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APPS.PAY_DK_SOE dependencies on HR_LOOKUPS

Line 72: ,hr_lookups lkp

68: select lkp.meaning
69: into l_union_membership
70: from per_all_assignments_f asg
71: ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex scl
72: ,hr_lookups lkp
73: where lkp.lookup_type = 'DK_UNION_MEMBERSHIP'
74: and lkp.lookup_code = scl.segment5
75: and lkp.enabled_flag = 'Y'
76: and asg.soft_coding_keyflex_id = scl.soft_coding_keyflex_id

Line 171: ,hr_lookups hl

167: ,hr_locations loc
168: ,per_grades_vl grd
169: ,pay_payrolls_f pay
170: ,pay_people_groups pg
171: ,hr_lookups hl
172: ,(select ppb2.pay_basis_id
173: ,ppb2.business_group_id
174: ,ee.assignment_id
175: ,eev.screen_entry_value salary