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1 package body pay_us_database_items_pkg as
2 /* $Header: pyusdbip.pkb 115.1 99/07/17 06:42:53 porting ship  $ */
3 --
4 -- Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1991, 1992, 1993. All rights reserved.
5 --
6 /*
7    NAME
8       pyusdbip.pkb
9 --
11       Provides a single function interface for the creation of database
12       items.  New routes may be created, or old ones may be re-used.
13 --
15   S Panwar  18-SEP-1995      	Created
16   T Grisco  13-DEC-1995	 	Added some trace statements and fixed the
17 				problem of not converting p_route_name to
18 				upper case when passing it to insert_user_entity
19   M Reid    06-JUN-1997  40.3   Removed show errors
20   A Myers   12-FEB-1998 110.1	Added parameter to insert_user_entity and
21 				associated logic, as per pydyndbi.pkb 110.10.
22 */
23 --
24 -- Procedures
25 --
26 PROCEDURE create_db_item(p_name                    VARCHAR2,
27                          p_description             VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
28                          p_data_type               VARCHAR2,
29                          p_null_allowed            VARCHAR2,
30 			 p_definition_text         VARCHAR2,
31                          p_user_entity_name        VARCHAR2,
32 			 p_user_entity_description VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
33                          p_route_name              VARCHAR2,
34                          p_param_value1            VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
35 			 p_param_value2            VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
36                          p_route_description       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
37 			 p_route_text              VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
38 			 p_context_name1           VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
39 			 p_context_name2           VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
40 			 p_context_name3           VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
41 			 p_context_name4           VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
42                          p_param_name1             VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
43 			 p_param_type1             VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
44 			 p_param_name2             VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
45                          p_param_type2             VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
46    ) IS
47 --
48 l_route_id         NUMBER;
49 l_user_entity_id   NUMBER;
50 l_record_inserted  BOOLEAN;
51 --
53 --
54 --  Get the route id.  Create a route if necessary.
55 --
56   hr_utility.set_location ('pay_us_create_col_dbi.create_table_column_dbi', 1);
57   hr_utility.trace ('p_name: ' || p_name);
58   hr_utility.trace ('p_description: ' || p_description);
59   hr_utility.trace ('p_data_type: ' || p_data_type);
60   hr_utility.trace ('p_null_allowed: ' || p_null_allowed);
61   hr_utility.trace ('p_definition_text: ' || p_definition_text);
62   hr_utility.trace ('p_user_entity_name: ' || p_user_entity_name);
63   hr_utility.trace ('p_user_entity_description: ' || p_user_entity_description);
64   hr_utility.trace ('p_route_name: ' || p_route_name);
65   hr_utility.trace ('p_route_description: ' || p_route_description);
66   hr_utility.trace ('p_route_text: ' || p_route_text);
67   hr_utility.trace ('p_context_name1: ' || p_context_name1);
68   hr_utility.trace ('p_context_name2: ' || p_context_name2);
69 --
70   BEGIN
71 --
72     SELECT route_id
73     INTO   l_route_id
74     FROM   ff_routes
75     WHERE  route_name = upper(p_route_name);
76 --
78 --
79 --  Create the route, context usages, and parameters
80 --
81     INSERT INTO ff_routes
82       (route_id,
83        route_name,
84        user_defined_flag,
85        description,
86        text,
87        last_update_date,
88        last_updated_by,
89        last_update_login,
90        created_by,
91        creation_date)
92     VALUES
93       (ff_routes_s.nextval,
94        upper(p_route_name),
95        'N',
96        p_route_description,
97        p_route_text,
98        sysdate,
99        0,
100        0,
101        0,
102       sysdate);
103 --
104     SELECT ff_routes_s.currval
105     INTO   l_route_id
106     FROM   dual;
107 --
108 --  Insert any context usages
109 --
110     IF p_context_name1 is not null THEN
111 --
112       INSERT INTO ff_route_context_usages
113              (route_id,
114               context_id,
115               sequence_no)
116       select  l_route_id,
117               FFC.context_id,
118               1
119       from    ff_contexts FFC
120       where   context_name = p_context_name1;
121 --
122     END IF;
123 --
124     IF p_context_name2 is not null THEN
125 --
126       INSERT INTO ff_route_context_usages
127              (route_id,
128               context_id,
129               sequence_no)
130       select  l_route_id,
131               FFC.context_id,
132               2
133       from    ff_contexts FFC
134       where   context_name = p_context_name2;
135 --
136     END IF;
137 --
138     IF p_context_name3 is not null THEN
139 --
140       INSERT INTO ff_route_context_usages
141              (route_id,
142               context_id,
143               sequence_no)
144       select  l_route_id,
145               FFC.context_id,
146               3
147       from    ff_contexts FFC
148       where   context_name = p_context_name3;
149 --
150     END IF;
151 --
152     IF p_context_name4 is not null THEN
153 --
154       INSERT INTO ff_route_context_usages
155              (route_id,
156               context_id,
157               sequence_no)
158       select  l_route_id,
159               FFC.context_id,
160               4
161       from    ff_contexts FFC
162       where   context_name = p_context_name4;
163 --
164     END IF;
165 --
166 -- Insert any route parameters
167 --
168     IF p_param_name1 is not null THEN
169 --
170        INSERT INTO ff_route_parameters
171          (route_parameter_id,
172           route_id,
173           sequence_no,
174           parameter_name,
175           data_type)
176        VALUES
177          (ff_route_parameters_s.nextval,
178           l_route_id,
179           1,
180           p_param_name1,
181           p_param_type1);
182 --
183     END IF;
184 --
185     IF p_param_name2 is not null THEN
186 --
187        INSERT INTO ff_route_parameters
188          (route_parameter_id,
189           route_id,
190           sequence_no,
191           parameter_name,
192           data_type)
193        VALUES
194          (ff_route_parameters_s.nextval,
195           l_route_id,
196           1,
197           p_param_name2,
198           p_param_type2);
199 --
200     END IF;
201 --
202   END;
203 --
204 --  Get the user entity id.  Create a user entity if necessary.
205 --
206   BEGIN
207 --
208     SELECT user_entity_id
209     INTO   l_user_entity_id
210     FROM   ff_user_entities
211     WHERE  user_entity_name = upper(p_user_entity_name);
212 --
214 --
215 -- Create the user entity
216 --
217     hrdyndbi.insert_user_entity (
218                 p_route_name =>         upper(p_route_name),
219                 p_user_entity_name  =>  p_user_entity_name,
220                 p_entity_description => p_user_entity_description,
221                 p_not_found_flag =>     'Y',
222                 p_creator_type =>       'SEH',
223                 p_creator_id =>         0,
224                 p_business_group_id =>  NULL,
225                 p_legislation_code =>   'US',
226                 p_created_by =>         0,
227                 p_last_login =>         0,
228                 p_record_inserted =>	l_record_inserted);
229 --
230     SELECT user_entity_id
231     INTO   l_user_entity_id
232     FROM   ff_user_entities
233     WHERE  user_entity_name = p_user_entity_name;
234 --
235 -- Add any route parameter values
236 --
237     IF p_param_value1 is not null AND l_record_inserted THEN
238 --
239       INSERT into ff_route_parameter_values
240         (route_parameter_id,
241          user_entity_id,
242          value)
243       SELECT route_parameter_id,
244              l_user_entity_id,
245              p_param_value1
246       FROM   ff_route_parameters
247       where  route_id = l_route_id
248       and    sequence_no = 1;
249 --
250     END IF;
251 --
252     IF p_param_value2 is not null AND l_record_inserted THEN
253 --
254       INSERT into ff_route_parameter_values
255         (route_parameter_id,
256          user_entity_id,
257          value)
258       SELECT route_parameter_id,
259              l_user_entity_id,
260              p_param_value2
261       FROM   ff_route_parameters
262       where  route_id = l_route_id
263       and    sequence_no = 2;
264 --
265     END IF;
266 --
267   END;
268 --
269 --  Now build db item
270 --
271   IF l_record_inserted THEN
272   insert into ff_database_items (
273           user_name,
274           user_entity_id,
275           data_type,
276           definition_text,
277           null_allowed_flag,
278           description,
279           last_update_date,
280           last_updated_by,
281           last_update_login,
282           created_by,
283           creation_date)
284   --
285   values (p_name,
286           l_user_entity_id,
287           p_data_type,
288           p_definition_text,
289           p_null_allowed,
290           p_description,
291           sysdate,
292           0,
293           0,
294           0,
295           sysdate);
296   END IF;
297 --
298 END create_db_item;
299 --
300 end pay_us_database_items_pkg;