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3   /*************************************************************************
4       Data Structures
5    *************************************************************************/
7   -- following data structure is used to pass information about an object
8   TYPE objrec IS RECORD (
9         v_pobjschema    varchar2(30),
10         v_pobjname      varchar2(30),
11         v_objid         number,
12         v_objname       varchar2(30),
13         v_objsubname    varchar2(30),
14         v_objowner      varchar2(30),
15         v_objtype       varchar2(15));
17   --  List of object records
18   TYPE t_objlist IS TABLE OF objrec
21   --++
22   -- Definition:  This function verifies Schema based XMLType tables that are
23   --              part of the transport set are self contained. i.e. the out of
24   --              line pieces that the table points to are also part of the
25   --              transport set. This will ensure that the SB XMLType table is
26   --              self contained.
27   --
28   -- Inputs:      tsnames - plsql table of tablespace names
29   --              fromexp - stop after first violation found
30   --
31   -- Outputs:     None
32   --
33   -- Returns:     If fromExp is true, return false if violation found, true
34   --              for all other cases (even if violations have been found).
35   --++
36   Function  verify_XMLSchema(
37         tsnames dbms_tts.tablespace_names,
38         fromExp in boolean)
39     RETURN boolean;
41   --++
42   -- Function      check_csx_closure
43   --
44   -- Description:  Verifies that all token manager tables for XML tables and columns
45   --               with binary storage (CSX) are also contained in the transported
46   --               tablespaces. This is needed so that data at the import site can be
47   --               decoded without a full remapping.
48   --
49   --               To be combined with verify_XMLSchema.
50   --
51   -- Inputs:       tsnames  - comma separated list of tablespace names
52   --               fromExp  - being called by export?
53   --
54   -- Outputs:      None
55   --
56   -- Results       True if contained, otherwise false.
57   --               As for verify_XMLSchema, even if violation is found, returns true
58   --               if from Exp is false.
59   --++
60   FUNCTION check_csx_closure(
61       tsnames IN dbms_tts.tablespace_names,
62       fromExp IN  boolean )
63     RETURN boolean;
65   --++
67   --++
68   -- Definition:  This function verifies secondary objects that are associated
69   --              with an extensible index are contained in the list of
70   --              tablespaces or fully outside the list. This guarantees self
71   --              containment of all or none of the secondary objects
72   --              associated with the extensible index. For simple types like
73   --              tables and indexes it is clear why this check works. What may
74   --              not be so obvious is that this works even for objects like
75   --              partitions, lobs etc.  For e.g. if Table T1 is partitioned
76   --              two ways P1 and P2, has a lob object L1 and Table T2 is an
77   --              IOT, and extensible index E1 is associated with L1 and T2
78   --              then it is sufficient just check that tablespace(L1) and
79   --              tablespace(T2) are either fully contained or fully out of
80   --              the tts set. Self Containment of T1 and T2 is guaranteed by
81   --              the straddling_rs_objects function
82   --
83   -- Inputs:      fromexp - stop after first violation found
84   --
85   -- Outputs:     None
86   --
87   -- Returns:     If fromExp is true, return false if violation found, true
88   --              for all other cases (even if violations have been found).
89   --++
90   Function  verify_Extensible (
91         fromExp in boolean)
92     RETURN boolean;
94   --++
95   -- Definition :  This function verifies that:
96   --               1. Materialized view logs stored as tables and the
97   --                  corresponding master tables are self contained. The
98   --                  containment check is similar to tables and its indexes:
99   --                  If full_check is TRUE, then BOTH the MV log and the
100   --                  master table must be in or both must be out of the
101   --                  transportable set. If full_check is FALSE, then it is ok
102   --                  for the MV log to be out of the transportable set but it
103   --                  is NOT ok for the MV log to be in and its master table to
104   --                  be out of the set.
105   --               2. Updateable Materialized view tables and their
106   --                  corresponding logs are fully contained in the
107   --                  transportable set.
108   --
109   --               If fromExp is false, populate the violation table with the
110   --               offending violation object information for each violation.
111   --
112   --               Note that it is ok to transport just the MVs and not their
113   --               masters or vice versa. It is also ok to just transport
114   --               master tables without the mv logs, but NOT vice versa.
115   --
116   -- Inputs:      fromexp    - stop after first violation found
117   --              full_check - perform full check - described above
118   --
119   -- Outputs:     None
120   --
121   -- Returns:     If fromExp is true, return false if violation found, true
122   --              for all other cases (even if violations have been found).
123   --++
124   FUNCTION verify_MV (
125         fromExp         in boolean,
126         full_check      in boolean)
127     RETURN boolean;
129   --++
130   -- Definition:  This function verifies that all nested tables are fully in or
131   --              out of the tts set.
132   --
133   -- Inputs:      fromexp    - stop after first violation found
134   --
135   -- Outputs:     None
136   --
137   -- Returns:     If fromExp is true, return false if violation found, true
138   --              for all other cases (even if violations have been found).
139   --++
140   FUNCTION  verify_NT(
141         fromExp in boolean)
142     RETURN boolean;
144   --++
145   -- Definition:  This function ensures that the group of objects that are
146   --              passed in either are fully IN or OUT of the tslist (set of
147   --              tablespaces to be transported
148   --
149   -- Inputs:      vobjlist
150   --
151   -- Outputs:     None
152   --
153   -- Return:      straddling objects across transportable set - 0
154   --              all objects in list are fully contained     - 1
155   --              all objects in list are fully outside       - 2
156   --++
157   FUNCTION objectlist_Contained(
158         vobjlist        t_objlist)
159     RETURN number;
161   --
162   -- The following get_tablespace_* functions take information about an object
163   -- that takes up physical storage in the database and returns the tablespace
164   -- name associated with the object.
165   --
167   --++
168   -- Definition:  This function checks if table is non partitioned and not an
169   --              IOT then return its tablespace.  If the TABLE is an IOT or
170   --              partitioned then just return the tablespace associated with
171   --              the index or the first partition respectively. If a specific
172   --              tablespace is needed then the get_tablespace_tabpart routine
173   --              should be invoked by the caller.
174   --
175   -- Inputs:      object_id      - obj# of object to check
176   --              object_owner   - owner of object
177   --              object_name    - object name
178   --              object_subname - object subname (partition or subpartition)
179   --              object_type    - object type
180   --
181   -- Outputs:     None
182   --
183   -- Returns:     Tablespace name
184   --++
185   FUNCTION get_tablespace_tab(
186         object_id       number,
187         object_owner    varchar2,
188         object_name     varchar2,
189         object_subname  varchar2,
190         object_type     varchar2)
191     RETURN varchar2;
193   --++
194   -- Description:  If the INDEX is partitioned then simply return the
195   --               tablespace associated the first partition
196   --
197   -- Inputs:      object_id      - obj# of object to check
198   --              object_owner   - owner of object
199   --              object_name    - object name
200   --              object_subname - object subname (partition or subpartition)
201   --              object_type    - object type
202   --
203   -- Outputs:     None
204   --
205   -- Returns:     Tablespace name
206   --++
207   FUNCTION get_tablespace_ind(
208         object_id       number,
209         object_owner    varchar2,
210         object_name     varchar2,
211         object_subname  varchar2,
212         object_type     varchar2)
213     RETURN varchar2;
215   --++
216   -- Definition:  If the table is partitioned, then return the tablespace
217   --              associated with the first partition
218   --
219   -- Inputs:      object_id      - obj# of object to check
220   --              object_owner   - owner of object
221   --              object_name    - object name
222   --              object_subname - object subname (partition or subpartition)
223   --              object_type    - object type
224   --
225   -- Outputs:     None
226   --
227   -- Returns:     Tablespace name
228   --++
229   FUNCTION get_tablespace_tabpart(
230         object_id       number,
231         object_owner    varchar2,
232         object_name     varchar2,
233         object_subname  varchar2,
234         object_type     varchar2)
235     RETURN varchar2;
237   --++
238   -- Definition:  If the index is partitioned, then return the tablespace
239   --              associated with the first partition
240   --
241   -- Inputs:      object_id      - obj# of object to check
242   --              object_owner   - owner of object
243   --              object_name    - object name
244   --              object_subname - object subname (partition or subpartition)
245   --              object_type    - object type
246   --
247   -- Outputs:     None
248   --
249   -- Returns:     Tablespace name
250   --++
251   FUNCTION get_tablespace_indpart(
252         object_id       IN number,
253         object_owner    varchar2,
254         object_name     varchar2,
255         object_subname  varchar2,
256         object_type     varchar2)
257     RETURN varchar2;
259   --++
260   -- Definition:  Return the tablespace associated with the first subpartition
261   --
262   -- Inputs:      object_id      - obj# of object to check
263   --              object_owner   - owner of object
264   --              object_name    - object name
265   --              object_subname - object subname (partition or subpartition)
266   --              object_type    - object type
267   --
268   -- Outputs:     None
269   --
270   -- Returns:     Tablespace name
271   --++
272   FUNCTION get_tablespace_tabsubpart(
273         object_id       number,
274         object_owner    varchar2,
275         object_name     varchar2,
276         object_subname  varchar2,
277         object_type     varchar2)
278     RETURN varchar2;
280   --++
281   -- Definition:  Return the tablespace associated with the first subpartition
282   --
283   -- Inputs:      object_id      - obj# of object to check
284   --              object_owner   - owner of object
285   --              object_name    - object name
286   --              object_subname - object subname (partition or subpartition)
287   --              object_type    - object type
288   --
289   -- Outputs:     None
290   --
291   -- Returns:     Tablespace name
292   --++
293   FUNCTION get_tablespace_indsubpart(
294         object_id       number,
295         object_owner    varchar2,
296         object_name     varchar2,
297         object_subname  varchar2,
298         object_type     varchar2)
299     RETURN varchar2;
301   --++
302   -- Description:  This function returns objects associated with an extensible
303   --               index in a list format
304   --
305   -- Inputs:       objn   - object number
306   --
307   -- Outputs:      None
308   --
309   -- Returns       objects associated with an extensible index in a list format
310   FUNCTION get_domain_index_secobj(
311         objn    number)
312     RETURN t_objlist;
314   --++
315   -- Description:  This function returns child nested tables associated with a
316   --               parent nested table object in a list format
317   --
318   -- Inputs:       objn   - object number
319   --
320   -- Outputs:      None
321   --
322   -- Returns       child nested tables associated with a parent nested table
323   --               object in a list format
324   FUNCTION get_child_nested_tables(
325         objn    number)
326     RETURN t_objlist;