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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 24

l_query:=        'select per.*'
        ||' ,per.full_name personname'
        ||' ,per.last_name personlastname'
        ||' ,decode(per.sex, ''M'',''1'',''F'',''2'',''9'') gender'
        ||' ,translate(to_char(per.date_of_birth,''RRRR-MM-DD HH:MM:SS''),'' '',''T'') dateofbirth'
        -- This cursor retrieves all the Recruiting addresses associated
        -- with the person
        ||' ,cursor (select address_line1 addressline1'
        ||'                ,address_line2 addressline2'
        ||'                ,address_line3 addressline3'
        ||'                ,region_1 region1'
        ||'                ,region_2 region2'
        ||'                ,region_3 region3'
        ||'                ,postal_code postalcode'
        ||'                ,town_or_city townorcity'
        ||'                ,country country'
        ||'                ,add_information13'
        ||'                ,add_information14'
        ||'                ,add_information15'
        ||'                ,add_information16'
        ||'                ,add_information17'
        ||'                ,add_information18'
        ||'                ,add_information19'
        ||'                ,add_information20'
        ||'          from per_addresses'
        ||'         where address_type = ''REC'''
        ||'           and person_id=per.person_id) as address'
        -- This cursor retrieves the telephone numbers that can be passed
        -- The decode statement is used to get the correct order by :
        -- the translate removes H and W, and changes 1,2 and 3 to Vs
        -- as they are irrelevant to the numbering
        ||'  ,cursor ( select phn.*'
        ||'                , substr(phone_type,1,1)  phonelabel'
        ||'                , decode (translate(phone_type,''123HW'',''VVV'')'
        ||'                         ,''V'', ''1'''
        ||'                         ,''F'', ''2'''
        ||'                         ,''P'', ''3'''
        ||'                         ,''1'') phonetype'
        ||'             from per_phones phn'
        ||'            where parent_id=per.person_id'
        ||'              and substr(phone_type, 1,1) in (''H'',''W'',''P'',''M'')) as phone'
        ||' ,usr.email_address emailaddress'
        ||' ,cursor(select ppe.*'
        ||'        ,ppj.job_name job_name,ppj.*'
        ||'        ,ppe.employer_name employername'
        ||'        ,ppe.employer_address employeraddress'
        ||'        ,ppe.description descriptionText'
        ||'        ,translate(to_char(ppe.start_date,''RRRR-MM-DD HH:MM:SS''),'' '',''T'') attendedstartdate'
        ||'        ,translate(to_char(ppe.end_date,''RRRR-MM-DD HH:MM:SS''),'' '',''T'') attendedenddate'
        ||'         from per_previous_employers ppe'
        ||'         ,per_previous_jobs ppj'
        ||'          where ppe.previous_employer_id = ppj.previous_employer_id'
        ||'            and ppe.person_id=per.person_id) as emphistory'
        -- This cursor retrieves the qualifications held in per_qualifications.
        -- 'attendanceid' is used in the stylesheet to determine the section
        -- of the generated XML document to place the data.
        ||' ,cursor(select qua.title title,qua.*'
        ||'               ,esa.establishment establishment'
        ||'               ,esa.address address'
        ||'               ,esa.*'
        ||'               ,qtytl.name type'
        ||'               ,decode(qty.category '
        ||'                      ,''SKILL'', ''skill'''
        ||'                      ,''EXPERIENCE'', ''experience'''
        ||'                      ,''EDUCATION'', ''education'''
        ||'                      ,''LICENSE'', ''license'''
        ||'                      ,''CERTIFICATION'', ''certification'''
        ||'                      ,''EQUIPMENT'', ''equipment'''
        ||'                      ,''other'') categoryCode'
        ||'               ,translate(to_char(esa.attended_start_date,''RRRR-MM-DD HH:MM:SS''),'' '',''T'') attendedstartdate'
        ||'               ,translate(to_char(esa.attended_end_date,''RRRR-MM-DD HH:MM:SS''),'' '',''T'') attendedenddate'
        ||'          from per_qualifications_vl qua'
        ||'              ,per_qualification_types qty'
        ||'              ,per_qualification_types_tl qtytl'
        ||'              ,per_establishment_attendances esa'
        ||'         where qua.qualification_type_id = qty.qualification_type_id'
        ||'         and qua.qualification_type_id = qtytl.qualification_type_id'
        ||'         and ppttl.language = qtytl.language'
        ||'           and qua.attendance_id = esa.attendance_id'
        ||'           and qua.person_id = per.person_id'
        ||'           and esa.person_id=per.person_id) as education'

        ||' ,cursor(select qua.title title,qua.*'
        ||'               ,qty.name type'
        ||'               ,decode(qty.category '
        ||'                      ,''SKILL'', ''skill'''
        ||'                      ,''EXPERIENCE'', ''experience'''
        ||'                      ,''EDUCATION'', ''education'''
        ||'                      ,''LICENSE'', ''license'''
        ||'                      ,''CERTIFICATION'', ''certification'''
        ||'                      ,''EQUIPMENT'', ''equipment'''
        ||'                      ,''other'') categoryCode'
        ||'          from per_qualifications_vl qua'
        ||'              ,per_qualification_types qty'
        ||'              ,per_qualification_types_tl qtytl'
        ||'         where qua.qualification_type_id = qty.qualification_type_id'
        ||'         and qua.qualification_type_id = qtytl.qualification_type_id'
        ||'         and ppttl.language = qtytl.language'
        ||'           and qua.attendance_id is null'
        ||'           and qua.person_id=per.person_id) as non_edu_quals'
        -- This cursor retrieves the skills that are held the competences
        -- tables.  Only skills that have an associated rating_level are
        -- required
        ||' ,cursor(select /*+ INDEX (rtl PER_RATING_LEVELS_PK)'
        ||' cel.*,cmpt.name name'
        ||'              , decode(round((rtl.step_value/decode(nvl(nvl(rsc.max_scale_step, cmp.max_level)'
        ||'               ,rtl.step_value),0,1,nvl(nvl(rsc.max_scale_step, cmp.max_level)'
        ||'               ,rtl.step_value)))*5),0,1'
        ||'               , round((rtl.step_value/decode(nvl(nvl(rsc.max_scale_step, cmp.max_level)'
        ||'               ,rtl.step_value),0,1,nvl(nvl(rsc.max_scale_step, cmp.max_level)'
        ||'               ,rtl.step_value)))*5)) lvl'
        ||'          from per_competence_elements cel'
        ||'             , per_competences cmp'
        ||'             , per_competences_tl cmpt'
        ||'             , per_rating_levels rtl'
        ||'             , per_rating_scales rsc'
        ||'          where cel.competence_id = cmp.competence_id'
        ||'          and cel.competence_id = cmpt.competence_id'
        ||'          and ppttl.language= cmpt.language'
        ||'            and cel.proficiency_level_id = rtl.rating_level_id'
        ||'            and rtl.rating_scale_id = rsc.rating_scale_id(+)'
        ||'            and cel.type = ''PERSONAL'''
        ||'            and cel.person_id = per.person_id) as skills'
        ||' ,cursor(select cel.*,cmp.name name'
        ||'          from per_competence_elements cel'
        ||'             , per_competences_tl cmp'
        ||'          where cel.competence_id = cmp.competence_id'
        ||'            and cmp.language=ppttl.language'
        ||'            and cel.proficiency_level_id is null'
        ||'            and cel.type = ''PERSONAL'''
        ||'            and cel.person_id = per.person_id) as skills_no_level'
        ||' , cursor(select isc.* '
        ||'          ,cursor(select * from irc_location_criteria_values ilcv'
        ||'                  where ilcv.search_criteria_id=isc.search_criteria_id) as locations'
        ||'          ,cursor(select * from irc_prof_area_criteria_values ipacv'
        ||'                  where ipacv.search_criteria_id=isc.search_criteria_id) as professional_areas'
        ||'           from irc_search_criteria isc'
        ||'          where  isc.object_id=per.person_id'
        ||'          and isc.object_type=''WPREF'') as work_preferences'
        ||' from per_all_people_f per '
        ||'     ,fnd_user usr '
        ||'     ,per_person_types_tl ppttl '
        ||' where per.person_id =  :1'
        ||'   and usr.employee_id(+)=per.person_id'
        ||'   and trunc(sysdate) between nvl(usr.start_date(+),trunc(sysdate))'
        ||'   and nvl(usr.end_date(+),trunc(sysdate))'
        ||'   and trunc(sysdate) between per.effective_start_date'
        ||'   and per.effective_end_date'
        ||'   and per.person_type_id=ppttl.person_type_id'
        ||'   and ppttl.language=userenv(''LANG'')'
        ||'   and rownum=1';
Line: 195

Line: 199


'||' '||'
'||' '||'

Line: 462

select document_id
from irc_documents
where person_id=p_person_id
and type='AUTO_RESUME'
and nvl(assignment_id,-1)=nvl(p_assignment_id,-1)
order by creation_date asc;
Line: 470

select substr(replace(initcap(full_name),' '),1,120)
from per_all_people_f
where person_id=p_person_id
and sysdate between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 489

select meaning
from hr_lookups
where lookup_type=p_type
and lookup_code=p_stylesheet;
Line: 540

      update irc_documents
      set binary_doc=l_binary_doc
      where document_id=l_document_id;
Line: 566

    update irc_documents
    set binary_doc=l_binary_doc
    where document_id=l_document_id;