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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 94

      fnd_conc_request_pkg.delete_children (
Line: 154

    select count(*) into c
      from fnd_concurrent_program_serial
     where running_application_id = program_appl2
       and running_concurrent_program_id = program_id2
       and to_run_application_id = program_appl1
       and to_run_concurrent_program_id = program_id1;
Line: 229

        select 'I',
          into upcode,
	  from sys.dual
          where not exists (select null
		  	  from fnd_concurrent_worker_requests
		  	  where request_id = rid
			    and running_processes > 0
			    and (not (queue_application_id = 0
				      and concurrent_queue_id in (1,4))
				 or queue_control_flag = 'Y'));
Line: 250

      select meaning into req_phase
        from fnd_lookups
       where lookup_code = upcode
         and lookup_type = ltype;
Line: 256

      select meaning into req_status
        from fnd_lookups
       where lookup_code = uscode
         and lookup_type = ltype;
Line: 364

      select sid, serial#
        into ssid, sserial#
        from gv$session
       where kill_session.audsid = gv$session.audsid
         and kill_session.inst_id = gv$session.inst_id;
Line: 445

      select phase_code, status_code,
             is_sub_request, has_sub_request,
             controlling_manager, parent_request_id
        into req_phase, req_status,
             is_sub_req, has_sub_req,
             mgr_proc, par_req_id
        from fnd_concurrent_requests
       where request_id = req_id
         for update of phase_code nowait;
Line: 489

    update fnd_concurrent_requests
       set phase_code = decode(new_status, 'T', phase_code, 'C'),
           status_code = new_status,
           completion_text = who_cancelled,
           last_update_date = sysdate,
           last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id
     where request_id = req_id;
Line: 548

      select phase_code, hold_flag, request_type
        into req_phase, req_hold, req_type
        from fnd_concurrent_requests
       where request_id = req_id
         for update of phase_code nowait;
Line: 580

    update fnd_concurrent_requests
       set hold_flag = new_hold,
           last_update_date = sysdate,
           last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id
     where request_id = req_id;
Line: 629

      select phase_code
        into req_phase
        from fnd_concurrent_requests
       where request_id = req_id
         for update of phase_code nowait;
Line: 649

    update fnd_concurrent_requests
       set priority = new_priority,
           last_update_date = sysdate,
           last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id
     where request_id = req_id;