294    elsif p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX' then
10295      l_suffix   := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
10296    else
10297      l_prefix := null ;
10298      l_suffix  := null ;
10299    end if ;
10300    -- End Prefix Sufix derivation
10301    for r_LPL_unique in c_unique_LPL('LPL') loop
10302     --
10303     if (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is null or
10304         (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
10305          r_LPL_unique.information3 >=
10306                  ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date)
10307         ) then
10308        --
10309        hr_utility.set_location(' r_LPL_unique.table_route_id '||r_LPL_unique.table_route_id,10);
10310        hr_utility.set_location(' r_LPL_unique.information1 '||r_LPL_unique.information1,10);
10311        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_LPL_unique.information2 '||r_LPL_unique.information2,10);
10312        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_LPL_unique.information3 '||r_LPL_unique.information3,10);
10313        -- If reuse objects flag is 'Y' then check for the object in the target business group
10314        -- if found insert the record into PLSql table and exit the loop else try create the
10315        -- object in the target business group
10316        --
10317        l_object_found_in_target := false ;
10318        open c_LPL(r_LPL_unique.table_route_id,
10319                 r_LPL_unique.information1,
10320                 r_LPL_unique.information2,
10321                 r_LPL_unique.information3 ) ;
10322        --
10323        fetch c_LPL into r_LPL ;
10324        --
10325        close c_LPL ;
10326        --
10327        l_dml_operation:= r_LPL_unique.dml_operation ;
10328        l_LER_ID := get_fk('LER_ID', r_LPL.information257,l_dml_operation);
10329        l_LER_PER_INFO_CS_LER_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_LPL.information13,l_dml_operation);
10330        l_PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_ID := get_fk('PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_ID', r_LPL.information258,l_dml_operation);
10331        --UPD START
10332        l_update := false;
10333        l_process_date := p_effective_date;
10334        --
10335        if l_dml_operation = 'UPDATE' then
10336          --
10337          l_object_found_in_target := TRUE;
10338          --
10339          if l_process_date between r_LPL_unique.information2 and r_LPL_unique.information3 then
10340                l_update := true;
10341                if r_LPL_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
10342                   nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'LER_PER_INFO_CS_LER_ID'  then
10343                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'LER_PER_INFO_CS_LER_ID' ;
10344                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_LPL_unique.information1 ;
10345                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := r_LPL_unique.information1 ;
10346                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
10347                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_LPL_unique.table_route_id;
10348                   --
10349                   -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
10350                   --
10351                   g_count := g_count + 1 ;
10352                   --
10353                   log_data('LPL',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_LPL_unique.information1|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
10354                   --
10355                end if ;
10356                hr_utility.set_location( 'found record for update',10);
10357            --
10358          else
10359            --
10360            l_update := false;
10361            --
10362          end if;
10363        else
10364          --
10365          --UPD END
10366        l_min_esd := null ;
10367        l_max_eed := null ;
10368        open c_LPL_min_max_dates(r_LPL_unique.table_route_id, r_LPL_unique.information1 ) ;
10369        fetch c_LPL_min_max_dates into l_min_esd,l_max_eed ;
10370        --
10371        if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
10372             l_min_esd < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
10373          l_min_esd := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
10374        end if;
10375        l_min_esd := greatest(l_min_esd,r_LPL_unique.information2);
10376        --
10377        /*
10378        open c_LPL(r_LPL_unique.table_route_id,
10379                 r_LPL_unique.information1,
10380                 r_LPL_unique.information2,
10381                 r_LPL_unique.information3 ) ;
10382        --
10383        fetch c_LPL into r_LPL ;
10384        --
10385        close c_LPL ;
10386        --
10387        l_LER_ID := get_fk('LER_ID', r_LPL.information257);
10388        l_LER_PER_INFO_CS_LER_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_LPL.information13);
10389        l_PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_ID := get_fk('PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_ID', r_LPL.information258);
10390        */
10391      if p_reuse_object_flag = 'Y' then
10392          if c_LPL_min_max_dates%found then
10393            -- cursor to find the object
10394            open c_find_LPL_in_target( l_min_esd,l_max_eed,
10395                                  p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_ler_per_info_cs_ler_id, -999)  ) ;
10396            fetch c_find_LPL_in_target into l_new_value ;
10397            if c_find_LPL_in_target%found then
10398              --
10399              --TEMPIK
10400              l_dt_rec_found :=   dt_api.check_min_max_dates
10401                  (p_base_table_name => 'BEN_LER_PER_INFO_CS_LER_F',
10402                   p_base_key_column => 'LER_PER_INFO_CS_LER_ID',
10403                   p_base_key_value  => l_new_value,
10404                   p_from_date       => l_min_esd,
10405                   p_to_date         => l_max_eed );
10406              if l_dt_rec_found THEN
10407              --END TEMPIK
10408              if r_LPL_unique.information1 <> nvl(BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_pk_tbl(BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
10409                 nvl(BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_pk_tbl(BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'LER_PER_INFO_CS_LER_ID'  then
10410                 BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_pk_tbl(BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_count).pk_id_column    := 'LER_PER_INFO_CS_LER_ID' ;
10411                 BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_pk_tbl(BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_count).old_value       := r_LPL_unique.information1 ;
10412                 BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_pk_tbl(BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_count).new_value       := l_new_value ;
10413                 BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_pk_tbl(BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
10414                 BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_pk_tbl(BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_count).table_route_id  := r_LPL_unique.table_route_id;
10415                 --
10416                 update_cer_with_target( BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_pk_tbl(BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_count) , p_copy_entity_txn_id) ;
10417                 --
10418                 BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_count := BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_count + 1 ;
10419              end if ;
10420              --
10421              l_object_found_in_target := true ;
10422              --TEMPIK
10423              end if; -- l_dt_rec_found
10424              --END TEMPIK
10425            end if;
10426            close c_find_LPL_in_target ;
10427          --
10428          end if;
10429      end if ;
10430      --
10431      close c_LPL_min_max_dates ;
10432      end if;
10433      if not l_object_found_in_target or l_update then
10434        --
10435        l_current_pk_id := r_LPL.information1;
10436        --
10437        hr_utility.set_location(' l_current_pk_id '||l_current_pk_id,20);
10438        hr_utility.set_location(' l_prev_pk_id '||l_prev_pk_id,20);
10439        --
10440        if l_current_pk_id =  l_prev_pk_id  then
10441          --
10442          l_first_rec := false ;
10443          --
10444        else
10445          --
10446          l_first_rec := true ;
10447          --
10448        end if ;
10449        --
10450        l_effective_date := r_LPL.information2;
10451        if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
10452               l_effective_date < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date )
10453 then
10454            l_effective_date := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
10455        end if;
10456        --
10457        if l_first_rec and not l_update then
10458          -- Call Create routine.
10459          hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_LER_PER_INFO_CS_LER_F CREATE_LER_PER_INFO_CS_LER ',20);
10461              --
10462              P_VALIDATE               => false
10463              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
10464              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
10465              --
10466              ,P_LER_ID      => l_LER_ID
10467              ,P_LER_PER_INFO_CS_LER_ID      => l_ler_per_info_cs_ler_id
10468              ,P_LER_PER_INFO_CS_LER_RL      => l_LER_PER_INFO_CS_LER_RL
10469              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_LPL.information14
10470              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_LPL.information15
10471              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_LPL.information16
10472              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_LPL.information17
10473              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_LPL.information18
10474              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_LPL.information19
10475              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_LPL.information20
10476              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_LPL.information21
10477              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_LPL.information22
10478              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_LPL.information23
10479              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_LPL.information24
10480              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_LPL.information25
10481              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_LPL.information26
10482              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_LPL.information27
10483              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_LPL.information28
10484              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_LPL.information29
10485              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_LPL.information30
10486              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_LPL.information31
10487              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_LPL.information32
10488              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_LPL.information33
10489              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_LPL.information34
10490              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_LPL.information35
10491              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_LPL.information36
10492              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_LPL.information37
10493              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_LPL.information38
10494              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_LPL.information39
10495              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_LPL.information40
10496              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_LPL.information41
10497              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_LPL.information42
10498              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_LPL.information43
10499              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_LPL.information44
10500              ,P_PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_ID      => l_PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_ID
10501              --
10502              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
10503              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
10504              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>	l_object_version_number
10505          );
10506          -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
10507          -- Update all relevent cer records with new pk_id
10508          hr_utility.set_location('Before plsql table ',222);
10509          hr_utility.set_location('new_value id '||l_ler_per_info_cs_ler_id,222);
10510          BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_pk_tbl(BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_count).pk_id_column := 'LER_PER_INFO_CS_LER_ID' ;
10511          BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_pk_tbl(BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_count).old_value    := r_LPL.information1 ;
10512          BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_pk_tbl(BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_count).new_value    := l_LER_PER_INFO_CS_LER_ID ;
10513          BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_pk_tbl(BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_count).copy_reuse_type  := 'COPIED';
10514          BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_pk_tbl(BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_count).table_route_id  := r_LPL_unique.table_route_id;
10515          hr_utility.set_location('After plsql table ',222);
10516          --
10517          -- 9999 why commented update_cer_with_target( BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_pk_tbl(BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
10518          --
10519          BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_count := BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_count + 1 ;
10520          --
10521        else
10522          --
10523            --UPD START
10524            hr_utility.set_location('Before call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'||l_datetrack_mode,5);
10525            --
10526            if l_update then
10527              --
10528              l_datetrack_mode := r_LPL.datetrack_mode ;
10529              --
10530              get_dt_modes(
10531                p_effective_date        => l_process_date,
10532                p_effective_end_date    => r_LPL.information3,
10533                p_effective_start_date  => r_LPL.information2,
10534                p_dml_operation         => r_LPL.dml_operation,
10535                p_datetrack_mode        => l_datetrack_mode );
10536            --    p_update                => l_update
10537              --
10538              l_effective_date := l_process_date;
10539              l_ler_per_info_cs_ler_id   := r_LPL.information1;
10540              l_object_version_number := r_LPL.information265;
10541              --
10542            end if;
10543            --
10544            hr_utility.set_location('After call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'||l_datetrack_mode,5);
10545            --
10546            IF l_update OR l_dml_operation <> 'UPDATE' THEN
10547            --UPD END
10548          -- Call Update routine for the pk_id created in prev run .
10549          -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
10550          hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_LER_PER_INFO_CS_LER_F UPDATE_LER_PER_INFO_CS_LER ',30);
10552              --
10553              P_VALIDATE               => false
10554              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
10555              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
10556              --
10557              ,P_LER_ID      => l_LER_ID
10558              ,P_LER_PER_INFO_CS_LER_ID      => l_ler_per_info_cs_ler_id
10559              ,P_LER_PER_INFO_CS_LER_RL      => l_LER_PER_INFO_CS_LER_RL
10560              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_LPL.information14
10561              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_LPL.information15
10562              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_LPL.information16
10563              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_LPL.information17
10564              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_LPL.information18
10565              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_LPL.information19
10566              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_LPL.information20
10567              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_LPL.information21
10568              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_LPL.information22
10569              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_LPL.information23
10570              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_LPL.information24
10571              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_LPL.information25
10572              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_LPL.information26
10573              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_LPL.information27
10574              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_LPL.information28
10575              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_LPL.information29
10576              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_LPL.information30
10577              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_LPL.information31
10578              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_LPL.information32
10579              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_LPL.information33
10580              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_LPL.information34
10581              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_LPL.information35
10582              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_LPL.information36
10583              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_LPL.information37
10584              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_LPL.information38
10585              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_LPL.information39
10586              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_LPL.information40
10587              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_LPL.information41
10588              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_LPL.information42
10589              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_LPL.information43
10590              ,P_LPL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_LPL.information44
10591              ,P_PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_ID      => l_PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_ID
10592              --
10593              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
10594              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
10595              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER => l_object_version_number
10596              ,P_DATETRACK_MODE        => l_datetrack_mode
10597          );
10598            end if;
10599            --
10600          end if;
10601          --
10602          -- Delete the row if it is end dated.
10603          --
10604          if (trunc(l_max_eed) <> trunc(hr_api.g_eot) and
10605              trunc(l_max_eed) <> l_effective_end_date and      /* Bug 4302963 */
10606              trunc(l_max_eed) = r_LPL.information3) then
10607              --
10608              BEN_LER_PER_INFO_CS_LER_API.delete_LER_PER_INFO_CS_LER(
10609                 --
10610                 p_validate                       => false
10611                 ,p_ler_per_info_cs_ler_id                   => l_ler_per_info_cs_ler_id
10612                 ,p_effective_start_date           => l_effective_start_date
10613                 ,p_effective_end_date             => l_effective_end_date
10614                 ,p_object_version_number          => l_object_version_number
10615                 ,p_effective_date                 => l_max_eed
10616                 ,p_datetrack_mode                 => hr_api.g_delete
10617                 --
10618                 );
10619                 --
10620          end if;
10621          --
10622          l_prev_pk_id := l_current_pk_id ;
10623        --
10624        end if;
10625        --
10626      end if;
10627      --
10628    end loop;
10629    --
10630    exception when others then
10631      --
10632      BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.raise_error_message( 'LPL',r_LPL.information5 );
10633      --
10634  end create_LPL_rows;
10636    ---------------------------------------------------------------
10637    ----------------------< create_ELP_rows >-----------------------
10638    ---------------------------------------------------------------
10639    --
10640    procedure create_ELP_rows
10641    (
10642          p_validate                       in  number     default 0
10643         ,p_copy_entity_txn_id             in  number
10644         ,p_effective_date                 in  date
10645         ,p_prefix_suffix_text             in  varchar2  default null
10646         ,p_reuse_object_flag              in  varchar2  default null
10647         ,p_target_business_group_id       in  varchar2  default null
10648         ,p_prefix_suffix_cd               in  varchar2  default null
10649    ) is
10650    --
10651    cursor c_unique_ELP(l_table_alias varchar2) is
10652    select distinct cpe.information1,
10653      cpe.information2,
10654      cpe.information3,
10655      cpe.INFORMATION170 name,
10656      cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
10657    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe,
10658         pqh_table_route tr
10659    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
10660    and   cpe.table_route_id     = tr.table_route_id
10661    -- and   tr.where_clause        = l_BEN_ELIGY_PRFL_F
10662    and tr.table_alias = l_table_alias
10663    and   cpe.number_of_copies   = 1 --ADDITION
10664    group by cpe.information1,cpe.information2,cpe.information3,
10665             cpe.INFORMATION170, cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
10666    order by information1, information2; --added for bug: 5151945
10667    --
10668    --
10669    cursor c_ELP_min_max_dates(c_table_route_id  number,
10670                 c_information1   number) is
10671    select
10672      min(cpe.information2) min_esd,
10673      max(cpe.information3) min_eed
10674    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
10675    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
10676    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
10677    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1 ;
10678    --
10679    cursor c_ELP(c_table_route_id  number,
10680                 c_information1   number,
10681                 c_information2   date,
10682                 c_information3   date )  is
10683    select
10684      cpe.*
10685    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
10686    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
10687    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
10688    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1
10689    and   cpe.information2       = c_information2
10690    and   cpe.information3       = c_information3
10691    and rownum = 1 ;
10692    -- Date Track target record
10693    cursor c_find_ELP_in_target( c_ELP_name          varchar2,
10694                                 c_effective_start_date    date,
10695                                 c_effective_end_date      date,
10696                                 c_business_group_id       number,
10697                                 c_new_pk_id               number) is
10698    select
10699      ELP.eligy_prfl_id new_value
10700    from BEN_ELIGY_PRFL_F ELP
10701    where ELP.name               = c_ELP_name
10702    and   ELP.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
10703    and   ELP.eligy_prfl_id  <> c_new_pk_id
10704 --TEMPIK
10705    and c_effective_start_date between effective_start_date
10706                             and effective_end_date ;
10707 --END TEMPIK
10708 /*TEMPIK
10709    and exists ( select null
10710                 from BEN_ELIGY_PRFL_F ELP1
10711                 where ELP1.name               = c_ELP_name
10712                 and   ELP1.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
10713                 and   ELP1.effective_start_date <= c_effective_start_date )
10714    and exists ( select null
10715                 from BEN_ELIGY_PRFL_F ELP2
10716                 where ELP2.name               = c_ELP_name
10717                 and   ELP2.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
10718                 and   ELP2.effective_end_date >= c_effective_end_date )
10719                 ;
10720 TEMPIK */
10721    --TEMPIK
10722    l_dt_rec_found            boolean ;
10723    --END TEMPIK
10724    --
10725    l_current_pk_id           number := null ;
10726    --UPD START
10727    --
10728    l_update                  boolean      := false ;
10729    l_datetrack_mode          varchar2(80) := hr_api.g_update;
10730    l_process_date            date;
10731    l_dml_operation           ben_copy_entity_results.dml_operation%TYPE ;
10732    --
10733    --UPD END
10734    l_prev_pk_id              number := null ;
10735    l_first_rec               boolean := true ;
10736    r_ELP                     c_ELP%rowtype;
10737    l_eligy_prfl_id             number ;
10738    l_object_version_number   number ;
10739    l_effective_start_date    date ;
10740    l_effective_end_date      date ;
10741    l_prefix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
10742    l_suffix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
10743    l_new_value               number(15);
10744    l_object_found_in_target  boolean := false ;
10745    l_min_esd                 date;
10746    l_max_eed                 date;
10747    l_effective_date          date;
10748    --
10749  begin
10750    -- Initialization
10751    l_object_found_in_target := false ;
10752    -- End Initialization
10753    -- Derive the prefix - sufix
10754    if   p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX' then
10755      l_prefix  := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
10756    elsif p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX' then
10757      l_suffix   := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
10758    else
10759      l_prefix := null ;
10760      l_suffix  := null ;
10761    end if ;
10762    -- End Prefix Sufix derivation
10763    for r_ELP_unique in c_unique_ELP('ELP') loop
10765      if (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is null or
10766         (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
10767          r_ELP_unique.information3 >=
10768                  ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date)
10769         ) then
10770        --
10771        hr_utility.set_location(' r_ELP_unique.table_route_id '||r_ELP_unique.table_route_id,10);
10772        hr_utility.set_location(' r_ELP_unique.information1 '||r_ELP_unique.information1,10);
10773        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_ELP_unique.information2 '||r_ELP_unique.information2,10);
10774        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_ELP_unique.information3 '||r_ELP_unique.information3,10);
10775        -- If reuse objects flag is 'Y' then check for the object in the target business group
10776        -- if found insert the record into PLSql table and exit the loop else try create the
10777        -- object in the target business group
10778        --
10779        l_object_found_in_target := false ;
10780        --UPD START
10781        l_update := false;
10782        l_process_date := p_effective_date;
10783        l_dml_operation:= r_ELP_unique.dml_operation ;
10784        --
10785        if l_dml_operation = 'UPDATE' then
10786          --
10787          l_object_found_in_target := TRUE;
10788          --
10789          if l_process_date between r_ELP_unique.information2 and r_ELP_unique.information3 then
10790                l_update := true;
10791                if r_ELP_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
10792                   nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'ELIGY_PRFL_ID'  then
10793                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'ELIGY_PRFL_ID' ;
10794                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_ELP_unique.information1 ;
10795                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := r_ELP_unique.information1 ;
10796                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
10797                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_ELP_unique.table_route_id;
10798                   --
10799                   -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
10800                   --
10801                   g_count := g_count + 1 ;
10802                   --
10803                   log_data('ELP',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_ELP_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
10804                   --
10805                end if ;
10806                hr_utility.set_location( 'found record for update',10);
10807            --
10808          else
10809            --
10810            l_update := false;
10811            --
10812          end if;
10813        else
10814          --
10815          --UPD END
10816        l_min_esd := null ;
10817        l_max_eed := null ;
10818        open c_ELP_min_max_dates(r_ELP_unique.table_route_id, r_ELP_unique.information1 ) ;
10819        fetch c_ELP_min_max_dates into l_min_esd,l_max_eed ;
10821        if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
10822             l_min_esd < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
10823          l_min_esd := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
10824        end if;
10825        l_min_esd := greatest(l_min_esd,r_ELP_unique.information2);
10827        if p_reuse_object_flag = 'Y' then
10828          if c_ELP_min_max_dates%found then
10829            -- cursor to find the object
10830            open c_find_ELP_in_target( l_prefix || r_ELP_unique.name || l_suffix ,l_min_esd,l_max_eed,
10831                                  p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_eligy_prfl_id, -999)  ) ;
10832            fetch c_find_ELP_in_target into l_new_value ;
10833            if c_find_ELP_in_target%found then
10834              --
10835              --TEMPIK
10836              l_dt_rec_found :=   dt_api.check_min_max_dates
10837                  (p_base_table_name => 'BEN_ELIGY_PRFL_F',
10838                   p_base_key_column => 'ELIGY_PRFL_ID',
10839                   p_base_key_value  => l_new_value,
10840                   p_from_date       => l_min_esd,
10841                   p_to_date         => l_max_eed );
10842              if l_dt_rec_found THEN
10843              --END TEMPIK
10844              if r_ELP_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
10845                 nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'ELIGY_PRFL_ID'  then
10846                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'ELIGY_PRFL_ID' ;
10847                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_ELP_unique.information1 ;
10848                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := l_new_value ;
10849                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
10850                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_ELP_unique.table_route_id;
10851                 --
10852                 -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count) , p_copy_entity_txn_id) ;
10853                 --
10854                 g_count := g_count + 1 ;
10855                 --
10856                 log_data('ELP',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_ELP_unique.name || l_suffix  ,'REUSED');
10857                 --
10858              end if ;
10859              --
10860              l_object_found_in_target := true ;
10861              --TEMPIK
10862              end if; -- l_dt_rec_found
10863              --END TEMPIK
10864            end if;
10865            close c_find_ELP_in_target ;
10866          --
10867          end if;
10868        end if ;
10869        --
10870        close c_ELP_min_max_dates ;
10871        end if;
10872        if not l_object_found_in_target or l_update then
10873          --
10874          open c_ELP(r_ELP_unique.table_route_id,
10875                 r_ELP_unique.information1,
10876                 r_ELP_unique.information2,
10877                 r_ELP_unique.information3 ) ;
10878          --
10879          fetch c_ELP into r_ELP ;
10880          --
10881          close c_ELP ;
10882          --
10883          l_current_pk_id := r_ELP.information1;
10884          --
10885          hr_utility.set_location(' l_current_pk_id '||l_current_pk_id,20);
10886          hr_utility.set_location(' l_prev_pk_id '||l_prev_pk_id,20);
10887          --
10888          if l_current_pk_id =  l_prev_pk_id  then
10889            --
10890            l_first_rec := false ;
10891            --
10892          else
10893            --
10894            l_first_rec := true ;
10895            --
10896          end if ;
10897          --
10898          ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.ben_chk_col_len('NAME' ,'BEN_ELIGY_PRFL_F',l_prefix || r_elp.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix);
10899          --
10901          l_effective_date := r_ELP.information2;
10902          if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
10903               l_effective_date < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
10904            l_effective_date := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
10905          end if;
10907          if l_first_rec and not l_update then
10908            -- Call Create routine.
10909            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_ELIGY_PRFL_F CREATE_ELIGY_PROFILE ',20);
10911              --
10912              P_VALIDATE               => false
10913              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
10914              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
10915              --
10916              -- ,p_asg_typ_cd     =>  r_elp.information11
10917              ,P_ASMT_TO_USE_CD      => r_ELP.INFORMATION76
10918              ,P_BNFT_CAGR_PRTN_CD      => r_ELP.INFORMATION20
10919              ,P_CNTNG_PRTN_ELIG_PRFL_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION62
10920              ,P_DESCRIPTION      => r_ELP.INFORMATION219
10921              ,P_ELIGY_PRFL_ID      => l_eligy_prfl_id
10922              ,P_ELIGY_PRFL_RL_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION60
10923              ,P_ELIG_AGE_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION45
10924              ,P_ELIG_ANTHR_PL_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION16
10925              ,P_ELIG_ASNT_SET_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION52
10926              ,P_ELIG_BENFTS_GRP_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION42
10927              ,P_ELIG_BRGNG_UNIT_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION44
10928              ,P_ELIG_CBR_QUALD_BNF_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION32
10929              ,P_ELIG_CMBN_AGE_LOS_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION61
10930              ,P_ELIG_COMPTNCY_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION14
10931              ,P_ELIG_COMP_LVL_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION54
10932              ,P_ELIG_DPNT_CVRD_PGM_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION36
10933              ,P_ELIG_DPNT_CVRD_PLIP_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION34
10934              ,P_ELIG_DPNT_CVRD_PL_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION71
10935              ,P_ELIG_DPNT_CVRD_PTIP_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION35
10936              ,P_ELIG_DPNT_OTHR_PTIP_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION77
10937              ,P_ELIG_DSBLD_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION11
10938              ,P_ELIG_DSBLTY_CTG_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION25
10939              ,P_ELIG_DSBLTY_DGR_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION26
10940              ,P_ELIG_DSBLTY_RSN_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION27
10941              ,P_ELIG_EE_STAT_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION49
10942              ,P_ELIG_ENRLD_OIPL_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION69
10943              ,P_ELIG_ENRLD_PGM_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION70
10944              ,P_ELIG_ENRLD_PLIP_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION31
10945              ,P_ELIG_ENRLD_PL_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION68
10946              ,P_ELIG_ENRLD_PTIP_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION33
10947              ,P_ELIG_FL_TM_PT_TM_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION48
10948              ,P_ELIG_GNDR_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION24
10949              ,P_ELIG_GRD_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION50
10950              ,P_ELIG_HLTH_CVG_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION15
10951              ,P_ELIG_HRLY_SLRD_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION38
10952              ,P_ELIG_HRS_WKD_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION53
10953              ,P_ELIG_JOB_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION37
10954              ,P_ELIG_LBR_MMBR_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION40
10955              ,P_ELIG_LGL_ENTY_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION41
10956              ,P_ELIG_LOA_RSN_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION56
10957              ,P_ELIG_LOS_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION46
10958              ,P_ELIG_LVG_RSN_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION72
10959              ,P_ELIG_MRTL_STS_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION28
10960              ,P_ELIG_NO_OTHR_CVG_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION67
10961              ,P_ELIG_OPTD_MDCR_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION73
10962              ,P_ELIG_ORG_UNIT_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION55
10963              ,P_ELIG_PCT_FL_TM_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION51
10964              ,P_ELIG_PERF_RTNG_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION17
10965              ,P_ELIG_PER_TYP_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION47
10966              ,P_ELIG_PPL_GRP_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION64
10967              ,P_ELIG_PRBTN_PERD_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION29
10968              ,P_ELIG_PRTT_PL_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION63
10969              ,P_ELIG_PSTL_CD_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION39
10970              ,P_ELIG_PSTN_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION19
10971              ,P_ELIG_PTIP_PRTE_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION66
10972              ,P_ELIG_PYRL_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION57
10973              ,P_ELIG_PY_BSS_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION59
10974              ,P_ELIG_QUAL_TITL_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION21
10975              ,P_ELIG_QUA_IN_GR_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION18
10976              ,P_ELIG_SCHEDD_HRS_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION58
10977              ,P_ELIG_SP_CLNG_PRG_PT_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION22
10978              ,P_ELIG_SUPPL_ROLE_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION23
10979              ,P_ELIG_SVC_AREA_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION65
10980              ,P_ELIG_TBCO_USE_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION74
10981              ,P_ELIG_TTL_CVG_VOL_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION12
10982              ,P_ELIG_TTL_PRTT_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION13
10983              ,P_ELIG_WK_LOC_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION43
10984              ,p_ELIG_CRIT_VALUES_FLAG => nvl(r_ELP.INFORMATION78, 'N')  /* Bug 4169120 : Rate By Criteria */
10985              ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_ELP.INFORMATION111
10986              ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_ELP.INFORMATION120
10987              ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_ELP.INFORMATION121
10988              ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_ELP.INFORMATION122
10989              ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_ELP.INFORMATION123
10990              ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_ELP.INFORMATION124
10991              ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_ELP.INFORMATION125
10992              ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_ELP.INFORMATION126
10993              ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_ELP.INFORMATION127
10994              ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_ELP.INFORMATION128
10995              ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_ELP.INFORMATION129
10996              ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_ELP.INFORMATION112
10997              ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_ELP.INFORMATION130
10998              ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_ELP.INFORMATION131
10999              ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_ELP.INFORMATION132
11000              ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_ELP.INFORMATION133
11001              ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_ELP.INFORMATION134
11002              ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_ELP.INFORMATION135
11003              ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_ELP.INFORMATION136
11004              ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_ELP.INFORMATION137
11005              ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_ELP.INFORMATION138
11006              ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_ELP.INFORMATION139
11007              ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_ELP.INFORMATION113
11008              ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_ELP.INFORMATION140
11009              ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_ELP.INFORMATION114
11010              ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_ELP.INFORMATION115
11011              ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_ELP.INFORMATION116
11012              ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_ELP.INFORMATION117
11013              ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_ELP.INFORMATION118
11014              ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_ELP.INFORMATION119
11015              ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_ELP.INFORMATION110
11016              ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_ELP.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
11017              ,P_STAT_CD      => r_ELP.INFORMATION30
11018              --
11019              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
11020              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
11021              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
11022            );
11023            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
11024            -- Update all relevent cer records with new pk_id
11025            hr_utility.set_location('Before plsql table ',222);
11026            hr_utility.set_location('new_value id '||l_eligy_prfl_id,222);
11027            g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column := 'ELIGY_PRFL_ID' ;
11028            g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value    := r_ELP.information1 ;
11029            g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value    := l_ELIGY_PRFL_ID ;
11030            g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type  := 'COPIED';
11031            g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_ELP_unique.table_route_id;
11032            hr_utility.set_location('After plsql table ',222);
11033            --
11034            -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
11035            --
11036            g_count := g_count + 1 ;
11037            --
11038            --
11039            log_data('ELP',l_new_value,l_prefix ||  r_elp.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix,'COPIED');
11040            --
11041          else
11042            --
11043            --UPD START
11044            hr_utility.set_location('Before call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'||l_datetrack_mode,5);
11045            --
11046            if l_update then
11047              --
11048              l_datetrack_mode := r_ELP.datetrack_mode ;
11049              --
11050              get_dt_modes(
11051                p_effective_date        => l_process_date,
11052                p_effective_end_date    => r_ELP.information3,
11053                p_effective_start_date  => r_ELP.information2,
11054                p_dml_operation         => r_ELP.dml_operation,
11055                p_datetrack_mode        => l_datetrack_mode );
11056            --    p_update                => l_update
11057              --
11058              l_effective_date := l_process_date;
11059              l_eligy_prfl_id   := r_ELP.information1;
11060              l_object_version_number := r_ELP.information265;
11061              --
11062            end if;
11063            --
11064            hr_utility.set_location('After call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'||l_datetrack_mode,5);
11065            --
11066            IF l_update OR l_dml_operation <> 'UPDATE' THEN
11067            --UPD END
11068            -- Call Update routine for the pk_id created in prev run .
11069            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
11070            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_ELIGY_PRFL_F UPDATE_ELIGY_PROFILE ',30);
11072              --
11073              P_VALIDATE               => false
11074              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
11075              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
11076              --
11077              -- ,p_asg_typ_cd     =>  r_elp.information11
11078              ,P_ASMT_TO_USE_CD      => r_ELP.INFORMATION76
11079 	                  ,P_BNFT_CAGR_PRTN_CD      => r_ELP.INFORMATION20
11080 	                  ,P_CNTNG_PRTN_ELIG_PRFL_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION62
11081 	                  ,P_DESCRIPTION      => r_ELP.INFORMATION219
11082 	                  ,P_ELIGY_PRFL_ID      => l_eligy_prfl_id
11083 	                  ,P_ELIGY_PRFL_RL_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION60
11084 	                  ,P_ELIG_AGE_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION45
11085 	                  ,P_ELIG_ANTHR_PL_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION16
11086 	                  ,P_ELIG_ASNT_SET_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION52
11087 	                  ,P_ELIG_BENFTS_GRP_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION42
11088 	                  ,P_ELIG_BRGNG_UNIT_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION44
11089 	                  ,P_ELIG_CBR_QUALD_BNF_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION32
11090 	                  ,P_ELIG_CMBN_AGE_LOS_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION61
11091 	                  ,P_ELIG_COMPTNCY_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION14
11092 	                  ,P_ELIG_COMP_LVL_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION54
11093 	                  ,P_ELIG_DPNT_CVRD_PGM_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION36
11094 	                  ,P_ELIG_DPNT_CVRD_PLIP_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION34
11095 	                  ,P_ELIG_DPNT_CVRD_PL_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION71
11096 	                  ,P_ELIG_DPNT_CVRD_PTIP_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION35
11097 	                  ,P_ELIG_DPNT_OTHR_PTIP_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION77
11098 	                  ,P_ELIG_DSBLD_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION11
11099 	                  ,P_ELIG_DSBLTY_CTG_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION25
11100 	                  ,P_ELIG_DSBLTY_DGR_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION26
11101 	                  ,P_ELIG_DSBLTY_RSN_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION27
11102 	                  ,P_ELIG_EE_STAT_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION49
11103 	                  ,P_ELIG_ENRLD_OIPL_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION69
11104 	                  ,P_ELIG_ENRLD_PGM_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION70
11105 	                  ,P_ELIG_ENRLD_PLIP_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION31
11106 	                  ,P_ELIG_ENRLD_PL_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION68
11107 	                  ,P_ELIG_ENRLD_PTIP_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION33
11108 	                  ,P_ELIG_FL_TM_PT_TM_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION48
11109 	                  ,P_ELIG_GNDR_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION24
11110 	                  ,P_ELIG_GRD_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION50
11111 	                  ,P_ELIG_HLTH_CVG_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION15
11112 	                  ,P_ELIG_HRLY_SLRD_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION38
11113 	                  ,P_ELIG_HRS_WKD_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION53
11114 	                  ,P_ELIG_JOB_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION37
11115 	                  ,P_ELIG_LBR_MMBR_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION40
11116 	                  ,P_ELIG_LGL_ENTY_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION41
11117 	                  ,P_ELIG_LOA_RSN_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION56
11118 	                  ,P_ELIG_LOS_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION46
11119 	                  ,P_ELIG_LVG_RSN_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION72
11120 	                  ,P_ELIG_MRTL_STS_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION28
11121 	                  ,P_ELIG_NO_OTHR_CVG_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION67
11122 	                  ,P_ELIG_OPTD_MDCR_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION73
11123 	                  ,P_ELIG_ORG_UNIT_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION55
11124 	                  ,P_ELIG_PCT_FL_TM_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION51
11125 	                  ,P_ELIG_PERF_RTNG_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION17
11126 	                  ,P_ELIG_PER_TYP_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION47
11127 	                  ,P_ELIG_PPL_GRP_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION64
11128 	                  ,P_ELIG_PRBTN_PERD_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION29
11129 	                  ,P_ELIG_PRTT_PL_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION63
11130 	                  ,P_ELIG_PSTL_CD_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION39
11131 	                  ,P_ELIG_PSTN_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION19
11132 	                  ,P_ELIG_PTIP_PRTE_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION66
11133 	                  ,P_ELIG_PYRL_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION57
11134 	                  ,P_ELIG_PY_BSS_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION59
11135 	                  ,P_ELIG_QUAL_TITL_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION21
11136 	                  ,P_ELIG_QUA_IN_GR_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION18
11137 	                  ,P_ELIG_SCHEDD_HRS_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION58
11138 	                  ,P_ELIG_SP_CLNG_PRG_PT_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION22
11139 	                  ,P_ELIG_SUPPL_ROLE_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION23
11140 	                  ,P_ELIG_SVC_AREA_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION65
11141 	                  ,P_ELIG_TBCO_USE_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION74
11142 	                  ,P_ELIG_TTL_CVG_VOL_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION12
11143 	                  ,P_ELIG_TTL_PRTT_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION13
11144 	                  ,P_ELIG_WK_LOC_FLAG      => r_ELP.INFORMATION43
11145                           ,p_ELIG_CRIT_VALUES_FLAG => nvl(r_ELP.INFORMATION78, 'N')  /* Bug 4169120 : Rate By Criteria */
11146 	                  ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_ELP.INFORMATION111
11147 	                  ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_ELP.INFORMATION120
11148 	                  ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_ELP.INFORMATION121
11149 	                  ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_ELP.INFORMATION122
11150 	                  ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_ELP.INFORMATION123
11151 	                  ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_ELP.INFORMATION124
11152 	                  ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_ELP.INFORMATION125
11153 	                  ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_ELP.INFORMATION126
11154 	                  ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_ELP.INFORMATION127
11155 	                  ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_ELP.INFORMATION128
11156 	                  ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_ELP.INFORMATION129
11157 	                  ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_ELP.INFORMATION112
11158 	                  ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_ELP.INFORMATION130
11159 	                  ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_ELP.INFORMATION131
11160 	                  ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_ELP.INFORMATION132
11161 	                  ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_ELP.INFORMATION133
11162 	                  ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_ELP.INFORMATION134
11163 	                  ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_ELP.INFORMATION135
11164 	                  ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_ELP.INFORMATION136
11165 	                  ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_ELP.INFORMATION137
11166 	                  ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_ELP.INFORMATION138
11167 	                  ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_ELP.INFORMATION139
11168 	                  ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_ELP.INFORMATION113
11169 	                  ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_ELP.INFORMATION140
11170 	                  ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_ELP.INFORMATION114
11171 	                  ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_ELP.INFORMATION115
11172 	                  ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_ELP.INFORMATION116
11173 	                  ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_ELP.INFORMATION117
11174 	                  ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_ELP.INFORMATION118
11175 	                  ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_ELP.INFORMATION119
11176 	                  ,P_ELP_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_ELP.INFORMATION110
11177 	                  ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_ELP.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
11178              ,P_STAT_CD      => r_ELP.INFORMATION30
11179              --
11180              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
11181              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
11182              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER => l_object_version_number
11183              ,P_DATETRACK_MODE        => l_datetrack_mode
11184            );
11185            --
11186            end if;
11187          end if;
11188          --
11189          -- Delete the row if it is end dated.
11190          --
11191          if (trunc(l_max_eed) <> trunc(hr_api.g_eot) and
11192              trunc(l_max_eed) <> l_effective_end_date and      /* Bug 4302963 */
11193              trunc(l_max_eed) = r_ELP.information3) then
11194            --
11195            BEN_ELIGY_PROFILE_API.delete_ELIGY_PROFILE(
11196                 --
11197                 p_validate                       => false
11198                 ,p_eligy_prfl_id                   => l_eligy_prfl_id
11199                 ,p_effective_start_date           => l_effective_start_date
11200                 ,p_effective_end_date             => l_effective_end_date
11201                 ,p_object_version_number          => l_object_version_number
11202                 ,p_effective_date                 => l_max_eed
11203                 ,p_datetrack_mode                 => hr_api.g_delete
11204                 --
11205                 );
11206                 --
11207          end if;
11208          --
11209          l_prev_pk_id := l_current_pk_id ;
11210          --
11211        end if;
11212        --
11213      end if;
11214      --
11215    end loop;
11216    --
11217  exception when others then
11218    --
11219    raise_error_message( 'ELP',l_prefix ||  r_elp.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix) ;
11220    --
11221  end create_ELP_rows;
11222    --
11223    ---------------------------------------------------------------
11224    ----------------------< create_DCE_rows >-----------------------
11225    ---------------------------------------------------------------
11226    --
11227    procedure create_DCE_rows
11228    (
11229          p_validate                       in  number     default 0
11230         ,p_copy_entity_txn_id             in  number
11231         ,p_effective_date                 in  date
11232         ,p_prefix_suffix_text             in  varchar2  default null
11233         ,p_reuse_object_flag              in  varchar2  default null
11234         ,p_target_business_group_id       in  varchar2  default null
11235         ,p_prefix_suffix_cd               in  varchar2  default null
11236    ) is
11237    --
11238    cursor c_unique_DCE(l_table_alias varchar2) is
11239    select distinct cpe.information1,
11240      cpe.information2,
11241      cpe.information3,
11242      cpe.INFORMATION170 name,
11243      cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
11244    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe,
11245         pqh_table_route tr
11246    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
11247    and   cpe.table_route_id     = tr.table_route_id
11248    -- and   tr.where_clause        = l_BEN_DPNT_CVG_ELIGY_PRFL_F
11249    and tr.table_alias = l_table_alias
11250    and   cpe.number_of_copies   = 1 --ADDITION
11251    group by cpe.information1,cpe.information2,cpe.information3, cpe.INFORMATION170, cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
11252    order by information1, information2; --added for bug: 5151945
11253    --
11254    --
11255    cursor c_DCE_min_max_dates(c_table_route_id  number,
11256                 c_information1   number) is
11257    select
11258      min(cpe.information2) min_esd,
11259      max(cpe.information3) min_eed
11260    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
11261    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
11262    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
11263    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1 ;
11264    --
11265    cursor c_DCE(c_table_route_id  number,
11266                 c_information1   number,
11267                 c_information2   date,
11268                 c_information3   date )  is
11269    select
11270      cpe.*
11271    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
11272    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
11273    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
11274    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1
11275    and   cpe.information2       = c_information2
11276    and   cpe.information3       = c_information3
11277    and rownum = 1 ;
11278    -- Date Track target record
11279    cursor c_find_DCE_in_target( c_DCE_name          varchar2,
11280                                 c_effective_start_date    date,
11281                                 c_effective_end_date      date,
11282                                 c_business_group_id       number,
11283                                 c_new_pk_id               number) is
11284    select
11285      DCE.dpnt_cvg_eligy_prfl_id new_value
11287    where DCE.name               = c_DCE_name
11288    and   DCE.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
11289    and   DCE.dpnt_cvg_eligy_prfl_id  <> c_new_pk_id
11290 --TEMPIK
11291    and c_effective_start_date between effective_start_date
11292                             and effective_end_date ;
11293 --END TEMPIK
11294 /*TEMPIK
11295    and exists ( select null
11296                 from BEN_DPNT_CVG_ELIGY_PRFL_F DCE1
11297                 where DCE1.name               = c_DCE_name
11298                 and   DCE1.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
11299                 and   DCE1.effective_start_date <= c_effective_start_date )
11300    and exists ( select null
11301                 from BEN_DPNT_CVG_ELIGY_PRFL_F DCE2
11302                 where DCE2.name               = c_DCE_name
11303                 and   DCE2.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
11304                 and   DCE2.effective_end_date >= c_effective_end_date )
11305                 ;
11306 TEMPIK */
11307    --TEMPIK
11308    l_dt_rec_found            boolean ;
11309    --END TEMPIK
11310    --
11311    l_current_pk_id           number := null ;
11312    --UPD START
11313    --
11314    l_update                  boolean      := false ;
11315    l_datetrack_mode          varchar2(80) := hr_api.g_update;
11316    l_process_date            date;
11317    l_dml_operation           ben_copy_entity_results.dml_operation%TYPE ;
11318    --
11319    --UPD END
11320    l_prev_pk_id              number := null ;
11321    l_first_rec               boolean := true ;
11322    r_DCE                     c_DCE%rowtype;
11323    l_dpnt_cvg_eligy_prfl_id             number ;
11324    l_object_version_number   number ;
11325    l_effective_start_date    date ;
11326    l_effective_end_date      date ;
11327    l_prefix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
11328    l_suffix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
11329    l_new_value               number(15);
11330    l_object_found_in_target  boolean := false ;
11331    l_min_esd                 date;
11332    l_max_eed                 date;
11333    l_DPNT_CVG_ELIG_DET_RL  number;
11334    l_REGN_ID  number;
11335    l_effective_date          date;
11336    --
11337  begin
11338    -- Initialization
11339    l_object_found_in_target := false ;
11340    -- End Initialization
11341    -- Derive the prefix - sufix
11342    if   p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX' then
11343      l_prefix  := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
11344    elsif p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX' then
11345      l_suffix   := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
11346    else
11347      l_prefix := null ;
11348      l_suffix  := null ;
11349    end if ;
11350    -- End Prefix Sufix derivation
11351    for r_DCE_unique in c_unique_DCE('DCE') loop
11353      if (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is null or
11354         (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
11355          r_DCE_unique.information3 >=
11356                  ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date)
11357         ) then
11358        --
11359        hr_utility.set_location(' r_DCE_unique.table_route_id '||r_DCE_unique.table_route_id,10);
11360        hr_utility.set_location(' r_DCE_unique.information1 '||r_DCE_unique.information1,10);
11361        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_DCE_unique.information2 '||r_DCE_unique.information2,10);
11362        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_DCE_unique.information3 '||r_DCE_unique.information3,10);
11363        -- If reuse objects flag is 'Y' then check for the object in the target business group
11364        -- if found insert the record into PLSql table and exit the loop else try create the
11365        -- object in the target business group
11366        --
11367        l_object_found_in_target := false ;
11368        --UPD START
11369        l_update := false;
11370        l_process_date := p_effective_date;
11371        l_dml_operation:= r_DCE_unique.dml_operation ;
11372        --
11373        if l_dml_operation = 'UPDATE' then
11374          --
11375          l_object_found_in_target := TRUE;
11376          --
11377          if l_process_date between r_DCE_unique.information2 and r_DCE_unique.information3 then
11378                l_update := true;
11379                if r_DCE_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
11380                   nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'DPNT_CVG_ELIGY_PRFL_ID'  then
11381                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'DPNT_CVG_ELIGY_PRFL_ID' ;
11382                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_DCE_unique.information1 ;
11383                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := r_DCE_unique.information1 ;
11384                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
11385                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_DCE_unique.table_route_id;
11386                   --
11387                   -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
11388                   --
11389                   g_count := g_count + 1 ;
11390                   --
11391                   log_data('DCE',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_DCE_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
11392                   --
11393                end if ;
11394                hr_utility.set_location( 'found record for update',10);
11395            --
11396          else
11397            --
11398            l_update := false;
11399            --
11400          end if;
11401        else
11402          --
11403          --UPD END
11404        l_min_esd := null ;
11405        l_max_eed := null ;
11406        open c_DCE_min_max_dates(r_DCE_unique.table_route_id, r_DCE_unique.information1 ) ;
11407        fetch c_DCE_min_max_dates into l_min_esd,l_max_eed ;
11409        if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
11410             l_min_esd < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
11411          l_min_esd := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
11412        end if;
11413        l_min_esd := greatest(l_min_esd,r_DCE_unique.information2);
11415        if p_reuse_object_flag = 'Y' then
11416          if c_DCE_min_max_dates%found then
11417            -- cursor to find the object
11418            open c_find_DCE_in_target( l_prefix || r_DCE_unique.name || l_suffix ,l_min_esd,l_max_eed,
11419                                  p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_dpnt_cvg_eligy_prfl_id, -999)  ) ;
11420            fetch c_find_DCE_in_target into l_new_value ;
11421            if c_find_DCE_in_target%found then
11422              --
11423              --TEMPIK
11424              l_dt_rec_found :=   dt_api.check_min_max_dates
11425                  (p_base_table_name => 'BEN_DPNT_CVG_ELIGY_PRFL_F',
11426                   p_base_key_column => 'DPNT_CVG_ELIGY_PRFL_ID',
11427                   p_base_key_value  => l_new_value,
11428                   p_from_date       => l_min_esd,
11429                   p_to_date         => l_max_eed );
11430              if l_dt_rec_found THEN
11431              --END TEMPIK
11432              if r_DCE_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
11433                 nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'DPNT_CVG_ELIGY_PRFL_ID'  then
11434                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'DPNT_CVG_ELIGY_PRFL_ID' ;
11435                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_DCE_unique.information1 ;
11436                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := l_new_value ;
11437                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
11438                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_DCE_unique.table_route_id;
11439                 --
11440                 -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count) , p_copy_entity_txn_id) ;
11441                 --
11442                 g_count := g_count + 1 ;
11443                 --
11444                 log_data('DCE',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_DCE_unique.name || l_suffix,'REUSED');
11445                 --
11446              end if ;
11447              --
11448              l_object_found_in_target := true ;
11449              --TEMPIK
11450              end if; -- l_dt_rec_found
11451              --END TEMPIK
11452            end if;
11453            close c_find_DCE_in_target ;
11454          --
11455          end if;
11456        end if ;
11457        --
11458        close c_DCE_min_max_dates ;
11459        end if;
11460        if not l_object_found_in_target or l_update then
11461          --
11462          open c_DCE(r_DCE_unique.table_route_id,
11463                 r_DCE_unique.information1,
11464                 r_DCE_unique.information2,
11465                 r_DCE_unique.information3 ) ;
11466          --
11467          fetch c_DCE into r_DCE ;
11468          --
11469          close c_DCE ;
11470          --
11471          l_current_pk_id := r_DCE.information1;
11472          --
11473          hr_utility.set_location(' l_current_pk_id '||l_current_pk_id,20);
11474          hr_utility.set_location(' l_prev_pk_id '||l_prev_pk_id,20);
11475          --
11476          if l_current_pk_id =  l_prev_pk_id  then
11477            --
11478            l_first_rec := false ;
11479            --
11480          else
11481            --
11482            l_first_rec := true ;
11483            --
11484          end if ;
11485          --
11486 	l_DPNT_CVG_ELIG_DET_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_DCE.INFORMATION257,l_dml_operation);
11487         l_REGN_ID := get_fk('REGN_ID', r_DCE.INFORMATION231,l_dml_operation);
11488          --
11489          ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.ben_chk_col_len('NAME' ,'BEN_DPNT_CVG_ELIGY_PRFL_F',l_prefix || r_DCE.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix);
11490          --
11492          l_effective_date := r_DCE.information2;
11493          if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
11494               l_effective_date < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
11495            l_effective_date := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
11496          end if;
11498          if l_first_rec and not l_update then
11499            -- Call Create routine.
11500            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_DPNT_CVG_ELIGY_PRFL_F CREATE_DPNT_CVG_ELIG_PRFL ',20);
11502              --
11503              P_VALIDATE               => false
11504              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
11505              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
11506              --
11507              ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_DCE.INFORMATION111
11508 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_DCE.INFORMATION120
11509 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_DCE.INFORMATION121
11510 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_DCE.INFORMATION122
11511 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_DCE.INFORMATION123
11512 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_DCE.INFORMATION124
11513 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_DCE.INFORMATION125
11514 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_DCE.INFORMATION126
11515 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_DCE.INFORMATION127
11516 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_DCE.INFORMATION128
11517 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_DCE.INFORMATION129
11518 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_DCE.INFORMATION112
11519 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_DCE.INFORMATION130
11520 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_DCE.INFORMATION131
11521 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_DCE.INFORMATION132
11522 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_DCE.INFORMATION133
11523 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_DCE.INFORMATION134
11524 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_DCE.INFORMATION135
11525 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_DCE.INFORMATION136
11526 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_DCE.INFORMATION137
11527 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_DCE.INFORMATION138
11528 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_DCE.INFORMATION139
11529 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_DCE.INFORMATION113
11530 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_DCE.INFORMATION140
11531 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_DCE.INFORMATION114
11532 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_DCE.INFORMATION115
11533 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_DCE.INFORMATION116
11534 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_DCE.INFORMATION117
11535 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_DCE.INFORMATION118
11536 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_DCE.INFORMATION119
11537 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_DCE.INFORMATION110
11538 	                  ,P_DCE_DESC      => r_DCE.INFORMATION185
11539 	                  ,P_DPNT_AGE_FLAG      => r_DCE.INFORMATION13
11540 	                  ,P_DPNT_CVG_ELIGY_PRFL_ID      => l_dpnt_cvg_eligy_prfl_id
11541 	                  ,P_DPNT_CVG_ELIGY_PRFL_STAT_CD      => r_DCE.INFORMATION11
11542 	                  ,P_DPNT_CVG_ELIG_DET_RL      => l_DPNT_CVG_ELIG_DET_RL
11543 	                  ,P_DPNT_CVRD_IN_ANTHR_PL_FLAG      => r_DCE.INFORMATION19
11544 	                  ,P_DPNT_DSBLD_FLAG      => r_DCE.INFORMATION15
11545 	                  ,P_DPNT_DSGNT_CRNTLY_ENRLD_FLAG      => r_DCE.INFORMATION20
11546 	                  ,P_DPNT_MLTRY_FLAG      => r_DCE.INFORMATION17
11547 	                  ,P_DPNT_MRTL_FLAG      => r_DCE.INFORMATION16
11548 	                  ,P_DPNT_PSTL_FLAG      => r_DCE.INFORMATION18
11549 	                  ,P_DPNT_RLSHP_FLAG      => r_DCE.INFORMATION12
11550 	                  ,P_DPNT_STUD_FLAG      => r_DCE.INFORMATION14
11551 	                  ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_DCE.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
11552              ,P_REGN_ID      => l_REGN_ID
11553              --
11554              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
11555              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
11556              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
11557            );
11558            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
11559           -- Update all relevent cer records with new pk_id
11560            hr_utility.set_location('Before plsql table ',222);
11561            hr_utility.set_location('new_value id '||l_dpnt_cvg_eligy_prfl_id,222);
11562            g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column := 'DPNT_CVG_ELIGY_PRFL_ID' ;
11563            g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value    := r_DCE.information1 ;
11564            g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value    := l_DPNT_CVG_ELIGY_PRFL_ID ;
11565            g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type  := 'COPIED';
11566            g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_DCE_unique.table_route_id;
11567            hr_utility.set_location('After plsql table ',222);
11568            --
11569            -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
11570            --
11571            g_count := g_count + 1 ;
11572            --
11573            --
11574            log_data('DCE',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_DCE.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix,'COPIED');
11575            --
11576          else
11577            --
11578            --UPD START
11579            hr_utility.set_location('Before call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'||l_datetrack_mode,5);
11580            --
11581            if l_update then
11582              --
11583              l_datetrack_mode := r_DCE.datetrack_mode ;
11584              --
11585              get_dt_modes(
11586                p_effective_date        => l_process_date,
11587                p_effective_end_date    => r_DCE.information3,
11588                p_effective_start_date  => r_DCE.information2,
11589                p_dml_operation         => r_DCE.dml_operation,
11590                p_datetrack_mode        => l_datetrack_mode );
11591            --    p_update                => l_update
11592              --
11593              l_effective_date := l_process_date;
11594              l_DPNT_CVG_ELIGY_PRFL_ID   := r_DCE.information1;
11595              l_object_version_number := r_DCE.information265;
11596              --
11597            end if;
11598            --
11599            hr_utility.set_location('After call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'||l_datetrack_mode,5);
11600            --
11601            IF l_update OR l_dml_operation <> 'UPDATE' THEN
11602            --UPD END
11603            -- Call Update routine for the pk_id created in prev run .
11604            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
11605            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_DPNT_CVG_ELIGY_PRFL_F UPDATE_DPNT_CVG_ELIG_PRFL ',30);
11607              --
11608              P_VALIDATE               => false
11609              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
11610              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
11611              --
11612              ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_DCE.INFORMATION111
11613 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_DCE.INFORMATION120
11614 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_DCE.INFORMATION121
11615 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_DCE.INFORMATION122
11616 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_DCE.INFORMATION123
11617 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_DCE.INFORMATION124
11618 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_DCE.INFORMATION125
11619 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_DCE.INFORMATION126
11620 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_DCE.INFORMATION127
11621 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_DCE.INFORMATION128
11622 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_DCE.INFORMATION129
11623 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_DCE.INFORMATION112
11624 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_DCE.INFORMATION130
11625 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_DCE.INFORMATION131
11626 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_DCE.INFORMATION132
11627 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_DCE.INFORMATION133
11628 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_DCE.INFORMATION134
11629 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_DCE.INFORMATION135
11630 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_DCE.INFORMATION136
11631 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_DCE.INFORMATION137
11632 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_DCE.INFORMATION138
11633 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_DCE.INFORMATION139
11634 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_DCE.INFORMATION113
11635 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_DCE.INFORMATION140
11636 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_DCE.INFORMATION114
11637 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_DCE.INFORMATION115
11638 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_DCE.INFORMATION116
11639 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_DCE.INFORMATION117
11640 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_DCE.INFORMATION118
11641 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_DCE.INFORMATION119
11642 	                  ,P_DCE_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_DCE.INFORMATION110
11643 	                  ,P_DCE_DESC      => r_DCE.INFORMATION185
11644 	                  ,P_DPNT_AGE_FLAG      => r_DCE.INFORMATION13
11645 	                  ,P_DPNT_CVG_ELIGY_PRFL_ID      => l_dpnt_cvg_eligy_prfl_id
11646 	                  ,P_DPNT_CVG_ELIGY_PRFL_STAT_CD      => r_DCE.INFORMATION11
11647 	                  ,P_DPNT_CVG_ELIG_DET_RL      => l_DPNT_CVG_ELIG_DET_RL
11648 	                  ,P_DPNT_CVRD_IN_ANTHR_PL_FLAG      => r_DCE.INFORMATION19
11649 	                  ,P_DPNT_DSBLD_FLAG      => r_DCE.INFORMATION15
11650 	                  ,P_DPNT_DSGNT_CRNTLY_ENRLD_FLAG      => r_DCE.INFORMATION20
11651 	                  ,P_DPNT_MLTRY_FLAG      => r_DCE.INFORMATION17
11652 	                  ,P_DPNT_MRTL_FLAG      => r_DCE.INFORMATION16
11653 	                  ,P_DPNT_PSTL_FLAG      => r_DCE.INFORMATION18
11654 	                  ,P_DPNT_RLSHP_FLAG      => r_DCE.INFORMATION12
11655 	                  ,P_DPNT_STUD_FLAG      => r_DCE.INFORMATION14
11656 	                  ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_DCE.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
11657              ,P_REGN_ID      => l_REGN_ID
11658              --
11659              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
11660              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
11661              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER => l_object_version_number
11662              ,P_DATETRACK_MODE        => l_datetrack_mode
11663            );
11664            --
11665            end if;
11666          end if;
11667          --
11668          -- Delete the row if it is end dated.
11669          --
11670          if (trunc(l_max_eed) <> trunc(hr_api.g_eot) and
11671              trunc(l_max_eed) <> l_effective_end_date and      /* Bug 4302963 */
11672              trunc(l_max_eed) = r_DCE.information3) then
11673            --
11675                 --
11676                 p_validate                       => false
11677                 ,p_dpnt_cvg_eligy_prfl_id                   => l_dpnt_cvg_eligy_prfl_id
11678                 ,p_effective_start_date           => l_effective_start_date
11679                 ,p_effective_end_date             => l_effective_end_date
11680                 ,p_object_version_number          => l_object_version_number
11681                 ,p_effective_date                 => l_max_eed
11682                 ,p_datetrack_mode                 => hr_api.g_delete
11683                 --
11684                 );
11685                 --
11686          end if;
11687          --
11688          l_prev_pk_id := l_current_pk_id ;
11689          --
11690        end if;
11691        --
11692      end if;
11693      --
11694    end loop;
11695    --
11696  exception when others then
11697    --
11698    raise_error_message( 'DCE',l_prefix || r_DCE.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix) ;
11699    --
11700  end create_DCE_rows;
11701    --
11702    ---------------------------------------------------------------
11703    ----------------------< create_GOS_rows >-----------------------
11704    ---------------------------------------------------------------
11705    --
11706    procedure create_GOS_rows
11707    (
11708          p_validate                       in  number     default 0
11709         ,p_copy_entity_txn_id             in  number
11710         ,p_effective_date                 in  date
11711         ,p_prefix_suffix_text             in  varchar2  default null
11712         ,p_reuse_object_flag              in  varchar2  default null
11713         ,p_target_business_group_id       in  varchar2  default null
11714         ,p_prefix_suffix_cd               in  varchar2  default null
11715    ) is
11716    --
11717    cursor c_unique_GOS(l_table_alias varchar2) is
11718    select distinct cpe.information1,
11719      cpe.information2,
11720      cpe.information3,
11721      cpe.INFORMATION170 name,
11722      cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
11723    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe,
11724         pqh_table_route tr
11725    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
11726    and   cpe.table_route_id     = tr.table_route_id
11727    -- and   tr.where_clause        = l_BEN_GD_OR_SVC_TYP
11728    and tr.table_alias = l_table_alias
11729    and   cpe.number_of_copies   = 1 --ADDITION
11730    group by cpe.information1,cpe.information2,cpe.information3,
11731             cpe.INFORMATION170, cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
11732    order by information1, information2; --added for bug: 5151945
11733    --
11734    --
11735    cursor c_GOS_min_max_dates(c_table_route_id  number,
11736                 c_information1   number) is
11737    select
11738      min(cpe.information2) min_esd,
11739      max(cpe.information3) min_eed
11740    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
11741    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
11742    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
11743    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1 ;
11744    --
11745    cursor c_GOS(c_table_route_id  number,
11746                 c_information1   number,
11747                 c_information2   date,
11748                 c_information3   date )  is
11749    select
11750      cpe.*
11751    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
11752    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
11753    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
11754    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1
11755    and rownum = 1 ;
11756    -- Date Track target record
11757    cursor c_find_GOS_in_target( c_GOS_name          varchar2,
11758                                 c_effective_start_date    date,
11759                                 c_effective_end_date      date,
11760                                 c_business_group_id       number,
11761                                 c_new_pk_id               number) is
11762    select
11763      GOS.gd_or_svc_typ_id new_value
11764    from BEN_GD_OR_SVC_TYP GOS
11765    where GOS.name               = c_GOS_name
11766    and   GOS.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
11767    and   GOS.gd_or_svc_typ_id  <> c_new_pk_id
11768                 ;
11769    --
11770    l_current_pk_id           number := null ;
11771    --UPD START
11772    --
11773    l_update                  boolean      := false ;
11774    l_datetrack_mode          varchar2(80) := hr_api.g_update;
11775    l_process_date            date;
11776    l_dml_operation           ben_copy_entity_results.dml_operation%TYPE ;
11777    --
11778    --UPD END
11779    l_prev_pk_id              number := null ;
11780    l_first_rec               boolean := true ;
11781    r_GOS                     c_GOS%rowtype;
11782    l_gd_or_svc_typ_id             number ;
11783    l_object_version_number   number ;
11784    l_effective_start_date    date ;
11785    l_effective_end_date      date ;
11786    l_prefix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
11787    l_suffix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
11788    l_new_value               number(15);
11789    l_object_found_in_target  boolean := false ;
11790    l_min_esd                 date;
11791    l_max_eed                 date;
11792    --
11793  begin
11794    -- Initialization
11795    l_object_found_in_target := false ;
11796    -- End Initialization
11797    -- Derive the prefix - sufix
11798    if   p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX' then
11799      l_prefix  := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
11800    elsif p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX' then
11801      l_suffix   := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
11802    else
11803      l_prefix := null ;
11804      l_suffix  := null ;
11805    end if ;
11806    -- End Prefix Sufix derivation
11807    for r_GOS_unique in c_unique_GOS('GOS') loop
11808      --
11809      hr_utility.set_location(' r_GOS_unique.table_route_id '||r_GOS_unique.table_route_id,10);
11810      hr_utility.set_location(' r_GOS_unique.information1 '||r_GOS_unique.information1,10);
11811      hr_utility.set_location( 'r_GOS_unique.information2 '||r_GOS_unique.information2,10);
11812      hr_utility.set_location( 'r_GOS_unique.information3 '||r_GOS_unique.information3,10);
11813      -- If reuse objects flag is 'Y' then check for the object in the target business group
11814      -- if found insert the record into PLSql table and exit the loop else try create the
11815      -- object in the target business group
11816      --
11817      l_object_found_in_target := false ;
11818      --UPD START
11819      l_dml_operation := r_GOS_unique.dml_operation;
11820      --
11821      l_update := false;
11822      --
11823      if l_dml_operation = 'UPDATE' then
11824        --
11825                l_update := true;
11826                if r_GOS_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
11827                   nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'GD_OR_SVC_TYP_ID'  then
11828                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'GD_OR_SVC_TYP_ID' ;
11829                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_GOS_unique.information1 ;
11830                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := r_GOS_unique.information1 ;
11831                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
11832                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_GOS_unique.table_route_id;
11833                   --
11834                   -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ; -- NEW
11835                   --
11836                   g_count := g_count + 1 ;
11837                   --
11838                   log_data('GOS',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_GOS_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
11839                   --
11840                end if ;
11841                l_GD_OR_SVC_TYP_ID := r_GOS_unique.information1 ;
11842                l_object_version_number := r_GOS.information265 ;
11843                hr_utility.set_location( 'found record for update',10);
11844            --
11845      else
11846      l_min_esd := null ;
11847      l_max_eed := null ;
11848      if p_reuse_object_flag = 'Y' then
11849            -- cursor to find the object
11850            open c_find_GOS_in_target( l_prefix || r_GOS_unique.name || l_suffix ,r_GOS_unique.information2,l_max_eed,
11851                                  p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_gd_or_svc_typ_id, -999)  ) ;
11852            fetch c_find_GOS_in_target into l_new_value ;
11853            if c_find_GOS_in_target%found then
11854              --
11855              if r_GOS_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
11856                 nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'GD_OR_SVC_TYP_ID'  then
11857                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'GD_OR_SVC_TYP_ID' ;
11858                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_GOS_unique.information1 ;
11859                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := l_new_value ;
11860                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
11861                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_GOS_unique.table_route_id;
11862                 --
11863                 -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count) , p_copy_entity_txn_id) ;
11864                 --
11865                 g_count := g_count + 1 ;
11866                 --
11867                 log_data('GOS',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_GOS_unique.name || l_suffix ,'REUSED');
11868                 --
11869              end if ;
11870              --
11871              l_object_found_in_target := true ;
11872            end if;
11873            close c_find_GOS_in_target ;
11874          --
11875      end if ;
11876      --
11877      end if;
11878      if not l_object_found_in_target or l_update then
11879        --
11880        open c_GOS(r_GOS_unique.table_route_id,
11881                 r_GOS_unique.information1,
11882                 r_GOS_unique.information2,
11883                 r_GOS_unique.information3 ) ;
11884        --
11885        fetch c_GOS into r_GOS ;
11886        --
11887        close c_GOS ;
11888        --
11889        l_current_pk_id := r_GOS.information1;
11890        --
11891        hr_utility.set_location(' l_current_pk_id '||l_current_pk_id,20);
11892        hr_utility.set_location(' l_prev_pk_id '||l_prev_pk_id,20);
11893        --
11894        if l_current_pk_id =  l_prev_pk_id  then
11895          --
11896          l_first_rec := false ;
11897          --
11898        else
11899          --
11900          l_first_rec := true ;
11901          --
11902        end if ;
11903        --
11904        ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.ben_chk_col_len('NAME' ,'BEN_GD_OR_SVC_TYP',l_prefix || r_GOS.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix);
11905        --
11906        if l_first_rec and not l_update then
11907          -- Call Create routine.
11908          hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_GD_OR_SVC_TYP CREATE_GOOD_SVC_TYPE ',20);
11910              --
11911              P_VALIDATE               => false
11912              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => NVL(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ,p_effective_date)
11913              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
11914              --
11915             ,P_DESCRIPTION      => r_GOS.INFORMATION185
11916 	                 ,P_GD_OR_SVC_TYP_ID      => l_gd_or_svc_typ_id
11917 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_GOS.INFORMATION111
11918 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_GOS.INFORMATION120
11919 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_GOS.INFORMATION121
11920 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_GOS.INFORMATION122
11921 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_GOS.INFORMATION123
11922 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_GOS.INFORMATION124
11923 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_GOS.INFORMATION125
11924 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_GOS.INFORMATION126
11925 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_GOS.INFORMATION127
11926 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_GOS.INFORMATION128
11927 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_GOS.INFORMATION129
11928 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_GOS.INFORMATION112
11929 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_GOS.INFORMATION130
11930 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_GOS.INFORMATION131
11931 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_GOS.INFORMATION132
11932 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_GOS.INFORMATION133
11933 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_GOS.INFORMATION134
11934 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_GOS.INFORMATION135
11935 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_GOS.INFORMATION136
11936 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_GOS.INFORMATION137
11937 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_GOS.INFORMATION138
11938 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_GOS.INFORMATION139
11939 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_GOS.INFORMATION113
11940 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_GOS.INFORMATION140
11941 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_GOS.INFORMATION114
11942 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_GOS.INFORMATION115
11943 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_GOS.INFORMATION116
11944 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_GOS.INFORMATION117
11945 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_GOS.INFORMATION118
11946 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_GOS.INFORMATION119
11947 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_GOS.INFORMATION110
11948 	                 ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_GOS.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
11949              ,P_TYP_CD      => r_GOS.INFORMATION11
11950              --
11951              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
11952          );
11953          -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
11954          -- Update all relevent cer records with new pk_id
11955          hr_utility.set_location('Before plsql table ',222);
11956          hr_utility.set_location('new_value id '||l_gd_or_svc_typ_id,222);
11957          g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column := 'GD_OR_SVC_TYP_ID' ;
11958          g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value    := r_GOS.information1 ;
11959          g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value    := l_GD_OR_SVC_TYP_ID ;
11960          g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type  := 'COPIED';
11961          g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_GOS_unique.table_route_id;
11962          hr_utility.set_location('After plsql table ',222);
11963          --
11964          -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
11965          --
11966          g_count := g_count + 1 ;
11967          --
11968          log_data('GOS',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_GOS.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix,'COPIED');
11969          --
11970        elsif l_update then
11971          --
11972          hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_GD_OR_SVC_TYP UPDATE_GOOD_SVC_TYPE ',20);
11974              --
11975              P_VALIDATE               => false
11976              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => NVL(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ,p_effective_date)
11977              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
11978              --
11979             ,P_DESCRIPTION      => r_GOS.INFORMATION185
11980 	                 ,P_GD_OR_SVC_TYP_ID      => l_gd_or_svc_typ_id
11981 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_GOS.INFORMATION111
11982 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_GOS.INFORMATION120
11983 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_GOS.INFORMATION121
11984 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_GOS.INFORMATION122
11985 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_GOS.INFORMATION123
11986 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_GOS.INFORMATION124
11987 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_GOS.INFORMATION125
11988 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_GOS.INFORMATION126
11989 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_GOS.INFORMATION127
11990 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_GOS.INFORMATION128
11991 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_GOS.INFORMATION129
11992 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_GOS.INFORMATION112
11993 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_GOS.INFORMATION130
11994 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_GOS.INFORMATION131
11995 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_GOS.INFORMATION132
11996 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_GOS.INFORMATION133
11997 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_GOS.INFORMATION134
11998 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_GOS.INFORMATION135
11999 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_GOS.INFORMATION136
12000 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_GOS.INFORMATION137
12001 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_GOS.INFORMATION138
12002 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_GOS.INFORMATION139
12003 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_GOS.INFORMATION113
12004 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_GOS.INFORMATION140
12005 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_GOS.INFORMATION114
12006 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_GOS.INFORMATION115
12007 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_GOS.INFORMATION116
12008 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_GOS.INFORMATION117
12009 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_GOS.INFORMATION118
12010 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_GOS.INFORMATION119
12011 	                 ,P_GOS_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_GOS.INFORMATION110
12012 	                 ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_GOS.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
12013              ,P_TYP_CD      => r_GOS.INFORMATION11
12014              --
12015              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
12016          );
12017        end if;
12018        --
12019        l_prev_pk_id := l_current_pk_id ;
12020        --
12021      end if;
12022      --
12023    end loop;
12024    --
12025  exception when others then
12026    --
12027    raise_error_message( 'GOS',l_prefix || r_GOS.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix) ;
12028    --
12029  end create_GOS_rows;
12030    --
12031    ---------------------------------------------------------------
12032    ----------------------< create_BNG_rows >-----------------------
12033    ---------------------------------------------------------------
12034    --
12035    procedure create_BNG_rows
12036    (
12037          p_validate                       in  number     default 0
12038         ,p_copy_entity_txn_id             in  number
12039         ,p_effective_date                 in  date
12040         ,p_prefix_suffix_text             in  varchar2  default null
12041         ,p_reuse_object_flag              in  varchar2  default null
12042         ,p_target_business_group_id       in  varchar2  default null
12043         ,p_prefix_suffix_cd               in  varchar2  default null
12044    ) is
12045    --
12046    cursor c_unique_BNG(l_table_alias varchar2) is
12047    select distinct cpe.information1,
12048      cpe.information2,
12049      cpe.information3,
12050      cpe.INFORMATION170 name,
12051      cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
12052    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe,
12053         pqh_table_route tr
12054    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
12055    and   cpe.table_route_id     = tr.table_route_id
12056    -- and   tr.where_clause        = l_BEN_BENFTS_GRP
12057    and tr.table_alias = l_table_alias
12058    and   cpe.number_of_copies   = 1 --ADDITION
12059    group by cpe.information1,cpe.information2,cpe.information3,
12060             cpe.INFORMATION170, cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
12061    order by information1, information2; --added for bug: 5151945
12062    --
12063    --
12064    cursor c_BNG_min_max_dates(c_table_route_id  number,
12065                 c_information1   number) is
12066    select
12067      min(cpe.information2) min_esd,
12068      max(cpe.information3) min_eed
12069    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
12070    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
12071    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
12072    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1 ;
12073    --
12074    cursor c_BNG(c_table_route_id  number,
12075                 c_information1   number,
12076                 c_information2   date,
12077                 c_information3   date )  is
12078    select
12079      cpe.*
12080    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
12081    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
12082    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
12083    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1
12084    and rownum = 1 ;
12085    -- Date Track target record
12086    cursor c_find_BNG_in_target( c_BNG_name          varchar2,
12087                                 c_effective_start_date    date,
12088                                 c_effective_end_date      date,
12089                                 c_business_group_id       number,
12090                                 c_new_pk_id               number) is
12091    select
12092      BNG.benfts_grp_id new_value
12093    from BEN_BENFTS_GRP BNG
12094    where BNG.name               = c_BNG_name
12095    and   BNG.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
12096    and   BNG.benfts_grp_id  <> c_new_pk_id
12097                 ;
12098    --
12099    l_current_pk_id           number := null ;
12100    --UPD START
12101    --
12102    l_update                  boolean      := false ;
12103    l_datetrack_mode          varchar2(80) := hr_api.g_update;
12104    l_process_date            date;
12105    l_dml_operation           ben_copy_entity_results.dml_operation%TYPE ;
12106    --
12107    --UPD END
12108    l_prev_pk_id              number := null ;
12109    l_first_rec               boolean := true ;
12110    r_BNG                     c_BNG%rowtype;
12111    l_benfts_grp_id             number ;
12112    l_object_version_number   number ;
12113    l_effective_start_date    date ;
12114    l_effective_end_date      date ;
12115    l_prefix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
12116    l_suffix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
12117    l_new_value               number(15);
12118    l_object_found_in_target  boolean := false ;
12119    l_min_esd                 date;
12120    l_max_eed                 date;
12121    --
12122  begin
12123    -- Initialization
12124    l_object_found_in_target := false ;
12125    -- End Initialization
12126    -- Derive the prefix - sufix
12127    if   p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX' then
12128      l_prefix  := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
12129    elsif p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX' then
12130      l_suffix   := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
12131    else
12132      l_prefix := null ;
12133      l_suffix  := null ;
12134    end if ;
12135    -- End Prefix Sufix derivation
12136    for r_BNG_unique in c_unique_BNG('BNG') loop
12137      --
12138      hr_utility.set_location(' r_BNG_unique.table_route_id '||r_BNG_unique.table_route_id,10);
12139      hr_utility.set_location(' r_BNG_unique.information1 '||r_BNG_unique.information1,10);
12140      hr_utility.set_location( 'r_BNG_unique.information2 '||r_BNG_unique.information2,10);
12141      hr_utility.set_location( 'r_BNG_unique.information3 '||r_BNG_unique.information3,10);
12142      -- If reuse objects flag is 'Y' then check for the object in the target business group
12143      -- if found insert the record into PLSql table and exit the loop else try create the
12144      -- object in the target business group
12145      --
12146      l_object_found_in_target := false ;
12147      l_dml_operation := r_BNG_unique.dml_operation;
12148      --
12149      l_update := false;
12150      --
12151      if l_dml_operation = 'UPDATE' then
12152        --
12153                l_update := true;
12154                if r_BNG_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
12155                   nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'BENFTS_GRP_ID'  then
12156                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'BENFTS_GRP_ID' ;
12157                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_BNG_unique.information1 ;
12158                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := r_BNG_unique.information1 ;
12159                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
12160                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_BNG_unique.table_route_id;
12161                   --
12162                   -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ; -- NEW
12163                   --
12164                   g_count := g_count + 1 ;
12165                   --
12166                   log_data('BNG',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_BNG_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
12167                   --
12168                end if ;
12169                l_BENFTS_GRP_ID := r_BNG_unique.information1 ;
12170                l_object_version_number := r_BNG.information265 ;
12171                hr_utility.set_location( 'found record for update',10);
12172            --
12173      else
12174      l_min_esd := null ;
12175      l_max_eed := null ;
12176      if p_reuse_object_flag = 'Y' then
12177            -- cursor to find the object
12178            open c_find_BNG_in_target( l_prefix || r_BNG_unique.name || l_suffix ,r_BNG_unique.information2,l_max_eed,
12179                                  p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_benfts_grp_id, -999)  ) ;
12180            fetch c_find_BNG_in_target into l_new_value ;
12181            if c_find_BNG_in_target%found then
12182              --
12183              if r_BNG_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
12184                 nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'BENFTS_GRP_ID'  then
12185                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'BENFTS_GRP_ID' ;
12186                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_BNG_unique.information1 ;
12187                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := l_new_value ;
12188                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
12189                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_BNG_unique.table_route_id;
12190                 --
12191                 -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count) , p_copy_entity_txn_id) ;
12192                 --
12193                 g_count := g_count + 1 ;
12194              end if ;
12195              --
12196              l_object_found_in_target := true ;
12197            end if;
12198            close c_find_BNG_in_target ;
12199          --
12200      end if ;
12201      --
12202      end if;
12203      if not l_object_found_in_target or l_update then
12204        --
12205        open c_BNG(r_BNG_unique.table_route_id,
12206                 r_BNG_unique.information1,
12207                 r_BNG_unique.information2,
12208                 r_BNG_unique.information3 ) ;
12209        --
12210        fetch c_BNG into r_BNG ;
12211        --
12212        close c_BNG ;
12213        --
12214        l_current_pk_id := r_BNG.information1;
12215        --
12216        hr_utility.set_location(' l_current_pk_id '||l_current_pk_id,20);
12217        hr_utility.set_location(' l_prev_pk_id '||l_prev_pk_id,20);
12218        --
12219        if l_current_pk_id =  l_prev_pk_id  then
12220          --
12221          l_first_rec := false ;
12222          --
12223        else
12224          --
12225          l_first_rec := true ;
12226          --
12227        end if ;
12228        --
12229        ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.ben_chk_col_len('NAME' ,'BEN_BENFTS_GRP',l_prefix || r_BNG.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix);
12230        --
12231        if l_first_rec and not l_update then
12232          -- Call Create routine.
12233          hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_BENFTS_GRP CREATE_BENEFITS_GROUP ',20);
12235              --
12236              P_VALIDATE               => false
12237              -- ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => p_effective_date
12238              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
12239              --
12240              ,P_BENFTS_GRP_ID      => l_benfts_grp_id
12241 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_BNG.INFORMATION111
12242 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_BNG.INFORMATION120
12243 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_BNG.INFORMATION121
12244 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_BNG.INFORMATION122
12245 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_BNG.INFORMATION123
12246 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_BNG.INFORMATION124
12247 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_BNG.INFORMATION125
12248 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_BNG.INFORMATION126
12249 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_BNG.INFORMATION127
12250 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_BNG.INFORMATION128
12251 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_BNG.INFORMATION129
12252 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_BNG.INFORMATION112
12253 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_BNG.INFORMATION130
12254 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_BNG.INFORMATION131
12255 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_BNG.INFORMATION132
12256 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_BNG.INFORMATION133
12257 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_BNG.INFORMATION134
12258 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_BNG.INFORMATION135
12259 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_BNG.INFORMATION136
12260 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_BNG.INFORMATION137
12261 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_BNG.INFORMATION138
12262 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_BNG.INFORMATION139
12263 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_BNG.INFORMATION113
12264 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_BNG.INFORMATION140
12265 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_BNG.INFORMATION114
12266 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_BNG.INFORMATION115
12267 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_BNG.INFORMATION116
12268 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_BNG.INFORMATION117
12269 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_BNG.INFORMATION118
12270 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_BNG.INFORMATION119
12271 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_BNG.INFORMATION110
12272 	                  ,P_BNG_DESC      => r_BNG.INFORMATION185
12273              ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_BNG.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
12274              --
12275              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
12276          );
12277          -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
12278          -- Update all relevent cer records with new pk_id
12279          hr_utility.set_location('Before plsql table ',222);
12280          hr_utility.set_location('new_value id '||l_benfts_grp_id,222);
12281          g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column := 'BENFTS_GRP_ID' ;
12282          g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value    := r_BNG.information1 ;
12283          g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value    := l_BENFTS_GRP_ID ;
12284          g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type  := 'COPIED';
12285          g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_BNG_unique.table_route_id;
12286          hr_utility.set_location('After plsql table ',222);
12287          --
12288          -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
12289          --
12290          g_count := g_count + 1 ;
12291          --
12292          log_data('BNG',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_BNG.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix,'COPIED');
12293          --
12294        elsif l_update then
12296          hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_BENFTS_GRP UPDATE_BENEFITS_GROUP ',20);
12298              --
12299              P_VALIDATE               => false
12300              -- ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => p_effective_date
12301              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
12302              --
12303              ,P_BENFTS_GRP_ID      => l_benfts_grp_id
12304 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_BNG.INFORMATION111
12305 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_BNG.INFORMATION120
12306 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_BNG.INFORMATION121
12307 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_BNG.INFORMATION122
12308 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_BNG.INFORMATION123
12309 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_BNG.INFORMATION124
12310 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_BNG.INFORMATION125
12311 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_BNG.INFORMATION126
12312 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_BNG.INFORMATION127
12313 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_BNG.INFORMATION128
12314 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_BNG.INFORMATION129
12315 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_BNG.INFORMATION112
12316 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_BNG.INFORMATION130
12317 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_BNG.INFORMATION131
12318 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_BNG.INFORMATION132
12319 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_BNG.INFORMATION133
12320 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_BNG.INFORMATION134
12321 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_BNG.INFORMATION135
12322 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_BNG.INFORMATION136
12323 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_BNG.INFORMATION137
12324 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_BNG.INFORMATION138
12325 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_BNG.INFORMATION139
12326 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_BNG.INFORMATION113
12327 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_BNG.INFORMATION140
12328 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_BNG.INFORMATION114
12329 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_BNG.INFORMATION115
12330 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_BNG.INFORMATION116
12331 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_BNG.INFORMATION117
12332 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_BNG.INFORMATION118
12333 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_BNG.INFORMATION119
12334 	                  ,P_BNG_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_BNG.INFORMATION110
12335 	                  ,P_BNG_DESC      => r_BNG.INFORMATION185
12336              ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_BNG.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
12337              --
12338              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
12339          );
12340        end if;
12341        --
12342        l_prev_pk_id := l_current_pk_id ;
12343        --
12344      end if;
12345      --
12346    end loop;
12347    --
12348  exception when others then
12349    --
12350    raise_error_message( 'BNG',l_prefix || r_BNG.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix) ;
12351    --
12352  end create_BNG_rows;
12355    --
12356    ---------------------------------------------------------------
12357    ----------------------< create_PSL_rows >-----------------------
12358    ---------------------------------------------------------------
12359    --
12360    procedure create_PSL_rows
12361    (
12362          p_validate                       in  number     default 0
12363         ,p_copy_entity_txn_id             in  number
12364         ,p_effective_date                 in  date
12365         ,p_prefix_suffix_text             in  varchar2  default null
12366         ,p_reuse_object_flag              in  varchar2  default null
12367         ,p_target_business_group_id       in  varchar2  default null
12368         ,p_prefix_suffix_cd               in  varchar2  default null
12369    ) is
12370    --
12371    l_source_table            varchar2(240);
12372    l_source_column           varchar2(240);
12373    l_new_val                 varchar2(240);
12374    l_old_val                 varchar2(240);
12375    --
12376    cursor c_unique_PSL(l_table_alias varchar2) is
12377    select distinct cpe.information1,
12378      cpe.information2,
12379      cpe.information3,
12380      cpe.INFORMATION218 name,
12381      cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
12382    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe,
12383         pqh_table_route tr
12384    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
12385    and   cpe.table_route_id     = tr.table_route_id
12386    -- and   tr.where_clause        = l_BEN_PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_F
12387    and tr.table_alias = l_table_alias
12388    and   cpe.number_of_copies   = 1 --ADDITION
12389    group by cpe.information1,cpe.information2,cpe.information3, cpe.INFORMATION218, cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
12390    order by information1, information2; --added for bug: 5151945
12391    --
12392    --
12393    cursor c_PSL_min_max_dates(c_table_route_id  number,
12394                 c_information1   number) is
12395    select
12396      min(cpe.information2) min_esd,
12397      max(cpe.information3) min_eed
12398    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
12399    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
12400    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
12401    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1 ;
12402    --
12403    cursor c_PSL(c_table_route_id  number,
12404                 c_information1   number,
12405                 c_information2   date,
12406                 c_information3   date )  is
12407    select
12408      cpe.*
12409    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
12410    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
12411    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
12412    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1
12413    and   cpe.information2       = c_information2
12414    and   cpe.information3       = c_information3
12415    and rownum = 1 ;
12416    -- Date Track target record
12417    cursor c_find_PSL_in_target( c_PSL_name          varchar2,
12418                                 c_effective_start_date    date,
12419                                 c_effective_end_date      date,
12420                                 c_business_group_id       number,
12421                                 c_new_pk_id               number) is
12422    select
12423      PSL.per_info_chg_cs_ler_id new_value
12425    where ( PSL.name               = c_PSL_name OR
12426    (   PSL.source_table       = l_source_table
12427    and   PSL.source_column      = l_source_column
12428    and   PSL.new_val            = nvl(l_new_val,hr_api.g_varchar2)
12429    and   PSL.old_val            = nvl(l_old_val,hr_api.g_varchar2) ))
12430    and   PSL.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
12431    and   PSL.per_info_chg_cs_ler_id  <> c_new_pk_id
12432 --TEMPIK
12433    and c_effective_start_date between effective_start_date
12434                             and effective_end_date ;
12435 --END TEMPIK
12436 /*TEMPIK
12437    and exists ( select null
12438                 from BEN_PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_F PSL1
12439                 where (PSL1.name               = c_PSL_name OR
12440                 (   PSL1.source_table       = l_source_table
12441                 and   PSL1.source_column      = l_source_column
12442                 --and   PSL1.new_val            = nvl(l_new_val,hr_api.g_varchar2)
12443                 --and   PSL1.old_val            = nvl(l_old_val,hr_api.g_varchar2)
12444                 ))
12445                 and   PSL1.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
12446                 and   PSL1.effective_start_date <= c_effective_start_date )
12447    and exists ( select null
12448                 from BEN_PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_F PSL2
12449                 where ( PSL2.name               = c_PSL_name OR
12450                 (   PSL2.source_table       = l_source_table
12451                 and   PSL2.source_column      = l_source_column
12452                 --and   PSL2.new_val            = nvl(l_new_val,hr_api.g_varchar2)
12453                 --and   PSL2.old_val            = nvl(l_old_val,hr_api.g_varchar2)
12454                 ))
12455                 and   PSL2.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
12456                 and   PSL2.effective_end_date >= c_effective_end_date )
12457                 ;
12458 TEMPIK */
12459    --TEMPIK
12460    l_dt_rec_found            boolean ;
12461    --END TEMPIK
12462    --
12463     cursor c_abs_reason(cv_lookup_code in varchar2, cv_effective_date in date) is
12464     SELECT hl.lookup_code
12465     FROM hr_lookups hl,
12466          per_abs_attendance_reasons abs
12467     WHERE hl.lookup_type = 'ABSENCE_REASON'
12468       AND hl.lookup_code = abs.name
12469       AND hl.lookup_code = cv_lookup_code
12470       AND hl.enabled_flag = 'Y'
12471       AND abs.business_group_id = p_target_business_group_id
12472       AND cv_effective_date between nvl(start_date_active,cv_effective_date)
12473       and nvl(end_date_active,cv_effective_date);
12474     --
12475     cursor c_abs_type(cv_val in varchar2) is
12476     SELECT absence_attendance_type_id
12478     WHERE business_group_id = p_target_business_group_id
12479       and name = cv_val;
12480    --
12481     l_abs_old_name varchar2(600);
12482     l_abs_new_name varchar2(600);
12483    --
12484    l_current_pk_id           number := null ;
12485    --UPD START
12486    --
12487    l_update                  boolean      := false ;
12488    l_datetrack_mode          varchar2(80) := hr_api.g_update;
12489    l_process_date            date;
12490    l_dml_operation           ben_copy_entity_results.dml_operation%TYPE ;
12491    --
12492    --UPD END
12493    l_prev_pk_id              number := null ;
12494    l_first_rec               boolean := true ;
12495    r_PSL                     c_PSL%rowtype;
12496    l_per_info_chg_cs_ler_id             number ;
12497    l_object_version_number   number ;
12498    l_effective_start_date    date ;
12499    l_effective_end_date      date ;
12500    l_prefix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
12501    l_suffix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
12502    l_new_value               number(15);
12503    l_object_found_in_target  boolean := false ;
12504    l_min_esd                 date;
12505    l_max_eed                 date;
12506    l_PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_RL  number;
12507    l_effective_date          date;
12508    --
12509  begin
12510    -- Initialization
12511    l_object_found_in_target := false ;
12512    -- End Initialization
12513    -- Derive the prefix - sufix
12514    if   p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX' then
12515      l_prefix  := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
12516    elsif p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX' then
12517      l_suffix   := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
12518    else
12519      l_prefix := null ;
12520      l_suffix  := null ;
12521    end if ;
12522    -- End Prefix Sufix derivation
12523    for r_PSL_unique in c_unique_PSL('PSL') loop
12525      if (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is null or
12526         (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
12527          r_PSL_unique.information3 >=
12528                  ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date)
12529         ) then
12531        --
12532        hr_utility.set_location(' r_PSL_unique.table_route_id '||r_PSL_unique.table_route_id,10);
12533        hr_utility.set_location(' r_PSL_unique.information1 '||r_PSL_unique.information1,10);
12534        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_PSL_unique.information2 '||r_PSL_unique.information2,10);
12535        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_PSL_unique.information3 '||r_PSL_unique.information3,10);
12536        -- If reuse objects flag is 'Y' then check for the object in the target business group
12537        -- if found insert the record into PLSql table and exit the loop else try create the
12538        -- object in the target business group
12539        --
12540        l_object_found_in_target := false ;
12541        l_min_esd := null ;
12542        l_max_eed := null ;
12543        open c_PSL_min_max_dates(r_PSL_unique.table_route_id, r_PSL_unique.information1 ) ;
12544        fetch c_PSL_min_max_dates into l_min_esd,l_max_eed ;
12545        --
12547        if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
12548             l_min_esd < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
12549          l_min_esd := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
12550        end if;
12551        l_min_esd := greatest(l_min_esd,r_PSL_unique.information2);
12553        open c_PSL(r_PSL_unique.table_route_id,
12554                 r_PSL_unique.information1,
12555                 r_PSL_unique.information2,
12556                 r_PSL_unique.information3 ) ;
12557        --
12558        fetch c_PSL into r_PSL ;
12559        --
12560        --
12561        -- For absences seeded plan design
12562        --
12563        l_abs_old_name := r_PSL.information185;
12564        l_abs_new_name := r_PSL.information186;
12565        if r_PSL.information142 = 'PER_ABSENCE_ATTENDANCES' then
12566          --
12567          if r_PSL.information141 = 'ABSENCE_ATTENDANCE_TYPE_ID' then
12568            --
12569            if r_PSL.information185 not in ('OABANY', 'NULL') then
12570              open c_abs_type(r_PSL.information188);
12571               fetch c_abs_type into l_abs_old_name;
12572               close c_abs_type;
12573            end if;
12574            --
12575            if r_PSL.information186 not in ('OABANY', 'NULL') then
12576              open c_abs_type(r_PSL.information187);
12577              fetch c_abs_type into l_abs_new_name;
12578              close c_abs_type;
12579            end if;
12580            --
12581          elsif r_PSL.information141 = 'ABS_ATTENDANCE_REASON_ID' then
12582            --
12583            if r_PSL.information185 not in ('OABANY', 'NULL') then
12584              open c_abs_reason(r_PSL.information188, p_effective_date);
12585              fetch c_abs_reason into l_abs_old_name;
12586              close c_abs_reason;
12587            end if;
12588            --
12589            if r_PSL.information186 not in ('OABANY', 'NULL') then
12590              open c_abs_reason(r_PSL.information187,p_effective_date );
12591              fetch c_abs_reason into l_abs_new_name;
12592              close c_abs_reason;
12593            end if;
12594            --
12595          end if;
12596          --
12597        end if;
12598        l_source_table        := r_PSL.information142 ;
12599        l_source_column       := r_PSL.information141 ;
12600        --
12601        l_new_val             := l_abs_new_name ;
12602        l_old_val             := l_abs_old_name ;
12603        --
12604        close c_PSL ;
12605        l_update := false;
12606        l_process_date := p_effective_date;
12607        l_dml_operation:= r_PSL_unique.dml_operation;
12608        if l_dml_operation = 'UPDATE' then
12609          --
12610          l_object_found_in_target := TRUE;
12611          --
12612          if l_process_date between r_PSL_unique.information2 and r_PSL_unique.information3 then
12613                l_update := true;
12614                if r_PSL_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
12615                   nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_ID'  then
12616                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_ID' ;
12617                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_PSL_unique.information1 ;
12618                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := r_PSL_unique.information1 ;
12619                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
12620                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_PSL_unique.table_route_id;
12621                   --
12622                   -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
12623                   --
12624                   g_count := g_count + 1 ;
12625                   --
12626                   log_data('PSL',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_PSL_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
12627                   --
12628                end if ;
12629                hr_utility.set_location( 'found record for update',10);
12630            --
12631          else
12632            --
12633            l_update := false;
12634            --
12635          end if;
12636        else
12637          --
12638          --UPD END
12639        --if p_reuse_object_flag = 'Y' then
12640          if c_PSL_min_max_dates%found then
12641            -- cursor to find the object
12642            open c_find_PSL_in_target( l_prefix || r_PSL_unique.name || l_suffix ,l_min_esd,l_max_eed,
12643                                  p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_per_info_chg_cs_ler_id, -999)  ) ;
12644            fetch c_find_PSL_in_target into l_new_value ;
12645            --
12646            if c_find_PSL_in_target%found then
12647              --
12648              --TEMPIK
12649              l_dt_rec_found :=   dt_api.check_min_max_dates
12650                  (p_base_table_name => 'BEN_PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_F',
12651                   p_base_key_column => 'PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_ID',
12652                   p_base_key_value  => l_new_value,
12653                   p_from_date       => l_min_esd,
12654                   p_to_date         => l_max_eed );
12655              if l_dt_rec_found THEN
12656              --END TEMPIK
12657              if r_PSL_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
12658                 nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_ID'  then
12659                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_ID' ;
12660                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_PSL_unique.information1 ;
12661                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := l_new_value ;
12662                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
12663                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_PSL_unique.table_route_id;
12664                 --
12665                 -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count) , p_copy_entity_txn_id) ;
12666                 --
12667                 g_count := g_count + 1 ;
12668                 --
12669                 log_data('PSL',l_new_value, r_PSL_unique.name,'REUSED');
12670                 --
12671              end if ;
12672              --
12673              l_object_found_in_target := true ;
12674              --TEMPIK
12675              end if; -- l_dt_rec_found
12676              --END TEMPIK
12677            end if;
12678            close c_find_PSL_in_target ;
12679          --
12680          end if;
12681        --end if ;
12682        --
12683        end if;
12684        close c_PSL_min_max_dates ;
12685        --
12686        if not l_object_found_in_target or l_update then
12687          --
12688          l_current_pk_id := r_PSL.information1;
12689          --
12690          hr_utility.set_location(' l_current_pk_id '||l_current_pk_id,20);
12691          hr_utility.set_location(' l_prev_pk_id '||l_prev_pk_id,20);
12692          --
12693          if l_current_pk_id =  l_prev_pk_id  then
12694            --
12695            l_first_rec := false ;
12696            --
12697          else
12698            --
12699            l_first_rec := true ;
12700            --
12701          end if ;
12702          --
12703          l_PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_PSL.INFORMATION260,l_dml_operation);
12704          --
12705          ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.ben_chk_col_len('NAME' ,'BEN_PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_F',l_prefix || r_PSL.INFORMATION218 || l_suffix);
12706          --
12708          l_effective_date := r_PSL.information2;
12709          if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
12710               l_effective_date < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
12711            l_effective_date := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
12712          end if;
12714          if l_first_rec and not l_update then
12715            -- Call Create routine.
12716            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_F CREATE_PERSON_CHANGE_CS_LER ',20);
12718              --
12719              P_VALIDATE               => false
12720              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
12721              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
12722              --
12723             ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_PSL.INFORMATION218 || l_suffix
12724                           --
12725                           -- Bug No: 3907710
12726                           --
12727                          ,P_RULE_OVERRIDES_FLAG => r_PSL.INFORMATION11
12728                          --
12729 	                 ,P_NEW_VAL      => l_abs_new_name
12730 	                 ,P_OLD_VAL      => l_abs_old_name
12731 	                 ,P_PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_ID      => l_per_info_chg_cs_ler_id
12732 	                 ,P_PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_RL      => l_PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_RL
12733 	                 ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_PSL.INFORMATION111
12734 	                 ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_PSL.INFORMATION120
12735 	                 ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_PSL.INFORMATION121
12736 	                 ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_PSL.INFORMATION122
12737 	                 ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_PSL.INFORMATION123
12738 	                 ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_PSL.INFORMATION124
12739 	                 ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_PSL.INFORMATION125
12740 	                 ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_PSL.INFORMATION126
12741 	                 ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_PSL.INFORMATION127
12742 	                 ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_PSL.INFORMATION128
12743 	                 ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_PSL.INFORMATION129
12744 	                 ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_PSL.INFORMATION112
12745 	                 ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_PSL.INFORMATION130
12746 	                 ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_PSL.INFORMATION131
12747 	                 ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_PSL.INFORMATION132
12748 	                 ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_PSL.INFORMATION133
12749 	                 ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_PSL.INFORMATION134
12750 	                 ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_PSL.INFORMATION135
12751 	                 ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_PSL.INFORMATION136
12752 	                 ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_PSL.INFORMATION137
12753 	                 ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_PSL.INFORMATION138
12754 	                 ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_PSL.INFORMATION139
12755 	                 ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_PSL.INFORMATION113
12756 	                 ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_PSL.INFORMATION140
12757 	                 ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_PSL.INFORMATION114
12758 	                 ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_PSL.INFORMATION115
12759 	                 ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_PSL.INFORMATION116
12760 	                 ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_PSL.INFORMATION117
12761 	                 ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_PSL.INFORMATION118
12762 	                 ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_PSL.INFORMATION119
12763 	                 ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_PSL.INFORMATION110
12764 	                 ,P_SOURCE_COLUMN      => r_PSL.INFORMATION141
12765 	                 ,P_SOURCE_TABLE      => r_PSL.INFORMATION142
12766              ,P_WHATIF_LBL_TXT      => r_PSL.INFORMATION219
12767              --
12768              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
12769              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
12770              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
12771            );
12772            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
12773            -- Update all relevent cer records with new pk_id
12774            hr_utility.set_location('Before plsql table ',222);
12775            hr_utility.set_location('new_value id '||l_per_info_chg_cs_ler_id,222);
12776            g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column := 'PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_ID' ;
12777            g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value    := r_PSL.information1 ;
12778            g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value    := l_PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_ID ;
12779            g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type  := 'COPIED';
12780            g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_PSL_unique.table_route_id;
12781            hr_utility.set_location('After plsql table ',222);
12782            --
12783            -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
12784            --
12785            g_count := g_count + 1 ;
12786            --
12787            log_data('PSL',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_PSL.INFORMATION218 || l_suffix,'COPIED');
12788          else
12789            --
12790            --UPD START
12791            hr_utility.set_location('Before call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'||l_datetrack_mode,5);
12792            --
12793            if l_update then
12794              --
12795              l_datetrack_mode := r_PSL.datetrack_mode ;
12796              --
12797              get_dt_modes(
12798                p_effective_date        => l_process_date,
12799                p_effective_end_date    => r_PSL.information3,
12800                p_effective_start_date  => r_PSL.information2,
12801                p_dml_operation         => r_PSL.dml_operation,
12802                p_datetrack_mode        => l_datetrack_mode );
12803            --    p_update                => l_update
12804              --
12805              l_effective_date := l_process_date;
12806              l_PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_ID   := r_PSL.information1;
12807              l_object_version_number := r_PSL.information265;
12808              --
12809            end if;
12810            --
12811            hr_utility.set_location('After call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'||l_datetrack_mode,5);
12812            --
12813            IF l_update OR l_dml_operation <> 'UPDATE' THEN
12814            --UPD END
12815            -- Call Update routine for the pk_id created in prev run .
12816            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
12817            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_F UPDATE_PERSON_CHANGE_CS_LER ',30);
12819              --
12820              P_VALIDATE               => false
12821              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
12822              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
12823              --
12824              ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_PSL.INFORMATION218 || l_suffix
12825                            --
12826                            -- Bug No: 3907710
12827                            --
12828                           ,P_RULE_OVERRIDES_FLAG => r_PSL.INFORMATION11
12829                            --
12830 	                  ,P_NEW_VAL      => l_abs_new_name
12831 	                  ,P_OLD_VAL      => l_abs_old_name
12832 	                  ,P_PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_ID      => l_per_info_chg_cs_ler_id
12833 	                  ,P_PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_RL      => l_PER_INFO_CHG_CS_LER_RL
12834 	                  ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_PSL.INFORMATION111
12835 	                  ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_PSL.INFORMATION120
12836 	                  ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_PSL.INFORMATION121
12837 	                  ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_PSL.INFORMATION122
12838 	                  ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_PSL.INFORMATION123
12839 	                  ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_PSL.INFORMATION124
12840 	                  ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_PSL.INFORMATION125
12841 	                  ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_PSL.INFORMATION126
12842 	                  ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_PSL.INFORMATION127
12843 	                  ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_PSL.INFORMATION128
12844 	                  ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_PSL.INFORMATION129
12845 	                  ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_PSL.INFORMATION112
12846 	                  ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_PSL.INFORMATION130
12847 	                  ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_PSL.INFORMATION131
12848 	                  ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_PSL.INFORMATION132
12849 	                  ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_PSL.INFORMATION133
12850 	                  ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_PSL.INFORMATION134
12851 	                  ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_PSL.INFORMATION135
12852 	                  ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_PSL.INFORMATION136
12853 	                  ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_PSL.INFORMATION137
12854 	                  ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_PSL.INFORMATION138
12855 	                  ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_PSL.INFORMATION139
12856 	                  ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_PSL.INFORMATION113
12857 	                  ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_PSL.INFORMATION140
12858 	                  ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_PSL.INFORMATION114
12859 	                  ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_PSL.INFORMATION115
12860 	                  ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_PSL.INFORMATION116
12861 	                  ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_PSL.INFORMATION117
12862 	                  ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_PSL.INFORMATION118
12863 	                  ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_PSL.INFORMATION119
12864 	                  ,P_PSL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_PSL.INFORMATION110
12865 	                  ,P_SOURCE_COLUMN      => r_PSL.INFORMATION141
12866 	                  ,P_SOURCE_TABLE      => r_PSL.INFORMATION142
12867              ,P_WHATIF_LBL_TXT      => r_PSL.INFORMATION219
12868              --
12869              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
12870              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
12871              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER => l_object_version_number
12872              ,P_DATETRACK_MODE        => l_datetrack_mode
12873            );
12874            --
12875            end if;
12876          end if;
12877          --
12878          -- Delete the row if it is end dated.
12879          --
12880          if (trunc(l_max_eed) <> trunc(hr_api.g_eot) and
12881              trunc(l_max_eed) <> l_effective_end_date and      /* Bug 4302963 */
12882              trunc(l_max_eed) = r_PSL.information3) then
12883            --
12885                 --
12886                 p_validate                       => false
12887                 ,p_per_info_chg_cs_ler_id                   => l_per_info_chg_cs_ler_id
12888                 ,p_effective_start_date           => l_effective_start_date
12889                 ,p_effective_end_date             => l_effective_end_date
12890                 ,p_object_version_number          => l_object_version_number
12891                 ,p_effective_date                 => l_max_eed
12892                 ,p_datetrack_mode                 => hr_api.g_delete
12893                 --
12894                 );
12895                 --
12896          end if;
12897          --
12898          l_prev_pk_id := l_current_pk_id ;
12899          --
12900        end if;
12901        --
12902      end if;
12903      --
12904    end loop;
12905    --
12906  exception when others then
12907    --
12908    raise_error_message( 'PSL',l_prefix || r_PSL.INFORMATION218 || l_suffix) ;
12909    --
12910  end create_PSL_rows;
12912    --
12913    ---------------------------------------------------------------
12914    ----------------------< create_CCT_rows >-----------------------
12915    ---------------------------------------------------------------
12916    --
12917    procedure create_CCT_rows
12918    (
12919          p_validate                       in  number     default 0
12920         ,p_copy_entity_txn_id             in  number
12921         ,p_effective_date                 in  date
12922         ,p_prefix_suffix_text             in  varchar2  default null
12923         ,p_reuse_object_flag              in  varchar2  default null
12924         ,p_target_business_group_id       in  varchar2  default null
12925         ,p_prefix_suffix_cd               in  varchar2  default null
12926    ) is
12927    --
12928    cursor c_unique_CCT(l_table_alias varchar2) is
12929    select distinct cpe.information1,
12930      cpe.information2,
12931      cpe.information3,
12932      cpe.INFORMATION170 name,
12933      cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
12934    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe,
12935         pqh_table_route tr
12936    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
12937    and   cpe.table_route_id     = tr.table_route_id
12938    -- and   tr.where_clause        = l_BEN_CM_TYP_F
12939    and tr.table_alias = l_table_alias
12940    and   cpe.number_of_copies   = 1 --ADDITION
12941    group by cpe.information1,cpe.information2,cpe.information3, cpe.INFORMATION170, cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
12942    order by information1, information2; --added for bug: 5151945
12943    --
12944    --
12945    cursor c_CCT_min_max_dates(c_table_route_id  number,
12946                 c_information1   number) is
12947    select
12948      min(cpe.information2) min_esd,
12949      max(cpe.information3) min_eed
12950    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
12951    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
12952    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
12953    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1 ;
12954    --
12955    cursor c_CCT(c_table_route_id  number,
12956                 c_information1   number,
12957                 c_information2   date,
12958                 c_information3   date )  is
12959    select
12960      cpe.*
12961    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
12962    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
12963    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
12964    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1
12965    and   cpe.information2       = c_information2
12966    and   cpe.information3       = c_information3
12967    and rownum = 1 ;
12968    -- Date Track target record
12969    cursor c_find_CCT_in_target( c_CCT_name          varchar2,
12970                                 c_effective_start_date    date,
12971                                 c_effective_end_date      date,
12972                                 c_business_group_id       number,
12973                                 c_new_pk_id               number) is
12974    select
12975      CCT.cm_typ_id new_value
12976    from BEN_CM_TYP_F CCT
12977    where CCT.name               = c_CCT_name
12978    and   CCT.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
12979    and   CCT.cm_typ_id  <> c_new_pk_id
12980 --TEMPIK
12981    and c_effective_start_date between effective_start_date
12982                             and effective_end_date ;
12983 --END TEMPIK
12984 /*TEMPIK
12985    and exists ( select null
12986                 from BEN_CM_TYP_F CCT1
12987                 where CCT1.name               = c_CCT_name
12988                 and   CCT1.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
12989                 and   CCT1.effective_start_date <= c_effective_start_date )
12990    and exists ( select null
12991                 from BEN_CM_TYP_F CCT2
12992                 where CCT2.name               = c_CCT_name
12993                 and   CCT2.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
12994                 and   CCT2.effective_end_date >= c_effective_end_date )
12995                 ;
12996 TEMPIK */
12997    --TEMPIK
12998    l_dt_rec_found            boolean ;
12999    --END TEMPIK
13000    --
13001    l_current_pk_id           number := null ;
13002    --UPD START
13003    --
13004    l_update                  boolean      := false ;
13005    l_datetrack_mode          varchar2(80) := hr_api.g_update;
13006    l_process_date            date;
13007    l_dml_operation           ben_copy_entity_results.dml_operation%TYPE ;
13008    --
13009    --UPD END
13010    l_prev_pk_id              number := null ;
13011    l_first_rec               boolean := true ;
13012    r_CCT                     c_CCT%rowtype;
13013    l_cm_typ_id             number ;
13014    l_object_version_number   number ;
13015    l_effective_start_date    date ;
13016    l_effective_end_date      date ;
13017    l_prefix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
13018    l_suffix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
13019    l_new_value               number(15);
13020    l_object_found_in_target  boolean := false ;
13021    l_min_esd                 date;
13022    l_max_eed                 date;
13023    l_CM_TYP_RL  number;
13024    l_INSPN_RQD_RL  number;
13025    l_PARNT_CM_TYP_ID  number;
13026    l_TO_BE_SENT_DT_RL  number;
13027    l_effective_date          date;
13028    --
13029  begin
13030    -- Initialization
13031    l_object_found_in_target := false ;
13032    -- End Initialization
13033    -- Derive the prefix - sufix
13034    if   p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX' then
13035      l_prefix  := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
13036    elsif p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX' then
13037      l_suffix   := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
13038    else
13039      l_prefix := null ;
13040      l_suffix  := null ;
13041    end if ;
13042    -- End Prefix Sufix derivation
13043    for r_CCT_unique in c_unique_CCT('CCT') loop
13045      if (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is null or
13046         (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
13047          r_CCT_unique.information3 >=
13048                  ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date)
13049         ) then
13050        --
13051        hr_utility.set_location(' r_CCT_unique.table_route_id '||r_CCT_unique.table_route_id,10);
13052        hr_utility.set_location(' r_CCT_unique.information1 '||r_CCT_unique.information1,10);
13053        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_CCT_unique.information2 '||r_CCT_unique.information2,10);
13054        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_CCT_unique.information3 '||r_CCT_unique.information3,10);
13055        -- If reuse objects flag is 'Y' then check for the object in the target business group
13056        -- if found insert the record into PLSql table and exit the loop else try create the
13057        -- object in the target business group
13058        --
13059        l_object_found_in_target := false ;
13060        --UPD START
13061        l_update := false;
13062        l_process_date := p_effective_date;
13063        l_dml_operation:= r_CCT_unique.dml_operation ;
13064        --
13065        if l_dml_operation = 'UPDATE' then
13066          --
13067          l_object_found_in_target := TRUE;
13068          --
13069          if l_process_date between r_CCT_unique.information2 and r_CCT_unique.information3 then
13070                l_update := true;
13071                if r_CCT_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
13072                   nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'CM_TYP_ID'  then
13073                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'CM_TYP_ID' ;
13074                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_CCT_unique.information1 ;
13075                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := r_CCT_unique.information1 ;
13076                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
13077                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_CCT_unique.table_route_id;
13078                   --
13079                   -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
13080                   --
13081                   g_count := g_count + 1 ;
13082                   --
13083                   log_data('CCT',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_CCT_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
13084                   --
13085                end if ;
13086                hr_utility.set_location( 'found record for update',10);
13087            --
13088          else
13089            --
13090            l_update := false;
13091            --
13092          end if;
13093        else
13094          --
13095        l_min_esd := null ;
13096        l_max_eed := null ;
13097        open c_CCT_min_max_dates(r_CCT_unique.table_route_id, r_CCT_unique.information1 ) ;
13098        fetch c_CCT_min_max_dates into l_min_esd,l_max_eed ;
13100        if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
13101             l_min_esd < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
13102          l_min_esd := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
13103        end if;
13104        l_min_esd := greatest(l_min_esd,r_CCT_unique.information2);
13106        if p_reuse_object_flag = 'Y' then
13107          if c_CCT_min_max_dates%found then
13108            -- cursor to find the object
13109            open c_find_CCT_in_target( l_prefix || r_CCT_unique.name || l_suffix ,l_min_esd,l_max_eed,
13110                                  p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_cm_typ_id, -999)  ) ;
13111            fetch c_find_CCT_in_target into l_new_value ;
13112            if c_find_CCT_in_target%found then
13113              --
13114              --TEMPIK
13115              l_dt_rec_found :=   dt_api.check_min_max_dates
13116                  (p_base_table_name => 'BEN_CM_TYP_F',
13117                   p_base_key_column => 'CM_TYP_ID',
13118                   p_base_key_value  => l_new_value,
13119                   p_from_date       => l_min_esd,
13120                   p_to_date         => l_max_eed );
13121              if l_dt_rec_found THEN
13122              --END TEMPIK
13123              if r_CCT_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
13124                 nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'CM_TYP_ID'  then
13125                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'CM_TYP_ID' ;
13126                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_CCT_unique.information1 ;
13127                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := l_new_value ;
13128                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
13129                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_CCT_unique.table_route_id;
13130                 --
13131                 -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count) , p_copy_entity_txn_id) ;
13132                 --
13133                 g_count := g_count + 1 ;
13134              end if ;
13135              --
13136              l_object_found_in_target := true ;
13137              --TEMPIK
13138              end if; -- l_dt_rec_found
13139              --END TEMPIK
13140            end if;
13141            close c_find_CCT_in_target ;
13142          --
13143          end if;
13144        end if ;
13145        --
13146        close c_CCT_min_max_dates ;
13147        end if;
13148        if not l_object_found_in_target or l_update then
13149          --
13150          open c_CCT(r_CCT_unique.table_route_id,
13151                 r_CCT_unique.information1,
13152                 r_CCT_unique.information2,
13153                 r_CCT_unique.information3 ) ;
13154          --
13155          fetch c_CCT into r_CCT ;
13156          --
13157          close c_CCT ;
13158          --
13159          l_current_pk_id := r_CCT.information1;
13160          --
13161          hr_utility.set_location(' l_current_pk_id '||l_current_pk_id,20);
13162          hr_utility.set_location(' l_prev_pk_id '||l_prev_pk_id,20);
13163          --
13164          if l_current_pk_id =  l_prev_pk_id  then
13165            --
13166            l_first_rec := false ;
13167            --
13168          else
13169            --
13170            l_first_rec := true ;
13171            --
13172          end if ;
13173          --
13174         l_CM_TYP_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_CCT.INFORMATION261,l_dml_operation);
13175 	l_INSPN_RQD_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_CCT.INFORMATION263,l_dml_operation);
13176 	l_PARNT_CM_TYP_ID := get_fk('PARNT_CM_TYP_ID', r_CCT.INFORMATION260,l_dml_operation);
13177         l_TO_BE_SENT_DT_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_CCT.INFORMATION264,l_dml_operation);
13178          --
13179          ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.ben_chk_col_len('NAME' ,'BEN_CM_TYP_F',l_prefix || r_CCT.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix);
13180          --
13182          l_effective_date := r_CCT.information2;
13183          if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
13184               l_effective_date < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
13185            l_effective_date := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
13186          end if;
13188          if l_first_rec and not l_update then
13189            -- Call Create routine.
13190            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_CM_TYP_F CREATE_COMP_COMM_TYPES ',20);
13192              --
13193              P_VALIDATE               => false
13194              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
13195              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
13196              --
13197             ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_CCT.INFORMATION111
13198 	                 ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_CCT.INFORMATION120
13199 	                 ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_CCT.INFORMATION121
13200 	                 ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_CCT.INFORMATION122
13201 	                 ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_CCT.INFORMATION123
13202 	                 ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_CCT.INFORMATION124
13203 	                 ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_CCT.INFORMATION125
13204 	                 ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_CCT.INFORMATION126
13205 	                 ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_CCT.INFORMATION127
13206 	                 ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_CCT.INFORMATION128
13207 	                 ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_CCT.INFORMATION129
13208 	                 ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_CCT.INFORMATION112
13209 	                 ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_CCT.INFORMATION130
13210 	                 ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_CCT.INFORMATION131
13211 	                 ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_CCT.INFORMATION132
13212 	                 ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_CCT.INFORMATION133
13213 	                 ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_CCT.INFORMATION134
13214 	                 ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_CCT.INFORMATION135
13215 	                 ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_CCT.INFORMATION136
13216 	                 ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_CCT.INFORMATION137
13217 	                 ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_CCT.INFORMATION138
13218 	                 ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_CCT.INFORMATION139
13219 	                 ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_CCT.INFORMATION113
13220 	                 ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_CCT.INFORMATION140
13221 	                 ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_CCT.INFORMATION114
13222 	                 ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_CCT.INFORMATION115
13223 	                 ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_CCT.INFORMATION116
13224 	                 ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_CCT.INFORMATION117
13225 	                 ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_CCT.INFORMATION118
13226 	                 ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_CCT.INFORMATION119
13227 	                 ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_CCT.INFORMATION110
13228 	                 ,P_CM_TYP_ID      => l_cm_typ_id
13229 	                 ,P_CM_TYP_RL      => l_CM_TYP_RL
13230 	                 ,P_CM_USG_CD      => r_CCT.INFORMATION16
13231 	                 ,P_DESC_TXT      => r_CCT.INFORMATION185
13232 	                 ,P_INSPN_RQD_FLAG      => r_CCT.INFORMATION14
13233 	                 ,P_INSPN_RQD_RL      => l_INSPN_RQD_RL
13234 	                 ,P_MX_NUM_AVLBL_VAL      => r_CCT.INFORMATION262
13235 	                 ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_CCT.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
13236 	                 ,P_PARNT_CM_TYP_ID      => l_PARNT_CM_TYP_ID
13237 	                 ,P_PC_KIT_CD      => r_CCT.INFORMATION17
13238 	                 ,P_RCPENT_CD      => r_CCT.INFORMATION15
13239 	                 ,P_SHRT_NAME      => r_CCT.INFORMATION141
13240 	                 ,P_TO_BE_SENT_DT_CD      => r_CCT.INFORMATION13
13241 	                 ,P_TO_BE_SENT_DT_RL      => l_TO_BE_SENT_DT_RL
13242 	                 ,P_TRK_MLG_FLAG      => r_CCT.INFORMATION12
13243              ,P_WHNVR_TRGRD_FLAG      => r_CCT.INFORMATION11
13244              --
13245              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
13246              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
13247              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
13248            );
13249            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
13250            -- Update all relevent cer records with new pk_id
13251            hr_utility.set_location('Before plsql table ',222);
13252            hr_utility.set_location('new_value id '||l_cm_typ_id,222);
13253            g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column := 'CM_TYP_ID' ;
13254            g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value    := r_CCT.information1 ;
13255            g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value    := l_CM_TYP_ID ;
13256            g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type  := 'COPIED';
13257            g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_CCT_unique.table_route_id;
13258            hr_utility.set_location('After plsql table ',222);
13259            --
13260            -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
13261            --
13262            g_count := g_count + 1 ;
13263            --
13264          else
13265            --
13266            --UPD START
13267            hr_utility.set_location('Before call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'||l_datetrack_mode,5);
13268            --
13269            if l_update then
13270              --
13271              l_datetrack_mode := r_CCT.datetrack_mode ;
13272              --
13273              get_dt_modes(
13274                p_effective_date        => l_process_date,
13275                p_effective_end_date    => r_CCT.information3,
13276                p_effective_start_date  => r_CCT.information2,
13277                p_dml_operation         => r_CCT.dml_operation,
13278                p_datetrack_mode        => l_datetrack_mode );
13279            --    p_update                => l_update
13280              --
13281              l_effective_date := l_process_date;
13282              l_CM_TYP_ID   := r_CCT.information1;
13283              l_object_version_number := r_CCT.information265;
13284              --
13285            end if;
13286            --
13287            hr_utility.set_location('After call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'||l_datetrack_mode,5);
13288            --
13289            IF l_update OR l_dml_operation <> 'UPDATE' THEN
13290            --UPD END
13291            -- Call Update routine for the pk_id created in prev run .
13292            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
13293            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_CM_TYP_F UPDATE_COMP_COMM_TYPES ',30);
13295              --
13296              P_VALIDATE               => false
13297              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
13298              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
13299              --
13300              ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_CCT.INFORMATION111
13301 	                  ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_CCT.INFORMATION120
13302 	                  ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_CCT.INFORMATION121
13303 	                  ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_CCT.INFORMATION122
13304 	                  ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_CCT.INFORMATION123
13305 	                  ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_CCT.INFORMATION124
13306 	                  ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_CCT.INFORMATION125
13307 	                  ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_CCT.INFORMATION126
13308 	                  ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_CCT.INFORMATION127
13309 	                  ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_CCT.INFORMATION128
13310 	                  ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_CCT.INFORMATION129
13311 	                  ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_CCT.INFORMATION112
13312 	                  ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_CCT.INFORMATION130
13313 	                  ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_CCT.INFORMATION131
13314 	                  ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_CCT.INFORMATION132
13315 	                  ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_CCT.INFORMATION133
13316 	                  ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_CCT.INFORMATION134
13317 	                  ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_CCT.INFORMATION135
13318 	                  ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_CCT.INFORMATION136
13319 	                  ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_CCT.INFORMATION137
13320 	                  ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_CCT.INFORMATION138
13321 	                  ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_CCT.INFORMATION139
13322 	                  ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_CCT.INFORMATION113
13323 	                  ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_CCT.INFORMATION140
13324 	                  ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_CCT.INFORMATION114
13325 	                  ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_CCT.INFORMATION115
13326 	                  ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_CCT.INFORMATION116
13327 	                  ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_CCT.INFORMATION117
13328 	                  ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_CCT.INFORMATION118
13329 	                  ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_CCT.INFORMATION119
13330 	                  ,P_CCT_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_CCT.INFORMATION110
13331 	                  ,P_CM_TYP_ID      => l_cm_typ_id
13332 	                  ,P_CM_TYP_RL      => l_CM_TYP_RL
13333 	                  ,P_CM_USG_CD      => r_CCT.INFORMATION16
13334 	                  ,P_DESC_TXT      => r_CCT.INFORMATION185
13335 	                  ,P_INSPN_RQD_FLAG      => r_CCT.INFORMATION14
13336 	                  ,P_INSPN_RQD_RL      => l_INSPN_RQD_RL
13337 	                  ,P_MX_NUM_AVLBL_VAL      => r_CCT.INFORMATION262
13338 	                  ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_CCT.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
13339 	                  ,P_PARNT_CM_TYP_ID      => l_PARNT_CM_TYP_ID
13340 	                  ,P_PC_KIT_CD      => r_CCT.INFORMATION17
13341 	                  ,P_RCPENT_CD      => r_CCT.INFORMATION15
13342 	                  ,P_SHRT_NAME      => r_CCT.INFORMATION141
13343 	                  ,P_TO_BE_SENT_DT_CD      => r_CCT.INFORMATION13
13344 	                  ,P_TO_BE_SENT_DT_RL      => l_TO_BE_SENT_DT_RL
13345 	                  ,P_TRK_MLG_FLAG      => r_CCT.INFORMATION12
13346              ,P_WHNVR_TRGRD_FLAG      => r_CCT.INFORMATION11
13347              --
13348              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
13349              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
13350              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER => l_object_version_number
13351              ,P_DATETRACK_MODE        => l_datetrack_mode
13352            );
13353            --
13354            end if;
13355          end if;
13356          --
13357          -- Delete the row if it is end dated.
13358          --
13359          if (trunc(l_max_eed) <> trunc(hr_api.g_eot) and
13360              trunc(l_max_eed) <> l_effective_end_date and      /* Bug 4302963 */
13361              trunc(l_max_eed) = r_CCT.information3) then
13362            --
13363            BEN_COMP_COMM_TYPES_API.delete_COMP_COMM_TYPES(
13364                 --
13365                 p_validate                       => false
13366                 ,p_cm_typ_id                   => l_cm_typ_id
13367                 ,p_effective_start_date           => l_effective_start_date
13368                 ,p_effective_end_date             => l_effective_end_date
13369                 ,p_object_version_number          => l_object_version_number
13370                 ,p_effective_date                 => l_max_eed
13371                 ,p_datetrack_mode                 => hr_api.g_delete
13372                 --
13373                 );
13374                 --
13375          end if;
13376          --
13377          l_prev_pk_id := l_current_pk_id ;
13378          --
13379        end if;
13380        --
13381      end if;
13382      --
13383    end loop;
13384    --
13385  exception when others then
13386    --
13387    raise_error_message( 'CCT',l_prefix || r_CCT.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix) ;
13388    --
13389  end create_CCT_rows;
13391    --
13392    ---------------------------------------------------------------
13393    ----------------------< create_PDL_rows >-----------------------
13394    ---------------------------------------------------------------
13395    --
13396    procedure create_PDL_rows
13397    (
13398          p_validate                       in  number     default 0
13399         ,p_copy_entity_txn_id             in  number
13400         ,p_effective_date                 in  date
13401         ,p_prefix_suffix_text             in  varchar2  default null
13402         ,p_reuse_object_flag              in  varchar2  default null
13403         ,p_target_business_group_id       in  varchar2  default null
13404         ,p_prefix_suffix_cd               in  varchar2  default null
13405    ) is
13406    --
13407    cursor c_unique_PDL(l_table_alias varchar2) is
13408    select distinct cpe.information1,
13409      cpe.information2,
13410      cpe.information3,
13411      cpe.INFORMATION170 name,
13412      cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
13413    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe,
13414         pqh_table_route tr
13415    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
13416    and   cpe.table_route_id     = tr.table_route_id
13417    -- and   tr.where_clause        = l_BEN_PTD_LMT_F
13418    and tr.table_alias = l_table_alias
13419    and   cpe.number_of_copies   = 1 --ADDITION
13420    group by cpe.information1,cpe.information2,cpe.information3, cpe.INFORMATION170, cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
13421    order by information1, information2; --added for bug: 5151945
13422    --
13423    --
13424    cursor c_PDL_min_max_dates(c_table_route_id  number,
13425                 c_information1   number) is
13426    select
13427      min(cpe.information2) min_esd,
13428      max(cpe.information3) min_eed
13429    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
13430    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
13431    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
13432    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1 ;
13433    --
13434    cursor c_PDL(c_table_route_id  number,
13435                 c_information1   number,
13436                 c_information2   date,
13437                 c_information3   date )  is
13438    select
13439      cpe.*
13440    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
13441    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
13442    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
13443    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1
13444    and   cpe.information2       = c_information2
13445    and   cpe.information3       = c_information3
13446    and rownum = 1 ;
13447    -- Date Track target record
13448    cursor c_find_PDL_in_target( c_PDL_name          varchar2,
13449                                 c_effective_start_date    date,
13450                                 c_effective_end_date      date,
13451                                 c_business_group_id       number,
13452                                 c_new_pk_id               number) is
13453    select
13454      PDL.ptd_lmt_id new_value
13455    from BEN_PTD_LMT_F PDL
13456    where PDL.name               = c_PDL_name
13457    and   PDL.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
13458    and   PDL.ptd_lmt_id  <> c_new_pk_id
13459 --TEMPIK
13460    and c_effective_start_date between effective_start_date
13461                             and effective_end_date ;
13462 --END TEMPIK
13463 /*TEMPIK
13464    and exists ( select null
13465                 from BEN_PTD_LMT_F PDL1
13466                 where PDL1.name               = c_PDL_name
13467                 and   PDL1.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
13468                 and   PDL1.effective_start_date <= c_effective_start_date )
13469    and exists ( select null
13470                 from BEN_PTD_LMT_F PDL2
13471                 where PDL2.name               = c_PDL_name
13472                 and   PDL2.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
13473                 and   PDL2.effective_end_date >= c_effective_end_date )
13474                 ;
13475 TEMPIK */
13476    --TEMPIK
13477    l_dt_rec_found            boolean ;
13478    --END TEMPIK
13479    --
13480    l_current_pk_id           number := null ;
13481    --UPD START
13482    --
13483    l_update                  boolean      := false ;
13484    l_datetrack_mode          varchar2(80) := hr_api.g_update;
13485    l_process_date            date;
13486    l_dml_operation           ben_copy_entity_results.dml_operation%TYPE ;
13487    --
13488    --UPD END
13489    l_prev_pk_id              number := null ;
13490    l_first_rec               boolean := true ;
13491    r_PDL                     c_PDL%rowtype;
13492    l_ptd_lmt_id             number ;
13493    l_object_version_number   number ;
13494    l_effective_start_date    date ;
13495    l_effective_end_date      date ;
13496    l_prefix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
13497    l_suffix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
13498    l_new_value               number(15);
13499    l_object_found_in_target  boolean := false ;
13500    l_min_esd                 date;
13501    l_max_eed                 date;
13502    l_BALANCE_TYPE_ID  number;
13503    l_COMP_LVL_FCTR_ID  number;
13504    l_PTD_LMT_CALC_RL  number;
13505    l_effective_date          date;
13506    --
13507  begin
13508    -- Initialization
13509    l_object_found_in_target := false ;
13510    -- End Initialization
13511    -- Derive the prefix - sufix
13512    if   p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX' then
13513      l_prefix  := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
13514    elsif p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX' then
13515      l_suffix   := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
13516    else
13517      l_prefix := null ;
13518      l_suffix  := null ;
13519    end if ;
13520    -- End Prefix Sufix derivation
13521    for r_PDL_unique in c_unique_PDL('PDL') loop
13523      if (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is null or
13524         (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
13525          r_PDL_unique.information3 >=
13526                  ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date)
13527         ) then
13528        --
13529        hr_utility.set_location(' r_PDL_unique.table_route_id '||r_PDL_unique.table_route_id,10);
13530        hr_utility.set_location(' r_PDL_unique.information1 '||r_PDL_unique.information1,10);
13531        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_PDL_unique.information2 '||r_PDL_unique.information2,10);
13532        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_PDL_unique.information3 '||r_PDL_unique.information3,10);
13533        -- If reuse objects flag is 'Y' then check for the object in the target business group
13534        -- if found insert the record into PLSql table and exit the loop else try create the
13535        -- object in the target business group
13536        --
13537        l_object_found_in_target := false ;
13538        --UPD START
13539        l_update := false;
13540        l_process_date := p_effective_date;
13541        l_dml_operation:= r_PDL_unique.dml_operation ;
13542        --
13543        if l_dml_operation = 'UPDATE' then
13544          --
13545          l_object_found_in_target := TRUE;
13546          --
13547          if l_process_date between r_PDL_unique.information2 and r_PDL_unique.information3 then
13548                l_update := true;
13549                if r_PDL_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
13550                   nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'PTD_LMT_ID'  then
13551                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'PTD_LMT_ID' ;
13552                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_PDL_unique.information1 ;
13553                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := r_PDL_unique.information1 ;
13554                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
13555                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_PDL_unique.table_route_id;
13556                   --
13557                   -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
13558                   --
13559                   g_count := g_count + 1 ;
13560                   --
13561                   log_data('PDL',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_PDL_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
13562                   --
13563                end if ;
13564                hr_utility.set_location( 'found record for update',10);
13565            --
13566          else
13567            --
13568            l_update := false;
13569            --
13570          end if;
13571        else
13572        --
13573        --UPD END
13574        l_min_esd := null ;
13575        l_max_eed := null ;
13576        open c_PDL_min_max_dates(r_PDL_unique.table_route_id, r_PDL_unique.information1 ) ;
13577        fetch c_PDL_min_max_dates into l_min_esd,l_max_eed ;
13579        if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
13580             l_min_esd < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
13581          l_min_esd := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
13582        end if;
13583        l_min_esd := greatest(l_min_esd,r_PDL_unique.information2);
13585        if p_reuse_object_flag = 'Y' then
13586          if c_PDL_min_max_dates%found then
13587            -- cursor to find the object
13588            open c_find_PDL_in_target( l_prefix || r_PDL_unique.name || l_suffix ,l_min_esd,l_max_eed,
13589                                  p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_ptd_lmt_id, -999)  ) ;
13590            fetch c_find_PDL_in_target into l_new_value ;
13591            if c_find_PDL_in_target%found then
13592              --
13593             --TEMPIK
13594              l_dt_rec_found :=   dt_api.check_min_max_dates
13595                  (p_base_table_name => 'BEN_PTD_LMT_F',
13596                   p_base_key_column => 'PTD_LMT_ID',
13597                   p_base_key_value  => l_new_value,
13598                   p_from_date       => l_min_esd,
13599                   p_to_date         => l_max_eed );
13600              if l_dt_rec_found THEN
13601              --END TEMPIK
13602              if r_PDL_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
13603                 nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'PTD_LMT_ID'  then
13604                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'PTD_LMT_ID' ;
13605                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_PDL_unique.information1 ;
13606                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := l_new_value ;
13607                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
13608                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_PDL_unique.table_route_id;
13609                 --
13610                 -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count) , p_copy_entity_txn_id) ;
13611                 --
13612                 g_count := g_count + 1 ;
13613                 --
13614                 log_data('PDL',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_PDL_unique.name || l_suffix ,'REUSED');
13615                 --
13616              end if ;
13617              --
13618              l_object_found_in_target := true ;
13619         --TEMPIK
13620              end if; -- l_dt_rec_found
13621              --END TEMPIK
13622            end if;
13623            close c_find_PDL_in_target ;
13624          --
13625          end if;
13626        end if ;
13627        --
13628        close c_PDL_min_max_dates ;
13629        end if;
13630        if not l_object_found_in_target or l_update then
13631          --
13632          open c_PDL(r_PDL_unique.table_route_id,
13633                 r_PDL_unique.information1,
13634                 r_PDL_unique.information2,
13635                 r_PDL_unique.information3 ) ;
13636          --
13637          fetch c_PDL into r_PDL ;
13638          --
13639          close c_PDL ;
13640          --
13641          l_current_pk_id := r_PDL.information1;
13642          --
13643          hr_utility.set_location(' l_current_pk_id '||l_current_pk_id,20);
13644          hr_utility.set_location(' l_prev_pk_id '||l_prev_pk_id,20);
13645          --
13646          if l_current_pk_id =  l_prev_pk_id  then
13647            --
13648            l_first_rec := false ;
13649            --
13650          else
13651            --
13652            l_first_rec := true ;
13653            --
13654          end if ;
13655          --
13656          l_BALANCE_TYPE_ID := get_fk('BALANCE_TYPE_ID', r_PDL.INFORMATION260,l_dml_operation);
13657 	 l_COMP_LVL_FCTR_ID := get_fk('COMP_LVL_FCTR_ID', r_PDL.INFORMATION254,l_dml_operation);
13658          l_PTD_LMT_CALC_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_PDL.INFORMATION261,l_dml_operation);
13659          --
13660          ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.ben_chk_col_len('NAME' ,'BEN_PTD_LMT_F',l_prefix || r_PDL.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix);
13661          --
13663          l_effective_date := r_PDL.information2;
13664          if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
13665               l_effective_date < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
13666            l_effective_date := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
13667          end if;
13669          if l_first_rec and not l_update then
13670            -- Call Create routine.
13671            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_PTD_LMT_F CREATE_PERIOD_LIMIT ',20);
13673              --
13674              P_VALIDATE               => false
13675              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
13676              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
13677              --
13678              ,P_BALANCE_TYPE_ID      => l_BALANCE_TYPE_ID
13679 	                 ,P_COMP_LVL_FCTR_ID      => l_COMP_LVL_FCTR_ID
13680 	                 ,P_LMT_DET_CD      => r_PDL.INFORMATION11
13681 	                 ,P_MX_COMP_TO_CNSDR      => r_PDL.INFORMATION293
13682 	                 ,P_MX_PCT_VAL      => r_PDL.INFORMATION295
13683 	                 ,P_MX_VAL      => r_PDL.INFORMATION294
13684 	                 ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_PDL.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
13685 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_PDL.INFORMATION111
13686 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_PDL.INFORMATION120
13687 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_PDL.INFORMATION121
13688 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_PDL.INFORMATION122
13689 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_PDL.INFORMATION123
13690 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_PDL.INFORMATION124
13691 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_PDL.INFORMATION125
13692 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_PDL.INFORMATION126
13693 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_PDL.INFORMATION127
13694 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_PDL.INFORMATION128
13695 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_PDL.INFORMATION129
13696 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_PDL.INFORMATION112
13697 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_PDL.INFORMATION130
13698 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_PDL.INFORMATION131
13699 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_PDL.INFORMATION132
13700 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_PDL.INFORMATION133
13701 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_PDL.INFORMATION134
13702 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_PDL.INFORMATION135
13703 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_PDL.INFORMATION136
13704 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_PDL.INFORMATION137
13705 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_PDL.INFORMATION138
13706 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_PDL.INFORMATION139
13707 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_PDL.INFORMATION113
13708 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_PDL.INFORMATION140
13709 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_PDL.INFORMATION114
13710 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_PDL.INFORMATION115
13711 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_PDL.INFORMATION116
13712 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_PDL.INFORMATION117
13713 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_PDL.INFORMATION118
13714 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_PDL.INFORMATION119
13715 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_PDL.INFORMATION110
13716 	                 ,P_PTD_LMT_CALC_RL      => l_PTD_LMT_CALC_RL
13717              ,P_PTD_LMT_ID      => l_ptd_lmt_id
13718              --
13719              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
13720              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
13721              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
13722            );
13723            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
13724            -- Update all relevent cer records with new pk_id
13725            hr_utility.set_location('Before plsql table ',222);
13726            hr_utility.set_location('new_value id '||l_ptd_lmt_id,222);
13727            g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column := 'PTD_LMT_ID' ;
13728            g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value    := r_PDL.information1 ;
13729            g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value    := l_PTD_LMT_ID ;
13730            g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type  := 'COPIED';
13731            g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_PDL_unique.table_route_id;
13732            hr_utility.set_location('After plsql table ',222);
13733            --
13734            -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
13735            --
13736            g_count := g_count + 1 ;
13737            --
13738            log_data('PDL',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_PDL.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix,'COPIED');
13739            --
13740          else
13741            --
13742            --UPD START
13743            hr_utility.set_location('Before call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'||l_datetrack_mode,5);
13744            --
13745            if l_update then
13746              --
13747              l_datetrack_mode := r_PDL.datetrack_mode ;
13748              --
13749              get_dt_modes(
13750                p_effective_date        => l_process_date,
13751                p_effective_end_date    => r_PDL.information3,
13752                p_effective_start_date  => r_PDL.information2,
13753                p_dml_operation         => r_PDL.dml_operation,
13754                p_datetrack_mode        => l_datetrack_mode );
13755            --    p_update                => l_update
13756              --
13757              l_effective_date := l_process_date;
13758              l_PTD_LMT_ID   := r_PDL.information1;
13759              l_object_version_number := r_PDL.information265;
13760              --
13761            end if;
13762            --
13763            hr_utility.set_location('After call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'||l_datetrack_mode,5);
13764            --
13765            IF l_update OR l_dml_operation <> 'UPDATE' THEN
13766            --UPD END
13767            -- Call Update routine for the pk_id created in prev run .
13768            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
13769            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_PTD_LMT_F UPDATE_PERIOD_LIMIT ',30);
13771              --
13772              P_VALIDATE               => false
13773              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
13774              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
13775              --
13776             ,P_BALANCE_TYPE_ID      => l_BALANCE_TYPE_ID
13777 	                 ,P_COMP_LVL_FCTR_ID      => l_COMP_LVL_FCTR_ID
13778 	                 ,P_LMT_DET_CD      => r_PDL.INFORMATION11
13779 	                 ,P_MX_COMP_TO_CNSDR      => r_PDL.INFORMATION293
13780 	                 ,P_MX_PCT_VAL      => r_PDL.INFORMATION295
13781 	                 ,P_MX_VAL      => r_PDL.INFORMATION294
13782 	                 ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_PDL.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
13783 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_PDL.INFORMATION111
13784 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_PDL.INFORMATION120
13785 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_PDL.INFORMATION121
13786 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_PDL.INFORMATION122
13787 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_PDL.INFORMATION123
13788 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_PDL.INFORMATION124
13789 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_PDL.INFORMATION125
13790 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_PDL.INFORMATION126
13791 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_PDL.INFORMATION127
13792 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_PDL.INFORMATION128
13793 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_PDL.INFORMATION129
13794 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_PDL.INFORMATION112
13795 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_PDL.INFORMATION130
13796 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_PDL.INFORMATION131
13797 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_PDL.INFORMATION132
13798 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_PDL.INFORMATION133
13799 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_PDL.INFORMATION134
13800 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_PDL.INFORMATION135
13801 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_PDL.INFORMATION136
13802 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_PDL.INFORMATION137
13803 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_PDL.INFORMATION138
13804 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_PDL.INFORMATION139
13805 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_PDL.INFORMATION113
13806 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_PDL.INFORMATION140
13807 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_PDL.INFORMATION114
13808 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_PDL.INFORMATION115
13809 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_PDL.INFORMATION116
13810 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_PDL.INFORMATION117
13811 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_PDL.INFORMATION118
13812 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_PDL.INFORMATION119
13813 	                 ,P_PDL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_PDL.INFORMATION110
13814 	                 ,P_PTD_LMT_CALC_RL      => l_PTD_LMT_CALC_RL
13815              ,P_PTD_LMT_ID      => l_ptd_lmt_id
13816              --
13817              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
13818              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
13819              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER => l_object_version_number
13820              ,P_DATETRACK_MODE        => l_datetrack_mode
13821            );
13822            --
13823            end if;
13824          end if;
13825          --
13826          -- Delete the row if it is end dated.
13827          --
13828          if (trunc(l_max_eed) <> trunc(hr_api.g_eot) and
13829              trunc(l_max_eed) <> l_effective_end_date and      /* Bug 4302963 */
13830              trunc(l_max_eed) = r_PDL.information3) then
13831            --
13832            BEN_PERIOD_LIMIT_API.delete_PERIOD_LIMIT(
13833                 --
13834                 p_validate                       => false
13835                 ,p_ptd_lmt_id                   => l_ptd_lmt_id
13836                 ,p_effective_start_date           => l_effective_start_date
13837                 ,p_effective_end_date             => l_effective_end_date
13838                 ,p_object_version_number          => l_object_version_number
13839                 ,p_effective_date                 => l_max_eed
13840                 ,p_datetrack_mode                 => hr_api.g_delete
13841                 --
13842                 );
13843                 --
13844          end if;
13845          --
13846          l_prev_pk_id := l_current_pk_id ;
13847          --
13848        end if;
13849        --
13850      end if;
13851      --
13852    end loop;
13853    --
13854  exception when others then
13855    --
13856    raise_error_message( 'PDL',l_prefix || r_PDL.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix) ;
13857    --
13858  end create_PDL_rows;
13860    --
13861    ---------------------------------------------------------------
13862    ----------------------< create_YRP_rows >-----------------------
13863    ---------------------------------------------------------------
13864    --
13865    procedure create_YRP_rows
13866    (
13867          p_validate                       in  number     default 0
13868         ,p_copy_entity_txn_id             in  number
13869         ,p_effective_date                 in  date
13870         ,p_prefix_suffix_text             in  varchar2  default null
13871         ,p_reuse_object_flag              in  varchar2  default null
13872         ,p_target_business_group_id       in  varchar2  default null
13873         ,p_prefix_suffix_cd               in  varchar2  default null
13874    ) is
13875    --
13876    cursor c_unique_YRP(l_table_alias varchar2) is
13877    select distinct cpe.information1,
13878      cpe.information2,
13879      cpe.information3,
13880      cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
13881    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe,
13882         pqh_table_route tr
13883    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
13884    and   cpe.table_route_id     = tr.table_route_id
13885    -- and   tr.where_clause        = l_BEN_YR_PERD
13886    and tr.table_alias = l_table_alias
13887    and   cpe.number_of_copies   = 1 --ADDITION
13888    group by cpe.information1,cpe.information2,cpe.information3, cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
13889    order by information1, information2; --added for bug: 5151945
13890    --
13891    --
13892    cursor c_YRP_min_max_dates(c_table_route_id  number,
13893                 c_information1   number) is
13894    select
13895      min(cpe.information2) min_esd,
13896      max(cpe.information3) min_eed
13897    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
13898    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
13899    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
13900    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1 ;
13901    --
13902    cursor c_YRP(c_table_route_id  number,
13903                 c_information1   number,
13904                 c_information2   date,
13905                 c_information3   date )  is
13906    select
13907      cpe.*
13908    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
13909    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
13910    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
13911    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1
13912    and rownum = 1 ;
13913    -- Date Track target record
13914    cursor c_find_YRP_in_target( c_start_date              date,
13915                                 c_end_date                date,
13916                                 c_business_group_id       number,
13917                                 c_new_pk_id               number) is
13918    select
13919      YRP.yr_perd_id new_value
13920    from BEN_YR_PERD YRP
13921    where
13922    YRP.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
13923    and   YRP.start_date   = c_start_date
13924    and   YRP.end_date     = c_end_date
13925    and   YRP.yr_perd_id  <> c_new_pk_id
13926                 ;
13927    --
13928    l_current_pk_id           number := null ;
13929    --UPD START
13930    --
13931    l_update                  boolean      := false ;
13932    l_datetrack_mode          varchar2(80) := hr_api.g_update;
13933    l_process_date            date;
13934    l_dml_operation           ben_copy_entity_results.dml_operation%TYPE ;
13935    --
13936    --UPD END
13937    l_prev_pk_id              number := null ;
13938    l_first_rec               boolean := true ;
13939    r_YRP                     c_YRP%rowtype;
13940    l_yr_perd_id             number ;
13941    l_object_version_number   number ;
13942    l_effective_start_date    date ;
13943    l_effective_end_date      date ;
13944    l_prefix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
13945    l_suffix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
13946    l_new_value               number(15);
13947    l_object_found_in_target  boolean := false ;
13948    l_min_esd                 date;
13949    l_max_eed                 date;
13950    --
13951  begin
13952    -- Initialization
13953    l_object_found_in_target := false ;
13954    -- End Initialization
13955    -- Derive the prefix - sufix
13956    if   p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX' then
13957      l_prefix  := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
13958    elsif p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX' then
13959      l_suffix   := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
13960    else
13961      l_prefix := null ;
13962      l_suffix  := null ;
13963    end if ;
13964    -- End Prefix Sufix derivation
13965    for r_YRP_unique in c_unique_YRP('YRP') loop
13966      --
13967      hr_utility.set_location(' r_YRP_unique.table_route_id '||r_YRP_unique.table_route_id,10);
13968      hr_utility.set_location(' r_YRP_unique.information1 '||r_YRP_unique.information1,10);
13969      hr_utility.set_location( 'r_YRP_unique.information2 '||r_YRP_unique.information2,10);
13970      hr_utility.set_location( 'r_YRP_unique.information3 '||r_YRP_unique.information3,10);
13971      -- If reuse objects flag is 'Y' then check for the object in the target business group
13972      -- if found insert the record into PLSql table and exit the loop else try create the
13973      -- object in the target business group
13974      --
13975      l_object_found_in_target := false ;
13976      open c_YRP(r_YRP_unique.table_route_id,
13977                 r_YRP_unique.information1,
13978                 r_YRP_unique.information2,
13979                 r_YRP_unique.information3 ) ;
13980      --
13981      fetch c_YRP into r_YRP ;
13982      --
13983      close c_YRP ;
13984      --UPD START
13985      l_dml_operation := r_YRP_unique.dml_operation;
13986      --
13987      l_update := false;
13988      --
13989      if l_dml_operation = 'UPDATE' then
13990        --
13991                l_update := true;
13992                if r_YRP_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
13993                   nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'YR_PERD_ID'  then
13994                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'YR_PERD_ID' ;
13995                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_YRP_unique.information1 ;
13996                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := r_YRP_unique.information1 ;
13997                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
13998                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_YRP_unique.table_route_id;
13999                   --
14000                   -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ; -- NEW
14001                   --
14002                   g_count := g_count + 1 ;
14003                   --
14004                   log_data('YRP',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_YRP_unique.information1|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
14005                   --
14006                end if ;
14007                l_YR_PERD_ID := r_YRP_unique.information1 ;
14008                l_object_version_number := r_YRP.information265 ;
14009                hr_utility.set_location( 'found record for update',10);
14010            --
14011      else
14012      l_min_esd := null ;
14013      l_max_eed := null ;
14014      /*
14015      open c_YRP(r_YRP_unique.table_route_id,
14016                 r_YRP_unique.information1,
14017                 r_YRP_unique.information2,
14018                 r_YRP_unique.information3 ) ;
14019      --
14020      fetch c_YRP into r_YRP ;
14021      --
14022      close c_YRP ;
14023      */
14024      --
14025      -- Year periods should always be reused.
14026      -- if p_reuse_object_flag = 'Y' then
14027            -- cursor to find the object
14028            open c_find_YRP_in_target( r_YRP.INFORMATION309, r_YRP.INFORMATION308,
14029                                  p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_yr_perd_id, -999)  ) ;
14030            fetch c_find_YRP_in_target into l_new_value ;
14031            if c_find_YRP_in_target%found then
14032              --
14033              if r_YRP_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
14034                 nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'YR_PERD_ID'  then
14035                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'YR_PERD_ID' ;
14036                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_YRP_unique.information1 ;
14037                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := l_new_value ;
14038                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
14039                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_YRP_unique.table_route_id;
14040                 --
14041                 -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count) , p_copy_entity_txn_id) ;
14042                 --
14043                 g_count := g_count + 1 ;
14044              end if ;
14045              --
14046              l_object_found_in_target := true ;
14047            end if;
14048            close c_find_YRP_in_target ;
14049          --
14050      -- end if ;
14051      --
14052      end if;
14053      if not l_object_found_in_target or l_update then
14054        --
14055        l_current_pk_id := r_YRP.information1;
14056        --
14057        hr_utility.set_location(' l_current_pk_id '||l_current_pk_id,20);
14058        hr_utility.set_location(' l_prev_pk_id '||l_prev_pk_id,20);
14059        --
14060        if l_current_pk_id =  l_prev_pk_id  then
14061          --
14062          l_first_rec := false ;
14063          --
14064        else
14065          --
14066          l_first_rec := true ;
14067          --
14068        end if ;
14069        --
14070        if l_first_rec and not l_update then
14071          -- Call Create routine.
14072          hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_YR_PERD CREATE_PGM_OR_PL_YR_PERD ',20);
14074              --
14075              P_VALIDATE               => false
14076              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => NVL(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ,p_effective_date)
14077              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
14078              --
14079              ,P_END_DATE      => r_YRP.INFORMATION308
14080 	                  ,P_LMTN_YR_END_DT      => r_YRP.INFORMATION311
14081 	                  ,P_LMTN_YR_STRT_DT      => r_YRP.INFORMATION310
14082 	                  ,P_PERDS_IN_YR_NUM      => r_YRP.INFORMATION260
14083 	                  ,P_PERD_TM_UOM_CD      => r_YRP.INFORMATION11
14084 	                  ,P_PERD_TYP_CD      => r_YRP.INFORMATION12
14085 	                  ,P_START_DATE      => r_YRP.INFORMATION309
14086 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_YRP.INFORMATION111
14087 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_YRP.INFORMATION120
14088 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_YRP.INFORMATION121
14089 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_YRP.INFORMATION122
14090 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_YRP.INFORMATION123
14091 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_YRP.INFORMATION124
14092 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_YRP.INFORMATION125
14093 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_YRP.INFORMATION126
14094 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_YRP.INFORMATION127
14095 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_YRP.INFORMATION128
14096 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_YRP.INFORMATION129
14097 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_YRP.INFORMATION112
14098 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_YRP.INFORMATION130
14099 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_YRP.INFORMATION131
14100 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_YRP.INFORMATION132
14101 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_YRP.INFORMATION133
14102 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_YRP.INFORMATION134
14103 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_YRP.INFORMATION135
14104 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_YRP.INFORMATION136
14105 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_YRP.INFORMATION137
14106 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_YRP.INFORMATION138
14107 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_YRP.INFORMATION139
14108 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_YRP.INFORMATION113
14109 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_YRP.INFORMATION140
14110 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_YRP.INFORMATION114
14111 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_YRP.INFORMATION115
14112 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_YRP.INFORMATION116
14113 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_YRP.INFORMATION117
14114 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_YRP.INFORMATION118
14115 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_YRP.INFORMATION119
14116 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_YRP.INFORMATION110
14117              ,P_YR_PERD_ID      => l_yr_perd_id
14118              --
14119              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
14120          );
14121          -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
14122          -- Update all relevent cer records with new pk_id
14123          hr_utility.set_location('Before plsql table ',222);
14124          hr_utility.set_location('new_value id '||l_yr_perd_id,222);
14125          g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column := 'YR_PERD_ID' ;
14126          g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value    := r_YRP.information1 ;
14127          g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value    := l_YR_PERD_ID ;
14128          g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type  := 'COPIED';
14129          g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_YRP_unique.table_route_id;
14130          hr_utility.set_location('After plsql table ',222);
14131          --
14132          -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
14133          --
14134          g_count := g_count + 1 ;
14135          --
14136        elsif l_update then
14138          hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_YR_PERD UPDATE_PGM_OR_PL_YR_PERD ',20);
14140              --
14141              P_VALIDATE               => false
14142              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => NVL(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ,p_effective_date)
14143              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
14144              --
14145              ,P_END_DATE      => r_YRP.INFORMATION308
14146 	                  ,P_LMTN_YR_END_DT      => r_YRP.INFORMATION311
14147 	                  ,P_LMTN_YR_STRT_DT      => r_YRP.INFORMATION310
14148 	                  ,P_PERDS_IN_YR_NUM      => r_YRP.INFORMATION260
14149 	                  ,P_PERD_TM_UOM_CD      => r_YRP.INFORMATION11
14150 	                  ,P_PERD_TYP_CD      => r_YRP.INFORMATION12
14151 	                  ,P_START_DATE      => r_YRP.INFORMATION309
14152 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_YRP.INFORMATION111
14153 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_YRP.INFORMATION120
14154 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_YRP.INFORMATION121
14155 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_YRP.INFORMATION122
14156 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_YRP.INFORMATION123
14157 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_YRP.INFORMATION124
14158 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_YRP.INFORMATION125
14159 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_YRP.INFORMATION126
14160 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_YRP.INFORMATION127
14161 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_YRP.INFORMATION128
14162 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_YRP.INFORMATION129
14163 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_YRP.INFORMATION112
14164 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_YRP.INFORMATION130
14165 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_YRP.INFORMATION131
14166 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_YRP.INFORMATION132
14167 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_YRP.INFORMATION133
14168 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_YRP.INFORMATION134
14169 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_YRP.INFORMATION135
14170 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_YRP.INFORMATION136
14171 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_YRP.INFORMATION137
14172 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_YRP.INFORMATION138
14173 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_YRP.INFORMATION139
14174 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_YRP.INFORMATION113
14175 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_YRP.INFORMATION140
14176 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_YRP.INFORMATION114
14177 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_YRP.INFORMATION115
14178 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_YRP.INFORMATION116
14179 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_YRP.INFORMATION117
14180 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_YRP.INFORMATION118
14181 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_YRP.INFORMATION119
14182 	                  ,P_YRP_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_YRP.INFORMATION110
14183              ,P_YR_PERD_ID      => l_yr_perd_id
14184              --
14185              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
14186          );
14187        end if;
14188        --
14189        l_prev_pk_id := l_current_pk_id ;
14190        --
14191      end if;
14192      --
14193    end loop;
14194    --
14195  exception when others then
14196    --
14197    raise_error_message( 'YRP',r_YRP.information5 ) ;
14198    --
14199  end create_YRP_rows;
14200    --
14201    ---------------------------------------------------------------
14202    ----------------------< create_WYP_rows >-----------------------
14203    ---------------------------------------------------------------
14204    --
14205    procedure create_WYP_rows
14206    (
14207          p_validate                       in  number     default 0
14208         ,p_copy_entity_txn_id             in  number
14209         ,p_effective_date                 in  date
14210         ,p_prefix_suffix_text             in  varchar2  default null
14211         ,p_reuse_object_flag              in  varchar2  default null
14212         ,p_target_business_group_id       in  varchar2  default null
14213         ,p_prefix_suffix_cd               in  varchar2  default null
14214    ) is
14215    --
14216    cursor c_unique_WYP(l_table_alias varchar2) is
14217    select distinct cpe.information1,
14218      cpe.information2,
14219      cpe.information3,
14220      cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
14221    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe,
14222         pqh_table_route tr
14223    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
14224    and   cpe.table_route_id     = tr.table_route_id
14225    -- and   tr.where_clause        = l_BEN_WTHN_YR_PERD
14226    and tr.table_alias = l_table_alias
14227    and   cpe.number_of_copies   = 1 --ADDITION
14228    group by cpe.information1,cpe.information2,cpe.information3,  cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
14229    order by information1, information2; --added for bug: 5151945
14230    --
14231    --
14232    cursor c_WYP_min_max_dates(c_table_route_id  number,
14233                 c_information1   number) is
14234    select
14235      min(cpe.information2) min_esd,
14236      max(cpe.information3) min_eed
14237    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
14238    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
14239    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
14240    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1 ;
14241    --
14242    cursor c_WYP(c_table_route_id  number,
14243                 c_information1   number,
14244                 c_information2   date,
14245                 c_information3   date )  is
14246    select
14247      cpe.*
14248    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
14249    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
14250    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
14251    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1
14252    and rownum = 1 ;
14253    -- Date Track target record
14254    r_WYP                     c_WYP%rowtype;
14255    l_YR_PERD_ID  number;
14256    --
14257    cursor c_find_WYP_in_target(
14258                                 c_effective_start_date    date,
14259                                 c_effective_end_date      date,
14260                                 c_business_group_id       number,
14261                                 c_new_pk_id               number) is
14262    select WYP.wthn_yr_perd_id new_value
14263    from BEN_WTHN_YR_PERD WYP
14264    where WYP.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
14265    and WYP.strt_day  = r_WYP.information293
14266    and WYP.strt_mo  = r_WYP.information295
14267    and WYP.end_day  = r_WYP.information294
14268    and WYP.end_mo  = r_WYP.information296
14269    and WYP.tm_uom  = r_WYP.information11
14270    and WYP.yr_perd_id = l_yr_perd_id
14271    and WYP.wthn_yr_perd_id  <> c_new_pk_id ;
14272    --
14273    l_current_pk_id           number := null ;
14274    --UPD START
14275    --
14276    l_update                  boolean      := false ;
14277    l_datetrack_mode          varchar2(80) := hr_api.g_update;
14278    l_process_date            date;
14279    l_dml_operation           ben_copy_entity_results.dml_operation%TYPE ;
14280    --
14281    --UPD END
14282    l_prev_pk_id              number := null ;
14283    l_first_rec               boolean := true ;
14284    l_wthn_yr_perd_id             number ;
14285    l_object_version_number   number ;
14286    l_effective_start_date    date ;
14287    l_effective_end_date      date ;
14288    l_prefix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
14289    l_suffix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
14290    l_new_value               number(15);
14291    l_object_found_in_target  boolean := false ;
14292    l_min_esd                 date;
14293    l_max_eed                 date;
14294    --
14295  begin
14296    -- Initialization
14297    l_object_found_in_target := false ;
14298    -- End Initialization
14299    -- Derive the prefix - sufix
14300    if   p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX' then
14301      l_prefix  := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
14302    elsif p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX' then
14303      l_suffix   := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
14304    else
14305      l_prefix := null ;
14306      l_suffix  := null ;
14307    end if ;
14308    -- End Prefix Sufix derivation
14309    for r_WYP_unique in c_unique_WYP('WYP') loop
14310      --
14311      hr_utility.set_location(' r_WYP_unique.table_route_id '||r_WYP_unique.table_route_id,10);
14312      hr_utility.set_location(' r_WYP_unique.information1 '||r_WYP_unique.information1,10);
14313      hr_utility.set_location( 'r_WYP_unique.information2 '||r_WYP_unique.information2,10);
14314      hr_utility.set_location( 'r_WYP_unique.information3 '||r_WYP_unique.information3,10);
14315      -- If reuse objects flag is 'Y' then check for the object in the target business group
14316      -- if found insert the record into PLSql table and exit the loop else try create the
14317      -- object in the target business group
14318      --
14319      l_object_found_in_target := false ;
14320      l_min_esd := null ;
14321      l_max_eed := null ;
14322      --
14323      open c_WYP(r_WYP_unique.table_route_id,
14324                 r_WYP_unique.information1,
14325                 r_WYP_unique.information2,
14326                 r_WYP_unique.information3 ) ;
14327      --
14328      fetch c_WYP into r_WYP ;
14329      --
14330      close c_WYP ;
14331      --
14332      l_dml_operation := r_WYP_unique.dml_operation;
14333      l_YR_PERD_ID := get_fk('YR_PERD_ID', r_WYP.information240,l_dml_operation);
14334      l_update := false;
14335      --
14336      if l_dml_operation = 'UPDATE' then
14337        --
14338                l_update := true;
14339                if r_WYP_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
14340                   nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'WTHN_YR_PERD_ID'  then
14341                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'WTHN_YR_PERD_ID' ;
14342                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_WYP_unique.information1 ;
14343                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := r_WYP_unique.information1 ;
14344                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
14345                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_WYP_unique.table_route_id;
14346                   --
14347                   -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ; -- NEW
14348                   --
14349                   g_count := g_count + 1 ;
14350                   --
14351                   log_data('WYP',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_WYP_unique.information1|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
14352                   --
14353                end if ;
14354                l_WTHN_YR_PERD_ID := r_WYP_unique.information1 ;
14355                l_object_version_number := r_WYP.information265 ;
14356                hr_utility.set_location( 'found record for update',10);
14357            --
14358      else
14360      -- IK This needs to be uncommented if the YRP is changed.
14361      -- if p_reuse_object_flag = 'Y' then
14362            -- cursor to find the object
14363             open c_find_WYP_in_target(  r_WYP_unique.information2,l_max_eed,
14364                                  p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_wthn_yr_perd_id, -999)  ) ;
14365            fetch c_find_WYP_in_target into l_new_value ;
14366            if c_find_WYP_in_target%found then
14367              --
14368              if r_WYP_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
14369                 nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'WTHN_YR_PERD_ID'  then
14370                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'WTHN_YR_PERD_ID' ;
14371                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_WYP_unique.information1 ;
14372                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := l_new_value ;
14373                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
14374                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_WYP_unique.table_route_id;
14375                 --
14376                 -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count) , p_copy_entity_txn_id) ;
14377                 --
14378                 g_count := g_count + 1 ;
14379              end if ;
14380              --
14381              l_object_found_in_target := true ;
14382            end if;
14383            close c_find_WYP_in_target ;
14384          --
14385      -- end if ;
14386      --
14387      end if;
14388      if not l_object_found_in_target or l_update then
14389        l_current_pk_id := r_WYP.information1;
14390        --
14391        hr_utility.set_location(' l_current_pk_id '||l_current_pk_id,20);
14392        hr_utility.set_location(' l_prev_pk_id '||l_prev_pk_id,20);
14393        --
14394        if l_current_pk_id =  l_prev_pk_id  then
14395          --
14396          l_first_rec := false ;
14397          --
14398        else
14399          --
14400          l_first_rec := true ;
14401          --
14402        end if ;
14403        --
14404        if l_first_rec and not l_update then
14405          -- Call Create routine.
14406          hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_WTHN_YR_PERD CREATE_WITHIN_YEAR_PERD ',20);
14408              --
14409              P_VALIDATE               => false
14410              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => NVL(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ,p_effective_date)
14411              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
14412              --
14413              ,P_END_DAY      => r_WYP.INFORMATION294
14414 	                  ,P_END_MO      => r_WYP.INFORMATION296
14415 	                  ,P_STRT_DAY      => r_WYP.INFORMATION293
14416 	                  ,P_STRT_MO      => r_WYP.INFORMATION295
14417 	                  ,P_TM_UOM      => r_WYP.INFORMATION11
14418 	                  ,P_WTHN_YR_PERD_ID      => l_wthn_yr_perd_id
14419 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_WYP.INFORMATION111
14420 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_WYP.INFORMATION120
14421 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_WYP.INFORMATION121
14422 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_WYP.INFORMATION122
14423 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_WYP.INFORMATION123
14424 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_WYP.INFORMATION124
14425 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_WYP.INFORMATION125
14426 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_WYP.INFORMATION126
14427 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_WYP.INFORMATION127
14428 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_WYP.INFORMATION128
14429 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_WYP.INFORMATION129
14430 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_WYP.INFORMATION112
14431 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_WYP.INFORMATION130
14432 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_WYP.INFORMATION131
14433 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_WYP.INFORMATION132
14434 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_WYP.INFORMATION133
14435 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_WYP.INFORMATION134
14436 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_WYP.INFORMATION135
14437 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_WYP.INFORMATION136
14438 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_WYP.INFORMATION137
14439 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_WYP.INFORMATION138
14440 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_WYP.INFORMATION139
14441 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_WYP.INFORMATION113
14442 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_WYP.INFORMATION140
14443 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_WYP.INFORMATION114
14444 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_WYP.INFORMATION115
14445 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_WYP.INFORMATION116
14446 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_WYP.INFORMATION117
14447 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_WYP.INFORMATION118
14448 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_WYP.INFORMATION119
14449 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_WYP.INFORMATION110
14450              ,P_YR_PERD_ID      => l_YR_PERD_ID
14451              --
14452              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
14453          );
14454          -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
14455          -- Update all relevent cer records with new pk_id
14456          hr_utility.set_location('Before plsql table ',222);
14457          hr_utility.set_location('new_value id '||l_wthn_yr_perd_id,222);
14458          g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column := 'WTHN_YR_PERD_ID' ;
14459          g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value    := r_WYP.information1 ;
14460          g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value    := l_WTHN_YR_PERD_ID ;
14461          g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type  := 'COPIED';
14462          g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_WYP_unique.table_route_id;
14463          hr_utility.set_location('After plsql table ',222);
14464          --
14465          -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
14466          --
14467          g_count := g_count + 1 ;
14468          --
14469        elsif l_update then
14471          hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_WTHN_YR_PERD UPDATE_WITHIN_YEAR_PERD ',20);
14473              --
14474              P_VALIDATE               => false
14475              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => NVL(ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ,p_effective_date)
14476              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
14477              --
14478              ,P_END_DAY      => r_WYP.INFORMATION294
14479 	                  ,P_END_MO      => r_WYP.INFORMATION296
14480 	                  ,P_STRT_DAY      => r_WYP.INFORMATION293
14481 	                  ,P_STRT_MO      => r_WYP.INFORMATION295
14482 	                  ,P_TM_UOM      => r_WYP.INFORMATION11
14483 	                  ,P_WTHN_YR_PERD_ID      => l_wthn_yr_perd_id
14484 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_WYP.INFORMATION111
14485 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_WYP.INFORMATION120
14486 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_WYP.INFORMATION121
14487 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_WYP.INFORMATION122
14488 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_WYP.INFORMATION123
14489 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_WYP.INFORMATION124
14490 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_WYP.INFORMATION125
14491 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_WYP.INFORMATION126
14492 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_WYP.INFORMATION127
14493 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_WYP.INFORMATION128
14494 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_WYP.INFORMATION129
14495 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_WYP.INFORMATION112
14496 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_WYP.INFORMATION130
14497 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_WYP.INFORMATION131
14498 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_WYP.INFORMATION132
14499 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_WYP.INFORMATION133
14500 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_WYP.INFORMATION134
14501 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_WYP.INFORMATION135
14502 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_WYP.INFORMATION136
14503 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_WYP.INFORMATION137
14504 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_WYP.INFORMATION138
14505 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_WYP.INFORMATION139
14506 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_WYP.INFORMATION113
14507 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_WYP.INFORMATION140
14508 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_WYP.INFORMATION114
14509 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_WYP.INFORMATION115
14510 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_WYP.INFORMATION116
14511 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_WYP.INFORMATION117
14512 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_WYP.INFORMATION118
14513 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_WYP.INFORMATION119
14514 	                  ,P_WYP_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_WYP.INFORMATION110
14515              ,P_YR_PERD_ID      => l_YR_PERD_ID
14516              --
14517              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
14518          );
14519        end if;
14520        --
14521        l_prev_pk_id := l_current_pk_id ;
14522        --
14523      end if;
14524      --
14525    end loop;
14526    --
14527  exception when others then
14528    --
14529    raise_error_message( 'WYP',r_WYP.information5 ) ;
14530    --
14531  end create_WYP_rows;
14532    --
14534    --
14535    ---------------------------------------------------------------
14536    ----------------------< create_PLN_rows >-----------------------
14537    ---------------------------------------------------------------
14538    --
14539    procedure create_PLN_rows
14540    (
14541          p_validate                       in  number     default 0
14542         ,p_copy_entity_txn_id             in  number
14543         ,p_effective_date                 in  date
14544         ,p_prefix_suffix_text             in  varchar2  default null
14545         ,p_reuse_object_flag              in  varchar2  default null
14546         ,p_target_business_group_id       in  varchar2  default null
14547         ,p_prefix_suffix_cd               in  varchar2  default null
14548    ) is
14549    --
14551    -- Added decode to copy CWB group Plans first
14552    --
14553    cursor c_unique_PLN(l_table_alias varchar2) is
14554    select distinct decode(cpe.information160,cpe.information1,1,2), cpe.information1,
14555      cpe.information2,
14556      cpe.information3,
14557      cpe.INFORMATION170 name,
14558      cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode,
14559      cpe.information8
14560    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe,
14561         pqh_table_route tr
14562    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
14563    and   cpe.table_route_id     = tr.table_route_id
14564    -- and   tr.where_clause        = l_BEN_PL_F
14565    and tr.table_alias = l_table_alias
14566    and   cpe.number_of_copies   = 1 --ADDITION
14567    group by decode(cpe.information160,cpe.information1,1,2), cpe.information1,cpe.information2,cpe.information3,
14568             cpe.information170, cpe.table_route_id ,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode, cpe.information8
14569    order by 1,2,3;
14570    --
14571    --
14572    cursor c_PLN_min_max_dates(c_table_route_id  number,
14573                 c_information1   number) is
14574    select
14575      min(cpe.information2) min_esd,
14576      max(cpe.information3) min_eed
14577    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
14578    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
14579    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
14580    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1 ;
14581    --
14582    cursor c_PLN(c_table_route_id  number,
14583                 c_information1   number,
14584                 c_information2   date,
14585                 c_information3   date )  is
14586    select
14587      cpe.*
14588    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
14589    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
14590    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
14591    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1
14592    and   cpe.information2       = c_information2
14593    and   cpe.information3       = c_information3
14594    and rownum = 1 ;
14595    -- Date Track target record
14596    cursor c_find_PLN_in_target( c_PLN_name          varchar2,
14597                                 c_effective_start_date    date,
14598                                 c_effective_end_date      date,
14599                                 c_business_group_id       number,
14600                                 c_new_pk_id               number) is
14601    select
14602      PLN.pl_id new_value
14603    from BEN_PL_F PLN
14604    where PLN.name               = c_PLN_name
14605    and   PLN.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
14606    and   PLN.pl_id  <> c_new_pk_id
14607 --TEMPIK
14608    and c_effective_start_date between effective_start_date
14609                             and effective_end_date ;
14610 --END TEMPIK
14611 /*TEMPIK
14612    and exists ( select null
14613                 from BEN_PL_F PLN1
14614                 where PLN1.name               = c_PLN_name
14615                 and   PLN1.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
14616                 and   PLN1.effective_start_date <= c_effective_start_date )
14617    and exists ( select null
14618                 from BEN_PL_F PLN2
14619                 where PLN2.name               = c_PLN_name
14620                 and   PLN2.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
14621                 and   PLN2.effective_end_date >= c_effective_end_date )
14622                 ;
14623 TEMPIK */
14625    --
14626    --Mapping for CWB group Plan
14627    --
14628    cursor c_get_grp_pl(p_grp_pl_name in varchar2,
14629                        p_effective_date in date) is
14630    select name, pl_id
14631    from ben_pl_f
14632    where name = p_grp_pl_name
14633      and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
14635    l_get_grp_pl c_get_grp_pl%rowtype;
14636    --
14638    --TEMPIK
14639    l_dt_rec_found            boolean ;
14640    --END TEMPIK
14641    --
14642    -- REUSE
14643    --
14644    l_prefix_suffix_text varchar2(300) := p_prefix_suffix_text;
14645    --
14646    l_current_pk_id           number := null ;
14647    --UPD START
14648    --
14649    l_update                  boolean      := false ;
14650    l_datetrack_mode          varchar2(80) := hr_api.g_update;
14651    l_process_date            date;
14652    l_dml_operation           ben_copy_entity_results.dml_operation%TYPE ;
14653    --
14654    --UPD END
14655    l_prev_pk_id              number := null ;
14656    l_first_rec               boolean := true ;
14657    r_PLN                     c_PLN%rowtype;
14658    l_pl_id             number ;
14659    l_group_pl_id             number ;
14660    l_object_version_number   number ;
14661    l_effective_start_date    date ;
14662    l_effective_end_date      date ;
14663    l_prefix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
14664    l_suffix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
14665    l_new_value               number(15);
14666    l_object_found_in_target  boolean := false ;
14667    l_min_esd                 date;
14668    l_max_eed                 date;
14669    l_ACTL_PREM_ID  number;
14670    l_AUTO_ENRT_MTHD_RL  number;
14671    l_BNFT_PRVDR_POOL_ID  number;
14672    l_COST_ALLOC_KEYFLEX_1_ID  number;
14673    l_COST_ALLOC_KEYFLEX_2_ID  number;
14674    l_DFLT_TO_ASN_PNDG_CTFN_RL  number;
14675    l_DPNT_CVG_END_DT_RL  number;
14676    l_DPNT_CVG_STRT_DT_RL  number;
14677    l_ENRT_CVG_END_DT_RL  number;
14678    l_ENRT_CVG_STRT_DT_RL  number;
14679    l_ENRT_RL  number;
14680    l_FRFS_DISTR_MTHD_RL  number;
14681    l_MN_CVG_RL  number;
14682    l_MX_CVG_RL  number;
14683    l_MX_WTG_DT_TO_USE_RL  number;
14684    l_MX_WTG_PERD_RL  number;
14685    l_NIP_DFLT_ENRT_DET_RL  number;
14686    l_PL_TYP_ID  number;
14687    l_POSTELCN_EDIT_RL  number;
14688    l_PRORT_PRTL_YR_CVG_RSTRN_RL  number;
14689    l_RQD_PERD_ENRT_NENRT_RL  number;
14690    l_RT_END_DT_RL  number;
14691    l_RT_STRT_DT_RL  number;
14692    l_VRFY_FMLY_MMBR_RL  number;
14693    l_status_cd          varchar2(30);
14694    l_effective_date          date;
14695    -- Added during PDC change
14696    l_MAPPING_TABLE_PK_ID number;
14697    --
14698    --ML
14699    l_SUSP_IF_DPNT_DOB_NT_PRV_CD   ben_pl_f.SUSP_IF_DPNT_DOB_NT_PRV_CD%type;
14700    l_SUSP_IF_DPNT_ADR_NT_PRV_CD   ben_pl_f.SUSP_IF_DPNT_ADR_NT_PRV_CD%type;
14701    l_SUSP_IF_BNF_SSN_NT_PRV_CD    ben_pl_f.SUSP_IF_BNF_SSN_NT_PRV_CD%type;
14702    l_SUSP_IF_BNF_DOB_NT_PRV_CD    ben_pl_f.SUSP_IF_BNF_DOB_NT_PRV_CD%type;
14703    l_SUSP_IF_BNF_ADR_NT_PRV_CD    ben_pl_f.SUSP_IF_BNF_ADR_NT_PRV_CD%type;
14704    l_SUSP_IF_DPNT_SSN_NT_PRV_CD   ben_pl_f.SUSP_IF_DPNT_SSN_NT_PRV_CD%type;
14705    --
14706  begin
14707    -- Initialization
14708    l_object_found_in_target := false ;
14709    -- End Initialization
14710    --
14712    for r_PLN_unique in c_unique_PLN('PLN') loop
14714      if (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is null or
14715         (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
14716          r_PLN_unique.information3 >=
14717                   ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date)
14718         ) then
14719        --
14720        -- Derive the prefix - sufix
14721        -- REUSE ENHANCEMENT
14722        --
14723        l_prefix_suffix_text := p_prefix_suffix_text;
14724        if ben_PLAN_DESIGN_TXNS_api.g_pgm_pl_prefix_suffix_text is not null  and
14725          r_PLN_unique.information8 = 'PLNIP' then
14726          --
14727          l_prefix_suffix_text := ben_PLAN_DESIGN_TXNS_api.g_pgm_pl_prefix_suffix_text;
14728          --
14729        end if;
14730        if   p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX' then
14731          l_prefix  := l_prefix_suffix_text ;
14732        elsif p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX' then
14733          l_suffix   := l_prefix_suffix_text ;
14734        else
14735          l_prefix := null ;
14736          l_suffix  := null ;
14737        end if ;
14738        --
14739        hr_utility.set_location(' r_PLN_unique.table_route_id '||r_PLN_unique.table_route_id,10);
14740        hr_utility.set_location(' r_PLN_unique.information1 '||r_PLN_unique.information1,10);
14741        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_PLN_unique.information2 '||r_PLN_unique.information2,10);
14742        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_PLN_unique.information3 '||r_PLN_unique.information3,10);
14743        -- If reuse objects flag is 'Y' then check for the object in the target business group
14744        -- if found insert the record into PLSql table and exit the loop else try create the
14745        -- object in the target business group
14746        --
14747        l_object_found_in_target := false ;
14748        l_update := false;
14749        l_process_date := p_effective_date;
14750        l_dml_operation:= r_PLN_unique.dml_operation ;
14751        --
14752        if l_dml_operation = 'UPDATE' then
14753          --
14754          l_object_found_in_target := TRUE;
14755          --
14756          if l_process_date between r_PLN_unique.information2 and r_PLN_unique.information3 then
14757                l_update := true;
14758                if r_PLN_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
14759                   nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'PL_ID'  then
14760                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'PL_ID' ;
14761                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_PLN_unique.information1 ;
14762                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := r_PLN_unique.information1 ;
14763                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
14764                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_PLN_unique.table_route_id;
14765                   --
14766                   -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
14767                   --
14768                   g_count := g_count + 1 ;
14769                   --
14770                   log_data('PLN',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_PLN_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
14771                   --
14772                end if ;
14773                hr_utility.set_location( 'found record for update',10);
14774            --
14775          else
14776            --
14777            l_update := false;
14778            --
14779          end if;
14780        else
14781          --
14782        l_min_esd := null ;
14783        l_max_eed := null ;
14784        open c_PLN_min_max_dates(r_PLN_unique.table_route_id, r_PLN_unique.information1 ) ;
14785        fetch c_PLN_min_max_dates into l_min_esd,l_max_eed ;
14787        if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
14788             l_min_esd < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
14789           l_min_esd := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
14790        end if;
14791        l_min_esd := greatest(l_min_esd,r_PLN_unique.information2);
14793        hr_utility.set_location( 'l_min_esd,l_max_eed '||l_min_esd|| '  :  ' || l_max_eed,10);
14794        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_PLN_unique.information8 = ' || r_PLN_unique.information8, 10);
14795 ---
14796 --Bug 4367899 fix -- reverting fix 4367899 not to get into fp.
14797 -- fix for 4367899 will be delivered later
14798 --       if p_reuse_object_flag = 'Y' and nvl(r_PLN_unique.information8, 'XYZ') <> 'PLNIP' then
14799          if p_reuse_object_flag = 'Y'  then
14800           if c_PLN_min_max_dates%found then
14801             hr_utility.set_location( '-- cursor to find the object', 10);
14802             hr_utility.set_location( l_prefix || r_PLN_unique.name || l_suffix, 10);
14803             open c_find_PLN_in_target( l_prefix || r_PLN_unique.name || l_suffix ,l_min_esd,l_max_eed,
14804                                  p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_pl_id, -999)  ) ;
14805             fetch c_find_PLN_in_target into l_new_value ;
14806             if c_find_PLN_in_target%found then
14807               --
14808              --TEMPIK
14809              l_dt_rec_found :=   dt_api.check_min_max_dates
14810                  (p_base_table_name => 'BEN_PL_F',
14811                   p_base_key_column => 'PL_ID',
14812                   p_base_key_value  => l_new_value,
14813                   p_from_date       => l_min_esd,
14814                   p_to_date         => l_max_eed );
14815              if l_dt_rec_found THEN
14816              --END TEMPIK
14817               hr_utility.set_location( '-- found the object', 10);
14818               if r_PLN_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
14819                 nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'PL_ID'  then
14820                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'PL_ID' ;
14821                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_PLN_unique.information1 ;
14822                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := l_new_value ;
14823                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
14824                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_PLN_unique.table_route_id;
14825                 --
14826                 -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count) , p_copy_entity_txn_id) ;
14827                 --
14828                 g_count := g_count + 1 ;
14829                 --
14830                 log_data('PLN',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_PLN_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
14831                 --
14832               end if ;
14833               --
14834               l_object_found_in_target := true ;
14835              --TEMPIK
14836              end if; -- l_dt_rec_found
14837              --END TEMPIK
14838             end if;
14839             close c_find_PLN_in_target ;
14840           --
14841           end if;
14842        end if ;
14843        --
14844        close c_PLN_min_max_dates ;
14845        end if; --if p_dml_operation
14846        --
14847        if not l_object_found_in_target OR l_update  then
14848          --
14849          open c_PLN(r_PLN_unique.table_route_id,
14850                 r_PLN_unique.information1,
14851                 r_PLN_unique.information2,
14852                 r_PLN_unique.information3 ) ;
14853          --
14854          fetch c_PLN into r_PLN ;
14855          --
14856          close c_PLN ;
14857          --
14858          l_status_cd := r_PLN.information19;
14859          if r_PLN_unique.information8 = 'PLNIP' then
14860            l_status_cd := 'P';
14861          end if;
14862          --
14863          l_current_pk_id := r_PLN.information1;
14864          --
14865          hr_utility.set_location(' l_current_pk_id '||l_current_pk_id,20);
14866          hr_utility.set_location(' l_prev_pk_id '||l_prev_pk_id,20);
14867          --
14868          if l_current_pk_id =  l_prev_pk_id  then
14869            --
14870            l_first_rec := false ;
14871            --
14872          else
14873            --
14874            l_first_rec := true ;
14875            --
14876          end if ;
14877          --
14878          --
14879          --Mapping for CWB group Plan
14880          --
14881          -- Bug 4665663 - Map only if it is not a Group Plan
14882          if (r_PLN.INFORMATION160 IS NOT NULL and
14883              r_PLN.INFORMATION160 <> r_PLN.INFORMATION1) then
14884              --
14885              l_group_pl_id := NULL;
14886              --
14887              if BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_mapping_done then
14888                l_group_pl_id := r_PLN.information176 ;
14889              end if;
14890              --
14891              if (l_group_pl_id IS NULL) then
14892                l_group_pl_id := get_fk('PL_ID', r_PLN.INFORMATION160,l_dml_operation);
14893              end if ;
14894           end if;
14895              --
14896              /*
14897              hr_utility.set_location(' l_group_pl_id '||l_group_pl_id,20);
14898              --
14899              -- If group plan and actual plans are created in one flow then resolve the
14900              -- group plan.
14901              --
14902              if l_group_pl_id is null then
14903                 l_group_pl_id := get_fk('PL_ID', r_PLN.INFORMATION160,l_dml_operation);
14904              end if;
14905              */
14906          hr_utility.set_location(' l_group_pl_id '||l_group_pl_id,30);
14907          --
14908          --
14909          -- End Mapping for CWB group Plan
14910          --
14911         l_ACTL_PREM_ID := get_fk('ACTL_PREM_ID', r_PLN.INFORMATION250,l_dml_operation);
14912         l_AUTO_ENRT_MTHD_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_PLN.INFORMATION281,l_dml_operation);
14913         l_BNFT_PRVDR_POOL_ID := get_fk('BNFT_PRVDR_POOL_ID', r_PLN.INFORMATION235,l_dml_operation);
14914         l_COST_ALLOC_KEYFLEX_1_ID := get_fk('COST_ALLOC_KEYFLEX_1_ID', r_PLN.INFORMATION287,l_dml_operation);
14915         l_COST_ALLOC_KEYFLEX_2_ID := get_fk('COST_ALLOC_KEYFLEX_2_ID', r_PLN.INFORMATION288,l_dml_operation);
14916         l_DFLT_TO_ASN_PNDG_CTFN_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_PLN.INFORMATION272,l_dml_operation);
14917         l_DPNT_CVG_END_DT_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_PLN.INFORMATION258,l_dml_operation);
14918         l_DPNT_CVG_STRT_DT_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_PLN.INFORMATION259,l_dml_operation);
14919         l_ENRT_CVG_END_DT_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_PLN.INFORMATION260,l_dml_operation);
14920         l_ENRT_CVG_STRT_DT_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_PLN.INFORMATION262,l_dml_operation);
14921         l_ENRT_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_PLN.INFORMATION274,l_dml_operation);
14922         l_FRFS_DISTR_MTHD_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_PLN.INFORMATION257,l_dml_operation);
14923         l_MAPPING_TABLE_PK_ID := get_fk('MAPPING_TABLE_PK_ID', r_PLN.INFORMATION294,l_dml_operation);
14924         l_MN_CVG_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_PLN.INFORMATION283,l_dml_operation);
14925         l_MX_CVG_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_PLN.INFORMATION284,l_dml_operation);
14926         l_MX_WTG_DT_TO_USE_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_PLN.INFORMATION275,l_dml_operation);
14927         l_MX_WTG_PERD_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_PLN.INFORMATION282,l_dml_operation);
14928         l_NIP_DFLT_ENRT_DET_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_PLN.INFORMATION286,l_dml_operation);
14929         l_PL_TYP_ID := get_fk('PL_TYP_ID', r_PLN.INFORMATION248,l_dml_operation);
14930         l_POSTELCN_EDIT_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_PLN.INFORMATION279,l_dml_operation);
14931         l_PRORT_PRTL_YR_CVG_RSTRN_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_PLN.INFORMATION268,l_dml_operation);
14932         l_RQD_PERD_ENRT_NENRT_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_PLN.INFORMATION276,l_dml_operation);
14933         l_RT_END_DT_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_PLN.INFORMATION277,l_dml_operation);
14934         l_RT_STRT_DT_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_PLN.INFORMATION278,l_dml_operation);
14935         l_VRFY_FMLY_MMBR_RL := get_fk('FORMULA_ID', r_PLN.INFORMATION264,l_dml_operation);
14937         --
14938         -- PDW modification
14939         --
14940           if(BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_transaction_category = 'BEN_PDCRWZ') then
14941           --
14942             if(r_PLN.INFORMATION299  = 0) then
14943                r_PLN.INFORMATION299 := null;
14944             end if;
14946             if(r_PLN.INFORMATION300  = 0) then
14947                r_PLN.INFORMATION300 := null;
14948             end if;
14950           --
14951           end if;
14952         --
14954          ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.ben_chk_col_len('NAME' ,'BEN_PL_F',l_prefix || r_PLN.INFORMATION170  || l_suffix);
14955          --
14957          l_effective_date := r_PLN.information2;
14958          if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
14959               l_effective_date < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
14960               l_effective_date := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
14961          end if;
14963         --
14964          --ML
14965          --
14966          if r_PLN.INFORMATION31  = 'Y' and  r_PLN.INFORMATION196 is null then
14967             l_SUSP_IF_DPNT_SSN_NT_PRV_CD := 'RQDS';
14968          else
14969             l_SUSP_IF_DPNT_SSN_NT_PRV_CD := r_PLN.INFORMATION196;
14970          end if;
14971          --
14972          if r_PLN.INFORMATION32  = 'Y' and  r_PLN.INFORMATION190 is null then
14973             l_SUSP_IF_DPNT_DOB_NT_PRV_CD := 'RQDS';
14974          else
14975             l_SUSP_IF_DPNT_DOB_NT_PRV_CD := r_PLN.INFORMATION190;
14976          end if;
14977          --
14978          if r_PLN.INFORMATION30  = 'Y' and  r_PLN.INFORMATION191 is null then
14979             l_SUSP_IF_DPNT_ADR_NT_PRV_CD := 'RQDS';
14980          else
14981             l_SUSP_IF_DPNT_ADR_NT_PRV_CD := r_PLN.INFORMATION191;
14982          end if;
14983          --
14984          if r_PLN.INFORMATION57  = 'Y' and  r_PLN.INFORMATION194 is null then
14985             l_SUSP_IF_BNF_SSN_NT_PRV_CD  := 'RQDS';
14986          else
14987             l_SUSP_IF_BNF_SSN_NT_PRV_CD  := r_PLN.INFORMATION194;
14988          end if;
14989          --
14990          if r_PLN.INFORMATION66  = 'Y' and  r_PLN.INFORMATION195 is null then
14991             l_SUSP_IF_BNF_DOB_NT_PRV_CD  := 'RQDS';
14992          else
14993             l_SUSP_IF_BNF_DOB_NT_PRV_CD  := r_PLN.INFORMATION195;
14994          end if;
14995          --
14996          if r_PLN.INFORMATION54  = 'Y' and  r_PLN.INFORMATION106 is null then
14997             l_SUSP_IF_BNF_ADR_NT_PRV_CD  := 'RQDS';
14998          else
14999             l_SUSP_IF_BNF_ADR_NT_PRV_CD  := r_PLN.INFORMATION106;
15000          end if;
15001          if l_first_rec and not l_update then
15002            -- Call Create routine.
15003            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_PL_F CREATE_PLAN ',20);
15004            BEN_PLAN_API.CREATE_PLAN(
15005              --
15006              P_VALIDATE               => false
15007              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
15008              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
15009              --
15010              ,P_ACTL_PREM_ID      => l_ACTL_PREM_ID
15011 	                  ,P_ALWS_QDRO_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION36
15012 	                  ,P_ALWS_QMCSO_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION37
15013 	                  ,P_ALWS_REIMBMTS_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION51
15014 	                  ,P_ALWS_TMPRY_ID_CRD_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION24
15015 	                  ,P_ALWS_UNRSTRCTD_ENRT_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION52
15016 	                  ,P_AUTO_ENRT_MTHD_RL      => l_AUTO_ENRT_MTHD_RL
15017 	                  ,P_BNDRY_PERD_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION101
15018 	                  ,P_BNFT_OR_OPTION_RSTRCTN_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION77
15019 	                  ,P_BNFT_PRVDR_POOL_ID      => l_BNFT_PRVDR_POOL_ID
15020 	                  ,P_BNF_ADDL_INSTN_TXT_ALWD_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION53
15021 	                  ,P_BNF_ADRS_RQD_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION54
15022 	                  ,P_BNF_CNTNGT_BNFS_ALWD_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION56
15023 	                  ,P_BNF_CTFN_RQD_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION55
15024 	                  ,P_BNF_DFLT_BNF_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION82
15025 	                  ,P_BNF_DOB_RQD_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION66
15026 	                  ,P_BNF_DSGE_MNR_TTEE_RQD_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION60
15027 	                  ,P_BNF_DSGN_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION89
15028 	                  ,P_BNF_INCRMT_AMT      => r_PLN.INFORMATION302
15029 	                  ,P_BNF_LEGV_ID_RQD_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION57
15030 	                  ,P_BNF_MAY_DSGT_ORG_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION58
15031 	                  ,P_BNF_MN_DSGNTBL_AMT      => r_PLN.INFORMATION303
15032 	                  ,P_BNF_MN_DSGNTBL_PCT_VAL      => r_PLN.INFORMATION290
15033 	                  ,P_BNF_PCT_AMT_ALWD_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION83
15034 	                  ,P_BNF_PCT_INCRMT_VAL      => r_PLN.INFORMATION293
15035 	                  ,P_BNF_QDRO_RL_APLS_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION59
15036 	                  ,P_CMPR_CLMS_TO_CVG_OR_BAL_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION84
15037 	                  ,P_COBRA_PYMT_DUE_DY_NUM      => r_PLN.INFORMATION285
15038 	                  ,P_COST_ALLOC_KEYFLEX_1_ID      => l_COST_ALLOC_KEYFLEX_1_ID
15039 	                  ,P_COST_ALLOC_KEYFLEX_2_ID      => l_COST_ALLOC_KEYFLEX_2_ID
15040 	                  ,P_CVG_INCR_R_DECR_ONLY_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION68
15041 	                  ,P_DFLT_TO_ASN_PNDG_CTFN_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION91
15042 	                  ,P_DFLT_TO_ASN_PNDG_CTFN_RL      => l_DFLT_TO_ASN_PNDG_CTFN_RL
15043 	                  ,P_DPNT_ADRS_RQD_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION30
15044 	                  ,P_DPNT_CVD_BY_OTHR_APLS_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION29
15045 	                  ,P_DPNT_CVG_END_DT_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION85
15046 	                  ,P_DPNT_CVG_END_DT_RL      => l_DPNT_CVG_END_DT_RL
15047 	                  ,P_DPNT_CVG_STRT_DT_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION86
15048 	                  ,P_DPNT_CVG_STRT_DT_RL      => l_DPNT_CVG_STRT_DT_RL
15049 	                  ,P_DPNT_DOB_RQD_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION32
15050 	                  ,P_DPNT_DSGN_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION87
15051 	                  ,P_DPNT_LEG_ID_RQD_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION31
15052 	                  ,P_DPNT_NO_CTFN_RQD_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION27
15053 	                  ,P_DRVBL_DPNT_ELIG_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION25
15054 	                  ,P_DRVBL_FCTR_APLS_RTS_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION33
15055 	                  ,P_DRVBL_FCTR_PRTN_ELIG_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION26
15056 	                  ,P_ELIG_APLS_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION34
15057 	                  ,P_ENRT_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION17
15058 	                  ,P_ENRT_CVG_END_DT_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION21
15059 	                  ,P_ENRT_CVG_END_DT_RL      => l_ENRT_CVG_END_DT_RL
15060 	                  ,P_ENRT_CVG_STRT_DT_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION20
15061 	                  ,P_ENRT_CVG_STRT_DT_RL      => l_ENRT_CVG_STRT_DT_RL
15062 	                  ,P_ENRT_MTHD_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION92
15063 	                  ,P_ENRT_PL_OPT_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION39
15064 	                  ,P_ENRT_RL      => l_ENRT_RL
15065 	                  ,P_FRFS_APLY_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION40
15066 	                  ,P_FRFS_CNTR_DET_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION96
15067 	                  ,P_FRFS_DISTR_DET_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION97
15068 	                  ,P_FRFS_DISTR_MTHD_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION13
15069 	                  ,P_FRFS_DISTR_MTHD_RL      => l_FRFS_DISTR_MTHD_RL
15070 	                  ,P_FRFS_MX_CRYFWD_VAL      => r_PLN.INFORMATION304
15071 	                  ,P_FRFS_PORTION_DET_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION100
15072 	                  ,P_FRFS_VAL_DET_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION99
15073 	                  ,P_FUNCTION_CODE      => r_PLN.INFORMATION95
15074 	                  ,P_HC_PL_SUBJ_HCFA_APRVL_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION47
15075 	                  ,P_HC_SVC_TYP_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION15
15076 	                  ,P_HGHLY_CMPD_RL_APLS_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION38
15077 	                  ,P_IMPTD_INCM_CALC_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION73
15078 	                  ,P_INCPTN_DT      => r_PLN.INFORMATION306
15079 	                  ,P_INVK_DCLN_PRTN_PL_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION50
15080 	                  ,P_INVK_FLX_CR_PL_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION49
15081 	                  ,P_IVR_IDENT      => r_PLN.INFORMATION142
15082 	                  ,P_MAPPING_TABLE_NAME      => r_PLN.INFORMATION141
15083 	                  ,P_MAPPING_TABLE_PK_ID      => l_MAPPING_TABLE_PK_ID
15084 	                  ,P_MAY_ENRL_PL_N_OIPL_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION28
15085 	                  ,P_MN_CVG_RL      => l_MN_CVG_RL
15086 	                  ,P_MN_CVG_RQD_AMT      => r_PLN.INFORMATION300
15087 	                  ,P_MN_OPTS_RQD_NUM      => r_PLN.INFORMATION269
15088 	                  ,P_MX_CVG_ALWD_AMT      => r_PLN.INFORMATION299
15089 	                  ,P_MX_CVG_INCR_ALWD_AMT      => r_PLN.INFORMATION297
15090 	                  ,P_MX_CVG_INCR_WCF_ALWD_AMT      => r_PLN.INFORMATION298
15091 	                  ,P_MX_CVG_MLT_INCR_NUM      => r_PLN.INFORMATION271
15092 	                  ,P_MX_CVG_MLT_INCR_WCF_NUM      => r_PLN.INFORMATION273
15093 	                  ,P_MX_CVG_RL      => l_MX_CVG_RL
15094 	                  ,P_MX_CVG_WCFN_AMT      => r_PLN.INFORMATION295
15095 	                  ,P_MX_CVG_WCFN_MLT_NUM      => r_PLN.INFORMATION267
15096 	                  ,P_MX_OPTS_ALWD_NUM      => r_PLN.INFORMATION270
15097 	                  ,P_MX_WTG_DT_TO_USE_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION80
15098 	                  ,P_MX_WTG_DT_TO_USE_RL      => l_MX_WTG_DT_TO_USE_RL
15099 	                  ,P_MX_WTG_PERD_PRTE_UOM      => r_PLN.INFORMATION79
15100 	                  ,P_MX_WTG_PERD_PRTE_VAL      => r_PLN.INFORMATION289
15101 	                  ,P_MX_WTG_PERD_RL      => l_MX_WTG_PERD_RL
15102 	                  ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_PLN.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
15103 	                  ,P_NIP_ACTY_REF_PERD_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION16
15104 	                  ,P_NIP_DFLT_ENRT_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION88
15105 	                  ,P_NIP_DFLT_ENRT_DET_RL      => l_NIP_DFLT_ENRT_DET_RL
15106 	                  ,P_NIP_DFLT_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION12
15107 	                  ,P_NIP_ENRT_INFO_RT_FREQ_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION22
15108 	                  ,P_NIP_PL_UOM      => r_PLN.INFORMATION81
15109 	                  ,P_NO_MN_CVG_AMT_APLS_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION61
15110 	                  ,P_NO_MN_CVG_INCR_APLS_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION63
15111 	                  ,P_NO_MN_OPTS_NUM_APLS_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION65
15112 	                  ,P_NO_MX_CVG_AMT_APLS_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION62
15113 	                  ,P_NO_MX_CVG_INCR_APLS_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION64
15114 	                  ,P_NO_MX_OPTS_NUM_APLS_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION35
15115 	                  ,P_ORDR_NUM      => r_PLN.INFORMATION266
15116 	                  ,P_PER_CVRD_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION76
15117 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_PLN.INFORMATION111
15118 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_PLN.INFORMATION120
15119 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_PLN.INFORMATION121
15120 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_PLN.INFORMATION122
15121 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_PLN.INFORMATION123
15122 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_PLN.INFORMATION124
15123 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_PLN.INFORMATION125
15124 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_PLN.INFORMATION126
15125 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_PLN.INFORMATION127
15126 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_PLN.INFORMATION128
15127 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_PLN.INFORMATION129
15128 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_PLN.INFORMATION112
15129 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_PLN.INFORMATION130
15130 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_PLN.INFORMATION131
15131 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_PLN.INFORMATION132
15132 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_PLN.INFORMATION133
15133 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_PLN.INFORMATION134
15134 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_PLN.INFORMATION135
15135 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_PLN.INFORMATION136
15136 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_PLN.INFORMATION137
15137 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_PLN.INFORMATION138
15138 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_PLN.INFORMATION139
15139 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_PLN.INFORMATION113
15140 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_PLN.INFORMATION140
15141 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_PLN.INFORMATION114
15142 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_PLN.INFORMATION115
15143 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_PLN.INFORMATION116
15144 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_PLN.INFORMATION117
15145 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_PLN.INFORMATION118
15146 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_PLN.INFORMATION119
15147 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_PLN.INFORMATION110
15148 	                  ,P_PL_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION67
15149 	                  ,P_PL_ID      => l_pl_id
15150 	                  ,P_PL_STAT_CD      => l_status_cd
15151 	                  ,P_PL_TYP_ID      => l_PL_TYP_ID
15152 	                  ,P_PL_YR_NOT_APPLCBL_FLAG      => NVL(r_PLN.INFORMATION14,'N') -- BUG: 3502032
15153 	                  ,P_POSTELCN_EDIT_RL      => l_POSTELCN_EDIT_RL
15154 	                  ,P_POST_TO_GL_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION98
15155 	                  ,P_PRMRY_FNDG_MTHD_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION90
15156 	                  ,P_PRORT_PRTL_YR_CVG_RSTRN_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION18
15157 	                  ,P_PRORT_PRTL_YR_CVG_RSTRN_RL      => l_PRORT_PRTL_YR_CVG_RSTRN_RL
15158 	                  ,P_PRTN_ELIG_OVRID_ALWD_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION46
15159 	                  ,P_RQD_PERD_ENRT_NENRT_RL      => l_RQD_PERD_ENRT_NENRT_RL
15160 	                  ,P_RQD_PERD_ENRT_NENRT_UOM      => r_PLN.INFORMATION69
15161 	                  ,P_RQD_PERD_ENRT_NENRT_VAL      => r_PLN.INFORMATION301
15162 	                  ,P_RT_END_DT_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION74
15163 	                  ,P_RT_END_DT_RL      => l_RT_END_DT_RL
15164 	                  ,P_RT_STRT_DT_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION75
15165 	                  ,P_RT_STRT_DT_RL      => l_RT_STRT_DT_RL
15166 	                  ,P_SHORT_CODE      => r_PLN.INFORMATION93
15167 	                  ,P_SHORT_NAME      => r_PLN.INFORMATION94
15168                           -- cwb tilak
15169                           ,P_GROUP_PL_ID      => l_group_pl_id -- r_PLN.INFORMATION176
15170 	                  ,P_SUBJ_TO_IMPTD_INCM_TYP_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION71
15171 	                  ,P_SVGS_PL_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION41
15172 	                  ,P_TRK_INELIG_PER_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION42
15173 	                  ,P_UNSSPND_ENRT_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION72
15174 	                  ,P_URL_REF_NAME      => r_PLN.INFORMATION185
15175 	                  ,P_USE_ALL_ASNTS_ELIG_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION43
15176 	                  ,P_USE_ALL_ASNTS_FOR_RT_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION44
15177 	                  ,P_VRFY_FMLY_MMBR_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION23
15178 	                  ,P_VRFY_FMLY_MMBR_RL      => l_VRFY_FMLY_MMBR_RL
15179 	                  ,P_VSTG_APLS_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION45
15180              ,P_WVBL_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION48
15181              --ML
15182              ,p_SUSP_IF_CTFN_NOT_PRVD_FLAG        => nvl(r_PLN.INFORMATION198,'Y')
15183              ,p_CTFN_DETERMINE_CD                 => r_PLN.INFORMATION197
15184              ,p_SUSP_IF_DPNT_SSN_NT_PRV_CD        => l_SUSP_IF_DPNT_SSN_NT_PRV_CD
15185              ,p_SUSP_IF_DPNT_DOB_NT_PRV_CD        => l_SUSP_IF_DPNT_DOB_NT_PRV_CD
15186              ,p_SUSP_IF_DPNT_ADR_NT_PRV_CD        => l_SUSP_IF_DPNT_ADR_NT_PRV_CD
15187              ,p_SUSP_IF_CTFN_NOT_DPNT_FLAG        => nvl(r_PLN.INFORMATION192,'Y')
15188              ,p_DPNT_CTFN_DETERMINE_CD            => r_PLN.INFORMATION193
15189              ,p_SUSP_IF_BNF_SSN_NT_PRV_CD         => l_SUSP_IF_BNF_SSN_NT_PRV_CD
15190              ,p_SUSP_IF_BNF_DOB_NT_PRV_CD         => l_SUSP_IF_BNF_DOB_NT_PRV_CD
15191              ,p_BNF_CTFN_DETERMINE_CD             => r_PLN.INFORMATION104
15192               -- Bug 3939490
15193              ,p_legislation_code	          => r_pln.information107
15194              ,p_legislation_subgroup	          => r_pln.information108
15195              ,p_use_csd_rsd_prccng_cd	          => r_pln.information109
15196              -- Bug 3939490
15197              ,p_SUSP_IF_CTFN_NOT_BNF_FLAG         => nvl(r_PLN.INFORMATION105,'N')
15198              ,p_SUSP_IF_BNF_ADR_NT_PRV_CD         => l_SUSP_IF_BNF_ADR_NT_PRV_CD
15199              --
15200              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
15201              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
15202              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
15203            );
15204            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
15205            -- Update all relevent cer records with new pk_id
15206            hr_utility.set_location('Before plsql table ',222);
15207            hr_utility.set_location('new_value id '||l_pl_id,222);
15208            g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column := 'PL_ID' ;
15209            g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value    := r_PLN.information1 ;
15210            g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value    := l_PL_ID ;
15211            g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type  := 'COPIED';
15212            g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_PLN_unique.table_route_id;
15213            hr_utility.set_location('After plsql table ',222);
15214            --
15215            -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
15216            --
15217            g_count := g_count + 1 ;
15218            --
15219            log_data('PLN',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_PLN.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix,'COPIED');
15220            --
15221          else
15222            --
15223            -- Call Update routine for the pk_id created in prev run .
15224            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
15225            --UPD START
15226            hr_utility.set_location('Before call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'||l_datetrack_mode,5);
15227            --
15228            if l_update then
15229              --
15230              l_datetrack_mode := r_PLN.datetrack_mode ;
15231              --
15232              get_dt_modes(
15233                p_effective_date        => l_process_date,
15234                p_effective_end_date    => r_PLN.information3,
15235                p_effective_start_date  => r_PLN.information2,
15236                p_dml_operation         => r_PLN.dml_operation,
15237                p_datetrack_mode        => l_datetrack_mode );
15238            --    p_update                => l_update
15239              --
15240              l_effective_date := l_process_date;
15241              l_pl_id   := r_PLN.information1;
15242              l_object_version_number := r_PLN.information265;
15243              --
15244            end if;
15245            --
15246            hr_utility.set_location('After call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'||l_datetrack_mode,5);
15247            --
15248            IF l_update OR l_dml_operation <> 'UPDATE' THEN
15249            --UPD END
15250            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_PL_F UPDATE_PLAN ',30);
15251            BEN_PLAN_API.UPDATE_PLAN(
15252              --
15253              P_VALIDATE               => false
15254              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
15255              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
15256              --
15257              ,P_ACTL_PREM_ID      => l_ACTL_PREM_ID
15258 	                  ,P_ALWS_QDRO_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION36
15259 	                  ,P_ALWS_QMCSO_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION37
15260 	                  ,P_ALWS_REIMBMTS_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION51
15261 	                  ,P_ALWS_TMPRY_ID_CRD_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION24
15262 	                  ,P_ALWS_UNRSTRCTD_ENRT_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION52
15263 	                  ,P_AUTO_ENRT_MTHD_RL      => l_AUTO_ENRT_MTHD_RL
15264 	                  ,P_BNDRY_PERD_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION101
15265 	                  ,P_BNFT_OR_OPTION_RSTRCTN_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION77
15266 	                  ,P_BNFT_PRVDR_POOL_ID      => l_BNFT_PRVDR_POOL_ID
15267 	                  ,P_BNF_ADDL_INSTN_TXT_ALWD_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION53
15268 	                  ,P_BNF_ADRS_RQD_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION54
15269 	                  ,P_BNF_CNTNGT_BNFS_ALWD_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION56
15270 	                  ,P_BNF_CTFN_RQD_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION55
15271 	                  ,P_BNF_DFLT_BNF_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION82
15272 	                  ,P_BNF_DOB_RQD_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION66
15273 	                  ,P_BNF_DSGE_MNR_TTEE_RQD_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION60
15274 	                  ,P_BNF_DSGN_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION89
15275 	                  ,P_BNF_INCRMT_AMT      => r_PLN.INFORMATION302
15276 	                  ,P_BNF_LEGV_ID_RQD_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION57
15277 	                  ,P_BNF_MAY_DSGT_ORG_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION58
15278 	                  ,P_BNF_MN_DSGNTBL_AMT      => r_PLN.INFORMATION303
15279 	                  ,P_BNF_MN_DSGNTBL_PCT_VAL      => r_PLN.INFORMATION290
15280 	                  ,P_BNF_PCT_AMT_ALWD_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION83
15281 	                  ,P_BNF_PCT_INCRMT_VAL      => r_PLN.INFORMATION293
15282 	                  ,P_BNF_QDRO_RL_APLS_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION59
15283 	                  ,P_CMPR_CLMS_TO_CVG_OR_BAL_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION84
15284 	                  ,P_COBRA_PYMT_DUE_DY_NUM      => r_PLN.INFORMATION285
15285 	                  ,P_COST_ALLOC_KEYFLEX_1_ID      => l_COST_ALLOC_KEYFLEX_1_ID
15286 	                  ,P_COST_ALLOC_KEYFLEX_2_ID      => l_COST_ALLOC_KEYFLEX_2_ID
15287 	                  ,P_CVG_INCR_R_DECR_ONLY_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION68
15288 	                  ,P_DFLT_TO_ASN_PNDG_CTFN_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION91
15289 	                  ,P_DFLT_TO_ASN_PNDG_CTFN_RL      => l_DFLT_TO_ASN_PNDG_CTFN_RL
15290 	                  ,P_DPNT_ADRS_RQD_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION30
15291 	                  ,P_DPNT_CVD_BY_OTHR_APLS_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION29
15292 	                  ,P_DPNT_CVG_END_DT_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION85
15293 	                  ,P_DPNT_CVG_END_DT_RL      => l_DPNT_CVG_END_DT_RL
15294 	                  ,P_DPNT_CVG_STRT_DT_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION86
15295 	                  ,P_DPNT_CVG_STRT_DT_RL      => l_DPNT_CVG_STRT_DT_RL
15296 	                  ,P_DPNT_DOB_RQD_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION32
15297 	                  ,P_DPNT_DSGN_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION87
15298 	                  ,P_DPNT_LEG_ID_RQD_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION31
15299 	                  ,P_DPNT_NO_CTFN_RQD_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION27
15300 	                  ,P_DRVBL_DPNT_ELIG_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION25
15301 	                  ,P_DRVBL_FCTR_APLS_RTS_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION33
15302 	                  ,P_DRVBL_FCTR_PRTN_ELIG_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION26
15303 	                  ,P_ELIG_APLS_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION34
15304 	                  ,P_ENRT_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION17
15305 	                  ,P_ENRT_CVG_END_DT_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION21
15306 	                  ,P_ENRT_CVG_END_DT_RL      => l_ENRT_CVG_END_DT_RL
15307 	                  ,P_ENRT_CVG_STRT_DT_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION20
15308 	                  ,P_ENRT_CVG_STRT_DT_RL      => l_ENRT_CVG_STRT_DT_RL
15309 	                  ,P_ENRT_MTHD_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION92
15310 	                  ,P_ENRT_PL_OPT_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION39
15311 	                  ,P_ENRT_RL      => l_ENRT_RL
15312 	                  ,P_FRFS_APLY_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION40
15313 	                  ,P_FRFS_CNTR_DET_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION96
15314 	                  ,P_FRFS_DISTR_DET_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION97
15315 	                  ,P_FRFS_DISTR_MTHD_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION13
15316 	                  ,P_FRFS_DISTR_MTHD_RL      => l_FRFS_DISTR_MTHD_RL
15317 	                  ,P_FRFS_MX_CRYFWD_VAL      => r_PLN.INFORMATION304
15318 	                  ,P_FRFS_PORTION_DET_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION100
15319 	                  ,P_FRFS_VAL_DET_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION99
15320 	                  ,P_FUNCTION_CODE      => r_PLN.INFORMATION95
15321 	                  ,P_HC_PL_SUBJ_HCFA_APRVL_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION47
15322 	                  ,P_HC_SVC_TYP_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION15
15323 	                  ,P_HGHLY_CMPD_RL_APLS_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION38
15324 	                  ,P_IMPTD_INCM_CALC_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION73
15325 	                  ,P_INCPTN_DT      => r_PLN.INFORMATION306
15326 	                  ,P_INVK_DCLN_PRTN_PL_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION50
15327 	                  ,P_INVK_FLX_CR_PL_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION49
15328 	                  ,P_IVR_IDENT      => r_PLN.INFORMATION142
15329 	                  ,P_MAPPING_TABLE_NAME      => r_PLN.INFORMATION141
15330 	                  ,P_MAPPING_TABLE_PK_ID      => l_MAPPING_TABLE_PK_ID
15331 	                  ,P_MAY_ENRL_PL_N_OIPL_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION28
15332 	                  ,P_MN_CVG_RL      => l_MN_CVG_RL
15333 	                  ,P_MN_CVG_RQD_AMT      => r_PLN.INFORMATION300
15334 	                  ,P_MN_OPTS_RQD_NUM      => r_PLN.INFORMATION269
15335 	                  ,P_MX_CVG_ALWD_AMT      => r_PLN.INFORMATION299
15336 	                  ,P_MX_CVG_INCR_ALWD_AMT      => r_PLN.INFORMATION297
15337 	                  ,P_MX_CVG_INCR_WCF_ALWD_AMT      => r_PLN.INFORMATION298
15338 	                  ,P_MX_CVG_MLT_INCR_NUM      => r_PLN.INFORMATION271
15339 	                  ,P_MX_CVG_MLT_INCR_WCF_NUM      => r_PLN.INFORMATION273
15340 	                  ,P_MX_CVG_RL      => l_MX_CVG_RL
15341 	                  ,P_MX_CVG_WCFN_AMT      => r_PLN.INFORMATION295
15342 	                  ,P_MX_CVG_WCFN_MLT_NUM      => r_PLN.INFORMATION267
15343 	                  ,P_MX_OPTS_ALWD_NUM      => r_PLN.INFORMATION270
15344 	                  ,P_MX_WTG_DT_TO_USE_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION80
15345 	                  ,P_MX_WTG_DT_TO_USE_RL      => l_MX_WTG_DT_TO_USE_RL
15346 	                  ,P_MX_WTG_PERD_PRTE_UOM      => r_PLN.INFORMATION79
15347 	                  ,P_MX_WTG_PERD_PRTE_VAL      => r_PLN.INFORMATION289
15348 	                  ,P_MX_WTG_PERD_RL      => l_MX_WTG_PERD_RL
15349 	                  ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_PLN.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
15350 	                  ,P_NIP_ACTY_REF_PERD_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION16
15351 	                  ,P_NIP_DFLT_ENRT_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION88
15352 	                  ,P_NIP_DFLT_ENRT_DET_RL      => l_NIP_DFLT_ENRT_DET_RL
15353 	                  ,P_NIP_DFLT_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION12
15354 	                  ,P_NIP_ENRT_INFO_RT_FREQ_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION22
15355 	                  ,P_NIP_PL_UOM      => r_PLN.INFORMATION81
15356 	                  ,P_NO_MN_CVG_AMT_APLS_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION61
15357 	                  ,P_NO_MN_CVG_INCR_APLS_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION63
15358 	                  ,P_NO_MN_OPTS_NUM_APLS_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION65
15359 	                  ,P_NO_MX_CVG_AMT_APLS_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION62
15360 	                  ,P_NO_MX_CVG_INCR_APLS_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION64
15361 	                  ,P_NO_MX_OPTS_NUM_APLS_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION35
15362 	                  ,P_ORDR_NUM      => r_PLN.INFORMATION266
15363 	                  ,P_PER_CVRD_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION76
15364 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_PLN.INFORMATION111
15365 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_PLN.INFORMATION120
15366 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_PLN.INFORMATION121
15367 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_PLN.INFORMATION122
15368 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_PLN.INFORMATION123
15369 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_PLN.INFORMATION124
15370 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_PLN.INFORMATION125
15371 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_PLN.INFORMATION126
15372 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_PLN.INFORMATION127
15373 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_PLN.INFORMATION128
15374 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_PLN.INFORMATION129
15375 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_PLN.INFORMATION112
15376 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_PLN.INFORMATION130
15377 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_PLN.INFORMATION131
15378 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_PLN.INFORMATION132
15379 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_PLN.INFORMATION133
15380 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_PLN.INFORMATION134
15381 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_PLN.INFORMATION135
15382 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_PLN.INFORMATION136
15383 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_PLN.INFORMATION137
15384 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_PLN.INFORMATION138
15385 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_PLN.INFORMATION139
15386 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_PLN.INFORMATION113
15387 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_PLN.INFORMATION140
15388 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_PLN.INFORMATION114
15389 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_PLN.INFORMATION115
15390 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_PLN.INFORMATION116
15391 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_PLN.INFORMATION117
15392 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_PLN.INFORMATION118
15393 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_PLN.INFORMATION119
15394 	                  ,P_PLN_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_PLN.INFORMATION110
15395 	                  ,P_PL_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION67
15396 	                  ,P_PL_ID      => l_pl_id
15397 	                  ,P_PL_STAT_CD      => l_status_cd
15398 	                  ,P_PL_TYP_ID      => l_PL_TYP_ID
15399 	                  ,P_PL_YR_NOT_APPLCBL_FLAG      => NVL(r_PLN.INFORMATION14, 'N') -- BUG: 3502032
15400 	                  ,P_POSTELCN_EDIT_RL      => l_POSTELCN_EDIT_RL
15401 	                  ,P_POST_TO_GL_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION98
15402 	                  ,P_PRMRY_FNDG_MTHD_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION90
15403 	                  ,P_PRORT_PRTL_YR_CVG_RSTRN_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION18
15404 	                  ,P_PRORT_PRTL_YR_CVG_RSTRN_RL      => l_PRORT_PRTL_YR_CVG_RSTRN_RL
15405 	                  ,P_PRTN_ELIG_OVRID_ALWD_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION46
15406 	                  ,P_RQD_PERD_ENRT_NENRT_RL      => l_RQD_PERD_ENRT_NENRT_RL
15407 	                  ,P_RQD_PERD_ENRT_NENRT_UOM      => r_PLN.INFORMATION69
15408 	                  ,P_RQD_PERD_ENRT_NENRT_VAL      => r_PLN.INFORMATION301
15409 	                  ,P_RT_END_DT_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION74
15410 	                  ,P_RT_END_DT_RL      => l_RT_END_DT_RL
15411 	                  ,P_RT_STRT_DT_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION75
15412 	                  ,P_RT_STRT_DT_RL      => l_RT_STRT_DT_RL
15413 	                  ,P_SHORT_CODE      => r_PLN.INFORMATION93
15414 	                  ,P_SHORT_NAME      => r_PLN.INFORMATION94
15415                           -- cwb tilakn
15416                           ,P_GROUP_PL_ID      => r_PLN.INFORMATION160
15417 	                  ,P_SUBJ_TO_IMPTD_INCM_TYP_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION71
15418 	                  ,P_SVGS_PL_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION41
15419 	                  ,P_TRK_INELIG_PER_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION42
15420 	                  ,P_UNSSPND_ENRT_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION72
15421 	                  ,P_URL_REF_NAME      => r_PLN.INFORMATION185
15422 	                  ,P_USE_ALL_ASNTS_ELIG_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION43
15423 	                  ,P_USE_ALL_ASNTS_FOR_RT_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION44
15424 	                  ,P_VRFY_FMLY_MMBR_CD      => r_PLN.INFORMATION23
15425 	                  ,P_VRFY_FMLY_MMBR_RL      => l_VRFY_FMLY_MMBR_RL
15426 	                  ,P_VSTG_APLS_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION45
15427              ,P_WVBL_FLAG      => r_PLN.INFORMATION48
15428              --ML
15429              ,p_SUSP_IF_CTFN_NOT_PRVD_FLAG        => nvl(r_PLN.INFORMATION198,'Y')
15430              ,p_CTFN_DETERMINE_CD                 => r_PLN.INFORMATION197
15431              ,p_SUSP_IF_DPNT_SSN_NT_PRV_CD        => l_SUSP_IF_DPNT_SSN_NT_PRV_CD
15432              ,p_SUSP_IF_DPNT_DOB_NT_PRV_CD        => l_SUSP_IF_DPNT_DOB_NT_PRV_CD
15433              ,p_SUSP_IF_DPNT_ADR_NT_PRV_CD        => l_SUSP_IF_DPNT_ADR_NT_PRV_CD
15434              ,p_SUSP_IF_CTFN_NOT_DPNT_FLAG        => nvl(r_PLN.INFORMATION192,'Y')
15435              ,p_DPNT_CTFN_DETERMINE_CD            => r_PLN.INFORMATION193
15436              ,p_SUSP_IF_BNF_SSN_NT_PRV_CD         => l_SUSP_IF_BNF_SSN_NT_PRV_CD
15437              ,p_SUSP_IF_BNF_DOB_NT_PRV_CD         => l_SUSP_IF_BNF_DOB_NT_PRV_CD
15438              ,p_BNF_CTFN_DETERMINE_CD             => r_PLN.INFORMATION104
15439               -- Bug 3939490
15440              ,p_legislation_code	          => r_pln.information107
15441              ,p_legislation_subgroup	          => r_pln.information108
15442              ,p_use_csd_rsd_prccng_cd	          => r_pln.information109
15443              -- Bug 3939490
15444              ,p_SUSP_IF_CTFN_NOT_BNF_FLAG         => nvl(r_PLN.INFORMATION105,'N')
15445              ,p_SUSP_IF_BNF_ADR_NT_PRV_CD         => l_SUSP_IF_BNF_ADR_NT_PRV_CD
15446              --
15447              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
15448              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
15449              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER => l_object_version_number
15450              ,P_DATETRACK_MODE        => l_datetrack_mode
15451            );
15452            --
15453            end if;
15454          end if;
15455          --
15456          -- Delete the row if it is end dated.
15457          --
15458          if (trunc(l_max_eed) <> trunc(hr_api.g_eot) and
15459              trunc(l_max_eed) <> l_effective_end_date and      /* Bug 4302963 */
15460             trunc(l_max_eed) = r_PLN.information3) then
15461            --
15462            BEN_PLAN_API.delete_PLAN(
15463                 --
15464                 p_validate                       => false
15465                 ,p_pl_id                   => l_pl_id
15466                 ,p_effective_start_date           => l_effective_start_date
15467                 ,p_effective_end_date             => l_effective_end_date
15468                 ,p_object_version_number          => l_object_version_number
15469                 ,p_effective_date                 => l_max_eed
15470                 ,p_datetrack_mode                 => hr_api.g_delete
15471                 --
15472                 );
15473                  --
15474          end if;
15475          --
15476          l_prev_pk_id := l_current_pk_id ;
15477          --
15478        end if;
15479        --
15480      end if;
15481      --
15482    end loop;
15483    --
15484  exception when others then
15485    --
15486    raise_error_message( 'PLN',l_prefix || r_PLN.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix) ;
15487    --
15488  end create_PLN_rows;
15490    --
15491    ---------------------------------------------------------------
15492    ----------------------< create_SVA_rows >-----------------------
15493    ---------------------------------------------------------------
15494    --
15495    procedure create_SVA_rows
15496    (
15497          p_validate                       in  number     default 0
15498         ,p_copy_entity_txn_id             in  number
15499         ,p_effective_date                 in  date
15500         ,p_prefix_suffix_text             in  varchar2  default null
15501         ,p_reuse_object_flag              in  varchar2  default null
15502         ,p_target_business_group_id       in  varchar2  default null
15503         ,p_prefix_suffix_cd               in  varchar2  default null
15504    ) is
15505    --
15506    cursor c_unique_SVA(l_table_alias varchar2) is
15507    select distinct cpe.information1,
15508      cpe.information2,
15509      cpe.information3,
15510      cpe.information170 name,
15511      cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
15512    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe,
15513         pqh_table_route tr
15514    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
15515    and   cpe.table_route_id     = tr.table_route_id
15516    -- and   tr.where_clause        = l_BEN_SVC_AREA_F
15517    and tr.table_alias = l_table_alias
15518    and   cpe.number_of_copies   = 1 --ADDITION
15519    group by cpe.information1,cpe.information2,cpe.information3, cpe.information170, cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
15520    order by information1, information2; --added for bug: 5151945
15521    --
15522    --
15523    cursor c_SVA_min_max_dates(c_table_route_id  number,
15524                 c_information1   number) is
15525    select
15526      min(cpe.information2) min_esd,
15527      max(cpe.information3) min_eed
15528    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
15529    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
15530    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
15531    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1 ;
15532    --
15533    cursor c_SVA(c_table_route_id  number,
15534                 c_information1   number,
15535                 c_information2   date,
15536                 c_information3   date )  is
15537    select
15538      cpe.*
15539    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
15540    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
15541    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
15542    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1
15543    and   cpe.information2       = c_information2
15544    and   cpe.information3       = c_information3
15545    and rownum = 1 ;
15546    -- Date Track target record
15547    cursor c_find_SVA_in_target( c_SVA_name          varchar2,
15548                                 c_effective_start_date    date,
15549                                 c_effective_end_date      date,
15550                                 c_business_group_id       number,
15551                                 c_new_pk_id               number) is
15552    select
15553      SVA.svc_area_id new_value
15554    from BEN_SVC_AREA_F SVA
15555    where SVA.name               = c_SVA_name
15556    and   SVA.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
15557    and   SVA.svc_area_id  <> c_new_pk_id
15558 --TEMPIK
15559    and c_effective_start_date between effective_start_date
15560                             and effective_end_date ;
15561 --END TEMPIK
15562 /*TEMPIK
15563    and exists ( select null
15564                 from BEN_SVC_AREA_F SVA1
15565                 where SVA1.name               = c_SVA_name
15566                 and   SVA1.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
15567                 and   SVA1.effective_start_date <= c_effective_start_date )
15568    and exists ( select null
15569                 from BEN_SVC_AREA_F SVA2
15570                 where SVA2.name               = c_SVA_name
15571                 and   SVA2.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
15572                 and   SVA2.effective_end_date >= c_effective_end_date )
15573                 ;
15574 TEMPIK */
15575    --TEMPIK
15576    l_dt_rec_found            boolean ;
15577    --END TEMPIK
15578    --
15579    l_current_pk_id           number := null ;
15580    --UPD START
15581    --
15582    l_update                  boolean      := false ;
15583    l_datetrack_mode          varchar2(80) := hr_api.g_update;
15584    l_process_date            date;
15585    l_dml_operation           ben_copy_entity_results.dml_operation%TYPE ;
15586    --
15587    --UPD END
15588    l_prev_pk_id              number := null ;
15589    l_first_rec               boolean := true ;
15590    r_SVA                     c_SVA%rowtype;
15591    l_svc_area_id             number ;
15592    l_object_version_number   number ;
15593    l_effective_start_date    date ;
15594    l_effective_end_date      date ;
15595    l_prefix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
15596    l_suffix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
15597    l_new_value               number(15);
15598    l_object_found_in_target  boolean := false ;
15599    l_min_esd                 date;
15600    l_max_eed                 date;
15601    l_effective_date          date;
15602    --
15603  begin
15604    -- Initialization
15605    l_object_found_in_target := false ;
15606    -- End Initialization
15607    -- Derive the prefix - sufix
15608    if   p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX' then
15609      l_prefix  := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
15610    elsif p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX' then
15611      l_suffix   := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
15612    else
15613      l_prefix := null ;
15614      l_suffix  := null ;
15615    end if ;
15616    -- End Prefix Sufix derivation
15617    for r_SVA_unique in c_unique_SVA('SVA') loop
15619      if (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is null or
15620         (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
15621          r_SVA_unique.information3 >=
15622                  ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date)
15623         ) then
15624        --
15625        hr_utility.set_location(' r_SVA_unique.table_route_id '||r_SVA_unique.table_route_id,10);
15626        hr_utility.set_location(' r_SVA_unique.information1 '||r_SVA_unique.information1,10);
15627        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_SVA_unique.information2 '||r_SVA_unique.information2,10);
15628        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_SVA_unique.information3 '||r_SVA_unique.information3,10);
15629        -- If reuse objects flag is 'Y' then check for the object in the target business group
15630        -- if found insert the record into PLSql table and exit the loop else try create the
15631        -- object in the target business group
15632        --
15633        l_object_found_in_target := false ;
15634        --UPD START
15635        l_update := false;
15636        l_process_date := p_effective_date;
15637        l_dml_operation:= r_SVA_unique.dml_operation ;
15638        --
15639        if l_dml_operation = 'UPDATE' then
15640          --
15641          l_object_found_in_target := TRUE;
15642          --
15643          if l_process_date between r_SVA_unique.information2 and r_SVA_unique.information3 then
15644                l_update := true;
15645                if r_SVA_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
15646                   nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'SVC_AREA_ID'  then
15647                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'SVC_AREA_ID' ;
15648                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_SVA_unique.information1 ;
15649                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := r_SVA_unique.information1 ;
15650                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
15651                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_SVA_unique.table_route_id;
15652                   --
15653                   -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
15654                   --
15655                   g_count := g_count + 1 ;
15656                   --
15657                   log_data('SVA',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_SVA_unique.name|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
15658                   --
15659                end if ;
15660                hr_utility.set_location( 'found record for update',10);
15661            --
15662          else
15663            --
15664            l_update := false;
15665            --
15666          end if;
15667        else
15668          --
15669          --UPD END
15670        l_min_esd := null ;
15671        l_max_eed := null ;
15672        open c_SVA_min_max_dates(r_SVA_unique.table_route_id, r_SVA_unique.information1 ) ;
15673        fetch c_SVA_min_max_dates into l_min_esd,l_max_eed ;
15675        if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
15676             l_min_esd < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
15677          l_min_esd := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
15678        end if;
15679        l_min_esd := greatest(l_min_esd,r_SVA_unique.information2);
15681        if p_reuse_object_flag = 'Y' then
15682          if c_SVA_min_max_dates%found then
15683            -- cursor to find the object
15684            open c_find_SVA_in_target( l_prefix || r_SVA_unique.name || l_suffix ,l_min_esd,l_max_eed,
15685                                  p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_svc_area_id, -999)  ) ;
15686            fetch c_find_SVA_in_target into l_new_value ;
15687            if c_find_SVA_in_target%found then
15688              --
15689              --TEMPIK
15690              l_dt_rec_found :=   dt_api.check_min_max_dates
15691                  (p_base_table_name => 'BEN_SVC_AREA_F',
15692                   p_base_key_column => 'SVC_AREA_ID',
15693                   p_base_key_value  => l_new_value,
15694                   p_from_date       => l_min_esd,
15695                   p_to_date         => l_max_eed );
15696              if l_dt_rec_found THEN
15697              --END TEMPIK
15698              if r_SVA_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
15699                 nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'SVC_AREA_ID'  then
15700                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'SVC_AREA_ID' ;
15701                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_SVA_unique.information1 ;
15702                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := l_new_value ;
15703                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
15704                 g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_SVA_unique.table_route_id;
15705                 --
15706                 -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count) , p_copy_entity_txn_id) ;
15707                 --
15708                 g_count := g_count + 1 ;
15709                 --
15710                 log_data('SVA',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_SVA_unique.name || l_suffix ,'REUSED');
15711                 --
15712              end if ;
15713              --
15714              l_object_found_in_target := true ;
15715              --TEMPIK
15716              end if; -- l_dt_rec_found
15717              --END TEMPIK
15718            end if;
15719            close c_find_SVA_in_target ;
15720          --
15721          end if;
15722        end if ;
15723        --
15724        close c_SVA_min_max_dates ;
15725        end if; --if p_dml_operation
15726        --
15727        if not l_object_found_in_target OR l_update  then
15728          --
15729          open c_SVA(r_SVA_unique.table_route_id,
15730                 r_SVA_unique.information1,
15731                 r_SVA_unique.information2,
15732                 r_SVA_unique.information3 ) ;
15733          --
15734          fetch c_SVA into r_SVA ;
15735          --
15736          close c_SVA ;
15737          --
15738          l_current_pk_id := r_SVA.information1;
15739          --
15740          hr_utility.set_location(' l_current_pk_id '||l_current_pk_id,20);
15741          hr_utility.set_location(' l_prev_pk_id '||l_prev_pk_id,20);
15742          --
15743          if l_current_pk_id =  l_prev_pk_id  then
15744            --
15745            l_first_rec := false ;
15746            --
15747          else
15748            --
15749            l_first_rec := true ;
15750            --
15751          end if ;
15752          --
15753          ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.ben_chk_col_len('NAME' ,'BEN_SVC_AREA_F',l_prefix || r_SVA.information170 || l_suffix);
15754          --
15756          l_effective_date := r_SVA.information2;
15757          if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
15758               l_effective_date < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
15759            l_effective_date := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
15760          end if;
15762          if l_first_rec and not l_update then
15763           -- Call Create routine.
15764            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_SVC_AREA_F CREATE_SERVICE_AREA ',20);
15766              --
15767              P_VALIDATE               => false
15768              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
15769              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
15770              --
15771              ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_SVA.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
15772 	                  ,P_ORG_UNIT_PRDCT      => r_SVA.INFORMATION141
15773 	                  ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_SVA.INFORMATION111
15774 	                  ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_SVA.INFORMATION120
15775 	                  ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_SVA.INFORMATION121
15776 	                  ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_SVA.INFORMATION122
15777 	                  ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_SVA.INFORMATION123
15778 	                  ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_SVA.INFORMATION124
15779 	                  ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_SVA.INFORMATION125
15780 	                  ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_SVA.INFORMATION126
15781 	                  ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_SVA.INFORMATION127
15782 	                  ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_SVA.INFORMATION128
15783 	                  ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_SVA.INFORMATION129
15784 	                  ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_SVA.INFORMATION112
15785 	                  ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_SVA.INFORMATION130
15786 	                  ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_SVA.INFORMATION131
15787 	                  ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_SVA.INFORMATION132
15788 	                  ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_SVA.INFORMATION133
15789 	                  ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_SVA.INFORMATION134
15790 	                  ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_SVA.INFORMATION135
15791 	                  ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_SVA.INFORMATION136
15792 	                  ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_SVA.INFORMATION137
15793 	                  ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_SVA.INFORMATION138
15794 	                  ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_SVA.INFORMATION139
15795 	                  ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_SVA.INFORMATION113
15796 	                  ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_SVA.INFORMATION140
15797 	                  ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_SVA.INFORMATION114
15798 	                  ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_SVA.INFORMATION115
15799 	                  ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_SVA.INFORMATION116
15800 	                  ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_SVA.INFORMATION117
15801 	                  ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_SVA.INFORMATION118
15802 	                  ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_SVA.INFORMATION119
15803 	                  ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_SVA.INFORMATION110
15804              ,P_SVC_AREA_ID      => l_svc_area_id
15805              --
15806              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
15807              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
15808              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
15809            );
15810            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
15811            -- Update all relevent cer records with new pk_id
15812            hr_utility.set_location('Before plsql table ',222);
15813            hr_utility.set_location('new_value id '||l_svc_area_id,222);
15814            g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column := 'SVC_AREA_ID' ;
15815            g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value    := r_SVA.information1 ;
15816            g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value    := l_SVC_AREA_ID ;
15817            g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type  := 'COPIED';
15818            g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_SVA_unique.table_route_id;
15819            hr_utility.set_location('After plsql table ',222);
15820            --
15821            -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
15822            --
15823            g_count := g_count + 1 ;
15824            --
15825            log_data('SVA',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_SVA.information170 || l_suffix,'COPIED');
15826            --
15827          else
15828            --
15829            -- Call Update routine for the pk_id created in prev run .
15830            -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
15831            --UPD START
15832            hr_utility.set_location('Before call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'||l_datetrack_mode,5);
15833            --
15834            if l_update then
15835              --
15836              l_datetrack_mode := r_SVA.datetrack_mode ;
15837              --
15838              get_dt_modes(
15839                p_effective_date        => l_process_date,
15840                p_effective_end_date    => r_SVA.information3,
15841                p_effective_start_date  => r_SVA.information2,
15842                p_dml_operation         => r_SVA.dml_operation,
15843                p_datetrack_mode        => l_datetrack_mode );
15844            --    p_update                => l_update
15845              --
15846              l_effective_date := l_process_date;
15847              l_SVC_AREA_ID   := r_SVA.information1;
15848              l_object_version_number := r_SVA.information265;
15849              --
15850            end if;
15851            --
15852            hr_utility.set_location('After call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'||l_datetrack_mode,5);
15853            --
15854            IF l_update OR l_dml_operation <> 'UPDATE' THEN
15855            --UPD END
15856            hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_SVC_AREA_F UPDATE_SERVICE_AREA ',30);
15858              --
15859              P_VALIDATE               => false
15860              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
15861              ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
15862              --
15863             ,P_NAME      => l_prefix || r_SVA.INFORMATION170 || l_suffix
15864 	                 ,P_ORG_UNIT_PRDCT      => r_SVA.INFORMATION141
15865 	                 ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_SVA.INFORMATION111
15866 	                 ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_SVA.INFORMATION120
15867 	                 ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_SVA.INFORMATION121
15868 	                 ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_SVA.INFORMATION122
15869 	                 ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_SVA.INFORMATION123
15870 	                 ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_SVA.INFORMATION124
15871 	                 ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_SVA.INFORMATION125
15872 	                 ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_SVA.INFORMATION126
15873 	                 ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_SVA.INFORMATION127
15874 	                 ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_SVA.INFORMATION128
15875 	                 ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_SVA.INFORMATION129
15876 	                 ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_SVA.INFORMATION112
15877 	                 ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_SVA.INFORMATION130
15878 	                 ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_SVA.INFORMATION131
15879 	                 ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_SVA.INFORMATION132
15880 	                 ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_SVA.INFORMATION133
15881 	                 ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_SVA.INFORMATION134
15882 	                 ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_SVA.INFORMATION135
15883 	                 ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_SVA.INFORMATION136
15884 	                 ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_SVA.INFORMATION137
15885 	                 ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_SVA.INFORMATION138
15886 	                 ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_SVA.INFORMATION139
15887 	                 ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_SVA.INFORMATION113
15888 	                 ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_SVA.INFORMATION140
15889 	                 ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_SVA.INFORMATION114
15890 	                 ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_SVA.INFORMATION115
15891 	                 ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_SVA.INFORMATION116
15892 	                 ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_SVA.INFORMATION117
15893 	                 ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_SVA.INFORMATION118
15894 	                 ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_SVA.INFORMATION119
15895 	                 ,P_SVA_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_SVA.INFORMATION110
15896              ,P_SVC_AREA_ID      => l_svc_area_id
15897              --
15898              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
15899              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
15900              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER => l_object_version_number
15901              ,P_DATETRACK_MODE        => l_datetrack_mode
15902            );
15903            --
15904            end if;
15905          end if;
15906          --
15907          -- Delete the row if it is end dated.
15908          --
15909          if (trunc(l_max_eed) <> trunc(hr_api.g_eot) and
15910              trunc(l_max_eed) <> l_effective_end_date and      /* Bug 4302963 */
15911              trunc(l_max_eed) = r_SVA.information3) then
15912            --
15913            BEN_SERVICE_AREA_API.delete_SERVICE_AREA(
15914                 --
15915                 p_validate                       => false
15916                 ,p_svc_area_id                   => l_svc_area_id
15917                 ,p_effective_start_date           => l_effective_start_date
15918                 ,p_effective_end_date             => l_effective_end_date
15919                 ,p_object_version_number          => l_object_version_number
15920                 ,p_effective_date                 => l_max_eed
15921                 ,p_datetrack_mode                 => hr_api.g_delete
15922                 --
15923                 );
15924                 --
15925          end if;
15926          --
15927          l_prev_pk_id := l_current_pk_id ;
15928          --
15929        end if;
15930        --
15931      end if;
15932      --
15933    end loop;
15934    --
15935  exception when others then
15936    --
15937    raise_error_message( 'SVA',l_prefix || r_SVA.information170 || l_suffix) ;
15938    --
15939  end create_SVA_rows;
15941    --
15942    ---------------------------------------------------------------
15943    ----------------------< create_PON_rows >-----------------------
15944    ---------------------------------------------------------------
15945    --
15946    procedure create_PON_rows
15947    (
15948          p_validate                       in  number     default 0
15949         ,p_copy_entity_txn_id             in  number
15950         ,p_effective_date                 in  date
15951         ,p_prefix_suffix_text             in  varchar2  default null
15952         ,p_reuse_object_flag              in  varchar2  default null
15953         ,p_target_business_group_id       in  varchar2  default null
15954         ,p_prefix_suffix_cd               in  varchar2  default null
15955    ) is
15956    --
15957    l_OPT_ID  number;
15958    l_PL_TYP_ID  number;
15959    cursor c_unique_PON(l_table_alias varchar2) is
15960    select distinct cpe.information1,
15961      cpe.information2,
15962      cpe.information3,
15963      cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
15964    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe,
15965         pqh_table_route tr
15966    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
15967    and   cpe.table_route_id     = tr.table_route_id
15968    -- and   tr.where_clause        = l_BEN_PL_TYP_OPT_TYP_F
15969    and tr.table_alias = l_table_alias
15970    and   cpe.number_of_copies   = 1 --ADDITION
15971    group by cpe.information1,cpe.information2,cpe.information3, cpe.table_route_id,cpe.dml_operation,cpe.datetrack_mode
15972    order by information1, information2; --added for bug: 5151945
15973    --
15974    --
15975    cursor c_PON_min_max_dates(c_table_route_id  number,
15976                 c_information1   number) is
15977    select
15978      min(cpe.information2) min_esd,
15979      max(cpe.information3) min_eed
15980    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
15981    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
15982    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
15983    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1 ;
15984    --
15985    cursor c_PON(c_table_route_id  number,
15986                 c_information1   number,
15987                 c_information2   date,
15988                 c_information3   date )  is
15989    select
15990      cpe.*
15991    from ben_copy_entity_results cpe
15992    where cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
15993    and   cpe.table_route_id     = c_table_route_id
15994    and   cpe.information1       = c_information1
15995    and   cpe.information2       = c_information2
15996    and   cpe.information3       = c_information3
15997    and rownum = 1 ;
15998    -- Date Track target record
15999    cursor c_find_PON_in_target(
16000                                 c_effective_start_date    date,
16001                                 c_effective_end_date      date,
16002                                 c_business_group_id       number,
16003                                 c_new_pk_id               number) is
16004    select
16005      PON.pl_typ_opt_typ_id new_value
16006    from BEN_PL_TYP_OPT_TYP_F PON
16007    where
16008    PON.OPT_ID     = l_OPT_ID  and
16009    PON.PL_TYP_ID     = l_PL_TYP_ID  and
16010    PON.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
16011    and   PON.pl_typ_opt_typ_id  <> c_new_pk_id
16012 --TEMPIK
16013    and c_effective_start_date between effective_start_date
16014                             and effective_end_date ;
16015 --END TEMPIK
16016 /*TEMPIK
16017    and exists ( select null
16018                 from BEN_PL_TYP_OPT_TYP_F PON1
16019                 where
16020                 PON1.OPT_ID     = l_OPT_ID  and
16021                 PON1.PL_TYP_ID     = l_PL_TYP_ID  and
16022                 PON1.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
16023                 and   PON1.effective_start_date <= c_effective_start_date )
16024    and exists ( select null
16025                 from BEN_PL_TYP_OPT_TYP_F PON2
16026                 where
16027                 PON2.OPT_ID     = l_OPT_ID  and
16028                 PON2.PL_TYP_ID     = l_PL_TYP_ID  and
16029                 PON2.business_group_id  = c_business_group_id
16030                 and   PON2.effective_end_date >= c_effective_end_date )
16031                 ;
16032 TEMPIK */
16033    --TEMPIK
16034    l_dt_rec_found            boolean ;
16035    --END TEMPIK
16036    --
16037    l_current_pk_id           number := null ;
16038    --UPD START
16039    --
16040    l_update                  boolean      := false ;
16041    l_datetrack_mode          varchar2(80) := hr_api.g_update;
16042    l_process_date            date;
16043    l_dml_operation           ben_copy_entity_results.dml_operation%TYPE ;
16044    --
16045    --UPD END
16046    l_prev_pk_id              number := null ;
16047    l_first_rec               boolean := true ;
16048    r_PON                     c_PON%rowtype;
16049    l_pl_typ_opt_typ_id             number ;
16050    l_object_version_number   number ;
16051    l_effective_start_date    date ;
16052    l_effective_end_date      date ;
16053    l_prefix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
16054    l_suffix                  pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%type := null;
16055    l_new_value               number(15);
16056    l_object_found_in_target  boolean := false ;
16057    l_min_esd                 date;
16058    l_max_eed                 date;
16059    l_effective_date          date;
16060    --
16061  begin
16062    -- Initialization
16063    l_object_found_in_target := false ;
16064    -- End Initialization
16065    -- Derive the prefix - sufix
16066    if   p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX' then
16067      l_prefix  := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
16068    elsif p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX' then
16069      l_suffix   := p_prefix_suffix_text ;
16070    else
16071      l_prefix := null ;
16072      l_suffix  := null ;
16073    end if ;
16074    -- End Prefix Sufix derivation
16075    for r_PON_unique in c_unique_PON('PON') loop
16077      if (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is null or
16078         (ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
16079          r_PON_unique.information3 >=
16080                  ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date)
16081         ) then
16082        --
16083        hr_utility.set_location(' r_PON_unique.table_route_id '||r_PON_unique.table_route_id,10);
16084        hr_utility.set_location(' r_PON_unique.information1 '||r_PON_unique.information1,10);
16085        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_PON_unique.information2 '||r_PON_unique.information2,10);
16086        hr_utility.set_location( 'r_PON_unique.information3 '||r_PON_unique.information3,10);
16087        -- If reuse objects flag is 'Y' then check for the object in the target business group
16088        -- if found insert the record into PLSql table and exit the loop else try create the
16089        -- object in the target business group
16090        --
16091        l_object_found_in_target := false ;
16092        l_min_esd := null ;
16093        l_max_eed := null ;
16094        --UPD START
16095        l_update := false;
16096        l_process_date := p_effective_date;
16097        l_dml_operation:= r_PON_unique.dml_operation ;
16098        --
16099        open c_PON(r_PON_unique.table_route_id,
16100                 r_PON_unique.information1,
16101                 r_PON_unique.information2,
16102                 r_PON_unique.information3 ) ;
16103        --
16104        fetch c_PON into r_PON ;
16105        --
16106        close c_PON ;
16107        --
16108        l_OPT_ID := get_fk('OPT_ID', r_PON.INFORMATION247,l_dml_operation);
16109        l_PL_TYP_ID := get_fk('PL_TYP_ID', r_PON.INFORMATION248,l_dml_operation);
16110        --
16111            --
16112        if l_dml_operation = 'UPDATE' then
16113          --
16114          l_object_found_in_target := TRUE;
16115          --
16116          if l_process_date between r_PON_unique.information2 and r_PON_unique.information3 then
16117                l_update := true;
16118                if r_PON_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
16119                   nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'PL_TYP_OPT_TYP_ID'  then
16120                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'PL_TYP_OPT_TYP_ID' ;
16121                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_PON_unique.information1 ;
16122                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := r_PON_unique.information1 ;
16123                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
16124                   g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_PON_unique.table_route_id;
16125                   --
16126                   -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
16127                   --
16128                   g_count := g_count + 1 ;
16129                   --
16130                   -- log_data('PON',l_new_value,l_prefix || r_PON_unique.information1|| l_suffix,'REUSED');
16131                   --
16132                end if ;
16133                hr_utility.set_location( 'found record for update',10);
16134            --
16135          else
16136            --
16137            l_update := false;
16138            --
16139          end if;
16140        else
16141              --
16142              --UPD END
16143            open c_PON_min_max_dates(r_PON_unique.table_route_id, r_PON_unique.information1 ) ;
16144            fetch c_PON_min_max_dates into l_min_esd,l_max_eed ;
16145            --
16147            if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
16148                 l_min_esd < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
16149              l_min_esd := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
16150            end if;
16151            l_min_esd := greatest(l_min_esd,r_PON_unique.information2);
16152            /*
16153            open c_PON(r_PON_unique.table_route_id,
16154                     r_PON_unique.information1,
16155                     r_PON_unique.information2,
16156                     r_PON_unique.information3 ) ;
16157            --
16158            fetch c_PON into r_PON ;
16159            --
16160            close c_PON ;
16161            --
16162            l_OPT_ID := get_fk('OPT_ID', r_PON.INFORMATION247);
16163            l_PL_TYP_ID := get_fk('PL_TYP_ID', r_PON.INFORMATION248);
16164            */
16165            if p_reuse_object_flag = 'Y' then
16166              if c_PON_min_max_dates%found then
16167                -- cursor to find the object
16168                open c_find_PON_in_target( l_min_esd,l_max_eed,
16169                                      p_target_business_group_id, nvl(l_pl_typ_opt_typ_id, -999)  ) ;
16170                fetch c_find_PON_in_target into l_new_value ;
16171                if c_find_PON_in_target%found then
16172                  --
16173                  --TEMPIK
16174                  l_dt_rec_found :=   dt_api.check_min_max_dates
16175                      (p_base_table_name => 'BEN_PL_TYP_OPT_TYP_F',
16176                       p_base_key_column => 'PL_TYP_OPT_TYP_ID',
16177                       p_base_key_value  => l_new_value,
16178                       p_from_date       => l_min_esd,
16179                       p_to_date         => l_max_eed );
16180                  if l_dt_rec_found THEN
16181                  --END TEMPIK
16182                  if r_PON_unique.information1 <> nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).old_value, -999) or
16183                     nvl(g_pk_tbl(g_count-1).pk_id_column, '999') <>  'PL_TYP_OPT_TYP_ID'  then
16184                     g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column    := 'PL_TYP_OPT_TYP_ID' ;
16185                     g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value       := r_PON_unique.information1 ;
16186                     g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value       := l_new_value ;
16187                     g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
16188                     g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_PON_unique.table_route_id;
16189                     --
16190                     -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count) , p_copy_entity_txn_id) ;
16191                     --
16192                     g_count := g_count + 1 ;
16193                  end if ;
16194                  --
16195                  l_object_found_in_target := true ;
16196                  --TEMPIK
16197                  end if; -- l_dt_rec_found
16198                  --END TEMPIK
16199                end if;
16200                close c_find_PON_in_target ;
16201              --
16202              end if;
16203            end if ;
16204            --
16205            close c_PON_min_max_dates ;
16206            end if; --if p_dml_operation
16207            --
16208            -- 4395957 - Avoid calling API's if PL_TYP_ID is not found.
16209            if (l_PL_TYP_ID is NOT NULL) THEN
16210                if not l_object_found_in_target OR l_update  then
16211                  --
16212                  l_current_pk_id := r_PON.information1;
16213                  --
16214                  hr_utility.set_location(' l_current_pk_id '||l_current_pk_id,20);
16215                  hr_utility.set_location(' l_prev_pk_id '||l_prev_pk_id,20);
16216                  --
16217                  if l_current_pk_id =  l_prev_pk_id  then
16218                    --
16219                    l_first_rec := false ;
16220                    --
16221                  else
16222                    --
16223                    l_first_rec := true ;
16224                    --
16225                  end if ;
16226                  --
16228                  l_effective_date := r_PON.information2;
16229                  if ( ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date is not null and
16230                       l_effective_date < ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date ) then
16231                    l_effective_date := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
16232                  end if;
16234                  if l_first_rec and not l_update then
16235                  -- Call Create routine.
16236                  hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_PL_TYP_OPT_TYP_F CREATE_PLAN_TYPE_OPTION_TYPE ',20);
16238                      --
16239                      P_VALIDATE               => false
16240                      ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
16241                      ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
16242                      --
16243                      ,P_OPT_ID      => l_OPT_ID
16244                               ,P_PL_TYP_ID      => l_PL_TYP_ID
16245                               ,P_PL_TYP_OPT_TYP_CD      => r_PON.INFORMATION11
16246                               ,P_PL_TYP_OPT_TYP_ID      => l_pl_typ_opt_typ_id
16247                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_PON.INFORMATION111
16248                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_PON.INFORMATION120
16249                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_PON.INFORMATION121
16250                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_PON.INFORMATION122
16251                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_PON.INFORMATION123
16252                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_PON.INFORMATION124
16253                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_PON.INFORMATION125
16254                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_PON.INFORMATION126
16255                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_PON.INFORMATION127
16256                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_PON.INFORMATION128
16257                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_PON.INFORMATION129
16258                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_PON.INFORMATION112
16259                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_PON.INFORMATION130
16260                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_PON.INFORMATION131
16261                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_PON.INFORMATION132
16262                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_PON.INFORMATION133
16263                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_PON.INFORMATION134
16264                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_PON.INFORMATION135
16265                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_PON.INFORMATION136
16266                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_PON.INFORMATION137
16267                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_PON.INFORMATION138
16268                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_PON.INFORMATION139
16269                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_PON.INFORMATION113
16270                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_PON.INFORMATION140
16271                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_PON.INFORMATION114
16272                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_PON.INFORMATION115
16273                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_PON.INFORMATION116
16274                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_PON.INFORMATION117
16275                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_PON.INFORMATION118
16276                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_PON.INFORMATION119
16277                      ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_PON.INFORMATION110
16278                      --
16279                      ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
16280                      ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
16281                      ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER =>    l_object_version_number
16282                    );
16283                    -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
16284                    -- Update all relevent cer records with new pk_id
16285                    hr_utility.set_location('Before plsql table ',222);
16286                    hr_utility.set_location('new_value id '||l_pl_typ_opt_typ_id,222);
16287                    g_pk_tbl(g_count).pk_id_column := 'PL_TYP_OPT_TYP_ID' ;
16288                    g_pk_tbl(g_count).old_value    := r_PON.information1 ;
16289                    g_pk_tbl(g_count).new_value    := l_PL_TYP_OPT_TYP_ID ;
16290                    g_pk_tbl(g_count).copy_reuse_type  := 'COPIED';
16291                    g_pk_tbl(g_count).table_route_id  := r_PON_unique.table_route_id;
16292                    hr_utility.set_location('After plsql table ',222);
16293                    --
16294                    -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
16295                    --
16296                    g_count := g_count + 1 ;
16297                    --
16298                  else
16299                    --
16300                    -- Call Update routine for the pk_id created in prev run .
16301                    -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
16302                    --UPD START
16303                    hr_utility.set_location('Before call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'||l_datetrack_mode,5);
16304                    --
16305                    if l_update then
16306                      --
16307                      l_datetrack_mode := r_PON.datetrack_mode ;
16308                      --
16309                      get_dt_modes(
16310                        p_effective_date        => l_process_date,
16311                        p_effective_end_date    => r_PON.information3,
16312                        p_effective_start_date  => r_PON.information2,
16313                        p_dml_operation         => r_PON.dml_operation,
16314                        p_datetrack_mode        => l_datetrack_mode );
16315                    --    p_update                => l_update
16316                      --
16317                      l_effective_date := l_process_date;
16318                      l_PL_TYP_OPT_TYP_ID   := r_PON.information1;
16319                      l_object_version_number := r_PON.information265;
16320                      --
16321                    end if;
16322                    --
16323                    hr_utility.set_location('After call to get_dt_modes l_dt_mode'||l_datetrack_mode,5);
16324                    --
16325                    IF l_update OR l_dml_operation <> 'UPDATE' THEN
16326                    --UPD END
16327                    hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_PL_TYP_OPT_TYP_F UPDATE_PLAN_TYPE_OPTION_TYPE ',30);
16329                      --
16330                      P_VALIDATE               => false
16331                      ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        => l_effective_date
16332                      ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID     => p_target_business_group_id
16333                      --
16334                      ,P_OPT_ID      => l_OPT_ID
16335                               ,P_PL_TYP_ID      => l_PL_TYP_ID
16336                               ,P_PL_TYP_OPT_TYP_CD      => r_PON.INFORMATION11
16337                               ,P_PL_TYP_OPT_TYP_ID      => l_pl_typ_opt_typ_id
16338                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE1      => r_PON.INFORMATION111
16339                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE10      => r_PON.INFORMATION120
16340                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE11      => r_PON.INFORMATION121
16341                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE12      => r_PON.INFORMATION122
16342                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE13      => r_PON.INFORMATION123
16343                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE14      => r_PON.INFORMATION124
16344                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE15      => r_PON.INFORMATION125
16345                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE16      => r_PON.INFORMATION126
16346                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE17      => r_PON.INFORMATION127
16347                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE18      => r_PON.INFORMATION128
16348                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE19      => r_PON.INFORMATION129
16349                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE2      => r_PON.INFORMATION112
16350                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE20      => r_PON.INFORMATION130
16351                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE21      => r_PON.INFORMATION131
16352                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE22      => r_PON.INFORMATION132
16353                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE23      => r_PON.INFORMATION133
16354                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE24      => r_PON.INFORMATION134
16355                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE25      => r_PON.INFORMATION135
16356                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE26      => r_PON.INFORMATION136
16357                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE27      => r_PON.INFORMATION137
16358                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE28      => r_PON.INFORMATION138
16359                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE29      => r_PON.INFORMATION139
16360                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE3      => r_PON.INFORMATION113
16361                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE30      => r_PON.INFORMATION140
16362                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE4      => r_PON.INFORMATION114
16363                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE5      => r_PON.INFORMATION115
16364                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE6      => r_PON.INFORMATION116
16365                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE7      => r_PON.INFORMATION117
16366                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE8      => r_PON.INFORMATION118
16367                               ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE9      => r_PON.INFORMATION119
16368                      ,P_PON_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY      => r_PON.INFORMATION110
16369                      --
16370                      ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  => l_effective_start_date
16371                      ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE    => l_effective_end_date
16372                      ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER => l_object_version_number
16373                      ,P_DATETRACK_MODE        => l_datetrack_mode
16374                    );
16375                    --
16376                    end if;
16377                  end if;
16378                  --
16379                  -- Delete the row if it is end dated.
16380                  --
16381                  if (trunc(l_max_eed) <> trunc(hr_api.g_eot) and
16382                      trunc(l_max_eed) <> l_effective_end_date and      /* Bug 4302963 */
16383                      trunc(l_max_eed) = r_PON.information3) then
16384                    --
16385                    BEN_PLAN_TYPE_OPTION_TYPE_API.delete_PLAN_TYPE_OPTION_TYPE(
16386                         --
16387                         p_validate                        => false
16388                         ,p_pl_typ_opt_typ_id              => l_pl_typ_opt_typ_id
16389                         ,p_effective_start_date           => l_effective_start_date
16390                         ,p_effective_end_date             => l_effective_end_date
16391                         ,p_object_version_number          => l_object_version_number
16392                         ,p_effective_date                 => l_max_eed
16393                         ,p_datetrack_mode                 => hr_api.g_delete
16394                         --
16395                         );
16396                         --
16397                  end if;
16398                  --
16399                  l_prev_pk_id := l_current_pk_id ;
16400                  --
16401              end if; -- 4395957 END;
16402            end if;
16403        --
16404      end if;
16405      --
16406    end loop;
16407    --
16408  exception when others then
16409    --
16410    raise_error_message( 'PON',r_PON.information5 ) ;
16411    --
16412  end create_PON_rows;
16414 --
16415 -- Bug 4169120 : Rate By Criteria
16416 --
16417 ---------------------------------------------------------------
16418 -----------------< map_valueset_in_target >--------------------
16419 ---------------------------------------------------------------
16420 --
16421 FUNCTION map_valueset_in_target (
16422    p_valueset_name              IN   VARCHAR2,
16423    p_target_business_group_id   IN   NUMBER,
16424    p_value_set_id               OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER
16426 IS
16427    --
16428    l_map_succeed              BOOLEAN;
16429    l_dummy                    VARCHAR2(1);
16430    --
16431    CURSOR c_value_set
16432    IS
16433       SELECT flex_value_set_id
16434         FROM fnd_flex_value_sets
16435        WHERE flex_value_set_name = p_valueset_name
16436 /*	 AND (   NVL (security_group_id, 0) = 0       -- Bug 4351143 Commented as
16437                  OR security_group_id IN (            -- security_group_id is not in
16438                       SELECT security_group_id        -- table fnd_flex_value_sets
16439                       FROM fnd_security_groups
16440                       WHERE security_group_key = TO_CHAR (p_target_business_group_id)
16441                                           )
16442              )*/
16443 	     ;
16444    --
16445 BEGIN
16446    --
16447    hr_utility.set_location('Entering map_valueset_in_target', 5);
16448    --
16449    open c_value_set ;
16450      --
16451      fetch c_value_set into p_value_set_id;
16452      --
16453      if c_value_set%found
16454      then
16455        --
16456        l_map_succeed := true;
16457        --
16458      else
16459        --
16460        l_map_succeed := false;
16461        --
16462      end if;
16463      --
16464    close c_value_set;
16465    --
16466    hr_utility.set_location('Leaving map_valueset_in_target', 10);
16467    --
16468    return l_map_succeed;
16469    --
16470 END map_valueset_in_target;
16471 --
16472 ---------------------------------------------------------------
16473 ------------------< map_lookup_in_target >---------------------
16474 ---------------------------------------------------------------
16475 --
16476 FUNCTION map_lookup_in_target (
16477    p_lookup_name                IN   VARCHAR2,
16478    p_target_business_group_id   IN   NUMBER
16480 IS
16481    --
16482    l_map_succeed              BOOLEAN;
16483    l_dummy                    VARCHAR2(1);
16484    --
16485    CURSOR c_hr_lookup_type (
16486       cv_lookup_type               VARCHAR2,
16487       cv_target_business_group_id  NUMBER
16488    )
16489    IS
16490       SELECT NULL
16491         FROM fnd_lookup_types_vl flv
16492        WHERE lookup_type = cv_lookup_type
16493          AND (   customization_level IN ('E', 'S')
16494               OR (    customization_level = 'U'
16495                   AND (   security_group_id = 0
16496                        OR security_group_id IN (
16497                              SELECT security_group_id
16498                                FROM fnd_security_groups
16499                               WHERE security_group_key =
16500                                                TO_CHAR (cv_target_business_group_id))
16501                       )
16502                  )
16503              );
16504    --
16505 BEGIN
16506   --
16507   hr_utility.set_location('Entering map_lookup_in_target', 5);
16508   --
16509   open c_hr_lookup_type ( cv_lookup_type              => p_lookup_name,
16510                           cv_target_business_group_id => p_target_business_group_id );
16511      --
16512      fetch c_hr_lookup_type into l_dummy;
16513      --
16514      if c_hr_lookup_type%notfound
16515      then
16516        --
16517        l_map_succeed := false;
16518        --
16519      else
16520        --
16521        l_map_succeed := true;
16522        --
16523      end if;
16524      --
16525   close c_hr_lookup_type;
16526   --
16527   hr_utility.set_location('Leaving map_lookup_in_target', 10);
16528   --
16529   return l_map_succeed;
16530   --
16531 END map_lookup_in_target;
16532 --
16533 ---------------------------------------------------------------
16534 ----------------------< create_EGL_rows >-----------------------
16535 ---------------------------------------------------------------
16536 --
16538 PROCEDURE create_EGL_rows (
16539    p_validate                   IN   NUMBER DEFAULT 0,
16540    p_copy_entity_txn_id         IN   NUMBER,
16541    p_effective_date             IN   DATE,
16542    p_prefix_suffix_text         IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
16543    p_reuse_object_flag          IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
16544    p_target_business_group_id   IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
16545    p_prefix_suffix_cd           IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
16546 )
16547 IS
16548    --
16549    CURSOR c_unique_egl (l_table_alias VARCHAR2)
16550    IS
16551       SELECT DISTINCT cpe.information1, cpe.information2, cpe.information3,
16552                       cpe.information170 NAME, cpe.table_route_id,
16553                       cpe.dml_operation, cpe.datetrack_mode
16554                  FROM ben_copy_entity_results cpe, pqh_table_route tr
16555                 WHERE cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
16556                   AND cpe.table_route_id = tr.table_route_id
16557                   AND tr.table_alias = l_table_alias
16558                   AND cpe.number_of_copies = 1
16559              GROUP BY cpe.information1,
16560                       cpe.information2,
16561                       cpe.information3,
16562                       cpe.information170,
16563                       cpe.table_route_id,
16564                       cpe.dml_operation,
16565                       cpe.datetrack_mode
16566    order by information1, information2; --added for bug: 5151945
16568    --
16569    CURSOR c_egl_min_max_dates (c_table_route_id NUMBER, c_information1 NUMBER)
16570    IS
16571       SELECT MIN (cpe.information2) min_esd, MAX (cpe.information3) min_eed
16572         FROM ben_copy_entity_results cpe
16573        WHERE cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
16574          AND cpe.table_route_id = c_table_route_id
16575          AND cpe.information1 = c_information1;
16576    --
16577    CURSOR c_egl (
16578       c_table_route_id   NUMBER,
16579       c_information1     NUMBER
16580    )
16581    IS
16582       SELECT cpe.*
16583         FROM ben_copy_entity_results cpe
16584        WHERE cpe.copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
16585          AND cpe.table_route_id = c_table_route_id
16586          AND cpe.information1 = c_information1
16587          AND ROWNUM = 1;
16589    -- Date Track target record
16590    CURSOR c_find_egl_in_target (
16591       c_egl_name               VARCHAR2,
16592       c_business_group_id      NUMBER,
16593       c_new_pk_id              NUMBER
16594    )
16595    IS
16596       SELECT egl.eligy_criteria_id new_value
16597         FROM ben_eligy_criteria egl
16598        WHERE egl.NAME = c_egl_name
16599          AND egl.business_group_id = c_business_group_id
16600          AND egl.eligy_criteria_id <> c_new_pk_id;
16601    --
16602    CURSOR c_target_type
16603    IS
16604       SELECT information3
16605         FROM pqh_copy_entity_attribs
16606        WHERE copy_entity_Txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id;
16607    --
16608    l_current_pk_id            NUMBER                                   := NULL;
16609    l_update                   BOOLEAN                                 := FALSE;
16610    l_datetrack_mode           VARCHAR2 (80)                 := hr_api.g_update;
16611    l_process_date             DATE;
16612    l_dml_operation            ben_copy_entity_results.dml_operation%TYPE;
16613    l_prev_pk_id               NUMBER                                   := NULL;
16614    l_first_rec                BOOLEAN                                  := TRUE;
16615    r_egl                      c_egl%ROWTYPE;
16616    l_eligy_criteria_id            NUMBER;
16617    l_object_version_number    NUMBER;
16618    l_effective_start_date     DATE;
16619    l_effective_end_date       DATE;
16620    l_prefix                   pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%TYPE
16621                                                                        := NULL;
16622    l_suffix                   pqh_copy_entity_attribs.information1%TYPE
16623                                                                        := NULL;
16624    l_new_value                NUMBER (15);
16625    l_object_found_in_target   BOOLEAN                                 := FALSE;
16626    l_min_esd                  DATE;
16627    l_max_eed                  DATE;
16628    l_effective_date           DATE;
16629    l_access_calc_rule         NUMBER (15);
16630    l_target_type              VARCHAR2(30);
16631    l_map_succeed              BOOLEAN;
16632    l_dummy                    VARCHAR2(1);
16633    l_col1_value_set_id        NUMBER(15);
16634 --
16635 BEGIN
16636    -- Initialization
16637    l_object_found_in_target := FALSE;
16638    -- End Initialization
16640    -- Derive the prefix - sufix
16641    --
16642    IF p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'PREFIX'
16643    THEN
16644       --
16645       l_prefix := p_prefix_suffix_text;
16646       --
16647    ELSIF p_prefix_suffix_cd = 'SUFFIX'
16648    THEN
16649       --
16650       l_suffix := p_prefix_suffix_text;
16651       --
16652    ELSE
16653       --
16654       l_prefix := NULL;
16655       l_suffix := NULL;
16656       --
16657    END IF;
16658    --
16659    -- End Prefix Sufix derivation
16660    --
16661    open c_target_type;
16662      --
16663      fetch c_target_type into l_target_type;
16664      --
16665    close c_target_type;
16666    --
16667    --
16668    --
16669    FOR r_egl_unique IN c_unique_egl ('EGL')
16670    LOOP
16671       --
16672 --      IF l_target_type = 'BEN_PDSMBG'
16673 --      THEN
16674         --
16675         hr_utility.set_location(' r_egl_unique.table_route_id ' || r_egl_unique.table_route_id,10);
16676         hr_utility.set_location(' r_egl_unique.information1 '   || r_egl_unique.information1,10);
16677         hr_utility.set_location( 'r_egl_unique.information2 '   || r_egl_unique.information2,10);
16678         hr_utility.set_location( 'r_egl_unique.information3 '   || r_egl_unique.information3,10);
16679         --
16680         -- If reuse objects flag is 'Y' then check for the object in the target business group
16681         -- if found insert the record into PLSql table and exit the loop else try create the
16682         -- object in the target business group
16683         --
16684         l_object_found_in_target := FALSE;
16685         l_dml_operation := r_egl_unique.dml_operation;
16686         --
16687         l_update := FALSE;
16688         --
16689         IF l_dml_operation = 'UPDATE'
16690         THEN
16691            --
16692            l_update := TRUE;
16694            IF    r_egl_unique.information1 <> NVL (g_pk_tbl (g_count - 1).old_value, -999)
16695               OR NVL (g_pk_tbl (g_count - 1).pk_id_column, '999') <> 'ELIGY_CRITERIA_ID'
16696            THEN
16697               --
16698               g_pk_tbl (g_count).pk_id_column := 'ELIGY_CRITERIA_ID';
16699               g_pk_tbl (g_count).old_value := r_egl_unique.information1;
16700               g_pk_tbl (g_count).new_value := r_egl_unique.information1;
16701               g_pk_tbl (g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
16702               g_pk_tbl (g_count).table_route_id := r_egl_unique.table_route_id;
16703               --
16704               -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ; -- NEW
16705               --
16706               g_count := g_count + 1;
16707               --
16708               log_data ('EGL', l_new_value, l_prefix || r_egl_unique.NAME || l_suffix, 'REUSED');
16709               --
16710            END IF;
16711            --
16712            l_eligy_criteria_id := r_egl_unique.information1;
16713            l_object_version_number := r_egl.information265;
16714            hr_utility.set_location ('found record for update', 10);
16715            --
16716         ELSE
16717            --
16718            l_min_esd := NULL;
16719            l_max_eed := NULL;
16720            --
16721            IF p_reuse_object_flag = 'Y'
16722            THEN
16723               -- cursor to find the object
16724               OPEN c_find_egl_in_target (l_prefix || r_egl_unique.NAME || l_suffix,
16725                                          p_target_business_group_id,
16726                                          NVL (l_eligy_criteria_id, -999)
16727                                         );
16728               FETCH c_find_egl_in_target INTO l_new_value;
16730               IF c_find_egl_in_target%FOUND
16731               THEN
16732                  --
16733                  IF    r_egl_unique.information1 <> NVL (g_pk_tbl (g_count - 1).old_value, -999)
16734                     OR NVL (g_pk_tbl (g_count - 1).pk_id_column, '999') <> 'ELIGY_CRITERIA_ID'
16735                  THEN
16736                     g_pk_tbl (g_count).pk_id_column := 'ELIGY_CRITERIA_ID';
16737                     g_pk_tbl (g_count).old_value := r_egl_unique.information1;
16738                     g_pk_tbl (g_count).new_value := l_new_value;
16739                     g_pk_tbl (g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'REUSED';
16740                     g_pk_tbl (g_count).table_route_id := r_egl_unique.table_route_id;
16741                     --
16742                     -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count) , p_copy_entity_txn_id) ;
16743                     --
16744                     g_count := g_count + 1;
16745                     --
16746                     log_data ('EGL', l_new_value, l_prefix || r_egl_unique.NAME || l_suffix, 'REUSED');
16747                     --
16748                  END IF;
16750                  --
16751                  l_object_found_in_target := TRUE;
16752               END IF;
16754               CLOSE c_find_egl_in_target;
16755            --
16756            END IF;
16757         --
16758         END IF;
16760         IF NOT l_object_found_in_target OR l_update
16761         THEN
16762            --
16763            OPEN c_egl (r_egl_unique.table_route_id,
16764                        r_egl_unique.information1
16765                       );
16766            --
16767            FETCH c_egl INTO r_egl;
16768            --
16769            CLOSE c_egl;
16770            --
16771            l_current_pk_id := r_egl.information1;
16772            --
16773            l_access_calc_rule := get_fk ('FORMULA_ID', r_egl.information268, l_dml_operation);
16774            --
16775            -- For 1. Lookup Value (COL1_LOOKUP_TYPE - INFORMATION15 ) and
16776            --     2. Value Set    (COL1_VALUE_SET_ID - INFORMATION266 / FLEX_VALUE_SET_NAME - INFORMATION185)
16777            -- we will try to auto map in the target business group
16778            -- If we are unable to auto map, then we will not copy corresponding EGL record
16779            -- and hence the ECV record will also not get copied (as it wont find parent EGL record)
16780            --
16781            l_map_succeed := true;
16782            l_col1_value_set_id := r_egl.information266;
16783            --
16784            if r_egl.information15 is not null
16785            then
16786              --
16787              l_map_succeed := map_lookup_in_target ( p_lookup_name => r_egl.information15,
16788                                                      p_target_business_group_id => p_target_business_group_id );
16789              --
16790            end if;
16791            --
16792            if r_egl.information185 is not null
16793            then
16794              --
16795              l_map_succeed := map_valueset_in_target ( p_valueset_name            => r_egl.information185,
16796                                                        p_target_business_group_id => p_target_business_group_id,
16797                                                        p_value_set_id             => l_col1_value_set_id);
16798              --
16799            end if;
16800            --
16801            hr_utility.set_location (' l_current_pk_id ' || l_current_pk_id, 20);
16802            hr_utility.set_location (' l_prev_pk_id ' || l_prev_pk_id, 20);
16803            --
16804            IF l_current_pk_id = l_prev_pk_id
16805            THEN
16806               --
16807               l_first_rec := FALSE;
16808            --
16809            ELSE
16810               --
16811               l_first_rec := TRUE;
16812            --
16813            END IF;
16814            --
16815            l_effective_date := ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.g_copy_effective_date;
16816            --
16817            ben_pd_copy_to_ben_one.ben_chk_col_len ('NAME', 'BEN_ELIGY_CRITERIA', l_prefix || r_egl.information170 || l_suffix );
16818            --
16819            IF l_map_succeed = true
16820            THEN
16821               --
16822               IF l_first_rec AND NOT l_update
16823               THEN
16824                  -- Call Create routine.
16825                  hr_utility.set_location ('BEN_ELIGY_CRITERIA_API.CREATE_ELIGY_CRITERIA  ', 20 );
16826                  --
16827                  ben_eligy_criteria_api.create_eligy_criteria
16828                       (
16829                        p_validate                    => FALSE,
16830                        p_eligy_criteria_id           => l_eligy_criteria_id,
16831                        p_name                        => l_prefix || r_egl.information170 || l_suffix,
16832                        p_short_code                  => r_egl.information11,
16833                        p_description                 => r_egl.information219,
16834                        p_criteria_type		     => r_egl.information12,
16835                        p_crit_col1_val_type_cd	     => r_egl.information13,
16836                        p_crit_col1_datatype	     => r_egl.information14,
16837                        p_col1_lookup_type	     => r_egl.information15,
16838                        p_col1_value_set_id           => l_col1_value_set_id,
16839                        p_access_table_name1          => r_egl.information16,
16840                        p_access_column_name1	     => r_egl.information17,
16841                        p_time_entry_access_tab_nam1  => r_egl.information18,
16842                        p_time_entry_access_col_nam1  => r_egl.information19,
16843                        p_crit_col2_val_type_cd	     => r_egl.information20,
16844                        p_crit_col2_datatype	     => r_egl.information21,
16845                        p_col2_lookup_type	     => r_egl.information22,
16846                        p_col2_value_set_id           => r_egl.information267,
16847                        p_access_table_name2	     => r_egl.information23,
16848                        p_access_column_name2	     => r_egl.information24,
16849                        p_time_entry_access_tab_nam2  => r_egl.information25,
16850                        p_time_entry_access_col_nam2  => r_egl.information26,
16851                        p_access_calc_rule	     => l_access_calc_rule,
16852                        p_allow_range_validation_flg  => r_egl.information27,
16853                        p_user_defined_flag           => r_egl.information28,
16854                        p_business_group_id           => p_target_business_group_id,
16855                        p_legislation_code            => r_egl.information29,
16856 		       --Bug 4592554
16857 		       p_allow_range_validation_flag2 => r_egl.information30,
16858 		       p_access_calc_rule2	      => r_egl.information269,
16859 		       p_time_access_calc_rule1	      => r_egl.information270,
16860 		       p_time_access_calc_rule2	      => r_egl.information271,
16861 		       --End Bug 4592554
16862                        p_egl_attribute_category      => r_egl.information110,
16863                        p_egl_attribute1              => r_egl.information111,
16864                        p_egl_attribute2              => r_egl.information112,
16865                        p_egl_attribute3              => r_egl.information113,
16866                        p_egl_attribute4              => r_egl.information114,
16867                        p_egl_attribute5              => r_egl.information115,
16868                        p_egl_attribute6              => r_egl.information116,
16869                        p_egl_attribute7              => r_egl.information117,
16870                        p_egl_attribute8              => r_egl.information118,
16871                        p_egl_attribute9              => r_egl.information119,
16872                        p_egl_attribute10             => r_egl.information120,
16873                        p_egl_attribute11             => r_egl.information121,
16874                        p_egl_attribute12             => r_egl.information122,
16875                        p_egl_attribute13             => r_egl.information123,
16876                        p_egl_attribute14             => r_egl.information124,
16877                        p_egl_attribute15             => r_egl.information125,
16878                        p_egl_attribute16             => r_egl.information126,
16879                        p_egl_attribute17             => r_egl.information127,
16880                        p_egl_attribute18             => r_egl.information128,
16881                        p_egl_attribute19             => r_egl.information129,
16882                        p_egl_attribute20             => r_egl.information130,
16883                        p_egl_attribute21             => r_egl.information131,
16884                        p_egl_attribute22             => r_egl.information132,
16885                        p_egl_attribute23             => r_egl.information133,
16886                        p_egl_attribute24             => r_egl.information134,
16887                        p_egl_attribute25             => r_egl.information135,
16888                        p_egl_attribute26             => r_egl.information136,
16889                        p_egl_attribute27             => r_egl.information137,
16890                        p_egl_attribute28             => r_egl.information138,
16891                        p_egl_attribute29             => r_egl.information139,
16892                        p_egl_attribute30             => r_egl.information140,
16893                        p_object_version_number       => l_object_version_number,
16894                        p_effective_date              => nvl(l_effective_date,p_effective_date)
16895                       );
16896                  --
16897                  -- insert the table_name,old_pk_id,new_pk_id into a plsql record
16898                  -- Update all relevent cer records with new pk_id
16899                  hr_utility.set_location ('Before plsql table ', 222);
16900                  hr_utility.set_location ('new_value id ' || l_eligy_criteria_id, 222);
16901                  --
16902                  g_pk_tbl (g_count).pk_id_column := 'ELIGY_CRITERIA_ID';
16903                  g_pk_tbl (g_count).old_value := r_egl.information1;
16904                  g_pk_tbl (g_count).new_value := l_eligy_criteria_id;
16905                  g_pk_tbl (g_count).copy_reuse_type := 'COPIED';
16906                  g_pk_tbl (g_count).table_route_id := r_egl_unique.table_route_id;
16907                  --
16908                  hr_utility.set_location ('After plsql table ', 222);
16909                  --
16910                  -- update_cer_with_target( g_pk_tbl(g_count),p_copy_entity_txn_id ) ;
16911                  --
16912                  g_count := g_count + 1;
16913                  --
16914                  log_data ('EGL', l_new_value, l_prefix || r_egl.information170 || l_suffix, 'COPIED');
16915                  --
16916               ELSIF l_update
16917               THEN
16918                  --
16919                  -- Bug: 4372345 Fetch OVN. EGL being non-date-tracked,
16920                  -- create-api will not be called before update in PDW/PDC flow.
16921                  l_object_version_number := r_egl.information265;
16922                  --
16923                  hr_utility.set_location ('BEN_ELIGY_CRITERIA_API.UPDATE_ELIGY_CRITERIA   ', 20 );
16924                  --
16925                  ben_eligy_criteria_api.update_eligy_criteria
16926                       (
16927                        p_validate                    => FALSE,
16928                        p_eligy_criteria_id           => l_eligy_criteria_id,
16929                        p_name                        => l_prefix || r_egl.information170 || l_suffix,
16930                        p_short_code                  => r_egl.information11,
16931                        p_description                 => r_egl.information219,
16932                        p_criteria_type		=> r_egl.information12,
16933                        p_crit_col1_val_type_cd	=> r_egl.information13,
16934                        p_crit_col1_datatype	    	=> r_egl.information14,
16935                        p_col1_lookup_type		=> r_egl.information15,
16936                        p_col1_value_set_id           => l_col1_value_set_id,
16937                        p_access_table_name1          => r_egl.information16,
16938                        p_access_column_name1	        => r_egl.information17,
16939                        p_time_entry_access_tab_nam1  => r_egl.information18,
16940                        p_time_entry_access_col_nam1  => r_egl.information19,
16941                        p_crit_col2_val_type_cd	=> r_egl.information20,
16942                        p_crit_col2_datatype		=> r_egl.information21,
16943                        p_col2_lookup_type		=> r_egl.information22,
16944                        p_col2_value_set_id           => r_egl.information267,
16945                        p_access_table_name2		=> r_egl.information23,
16946                        p_access_column_name2	        => r_egl.information24,
16947                        p_time_entry_access_tab_nam2  => r_egl.information25,
16948                        p_time_entry_access_col_nam2  => r_egl.information26,
16949                        p_access_calc_rule		=> l_access_calc_rule,
16950                        p_allow_range_validation_flg  => r_egl.information27,
16951                        p_user_defined_flag           => r_egl.information28,
16952                        p_business_group_id           => p_target_business_group_id,
16953                        p_legislation_code            => r_egl.information29,
16954        		       --Bug 4592554
16955 		       p_allow_range_validation_flag2 => r_egl.information30,
16956 		       p_access_calc_rule2	      => r_egl.information269,
16957 		       p_time_access_calc_rule1	      => r_egl.information270,
16958 		       p_time_access_calc_rule2	      => r_egl.information271,
16959 		       --End Bug 4592554
16960                        p_egl_attribute_category      => r_egl.information110,
16961                        p_egl_attribute1              => r_egl.information111,
16962                        p_egl_attribute2              => r_egl.information112,
16963                        p_egl_attribute3              => r_egl.information113,
16964                        p_egl_attribute4              => r_egl.information114,
16965                        p_egl_attribute5              => r_egl.information115,
16966                        p_egl_attribute6              => r_egl.information116,
16967                        p_egl_attribute7              => r_egl.information117,
16968                        p_egl_attribute8              => r_egl.information118,
16969                        p_egl_attribute9              => r_egl.information119,
16970                        p_egl_attribute10             => r_egl.information120,
16971                        p_egl_attribute11             => r_egl.information121,
16972                        p_egl_attribute12             => r_egl.information122,
16973                        p_egl_attribute13             => r_egl.information123,
16974                        p_egl_attribute14             => r_egl.information124,
16975                        p_egl_attribute15             => r_egl.information125,
16976                        p_egl_attribute16             => r_egl.information126,
16977                        p_egl_attribute17             => r_egl.information127,
16978                        p_egl_attribute18             => r_egl.information128,
16979                        p_egl_attribute19             => r_egl.information129,
16980                        p_egl_attribute20             => r_egl.information130,
16981                        p_egl_attribute21             => r_egl.information131,
16982                        p_egl_attribute22             => r_egl.information132,
16983                        p_egl_attribute23             => r_egl.information133,
16984                        p_egl_attribute24             => r_egl.information134,
16985                        p_egl_attribute25             => r_egl.information135,
16986                        p_egl_attribute26             => r_egl.information136,
16987                        p_egl_attribute27             => r_egl.information137,
16988                        p_egl_attribute28             => r_egl.information138,
16989                        p_egl_attribute29             => r_egl.information139,
16990                        p_egl_attribute30             => r_egl.information140,
16991                        p_object_version_number       => l_object_version_number,
16992                        p_effective_date              => nvl(l_effective_date,p_effective_date)
16993                       );
16994                  --
16995               END IF;
16996               --
16997            END IF; /* l_map_succeed = true */
16998            --
16999            l_prev_pk_id := l_current_pk_id;
17000            --
17001         END IF;
17002         --
17003 --      END IF;  /* l_target_type = 'BEN_PDSMBG' */
17004       --
17005    END LOOP;
17006    --
17008    WHEN OTHERS
17009    THEN
17010       --
17011       raise_error_message ('EGL', l_prefix || r_egl.information170 || l_suffix );
17012       --
17013 --
17014 END create_egl_rows;
17015 --
17017 procedure create_all_leaf_ben_rows
17018 (
17019    p_validate                       in  number     default 0 -- false
17020   ,p_copy_entity_txn_id             in  number
17021   ,p_effective_date                 in  date
17022   ,p_prefix_suffix_text             in  varchar2  default null
17023   ,p_reuse_object_flag              in  varchar2  default null
17024   ,p_target_business_group_id       in  varchar2  default null
17025   ,p_prefix_suffix_cd               in  varchar2  default null
17026   ,p_txn_row_type_cd		    in  varchar2  default null
17027  ) is
17028  -- REUSE
17029  cursor c_source_business_group is
17030   select information30, context_business_group_id
17031     from ben_copy_entity_txns_vw
17032    where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id;
17033  --
17034  l_prefix_suffix_text varchar2(300) := p_prefix_suffix_text;
17035  l_source_business_group per_business_groups.name%type;
17036  l_source_business_group_id number (15);
17038 --TCS PDW Integration Enhancement
17039  l_txn_row_type_cd  varchar2(15);
17040 --TCS PDW Integration Enhancement
17041  --
17042 begin
17044 --TCS PDW Integration Enhancement
17045 l_txn_row_type_cd := nvl(p_txn_row_type_cd,'~');
17046 --TCS PDW Integration Enhancement
17049 --TCS PDW Integration Enhancement
17050 --By passed calls to certains procedures in the below flow
17051 --if the l_txn_row_type_cd is ELP
17052   --
17053   open c_source_business_group;
17054   fetch c_source_business_group into l_source_business_group, l_source_business_group_id;
17055   close c_source_business_group;
17056   --
17058   if BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.data_exists_for_table('FFF') then
17059     BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_fff_rows(
17060      p_validate                  => p_validate
17061     ,p_copy_entity_txn_id        => p_copy_entity_txn_id
17062     ,p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
17063     ,p_prefix_suffix_text        => p_prefix_suffix_text
17064     ,p_reuse_object_flag         => p_reuse_object_flag
17065     ,p_target_business_group_id  => p_target_business_group_id
17066     ,p_prefix_suffix_cd          => p_prefix_suffix_cd
17067     );
17068   end if;
17069   --
17070   -- Action Types always to be Reused
17071   if ((l_txn_row_type_cd <> 'ELP') and BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.data_exists_for_table('EAT'))then
17072     BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_EAT_rows(
17073      p_validate                  => p_validate
17074     ,p_copy_entity_txn_id        => p_copy_entity_txn_id
17075     ,p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
17076     ,p_prefix_suffix_text        => p_prefix_suffix_text
17077     ,p_reuse_object_flag         => p_reuse_object_flag
17078     ,p_target_business_group_id  => p_target_business_group_id
17079     ,p_prefix_suffix_cd          => p_prefix_suffix_cd
17080     );
17081   end if;
17082   --
17083   if BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.data_exists_for_table('SVA') then
17084     BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_SVA_rows(
17085      p_validate                  => p_validate
17086     ,p_copy_entity_txn_id        => p_copy_entity_txn_id
17087     ,p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
17088     ,p_prefix_suffix_text        => p_prefix_suffix_text
17089     ,p_reuse_object_flag         => p_reuse_object_flag
17090     ,p_target_business_group_id  => p_target_business_group_id
17091     ,p_prefix_suffix_cd          => p_prefix_suffix_cd
17092     );
17093   end if;
17094   --
17095   --TCS PDW Enhancement , creation of Benefits Balances is supported
17096   if (BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.data_exists_for_table('BNB'))then
17097     BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_bnb_rows(
17098      p_validate                  => p_validate
17099     ,p_copy_entity_txn_id        => p_copy_entity_txn_id
17100     ,p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
17101     ,p_prefix_suffix_text        => p_prefix_suffix_text
17102     ,p_reuse_object_flag         => p_reuse_object_flag
17103     ,p_target_business_group_id  => p_target_business_group_id
17104     ,p_prefix_suffix_cd          => p_prefix_suffix_cd
17105     );
17106   end if;
17107   --
17108   if BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.data_exists_for_table('CLF') then
17109     BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_CLF_rows(
17110      p_validate                  => p_validate
17111     ,p_copy_entity_txn_id        => p_copy_entity_txn_id
17112     ,p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
17113     ,p_prefix_suffix_text        => p_prefix_suffix_text
17114     ,p_reuse_object_flag         => p_reuse_object_flag
17115     ,p_target_business_group_id  => p_target_business_group_id
17116     ,p_prefix_suffix_cd          => p_prefix_suffix_cd
17117     );
17118   end if;
17119   --
17120   if BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.data_exists_for_table('HWF') then
17121     BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_HWF_rows(
17122      p_validate                  => p_validate
17123     ,p_copy_entity_txn_id        => p_copy_entity_txn_id
17124     ,p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
17125     ,p_prefix_suffix_text        => p_prefix_suffix_text
17126     ,p_reuse_object_flag         => p_reuse_object_flag
17127     ,p_target_business_group_id  => p_target_business_group_id
17128     ,p_prefix_suffix_cd          => p_prefix_suffix_cd
17129     );
17130   end if;
17131   --
17132   if BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.data_exists_for_table('AGF') then
17133     BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_AGF_rows(
17134      p_validate                  => p_validate
17135     ,p_copy_entity_txn_id        => p_copy_entity_txn_id
17136     ,p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
17137     ,p_prefix_suffix_text        => p_prefix_suffix_text
17138     ,p_reuse_object_flag         => p_reuse_object_flag
17139     ,p_target_business_group_id  => p_target_business_group_id
17140     ,p_prefix_suffix_cd          => p_prefix_suffix_cd
17141     );
17142   end if;
17143   --
17144   if BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.data_exists_for_table('LSF') then
17145     BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_LSF_rows(
17146      p_validate                  => p_validate
17147     ,p_copy_entity_txn_id        => p_copy_entity_txn_id
17148     ,p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
17149     ,p_prefix_suffix_text        => p_prefix_suffix_text
17150     ,p_reuse_object_flag         => p_reuse_object_flag
17151     ,p_target_business_group_id  => p_target_business_group_id
17152     ,p_prefix_suffix_cd          => p_prefix_suffix_cd
17153     );
17154   end if;
17155   --
17156   --
17157   if BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.data_exists_for_table('PFF') then
17158     BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_PFF_rows(
17159      p_validate                  => p_validate
17160     ,p_copy_entity_txn_id        => p_copy_entity_txn_id
17161     ,p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
17162     ,p_prefix_suffix_text        => p_prefix_suffix_text
17163     ,p_reuse_object_flag         => p_reuse_object_flag
17164     ,p_target_business_group_id  => p_target_business_group_id
17165     ,p_prefix_suffix_cd          => p_prefix_suffix_cd
17166     );
17167   end if;
17168   --
17169   --
17170   if BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.data_exists_for_table('CLA') then
17171     BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_CLA_rows(
17172      p_validate                  => p_validate
17173     ,p_copy_entity_txn_id        => p_copy_entity_txn_id
17174     ,p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
17175     ,p_prefix_suffix_text        => p_prefix_suffix_text
17176     ,p_reuse_object_flag         => p_reuse_object_flag
17177     ,p_target_business_group_id  => p_target_business_group_id
17178     ,p_prefix_suffix_cd          => p_prefix_suffix_cd
17179     );
17180   end if;
17181   --
17182   --
17183   if ((l_txn_row_type_cd <> 'ELP') and BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.data_exists_for_table('PTP') )then
17184     BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_PTP_rows(
17185      p_validate                  => p_validate
17186     ,p_copy_entity_txn_id        => p_copy_entity_txn_id
17187     ,p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
17188     ,p_prefix_suffix_text        => p_prefix_suffix_text
17189     ,p_reuse_object_flag         => p_reuse_object_flag
17190     ,p_target_business_group_id  => p_target_business_group_id
17191     ,p_prefix_suffix_cd          => p_prefix_suffix_cd
17192     );
17193   end if;
17194   --
17195   --
17196   if ((l_txn_row_type_cd <> 'ELP') and BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.data_exists_for_table('PLN'))then
17197     BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_PLN_rows(
17198      p_validate                  => p_validate
17199     ,p_copy_entity_txn_id        => p_copy_entity_txn_id
17200     ,p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
17201     ,p_prefix_suffix_text        => p_prefix_suffix_text
17202     ,p_reuse_object_flag         => p_reuse_object_flag
17203     ,p_target_business_group_id  => p_target_business_group_id
17204     ,p_prefix_suffix_cd          => p_prefix_suffix_cd
17205     );
17206   end if;
17207   --
17208   --
17209   if ((l_txn_row_type_cd <> 'ELP') and BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.data_exists_for_table('BNR'))then
17210     BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_BNR_rows(
17211      p_validate                  => p_validate
17212     ,p_copy_entity_txn_id        => p_copy_entity_txn_id
17213     ,p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
17214     ,p_prefix_suffix_text        => p_prefix_suffix_text
17215     ,p_reuse_object_flag         => p_reuse_object_flag
17216     ,p_target_business_group_id  => p_target_business_group_id
17217     ,p_prefix_suffix_cd          => p_prefix_suffix_cd
17218     );
17219   end if;
17220   --
17222   -- Regulations always to be Reused
17223   if ((l_txn_row_type_cd <> 'ELP') and BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.data_exists_for_table('REG'))then
17224     BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_REG_rows(
17225      p_validate                  => p_validate
17226     ,p_copy_entity_txn_id        => p_copy_entity_txn_id
17227     ,p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
17228     ,p_prefix_suffix_text        => p_prefix_suffix_text
17229     ,p_reuse_object_flag         => p_reuse_object_flag
17230     ,p_target_business_group_id  => p_target_business_group_id
17231     ,p_prefix_suffix_cd          => p_prefix_suffix_cd
17232     );
17233   end if;
17234   --
17235   --
17236   if ((l_txn_row_type_cd <> 'ELP') and BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.data_exists_for_table('OPT'))then
17237     BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_OPT_rows(
17238      p_validate                  => p_validate
17239     ,p_copy_entity_txn_id        => p_copy_entity_txn_id
17240     ,p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
17241     ,p_prefix_suffix_text        => p_prefix_suffix_text
17242     ,p_reuse_object_flag         => p_reuse_object_flag
17243     ,p_target_business_group_id  => p_target_business_group_id
17244     ,p_prefix_suffix_cd          => p_prefix_suffix_cd
17245     );
17246   end if;
17247   --
17248   if ((l_txn_row_type_cd <> 'ELP') and BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.data_exists_for_table('PON'))then
17249     BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_PON_rows(
17250      p_validate                  => p_validate
17251     ,p_copy_entity_txn_id        => p_copy_entity_txn_id
17252     ,p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
17253     ,p_prefix_suffix_text        => p_prefix_suffix_text
17254     ,p_reuse_object_flag         => p_reuse_object_flag
17255     ,p_target_business_group_id  => p_target_business_group_id
17256     ,p_prefix_suffix_cd          => p_prefix_suffix_cd
17257     );
17258   end if;
17259   --
17260   if BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.data_exists_for_table('RZR') then
17261     BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_RZR_rows(
17262      p_validate                  => p_validate
17263     ,p_copy_entity_txn_id        => p_copy_entity_txn_id
17264     ,p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
17265     ,p_prefix_suffix_text        => p_prefix_suffix_text
17266     ,p_reuse_object_flag         => p_reuse_object_flag
17267     ,p_target_business_group_id  => p_target_business_group_id
17268     ,p_prefix_suffix_cd          => p_prefix_suffix_cd
17269     );
17270   end if;
17271   --
17273   if BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.data_exists_for_table('RCL') then
17274     BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_RCL_rows(
17275      p_validate                  => p_validate
17276     ,p_copy_entity_txn_id        => p_copy_entity_txn_id
17277     ,p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
17278     ,p_prefix_suffix_text        => p_prefix_suffix_text
17279     ,p_reuse_object_flag         => p_reuse_object_flag
17280     ,p_target_business_group_id  => p_target_business_group_id
17281     ,p_prefix_suffix_cd          => p_prefix_suffix_cd
17282     );
17283   end if;
17284  */
17285   --
17287   --
17288   l_prefix_suffix_text := p_prefix_suffix_text;
17289   -- REUSE
17290   if ben_PLAN_DESIGN_TXNS_api.g_pgm_pl_prefix_suffix_text is not null then
17291      --
17292      l_prefix_suffix_text := ben_PLAN_DESIGN_TXNS_api.g_pgm_pl_prefix_suffix_text;
17293      --
17294   end if;
17295   --
17296   if ((l_txn_row_type_cd <> 'ELP') and BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.data_exists_for_table('PGM'))then
17297     BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_PGM_rows(
17298      p_validate                  => p_validate
17299     ,p_copy_entity_txn_id        => p_copy_entity_txn_id
17300     ,p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
17301     ,p_prefix_suffix_text        => l_prefix_suffix_text
17302     ,p_reuse_object_flag         => p_reuse_object_flag
17303     ,p_target_business_group_id  => p_target_business_group_id
17304     ,p_prefix_suffix_cd          => p_prefix_suffix_cd
17305     );
17306   end if;
17307   --
17308   -- Moved these three calls from benpdccp5.pkb
17309   --
17310   if ((l_txn_row_type_cd <> 'ELP') and BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.data_exists_for_table('CPL'))then
17311     BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_CPL_rows
17312      (p_validate                     => p_validate
17313      ,p_copy_entity_txn_id           => p_copy_entity_txn_id
17314      ,p_effective_date               => p_effective_date
17315      ,p_prefix_suffix_text           => p_prefix_suffix_text
17316      ,p_reuse_object_flag            => p_reuse_object_flag
17317      ,p_target_business_group_id     => p_target_business_group_id
17318      ,p_prefix_suffix_cd             => p_prefix_suffix_cd);
17319   end if;
17320   --
17321   --
17322   if ((l_txn_row_type_cd <> 'ELP') and BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.data_exists_for_table('CBP'))then
17323     BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_CBP_rows
17324      (p_validate                     => p_validate
17325      ,p_copy_entity_txn_id           => p_copy_entity_txn_id
17326      ,p_effective_date               => p_effective_date
17327      ,p_prefix_suffix_text           => p_prefix_suffix_text
17328      ,p_reuse_object_flag            => p_reuse_object_flag
17329      ,p_target_business_group_id     => p_target_business_group_id
17330      ,p_prefix_suffix_cd             => p_prefix_suffix_cd);
17331   end if;
17332   --
17333   --
17334   if ((l_txn_row_type_cd <> 'ELP') and BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.data_exists_for_table('CPT'))then
17335     BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_CPT_rows
17336      (p_validate                     => p_validate
17337      ,p_copy_entity_txn_id           => p_copy_entity_txn_id
17338      ,p_effective_date               => p_effective_date
17339      ,p_prefix_suffix_text           => p_prefix_suffix_text
17340      ,p_reuse_object_flag            => p_reuse_object_flag
17341      ,p_target_business_group_id     => p_target_business_group_id
17342      ,p_prefix_suffix_cd             => p_prefix_suffix_cd);
17343   end if;
17344   --
17345   --
17346   if ((l_txn_row_type_cd <> 'ELP') and BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.data_exists_for_table('LER'))then
17347     BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_LER_rows(
17348      p_validate                  => p_validate
17349     ,p_copy_entity_txn_id        => p_copy_entity_txn_id
17350     ,p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
17351     ,p_prefix_suffix_text        => p_prefix_suffix_text
17352     ,p_reuse_object_flag         => p_reuse_object_flag
17353     ,p_target_business_group_id  => p_target_business_group_id
17354     ,p_prefix_suffix_cd          => p_prefix_suffix_cd
17355     );
17356   end if;
17357   --
17358  -- TCS PDW Enhancement Opened the call to create_ELP_rows
17359   if (BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.data_exists_for_table('ELP'))then
17360     BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_ELP_rows(
17361      p_validate                  => p_validate
17362     ,p_copy_entity_txn_id        => p_copy_entity_txn_id
17363     ,p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
17364     ,p_prefix_suffix_text        => p_prefix_suffix_text
17365     ,p_reuse_object_flag         => p_reuse_object_flag
17366     ,p_target_business_group_id  => p_target_business_group_id
17367     ,p_prefix_suffix_cd          => p_prefix_suffix_cd
17368     );
17369   end if;
17370  -- TCS PDW Enhancement Opened the call to create_ELP_rows
17371   --
17372   if ((l_txn_row_type_cd <> 'ELP') and BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.data_exists_for_table('DCE'))then
17373     BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_DCE_rows(
17374      p_validate                  => p_validate
17375     ,p_copy_entity_txn_id        => p_copy_entity_txn_id
17376     ,p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
17377     ,p_prefix_suffix_text        => p_prefix_suffix_text
17378     ,p_reuse_object_flag         => p_reuse_object_flag
17379     ,p_target_business_group_id  => p_target_business_group_id
17380     ,p_prefix_suffix_cd          => p_prefix_suffix_cd
17381     );
17382   end if;
17383   --
17384   if ((l_txn_row_type_cd <> 'ELP') and BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.data_exists_for_table('GOS'))then
17385     BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_GOS_rows(
17386      p_validate                  => p_validate
17387     ,p_copy_entity_txn_id        => p_copy_entity_txn_id
17388     ,p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
17389     ,p_prefix_suffix_text        => p_prefix_suffix_text
17390     ,p_reuse_object_flag         => p_reuse_object_flag
17391     ,p_target_business_group_id  => p_target_business_group_id
17392     ,p_prefix_suffix_cd          => p_prefix_suffix_cd
17393     );
17394   end if;
17395   --
17396   --Bug 5127683 Call the below procedure irrespective of the l_txn_row_type_cd
17397   if (BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.data_exists_for_table('BNG'))then
17398     BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_BNG_rows(
17399      p_validate                  => p_validate
17400     ,p_copy_entity_txn_id        => p_copy_entity_txn_id
17401     ,p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
17402     ,p_prefix_suffix_text        => p_prefix_suffix_text
17403     ,p_reuse_object_flag         => p_reuse_object_flag
17404     ,p_target_business_group_id  => p_target_business_group_id
17405     ,p_prefix_suffix_cd          => p_prefix_suffix_cd
17406     );
17407   end if;
17408   --
17410   --Uncommented to copy the seeded plan design for Absences, plan design wizard
17411   if ((l_txn_row_type_cd <> 'ELP') and BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.data_exists_for_table('PSL')
17412       and (l_source_business_group is null or
17413            BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_transaction_category = 'BEN_PDCRWZ')
17414   ) then
17415        --hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_PSL_rows !!!!!!!!! ',10);
17417     BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_PSL_rows(
17418      p_validate                  => p_validate
17419     ,p_copy_entity_txn_id        => p_copy_entity_txn_id
17420     ,p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
17421     ,p_prefix_suffix_text        => p_prefix_suffix_text
17422     ,p_reuse_object_flag         => p_reuse_object_flag
17423     ,p_target_business_group_id  => p_target_business_group_id
17424     ,p_prefix_suffix_cd          => p_prefix_suffix_cd
17425     );
17426   end if;
17428   --Uncommented to copy the seeded plan design for Absences, plan design wizard
17429   if ((l_txn_row_type_cd <> 'ELP') and BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.data_exists_for_table('LPL')
17430       and (BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.g_transaction_category = 'BEN_PDCRWZ'))
17431   then
17432        --hr_utility.set_location(' BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_LPL_rows!!!!!!!!!!!! ',10);
17434     BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_LPL_rows(
17435      p_validate                  => p_validate
17436     ,p_copy_entity_txn_id        => p_copy_entity_txn_id
17437     ,p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
17438     ,p_prefix_suffix_text        => p_prefix_suffix_text
17439     ,p_reuse_object_flag         => p_reuse_object_flag
17440     ,p_target_business_group_id  => p_target_business_group_id
17441     ,p_prefix_suffix_cd          => p_prefix_suffix_cd
17442     );
17443   end if;
17445   --
17446   if ((l_txn_row_type_cd <> 'ELP') and BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.data_exists_for_table('CCT'))then
17447     BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_CCT_rows(
17448      p_validate                  => p_validate
17449     ,p_copy_entity_txn_id        => p_copy_entity_txn_id
17450     ,p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
17451     ,p_prefix_suffix_text        => p_prefix_suffix_text
17452     ,p_reuse_object_flag         => p_reuse_object_flag
17453     ,p_target_business_group_id  => p_target_business_group_id
17454     ,p_prefix_suffix_cd          => p_prefix_suffix_cd
17455     );
17456   end if;
17457   --
17458   if ((l_txn_row_type_cd <> 'ELP') and BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.data_exists_for_table('PDL'))then
17459     BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_PDL_rows(
17460      p_validate                  => p_validate
17461     ,p_copy_entity_txn_id        => p_copy_entity_txn_id
17462     ,p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
17463     ,p_prefix_suffix_text        => p_prefix_suffix_text
17464     ,p_reuse_object_flag         => p_reuse_object_flag
17465     ,p_target_business_group_id  => p_target_business_group_id
17466     ,p_prefix_suffix_cd          => p_prefix_suffix_cd
17467     );
17468   end if;
17469   --
17470   if ((l_txn_row_type_cd <> 'ELP') and BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.data_exists_for_table('YRP'))then
17471     BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_YRP_rows(
17472      p_validate                  => p_validate
17473     ,p_copy_entity_txn_id        => p_copy_entity_txn_id
17474     ,p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
17475     ,p_prefix_suffix_text        => p_prefix_suffix_text
17476     ,p_reuse_object_flag         => p_reuse_object_flag
17477     ,p_target_business_group_id  => p_target_business_group_id
17478     ,p_prefix_suffix_cd          => p_prefix_suffix_cd
17479     );
17480   end if;
17481   --
17482   if ((l_txn_row_type_cd <> 'ELP') and BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.data_exists_for_table('WYP'))then
17483     BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_WYP_rows(
17484      p_validate                  => p_validate
17485     ,p_copy_entity_txn_id        => p_copy_entity_txn_id
17486     ,p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
17487     ,p_prefix_suffix_text        => p_prefix_suffix_text
17488     ,p_reuse_object_flag         => p_reuse_object_flag
17489     ,p_target_business_group_id  => p_target_business_group_id
17490     ,p_prefix_suffix_cd          => p_prefix_suffix_cd
17491     );
17492   end if;
17493   --
17494   --
17495   -- Bug 4169120 : Rate By Criteria
17496   --
17497   if BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.data_exists_for_table('EGL')
17498   then
17499     --
17500     BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_ONE.create_EGL_rows
17501             (
17502              p_validate                  => p_validate
17503             ,p_copy_entity_txn_id        => p_copy_entity_txn_id
17504             ,p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
17505             ,p_prefix_suffix_text        => p_prefix_suffix_text
17506             ,p_reuse_object_flag         => p_reuse_object_flag
17507             ,p_target_business_group_id  => p_target_business_group_id
17508             ,p_prefix_suffix_cd          => p_prefix_suffix_cd
17509             );
17510     --
17511   end if;
17512   --
17513 end create_all_leaf_ben_rows;
17514 --