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2 /* $Header: cetrxcds.pls 120.4 2005/06/20 19:09:43 lkwan ship $ */
3    --
4    -- Package
5    --   cb_transaction_codes_pkg
6    -- Purpose
7    --   To contain validation and insertion routines for cb_transaction_codes
8    -- History
9    --   00-00-94   Dean McCarthy   Created
10   G_spec_revision 	VARCHAR2(1000) := '$Revision: 120.4 $';
12   FUNCTION spec_revision RETURN VARCHAR2;
14   FUNCTION body_revision RETURN VARCHAR2;
16    --
17    -- Procedure
18    --  Insert_Row
19    -- Purpose
20    --   Inserts a row into cb_transaction_codes
21    -- History
22    --   00-00-94  Dean McCarthy Created
23    -- Arguments
24    -- all the columns of the table cb_transaction_codes
25    -- Example
26    --   cb_transaction_codes.Insert_Row(....;
27    -- Notes
28    --
29    PROCEDURE Insert_Row( X_Rowid                   IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
30                          X_Transaction_Code_Id     IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
31                          X_Bank_Account_Id                NUMBER,
32                         X_Trx_Code                       VARCHAR2,
33                         X_Trx_Type                       VARCHAR2,
34                         X_Description                    VARCHAR2,
35                         X_Receivables_Trx_Id             NUMBER,
36                         X_Receipt_Method_Id              NUMBER,
37                         X_Create_Misc_Trx_Flag           VARCHAR2,
38 			X_Reconcile_flag		 VARCHAR2,
39 			X_Float_Days			 NUMBER,
40 			X_Matching_Against		 VARCHAR2,
41 			X_Correction_Method		 VARCHAR2,
42 			X_Start_Date			 DATE,
43 			X_End_Date			 DATE,
44                         X_Attribute_Category             VARCHAR2,
45                         X_Attribute1                     VARCHAR2,
46                         X_Attribute2                     VARCHAR2,
47                         X_Attribute3                     VARCHAR2,
48                         X_Attribute4                     VARCHAR2,
49                         X_Attribute5                     VARCHAR2,
50                         X_Attribute6                     VARCHAR2,
51                         X_Attribute7                     VARCHAR2,
52                         X_Attribute8                     VARCHAR2,
53                         X_Attribute9                     VARCHAR2,
54                         X_Attribute10                    VARCHAR2,
55                         X_Attribute11                    VARCHAR2,
56                         X_Attribute12                    VARCHAR2,
57                         X_Attribute13                    VARCHAR2,
58                         X_Attribute14                    VARCHAR2,
59                         X_Attribute15                    VARCHAR2,
60                         X_Last_Updated_By                NUMBER,
61                         X_Last_Update_Date               DATE,
62                         X_Last_Update_Login              NUMBER,
63                         X_Created_By                     NUMBER,
64                         X_Creation_Date                  DATE,
65 			X_payroll_payment_format_Id      NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
66  			X_reconciliation_sequence      NUMBER
67                      );
68    --
69    -- Procedure
70    --  Lock_Row
71    -- Purpose
72    --   Locks a row into cb_transaction_codes
73    -- History
74    --   00-00-94  Dean McCarthy Created
75    -- Arguments
76    -- all the columns of the table cb_transaction_codes
77    -- Example
78    --   cb_transaction_codes.Lock_Row(....;
79    -- Notes
80    --
81   PROCEDURE Lock_Row(X_Rowid                            VARCHAR2,
82                      X_Transaction_Code_Id              NUMBER,
83                      X_Bank_Account_Id                  NUMBER,
84                      X_Trx_Code                         VARCHAR2,
85                      X_Trx_Type                         VARCHAR2,
86                      X_Description                      VARCHAR2,
87                      X_Receivables_Trx_Id               NUMBER,
88                      X_Receipt_Method_Id                NUMBER,
89                      X_Create_Misc_Trx_Flag             VARCHAR2,
90 		     X_Reconcile_Flag			VARCHAR2,
91 		     X_Float_Days			NUMBER,
92 		     X_Matching_Against		 	VARCHAR2,
93 		     X_Correction_Method		VARCHAR2,
94 		     X_Start_Date			DATE,
95 		     X_End_Date				DATE,
96                      X_Attribute_Category               VARCHAR2,
97                      X_Attribute1                       VARCHAR2,
98                      X_Attribute2                       VARCHAR2,
99                      X_Attribute3                       VARCHAR2,
100                      X_Attribute4                       VARCHAR2,
101                      X_Attribute5                       VARCHAR2,
102                      X_Attribute6                       VARCHAR2,
103                      X_Attribute7                       VARCHAR2,
104                      X_Attribute8                       VARCHAR2,
105                      X_Attribute9                       VARCHAR2,
106                      X_Attribute10                      VARCHAR2,
107                      X_Attribute11                      VARCHAR2,
108                      X_Attribute12                      VARCHAR2,
109                      X_Attribute13                      VARCHAR2,
110                      X_Attribute14                      VARCHAR2,
111                      X_Attribute15                      VARCHAR2,
112 		     X_payroll_payment_format_Id        NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL,
113  			X_reconciliation_sequence      NUMBER
114                     );
115    --
116    -- Procedure
117    --  Update_Row
118    -- Purpose
119    --   Updates a row into cb_transaction_codes
120    -- History
121    --   00-00-94  Dean McCarthy Created
122    -- Arguments
123    -- all the columns of the table cb_transaction_codes
124    -- Example
125    --   cb_transaction_codes.Update_Row(....;
126    -- Notes
127    --
128   PROCEDURE Update_Row(X_Rowid                          VARCHAR2,
129                        X_Transaction_Code_Id            NUMBER,
130                        X_Bank_Account_Id                NUMBER,
131                        X_Trx_Code                       VARCHAR2,
132                        X_Trx_Type                       VARCHAR2,
133                        X_Description                    VARCHAR2,
134                        X_Receivables_Trx_Id             NUMBER,
135                        X_Receipt_Method_Id              NUMBER,
136                        X_Create_Misc_Trx_Flag           VARCHAR2,
137 		       X_Reconcile_Flag			VARCHAR2,
138 		       X_Float_Days			NUMBER,
139 		       X_Matching_Against		VARCHAR2,
140 		       X_Correction_Method		VARCHAR2,
141 		       X_Start_Date			DATE,
142 		       X_End_Date			DATE,
143                        X_Attribute_Category             VARCHAR2,
144                        X_Attribute1                     VARCHAR2,
145                        X_Attribute2                     VARCHAR2,
146                        X_Attribute3                     VARCHAR2,
147                        X_Attribute4                     VARCHAR2,
148                        X_Attribute5                     VARCHAR2,
149                        X_Attribute6                     VARCHAR2,
150                        X_Attribute7                     VARCHAR2,
151                        X_Attribute8                     VARCHAR2,
152                        X_Attribute9                     VARCHAR2,
153                        X_Attribute10                    VARCHAR2,
154                        X_Attribute11                    VARCHAR2,
155                        X_Attribute12                    VARCHAR2,
156                        X_Attribute13                    VARCHAR2,
157                        X_Attribute14                    VARCHAR2,
158                        X_Attribute15                    VARCHAR2,
159                        X_Last_Updated_By                NUMBER,
160                        X_Last_Update_Date               DATE,
161                        X_Last_Update_Login              NUMBER,
162 		       X_payroll_payment_format_id 	NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL,
163  			X_reconciliation_sequence      NUMBER
164                       );
165    --
166    -- Procedure
167    --  Delete_Row
168    -- Purpose
169    --   Deletes a row from cb_transaction_codes
170    -- History
171    --   00-00-94  Dean McCarhty  Created
172    -- Arguments
173    --    x_rowid         Rowid of a row
174    -- Example
175    --   cb_transaction_codes.delete_row('ajfdshj');
176    -- Notes
177    --
178   PROCEDURE Delete_Row(X_Rowid VARCHAR2);
179   --
180   -- Procedure
181   --  check_unique_txn_code
182   -- Purpose
183   --   Checks for uniquness of Transaction codes before
184   --   insertion and updates for a given bank code
185   -- History
186   --   11-Jun-95  Ganesh Vaidee  Created
187   --   16-Jun-05  lkwan          bug 4435028 - new unique validate rules
189   --         Users should be able to enter the following
190   --         Type	Code	Transaction Source	Priority
191   --         Payment 	100	AP Payments		1
192   --         Payment	100	Payroll			2
193   --         Payment	100	Cash Management		3
194   -- Arguments
195   --    x_row_id           Rowid of a row
196   --    X_trx_code         Transaction code of row to be inserted or updated
197   --    X_bank_account_id  Bank Account Id
199   -- 	X_RECONCILE_FLAG	null, AR, AP, JE, CE, OI
200   --	X_RECONCILIATION_SEQUENCE   null, 1,2,3 ...
201 -- Example
202   --   cb_transaction_codes.check_unique_txn_code('ajfdshj', 11, '123.657.99', DEBIT, AP, 1 );
203   -- Notes
204   --
205   PROCEDURE check_unique_txn_code( X_trx_code  			IN VARCHAR2,
206                                    X_bank_account_id 		IN NUMBER,
207                                    X_Row_id 			IN VARCHAR2,
208 				   X_trx_type 			IN VARCHAR2,
212   --
213   -- Function
214   --  Is In Use
215   -- Purpose
216   --   Checks whether this transaction code is referenced by a statement line or
217   --   archived statement line.
218   -- History
219   --   11-AUG-97  JaeSon Kim  Created
220   -- Arguments
222   -- Notes
223   --
224   FUNCTION is_in_use( X_ce_transaction_code_id NUMBER) return boolean;