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Line 167: new set of approver. In this case AME engine is responsible to clear the record from detailed table

163: the insertion of the same record in repeatdely. To implement this we need the following
164: check in other place
165: a) clear the record from detailed table and trans_deviation_flag when approver status is cleared
166: b) approver list changes even after the approval process is complete and now the transaction has
167: new set of approver. In this case AME engine is responsible to clear the record from detailed table
168: and the trans_deviation_flag from master table*/
169: procedure insertDeviations( applicationIdIn in number
170: ,tranasactionIdIn in varchar2
171: ,deviationListIn in deviationReasonList

Line 211: tempTransReq := ame_engine.getHeaderAttValue2(ame_util.transactionRequestorAttribute);

207: begin
208: getTransactionDecription( applicationIdIn => applicationIdIn
209: ,transactionIdIn => tranasactionIdIn
210: ,descriptionOut => tempTransDescr);
211: tempTransReq := ame_engine.getHeaderAttValue2(ame_util.transactionRequestorAttribute);
212: if tempTransReq is not null then
213: tempwfNmae := ame_approver_type_pkg.getWfRolesName(ame_util.perOrigSystem,tempTransReq,'false');
214: if tempwfNmae is not null then
215: tempDisplayName := ame_approver_type_pkg.getApproverDisplayName(tempwfNmae);

Line 395: if ame_engine.getConfigVarValue(recordConfig) = ame_util.no then

391: and transaction_id = transIdIn
392: and end_date is not null;
393: begin
394: begin
395: if ame_engine.getConfigVarValue(recordConfig) = ame_util.no then
396: return;
397: end if;
398: exception
399: when others then

Line 466: ame_engine.updateTransactionState(isTestTransactionIn => false,

462: ,transaction_description = null
463: ,trans_deviation_flag = null
464: where temp_transactions_id = tempTransSeq;
465: /*This method is added to check if the approval process is completed even after the changes*/
466: ame_engine.updateTransactionState(isTestTransactionIn => false,
467: isLocalTransactionIn => false,
468: fetchConfigVarsIn => true,
469: fetchOldApproversIn => true,
470: fetchInsertionsIn => true,