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1 package body hrbaldtm as
2 /* $Header: pybaldtm.pkb 115.0 99/07/17 05:44:24 porting ship $ */
3 --
4 /*
5 --
6 -- Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1991, 1992, 1993. All rights reserved.
7 --
8 /*
9    NAME
10       pybaldtm.pkb           - Payroll Balance for DaTe Mode
11 --
13       This procedure is called from the Balance user exit 'C' code. Its
14       purpose is to insert an assignment action for the given assignment id on
15       the given date.  This assignment action id is then passed back to the
16       user exit to calculate the balance.  The user exit is expected to
17       perform the savepoint and rollback to remove the assignment
18       action. The procedure first creates a payroll action which is used
19       to insert the assignment action on the effective date.
20 --
22      mwcallag   19-JAN-1995 - Temp. insert into pay_payroll_actions now also
23                               populates date_earned with the virtual date
24                               value.
25      mwcallag   10-JAN-1995 - New mandatory column 'object_version_number'
26                               added to insert of pay_payroll_actions.
27      mwcallag   01-OCT-1993 - created.
28 */
29 procedure get_bal_ass_action
30 (
31     p_business_group_id     in  number,
32     p_assignment_id         in  number,
33     p_date                  in  date,
34     p_ass_action_id         out number
35 )is
36 l_payroll_id     per_assignments_f.payroll_id%type;
37 l_consol_set_id  pay_payrolls_f.payroll_id%type;
38 l_ass_action_id  pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%type;
39 l_pay_action_id  pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type;
40 begin
41     --
42     -- get the payroll id and the consolidation set id
43     --
44     hr_utility.set_location ('hrbaldtm.get_bal_ass_action', 1);
45     select ASSIGN.payroll_id,
46            PAYROLL.consolidation_set_id
47     into   l_payroll_id,
48            l_consol_set_id
49     from   per_assignments_f       ASSIGN,
50            pay_payrolls_f          PAYROLL
51     where  ASSIGN.assignment_id  = p_assignment_id
52     and    p_date          between ASSIGN.effective_start_date
53                                and ASSIGN.effective_end_date
54     and    PAYROLL.payroll_id    = ASSIGN.payroll_id
55     and    p_date          between PAYROLL.effective_start_date
56                                and PAYROLL.effective_end_date;
57     --
58     -- get the next value for payroll action id
59     --
60     hr_utility.set_location ('hrbaldtm.get_bal_ass_action', 2);
61     select pay_payroll_actions_s.nextval
62     into   l_pay_action_id
63     from   dual;
64     --
65     -- insert a temporary row into pay_payroll_actions
66     --
67     hr_utility.set_location ('hrbaldtm.get_bal_ass_action', 3);
68     insert into pay_payroll_actions
69     (payroll_action_id,
70      action_type,
71      business_group_id,
72      consolidation_set_id,
73      payroll_id,
74      action_population_status,
75      action_status,
76      effective_date,
77      date_earned,
78      object_version_number)
79     values
80     (l_pay_action_id,
81      'N',                           -- not tracked action type
82      p_business_group_id,
83      l_consol_set_id,
84      l_payroll_id,
85      'U',
86      'U',
87      p_date,
88      p_date,
89      1);
90     --
91     -- now insert the assigment action:
92     --
93     hr_utility.set_location ('hrbaldtm.get_bal_ass_action', 4);
94     hrassact.inassact (l_pay_action_id, p_assignment_id);
95     --
96     -- retrieve the assignment action id:
97     --
98     hr_utility.set_location ('hrbaldtm.get_bal_ass_action', 5);
99     select assignment_action_id
100     into   l_ass_action_id
101     from   pay_assignment_actions
102     where  payroll_action_id = l_pay_action_id;
103     --
104     hr_utility.trace ('Assignment action id = ' || to_char (l_ass_action_id));
105     p_ass_action_id := l_ass_action_id;
106 end;
107 end hrbaldtm;