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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 17

 |      update_application                                                   |
 |                                                                           |
 | DESCRIPTION                                                               |
 |	This procedure is used to update an application, e.g. USSGL          |
 |      Transaction Code, Cross Currency Rate etc.  Columns that can be      |
 |      modified without having to reverse the original rows and create      |
 |      new ones.  We simply update the APP row with the new value.          |
 |                                                                           |
 | SCOPE - PUBLIC                                                            |
 |                                                                           |
 |                                                                           |
 | ARGUMENTS  : IN:                                                          |
 |                                                                           |
 |              OUT:                                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | RETURNS    : NONE                                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | NOTES                                                                     |
 |                                                                           |
 | MODIFICATION HISTORY                                                      |
 |                                                                           |
 | 07/29/1997	Karen Lawrance	Release 11.				     |
 | 				Added trans_to_receipt_rate to update call   |
 |				for cross currency.                          |
 |                              Also included acctd amount applied to and    |
 |                              from as OUT NOCOPY parameters.  These are used to   |
 |                              update the form with accurate values.        |
 | 08/21/1997	Tasman Tang	Added global_attribute_category,	     |
 |				global_attribute[1-20] for global 	     |
 |				descriptive flexfield			     |
 | 05/24/1999   Debbie Jancis   Bug fix 874714                               |
 |                              update_application should not update anything|
 |                              having to do with amount columns because     |
 |                              amount columns affect posting. Also,         |
 |                              apply_date or gl_date                        |
 | 06/06/2001  S.Nambiar        Bug 1815528 - Added claim related parameters |
 | 07/31/2001  jbeckett         Bug 1905659 - For invoice related claim, pass|
 |                              trx info to create_claim                     |
 | 08/03/2001  jbeckett    	Bug 1905659 - Added parameter                |
 |                              p_amount_due_remaining                       |
 | 08/10/2001  S.Nambiar        Migrated chargeback_customer_trx_id to       |
 |                              secondary_application_ref_id
 | 03/15/2002  jbeckett         Added new parameters p_application_ref_reason|
 |                              and p_customer_reference (bug 2254777).      |
 | 05/09/2002  jbeckett         Passes primary_salesrep_id to create_claim   |
 |                              for invoice related deductions               |
 | 02/20/2002  jbeckett         Bug 2751910 - Added p_customer_reason and    |
 |                              p_applied_rec_app_id to update_application   |
 | 10/25/2005  jbeckett         Bug 4565758 - legal_entity_id passed to      |
 |				create_claim.

PROCEDURE update_application(
        p_ra_id                        IN  NUMBER,
        p_receipt_ps_id                IN  NUMBER,
        p_invoice_ps_id                IN  NUMBER,
        p_ussgl_transaction_code       IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_application_ref_type IN
        p_application_ref_id IN
        p_application_ref_num IN
        p_secondary_application_ref_id IN
        p_receivable_trx_id            IN  ar_receivable_applications.receivables_trx_id%TYPE,
        p_attribute_category           IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_attribute1                   IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_attribute2                   IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_attribute3                   IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_attribute4                   IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_attribute5                   IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_attribute6                   IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_attribute7                   IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_attribute8                   IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_attribute9                   IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_attribute10                  IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_attribute11                  IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_attribute12                  IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_attribute13                  IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_attribute14                  IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_attribute15                  IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_global_attribute_category    IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_global_attribute1            IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_global_attribute2            IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_global_attribute3            IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_global_attribute4            IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_global_attribute5            IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_global_attribute6            IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_global_attribute7            IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_global_attribute8            IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_global_attribute9            IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_global_attribute10           IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_global_attribute11           IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_global_attribute12           IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_global_attribute13           IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_global_attribute14           IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_global_attribute15           IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_global_attribute16           IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_global_attribute17           IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_global_attribute18           IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_global_attribute19           IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_global_attribute20           IN  VARCHAR2,
	p_comments		       IN  VARCHAR2,  -- Added for bug 1839744
        p_gl_date                      OUT NOCOPY DATE,
        p_customer_trx_line_id         IN  NUMBER,
        p_module_name                  IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_module_version               IN  VARCHAR2,
        x_application_ref_id           OUT NOCOPY
        x_application_ref_num          OUT NOCOPY
        x_return_status                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
        x_msg_count                    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
        x_msg_data                     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
        p_acctd_amount_applied_to      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
        p_acctd_amount_applied_from    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
        p_amount_due_remaining         IN  ar_payment_schedules.amount_due_remaining%TYPE,
        p_application_ref_reason       IN  ar_receivable_applications.application_ref_reason%TYPE,
        p_customer_reference           IN  ar_receivable_applications.customer_reference%TYPE,
        p_customer_reason              IN  ar_receivable_applications.customer_reason%TYPE,
        p_applied_rec_app_id           IN  ar_receivable_applications.applied_rec_app_id%TYPE,
        x_claim_reason_name            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS

l_rec_ra_rec            ar_receivable_applications%ROWTYPE;
Line: 163

     arp_standard.debug( 'arp_process_application.update_application()+');
Line: 169

        , 'P_RA_ID'
        , 'NULL');
Line: 176

        , 'p_invoice_ps_id'
        , 'NULL');
Line: 266

       SELECT  ps.cash_receipt_id
             , cr.currency_code
             , cr.exchange_rate_type
             , cr.exchange_date
             , cr.exchange_rate
             , cr.pay_from_customer
             , cr.customer_site_use_id
             , NULL
             , cr.receipt_number
  	     , cr.legal_entity_id
        INTO   l_rec_ra_rec.cash_receipt_id
             , l_currency_code
	     , l_exchange_rate_type
	     , l_exchange_rate_date
	     , l_exchange_rate
	     , l_customer_id
	     , l_bill_to_site_use_id
             , l_ship_to_site_use_id
             , l_receipt_number
             , l_legal_entity_id
        FROM   ar_payment_schedules 	ps
           , ar_cash_receipts 		cr
	   , ar_cash_receipt_history	crh
           , ar_receipt_methods 	rm
           , ce_bank_acct_uses		ba
           , ar_receipt_method_accounts rma
        WHERE  ps.payment_schedule_id 	= p_receipt_ps_id
        AND    cr.cash_receipt_id 	= ps.cash_receipt_id
        AND    crh.cash_receipt_id	= cr.cash_receipt_id
        AND    crh.current_record_flag	= 'Y'
        AND    rm.receipt_method_id 	= cr.receipt_method_id
        AND    ba.bank_acct_use_id	= cr.remit_bank_acct_use_id
        AND    rma.remit_bank_acct_use_id = ba.bank_acct_use_id
        AND    rma.receipt_method_id 	= rm.receipt_method_id;
Line: 308

      SELECT t.invoice_currency_code
             , t.exchange_rate_type
             , t.exchange_date
             , t.exchange_rate
             , t.customer_trx_id
             , t.trx_number
             , t.cust_trx_type_id
             , t.bill_to_customer_id
             , t.bill_to_site_use_id
             , t.ship_to_site_use_id
             , p.amount_due_remaining
             , t.primary_salesrep_id
	     , t.legal_entity_id
        INTO   l_currency_code
	     , l_exchange_rate_type
	     , l_exchange_rate_date
	     , l_exchange_rate
             , l_customer_trx_id
             , l_trx_number
             , l_cust_trx_type_id
	     , l_customer_id
	     , l_bill_to_site_use_id
             , l_ship_to_site_use_id
             , l_amount_due_remaining
             , l_salesrep_id     -- bug 2361331
	     , l_legal_entity_id
        FROM   ra_customer_trx t
             , ar_payment_schedules p
        WHERE  t.customer_trx_id = p.customer_trx_id
        AND    p.payment_schedule_id = p_invoice_ps_id;
Line: 339

        SELECT cr.cash_receipt_id, cr.receipt_number
        INTO   l_rec_ra_rec.cash_receipt_id
             , l_receipt_number
        FROM   ar_cash_receipts cr,
               ar_payment_schedules ps
        WHERE  ps.payment_schedule_id 	= p_receipt_ps_id
        AND    cr.cash_receipt_id 	= ps.cash_receipt_id;
Line: 412

Line: 424

     arp_standard.debug( 'arp_process_application.update_application()-');
Line: 431

END update_application;
Line: 435

 |      delete_selected_transaction
 |	This procedure is used to delete an application that has been
 |      created through the automatic receipt creation process.
 |              p_ra_id                 Id of application to be deleted.
 |              p_app_ps_id             Payment Schedule Id of the applied
 |                                      Transaction.
 |              OUT:
 | 12/06/1996    Karen Lawrance    Created
 | 10/22/1997	 Karen Murphy	   Bug #567872.  Added code to update the
 |				   UNAPP row in receivable applications
 |				   when an APP row is deleted.
   12/04/1997    Karen Murphy      Bug fix #567872.  Added the setting of the
                                   acctd_amount_applied_from for the UNAPP row.
 | 24/03/1998    Vikram Ahluwalia  Plugin calls one delete for the APP record
 |                                 and a combination of delete followed by
 |                                 create for the UNAPP record accounting.
 |                                 Though this appears to be specifically
 |                                 written for Unconfirmed Autoreceipts (APP
 |                                 and UNAPP combination it patched for
 |                                 completeness - notice the confirmed flag
 |                                 check in delete cursor and create call
PROCEDURE delete_selected_transaction (
          p_ra_id       IN NUMBER
        , p_app_ps_id   IN NUMBER
                                        ) IS

CURSOR get_app_C(l_app_id NUMBER) IS
       select app.receivable_application_id app_id,
              app.cash_receipt_id           cr_id
       from   ar_receivable_applications app
       where  app.receivable_application_id = l_app_id
       and    nvl(app.confirmed_flag,'Y') = 'Y'   --confirmed records have accounting only
       and exists (select 'x'
                   from  ar_distributions ard
                   where ard.source_table = 'RA'
                   and   ard.source_id    = app.receivable_application_id);
Line: 499

     arp_standard.debug( 'arp_process_application.delete_selected_transaction()+');
Line: 507

        , 'P_RA_ID'
        , 'NULL');
Line: 513

        , 'P_APP_PS_ID'
        , 'NULL');
Line: 520

  select ra.cash_receipt_id,
  into   ln_cash_receipt_id,
  from   ar_receivable_applications ra
  where  ra.receivable_application_id = p_ra_id;
Line: 542

Line: 547

Line: 555

             p_event_mode        => 'DELETE',
             p_table_name        => 'AR_RECEIVABLE_APPLICATIONS',
             p_mode              => 'SINGLE',
             p_key_value         => p_ra_id);
Line: 561

   ( p_document_id  => p_ra_id,
     p_doc_table    => 'APP');
Line: 572

  lr_ps_rec.selected_for_receipt_batch_id := null;
Line: 574

  arp_ps_pkg.update_p(lr_ps_rec, p_app_ps_id);
Line: 584

     arp_standard.debug('delete_selected_transaction: ' || 'Getting the Receivable Application Id for the UNAPP row');
Line: 587

  select ra.receivable_application_id
  into   ln_unapp_ra_id
  from   ar_receivable_applications ra
  where  ra.cash_receipt_id = ln_cash_receipt_id
  and    ra.status = 'UNAPP';
Line: 594

     arp_standard.debug('delete_selected_transaction: ' || 'Fetch the UNAPP row');
Line: 603

     arp_standard.debug('delete_selected_transaction: ' || 'New UNAPP amount: ' || to_char(lr_ra_rec.amount_applied));
Line: 609

     arp_standard.debug('delete_selected_transaction: ' || 'Update the UNAPP row');
Line: 625

Line: 630

Line: 648

     arp_standard.debug('delete_selected_transaction: ' ||  'arp_process_application.delete_receivable_application()-');
Line: 654

       arp_standard.debug('delete_selected_transaction: ' || '-- EXCEPTION:');
Line: 655

       arp_standard.debug('delete_selected_transaction: ' || 'Printing procedure parameter values:');
Line: 656

       arp_standard.debug('delete_selected_transaction: ' || '-- p_ra_id = '||TO_CHAR(p_ra_id));
Line: 657

       arp_standard.debug('delete_selected_transaction: ' || '-- p_app_ps_id = '||TO_CHAR(p_app_ps_id));
Line: 660

END delete_selected_transaction;