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2 /* $Header: EDWSRLGB.pls 120.1 2005/06/13 00:31:32 amitgupt noship $  */
3 VERSION	CONSTANT CHAR(80) := '$Header: EDWSRLGB.pls 120.1 2005/06/13 00:31:32 amitgupt noship $';
6 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
7 -- Name: put_names
8 -- Desc: Setup which directory to put the log and what the log file
9 --       name is.  The directory setup is used only if the program
10 --       is not run thru concurrent manager
11 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
12 PROCEDURE put_names(
13 	p_log_file		VARCHAR2,
14 	p_out_file		VARCHAR2,
15 	p_directory		VARCHAR2) IS
17     /*
18     logic used is :
19     if edw_debug is set to yes, we need detailed file logging.
20     if edw_debug is set to no, but the fnd profile AFLOG_ENABLED is 'Y' and
21     AFLOG_LEVEL is at statement level, then also we need g_debug to be true.
22     when a user says that AFLOG_LEVEL is at statement level, they are expecting
23     detailed logging.
24     scenario:
25     A user may set the AFLOG level to statement and may not set the EDW_DEBUG flag
26     to Yes. In this case, we need to start the detailed logging.
27     we need to have two separate entities, edw_debug and then fnd since we
28     want to keep separate the file logging and the fnd logging
29     */
30     --do not directly access AFLOG_ENABLED and AFLOG_LEVEL
32 		g_debug := true;
33 	ELSE
34       g_debug := false;
35     END IF;
36     FND_FILE.PUT_NAMES(p_log_file,p_out_file,p_directory);
37     g_version_GT_1159:=is_oracle_apps_GT_1159;
38 END put_names;
41 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
42 -- Name: print_duration
43 -- Desc: Given a duration in days, it return the dates in
44 --       a more readable format: x days HH:MM:SS
45 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
46 FUNCTION duration(
47 	p_duration		number) return VARCHAR2 IS
49    return(to_char(floor(p_duration)) ||' Days '||
50         to_char(mod(floor(p_duration*24), 24))||':'||
51         to_char(mod(floor(p_duration*24*60), 60))||':'||
52         to_char(mod(floor(p_duration*24*60*60), 60)));
53 END duration;
55 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
56 -- Name: debug_line
57 -- Desc: If debug flag is turned on, the log will be printed
58 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
59 PROCEDURE debug_line(
60                 p_text			VARCHAR2) IS
62   IF (g_debug) THEN
63     put_line(p_text,FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT);
64   END IF;
65 END debug_line;
67 procedure put_conc_log(p_text varchar2) is
68 l_len number;
69 l_start number:=1;
70 l_end number:=1;
71 last_reached boolean:=false;
72 Begin
73   if p_text is null or p_text='' then
74     return;
75   end if;
76   l_len:=nvl(length(p_text),0);
77   if l_len <=0 then
78     return;
79   end if;
80   while true loop
81     l_end:=l_start+250;
82     if l_end >= l_len then
83       l_end:=l_len;
84       last_reached:=true;
85     end if;
86     FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,substr(p_text, l_start, 250));
87     l_start:=l_start+250;
88     if last_reached then
89       exit;
90     end if;
91   end loop;
92 Exception when others then
93   null;
94 End;
96 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
97 -- Name: put_line
98 -- Desc: For now, just a wrapper on top of fnd_file
99 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
100 PROCEDURE put_line(
101 p_text VARCHAR2
102 ) IS
104   put_line(p_text,FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
105 END put_line;
106 ----------------------
107 PROCEDURE put_line(
108 p_text VARCHAR2,
109 p_severity number
110 ) IS
111 Begin
112   put_conc_log(p_text);
113   if p_severity>=FND_LOG.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL and g_version_GT_1159 then --this is for perf
114     put_fnd_log(p_text,p_severity);
115   end if;
116 Exception when others then
117   null;
118 End;
120 procedure put_fnd_log(p_text varchar2,p_severity number) is
121 l_len number;
122 l_start number:=1;
123 l_end number:=1;
124 last_reached boolean:=false;
125 Begin
126   if p_text is null or p_text='' then
127     return;
128   end if;
129   l_len:=nvl(length(p_text),0);
130   if l_len <=0 then
131     return;
132   end if;
133   if g_fnd_log_module is null then
134     g_fnd_log_module:='bis.edw.collection';
135   end if;
136   while true loop
137     l_end:=l_start+3990;
138     if l_end>=l_len then
139       last_reached:=true;
140     end if;
141     --check added to supress GSCC warning
142     if(p_severity >= FND_LOG.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL) then
143       FND_LOG.STRING(p_severity,g_fnd_log_module,substr(p_text, l_start,3990));
144     end if;
145     l_start:=l_start+3990;
146     if last_reached then
147       exit;
148     end if;
149   end loop;
150 Exception when others then
151   put_conc_log('Error in put_fnd_log '||sqlerrm);
152   null;
153 End;
155 function is_oracle_apps_GT_1159 return boolean is
156 l_list varcharTableType;
157 l_number_list number;
158 l_version varchar2(200);
159 l_version_GT_1159 boolean;
160 Begin
161   l_version:=get_app_version;
162   if l_version is null then
163     l_version_GT_1159:=false;
164     return l_version_GT_1159;
165   end if;
166   if parse_names(l_version,'.',l_list,l_number_list)=false then
167     return false;
168   end if;
169   if to_number(l_list(1))>11 then
170     l_version_GT_1159:=true;
171   elsif to_number(l_list(2))>5 then
172     l_version_GT_1159:=true;
173   elsif to_number(l_list(3))>9 then
174     l_version_GT_1159:=true;
175   else
176     l_version_GT_1159:=false;
177   end if;
178   if l_version_GT_1159 then
179     put_conc_log('Oracle Apps version > 11.5.9');
180   else
181     put_conc_log('Oracle Apps version NOT > 11.5.9');
182   end if;
183   return l_version_GT_1159;
184 Exception when others then
185   put_conc_log('Error in is_oracle_apps_GT_1159 '||sqlerrm);
186   return false;
187 End;
189 function get_app_version return varchar2 is
190 cursor c1 is select release_name from fnd_product_groups;
191 l_version varchar2(200);
192 Begin
193   open c1;
194   fetch c1 into l_version;
195   close c1;
196   put_conc_log('Oracle Apps Version '||l_version);
197   return l_version;
198 Exception when others then
199   put_conc_log('Error in get_app_version '||sqlerrm);
200   return null;
201 End;
203 function parse_names(
204 p_list varchar2,
205 p_separator varchar2,
206 p_names out NOCOPY varcharTableType,
207 p_number_names out NOCOPY number)
208 return boolean is
209 l_start number;
210 l_end number;
211 l_len number;
212 Begin
213   p_number_names:=0;
214   if p_list is null then
215     return true;
216   end if;
217   l_len:=length(p_list);
218   if l_len<=0 then
219     return true;
220   end if;
221   if instr(p_list,p_separator)=0 then
222     p_number_names:=1;
223     p_names(p_number_names):=ltrim(rtrim(p_list));
224     return true;
225   end if;
226   l_start:=1;
227   loop
228     l_end:=instr(p_list,p_separator,l_start);
229     if l_end=0 then
230       l_end:=l_len+1;
231     end if;
232     p_number_names:=p_number_names+1;
233     p_names(p_number_names):=ltrim(rtrim(substr(p_list,l_start,(l_end-l_start))));
234     l_start:=l_end+1;
235     if l_end>=l_len then
236       exit;
237     end if;
238   end loop;
239   return true;
240 Exception when others then
241  put_conc_log('Error in parse_names '||sqlerrm);
242  return false;
243 End;
245 End;