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Line 68: -- 06/26/2005 Ribha fixed bug 4173825 - get adjusted_amount from oe_price_adjustments

64: -- 06/08/2005 kdass Bug 4415878 SQL Repository Fix - added the column object_id to the cursor c_old_adjustment_amount
65: -- in procedure adjust_changed_order. Now passed object_id to the cursor c_split_line
66: -- and added condition - AND header_id = p_header_id
67: -- 06/12/2005 Ribha R12 Changes - populate new columns bill_to_site_use_id/ship_to_site_use_id in ozf_funds_utilized_all_b
68: -- 06/26/2005 Ribha fixed bug 4173825 - get adjusted_amount from oe_price_adjustments
69: -- 06/26/2005 Ribha fixed bug 4417084 - for partial return order
70: -- 07/27/2005 Feliu add enhancement for R12 to insert order info to ozf_sales_transaction table.
71: -- 08/01/2005 Ribha R12: populate universal currency amount in ozf_funds_utilized_all_b
72: -- 08/02/2005 Ribha R12: populate new table ozf_object_fund_summary

Line 820: FROM oe_price_adjustments

816: WHERE qp_list_header_id = p_offer_id;
818: CURSOR c_accrual_flag (p_price_adjustment_id IN NUMBER) IS
819: SELECT NVL(accrual_flag,'N')
820: FROM oe_price_adjustments
821: WHERE price_Adjustment_id = p_price_Adjustment_id;
823: CURSOR c_parent (p_fund_id IN NUMBER)IS
824: SELECT fund_id

Line 1992: FROM oe_price_adjustments adj

1989: -- Added by rimehrot for R12
1990: CURSOR c_get_price_adj_dtl (p_price_adjustment_id IN NUMBER) IS
1991: SELECT creation_date
1992: FROM oe_price_adjustments adj
1993: WHERE adj.price_Adjustment_id = p_price_adjustment_id;
1995: CURSOR c_cust_number (p_header_id IN NUMBER) IS
1996: SELECT cust.cust_account_id, header.invoice_to_org_id, header.ship_to_org_id

Line 2380: FROM oe_price_adjustments

2377: -- Added adjusted_amount for bug fix 4173825
2378: CURSOR c_mod_level (p_price_ad_id IN NUMBER) IS
2379: SELECT modifier_level_code,range_break_quantity, adjusted_amount
2380: FROM oe_price_adjustments
2381: WHERE price_adjustment_id = p_price_ad_id;
2383: -- Added component_type,utilization_type for bug fix 5523042
2384: CURSOR c_old_adjustment_amt (p_price_adjustment_id IN NUMBER) IS

Line 2996: FROM oe_price_adjustments

2992: SELECT price_adjustment_id,
2993: list_header_id,
2994: adjusted_amount, -- yzhao: 03/21/2003 added following 2 for shipped order
2995: header_id
2996: FROM oe_price_adjustments
2997: WHERE line_id = p_line_id;
2999: -- used for cancelled order and partial ship.
3000: CURSOR c_old_adjustment_amount (p_price_adjustment_id IN NUMBER) IS

Line 3027: FROM oe_price_adjustments

3023: SELECT utilization_id, object_version_number, plan_type, utilization_type, amount
3024: , fund_id, acctd_amount, plan_curr_amount, plan_id,org_id
3025: FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_b
3026: WHERE price_adjustment_id IN (SELECT price_adjustment_id
3027: FROM oe_price_adjustments
3028: WHERE line_id = p_line_id)
3029: AND gl_posted_flag = G_GL_FLAG_NO -- 'N'
3030: AND object_type = 'ORDER'
3031: -- 05/11/2004 kdass fixed bug 3609771 - added UTILIZED to query

Line 3067: FROM oe_price_adjustments

3064: -- add by feliu on 08/03/04, get price_adjustment_id to use in create postivie adjustment.
3065: CURSOR c_new_adj_line(p_line_id IN NUMBER, p_header_id IN NUMBER) IS
3066: SELECT price_adjustment_id
3067: FROM oe_price_adjustments
3068: WHERE line_id = p_line_id
3069: AND list_header_id = p_header_id;
3070: -- add by feliu on 08/03/04, get max utilization id to use in create adjustment.
3071: CURSOR c_max_utilized_id(p_price_adj_id IN NUMBER) IS

Line 3187: FROM oe_price_adjustments

3183: AND parent_discount_line_id = p_parent_discount_id;
3185: CURSOR c_discount(p_order_line_id IN NUMBER) IS
3186: SELECT SUM(adjusted_amount_per_pqty)
3187: FROM oe_price_adjustments
3188: WHERE line_id = p_order_line_id
3189: AND accrual_flag = 'N'
3190: AND applied_flag = 'Y'
3191: -- AND list_line_type_code IN ('DIS', 'SUR', 'PBH', 'FREIGHT_CHARGE');

Line 5073: , oe_price_adjustments price

5069: CURSOR c_get_invoice_status(p_price_adjustment_id IN NUMBER, p_order_number IN VARCHAR2) IS
5070: SELECT customer_trx_line_id, cust.trx_date
5071: FROM ra_customer_trx_all cust
5072: , ra_customer_trx_lines_all cust_lines
5073: , oe_price_adjustments price
5074: WHERE price.price_adjustment_id = p_price_adjustment_id
5075: AND cust_lines.customer_trx_line_id IS NOT NULL
5076: AND interface_line_context = 'ORDER ENTRY'
5077: AND cust_lines.interface_line_attribute6 = TO_CHAR(price.line_id)