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1 package cs_war as
2 /* $Header: csxcuwas.pls 120.0 2005/08/01 12:34:13 smisra noship $ */
3 --
4 --
5 	--Get the comma-separated item_ids of the attached warranties on an item,
6 	--as on p_war_date. The Item-Validation-Organization of the attached
7 	--warranty is the same as the item's.
8 	--Note: Used by CSOEBAT and CSXSUDCP form as of 1/29/97.
9 	function get_war_item_ids
10 	(
11 		p_organization_id   number,
12 		p_inventory_item_id number,
13 		p_war_date          date    default sysdate
14 	) return varchar2;
15 	--pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES (get_war_item_ids,WNDS,WNPS);
16 	--
17 	--
18 	-- This function returns Y or N for warranty attached to a customer
19      -- product_id
20 	function warranty_exists
21 	(
22 	    cp_id  NUMBER
23      )  return VARCHAR2 ;
24 	pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES (warranty_exists,WNDS,WNPS);
25 	--
26 	--
27 	--Get the duration, period and coverage of a warranty on a product, as on
28 	--p_war_date.
29 	--The Item-Validation-Organization of the attached
30 	--warranty is the same as the product's.
31 	--It is upto the caller to ensure that the warranty is a valid warranty
32 	--on the product, else an exception NO_DATA_FOUND is raised.
33 	procedure get_war_dur_per
34 	(
35 		p_organization_id   number,
36 		p_prod_inv_item_id  number,
37 		p_war_inv_item_id   number,
38 		p_war_date          date    default sysdate,
39 		p_duration   in out nocopy number,
40 		p_uom_code   in out nocopy varchar2,
41 		p_cov_sch_id in out nocopy number
42 	);
43 	--
44 	--
45 --
46 --
47 end cs_war;