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Line 45: ak_region_items ari

41: db_reg_code VARCHAR2) IS
42: select count(*), max(ar.database_object_name)
43: from
44: ak_regions ar,
45: ak_region_items ari
46: where
47: ar.region_application_id = db_reg_id and
48: ar.region_code = db_reg_code and
49: ari.region_application_id = db_reg_id and

Line 133: -- from ak_region_items. This allows the following program to reference

129: -- Yes, Yes, it's a kludge -- but it works well thank you. Based upon the
130: -- above input parameters, either the top or bottom select statement will
131: -- return rows, but not both. If the P_package_type is OBJECT then we get
132: -- attributes from ak_object_attributes. If REGION then we get the attributes
133: -- from ak_region_items. This allows the following program to reference
134: -- only one cursor for both types.
135: CURSOR l_csr( db_obj_name VARCHAR2,
136: db_reg_id NUMBER,
137: db_reg_code VARCHAR2) IS

Line 152: from ak_region_items ari,

148: select aa.attribute_application_id,
149: aa.attribute_code,
150: aa.data_type,
151: aa.attribute_value_length
152: from ak_region_items ari,
153: ak_attributes aa
154: where ari.region_application_id = db_reg_id and
155: ari.region_code = db_reg_code and
156: ari.attribute_application_id = aa.attribute_application_id and