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Line 92: mtl_system_items_b msi

88: -1 * mti.transaction_quantity txnQty, --make qty relative to wip (relative to inv in table)
89: msi.lot_control_code lotControlCode,
90: msi.serial_number_control_code serialNumControlCode
91: from mtl_transactions_interface mti,
92: mtl_system_items_b msi
93: where mti.transaction_header_id = p_txnHdrID
94: and mti.transaction_action_id in (wip_constants.isscomp_action, wip_constants.retcomp_action,
95: wip_constants.issnegc_action, wip_constants.retnegc_action)
96: and mti.operation_seq_num between p_firstOp and p_lastOp

Line 150: mtl_system_items_kfv msi,

146: msi.location_control_code,
147: mil.project_id,
148: mil.task_id
149: from wip_requirement_operations wro,
150: mtl_system_items_kfv msi,
151: wip_operations wo,
152: mtl_item_locations_kfv milk,
153: wip_discrete_jobs wdj,
154: mtl_parameters mp,

Line 217: mtl_system_items_kfv msi,

213: mil.task_id
214: from wip_requirement_operations wro,
215: wip_repetitive_schedules wrs,
216: wip_repetitive_items wri,
217: mtl_system_items_kfv msi,
218: wip_operations wo,
219: mtl_item_locations_kfv milk,
220: mtl_parameters mp,
221: -- Fixed bug 4692413. We should not refer to column in kfv directly.

Line 913: mtl_system_items msi

909: be.plan_level bomLevel, --level of nesting. 1 is a top level component
910: bic.basis_type /* LBM Project */
911: from bom_explosion_temp be,
912: bom_inventory_components bic,
913: mtl_system_items msi
914: where be.group_id = v_grpID
915: and be.component_sequence_id = bic.component_sequence_id
916: and be.component_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
917: and be.component_item_id <> p_itemID --exclude assy if it is in the table

Line 952: mtl_system_items_kfv msi,

948: 2,milk.concatenated_segments,
949: 1, inv_project.get_pjm_locsegs(milk.concatenated_segments)) locatorName
950: from bom_explosion_temp be,
951: bom_inventory_components bic,
952: mtl_system_items_kfv msi,
953: mtl_item_locations_kfv milk,
954: mtl_parameters mp
955: where be.group_id = v_grpID
956: and be.component_sequence_id = bic.component_sequence_id

Line 1099: from bom_parameters bp, mtl_system_items_b msi

1095: into l_inheritPhOpSeq,
1096: l_grpID,
1097: l_bomItemType,
1098: l_maxBomLevel
1099: from bom_parameters bp, mtl_system_items_b msi
1100: where bp.organization_id = p_orgID
1101: and bp.organization_id = msi.organization_id
1102: and msi.inventory_item_id = p_itemID;
1103: exception

Line 2642: mtl_system_items msi

2640: INTO l_lot_ser_count
2641: FROM mtl_transactions_interface mti,
2642: mtl_system_items msi
2643: WHERE mti.organization_id = msi.organization_id
2644: AND mti.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
2645: AND (msi.lot_control_code = WIP_CONSTANTS.LOT
2646: OR

Line 2759: FROM mtl_system_items_kfv msik,

2755: msik.lot_control_code,
2756: msik.serial_number_control_code,
2757: msik.inventory_asset_flag,
2758: mmtt.transaction_quantity
2759: FROM mtl_system_items_kfv msik,
2760: mtl_units_of_measure muom
2761: WHERE mmtt.organization_id = msik.organization_id
2762: AND mmtt.inventory_item_id = msik.inventory_item_id
2763: AND msik.primary_uom_code = muom.uom_code)