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1 package body ame_util as
2 /* $Header: ameoutil.pkb 120.4.12010000.3 2008/08/05 05:15:31 ubhat ship $ */
3   /* forward declarations */
4   procedure autonomousLog(logIdIn number,
5                           packageNameIn in varchar2,
6                           routineNameIn in varchar2,
7                           exceptionNumberIn in integer,
8                           exceptionStringIn in varchar2,
9                           transactionIdIn in varchar2 default null,
10                           applicationIdIn in integer default null);
11   procedure nonautonomousLog(logIdIn number,
12                              packageNameIn in varchar2,
13                              routineNameIn in varchar2,
14                              exceptionNumberIn in integer,
15                              exceptionStringIn in varchar2,
16                              transactionIdIn in varchar2 default null,
17                              applicationIdIn in integer default null);
18   /* routine definitions */
19   function canonNumStringToDisplayString(canonicalNumberStringIn in varchar2,
20                                          currencyCodeIn in varchar2 default null) return varchar2 as
21     begin
22       if(currencyCodeIn is null) then
23         /* It would be nice to be able to format this string with the right decimal character. */
24         return(canonicalNumberStringIn);
25       else
26         return(hr_chkfmt.changeformat(input => canonicalNumberStringIn,
27                                       format => 'M',
28                                       curcode => currencyCodeIn));
29       end if;
30       exception
31         when others then
32         runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
33                          routineNameIn => 'canonNumStringToDisplayString',
34                          exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
35                          exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
36        raise;
37        return(null);
38     end canonNumStringToDisplayString;
39   function convertCurrency(fromCurrencyCodeIn in varchar2,
40                            toCurrencyCodeIn in varchar2,
41                            conversionTypeIn in varchar2,
42                            amountIn in number,
43                            dateIn in date default sysdate,
44                            applicationIdIn in integer default null) return number as
45     amount number;
46     denominator number;
47     errorCode integer;
48     errorMessage ame_util.longestStringType;
49     numerator number;
50     rate number;
51     begin
52       amount := amountIn;
53       denominator := null;
54       numerator := null;
55       rate := null;
56       gl_currency_api.convert_closest_amount(x_from_currency => fromCurrencyCodeIn,
57                                              x_to_currency => toCurrencyCodeIn,
58                                              x_conversion_date => trunc(dateIn),
59                                              x_conversion_type => conversionTypeIn,
60                                              x_user_rate => null,
61                                              x_amount => amountIn,
62                                              x_max_roll_days => getConfigVar(variableNameIn => curConvWindowConfigVar,
63                                                                              applicationIdIn => applicationIdIn),
64                                              x_converted_amount => amount,
65                                              x_denominator => denominator,
66                                              x_numerator => numerator,
67                                              x_rate => rate);
68       return(amount);
69       exception
70         when gl_currency_api.INVALID_CURRENCY then
71           errorCode := -20001;
72           errorMessage :=
73           ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn => 'PER',
74             messageNameIn    => 'AME_400217_UTL_CURR_INVALID',
75             tokenNameOneIn   => 'FROM_CURRENCY_CODE',
76             tokenValueOneIn  => fromCurrencyCodeIn,
77             tokenNameTwoIn   => 'TO_CURRENCY_CODE',
78             tokenValueTwoIn  => toCurrencyCodeIn,
79             tokenNameThreeIn  => 'CONVERSION_TYPE',
80             tokenValueThreeIn =>  conversionTypeIn,
81             tokenNameFourIn  =>  'DATE_IN',
82             tokenValueFourIn  => dateIn);
83           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
84                            routineNameIn => 'convertCurrency',
85                            exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
86                            exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
87           raise_application_error(errorCode,
88                                   errorMessage);
89           return(null);
90         when gl_currency_api.NO_RATE then
91           errorCode := -20001;
92           errorMessage :=
93           ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn => 'PER',
94             messageNameIn     => 'AME_400294_UTL_NO_RAT_EXISTS',
95             tokenNameOneIn    => 'FROM_CURRENCY_CODE',
96             tokenValueOneIn   => fromCurrencyCodeIn,
97             tokenNameTwoIn    => 'TO_CURRENCY_CODE',
98             tokenValueTwoIn   => toCurrencyCodeIn,
99             tokenNameThreeIn  => 'CONVERSION_TYPE',
100             tokenValueThreeIn =>  conversionTypeIn,
101             tokenNameFourIn   => 'DATE_IN',
102             tokenValueFourIn   => dateIn);
103           raise_application_error(errorCode,
104                                   errorMessage);
105           return(null);
106         when gl_currency_api.NO_DERIVE_TYPE then
107           errorCode := -20001;
108           errorMessage :=
109           ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn => 'PER',
110             messageNameIn     => 'AME_400295_UTL_NO_DERIVE_TYPE',
111             tokenNameOneIn    => 'FROM_CURRENCY_CODE',
112             tokenValueOneIn   => fromCurrencyCodeIn,
113             tokenNameTwoIn    => 'TO_CURRENCY_CODE',
114             tokenValueTwoIn   => toCurrencyCodeIn,
115             tokenNameThreeIn  => 'CONVERSION_TYPE',
116             tokenValueThreeIn =>  conversionTypeIn,
117             tokenNameFourIn   => 'DATE_IN',
118             tokenValueFourIn   => dateIn);
119           raise_application_error(errorCode,
120                                   errorMessage);
121           return(null);
122         when others then
123           errorCode := -20001;
124           errorMessage :=
125           ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn => 'PER',
126             messageNameIn     => 'AME_400218_UTL_NOT_CONV_CURR',
127             tokenNameOneIn    => 'FROM_CURRENCY_CODE',
128             tokenValueOneIn   => fromCurrencyCodeIn,
129             tokenNameTwoIn    => 'TO_CURRENCY_CODE',
130             tokenValueTwoIn   => toCurrencyCodeIn,
131             tokenNameThreeIn  => 'CONVERSION_TYPE',
132             tokenValueThreeIn =>  conversionTypeIn,
133             tokenNameFourIn   => 'DATE_IN',
134             tokenValueFourIn   => dateIn,
135             tokenNameFiveIn    => 'SQLERRM',
136             tokenValueFiveIn   => sqlerrm);
137           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
138                            routineNameIn => 'convertCurrency',
139                            exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
140                            exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
141           raise_application_error(errorCode,
142                                   errorMessage);
143          return(null);
144     end convertCurrency;
145   function dateStringsToString(yearIn in varchar2,
146                                monthIn in varchar2,
147                                dayIn in varchar2) return varchar2 as
148     begin
149       if(yearIn is null or
150          monthIn is null or
151          dayIn is null) then
152         return(null);
153       end if;
154       return(versionDateToString(dateIn => to_date(yearIn || ':' || monthIn || ':' || dayIn, 'YYYY:MM:DD')));
155       exception
156         when others then
157           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
158                            routineNameIn => 'dateStringsToString',
159                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
160                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
161        raise;
162        return(null);
163     end dateStringsToString;
164   function fieldDelimiter return varchar2 as
165     begin
166       /* 11 is a vertical tab in the ASCII character set. */
167   -- This function will replace getAdminPersonIdIn and getAdminUserIdIn
168   --
169       return(fnd_global.local_chr(ascii_chr => 11));
170     end fieldDelimiter;
171   function filterHtmlUponInput(stringIn in varchar2) return varchar2 as
172     errorCode integer;
173     errorMessage ame_util.longestStringType;
174     invalidStringException exception;
175     string ame_util.longStringType;
176     begin
177       if(upper(stringIn) like '%<SCRIPT>%') then
178         raise invalidStringException;
179       end if;
180       string := wf_notification.substituteSpecialChars(stringIn);
181       return(string);
182       exception
183         when invalidStringException then
184           errorCode := -20001;
185           errorMessage :=
186             ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn => 'PER',
187                                               messageNameIn => 'AME_400456_NO_SCRIPT_TAG');
188           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
189                            routineNameIn => 'filterHtmlUponInput',
190                            exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
191                            exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
192           raise_application_error(errorCode,
193                                   errorMessage);
194           return(null);
195         when others then
196           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
197                            routineNameIn => 'filterHtmlUponInput',
198                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
199                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
200           raise;
201           return(null);
202     end filterHtmlUponInput;
203   function filterHtmlUponRendering(stringIn in varchar2) return varchar2 as
204     errorCode integer;
205     errorMessage ame_util.longestStringType;
206     invalidStringException exception;
207     string ame_util.longStringType;
208     begin
209       if(upper(string) like '%<SCRIPT>%') then
210         raise invalidStringException;
211       end if;
212       return(stringIn);
213       exception
214         when invalidStringException then
215           errorCode := -20001;
216           errorMessage :=
217             ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn => 'PER',
218                                 messageNameIn => 'AME_400456_NO_SCRIPT_TAG');
219           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
220                            routineNameIn => 'filterHtmlUponRendering',
221                            exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
222                            exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
223           raise_application_error(errorCode,
224                                   errorMessage);
225           return(null);
226         when others then
227           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
228                            routineNameIn => 'filterHtmlUponRendering',
229                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
230                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
231           raise;
232           return(null);
233     end filterHtmlUponRendering;
234   function escapeSpaceChars(stringIn in varchar2) return varchar2 as
235     begin
236       return(replace(stringIn, ' ', ' '));
237       exception
238         when others then
239           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
240                            routineNameIn => 'escapeSpaceChars',
241                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
242                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
243           raise;
244           return(null);
245     end escapeSpaceChars;
246   function getAdminName(applicationIdIn in integer default null) return varchar2 is
247     badAdminApproverException exception;
248     commaLocation integer;
249     adminName ame_config_vars.variable_value%type;
250     configVarLength integer;
251     errorCode integer;
252     errorMessage ame_util.longestStringType;
253     begin
254       select variable_value
255         into adminName
256         from ame_config_vars
257        where variable_name = ame_util.adminApproverConfigVar and
258          application_id = applicationIdIn and
259          sysdate between start_date and
260            nvl(end_date - ame_util.oneSecond, sysdate) ;
261       -- If no transaction-type-specific config var exists, revert to the
262       -- application-wide value.
263        return(adminName);
264     exception
265       when no_data_found then
266         select variable_value
267           into adminName
268           from ame_config_vars
269          where variable_name = ame_util.adminApproverConfigVar and
270            (application_id is null or application_id = 0) and
271            sysdate between start_date and
272            nvl(end_date - ame_util.oneSecond, sysdate) ;
273        return(adminName);
274       when others then
275           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
276                            routineNameIn => 'getAdminName',
277                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
278                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
279           raise;
280           return(null);
281      end getAdminName;
282   function getCarriageReturn return varchar2 as
283     begin
284       return(fnd_global.local_chr(13)); /* ASCII character 13 is a carriage return. */
285       exception
286         when others then
287         runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
288                          routineNameIn => 'getCarriageReturn',
289                          exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
290                          exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
291           raise;
292           return(null);
293     end getCarriageReturn;
294   function getContactAdminString(applicationIdIn in integer default null) return varchar2 as
295     adminString varchar2(4000);
296     adminName varchar2(4000);
297     badContactApproverException exception;
298     errorCode integer;
299     errorMessage ame_util.longestStringType;
300     begin
301       adminName := getAdminName(applicationIdIn => applicationIdIn);
302       if(adminName is null) then
303         raise badContactApproverException;
304       end if; -- pa message
305       adminString :=  ame_approver_type_pkg.getApproverDescription(nameIn => adminName);
306       return('If the problem persists, please contact ' || adminString || '.  ');
307     exception
308        when badContactApproverException then
309           errorCode := -20001;
310           errorMessage := ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn => 'PER',
311                                               messageNameIn => 'AME_400220_UTL_NO_ADMIN_APR');
312           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
313                            routineNameIn => 'getContactAdminString',
314                            exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
315                            exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
316           raise_application_error(errorCode,
317                                   errorMessage);
318           return(null);
319        when others then
320         runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
321                          routineNameIn => 'getContactAdminString',
322                          exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
323                          exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
324         raise;
325         return(null);
326     end getContactAdminString;
327 /*
329   function getCurrentStripeSetId(applicationIdIn in integer) return integer as
330     stripeSetCookie owa_cookie.cookie;
331     begin
332       stripeSetCookie := owa_cookie.get(getStripeSetCookieName(applicationIdIn => applicationIdIn));
333       return(stripeSetCookie.vals(1));
334       exception
335         when no_data_found then
336           return(null);
337         when others then
338           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
339                            routineNameIn => 'getCurrentStripeSetId',
340                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
341                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
342           raise;
343           return(null);
344     end getCurrentStripeSetId;
345 */
346   function getCurrentUserId return integer is
347     userId fnd_user.user_id%type;
348     begin
349       userId := fnd_global.user_id;
350       return(userId);
351     exception
352       when others then
353         runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
354                          routineNameIn => 'getCurrentUserId',
355                          exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
356                          exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
357         raise;
358         return(null);
359     end getCurrentUserId;
360   function getColumnLength(tableNameIn        in varchar2,
361                            columnNameIn       in varchar2,
362                            fndApplicationIdIn in integer default 800) return integer as
363     columnLength integer;
364     begin
365       select width
366         into columnLength
367         from fnd_columns
368         where
369           table_id =
370             (select table_id
371              from fnd_tables
372              where
373                table_name     = upper(tableNameIn)  and
374                application_id = fndApplicationIdIn) and
375           application_id = fndApplicationIdIn and
376           column_name    = upper(columnNameIn);
377       return(columnLength);
378       exception
379         when others then
380           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
381                            routineNameIn => 'getColumnLength',
382                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
383                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
384           raise;
385           return(null);
386     end getColumnLength;
387   function getConfigDesc(variableNameIn in varchar2) return varchar2 as
388      description ame_config_vars.description%type;
389         begin
390             select description
391                 into description
392                 from ame_config_vars
393                 where
394                    variable_name = variableNameIn and
395                    (application_id is null or application_id = 0) and
396                    sysdate between start_date and
397                        nvl(end_date - ame_util.oneSecond, sysdate) ;
398             return(description);
399             exception
400               when others then
401                 runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
402                                  routineNameIn => 'getConfigDesc',
403                                  exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
404                                  exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
405                 raise;
406                 return(null);
407         end getConfigDesc;
408   function getConfigVar(variableNameIn in varchar2,
409                         applicationIdIn in integer default null) return varchar2 as
410     variableValue ame_config_vars.variable_value%type;
411     begin
412       if(applicationIdIn is null) then
413         select variable_value
414           into variableValue
415           from ame_config_vars
416           where
417             variable_name = variableNameIn and
418             (application_id is null or application_id = 0) and
419             sysdate between start_date and
420                  nvl(end_date - ame_util.oneSecond, sysdate) ;
421       else
422         begin
423           select variable_value
424             into variableValue
425             from ame_config_vars
426             where
427               variable_name = variableNameIn and
428               application_id = applicationIdIn and
429               sysdate between start_date and
430                  nvl(end_date - ame_util.oneSecond, sysdate) ;
431           exception
432             /* If no transaction-type-specific config var exists, revert to the application-wide value. */
433             when no_data_found then
434               select variable_value
435                 into variableValue
436                 from ame_config_vars
437                 where
438                   variable_name = variableNameIn and
439                   (application_id is null or application_id = 0) and
440                   sysdate between start_date and
441                      nvl(end_date - ame_util.oneSecond, sysdate) ;
442         end;
443       end if;
444       return(variableValue);
445       exception
446         when others then
447           /*
448           Bug 2219719:  Do not call runtimeException here; it could result in infinite looping,
449           because runtimeException now calls getConfig var.
450           */
451           raise;
452           return(null);
453     end getConfigVar;
454   function getCurrencyName(currencyCodeIn in varchar2) return varchar2 as
455     returnValue fnd_currencies_active_v.name%type;
456     begin
457       select name
458         into returnValue
459         from fnd_currencies_active_v
460         where currency_code = currencyCodeIn;
461       return(currencyCodeIn || ' (' || returnValue || ')');
462       exception
463         when others then
464                 runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
465                                  routineNameIn => 'getCurrencyName',
466                                  exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
467                                  exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
468                 raise;
469                 return(currencyCodeIn);
470     end getCurrencyName;
471   function getBusGroupName(busGroupIdIn in integer) return varchar2 as
472     tempName per_business_groups.name%type;
473     begin
474       if(busGroupIdIn is null) then
475         return(null);
476       end if;
477       select name
478         into tempName
479         from per_business_groups
480         where
481           business_group_id = busGroupIdIn and
482           sysdate >= date_from and
483           (date_to is null or sysdate < date_to);
484       return(tempName);
485       exception
486         when others then
487           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
488                            routineNameIn => 'getBusGroupName',
489                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
490                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
491           raise;
492           return(null);
493     end getBusGroupName;
494   function getDayString(dateIn in date) return varchar2 as
495     begin
496       return(to_char(dateIn, 'DD'));
497       exception
498         when others then
499           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
500                            routineNameIn => 'getDayString',
501                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
502                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
503           raise;
504           return(null);
505     end getDayString;
506   function getHighestResponsibility return integer as
507     cursor getResponsibilityCur(userId in varchar2) is
508       select  a.responsibility_key
509         from  FND_SECURITY_GROUPS_VL fsg,
510               fnd_responsibility_vl a,
511               FND_USER_RESP_GROUPS b
512         where b.user_id = userId and
513               b.start_date <= sysdate and
514               (b.end_date is null or b.end_date > sysdate) and
515               b.RESPONSIBILITY_id = a.responsibility_id and
516               b.RESPONSIBILITY_application_id = a.application_id and
517               a.version in ('W','4') and
518               a.start_date <= sysdate and
519               (a.end_date is null or a.end_date > sysdate) and
520               b.SECURITY_GROUP_ID = fsg.SECURITY_GROUP_ID
521         order by a.responsibility_key;
522     highestResponsibility integer;
523     userId fnd_user.user_id%type;
524     begin
525       userId := fnd_global.user_id;
526       highestResponsibility := ame_util.noResponsibility;
527       for getResponsibilityRec in getResponsibilityCur(userId => userId) loop
528         if(getResponsibilityRec.responsibility_key = ame_util.devRespKey) then
529           return(ame_util.developerResponsibility);
530         elsif(getResponsibilityRec.responsibility_key = ame_util.appAdminRespKey and
531               highestResponsibility < ame_util.appAdminResponsibility) then
532           highestResponsibility := ame_util.appAdminResponsibility;
533         elsif(getResponsibilityRec.responsibility_key = ame_util.genBusUserRespKey and
534               highestResponsibility < ame_util.genBusResponsibility) then
535           highestResponsibility := ame_util.genBusResponsibility;
536         elsif(getResponsibilityRec.responsibility_key = ame_util.limBusUserRespKey and
537               highestResponsibility < ame_util.limBusResponsibility) then
538           highestResponsibility := ame_util.limBusResponsibility;
539         elsif(getResponsibilityRec.responsibility_key = ame_util.readOnlyUserRespKey and
540               highestResponsibility < ame_util.readOnlyResponsibility) then
541           highestResponsibility := ame_util.readOnlyResponsibility;
542         end if;
543       end loop;
544       return(highestResponsibility);
545       exception
546         when others then
547           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
548                            routineNameIn => 'getHighestResponsibility',
549                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
550                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
551         raise;
552         return(ame_util.noResponsibility);
553     end getHighestResponsibility;
554   function getLabel(attributeApplicationIdIn in number,
555                     attributeCodeIn    in varchar2,
556                     returnColonAndSpaces in boolean default false) return varchar2 as
557     attributeLabelOut varchar2(80);
558     begin
559       select attribute_label_long
560         into attributeLabelOut
561         from ak_attributes_vl
562        where attribute_code = attributeCodeIn
563        and attribute_application_id = attributeApplicationIdIn;
564       if(returnColonAndSpaces) then
565         return(attributeLabelOut || ': ');
566       else
567         return(attributeLabelOut);
568       end if;
569       exception
570         when others then
571           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
572                            routineNameIn => 'getLabel',
573                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
574                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
575         raise;
576         return(null);
577     end getLabel;
578   function getLineFeed return varchar2 as
579     begin
580       return(fnd_global.local_chr(10)); /* ASCII character 10 is a line feed. */
581       exception
582         when others then
583           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
584                            routineNameIn => 'getLineFeed',
585                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
586                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
587           raise;
588           return(null);
589     end getLineFeed;
590   function getLongBoilerplate(applicationShortNameIn in varchar2,
591                               messageNameIn          in varchar2,
592                               tokenNameOneIn        in varchar2 default null,
593                               tokenValueOneIn       in varchar2 default null,
594                               tokenNameTwoIn        in varchar2 default null,
595                               tokenValueTwoIn       in varchar2 default null,
596                               tokenNameThreeIn      in varchar2 default null,
597                               tokenValueThreeIn     in varchar2 default null,
598                               tokenNameFourIn       in varchar2 default null,
599                               tokenValueFourIn      in varchar2 default null,
600                               tokenNameFiveIn       in varchar2 default null,
601                               tokenValueFiveIn      in varchar2 default null,
602                               tokenNameSixIn        in varchar2 default null,
603                               tokenValueSixIn       in varchar2 default null,
604                               tokenNameSevenIn      in varchar2 default null,
605                               tokenValueSevenIn     in varchar2 default null,
606                               tokenNameEightIn      in varchar2 default null,
607                               tokenValueEightIn     in varchar2 default null,
608                               tokenNameNineIn       in varchar2 default null,
609                               tokenValueNineIn      in varchar2 default null,
610                               tokenNameTenIn        in varchar2 default null,
611                               tokenValueTenIn       in varchar2 default null) return varchar2 as
612     boilerplateLabel ame_util.longBoilerplateType;
613     begin
614       /* The ame_util.longBoilerplateType is defined as a varchar2(300). */
615       boilerplateLabel :=
616         substrb(ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn => applicationShortNameIn,
617                             messageNameIn => messageNameIn,
618                             tokenNameOneIn => tokenNameOneIn,
619                             tokenValueOneIn => tokenValueOneIn,
620                             tokenNameTwoIn => tokenNameTwoIn,
621                             tokenValueTwoIn => tokenValueTwoIn,
622                             tokenNameThreeIn => tokenNameThreeIn,
623                             tokenValueThreeIn => tokenValueThreeIn,
624                             tokenNameFourIn => tokenNameFourIn,
625                             tokenValueFourIn => tokenValueFourIn,
626                             tokenNameFiveIn => tokenNameFiveIn,
627                             tokenValueFiveIn => tokenValueFiveIn,
628                             tokenNameSixIn => tokenNameSixIn,
629                             tokenValueSixIn => tokenValueSixIn,
630                             tokenNameSevenIn => tokenNameSevenIn,
631                             tokenValueSevenIn => tokenValueSevenIn,
632                             tokenNameEightIn => tokenNameEightIn,
633                             tokenValueEightIn => tokenValueEightIn,
634                             tokenNameNineIn => tokenNameNineIn,
635                             tokenValueNineIn => tokenValueNineIn,
636                             tokenNameTenIn => tokenNameTenIn,
637                             tokenValueTenIn => tokenValueTenIn), 1, 300);
638       return(boilerplateLabel);
639       exception
640         when others then
641           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
642                            routineNameIn => 'getLongBoilerplate',
643                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
644                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
645           raise;
646           return(null);
647     end getLongBoilerplate;
648   function getMessage(applicationShortNameIn in varchar2,
649                       messageNameIn          in varchar2,
650                       tokenNameOneIn        in varchar2 default null,
651                       tokenValueOneIn       in varchar2 default null,
652                       tokenNameTwoIn        in varchar2 default null,
653                       tokenValueTwoIn       in varchar2 default null,
654                       tokenNameThreeIn      in varchar2 default null,
655                       tokenValueThreeIn     in varchar2 default null,
656                       tokenNameFourIn       in varchar2 default null,
657                       tokenValueFourIn      in varchar2 default null,
658                       tokenNameFiveIn       in varchar2 default null,
659                       tokenValueFiveIn      in varchar2 default null,
660                       tokenNameSixIn        in varchar2 default null,
661                       tokenValueSixIn       in varchar2 default null,
662                       tokenNameSevenIn      in varchar2 default null,
663                       tokenValueSevenIn     in varchar2 default null,
664                       tokenNameEightIn      in varchar2 default null,
665                       tokenValueEightIn     in varchar2 default null,
666                       tokenNameNineIn       in varchar2 default null,
667                       tokenValueNineIn      in varchar2 default null,
668                       tokenNameTenIn        in varchar2 default null,
669                       tokenValueTenIn       in varchar2 default null) return varchar2 as
670     begin
671       fnd_message.set_name(applicationShortNameIn, messageNameIn);
672       if (tokenNameOneIn is not null) then
673         fnd_message.set_token(tokenNameOneIn, tokenValueOneIn);
674       end if;
675       if (tokenNameTwoIn is not null) then
676         fnd_message.set_token(tokenNameTwoIn, tokenValueTwoIn);
677       end if;
678       if (tokenNameThreeIn is not null) then
679         fnd_message.set_token(tokenNameThreeIn, tokenValueThreeIn);
680       end if;
681       if (tokenNameFourIn is not null) then
682         fnd_message.set_token(tokenNameFourIn, tokenValueFourIn);
683       end if;
684       if (tokenNameFiveIn is not null) then
685         fnd_message.set_token(tokenNameFiveIn, tokenValueFiveIn);
686       end if;
687       if (tokenNameSixIn is not null) then
688         fnd_message.set_token(tokenNameSixIn, tokenValueSixIn);
689       end if;
690       if (tokenNameSevenIn is not null) then
691         fnd_message.set_token(tokenNameSevenIn, tokenValueSevenIn);
692       end if;
693       if (tokenNameEightIn is not null) then
694         fnd_message.set_token(tokenNameEightIn, tokenValueEightIn);
695       end if;
696       if (tokenNameNineIn is not null) then
697         fnd_message.set_token(tokenNameNineIn, tokenValueNineIn);
698       end if;
699       if (tokenNameTenIn is not null) then
700         fnd_message.set_token(tokenNameTenIn, tokenValueTenIn);
701       end if;
702       return(fnd_message.get);
703       exception
704         when others then
705           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
706                            routineNameIn => 'getMessage',
707                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
708                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
709           raise;
710           return(null);
711     end getMessage;
712   function getMonthString(dateIn in date) return varchar2 as
713     begin
714       return(to_char(dateIn, 'MM'));
715       exception
716         when others then
717           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
718                            routineNameIn => 'getMonthString',
719                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
720                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
721           raise;
722           return(null);
723     end getMonthString;
724   function getOrgName(orgIdIn in integer) return varchar2 as
725     tempName hr_organization_units.name%type;
726     begin
727       if(orgIdIn is null) then
728         return(null);
729       end if;
730       select name
731         into tempName
732         from hr_organization_units
733         where
734           organization_id = orgIdIn and
735           trunc(sysdate) >= date_from and
736           (date_to is null or trunc(sysdate) < date_to);
737       return(tempName);
738       exception
739         when others then
740           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
741                            routineNameIn => 'getOrgName',
742                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
743                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
744           raise;
745           return(null);
746     end getOrgName;
747   function getPlsqlDadPath return varchar2 as
748     begin
749       return(owa_util.get_owa_service_path);
750       exception
751         when others then
752           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
753                            routineNameIn => 'getPlsqlDadPath',
754                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
755                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
756           raise;
757           return(null);
758     end getPlsqlDadPath;
759   function getQuery(selectClauseIn in varchar2) return ame_util.queryCursor as
760     queryCursor ame_util.queryCursor;
761     sqlStatement varchar2(4000);
762     begin
763       sqlStatement := selectClauseIn;
764       open queryCursor for sqlStatement;
765       return queryCursor;
766       exception
767         when others then
768           rollback;
769           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
770                            routineNameIn => 'getQuery',
771                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
772                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
773           raise;
774           return(queryCursor);
775     end getQuery;
776   function getServerName return varchar2 as
777     begin
778       return('http://' || owa_util.get_cgi_env(param_name => 'SERVER_NAME'));
779       exception
780         when others then
781           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
782                            routineNameIn => 'getServerName',
783                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
784                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
785           raise;
786           return(null);
787     end getServerName;
788   function getSetOfBooksName(setOfBooksIdIn in integer) return varchar2 as
789     tempName gl_sets_of_books.name%type;
790     begin
791       if(setOfBooksIdIn is null) then
792         return(null);
793       end if;
794       select name
795         into tempName
796         from gl_sets_of_books
797         where set_of_books_id = setOfBooksIdIn;
798       return(tempName);
799       exception
800         when others then
801           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
802                            routineNameIn => 'getSetOfBooksName',
803                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
804                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
805           raise;
806           return(null);
807     end getSetOfBooksName;
808 /*
810     hostName v$instance.host_name%type;
811     instanceName v$instance.instance_name%type;
812     begin
813       select
814         host_name,
815         instance_name
816         into
817           hostName,
818           instanceName
819         from v$instance;
820       exception
821         when others then
822           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
823                            routineNameIn => 'getStripeSetCookieName',
824                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
825                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
826           raise;
827           return(null);
828     end getStripeSetCookieName;
829 */
830   function getTransTypeCookie return integer as
831   applicationId integer;
832   highestResponsibility integer;
833   returnStatus ame_util.longestStringType;
834   securedAttributeList icx_sec.g_num_tbl_type;
835   transTypeCookie owa_cookie.cookie;
836   userId integer;
837   begin
838     userId := ame_util.getCurrentUserId;
839     transTypeCookie := owa_cookie.get(ame_util.transactionTypeCookie || ':' || userId);
840     if(transTypeCookie.vals.count > 0) then
841       highestResponsibility := getHighestResponsibility;
842       applicationId := to_number(transTypeCookie.vals(1));
843       if(highestResponsibility = ame_util.limBusResponsibility) then
844         icx_sec.getsecureattributevalues(p_attri_code => ame_util.attributeCode,
845                                          p_return_status => returnStatus,
846                                          p_num_tbl => securedAttributeList);
847         for i in 1..securedAttributeList.count loop
848           if(securedAttributeList(i) = applicationId) then
849             return(transTypeCookie.vals(1));
850           end if;
851         end loop;
852       else
853         return(to_number(transTypeCookie.vals(1)));
854       end if;
855     end if;
856     return(null);
857     exception
858       when no_data_found then
859         return(null);
860       when others then
861         runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
862                          routineNameIn => 'getTransTypeCookie',
863                          exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
864                          exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
865         raise;
866         return(null);
867   end getTransTypeCookie;
868   function getYearString(dateIn in date) return varchar2 as
869     begin
870       return(to_char(dateIn, 'YYYY'));
871       exception
872         when others then
873           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
874                            routineNameIn => 'getYearString',
875                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
876                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
877           raise;
878           return(null);
879     end getYearString;
880   function getServerPort return varchar2 as
881     begin
882       return(':' || owa_util.get_cgi_env(param_name => 'SERVER_PORT'));
883       exception
884         when others then
885           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
886                            routineNameIn => 'getServerPort',
887                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
888                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
889           raise;
890           return(null);
891     end getServerPort;
892   function hasOrderClause(queryStringIn in varchar2) return boolean as
893     begin
894       if instrb(upper(queryStringIn), 'ORDER') = 0 then
895         return(false);
896       end if;
897       return(true);
898       exception
899         when others then
900           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
901                            routineNameIn => 'hasOrderClause',
902                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
903                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
904           raise;
905           return(true);
906     end hasOrderClause;
907   function idListsMatch(idList1InOut in out nocopy idList,
908                         idList2InOut in out nocopy idList,
909                         sortList1In in boolean default false,
910                         sortList2In in boolean default true) return boolean as
911     listLength1 integer;
912     listLength2 integer;
913     tempIndex integer;
914     begin
915       listLength1 := idList1InOut.count;
916       listLength2 := idList2InOut.count;
917       if(listLength1 <> listLength2) then
918         return(false);
919       end if;
920       if(sortList1In) then
921         sortIdListInPlace(idListInOut => idList1InOut);
922       end if;
923       if(sortList2In) then
924         sortIdListInPlace(idListInOut => idList2InOut);
925       end if;
926       for tempIndex in 1 .. listLength1 loop
927         if(idList1InOut(tempIndex) <> idList2InOut(tempIndex)) then
928           return(false);
929         end if;
930       end loop;
931       return(true);
932     exception
933       when others then
934         runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
935                            routineNameIn => 'idListsMatch',
936                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
937                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
938         raise;
939         return(null);
940     end idListsMatch;
941   function inputNumStringToCanonNumString(inputNumberStringIn in varchar2,
942                                           currencyCodeIn in varchar2 default null) return varchar2 as
943     format varchar2(1);
944     inputString varchar2(50);
945     returnValue varchar2(240); /* this length specified by HR documentation */
946     rgeflg varchar2(1);
947     begin
948       if(currencyCodeIn is null) then
949         format := 'N';
950       else
951         format := 'M';
952       end if;
953       inputString := replace(inputNumberStringIn,
954                              ',',
955                              '.');
956       /*
957         In hr_chkfmt.checkformat, <<value>> is an in/out argument that on output is end-user friendly,
958         and <<output>> is a number-string in canonical format (I checked the source code).  <<nullok>>
959         must be either 'Y' or 'N' (the package does not offer constants for these values).
960       */
961       hr_chkfmt.checkformat(value => inputString,
962                             format => format,
963                             output => returnValue,
964                             minimum => null,
965                             maximum => null,
966                             nullok => 'Y',
967                             rgeflg => rgeflg,
968                             curcode => currencyCodeIn);
969       return(returnValue);
970       exception
971         when others then
972           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
973                              routineNameIn => 'inputNumStringToCanonNumString',
974                              exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
975                              exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
976           raise;
977           return(null);
978     end inputNumStringToCanonNumString;
979   function isAnEvenNumber(numberIn in integer) return boolean as
980     errorCode integer;
981     errorMessage ame_util.longestStringType;
982     notAnIntException exception;
983     begin
984       if(not isAnInteger(stringIn => to_char(numberIn))) then
985         raise notAnIntException;
986       end if;
987       return(mod(numberIn, 2) = 0);
988       exception
989         when notAnIntException then
990           errorCode := -20001;
991           errorMessage :=
992             ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn => 'PER',
993                                 messageNameIn => 'AME_400457_INPUT_NOT_INTEGER');
994           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
995                            routineNameIn => 'isAnEvenNumber',
996                            exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
997                            exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
998           raise_application_error(errorCode,
999                                   errorMessage);
1000           return(false);
1001         when others then
1002           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
1003                            routineNameIn => 'isAnEvenNumber',
1004                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
1005                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
1006           raise;
1007           return(false);
1008     end isAnEvenNumber;
1009   function isAnInteger(stringIn in varchar2) return boolean as
1010     begin
1011       return(isANumber(stringIn => stringIn,
1012                        allowDecimalsIn => false));
1013       exception
1014         when others then
1015           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
1016                              routineNameIn => 'isAnInteger',
1017                              exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
1018                              exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
1019           raise;
1020           return(false);
1021     end isAnInteger;
1022   function isANegativeInteger(stringIn in varchar2) return boolean as
1023     begin
1024       if(isANumber(stringIn => stringIn,
1025                    allowDecimalsIn => false,
1026                    allowNegativesIn => true) and
1027          to_number(stringIn) < 0) then
1028         return(true);
1029       end if;
1030       return(false);
1031       exception
1032         when others then
1033           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
1034                              routineNameIn => 'isANegativeInteger',
1035                              exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
1036                              exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
1037           raise;
1038           return(false);
1039     end isANegativeInteger;
1040   function isANonNegativeInteger(stringIn in varchar2) return boolean as
1041     begin
1042       return(isANumber(stringIn => stringIn,
1043                        allowDecimalsIn => false,
1044                        allowNegativesIn => false));
1045       exception
1046         when others then
1047           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
1048                              routineNameIn => 'isANonNegativeInteger',
1049                              exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
1050                              exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
1051           raise;
1052           return(false);
1053     end isANonNegativeInteger;
1054   function isANumber(stringIn in varchar2,
1055                      allowDecimalsIn in boolean default true,
1056                      allowNegativesIn in boolean default true) return boolean as
1057     firstOccurrence1 integer;
1058     firstOccurrence2 integer;
1059     nonNumberChars ame_util.stringType;
1060     begin
1061       nonNumberChars := stringIn;
1062       if(allowDecimalsIn) then
1063          firstOccurrence1 := instrb(nonNumberChars, '.', 1, 1);
1064          if(firstOccurrence1 > 0 and
1065             firstOccurrence1 <> instrb(nonNumberChars, '.', -1, 1)) then
1066             /* There are at least two periods in the string; return false. */
1067             return(false);
1068          end if;
1069          firstOccurrence2 := instrb(nonNumberChars, ',', 1, 1);
1070          if(firstOccurrence2 > 0 and
1071             firstOccurrence2 <> instrb(nonNumberChars, ',', -1, 1)) then
1072             /* There are at least two commas in the string; return false. */
1073             return(false);
1074          end if;
1075          if(firstOccurrence1 > 0 and
1076             firstOccurrence2 > 0) then
1077             /* Both a period and a comma appear in the string; return false. */
1078             return(false);
1079          end if;
1080          /*
1081           Now we're sure at most one period or at most comma appears in the string.
1082           Get rid of it, if it's there.
1083          */
1084          nonNumberChars := replace(replace(nonNumberChars, ',', ''), '.', '');
1085       end if;
1086       if(allowNegativesIn) then
1087          firstOccurrence1 := instrb(nonNumberChars, '-', 1, 1);
1088          if(firstOccurrence1 > 1) then
1089            /* There is a hyphen after the initial position; return false. */
1090            return(false);
1091          end if;
1092          /* Now either the first hyphen is in the first position, or there is no hyphen. */
1093          if(firstOccurrence1 = 1) then
1094            if(instrb(nonNumberChars, '-', -1, 1) <> 1) then
1095              /* There is a second hyphen in the string; return false. */
1096              return(false);
1097            else
1098              /*
1099               Now we're sure there is at most one hyphen in the string, and that
1100               it's in position 1.  Get rid of it.
1101              */
1102              nonNumberChars := substrb(nonNumberChars, 2);
1103            end if;
1104          end if;
1105       end if;
1106       /* Now get rid of the digits. */
1107       for i in 0 .. 9 loop
1108         nonNumberChars := replace(nonNumberChars, i, '');
1109       end loop;
1110       if(nonNumberChars is null) then
1111         return(true);
1112       end if;
1113       return(false);
1114       exception
1115         when others then
1116           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
1117                              routineNameIn => 'isANumber',
1118                              exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
1119                              exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
1120           raise;
1121           return(false);
1122     end isANumber;
1123   function isArgumentTooLong(tableNameIn in varchar2,
1124                              columnNameIn in varchar2,
1125                              argumentIn in varchar2) return boolean as
1126     argumentLength integer;
1127     begin
1128       argumentLength := lengthb(argumentIn);
1129       if(ame_util.getColumnLength(tableNameIn, columnNameIn) < argumentLength) then
1130         return(true);
1131       end if;
1132       return(false);
1133       exception
1134         when others then
1135           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
1136                            routineNameIn => 'isArgumentTooLong',
1137                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
1138                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
1139           raise;
1140           return(true);
1141     end isArgumentTooLong;
1142   function isConversionTypeValid(conversionTypeIn in varchar2) return boolean as
1143     tempCount integer;
1144     begin
1145       select count(*)
1146         into tempCount
1147         from gl_daily_conversion_types
1148         where conversion_type = conversionTypeIn;
1149       if(tempCount > 0) then
1150         return(true);
1151       end if;
1152       return(false);
1153       exception
1154         when others then
1155           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
1156                            routineNameIn => 'isConversionTypeValid',
1157                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
1158                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
1159           raise;
1160           return(false);
1161     end isConversionTypeValid;
1162   function isCurrencyCodeValid(currencyCodeIn in varchar2) return boolean as
1163     tempCount integer;
1164     begin
1165       select count(*)
1166         into tempCount
1167         from fnd_currencies_active_v
1168         where currency_code = currencyCodeIn;
1169       if(tempCount > 0) then
1170         return(true);
1171       end if;
1172       return(false);
1173       exception
1174         when others then
1175           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
1176                            routineNameIn => 'isCurrencyCodeValid',
1177                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
1178                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
1179           raise;
1180           return(false);
1181     end isCurrencyCodeValid;
1182   function isDateInRange(currentDateIn in date default sysdate,
1183                         startDateIn in date,
1184                         endDateIn in date) return boolean is
1185     begin
1186       if((startDateIn is null and endDateIn is null) or
1187          (startDateIn is null and sysdate <= endDateIn) or
1188          (startDateIn <= sysdate and endDateIn is null) or
1189          (sysdate between startDateIn and endDateIn)) then
1190         return(true);
1191       end if;
1192       return(false);
1193       exception
1194         when others then
1195           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
1196                            routineNameIn => 'isDateInRange',
1197                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
1198                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
1199           raise;
1200           return(null);
1201     end isDateInRange;
1202   function longStringListsMatch(longStringList1InOut in out nocopy longStringList,
1203                                 longStringList2InOut in out nocopy longStringList,
1204                                 sortList1In in boolean default false,
1205                                 sortList2In in boolean default true) return boolean as
1206     listLength1 integer;
1207     listLength2 integer;
1208     tempIndex integer;
1209     begin
1210       listLength1 := longStringList1InOut.count;
1211       listLength2 := longStringList2InOut.count;
1212       if(listLength1 <> listLength2) then
1213         return(false);
1214       end if;
1215       if(sortList1In) then
1216         sortLongStringListInPlace(longStringListInOut => longStringList1InOut);
1217       end if;
1218       if(sortList2In) then
1219         sortLongStringListInPlace(longStringListInOut => longStringList2InOut);
1220       end if;
1221       for tempIndex in 1 .. listLength1 loop
1222         if(longStringList1InOut(tempIndex) <> longStringList2InOut(tempIndex)) then
1223           return(false);
1224         end if;
1225       end loop;
1226       return(true);
1227     exception
1228       when others then
1229         runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
1230                          routineNameIn => 'longStringListsMatch',
1231                          exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
1232                          exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
1233         raise;
1234         return(null);
1235     end longStringListsMatch;
1236   function longestStringListsMatch(longestStringList1InOut in out nocopy longestStringList,
1237                                    longestStringList2InOut in out nocopy longestStringList,
1238                                    sortList1In in boolean default false,
1239                                    sortList2In in boolean default true) return boolean as
1240     listLength1 integer;
1241     listLength2 integer;
1242     tempIndex integer;
1243     begin
1244       listLength1 := longestStringList1InOut.count;
1245       listLength2 := longestStringList2InOut.count;
1246       if(listLength1 <> listLength2) then
1247         return(false);
1248       end if;
1249       if(sortList1In) then
1250         sortLongestStringListInPlace(longestStringListInOut => longestStringList1InOut);
1251       end if;
1252       if(sortList2In) then
1253         sortLongestStringListInPlace(longestStringListInOut => longestStringList2InOut);
1254       end if;
1255       for tempIndex in 1 .. listLength1 loop
1256         if(longestStringList1InOut(tempIndex) <> longestStringList2InOut(tempIndex)) then
1257           return(false);
1258         end if;
1259       end loop;
1260       return(true);
1261     exception
1262       when others then
1263         runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
1264                          routineNameIn => 'longestStringListsMatch',
1265                          exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
1266                          exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
1267         raise;
1268         return(null);
1269     end longestStringListsMatch;
1270   function matchCharacter(stringIn in varchar2,
1271                           locationIn in integer,
1272                           characterIn in varchar2) return boolean as
1273     errorCode integer;
1274     errorMessage ame_util.longestStringType;
1275     locationException exception;
1276     charLengthException exception;
1277     begin
1278       if(locationIn < 1 or
1279          locationIn > lengthb(stringIn)) then
1280         raise locationException;
1281       end if;
1282       if(lengthb(characterIn) <> 1) then
1283         raise charLengthException;
1284       end if;
1285       if(substrb(stringIn, locationIn, 1) = characterIn) then
1286         return(true);
1287       end if;
1288       return(false);
1289       exception
1290         when locationException then
1291           errorCode := -20001; -- pa message
1292           errorMessage :=
1293             ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn => 'PER',
1294                                 messageNameIn     => 'AME_400458_MUST_BE_INTEGER',
1295                                 tokenNameOneIn    => 'LOCATION',
1296                                 tokenValueOneIn   => locationIn,
1297                                 tokenNameTwoIn    => 'STRING',
1298                                 tokenValueTwoIn   => stringIn);
1299           ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
1300                                     routineNameIn => 'matchCharacter',
1301                                     exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
1302                                     exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
1303           raise_application_error(errorCode,
1304                                   errorMessage);
1305           return(null);
1306         when charLengthException then
1307           errorCode := -20001;
1308           errorMessage := 'characterIn must be a single character.  ';
1309           ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
1310                                     routineNameIn => 'matchCharacter',
1311                                     exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
1312                                     exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
1313           raise_application_error(errorCode,
1314                                   errorMessage);
1315           return(null);
1316         when others then
1317           ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
1318                                     routineNameIn => 'matchCharacter',
1319                                     exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
1320                                     exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
1321           raise;
1322           return(null);
1323     end matchCharacter;
1324   function personIdToUserId(personIdIn in integer) return integer as
1325     tempUserId fnd_user.user_id%type;
1326     begin
1327       select user_id
1328         into tempUserId
1329         from fnd_user
1330         where employee_id = personIdIn;
1331       return tempUserId;
1332       exception
1333         when others then
1334           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
1335                            routineNameIn => 'personIdToUserId',
1336                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
1337                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
1338           raise;
1339           return(null);
1340     end personIdToUserId;
1341   function recordDelimiter return varchar2 as
1342     begin
1343       /* 12 is a form feed in the ASCII character set. */
1344       return(fnd_global.local_chr(ascii_chr => 12));
1345     end recordDelimiter;
1346   function removeReturns(stringIn in varchar2,
1347                          replaceWithSpaces in boolean default false) return varchar2 as
1348     replacementCharacter varchar2(1);
1349     begin
1350       if(replaceWithSpaces) then
1351         replacementCharacter := ' ';
1352       else
1353         replacementCharacter := null;
1354       end if;
1355       return(replace(replace(stringIn,
1356                              getLineFeed,
1357                              replacementCharacter),
1358                      getCarriageReturn,
1359                      replacementCharacter));
1360       exception
1361         when others then
1362           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
1363                            routineNameIn => 'removeReturns',
1364                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
1365                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
1366           raise;
1367           return(null);
1368     end removeReturns;
1369   function removeScriptTags(stringIn in varchar2 default null) return varchar2 as
1370     errorCode integer;
1371     errorMessage ame_util.longestStringType;
1372     inputString ame_util.longestStringType;
1373     inputStringLength integer;
1374     loopCounter integer;
1375     loopException exception;
1376     tagStartLocation integer;
1377     tagEndLocation integer;
1378     upperInputString ame_util.longestStringType;
1379     begin
1380       if(stringIn is null) then
1381         return(null);
1382       end if;
1383       inputString := stringIn;
1384       loopCounter := 0; /* pre-increment */
1385       /* Find and remove all occurrences of HTML script tagging. */
1386       loop
1387         loopCounter := loopCounter + 1;
1388         if(loopCounter > 100) then
1389           raise loopException;
1390         end if;
1391         /* Look for the script keyword. */
1392         upperInputString := upper(inputString);
1393         tagStartLocation := instrb(upperInputString, 'SCRIPT', 1, 1);
1394         if(tagStartLocation = 0) then
1395           exit;
1396         end if;
1397         /* The script keyword was found.  Look for slashes and tag brackets. */
1398         inputStringLength := lengthb(inputString);
1399         tagEndLocation := tagStartLocation + 6;
1400         /* Look for a slash. */
1401         if(tagStartLocation > 1 and
1402            matchCharacter(stringIn => inputString,
1403                           locationIn => tagStartLocation - 1,
1404                           characterIn => '/')) then
1405           tagStartLocation := tagStartLocation - 1;
1406         end if;
1407         /* Look for an open bracket. */
1408         if(tagStartLocation > 1 and
1409            matchCharacter(stringIn => inputString,
1410                           locationIn => tagStartLocation - 1,
1411                           characterIn => '<')) then
1412           tagStartLocation := tagStartLocation - 1;
1413         end if;
1414         /* Look for a close bracket. */
1415         if(tagEndLocation <= inputStringLength and
1416            matchCharacter(stringIn => inputString,
1417                           locationIn => tagEndLocation,
1418                           characterIn => '>')) then
1419           tagEndLocation := tagEndLocation + 1;
1420         end if;
1421         inputString := substrb(inputString, 1, tagStartLocation - 1) || substrb(inputString, tagEndLocation);
1422       end loop;
1423       return(inputString);
1424       exception
1425         when loopException then
1426           errorCode := -20001;
1427           errorMessage := -- pa message
1428             'This function''s main loop iterated 100 times, which indicates an internal error.  ' ||
1429             'Please contact Oracle technical support.  ';
1430           ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
1431                                     routineNameIn => 'removeScriptTags',
1432                                     exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
1433                                     exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
1434           raise_application_error(errorCode,
1435                                   errorMessage);
1436           return(null);
1437         when others then
1438           ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
1439                                     routineNameIn => 'removeScriptTags',
1440                                     exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
1441                                     exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
1442         raise;
1443         return(null);
1444     end removeScriptTags;
1445   /*
1446     All of the serialization functions need to be very efficient.  If you modify this
1447     code, please don't "roll up" the loops by having them call subroutines that are
1448     not absolutely necessary, and whose only purposes would be elegance and readability.
1449   */
1450   function stringListsMatch(stringList1InOut in out nocopy stringList,
1451                             stringList2InOut in out nocopy stringList,
1452                             sortList1In in boolean default false,
1453                             sortList2In in boolean default true) return boolean as
1454     listLength1 integer;
1455     listLength2 integer;
1456     tempIndex integer;
1457     begin
1458       listLength1 := stringList1InOut.count;
1459       listLength2 := stringList2InOut.count;
1460       if(listLength1 <> listLength2) then
1461         return(false);
1462       end if;
1463       if(sortList1In) then
1464         sortStringListInPlace(stringListInOut => stringList1InOut);
1465       end if;
1466       if(sortList2In) then
1467         sortStringListInPlace(stringListInOut => stringList2InOut);
1468       end if;
1469       for tempIndex in 1 .. listLength1 loop
1470         if(stringList1InOut(tempIndex) <> stringList2InOut(tempIndex)) then
1471           return(false);
1472         end if;
1473       end loop;
1474       return(true);
1475     exception
1476       when others then
1477         runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
1478                          routineNameIn => 'stringListsMatch',
1479                          exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
1480                          exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
1481         raise;
1482         return(null);
1483     end stringListsMatch;
1484   function userIdToPersonId(userIdIn in integer) return integer as
1485     tempPersonId fnd_user.employee_id%type;
1486     begin
1487       select employee_id
1488         into tempPersonId
1489         from fnd_user
1490         where user_id = userIdIn;
1491       return tempPersonId;
1492       exception
1493         when others then
1494           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
1495                            routineNameIn => 'userIdToPersonId',
1496                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
1497                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
1498           raise;
1499           return(null);
1500     end userIdToPersonId;
1502   procedure getAttributeId(attributeNameIn in varchar2
1503                           ,attributeIdOut out nocopy number
1504                           ,transactionIdIn in varchar2
1505                           ,applicationIdIn in number) as
1506     tempAttributeId number;
1507     tempLogId  number;
1508   begin
1509     select attribute_id
1510       into tempAttributeId
1511      from ame_attributes
1512      where name = upper(attributeNameIn)
1513       and sysdate between start_date and
1514                    nvl(end_date - ame_util.oneSecond, sysdate) ;
1515      attributeIdOut := tempAttributeId;
1516   exception
1517     when others then
1518        attributeIdOut := null;
1519        select ame_exceptions_log_s.nextval into tempLogId from dual;
1520        autonomousLog(logIdIn => tempLogId,
1521                      packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
1522                      routineNameIn => 'getAttributeId',
1523                      exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
1524                      exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm,
1525                      transactionIdIn => transactionIdIn,
1526                      applicationIdIn => applicationIdIn );
1527   end getAttributeId;
1529   procedure getQueryString(attributeIdIn  in varchar2
1530                            ,queryStringOut out nocopy ame_attribute_usages.query_string%type
1531                            ,transactionIdIn in varchar2
1532                           ,applicationIdIn in number) as
1533     temQueryString ame_attribute_usages.query_string%type;
1534     tempLogId  number;
1535   begin
1536          select query_string
1537            into temQueryString
1538            from ame_attribute_usages
1539            where
1540              attribute_id = attributeIdIn and
1541              application_id = applicationIdIn and
1542               sysdate between start_date and
1543                     nvl(end_date - ame_util.oneSecond, sysdate) ;
1544      queryStringOut := temQueryString;
1545   exception
1546     when others then
1547        queryStringOut := null;
1548        select ame_exceptions_log_s.nextval into tempLogId from dual;
1549        autonomousLog(logIdIn => tempLogId,
1550                      packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
1551                      routineNameIn => 'getQueryString',
1552                      exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
1553                      exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm,
1554                      transactionIdIn => transactionIdIn,
1555                      applicationIdIn => applicationIdIn );
1556   end getQueryString;
1558   procedure checkSaticUsage(attributeIdIn  in varchar2
1559                            ,isSaticUsage out nocopy varchar2
1560                            ,transactionIdIn in varchar2
1561                            ,applicationIdIn in number) as
1562     tempIsSatic varchar2(2);
1563     tempLogId  number;
1564   begin
1565     select is_static
1566       into tempIsSatic
1567       from ame_attribute_usages
1568       where attribute_id = attributeIdIn and
1569             application_id = applicationIdIn and
1570              sysdate between start_date and
1571                nvl(end_date - ame_util.oneSecond, sysdate) ;
1572      isSaticUsage := tempIsSatic;
1573   exception
1574     when others then
1575        isSaticUsage := null;
1576        select ame_exceptions_log_s.nextval into tempLogId from dual;
1577        autonomousLog(logIdIn => tempLogId,
1578                      packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
1579                      routineNameIn => 'checkSaticUsage',
1580                      exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
1581                      exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm,
1582                      transactionIdIn => transactionIdIn,
1583                      applicationIdIn => applicationIdIn );
1584   end checkSaticUsage;
1585   function useWorkflow(transactionIdIn in varchar2 default null,
1586                        applicationIdIn in integer) return boolean as
1587     attributeId integer;
1588     attributeUsage ame_attribute_usages.query_string%type;
1589     attributeValue ame_util.attributeValueType;
1590     badUsageException exception;
1591     dynamicCursor integer;
1592     errorCode integer;
1593     errorMessage ame_util.longestStringType;
1594     ignoreMe integer;
1595     tempIsstaticUsage varchar2(2);
1596     tempLogId number;
1597     begin
1598       /*
1599         If we don't know which transaction type we're dealing with, we can't interact
1600         with its Workflow exception stack.
1601       */
1602       if(applicationIdIn is null) then
1603         return false;
1604       end if;
1605       /*
1606         In the absence of a positive attribute value to the contrary, assume conservatively
1607         that we should not interact with the transaction type's Workflow exception stack.
1608       */
1609       attributeValue := ame_util.booleanAttributeFalse;
1610       /* Get the usage, either to read it if it's static or to execute it if it's dynamic. */
1611       /*methods getattributId, getqueryRting and checkSaticUsage are local method used to avoid
1612       infinite loop due to exception(bug 6837659). When exception occur in this methods they log the
1613       details but do not raise the error. This message will appear along with the original exception passed
1614       into run time exception*/
1615       getAttributeId(attributeNameIn => ame_util.useWorkflowAttribute
1616                         ,attributeIdOut => attributeId
1617                         ,transactionIdIn => transactionIdIn
1618                         ,applicationIdIn => applicationIdIn );
1619       if attributeId is null then
1620         return false;
1621       end if;
1622       getQueryString(attributeIdIn    => attributeId
1623                      ,queryStringOut  => attributeUsage
1624                      ,transactionIdIn => transactionIdIn
1625                      ,applicationIdIn => applicationIdIn );
1626       if attributeUsage is null then
1627         return false;
1628       end if;
1629       checkSaticUsage(attributeIdIn => attributeId
1630                          ,isSaticUsage => tempIsstaticUsage
1631                          ,transactionIdIn => transactionIdIn
1632                          ,applicationIdIn => applicationIdIn );
1633       if tempIsstaticUsage is null then
1634         return false;
1635       end if;
1636       /* Check/execute the usage. */
1637       if( tempIsstaticUsage = ame_util.booleanTrue) then
1638         attributeValue := attributeUsage;
1639       elsif(transactionIdIn is not null) then
1640         dynamicCursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
1641         dbms_sql.parse(dynamicCursor,
1642                        ame_util.removeReturns(stringIn => attributeUsage,
1643                                               replaceWithSpaces => true),
1644                        dbms_sql.native);
1645         dbms_sql.define_column(dynamicCursor,
1646                                1,
1647                                attributeValue,
1648                                ame_util.attributeValueTypeLength);
1649         if(instrb(attributeUsage, ame_util.transactionIdPlaceholder) > 0) then
1650           dbms_sql.bind_variable(dynamicCursor,
1651                                  ame_util.transactionIdPlaceholder,
1652                                  transactionIdIn);
1653         end if;
1654         ignoreMe := dbms_sql.execute(dynamicCursor);
1655         if(dbms_sql.fetch_rows(dynamicCursor) > 0) then
1656           /*
1657             Don't raise an exception if the fetch returns no rows, because we can't log the
1658             exception (see below); just silently use the default attributeValue value.
1659           */
1660           dbms_sql.column_value(dynamicCursor,
1661                                 1,
1662                                 attributeValue);
1663         end if;
1664         dbms_sql.close_cursor(dynamicCursor);
1665       end if;
1666       if(attributeValue = ame_util.booleanAttributeTrue) then
1667         return(true);
1668       end if;
1669       return(false);
1670       exception
1671         when others then
1672           /*
1673             Don't call runtimeException here; it could result in infinite looping,
1674             because runtimeException calls useWorkflow.  (See bug 2219719.)
1675           */
1676           raise;
1677           return(false);
1678     end useWorkflow;
1679   function validateUser(responsibilityIn in integer,
1680                         applicationIdIn in integer default null) return integer as
1681     securedAttributeList icx_sec.g_num_tbl_type;
1682     highestResponsibility integer;
1683     responsibilityCount integer;
1684     responsibilityList icx_sec.g_responsibility_list;
1685     returnStatus varchar2(4000);
1686     securedAttributeCount integer;
1687     tempIndex integer;
1688     tempSecuredAttribute ak_web_user_sec_attr_values.number_value%type;
1689     userId fnd_user.user_id%type;
1690     begin
1691       if not icx_sec.validatesession then
1692         return(ame_util.noResponsibility);
1693       end if;
1694       highestResponsibility := getHighestResponsibility;
1695       /* If applicationIdIn is not null, and the user is a limited business user, check secure attribute. */
1696       if(applicationIdIn is not null and
1697          highestResponsibility = ame_util.limBusResponsibility) then
1698            tempSecuredAttribute := applicationIdIn;
1699            icx_sec.getsecureattributevalues(p_attri_code => ame_util.attributeCode,
1700                                             p_return_status => returnStatus,
1701                                             p_num_tbl => securedAttributeList);
1702            securedAttributeCount := securedAttributeList.count;
1703            for i in 1..securedAttributeCount loop
1704              if i = 1 then
1705                tempIndex := securedAttributeList.first;
1706                if(securedAttributeList(tempIndex) = tempSecuredAttribute) then
1707                  return(highestResponsibility);
1708                end if;
1709              else
1710                tempIndex := securedAttributeList.next(tempIndex);
1711                if(securedAttributeList(tempIndex) = tempSecuredAttribute) then
1712                  return(highestResponsibility);
1713                end if;
1714              end if;
1715            end loop;
1716            highestResponsibility := ame_util.noResponsibility;
1717       end if;
1718       if highestResponsibility >= responsibilityIn then
1719         return(highestResponsibility);
1720       end if;
1721       return(ame_util.noResponsibility);
1722     exception
1723       when others then
1724         runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
1725                          routineNameIn => 'validateUser',
1726                          exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
1727                          exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
1728         raise;
1729         return(ame_util.noResponsibility);
1730     end validateUser;
1731   function versionDateToDisplayDate(stringDateIn in varchar2) return varchar2 as
1732     begin
1733       return(fnd_date.date_to_displayDate(dateVal => versionStringToDate(stringDateIn => stringDateIn)));
1734       exception
1735         when no_data_found then
1736           return(null);
1737         when others then
1738           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
1739                            routineNameIn => 'versionDateToDisplayDate',
1740                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
1741                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
1742           raise;
1743           return(null);
1744     end versionDateToDisplayDate;
1745   function versionDateToString(dateIn in date) return varchar2 as
1746     begin
1747       return(to_char(dateIn, ame_util.versionDateFormatModel));
1748       exception
1749         when no_data_found then
1750           return(null);
1751         when others then
1752           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
1753                            routineNameIn => 'versionDateToString',
1754                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
1755                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
1756           raise;
1757           return(null);
1758     end versionDateToString;
1759   function versionStringToDate(stringDateIn in varchar2) return date as
1760     begin
1761       return(to_date(stringDateIn, ame_util.versionDateFormatModel));
1762       exception
1763         when no_data_found then
1764           return(null);
1765         when others then
1766           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
1767                            routineNameIn => 'versionStringToDate',
1768                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
1769                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
1770           raise;
1771           return(null);
1772     end versionStringToDate;
1773   procedure appendRuleIdToSource(ruleIdIn in integer,
1774                                  sourceInOut in out nocopy varchar2) as
1775     ruleId varchar2(50);
1776     ruleIds ame_util.idList;
1777     sourceDescription ame_util.longStringType;
1778     sourceLength integer;
1779     begin
1780       if(sourceInOut is null) then
1781         sourceInOut := to_char(ruleIdIn);
1782         return;
1783       end if;
1784       /* Now we can assume sourceInOut starts out nonempty. */
1785       sourceLength := lengthb(sourceInOut);
1786       ruleId := to_char(ruleIdIn);
1787       if(sourceLength + 1 + lengthb(ruleId) < 500) then
1788         parseSourceValue(sourceValueIn => sourceInOut,
1789                          sourceDescriptionOut => sourceDescription,
1790                          ruleIdListOut => ruleIds);
1791         for i in 1 .. ruleIds.count loop
1792           if(ruleIdIn = ruleIds(i)) then /* Don't duplicate rule IDs in a source field. */
1793             return;
1794           end if;
1795         end loop;
1796         sourceInOut := sourceInOut || fieldDelimiter || ruleId;
1797       end if;
1798       exception
1799         when others then
1800           ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
1801                                     routineNameIn => 'appendRuleIdToSource',
1802                                     exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
1803                                     exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
1804           raise;
1805     end appendRuleIdToSource;
1806   --
1807   -- This procedure will translate the approver record from type
1808   -- ame_util.approverRecord to ame_util.approverRecord2
1809   --
1810   procedure apprRecordToApprRecord2(approverRecordIn in ame_util.approverRecord,
1811                                     itemIdIn in varchar2 default null,
1812                                     approverRecord2Out out nocopy ame_util.approverRecord2) as
1813     errorCode integer;
1814     errorMessage ame_util.longestStringType;
1815     tempOrigSystem   wf_roles.orig_system%type;
1816     tempOrigSystemId wf_roles.orig_system_id%type;
1817     wfName           wf_roles.name%type;
1818     wfDisplayName    wf_roles.display_name%type;
1819     begin
1820       if approverRecordIn.person_id is null then
1821         tempOrigSystem := ame_util.fndUserOrigSystem;
1822         tempOrigSystemId := approverRecordIn.user_id;
1823       else
1824         tempOrigSystem := ame_util.perOrigSystem;
1825         tempOrigSystemId := approverRecordIn.person_id;
1826       end if;
1827       if tempOrigSystem = ame_util.perOrigSystem then
1828         select name, display_name
1829           into wfName, wfDisplayName
1830           from wf_roles wf
1831            where orig_system = tempOrigSystem
1832              and orig_system_id = tempOrigSystemId
1833              and status = 'ACTIVE'
1834              and (expiration_date is null or sysdate < expiration_date)
1835              and exists (select null
1836                            from fnd_user u
1837                           where u.user_name = wf.name
1838                             and trunc(sysdate) between u.start_date
1839                             and nvl(u.end_date,trunc(sysdate)))
1840              and not exists (
1841                   select null from wf_roles wf2
1842                    where wf.orig_system = wf2.orig_system
1843                      and wf.orig_system_id = wf2.orig_system_id
1844                      and wf.start_date > wf2.start_date
1845                             )
1846              and rownum < 2;
1847       elsif tempOrigSystem = ame_util.fndUserOrigSystem then
1848         select name
1849               ,display_name
1850               ,orig_system
1851               ,orig_system_id
1852           into wfName
1853               ,wfDisplayName
1854               ,tempOrigSystem
1855               ,tempOrigSystemId
1856           from wf_roles wf
1857          where wf.orig_system    in('FND_USR','PER')
1858            and wf.name in (select u.user_name
1859                              from fnd_user u
1860                             where u.user_id = tempOrigSystemId
1861                               and trunc(sysdate) between u.start_date
1862                               and nvl(u.end_date,trunc(sysdate)))
1863            and wf.status      = 'ACTIVE'
1864            and (wf.expiration_date is null or sysdate < wf.expiration_date)
1865            -- need not check for proxy user in this case
1866            and rownum < 2;
1867       end if;
1868       approverRecord2Out.orig_system    := tempOrigSystem;
1869       approverRecord2Out.orig_system_id := tempOrigSystemId;
1870       approverRecord2Out.name := wfName;
1871       approverRecord2Out.display_name := wfDisplayName;
1872       approverRecord2Out.item_class := ame_util.headerItemClassName;
1873       approverRecord2Out.item_id := itemIdIn;
1874       approverRecord2Out.approver_category := ame_util.approvalApproverCategory ;
1875       approverRecord2Out.api_insertion := approverRecordIn.api_insertion;
1876       approverRecord2Out.authority := approverRecordIn.authority;
1877       approverRecord2Out.approval_status := approverRecordIn.approval_status;
1878       approverRecord2Out.action_type_id := approverRecordIn.approval_type_id;
1879       approverRecord2Out.group_or_chain_id := approverRecordIn.group_or_chain_id;
1880       approverRecord2Out.occurrence := approverRecordIn.occurrence;
1881       approverRecord2Out.source := approverRecordIn.source;
1882       /* initialize all order numbers to 1 */
1883       approverRecord2Out.item_class_order_number := 1;
1884       approverRecord2Out.item_order_number := 1;
1885       approverRecord2Out.sub_list_order_number := 1;
1886       approverRecord2Out.action_type_order_number := 1;
1887       approverRecord2Out.group_or_chain_order_number := 1;
1888       approverRecord2Out.member_order_number := 1;
1889       approverRecord2Out.approver_order_number := 1;
1890     exception
1891       when no_data_found then
1892         errorCode := -20001;
1893           errorMessage :=
1894           ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn =>'PER',
1895           messageNameIn => 'AME_400249_API_APR_REC_NULL');
1896           ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
1897                             routineNameIn => 'apprRecordToApprRecord2',
1898                             exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
1899                             exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
1900          approverRecord2Out.name := null ;
1901          raise_application_error(errorCode,
1902                                   errorMessage);
1903       when others then
1904           ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
1905                             routineNameIn => 'apprRecordToApprRecord2',
1906                             exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
1907                             exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
1908          approverRecord2Out := ame_util.emptyApproverRecord2;
1909          raise;
1910     end apprRecordToApprRecord2;
1911 --
1912 -- This procedure will translate the approver record from the new Type i.e.
1913 -- ame_util.approverRecord2 to ame_util.approverRecord
1914 --
1915   procedure apprRecord2ToApprRecord(approverRecord2In in ame_util.approverRecord2,
1916                                     approverRecordOut out nocopy ame_util.approverRecord) is
1917       errorCode integer;
1918       errorMessage ame_util.longestStringType;
1919       firstName per_all_people_f.first_name%type;
1920       lastName per_all_people_f.last_name%type;
1921       tempOrigSystem ame_util.stringType;
1922       tempOrigSystemId integer;
1923       userName fnd_user.user_name%type;
1924       wrongCategory exception;
1925       wrongItemClass exception;
1926       wrongOrigSystem exception;
1927     begin
1928       if approverRecord2In.item_class <> ame_util.headerItemClassName then
1929         raise wrongItemClass;
1930       end if;
1931       if approverRecord2In.approver_category <> ame_util.approvalApproverCategory then
1932         raise wrongCategory;
1933       end if;
1934       if approverRecord2In.orig_system is null  or
1935          approverRecord2In.orig_system_id is null  then
1936         ame_approver_type_pkg.getApproverOrigSystemAndId(nameIn => approverRecord2In.name,
1937                                                    origSystemOut => tempOrigSystem,
1938                                                    origSystemIdOut => tempOrigSystemId);
1939       else
1940         tempOrigSystem := approverRecord2In.orig_system;
1941         tempOrigSystemId := approverRecord2In.orig_system_id;
1942       end if;
1943       if tempOrigSystem = ame_util.perOrigSystem then
1944         approverRecordOut.user_id := null;
1945         approverRecordOut.person_id := tempOrigSystemId;
1946         select pap.first_name
1947               ,pap.last_name
1948           into firstName
1949               ,lastName
1950           from  per_all_people_f      pap
1951                ,per_all_assignments_f pas
1952          where pap.person_id =  approverRecordOut.person_id
1953            and pap.person_id = pas.person_id
1954            and pas.primary_flag = 'Y'
1955            and pas.assignment_type in ('E','C')
1956            and pas.assignment_status_type_id not in
1957                     (select assignment_status_type_id
1958                      from per_assignment_status_types
1959                      where per_system_status = 'TERM_ASSIGN')
1960            and trunc(sysdate) between pas.effective_start_date and pas.effective_end_date
1961            and (
1962                   trunc(sysdate) between pap.effective_start_date and pap.effective_end_date
1963                or (pap.effective_start_date <= trunc(sysdate) and pap.effective_end_date is null)
1964                );
1965         approverRecordOut.first_name := firstName;
1966         approverRecordOut.last_name := lastName;
1967       elsif tempOrigSystem = ame_util.fndUserOrigSystem then
1968         approverRecordOut.user_id := tempOrigSystemId;
1969         approverRecordOut.person_id := null;
1970         select user_name
1971           into userName
1972           from fnd_user
1973           where user_id = approverRecordOut.user_id and
1974            (sysdate between start_date and end_date or
1975               (start_date <= sysdate and end_date is null));
1976         approverRecordOut.first_name := userName;
1977         approverRecordOut.last_name := null;
1978       else
1979         raise wrongOrigSystem;
1980       end if;
1981       approverRecordOut.api_insertion := approverRecord2In.api_insertion;
1982       approverRecordOut.authority := approverRecord2In.authority;
1983       approverRecordOut.approval_status := approverRecord2In.approval_status;
1984       approverRecordOut.approval_type_id := approverRecord2In.action_type_id;
1985       approverRecordOut.group_or_chain_id := approverRecord2In.group_or_chain_id;
1986       approverRecordOut.occurrence := approverRecord2In.occurrence;
1987       approverRecordOut.source := approverRecord2In.source;
1988     exception
1989       when wrongOrigSystem then
1990         errorCode := -20001;
1991         errorMessage := ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn => 'PER',
1992                                               messageNameIn => 'AME_400415_APPROVER_NOT_FOUND',
1993                                               tokenNameOneIn => 'ORIG_SYSTEM_ID',
1994                                               tokenValueOneIn => tempOrigSystem);
1995         ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
1996                             routineNameIn => 'apprRecord2ToApprRecord',
1997                             exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
1998                             exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
1999         raise_application_error(errorCode,
2000                                   errorMessage);
2001       when wrongCategory then
2002         errorCode := -20001;
2003         errorMessage := ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn => 'PER',
2004                                               messageNameIn => 'AME_400416_APPR_FYI',
2005                                               tokenNameOneIn => 'NAME',
2006                                               tokenValueOneIn =>approverRecord2In.name );
2007           ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
2008                             routineNameIn => 'apprRecord2ToApprRecord',
2009                             exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
2010                             exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
2011          raise_application_error(errorCode,
2012                                   errorMessage);
2013       when wrongItemClass then
2014         errorCode := -20001;
2015         errorMessage := ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn =>'PER',
2016                                             messageNameIn => 'AME_400417_APPR_NOT_HEADER_IC');
2017         ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
2018                             routineNameIn => 'apprRecord2ToApprRecord',
2019                             exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
2020                             exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
2021         raise_application_error(errorCode,
2022                                   errorMessage);
2023       when others then
2024           ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
2025                             routineNameIn => 'apprRecord2ToApprRecord',
2026                             exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
2027                             exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
2028          raise;
2029     end apprRecord2ToApprRecord;
2030 --
2031 -- This procedure will translate the approver table from type
2032 -- ame_util.approverTable to ame_util.approverTable2
2033 --
2034   procedure apprTableToApprTable2(approversTableIn in ame_util.approversTable,
2035                                   itemIdIn in varchar2 default null,
2036                                   approversTable2Out out nocopy ame_util.approversTable2) is
2037     ct integer;
2038     errorCode integer;
2039     errorMessage ame_util.longestStringType;
2040     wfName wf_roles.name%type;
2041     wfDisplayName wf_roles.display_name%type;
2042     tempOrigSystem wf_roles.orig_system%type;
2043     tempOrigSystemId wf_roles.orig_system_id%type;
2044     begin
2045         for ct in 1..approversTableIn.count loop
2046           if approversTableIn(ct).person_id is null then
2047             tempOrigSystem   := ame_util.fndUserOrigSystem;
2048             tempOrigSystemId := approversTableIn(ct).user_id;
2049           else
2050             tempOrigSystem   := ame_util.perOrigSystem;
2051             tempOrigSystemId := approversTableIn(ct).person_id;
2052           end if;
2053           approversTable2Out(ct).approver_category := ame_util.approvalApproverCategory ;
2054           approversTable2Out(ct).item_class := ame_util.headerItemClassName ;
2055           approversTable2Out(ct).item_id := itemIdIn ;
2056           approversTable2Out(ct).api_insertion := approversTableIn(ct).api_insertion;
2057           approversTable2Out(ct).authority := approversTableIn(ct).authority;
2058           approversTable2Out(ct).approval_status := approversTableIn(ct).approval_status;
2059           approversTable2Out(ct).action_type_id := approversTableIn(ct).approval_type_id;
2060           approversTable2Out(ct).group_or_chain_id := approversTableIn(ct).group_or_chain_id;
2061           approversTable2Out(ct).occurrence := approversTableIn(ct).occurrence;
2062           approversTable2Out(ct).source := approversTableIn(ct).source;
2063           if tempOrigSystem = ame_util.perOrigSystem then
2064             select name, display_name
2065               into wfName, wfDisplayName
2066               from wf_roles wf
2067                where orig_system = tempOrigSystem
2068                  and orig_system_id = tempOrigSystemId
2069                  and status = 'ACTIVE'
2070                  and (expiration_date is null or sysdate < expiration_date)
2071                  and exists (select null
2072                                from fnd_user u
2073                               where u.user_name = wf.name
2074                                 and trunc(sysdate) between u.start_date
2075                                 and nvl(u.end_date,trunc(sysdate)))
2076                  and not exists (
2077                       select null from wf_roles wf2
2078                        where wf.orig_system = wf2.orig_system
2079                          and wf.orig_system_id = wf2.orig_system_id
2080                          and wf.start_date > wf2.start_date
2081                                 )
2082                  and rownum < 2;
2083           elsif tempOrigSystem = ame_util.fndUserOrigSystem then
2084             select name
2085                   ,display_name
2086                   ,orig_system
2087                   ,orig_system_id
2088               into wfName
2089                   ,wfDisplayName
2090                   ,tempOrigSystem
2091                   ,tempOrigSystemId
2092               from wf_roles wf
2093              where wf.orig_system    in('FND_USR','PER')
2094                and wf.name in (select u.user_name
2095                                  from fnd_user u
2096                                 where u.user_id = tempOrigSystemId
2097                                   and trunc(sysdate) between u.start_date
2098                                   and nvl(u.end_date,trunc(sysdate)))
2099                and wf.status      = 'ACTIVE'
2100                and (wf.expiration_date is null or sysdate < wf.expiration_date)
2101                -- need not check for proxy user in this case
2102                and rownum < 2;
2103           end if;
2104           approversTable2Out(ct).orig_system    := tempOrigSystem;
2105           approversTable2Out(ct).orig_system_id := tempOrigSystemId;
2106           approversTable2Out(ct).name := wfName;
2107           approversTable2Out(ct).display_name := wfDisplayName;
2108           /* initialize all order numbers to 1 and approver_order_number to serial number */
2109           approversTable2Out(ct).item_class_order_number := 1;
2110           approversTable2Out(ct).item_order_number := 1;
2111           approversTable2Out(ct).sub_list_order_number := 1;
2112           approversTable2Out(ct).action_type_order_number := 1;
2113           approversTable2Out(ct).group_or_chain_order_number := 1;
2114           approversTable2Out(ct).member_order_number := 1;
2115           approversTable2Out(ct).approver_order_number := ct;
2116         end loop;
2117     exception
2118       when no_data_found then
2119         errorCode := -20001;
2120         errorMessage := ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn =>'PER',
2121                                             messageNameIn => 'AME_400249_API_APR_REC_NULL');
2122         ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
2123                             routineNameIn => 'apprTableToApprTable2',
2124                             exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
2125                             exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
2126         approversTable2Out.delete;
2127         raise_application_error(errorCode,
2128                                   errorMessage);
2129       when others then
2130           ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
2131                             routineNameIn => 'apprTableToApprTable2',
2132                             exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
2133                             exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
2134          approversTable2Out.delete;
2135          raise;
2136     end apprTableToApprTable2;
2137   --
2138   -- This procedure will translate the approver table from the new Type i.e.
2139   -- ame_util.approverTable2 to ame_util.approverTable
2140   --
2141   procedure apprTable2ToApprTable(approversTable2In in ame_util.approversTable2,
2142                                   approversTableOut out nocopy ame_util.approversTable) is
2143       ct integer;
2144       errorCode integer;
2145       errorMessage ame_util.longestStringType;
2146       errorWfName ame_util.stringType;
2147       firstName per_all_people_f.first_name%type;
2148       lastName per_all_people_f.last_name%type;
2149       tempOrigSystem ame_util.stringType;
2150       tempOrigSystemId integer;
2151       userName fnd_user.user_name%type;
2152       wrongCategory exception;
2153       wrongItemClass exception;
2154       wrongOrigSystem exception;
2155     begin
2156       for ct in 1..approversTable2In.count loop
2157         if approversTable2In(ct).approver_category<>ame_util.approvalApproverCategory then
2158           errorWfName := approversTable2In(ct).name;
2159           raise wrongCategory;
2160         end if;
2161       if approversTable2In(ct).item_class <> ame_util.headerItemClassName then
2162         raise wrongItemClass;
2163       end if;
2164         if approversTable2In(ct).orig_system is null  or
2165            approversTable2In(ct).orig_system_id is null  then
2166           ame_approver_type_pkg.getApproverOrigSystemAndId(nameIn => approversTable2In(ct).name,
2167                                                    origSystemOut => tempOrigSystem,
2168                                                    origSystemIdOut => tempOrigSystemId);
2169         else
2170           tempOrigSystem := approversTable2In(ct).orig_system;
2171           tempOrigSystemId := approversTable2In(ct).orig_system_id;
2172         end if;
2173         if tempOrigSystem = ame_util.perOrigSystem then
2174           approversTableOut(ct).user_id := null;
2175           approversTableOut(ct).person_id := tempOrigSystemId;
2176           select pap.first_name
2177                 ,pap.last_name
2178             into firstName
2179                 ,lastName
2180             from per_all_people_f     pap
2181                 ,per_all_assignments_f pas
2182            where pap.person_id =  approversTableOut(ct).person_id
2183              and pap.person_id = pas.person_id
2184              and pas.primary_flag    = 'Y'
2185              and pas.assignment_type in ('E','C')
2186              and pas.assignment_status_type_id not in
2187                       (select assignment_status_type_id
2188                        from per_assignment_status_types
2189                        where per_system_status = 'TERM_ASSIGN')
2190              and trunc(sysdate) between pas.effective_start_date and pas.effective_end_date
2191              and (
2192                     trunc(sysdate) between pap.effective_start_date and pap.effective_end_date
2193                  or (pap.effective_start_date <= trunc(sysdate) and pap.effective_end_date is null)
2194                  );
2195           approversTableOut(ct).first_name := firstName;
2196           approversTableOut(ct).last_name := lastName;
2197         elsif tempOrigSystem = ame_util.fndUserOrigSystem then
2198           approversTableOut(ct).user_id := tempOrigSystemId;
2199           approversTableOut(ct).person_id := null;
2200           select user_name
2201             into userName
2202             from fnd_user
2203             where user_id = approversTableOut(ct).user_id and
2204                  (sysdate between start_date and end_date or
2205                   (start_date <= sysdate and end_date is null));
2206           approversTableOut(ct).first_name := userName;
2207           approversTableOut(ct).last_name := null;
2208         else
2209           raise wrongOrigSystem;
2210         end if;
2211         approversTableOut(ct).api_insertion := approversTable2In(ct).api_insertion;
2212         approversTableOut(ct).authority := approversTable2In(ct).authority;
2213         approversTableOut(ct).approval_status := approversTable2In(ct).approval_status;
2214         approversTableOut(ct).approval_type_id := approversTable2In(ct).action_type_id;
2215         approversTableOut(ct).group_or_chain_id := approversTable2In(ct).group_or_chain_id;
2216         approversTableOut(ct).occurrence := approversTable2In(ct).occurrence;
2217         approversTableOut(ct).source := approversTable2In(ct).source;
2218       end loop;
2219     exception
2220       when wrongOrigSystem then
2221           errorCode := -20001;
2222           errorMessage := ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn => 'PER',
2223                                               messageNameIn => 'AME_400415_APPROVER_NOT_FOUND',
2224                                               tokenNameOneIn => 'ORIG_SYSTEM_ID',
2225                                               tokenValueOneIn => tempOrigSystem);
2226           ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
2227                             routineNameIn => 'apprTable2ToApprTable',
2228                             exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
2229                             exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
2230           approversTableOut.delete;
2231           raise_application_error(errorCode,
2232                                   errorMessage);
2233       when wrongCategory then
2234           errorCode := -20001;
2235           errorMessage := ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn => 'PER',
2236                                               messageNameIn => 'AME_400416_APPR_FYI',
2237                                               tokenNameOneIn => 'NAME',
2238                                               tokenValueOneIn =>errorWfName );
2239           ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
2240                              routineNameIn => 'apprTable2ToApprTable',
2241                              exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
2242                              exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
2243            approversTableOut.delete;
2244            raise_application_error(errorCode,
2245                                   errorMessage);
2246       when wrongItemClass then
2247         errorCode := -20001;
2248         errorMessage := ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn =>'PER',
2249                                             messageNameIn => 'AME_400417_APPR_NOT_HEADER_IC');
2250         ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
2251                             routineNameIn => 'apprTable2ToApprTable',
2252                             exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
2253                             exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
2254         approversTableOut.delete;
2255         raise_application_error(errorCode,
2256                                   errorMessage);
2257       when others then
2258             ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
2259                              routineNameIn => 'apprTable2ToApprTable',
2260                              exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
2261                              exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
2262            approversTableOut.delete;
2263     end apprTable2ToApprTable;
2264   procedure autonomousLog(logIdIn number,
2265                           packageNameIn in varchar2,
2266                           routineNameIn in varchar2,
2267                           exceptionNumberIn in integer,
2268                           exceptionStringIn in varchar2,
2269                           transactionIdIn in varchar2 default null,
2270                           applicationIdIn in integer default null) as
2271     pragma autonomous_transaction;
2272     begin
2273         insert into ame_exceptions_log(
2274           log_id,
2275           package_name,
2276           routine_name,
2277           transaction_id,
2278           application_id,
2279           exception_number,
2280           exception_string) values(
2281             logIdIn,
2282             substrb(packageNameIn, 1, 50),
2283             substrb(routineNameIn, 1, 50),
2284             transactionIdIn,
2285             applicationIdIn,
2286             exceptionNumberIn,
2287             substrb(to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY:MM:DD:HH24:MI:SS')||exceptionStringIn, 1, 4000));
2288         commit;
2289       exception
2290         when others then
2291           rollback;
2292           raise;
2293     end autonomousLog;
2294   procedure checkForSqlInjection(queryStringIn in varchar2) as
2295     errorCode integer;
2296     errorMessage ame_util.longestStringType;
2297     invalidStringException exception;
2298     keyword ame_util.stringType;
2299     keywordFoundException exception;
2300     keywords ame_util.stringList;
2301     lowerQueryString ame_util.longestStringType;
2302     tempLowerQueryString ame_util.longestStringType;
2303     tempConnectPos number ;
2304     begin
2305       if(upper(queryStringIn) like '%<SCRIPT>%') then
2306         raise invalidStringException;
2307       end if;
2308       lowerQueryString := removeReturns(stringIn => lower(queryStringIn),
2309                                         replaceWithSpaces => true);
2310       /* keywords lists all prohibited keywords, in lower case. */
2311       keywords(1) := 'delete';
2312       keywords(2) := 'insert';
2313       keywords(3) := 'update';
2314       keywords(4) := 'truncate';
2315       keywords(5) := 'drop';
2316       keywords(6) := 'grant';
2317       keywords(7) := 'execute';
2318       keywords(8) := 'set';
2319       keywords(9) := 'lock';
2320       keywords(10) := 'create';
2321       keywords(11) := 'alter';
2322       keywords(12) := 'commit';
2323       keywords(13) := 'connect';
2324       keywords(14) := 'rollback';
2325       keywords(15) := 'dbms_sql';
2326       keywords(16) := 'dbms_output';
2327       keywords(17) := 'htp';
2328       keywords(18) := 'htf';
2329       keywords(19) := 'owa_util';
2330       keywords(20) := 'owa_cookie';
2331       tempConnectPos := 0;
2332       for i in 1 .. keywords.count loop
2333         if lowerQueryString like 'connect '  or
2334           instrb(lowerQueryString, 'connect ') > 0 then
2335             tempLowerQueryString := lowerQueryString;
2336             tempLowerQueryString := replace(tempLowerQueryString,'	',' ');
2337             tempConnectPos := instrb(tempLowerQueryString,'connect ',1);
2338               while tempConnectPos > 0 loop
2339                 tempLowerQueryString := trim(substr(tempLowerQueryString,tempConnectPos +7));
2340                 if substrb(tempLowerQueryString,1,3) <> 'by ' then
2341                   keyword := 'connect';
2342                   raise keywordFoundException;
2343                 end if;
2344                 tempConnectPos := instrb(tempLowerQueryString,'connect ',1);
2345               end loop;
2346         elsif(lowerQueryString like (keywords(i) || ' ') or
2347               instrb(lowerQueryString, (keywords(i) || ' ')) > 0) then
2348           keyword := keywords(i);
2349           raise keywordFoundException;
2350         end if;
2351       end loop;
2352       exception
2353         when invalidStringException then
2354           errorCode := -20001;
2355           errorMessage :=
2356             ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn => 'PER',
2357                                 messageNameIn => 'AME_400456_NO_SCRIPT_TAG');
2358           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
2359                            routineNameIn => 'checkForSqlInjection',
2360                            exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
2361                            exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
2362           raise_application_error(errorCode,
2363                                   errorMessage);
2364         when keywordFoundException then
2365           errorCode := -20001;
2366           errorMessage := -- pa message
2367             'The following prohibited keyword occurs in the query you submitted:  ' ||
2368             keyword ||
2369             '.  ';
2370           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
2371                            routineNameIn => 'checkForSqlInjection',
2372                            exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
2373                            exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
2374           raise_application_error(errorCode, errorMessage);
2375         when others then
2376           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
2377                            routineNameIn => 'checkForSqlInjection',
2378                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
2379                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
2380           raise;
2381     end checkForSqlInjection;
2382   procedure compactIdList(idListInOut in out nocopy idList) as
2383     tempNextIndex integer;
2384     upperLimit integer;
2385     begin
2386       /* First, if the list is of size n, copy the list down into its first n slots. */
2387       upperLimit := idListInOut.count;
2388       if(upperLimit = 0) then
2389         return;
2390       end if;
2391       tempNextIndex := idListInOut.first;
2392       idListInOut(1) := idListInOut(tempNextIndex);
2393       if(upperLimit > 1) then
2394         for i in 2 .. upperLimit loop
2395           tempNextIndex := idListInOut.next(tempNextIndex);
2396           idListInOut(i) := idListInOut(tempNextIndex);
2397         end loop;
2398       end if;
2399       /* Second, delete all slots beyond the nth slot. */
2400       loop
2401         tempNextIndex := idListInOut.next(upperLimit);
2402         if(tempNextIndex is null) then
2403           exit;
2404         end if;
2405         idListInOut.delete(tempNextIndex);
2406       end loop;
2407       exception
2408         when others then
2409           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
2410                            routineNameIn => 'compactIdList',
2411                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
2412                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
2413           raise;
2414     end compactIdList;
2415   procedure compactLongestStringList(longestStringListInOut in out nocopy ame_util.longestStringList) as
2416     tempNextIndex integer;
2417     upperLimit integer;
2418     begin
2419       /* First, if the list is of size n, copy the list down into its first n slots. */
2420       upperLimit := longestStringListInOut.count;
2421       if(upperLimit = 0) then
2422         return;
2423       end if;
2424       tempNextIndex := longestStringListInOut.first;
2425       longestStringListInOut(1) := longestStringListInOut(tempNextIndex);
2426       if(upperLimit > 1) then
2427         for i in 2 .. upperLimit loop
2428           tempNextIndex := longestStringListInOut.next(tempNextIndex);
2429           longestStringListInOut(i) := longestStringListInOut(tempNextIndex);
2430         end loop;
2431       end if;
2432       /* Second, delete all slots beyond the nth slot. */
2433       loop
2434         tempNextIndex := longestStringListInOut.next(upperLimit);
2435         if(tempNextIndex is null) then
2436           exit;
2437         end if;
2438         longestStringListInOut.delete(tempNextIndex);
2439       end loop;
2440       exception
2441         when others then
2442           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
2443                            routineNameIn => 'compactLongestStringList',
2444                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
2445                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm );
2446           raise;
2447     end compactLongestStringList;
2448   procedure compactLongStringList(longStringListInOut in out nocopy ame_util.longStringList) as
2449     tempNextIndex integer;
2450     upperLimit integer;
2451     begin
2452       /* First, if the list is of size n, copy the list down into its first n slots. */
2453       upperLimit := longStringListInOut.count;
2454       if(upperLimit = 0) then
2455         return;
2456       end if;
2457       tempNextIndex := longStringListInOut.first;
2458       longStringListInOut(1) := longStringListInOut(tempNextIndex);
2459       if(upperLimit > 1) then
2460         for i in 2 .. upperLimit loop
2461           tempNextIndex := longStringListInOut.next(tempNextIndex);
2462           longStringListInOut(i) := longStringListInOut(tempNextIndex);
2463         end loop;
2464       end if;
2465       /* Second, delete all slots beyond the nth slot. */
2466       loop
2467         tempNextIndex := longStringListInOut.next(upperLimit);
2468         if(tempNextIndex is null) then
2469           exit;
2470         end if;
2471         longStringListInOut.delete(tempNextIndex);
2472       end loop;
2473       exception
2474         when others then
2475           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
2476                            routineNameIn => 'compactLongStringList',
2477                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
2478                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm );
2479           raise;
2480     end compactLongStringList;
2481   procedure compactStringList(stringListInOut in out nocopy ame_util.stringList) as
2482     tempNextIndex integer;
2483     upperLimit integer;
2484     begin
2485       /* First, if the list is of size n, copy the list down into its first n slots. */
2486       upperLimit := stringListInOut.count;
2487       if(upperLimit = 0) then
2488         return;
2489       end if;
2490       tempNextIndex := stringListInOut.first;
2491       stringListInOut(1) := stringListInOut(tempNextIndex);
2492       if(upperLimit > 1) then
2493         for i in 2 .. upperLimit loop
2494           tempNextIndex := stringListInOut.next(tempNextIndex);
2495           stringListInOut(i) := stringListInOut(tempNextIndex);
2496         end loop;
2497       end if;
2498       /* Second, delete all slots beyond the nth slot. */
2499       loop
2500         tempNextIndex := stringListInOut.next(upperLimit);
2501         if(tempNextIndex is null) then
2502           exit;
2503         end if;
2504         stringListInOut.delete(tempNextIndex);
2505       end loop;
2506       exception
2507         when others then
2508           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
2509                            routineNameIn => 'compactStringList',
2510                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
2511                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm );
2512           raise;
2513     end compactStringList;
2514   procedure convertApproversTableToValues(approversTableIn in ame_util.approversTable,
2515                                           personIdValuesOut out nocopy ame_util.idList,
2516                                           userIdValuesOut out nocopy ame_util.idList,
2517                                           apiInsertionValuesOut out nocopy ame_util.charList,
2518                                           authorityValuesOut out nocopy ame_util.charList,
2519                                           approvalTypeIdValuesOut out nocopy ame_util.idList,
2520                                           groupOrChainIdValuesOut out nocopy ame_util.idList,
2521                                           occurrenceValuesOut out nocopy ame_util.idList,
2522                                           sourceValuesOut out nocopy ame_util.longStringList,
2523                                           statusValuesOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList) as
2524     upperLimit integer;
2525     begin
2526       upperLimit := approversTableIn.count;
2527       for i in 1 .. upperLimit loop
2528         personIdValuesOut(i) := approversTableIn(i).person_id;
2529         userIdValuesOut(i) := approversTableIn(i).user_id;
2530         apiInsertionValuesOut(i) := approversTableIn(i).api_insertion;
2531         authorityValuesOut(i) := approversTableIn(i).authority;
2532         approvalTypeIdValuesOut(i) := approversTableIn(i).approval_type_id;
2533         groupOrChainIdValuesOut(i) := approversTableIn(i).group_or_chain_id;
2534         occurrenceValuesOut(i) := approversTableIn(i).occurrence;
2535         sourceValuesOut(i) := approversTableIn(i).source;
2536         statusValuesOut(i) := approversTableIn(i).approval_status;
2537       end loop;
2538       exception
2539         when others then
2540           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
2541                            routineNameIn => 'convertApproverTableToValues',
2542                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
2543                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
2544           apiInsertionValuesOut.delete;
2545           authorityValuesOut.delete;
2546           personIdValuesOut.delete;
2547           statusValuesOut.delete;
2548           userIdValuesOut.delete;
2549           approvalTypeIdValuesOut.delete;
2550           groupOrChainIdValuesOut.delete;
2551           occurrenceValuesOut.delete;
2552           sourceValuesOut.delete;
2553           raise;
2554     end convertApproversTableToValues;
2555   procedure convertApproversTable2ToValues(approversTableIn in ame_util.approversTable2,
2556                                            namesOut out nocopy ame_util.longStringList,
2557                                            itemClassesOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList,
2558                                            itemIdsOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList,
2559                                            apiInsertionsOut out nocopy ame_util.charList,
2560                                            authoritiesOut out nocopy ame_util.charList,
2561                                            actionTypeIdsOut out nocopy ame_util.idList,
2562                                            groupOrChainIdsOut out nocopy ame_util.idList,
2563                                            occurrencesOut out nocopy ame_util.idList,
2564                                            approverCategoriesOut out nocopy ame_util.charList,
2565                                            statusesOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList) as
2566     begin
2567       for i in 1 .. approversTableIn.count loop
2568         namesOut(i) := approversTableIn(i).name;
2569         itemClassesOut(i) := approversTableIn(i).item_class;
2570         itemIdsOut(i) := approversTableIn(i).item_id;
2571         apiInsertionsOut(i) := approversTableIn(i).api_insertion;
2572         authoritiesOut(i) := approversTableIn(i).authority;
2573         actionTypeIdsOut(i) := approversTableIn(i).action_type_id;
2574         groupOrChainIdsOut(i) := approversTableIn(i).group_or_chain_id;
2575         occurrencesOut(i) := approversTableIn(i).occurrence;
2576         approverCategoriesOut(i) := approversTableIn(i).approver_category;
2577         statusesOut(i) := approversTableIn(i).approval_status;
2578       end loop;
2579       exception
2580         when others then
2581           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
2582                            routineNameIn => 'convertApproversTable2ToValues',
2583                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
2584                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
2585           raise;
2586     end convertApproversTable2ToValues;
2587   procedure convertValuesToApproversTable(personIdValuesIn in ame_util.idList,
2588                                           userIdValuesIn in ame_util.idList,
2589                                           apiInsertionValuesIn in ame_util.charList,
2590                                           authorityValuesIn in ame_util.charList,
2591                                           approvalTypeIdValuesIn in ame_util.idList,
2592                                           groupOrChainIdValuesIn in ame_util.idList,
2593                                           occurrenceValuesIn in ame_util.idList,
2594                                           sourceValuesIn in ame_util.longStringList,
2595                                           statusValuesIn in ame_util.stringList,
2596                                           approversTableOut out nocopy ame_util.approversTable) as
2597     badCountException exception;
2598     errorCode integer;
2599     errorMessage ame_util.longestStringType;
2600     upperLimit integer;
2601     begin
2602       upperLimit := personIdValuesIn.count;
2603       if(upperLimit <> userIdValuesIn.count or
2604          upperLimit <> apiInsertionValuesIn.count or
2605          upperLimit <> authorityValuesIn.count or
2606          upperLimit <> approvalTypeIdValuesIn.count or
2607          upperLimit <> groupOrChainIdValuesIn.count or
2608          upperLimit <> occurrenceValuesIn.count or
2609          upperLimit <> sourceValuesIn.count or
2610          upperLimit <> statusValuesIn.count) then
2611         raise badCountException;
2612       end if;
2613       for i in 1 .. upperLimit loop
2614         approversTableOut(i).person_id := personIdValuesIn(i);
2615         approversTableOut(i).user_id := userIdValuesIn(i);
2616         approversTableOut(i).api_insertion := apiInsertionValuesIn(i);
2617         approversTableOut(i).authority := authorityValuesIn(i);
2618         approversTableOut(i).approval_type_id := approvalTypeIdValuesIn(i);
2619         approversTableOut(i).group_or_chain_id := groupOrChainIdValuesIn(i);
2620         approversTableOut(i).occurrence := occurrenceValuesIn(i);
2621         approversTableOut(i).source := sourceValuesIn(i);
2622         approversTableOut(i).approval_status := statusValuesIn(i);
2623         approversTableOut(i).first_name := null;
2624         approversTableOut(i).last_name := null;
2625       end loop;
2626       exception
2627         when badCountException then
2628           errorCode := -20001;
2629           errorMessage := ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn => 'PER',
2630                                               messageNameIn => 'AME_400222_UTL_TAB_DIFF_SIZE');
2631           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
2632                            routineNameIn => 'convertValuesToApproversTable',
2633                            exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
2634                            exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
2635           raise_application_error(errorCode, errorMessage);
2636         when others then
2637           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
2638                            routineNameIn => 'convertValuesToApproversTable',
2639                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
2640                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
2641           approversTableOut.delete;
2642           raise;
2643     end convertValuesToApproversTable;
2644   procedure convertValuesToApproversTable2(nameValuesIn in ame_util.longStringList,
2645                                           approverCategoryValuesIn in ame_util.charList,
2646                                           apiInsertionValuesIn in ame_util.charList,
2647                                           authorityValuesIn in ame_util.charList,
2648                                           approvalTypeIdValuesIn in ame_util.idList,
2649                                           groupOrChainIdValuesIn in ame_util.idList,
2650                                           occurrenceValuesIn in ame_util.idList,
2651                                           sourceValuesIn in ame_util.longStringList,
2652                                           statusValuesIn in ame_util.stringList,
2653                                           approversTableOut out nocopy ame_util.approversTable2) as
2654     badCountException exception;
2655     errorCode integer;
2656     errorMessage ame_util.longestStringType;
2657     upperLimit integer;
2658     begin
2659       upperLimit := nameValuesIn.count;
2660       if(upperLimit <> approverCategoryValuesIn.count or
2661          upperLimit <> apiInsertionValuesIn.count or
2662          upperLimit <> authorityValuesIn.count or
2663          upperLimit <> approvalTypeIdValuesIn.count or
2664          upperLimit <> groupOrChainIdValuesIn.count or
2665          upperLimit <> occurrenceValuesIn.count or
2666          upperLimit <> sourceValuesIn.count or
2667          upperLimit <> statusValuesIn.count) then
2668         raise badCountException;
2669       end if;
2670       for i in 1 .. upperLimit loop
2671         approversTableOut(i).name := nameValuesIn(i);
2672         approversTableOut(i).approver_category := approverCategoryValuesIn(i);
2673         approversTableOut(i).api_insertion := apiInsertionValuesIn(i);
2674         approversTableOut(i).authority := authorityValuesIn(i);
2675         approversTableOut(i).action_type_id := approvalTypeIdValuesIn(i);
2676         approversTableOut(i).group_or_chain_id := groupOrChainIdValuesIn(i);
2677         approversTableOut(i).occurrence := occurrenceValuesIn(i);
2678         approversTableOut(i).source := sourceValuesIn(i);
2679         approversTableOut(i).approval_status := statusValuesIn(i);
2680         approversTableOut(i).orig_system := null;
2681         approversTableOut(i).orig_system_id := null;
2682         approversTableOut(i).display_name := null;
2683       end loop;
2684       exception
2685         when badCountException then
2686           errorCode := -20001;
2687           errorMessage := ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn => 'PER',
2688                                               messageNameIn => 'AME_400222_UTL_TAB_DIFF_SIZE');
2689           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
2690                            routineNameIn => 'convertValuesToApproversTable',
2691                            exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
2692                            exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
2693           raise_application_error(errorCode, errorMessage);
2694         when others then
2695           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
2696                            routineNameIn => 'convertValuesToApproversTable',
2697                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
2698                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
2699           approversTableOut.delete;
2700           raise;
2701     end convertValuesToApproversTable2;
2702   procedure copyApproverRecord2(approverRecord2In in approverRecord2,
2703                                 approverRecord2Out out nocopy approverRecord2) as
2704     begin
2705       approverRecord2Out.name := approverRecord2In.name;
2706       approverRecord2Out.orig_system := approverRecord2In.orig_system;
2707       approverRecord2Out.orig_system_id := approverRecord2In.orig_system_id;
2708       approverRecord2Out.display_name := approverRecord2In.display_name;
2709       approverRecord2Out.approver_category := approverRecord2In.approver_category;
2710       approverRecord2Out.api_insertion := approverRecord2In.api_insertion;
2711       approverRecord2Out.authority := approverRecord2In.authority;
2712       approverRecord2Out.approval_status := approverRecord2In.approval_status;
2713       approverRecord2Out.action_type_id := approverRecord2In.action_type_id;
2714       approverRecord2Out.group_or_chain_id := approverRecord2In.group_or_chain_id;
2715       approverRecord2Out.occurrence := approverRecord2In.occurrence;
2716       approverRecord2Out.source := approverRecord2In.source;
2717       approverRecord2Out.item_class := approverRecord2In.item_class;
2718       approverRecord2Out.item_id := approverRecord2In.item_id;
2719       approverRecord2Out.item_class_order_number := approverRecord2In.item_class_order_number;
2720       approverRecord2Out.item_order_number := approverRecord2In.item_order_number;
2721       approverRecord2Out.sub_list_order_number := approverRecord2In.sub_list_order_number;
2722       approverRecord2Out.action_type_order_number := approverRecord2In.action_type_order_number;
2723       approverRecord2Out.group_or_chain_order_number := approverRecord2In.group_or_chain_order_number;
2724       approverRecord2Out.member_order_number := approverRecord2In.member_order_number;
2725       approverRecord2Out.approver_order_number := approverRecord2In.approver_order_number;
2726       exception
2727         when others then
2728           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
2729                            routineNameIn => 'copyApproverRecord2',
2730                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
2731                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
2732           raise;
2733     end copyApproverRecord2;
2734   procedure copyApproversTable2(approversTable2In in approversTable2,
2735                                 approversTable2Out out nocopy approversTable2) as
2736       tempIndex integer;
2737     begin
2738       tempIndex := approversTable2In.first;
2739       while (tempIndex is not null) loop
2740         approversTable2Out(tempIndex).name := approversTable2In(tempIndex).name;
2741         approversTable2Out(tempIndex).orig_system := approversTable2In(tempIndex).orig_system;
2742         approversTable2Out(tempIndex).orig_system_id := approversTable2In(tempIndex).orig_system_id;
2743         approversTable2Out(tempIndex).display_name := approversTable2In(tempIndex).display_name;
2744         approversTable2Out(tempIndex).approver_category := approversTable2In(tempIndex).approver_category;
2745         approversTable2Out(tempIndex).api_insertion := approversTable2In(tempIndex).api_insertion;
2746         approversTable2Out(tempIndex).authority := approversTable2In(tempIndex).authority;
2747         approversTable2Out(tempIndex).approval_status := approversTable2In(tempIndex).approval_status;
2748         approversTable2Out(tempIndex).action_type_id := approversTable2In(tempIndex).action_type_id;
2749         approversTable2Out(tempIndex).group_or_chain_id := approversTable2In(tempIndex).group_or_chain_id;
2750         approversTable2Out(tempIndex).occurrence := approversTable2In(tempIndex).occurrence;
2751         approversTable2Out(tempIndex).source := approversTable2In(tempIndex).source;
2752         approversTable2Out(tempIndex).item_class := approversTable2In(tempIndex).item_class;
2753         approversTable2Out(tempIndex).item_id := approversTable2In(tempIndex).item_id;
2754         approversTable2Out(tempIndex).item_class_order_number := approversTable2In(tempIndex).item_class_order_number;
2755         approversTable2Out(tempIndex).item_order_number := approversTable2In(tempIndex).item_order_number;
2756         approversTable2Out(tempIndex).sub_list_order_number := approversTable2In(tempIndex).sub_list_order_number;
2757         approversTable2Out(tempIndex).action_type_order_number := approversTable2In(tempIndex).action_type_order_number;
2758         approversTable2Out(tempIndex).group_or_chain_order_number := approversTable2In(tempIndex).group_or_chain_order_number;
2759         approversTable2Out(tempIndex).member_order_number := approversTable2In(tempIndex).member_order_number;
2760         approversTable2Out(tempIndex).approver_order_number := approversTable2In(tempIndex).approver_order_number;
2761         tempIndex := approversTable2In.next(tempIndex);
2762       end loop;
2763       exception
2764         when others then
2765           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
2766                            routineNameIn => 'copyApproversTable2',
2767                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
2768                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
2769           approversTable2Out.delete;
2770           raise;
2771     end copyApproversTable2;
2772   procedure copyCharList(charListIn in charList,
2773                          charListOut out nocopy charList) as
2774     tempIndex integer;
2775     begin
2776       tempIndex := charListIn.first;
2777       while (tempIndex is not null) loop
2778         charListOut(tempIndex) := charListIn(tempIndex);
2779         tempIndex := charListIn.next(tempIndex);
2780       end loop;
2781       exception
2782         when others then
2783           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
2784                            routineNameIn => 'copyCharList',
2785                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
2786                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
2787           charListOut.delete;
2788           raise;
2789     end copyCharList;
2790   procedure copyIdList(idListIn in idList,
2791                        idListOut out nocopy idList) as
2792     tempIndex integer;
2793     begin
2794       tempIndex := idListIn.first;
2795       while (tempIndex is not null) loop
2796         idListOut(tempIndex) := idListIn(tempIndex);
2797         tempIndex := idListIn.next(tempIndex);
2798       end loop;
2799       exception
2800         when others then
2801           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
2802                            routineNameIn => 'copyIdList',
2803                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
2804                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
2805           idListOut.delete;
2806           raise;
2807     end copyIdList;
2808   procedure copyLongStringList(longStringListIn in longStringList,
2809                                longStringListOut out nocopy longStringList) as
2810     tempIndex integer;
2811     begin
2812       tempIndex := longStringListIn.first;
2813       while (tempIndex is not null) loop
2814         longStringListOut(tempIndex) := longStringListIn(tempIndex);
2815         tempIndex := longStringListIn.next(tempIndex);
2816       end loop;
2817       exception
2818         when others then
2819           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
2820                            routineNameIn => 'copyLongStringList',
2821                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
2822                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
2823           longStringListOut.delete;
2824           raise;
2825     end copyLongStringList;
2826   procedure copyStringList(stringListIn in stringList,
2827                            stringListOut out nocopy stringList) as
2828     tempIndex integer;
2829     begin
2830       tempIndex := stringListIn.first;
2831       while (tempIndex is not null) loop
2832         stringListOut(tempIndex) := stringListIn(tempIndex);
2833         tempIndex := stringListIn.next(tempIndex);
2834       end loop;
2835       exception
2836         when others then
2837           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
2838                            routineNameIn => 'copyStringList',
2839                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
2840                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
2841           stringListOut.delete;
2842           raise;
2843     end copyStringList;
2844   procedure deserializeLongStringList(longStringListIn in varchar2,
2845                                       longStringListOut out nocopy longStringList) as
2846     currentRecordEnd integer;
2847     currentRecordStart integer;
2848     inputLength integer;
2849     tempIndex integer;
2850     recordDelimiter varchar2(1);
2851     begin
2852       recordDelimiter := ame_util.recordDelimiter;
2853       tempIndex := 0;
2854       currentRecordEnd := 0;
2855       inputLength := lengthb(longStringListIn);
2856       loop
2857         /* Find the next record or exit. */
2858         if(currentRecordEnd = inputLength) then
2859           exit;
2860         end if;
2861         currentRecordStart := currentRecordEnd + 1;
2862         currentRecordEnd := instrb(longStringListIn, recordDelimiter, currentRecordStart, 1);
2863         tempIndex := tempIndex + 1;
2864         longStringListOut(tempIndex) :=
2865           substrb(longStringListIn, currentRecordStart, currentRecordEnd - currentRecordStart);
2866       end loop;
2867       exception
2868         when others then
2869           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
2870                            routineNameIn => 'deserializeLongStringList',
2871                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
2872                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
2873           longStringListOut := emptyLongStringList;
2874           raise;
2875     end deserializeLongStringList;
2876   procedure getAllowedAppIds(applicationIdsOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList,
2877                              applicationNamesOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList) as
2878     cursor callingAppCursor is
2879       select
2880         application_id,
2881         application_name
2882       from ame_calling_apps
2883       where
2884         sysdate between start_date and
2885                  nvl(end_date - ame_util.oneSecond, sysdate)
2886       order by application_name;
2887     cursor securedAttributesCursor(userId in integer) is
2888       select
2889         ak_web_user_sec_attr_values.number_value,
2890         ame_calling_apps.application_name
2891       from ak_web_user_sec_attr_values,
2892            ame_calling_apps
2893         where ak_web_user_sec_attr_values.number_value = ame_calling_apps.application_id and
2894           web_user_id = userId and
2895           sysdate between ame_calling_apps.start_date and
2896                  nvl(ame_calling_apps.end_date - ame_util.oneSecond, sysdate)
2897       order by application_name;
2898     tempIndex integer;
2899     badRespException exception;
2900     noRespoTransException exception;
2901     noTransactionTypeException exception;
2902     errorCode integer;
2903     errorMessage ame_util.longestStringType;
2904     highestResponsibility integer;
2905     securedAttributeList icx_sec.g_num_tbl_type;
2906     responsibilityCount integer;
2907     responsibilityList icx_sec.g_responsibility_list;
2908     userId fnd_user.user_id%type;
2909     begin
2910       highestResponsibility := getHighestResponsibility;
2911       userId := fnd_global.user_id;
2912       tempIndex := 1;
2913       if highestResponsibility = ame_util.noResponsibility then
2914         applicationIdsOut := ame_util.emptyStringList;
2915         applicationNamesOut := ame_util.emptyStringList;
2916       elsif highestResponsibility = ame_util.limBusResponsibility then
2917           for securedAttributes in securedAttributesCursor(userId => userId)  loop
2918           /* The explicit conversion below lets nocopy work. */
2919           applicationIdsOut(tempIndex) := to_char(securedAttributes.number_value);
2920           applicationNamesOut(tempIndex) := securedAttributes.application_name;
2921           tempIndex := tempIndex + 1;
2922         end loop;
2923         if tempIndex = 1 then
2924           raise noRespoTransException;
2925         end if;
2926       elsif
2927         (highestResponsibility = ame_util.genBusResponsibility or
2928          highestResponsibility = ame_util.appAdminResponsibility or
2929          highestResponsibility = ame_util.developerResponsibility) then
2930           for tempApp in callingAppCursor loop
2931            /* The explicit conversion below lets nocopy work. */
2932            applicationIdsOut(tempIndex) := to_char(tempApp.application_id);
2933            applicationNamesOut(tempIndex) := tempApp.application_name;
2934            tempIndex := tempIndex + 1;
2935           end loop;
2936         if tempIndex = 1 then
2937           raise noTransactionTypeException;
2938         end if;
2939       else
2940         raise badRespException;
2941       end if;
2942       exception
2943         when noRespoTransException then
2944           errorCode := -20001;
2945           errorMessage :=
2946           ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn => 'PER',
2947                               messageNameIn => 'AME_400133_UIN_NO_APPL_ACC');
2948           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
2949                            routineNameIn => 'getAllowedAppIds',
2950                            exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
2951                            exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
2952           raise_application_error(errorCode,
2953                                   errorMessage);
2954         when noTransactionTypeException then
2955           errorCode := -20001;
2956           errorMessage :=
2957           ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn => 'PER',
2958                               messageNameIn => 'AME_400321_UIN_NO_TRANS_TYPE');
2959           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
2960                            routineNameIn => 'getAllowedAppIds',
2961                            exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
2962                            exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
2963           raise_application_error(errorCode,
2964                                   errorMessage);
2965         when badRespException then
2966           errorCode := -20001;
2967           errorMessage :=
2968           ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn => 'PER',
2969                               messageNameIn => 'AME_400223_UTL_UNREC_ERROR');
2970           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
2971                            routineNameIn => 'getAllowedAppIds',
2972                            exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
2973                            exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
2974           raise_application_error(errorCode,
2975                                   errorMessage);
2976         when others then
2977           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
2978                            routineNameIn => 'getAllowedAppIds',
2979                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
2980                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
2981           applicationIdsOut := emptyStringList;
2982           applicationNamesOut := emptyStringList;
2983           raise;
2984     end getAllowedAppIds;
2985   procedure getApplicationList(applicationListOut out nocopy idStringTable) as
2986     cursor callingAppCursor is
2987       select
2988         application_id,
2989         application_name
2990       from ame_calling_apps
2991       where
2992         sysdate between start_date and
2993                  nvl(end_date - ame_util.oneSecond, sysdate)
2994       order by application_name;
2995       tempIndex integer;
2996     begin
2997       tempIndex := 1;
2998       for tempApp in callingAppCursor loop
2999         applicationListOut(tempIndex).id := tempApp.application_id;
3000         applicationListOut(tempIndex).string := tempApp.application_name;
3001         tempIndex := tempIndex + 1;
3002       end loop;
3003       exception
3004         when others then
3005           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
3006                            routineNameIn => 'getApplicationList',
3007                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
3008                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
3009           applicationListOut := emptyIdStringTable;
3010           raise;
3011     end getApplicationList;
3012   procedure getApplicationList2(applicationIdListOut out nocopy stringList,
3013                                 applicationNameListOut out nocopy stringList) as
3014     cursor callingAppCursor is
3015       select
3016         application_id,
3017         application_name
3018       from ame_calling_apps
3019       where
3020         sysdate between start_date and
3021                  nvl(end_date - ame_util.oneSecond, sysdate)
3022       order by application_name;
3023       tempIndex integer;
3024     begin
3025       tempIndex := 1;
3026       for tempApp in callingAppCursor loop
3027         /* The explicit conversion below lets nocopy work. */
3028         applicationIdListOut(tempIndex) := to_char(tempApp.application_id);
3029         applicationNameListOut(tempIndex) := tempApp.application_name;
3030         tempIndex := tempIndex + 1;
3031       end loop;
3032       exception
3033         when others then
3034           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
3035                            routineNameIn => 'getApplicationList2',
3036                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
3037                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
3038           applicationIdListOut := emptyStringList;
3039           applicationNameListOut := emptyStringList;
3040           raise;
3041     end getApplicationList2;
3042   procedure getApplicationList3(applicationIdIn in integer,
3043                                 applicationIdListOut out nocopy stringList,
3044                                 applicationNameListOut out nocopy stringList) as
3045     cursor callingAppCursor(applicationIdIn in integer) is
3046       select
3047         application_id,
3048         application_name
3049       from ame_calling_apps
3050       where
3051        application_id <> applicationIdIn and
3052        sysdate between start_date and
3053                  nvl(end_date - ame_util.oneSecond, sysdate)
3054       order by application_name;
3055       tempIndex integer;
3056     begin
3057       tempIndex := 1;
3058       for tempApp in callingAppCursor(applicationIdIn => applicationIdIn) loop
3059         /* The explicit conversion below lets nocopy work. */
3060         applicationIdListOut(tempIndex) := to_char(tempApp.application_id);
3061         applicationNameListOut(tempIndex) := tempApp.application_name;
3062         tempIndex := tempIndex + 1;
3063       end loop;
3064       exception
3065         when others then
3066           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
3067                            routineNameIn => 'getApplicationList3',
3068                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
3069                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
3070           applicationIdListOut := emptyStringList;
3071           applicationNameListOut := emptyStringList;
3072           raise;
3073     end getApplicationList3;
3074   procedure getConversionTypes(conversionTypesOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList) as
3075     cursor conversionTypeCursor is
3076       select distinct conversion_type
3077         from gl_daily_conversion_types;
3078     tempIndex integer;
3079     begin
3080       tempIndex := 1;
3081       for tempType in conversionTypeCursor loop
3082         conversionTypesOut(tempIndex) := tempType.conversion_type;
3083         tempIndex := tempIndex + 1;
3084       end loop;
3085       exception
3086         when others then
3087           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
3088                            routineNameIn => 'getConversionTypes',
3089                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
3090                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
3091           conversionTypesOut := emptyStringList;
3092           raise;
3093     end getConversionTypes;
3094   procedure getCurrencyCodes(currencyCodesOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList) as
3095     cursor codeCursor is
3096       select currency_code
3097         from fnd_currencies_active_v;
3098     tempIndex integer;
3099     begin
3100       tempIndex := 1;
3101       for tempCurrencyCode in codeCursor loop
3102         currencyCodesOut(tempIndex) := tempCurrencyCode.currency_code;
3103         tempIndex := tempIndex + 1;
3104       end loop;
3105       exception
3106         when others then
3107           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
3108                            routineNameIn => 'getCurrencyCodes',
3109                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
3110                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
3111           currencyCodesOut := emptyStringList;
3112           raise;
3113     end getCurrencyCodes;
3114   procedure getCurrencies(currencyCodesOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList,
3115                           currencyNamesOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList) as
3116     cursor currencyCursor is
3117       select
3118         name,
3119         currency_code
3120         from
3121           fnd_currencies_active_v
3122         order by currency_code;
3123     tempIndex integer;
3124     begin
3125       tempIndex := 1;
3126       for tempCurrency in currencyCursor loop
3127         currencyCodesOut(tempIndex) := tempCurrency.currency_code;
3128         currencyNamesOut(tempIndex) :=
3129           tempCurrency.currency_code ||
3130           ' (' || tempCurrency.name || ')';
3131         tempIndex := tempIndex + 1;
3132       end loop;
3133       exception
3134         when others then
3135           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
3136                            routineNameIn => 'getCurrencies',
3137                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
3138                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
3139           currencyCodesOut := emptyStringList;
3140           currencyCodesOut := ame_util.emptyStringList;
3141           currencyNamesOut := ame_util.emptyStringList;
3142           raise;
3143     end getCurrencies;
3144   procedure getFndApplicationId(applicationIdIn in integer,
3145                                 fndApplicationIdOut out nocopy integer,
3146                                 transactionTypeIdOut out nocopy varchar2) as
3147     begin
3148       select
3149         fnd_application_id,
3150         transaction_type_id
3151         into
3152           fndApplicationIdOut,
3153           transactionTypeIdOut
3154         from ame_calling_apps
3155         where
3156           application_id = applicationIdIn and
3157           /* Don't use tempEffectiveRuleDate here. */
3158           sysdate between
3159             start_date and
3160             nvl(end_date - ame_util.oneSecond, sysdate);
3161       exception
3162         when others then
3163           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
3164                            routineNameIn => 'getFndApplicationId',
3165                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
3166                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
3167           fndApplicationIdOut := null;
3168           transactionTypeIdOut := null;
3169           raise;
3170     end getFndApplicationId;
3171   procedure getWorkflowAttributeValues(applicationIdIn in integer,
3172                                        transactionIdIn in varchar2,
3173                                        workflowItemKeyOut out nocopy varchar2,
3174                                        workflowItemTypeOut out nocopy varchar2) as
3175     attributeName ame_attributes.name%type;
3176     dynamicQuery varchar2(4000);
3177     errorCode integer;
3178     errorMessage longestStringType;
3179     workflowItemKeyAttId integer;
3180     workflowItemTypeAttId integer;
3181     begin
3182       /* Fetch the Workflow item key. */
3183       attributeName := workflowItemKeyAttribute;
3184       workflowItemKeyAttId := ame_attribute_pkg.getIdByName(attributeNameIn => ame_util.workflowItemKeyAttribute);
3185       dynamicQuery := ame_attribute_pkg.getQueryString(attributeIdIn => workflowItemKeyAttId,
3186                                                        applicationIdIn => applicationIdIn);
3187       if(ame_attribute_pkg.getStaticUsage(attributeIdIn => workflowItemKeyAttId,
3188                                           applicationIdIn => applicationIdIn) = ame_util.booleanTrue) then
3189         workflowItemKeyOut := dynamicQuery;
3190       else
3191         if(instrb(dynamicQuery, ame_util.transactionIdPlaceholder) = 0) then /* The bind variable is not present. */
3192           execute immediate dynamicQuery into workflowItemKeyOut;
3193         else /* The bind variable is present. */
3194           execute immediate dynamicQuery into workflowItemKeyOut using in transactionIdIn;
3195         end if;
3196       end if;
3197       /* Fetch the Workflow item type. */
3198       attributeName := workflowItemTypeAttribute;
3199       workflowItemTypeAttId := ame_attribute_pkg.getIdByName(attributeNameIn => ame_util.workflowItemTypeAttribute);
3200       dynamicQuery := ame_attribute_pkg.getQueryString(attributeIdIn => workflowItemTypeAttId,
3201                                                        applicationIdIn => applicationIdIn);
3202       if(ame_attribute_pkg.getStaticUsage(attributeIdIn => workflowItemTypeAttId,
3203                                           applicationIdIn => applicationIdIn) = ame_util.booleanTrue) then
3204         workflowItemTypeOut := dynamicQuery;
3205       else
3206         if(instrb(dynamicQuery, ame_util.transactionIdPlaceholder) = 0) then /* The bind variable is not present. */
3207           execute immediate dynamicQuery into workflowItemTypeOut;
3208         else /* The bind variable is present. */
3209           execute immediate dynamicQuery into workflowItemTypeOut using in transactionIdIn;
3210         end if;
3211       end if;
3212       exception
3213         when others then
3214           errorCode := -20001;
3215           errorMessage :=
3216           ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn => 'PER',
3217             messageNameIn     => 'AME_400224_UTL_INV_ATT_QRY_STG',
3218             tokenNameOneIn    => 'ATTRIBUTE',
3219             tokenValueOneIn   => attributeName,
3220             tokenNameTwoIn    => 'SQLCODE',
3221             tokenValueTwoIn   => sqlcode,
3222             tokenNameThreeIn  => 'SQLERRM',
3223             tokenValueThreeIn => sqlerrm);
3224           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
3225                            routineNameIn => 'getWorkflowAttributeValues',
3226                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
3227                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
3228           workflowItemKeyOut := null;
3229           workflowItemTypeOut := null;
3230           raise_application_error(errorCode,
3231                                   errorMessage);
3232     end getWorkflowAttributeValues;
3233   procedure identArrToIdList(identArrIn in owa_util.ident_arr,
3234                              startIndexIn in integer default 2,
3235                              idListOut out nocopy idList) as
3236     identArrLimit integer;
3237       begin
3238           identArrLimit := identArrIn.last;
3239           for tempIndex in startIndexIn .. identArrLimit loop
3240               idListOut(tempIndex - startIndexIn + 1) := to_number(identArrIn(tempIndex));
3241           end loop;
3242       exception
3243         when others then
3244           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
3245                            routineNameIn => 'identArrToIdList',
3246                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
3247                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
3248           raise;
3249       end identArrToIdList;
3250   procedure identArrToLongestStringList(identArrIn in owa_util.ident_arr,
3251                                         startIndexIn in integer default 2,
3252                                         longestStringListOut out nocopy longestStringList) as
3253     identArrLimit integer;
3254       begin
3255           identArrLimit := identArrIn.last;
3256           for tempIndex in startIndexIn .. identArrLimit loop
3257               longestStringListOut(tempIndex - startIndexIn + 1) := identArrIn(tempIndex);
3258           end loop;
3259       exception
3260         when others then
3261           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
3262                            routineNameIn => 'identArrToLongestStringList',
3263                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
3264                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
3265           raise;
3266       end identArrToLongestStringList;
3267   procedure identArrToStringList(identArrIn in owa_util.ident_arr,
3268                                  startIndexIn in integer default 2,
3269                                  stringListOut out nocopy stringList) as
3270     identArrLimit integer;
3271       begin
3272           identArrLimit := identArrIn.last;
3273           for tempIndex in startIndexIn .. identArrLimit loop
3274               stringListOut(tempIndex - startIndexIn + 1) := identArrIn(tempIndex);
3275           end loop;
3276       exception
3277         when others then
3278           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
3279                            routineNameIn => 'identArrToStringList',
3280                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
3281                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
3282           raise;
3283       end identArrToStringList;
3284   procedure idListToStringList(idListIn in idList,
3285                                stringListOut out nocopy stringList) as
3286     tempIndex integer;
3287     tempIndex2 integer;
3288     begin
3289       tempIndex := idListIn.first;
3290       tempIndex2 := 0;
3291       loop
3292         if(tempIndex is null) then
3293           exit;
3294         end if;
3295         tempIndex2 := tempIndex2 + 1;
3296         stringListOut(tempIndex2) := to_char(idListIn(tempIndex));
3297         tempIndex := idListIn.next(tempIndex);
3298       end loop;
3299       exception
3300         when others then
3301           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
3302                            routineNameIn => 'idListToStringList',
3303                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
3304                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
3305           raise;
3306     end idListToStringList;
3307    procedure insTable2ToInsTable(insertionsTable2In in ame_util.insertionsTable2,
3308                                  insertionsTableOut out nocopy ame_util.insertionsTable) as
3309     errorCode integer;
3310     errorMessage ame_util.longestStringType;
3311        tempInteger1 integer;
3312        tempInteger2 integer;
3313        tempIndex integer;
3314        insertionTargetActionId ame_util.StringType;
3315        insertionTargetApprover ame_util.longStringType;
3316        insertionTargetGrpChainId ame_util.longStringType;
3317        insertionTargetItemClass ame_util.StringType;
3318        insertionTargetItemId ame_util.StringType;
3319        insertionTargetOccurrence ame_util.StringType;
3320        tempOrigSystem ame_util.stringType;
3321        apprName ame_util.longStringType;
3322        unchgParam ame_util.longStringType;
3323        wrongOrigSystem exception;
3324        wrongItemClass exception;
3325      begin
3326        for i in 1..insertionsTable2In.count loop
3327          if insertionsTable2In(i).item_class <> ame_util.headerItemClassName then
3328            raise wrongItemClass;
3329          end if;
3330          insertionsTableOut(i).order_type := insertionsTable2In(i).order_type ;
3331          insertionsTableOut(i).api_insertion := insertionsTable2In(i).api_insertion ;
3332          insertionsTableOut(i).authority := insertionsTable2In(i).authority ;
3333          insertionsTableOut(i).description := insertionsTable2In(i).description ;
3334          if (insertionsTableOut(i).order_type = ame_util.absoluteOrder) then
3335            /* The parameter is unchanged */
3336            insertionsTableOut(i).parameter := insertionsTable2In(i).parameter ;
3337          elsif (insertionsTableOut(i).order_type in (ame_util.afterApprover,ame_util.beforeApprover)) then
3338            /* The in parameter has the format :
3339                    approvers(positionIn - 1).name || ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3340                    approvers(positionIn - 1).item_class || ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3341                    approvers(positionIn - 1).item_id || ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3342                    approvers(positionIn - 1).action_type_id || ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3343                    approvers(positionIn - 1).group_or_chain_id || ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3344                    approvers(positionIn - 1).occurrence;
3345               the out parameter has the format :
3346                    {ame_util.approverUserId,ame_util.approverPersonId} || ':' ||
3347                    {approverList(positionIn - 1).user_id, approverList(positionIn - 1).person_id}
3348                    ':' || approverList(positionIn - 1).approval_type_id || ':' ||
3349                    approverList(positionIn - 1).group_or_chain_id || ':' ||
3350                    approverList(positionIn - 1).occurrence; */
3351            tempInteger1 := instrb(insertionsTable2In(i).parameter,ame_util.fieldDelimiter,  1);
3352            insertionTargetApprover := substrb(insertionsTable2In(i).parameter, 1, tempInteger1 - 1);
3353            tempInteger1 := tempInteger1 + 1;
3354            tempInteger2 := instrb(insertionsTable2In(i).parameter, ame_util.fieldDelimiter, tempInteger1);
3355            insertionTargetItemClass := substrb(insertionsTable2In(i).parameter, tempInteger1, tempInteger2 - tempInteger1);
3356            tempInteger1 := tempInteger2 + 1;
3357            tempInteger2 := instrb(insertionsTable2In(i).parameter, ame_util.fieldDelimiter, tempInteger1);
3358            insertionTargetItemId := substrb(insertionsTable2In(i).parameter, tempInteger1, tempInteger2 - tempInteger1);
3359            tempInteger1 := tempInteger2 + 1;
3360            tempInteger2 := instrb(insertionsTable2In(i).parameter, ame_util.fieldDelimiter, tempInteger1);
3361            insertionTargetActionId := substrb(insertionsTable2In(i).parameter, tempInteger1, tempInteger2 - tempInteger1);
3362            tempInteger1 := tempInteger2 + 1;
3363            tempInteger2 := instrb(insertionsTable2In(i).parameter, ame_util.fieldDelimiter, tempInteger1);
3364            insertionTargetGrpChainId := substrb(insertionsTable2In(i).parameter, tempInteger1, tempInteger2 - tempInteger1);
3365            tempInteger1 := tempInteger2 + 1;
3366            tempInteger2 := instrb(insertionsTable2In(i).parameter, ame_util.fieldDelimiter, tempInteger1);
3367            insertionTargetOccurrence := substrb(insertionsTable2In(i).parameter, tempInteger1);
3368            ame_approver_type_pkg.getApproverOrigSystemAndId(nameIn => insertionTargetApprover,
3369                                                             origSystemOut => tempOrigSystem,
3370                                                             origSystemIdOut => tempIndex);
3371            if tempOrigSystem = ame_util.perOrigSystem then
3372              tempOrigSystem := ame_util.approverPersonId ;
3373            elsif tempOrigSystem = ame_util.fndUserOrigSystem then
3374              tempOrigSystem := ame_util.approverUserId;
3375            else
3376              raise wrongOrigSystem;
3377            end if;
3378            insertionsTableOut(i).parameter := tempOrigSystem || ':' ||  tempIndex || ':' ||
3379                          insertionTargetActionId || ':' || insertionTargetGrpChainId || ':' ||
3380                          insertionTargetOccurrence ;
3381          elsif (insertionsTableOut(i).order_type = ame_util.firstPreApprover) then
3382            /* the out parameter has the format :
3383                            ame_util.firstPreApprover
3384            */
3385            insertionsTableOut(i).parameter := ame_util.firstPreApprover;
3386          elsif (insertionsTableOut(i).order_type = ame_util.lastPreApprover) then
3387            /* the out parameter has the format :
3388                            ame_util.lastPreApprover
3389            */
3390            insertionsTableOut(i).parameter := ame_util.lastPreApprover;
3391          elsif (insertionsTableOut(i).order_type = ame_util.firstPostApprover) then
3392            /* the out parameter has the format :
3393                            ame_util.firstPostApprover
3394            */
3395            insertionsTableOut(i).parameter := ame_util.firstPostApprover;
3396          elsif (insertionsTableOut(i).order_type = ame_util.lastPostApprover) then
3397            /* the out parameter has the format :
3398                            ame_util.lastPostApprover
3399            */
3400            insertionsTableOut(i).parameter := ame_util.lastPostApprover;
3401          elsif (insertionsTableOut(i).order_type = ame_util.firstAuthority) then
3402            /* the out parameter has the format :
3403                            ame_util.firstAuthority
3404            */
3405            insertionsTableOut(i).parameter := ame_util.firstAuthority;
3406          end if;
3407        end loop;
3408     exception
3409       when wrongOrigSystem then
3410         errorCode := -20001;
3411         errorMessage := ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn => 'PER',
3412                                               messageNameIn => 'AME_400415_APPROVER_NOT_FOUND',
3413                                               tokenNameOneIn => 'ORIG_SYSTEM_ID',
3414                                               tokenValueOneIn => tempOrigSystem);
3415         ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
3416                             routineNameIn => 'insTable2ToInsTable',
3417                             exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
3418                             exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
3419         raise_application_error(errorCode,
3420                                   errorMessage);
3421       when wrongItemClass then
3422         errorCode := -20001;
3423         errorMessage := ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn =>'PER',
3424                                             messageNameIn => 'AME_400417_APPR_NOT_HEADER_IC');
3425         ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
3426                             routineNameIn => 'insTable2ToInsTable',
3427                             exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
3428                             exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
3429         raise_application_error(errorCode,
3430                                   errorMessage);
3431       when others then
3432           ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
3433                             routineNameIn => 'insTable2ToInsTable',
3434                             exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
3435                             exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
3436          raise;
3437      end insTable2ToInsTable;
3438    procedure insTableToInsTable2(insertionsTableIn in ame_util.insertionsTable,
3439                                  transactionIdIn in varchar2,
3440                                  insertionsTable2Out out nocopy ame_util.insertionsTable2) as
3441     errorCode integer;
3442     errorMessage ame_util.longestStringType;
3443        tempInteger1 integer;
3444        tempInteger2 integer;
3445        tempIndex integer;
3446        insertionTargetActionId ame_util.StringType;
3447        insertionTargetApprover ame_util.longStringType;
3448        insertionTargetGrpChainId ame_util.longStringType;
3449        insertionTargetItemClass ame_util.StringType;
3450        insertionTargetItemId ame_util.StringType;
3451        insertionTargetOccurrence ame_util.StringType;
3452        tempOrigSystem ame_util.stringType;
3453        apprName ame_util.longStringType;
3454        wrongOrigSystem exception;
3455      begin
3456        for i in 1..insertionsTableIn.count loop
3457          insertionsTable2Out(i).item_class := ame_util.headerItemClassName ;
3458          insertionsTable2Out(i).item_id := transactionIdIn ;
3459          insertionsTable2Out(i).order_type := insertionsTableIn(i).order_type ;
3460          insertionsTable2Out(i).api_insertion := insertionsTableIn(i).api_insertion ;
3461          insertionsTable2Out(i).authority := insertionsTableIn(i).authority ;
3462          insertionsTable2Out(i).description := insertionsTableIn(i).description ;
3463          insertionsTable2Out(i).action_type_id := ame_util.nullInsertionActionTypeId ;
3464          insertionsTable2Out(i).group_or_chain_id := ame_util.nullInsertionGroupOrChainId ;
3465          if (insertionsTable2Out(i).order_type = ame_util.absoluteOrder) then
3466            /* The parameter is unchanged */
3467            insertionsTable2Out(i).parameter := insertionsTableIn(i).parameter ;
3468          elsif (insertionsTable2Out(i).order_type in (ame_util.afterApprover,ame_util.beforeApprover)) then
3469            /* The in parameter has the format :
3470                    {ame_util.approverUserId,ame_util.approverPersonId} || ':' ||
3471                    {approverList(positionIn - 1).user_id, approverList(positionIn - 1).person_id}
3472                    ':' || approverList(positionIn - 1).approval_type_id || ':' ||
3473                    approverList(positionIn - 1).group_or_chain_id || ':' ||
3474                    approverList(positionIn - 1).occurrence;
3475               the out parameter has the format :
3476                    approvers(positionIn - 1).name || ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3477                    approvers(positionIn - 1).item_class || ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3478                    approvers(positionIn - 1).item_id || ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3479                    approvers(positionIn - 1).action_type_id || ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3480                    approvers(positionIn - 1).group_or_chain_id || ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3481                    approvers(positionIn - 1).occurrence;
3482            */
3483            tempInteger1 := instrb(insertionsTableIn(i).parameter, ':', 1, 1);
3484            insertionTargetApprover := substrb(insertionsTableIn(i).parameter, 1, tempInteger1 - 1);
3485            tempInteger1 := tempInteger1 + 1;
3486            tempInteger2 := instrb(insertionsTableIn(i).parameter, ':', tempInteger1, 1);
3487            tempIndex := to_number(substrb(insertionsTableIn(i).parameter, tempInteger1, tempInteger2 - tempInteger1));
3488            if insertionTargetApprover = ame_util.approverPersonId then
3489              tempOrigSystem := ame_util.perOrigSystem;
3490            elsif insertionTargetApprover = ame_util.approverUserId then
3491              tempOrigSystem := ame_util.fndUserOrigSystem;
3492            else
3493              raise wrongOrigSystem;
3494            end if;
3495            apprName:= ame_approver_type_pkg.getWfRolesName(origSystemIn => tempOrigSystem,
3496                                                            origSystemIdIn=>tempIndex);
3497            insertionTargetItemClass := ame_util.headerItemClassName;
3498            insertionTargetItemId := transactionIdIn;
3499            tempInteger1 := tempInteger2 + 1;
3500            tempInteger2 := instrb(insertionsTableIn(i).parameter, ':', tempInteger1, 1);
3501            insertionTargetActionId := substrb(insertionsTableIn(i).parameter, tempInteger1, tempInteger2 - tempInteger1);
3502            tempInteger1 := tempInteger2 + 1;
3503            tempInteger2 := instrb(insertionsTableIn(i).parameter, ':', tempInteger1, 1);
3504            insertionTargetGrpChainId := substrb(insertionsTableIn(i).parameter, tempInteger1, tempInteger2 - tempInteger1);
3505            tempInteger1 := tempInteger2 + 1;
3506            tempInteger2 := instrb(insertionsTableIn(i).parameter, ':', tempInteger1, 1);
3507            insertionTargetOccurrence := substrb(insertionsTableIn(i).parameter, tempInteger1, tempInteger2 - tempInteger1);
3508            insertionsTable2Out(i).parameter := apprName || ame_util.fieldDelimiter || insertionTargetItemClass||
3509                            ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||insertionTargetItemId||
3510                            ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||insertionTargetActionId ||
3511                            ame_util.fieldDelimiter || insertionTargetGrpChainId ||
3512                            ame_util.fieldDelimiter||insertionTargetOccurrence;
3513            insertionsTable2Out(i).action_type_id := insertionTargetActionId;
3514            insertionsTable2Out(i).group_or_chain_id := insertionTargetGrpChainId;
3515          elsif (insertionsTable2Out(i).order_type = ame_util.firstPreApprover) then
3516            /* the in parameter has the format :
3517                            ame_util.firstPreApprover
3518               the out format is:
3519                            ame_util.firstPreApprover ||
3520                            ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3521                            ame_util.headerItemClassName ||
3522                            ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3523                            transactionIdIn;
3524            */
3525            insertionsTable2Out(i).parameter := ame_util.firstPreApprover ||
3526                                                ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3527                                                ame_util.headerItemClassName ||
3528                                                ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3529                                                transactionIdIn;
3530          elsif (insertionsTable2Out(i).order_type = ame_util.lastPreApprover) then
3531            /* the in parameter has the format :
3532                            ame_util.lastPreApprover
3533               the out format is:
3534                            ame_util.lastPreApprover ||
3535                            ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3536                            ame_util.headerItemClassName ||
3537                            ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3538                            transactionIdIn;
3539            */
3540            insertionsTable2Out(i).parameter := ame_util.lastPreApprover ||
3541                                                ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3542                                                ame_util.headerItemClassName ||
3543                                                ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3544                                                transactionIdIn;
3545          elsif (insertionsTable2Out(i).order_type = ame_util.firstPostApprover) then
3546            /* the in parameter has the format :
3547                            ame_util.firstPostApprover
3548               the out format is:
3549                            ame_util.firstPostApprover ||
3550                            ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3551                            ame_util.headerItemClassName ||
3552                            ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3553                            transactionIdIn;
3554            */
3555            insertionsTable2Out(i).parameter := ame_util.firstPostApprover ||
3556                                                ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3557                                                ame_util.headerItemClassName ||
3558                                                ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3559                                                transactionIdIn;
3560          elsif (insertionsTable2Out(i).order_type = ame_util.lastPostApprover) then
3561            /* the in parameter has the format :
3562                            ame_util.lastPostApprover
3563               the out format is:
3564                            ame_util.lastPostApprover ||
3565                            ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3566                            ame_util.headerItemClassName ||
3567                            ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3568                            transactionIdIn;
3569            */
3570            insertionsTable2Out(i).parameter := ame_util.lastPostApprover ||
3571                                                ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3572                                                ame_util.headerItemClassName ||
3573                                                ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3574                                                transactionIdIn;
3575          elsif (insertionsTable2Out(i).order_type = ame_util.firstAuthority) then
3576            /* the in parameter has the format :
3577                            ame_util.firstAuthority
3578               the out format is:
3579                            ame_util.firstAuthority ||
3580                            ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3581                            ame_util.headerItemClassName ||
3582                            ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3583                            transactionIdIn;
3584            */
3585            insertionsTable2Out(i).parameter := ame_util.firstAuthority ||
3586                                                ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3587                                                ame_util.headerItemClassName ||
3588                                                ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3589                                                transactionIdIn;
3590          end if;
3591        end loop;
3592     exception
3593       when wrongOrigSystem then
3594         errorCode := -20001;
3595         errorMessage := ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn => 'PER',
3596                                               messageNameIn => 'AME_400415_APPROVER_NOT_FOUND',
3597                                               tokenNameOneIn => 'ORIG_SYSTEM_ID',
3598                                               tokenValueOneIn => tempOrigSystem);
3599         ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
3600                             routineNameIn => 'insTableToInsTable2',
3601                             exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
3602                             exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
3603         raise_application_error(errorCode,
3604                                   errorMessage);
3605       when others then
3606           ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
3607                             routineNameIn => 'insTableToInsTable2',
3608                             exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
3609                             exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
3610          raise;
3611      end insTableToInsTable2;
3612   procedure makeEven(numberInOut in out nocopy integer) as
3613     begin
3614       if(not isAnEvenNumber(numberIn => numberInOut)) then
3615         numberInOut := numberInOut + 1;
3616       end if;
3617       exception
3618         when others then
3619           ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
3620                                     routineNameIn => 'makeEven',
3621                                     exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
3622                                     exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
3623           raise;
3624     end makeEven;
3625   procedure makeOdd(numberInOut in out nocopy integer) as
3626     begin
3627       if(isAnEvenNumber(numberIn => numberInOut)) then
3628         numberInOut := numberInOut + 1;
3629       end if;
3630       exception
3631         when others then
3632           ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
3633                                     routineNameIn => 'makeOdd',
3634                                     exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
3635                                     exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
3636           raise;
3637     end makeOdd;
3638   procedure nonautonomousLog(logIdIn number,
3639                              packageNameIn in varchar2,
3640                              routineNameIn in varchar2,
3641                              exceptionNumberIn in integer,
3642                              exceptionStringIn in varchar2,
3643                              transactionIdIn in varchar2 default null,
3644                              applicationIdIn in integer default null) as
3645     begin
3646         insert into ame_exceptions_log(
3647           log_id,
3648           package_name,
3649           routine_name,
3650           transaction_id,
3651           application_id,
3652           exception_number,
3653           exception_string) values(
3654             logIdIn,
3655             substrb(packageNameIn, 1, 50),
3656             substrb(routineNameIn, 1, 50),
3657             transactionIdIn,
3658             applicationIdIn,
3659             exceptionNumberIn,
3660             substrb(to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY:MM:DD:HH24:MI:SS')||exceptionStringIn, 1, 4000));
3661         commit;
3662       exception
3663         when others then
3664           rollback;
3665           raise;
3666     end nonautonomousLog;
3667    procedure ordRecordToInsRecord2(orderRecordIn in ame_util.orderRecord,
3668                                  transactionIdIn in varchar2,
3669                                  approverIn in ame_util.approverRecord,
3670                                  insertionRecord2Out out nocopy ame_util.insertionRecord2) as
3671     errorCode integer;
3672     errorMessage ame_util.longestStringType;
3673        tempInteger1 integer;
3674        tempInteger2 integer;
3675        tempIndex integer;
3676        insertionTargetActionId ame_util.StringType;
3677        insertionTargetApprover ame_util.longStringType;
3678        insertionTargetGrpChainId ame_util.longStringType;
3679        insertionTargetItemClass ame_util.StringType;
3680        insertionTargetItemId ame_util.StringType;
3681        insertionTargetOccurrence ame_util.StringType;
3682        tempOrigSystem ame_util.stringType;
3683        apprName ame_util.longStringType;
3684        wrongOrigSystem exception;
3685      begin
3686          insertionRecord2Out.item_class := ame_util.headerItemClassName ;
3687          insertionRecord2Out.item_id := transactionIdIn ;
3688          insertionRecord2Out.order_type := orderRecordIn.order_type ;
3689          insertionRecord2Out.api_insertion := approverIn.api_insertion ;
3690          insertionRecord2Out.authority := approverIn.authority ;
3691          insertionRecord2Out.description := orderRecordIn.description ;
3692          insertionRecord2Out.action_type_id := ame_util.nullInsertionActionTypeId ;
3693          insertionRecord2Out.group_or_chain_id := ame_util.nullInsertionGroupOrChainId ;
3694          if (insertionRecord2Out.order_type = ame_util.absoluteOrder) then
3695            /* The parameter is unchanged */
3696            insertionRecord2Out.parameter := orderRecordIn.parameter ;
3697          elsif (insertionRecord2Out.order_type in (ame_util.afterApprover,ame_util.beforeApprover)) then
3698            /* The in parameter has the format :
3699                    {ame_util.approverUserId,ame_util.approverPersonId} || ':' ||
3700                    {approverList(positionIn - 1).user_id, approverList(positionIn - 1).person_id}
3701                    ':' || approverList(positionIn - 1).approval_type_id || ':' ||
3702                    approverList(positionIn - 1).group_or_chain_id || ':' ||
3703                    approverList(positionIn - 1).occurrence;
3704               the out parameter has the format :
3705                    approvers(positionIn - 1).name || ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3706                    approvers(positionIn - 1).item_class || ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3707                    approvers(positionIn - 1).item_id || ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3708                    approvers(positionIn - 1).action_type_id || ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3709                    approvers(positionIn - 1).group_or_chain_id || ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3710                    approvers(positionIn - 1).occurrence;
3711            */
3712            tempInteger1 := instrb(orderRecordIn.parameter, ':', 1, 1);
3713            insertionTargetApprover := substrb(orderRecordIn.parameter, 1, tempInteger1 - 1);
3714            tempInteger1 := tempInteger1 + 1;
3715            tempInteger2 := instrb(orderRecordIn.parameter, ':', tempInteger1, 1);
3716            tempIndex := to_number(substrb(orderRecordIn.parameter, tempInteger1, tempInteger2 - tempInteger1));
3717            if insertionTargetApprover = ame_util.approverPersonId then
3718              tempOrigSystem := ame_util.perOrigSystem;
3719            elsif insertionTargetApprover = ame_util.approverUserId then
3720              tempOrigSystem := ame_util.fndUserOrigSystem;
3721            else
3722              raise wrongOrigSystem;
3723            end if;
3724            apprName:= ame_approver_type_pkg.getWfRolesName(origSystemIn => tempOrigSystem,
3725                                                            origSystemIdIn=>tempIndex);
3726            insertionTargetItemClass := ame_util.headerItemClassName;
3727            insertionTargetItemId := transactionIdIn;
3728            tempInteger1 := tempInteger2 + 1;
3729            tempInteger2 := instrb(orderRecordIn.parameter, ':', tempInteger1, 1);
3730            insertionTargetActionId := substrb(orderRecordIn.parameter, tempInteger1, tempInteger2 - tempInteger1);
3731            tempInteger1 := tempInteger2 + 1;
3732            tempInteger2 := instrb(orderRecordIn.parameter, ':', tempInteger1, 1);
3733            insertionTargetGrpChainId := substrb(orderRecordIn.parameter, tempInteger1, tempInteger2 - tempInteger1);
3734            tempInteger1 := tempInteger2 + 1;
3735            insertionTargetOccurrence := substrb(orderRecordIn.parameter, tempInteger1);
3736            insertionRecord2Out.parameter := apprName || ame_util.fieldDelimiter || insertionTargetItemClass||
3737                            ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||insertionTargetItemId||
3738                            ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||insertionTargetActionId ||
3739                            ame_util.fieldDelimiter || insertionTargetGrpChainId ||
3740                            ame_util.fieldDelimiter||insertionTargetOccurrence;
3741            insertionRecord2Out.action_type_id := insertionTargetActionId;
3742            insertionRecord2Out.group_or_chain_id := insertionTargetGrpChainId;
3743          elsif (insertionRecord2Out.order_type = ame_util.firstPreApprover) then
3744            /* the in parameter has the format :
3745                            ame_util.firstPreApprover
3746               the out format is:
3747                            ame_util.firstPreApprover ||
3748                            ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3749                            ame_util.headerItemClassName ||
3750                            ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3751                            transactionIdIn;
3752            */
3753            insertionRecord2Out.parameter := ame_util.firstPreApprover ||
3754                                                ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3755                                                ame_util.headerItemClassName ||
3756                                                ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3757                                                transactionIdIn;
3758          elsif (insertionRecord2Out.order_type = ame_util.lastPreApprover) then
3759            /* the in parameter has the format :
3760                            ame_util.lastPreApprover
3761               the out format is:
3762                            ame_util.lastPreApprover ||
3763                            ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3764                            ame_util.headerItemClassName ||
3765                            ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3766                            transactionIdIn;
3767            */
3768            insertionRecord2Out.parameter := ame_util.lastPreApprover ||
3769                                                ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3770                                                ame_util.headerItemClassName ||
3771                                                ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3772                                                transactionIdIn;
3773          elsif (insertionRecord2Out.order_type = ame_util.firstPostApprover) then
3774            /* the in parameter has the format :
3775                            ame_util.firstPostApprover
3776               the out format is:
3777                            ame_util.firstPostApprover ||
3778                            ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3779                            ame_util.headerItemClassName ||
3780                            ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3781                            transactionIdIn;
3782            */
3783            insertionRecord2Out.parameter := ame_util.firstPostApprover ||
3784                                                ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3785                                                ame_util.headerItemClassName ||
3786                                                ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3787                                                transactionIdIn;
3788          elsif (insertionRecord2Out.order_type = ame_util.lastPostApprover) then
3789            /* the in parameter has the format :
3790                            ame_util.lastPostApprover
3791               the out format is:
3792                            ame_util.lastPostApprover ||
3793                            ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3794                            ame_util.headerItemClassName ||
3795                            ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3796                            transactionIdIn;
3797            */
3798            insertionRecord2Out.parameter := ame_util.lastPostApprover ||
3799                                                ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3800                                                ame_util.headerItemClassName ||
3801                                                ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3802                                                transactionIdIn;
3803          elsif (insertionRecord2Out.order_type = ame_util.firstAuthority) then
3804            /* the in parameter has the format :
3805                            ame_util.firstAuthority
3806               the out format is:
3807                            ame_util.firstAuthority ||
3808                            ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3809                            ame_util.headerItemClassName ||
3810                            ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3811                            transactionIdIn;
3812            */
3813            insertionRecord2Out.parameter := ame_util.firstAuthority ||
3814                                                ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3815                                                ame_util.headerItemClassName ||
3816                                                ame_util.fieldDelimiter ||
3817                                                transactionIdIn;
3818          end if;
3819     exception
3820       when wrongOrigSystem then
3821         errorCode := -20001;
3822         errorMessage := ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn => 'PER',
3823                                               messageNameIn => 'AME_400415_APPROVER_NOT_FOUND',
3824                                               tokenNameOneIn => 'ORIG_SYSTEM_ID',
3825                                               tokenValueOneIn => tempOrigSystem);
3826         ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
3827                             routineNameIn => 'ordRecordToInsRecord2',
3828                             exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
3829                             exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
3830         raise_application_error(errorCode,
3831                                   errorMessage);
3832       when others then
3833           ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
3834                             routineNameIn => 'ordRecordToInsRecord2',
3835                             exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
3836                             exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
3837          raise;
3838      end ordRecordToInsRecord2;
3839   procedure parseSourceValue(sourceValueIn in varchar2,
3840                              sourceDescriptionOut out nocopy varchar2,
3841                              ruleIdListOut out nocopy ame_util.idList) as
3842     ruleIdIndex integer;
3843     sourceValueInLength integer;
3844     tempFieldDelimiterLocation integer;
3845     tempLength integer;
3846     tempRuleIdLocation integer;
3847     sourceSubstring ame_util.stringType;
3848     begin
3849       sourceValueInLength := lengthb(sourceValueIn);
3850       /* Handle the null case first (even though the null case should not typically arise). */
3851       if(sourceValueInLength is null or sourceValueInLength = 0) then
3852         return;
3853       end if;
3854       /* Now handle the non-null case. */
3855       tempFieldDelimiterLocation := instrb(sourceValueIn, fieldDelimiter, 1, 1);
3856       if(tempFieldDelimiterLocation = 0) then
3857         tempLength := sourceValueInLength;
3858       else
3859         tempLength := tempFieldDelimiterLocation - 1;
3860       end if;
3861       sourceSubstring := substrb(sourceValueIn, 1, tempLength);
3862       if(sourceSubstring in (approveAndForwardInsertion,
3863                              forwardInsertion,
3864                              specialForwardInsertion)) then
3865         sourceDescriptionOut := forwardeeSource;
3866       elsif(sourceSubstring = surrogateInsertion) then
3867         sourceDescriptionOut := surrogateSource;
3868       elsif(sourceSubstring = otherInsertion) then
3869         sourceDescriptionOut := inserteeSource;
3870       elsif(sourceSubstring = apiSuppression) then
3871         sourceDescriptionOut := suppressionSource;
3872       else /* rule-ID list */
3873         sourceDescriptionOut := ruleGeneratedSource;
3874         /* Parse sourceValueIn as a rule-ID list. */
3875         tempRuleIdLocation := 1;
3876         ruleIdIndex := 1; /* post-increment */
3877         loop
3878           tempFieldDelimiterLocation := instrb(sourceValueIn, fieldDelimiter, tempRuleIdLocation);
3879           if(tempFieldDelimiterLocation = 0) then
3880             tempFieldDelimiterLocation := sourceValueInLength + 1;
3881           end if;
3882           ruleIdListOut(ruleIdIndex) := to_number(substrb(sourceValueIn,
3883                                                           tempRuleIdLocation,
3884                                                           tempFieldDelimiterLocation - tempRuleIdLocation));
3885           if(tempFieldDelimiterLocation > sourceValueInLength) then
3886             exit;
3887           end if;
3888           ruleIdIndex := ruleIdIndex + 1;
3889           tempRuleIdLocation := tempFieldDelimiterLocation + 1;
3890         end loop;
3891       end if;
3892       exception
3893         when others then
3894           ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
3895                                     routineNameIn => 'parseSourceValue',
3896                                     exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
3897                                     exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
3898           raise;
3899     end parseSourceValue;
3900     procedure parseStaticCurAttValue(applicationIdIn in integer,
3901                                      attributeIdIn in integer,
3902                                      attributeValueIn in varchar2,
3903                                      localErrorIn in boolean,
3904                                      amountOut out nocopy varchar2,
3905                                      currencyOut out nocopy varchar2,
3906                                      conversionTypeOut out nocopy varchar2) as
3907     attributeName ame_attributes.name%type;
3908     badStaticCurUsageException exception;
3909     comma1Location integer;
3910     comma2Location integer;
3911     errorCode integer;
3912     errorMessage ame_util.longestStringType;
3913     transactionType ame_calling_apps.application_name%type;
3914     begin
3915       /*
3916         Static currency usages must be null or look like this:  '5000.00,USD,Corporate'
3917         or '666,66,USD,Daily'.  The amount can be formatted per the currency's requirements;
3918         this procedure looks for the last two commas in the string, and assumes that they
3919         are the parse points.
3920       */
3921       if(attributeValueIn is null) then
3922         amountOut := null;
3923         currencyOut := null;
3924         conversionTypeOut := null;
3925         return;
3926       end if;
3927       comma1Location := instrb(attributeValueIn, ',', -1, 2);
3928       comma2Location := instrb(attributeValueIn, ',', -1, 1);
3929       if(comma1Location = 0 or
3930          comma2Location = 0 or
3931          comma1Location < 2 or
3932          comma2Location < 4) then
3933         attributeName := ame_attribute_pkg.getName(attributeIdIn => attributeIdIn);
3934         raise badStaticCurUsageException;
3935       end if;
3936       amountOut := substrb(attributeValueIn, 1, comma1Location - 1);
3937       currencyOut := substrb(attributeValueIn, comma1Location + 1, comma2Location - comma1Location - 1);
3938       conversionTypeOut := substrb(attributeValueIn, comma2Location + 1, lengthb(attributeValueIn) - comma2Location);
3939       exception
3940         when badStaticCurUsageException then
3941           transactionType := ame_admin_pkg.getApplicationName(applicationIdIn => applicationIdIn);
3942           errorCode := -20001;
3943           errorMessage :=
3944           ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn => 'PER',
3945             messageNameIn     => 'AME_400127_ENG_BAD_ST_USG',
3946             tokenNameOneIn    => 'TRANSACTION_TYPE',
3947             tokenValueOneIn   => transactionType,
3948             tokenNameTwoIn    => 'ATTRIBUTE',
3949             tokenValueTwoIn   => attributeName);
3950           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
3951                            routineNameIn => 'parseStaticCurAttValue',
3952                            exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
3953                            exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
3954           raise_application_error(errorCode,
3955                                   errorMessage);
3956         when others then
3957           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
3958                            routineNameIn => 'parseStaticCurAttValue',
3959                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
3960                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
3961           raise;
3962     end parseStaticCurAttValue;
3963   procedure purgeOldTempData as
3964     cursor transactionTypeCursor is
3965       select application_id
3966       from ame_calling_apps
3967       where
3968         sysdate between start_date and
3969                  nvl(end_date - ame_util.oneSecond, sysdate);
3970     cursor attributeUsageCursor (applicationIdIn integer) is
3971       select attribute_id
3972       from ame_attribute_usages
3973       where
3974         application_id = applicationIdIn and
3975         sysdate between start_date and
3976                  nvl(end_date - ame_util.oneSecond, sysdate);
3977     applicationId  integer;
3978     attributeId    integer;
3979     lastDateToSave date;
3980     errbuf varchar2(4000);
3981     retcode number;
3982     transactionId ame_temp_transactions.transaction_id%type;
3983     begin
3984       for tempTransType in transactionTypeCursor loop
3985         applicationId := tempTransType.application_id;
3986           -- Make a call the ame_trans_data_purge.purgeTransdata
3987           --
3988           ame_trans_data_purge.purgeTransData(errbuf              => errbuf,
3989                            retcode             => retcode,
3990                            applicationIdIn => applicationId,
3991                            purgeTypeIn => 'A');
3992       end loop;
3993     end purgeOldTempData;
3994   procedure purgeOldTempData2(errbuf out nocopy varchar2,
3995                               retcode out nocopy varchar2) as
3996     begin
3997       purgeOldTempData;
3998       retcode := 0;
3999       errbuf := null;
4000       exception
4001         when others then
4002           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
4003                            routineNameIn => 'purgeOldTempData2',
4004                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
4005                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
4006           retcode := 2;
4007           errbuf := sqlerrm;
4008           raise;
4009     end purgeOldTempData2;
4010   procedure purgeOldTransLocks(errbuf out nocopy varchar2,
4011                                retcode out nocopy varchar2) as
4012     begin
4013       delete from ame_temp_trans_locks
4014         where row_timestamp < sysdate - 1/24;
4015       commit;
4016       retcode := 0;
4017       errbuf := null;
4018       exception
4019         when others then
4020           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
4021                            routineNameIn => 'purgeOldTransLocks',
4022                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
4023                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
4024           retcode := 2;
4025           errbuf := sqlerrm;
4026           raise;
4027     end purgeOldTransLocks;
4028   procedure runtimeException(packageNameIn in varchar2,
4029                              routineNameIn in varchar2,
4030                              exceptionNumberIn in integer,
4031                              exceptionStringIn in varchar2) as
4032     applicationId integer;
4033     distributedEnvironment ame_config_vars.variable_value%type;
4034     localError boolean;
4035     logId integer;
4036     transactionId ame_temp_transactions.transaction_id%type;
4037     useWorkflow boolean;
4038     begin
4039       begin
4040         /*
4041           This block avoids infinite looping.  See bug 2219719.
4042         */
4043         applicationId := ame_engine.getAmeApplicationId;
4044         transactionId := ame_engine.getTransactionId;
4045         localError := ame_engine.isLocalTransaction;
4046         exception
4047           when others then
4048             applicationId := null;
4049             transactionId := null;
4050             localError := true;
4051       end;
4052       distributedEnvironment := getConfigVar(variableNameIn => ame_util.distEnvConfigVar);
4053       useWorkflow := ame_util.useWorkflow(transactionIdIn => transactionId,
4054                                           applicationIdIn => applicationId);
4055       select ame_exceptions_log_s.nextval into logId from dual;
4056       /*
4057         Log the following exceptions locally:
4058         1.  Local (pseudo-runtime, test) transactions (from the test tab).
4059         2.  Transactions not using Workflow.
4060         3.  Transactions not in a distributed environment.
4061       */
4062       if(localError or
4063          distributedEnvironment <> ame_util.yes or
4064          not useWorkflow) then
4065         if(distributedEnvironment = ame_util.yes) then
4066           /* commit, but not in an autonomous transaction */
4067           nonautonomousLog(logIdIn => logId,
4068                            packageNameIn => packageNameIn,
4069                            routineNameIn => routineNameIn,
4070                            exceptionNumberIn => exceptionNumberIn,
4071                            exceptionStringIn => exceptionStringIn,
4072                            transactionIdIn => transactionId,
4073                            applicationIdIn => applicationId);
4074         else
4075           /* commit in an autonomous transaction */
4076           autonomousLog(logIdIn => logId,
4077                         packageNameIn => packageNameIn,
4078                         routineNameIn => routineNameIn,
4079                         exceptionNumberIn => exceptionNumberIn,
4080                         exceptionStringIn => exceptionStringIn,
4081                         transactionIdIn => transactionId,
4082                         applicationIdIn => applicationId);
4083         end if;
4084       end if;
4085       /* Log genuine runtime exceptions in Workflow when using Workflow. */
4086       if(not localError and
4087          useWorkflow) then
4088         /*
4089           The wf_item_activity_statuses_v.error_name and error_message columns store the exception.
4090           The query against that view is per item type, which should be the
4091           ame_calling_aps.transaction_type_id, and per item key, which should be the transaction ID
4092           in the OAM schema and code.  So all we need is the package name, routine name, and log ID,
4093           which will let us order the call stack in our admin UI.  The call to wf_core.context
4094           puts the package name in upper case to make the query against wf_item_activity_statuses_v
4095           easier (comparing 'AME%' without having to uppercase anything in the query).
4096         */
4097         wf_core.context(pkg_name => upper(packageNameIn),
4098                         proc_name => routineNameIn,
4099                         arg1 => logId);
4100       end if;
4101       exception
4102         when others then
4103           if(localError) then
4104             rollback;
4105           end if;
4106           raise;
4107     end runtimeException;
4108   procedure serializeApprovers(approverNamesIn in ame_util.longStringList,
4109                                approverDescriptionsIn in ame_util.longStringList,
4110                                maxOutputLengthIn in integer,
4111                                approverNamesOut out nocopy varchar2,
4112                                approverDescriptionsOut out nocopy varchar2) as
4113     errorCode             varchar2(10);
4114     errorMessage          ame_util.longestStringType;
4115     upperLimit integer;
4116     recordDelimiter varchar2(1);
4117     begin
4118       recordDelimiter := ame_util.recordDelimiter;
4119       upperLimit := approverNamesIn.count;
4120       if(upperLimit = 0) then
4121         raise ame_util.zeroApproversException;
4122       end if;
4123       approverNamesOut := '';
4124       approverDescriptionsOut := '';
4125       for i in 1 .. upperLimit loop
4126         approverNamesOut := approverNamesOut || approverNamesIn(i) || recordDelimiter;
4127         approverDescriptionsOut:=
4128           approverDescriptionsOut || approverDescriptionsIn(i) || recordDelimiter;
4129       end loop;
4130       if((length(approverNamesOut) > maxOutputLengthIn) or
4131         (length(approverDescriptionsOut) > maxOutputLengthIn)) then
4132         raise ame_util.tooManyApproversException;
4133       end if;
4134       exception
4135         when ame_util.tooManyApproversException then
4136           errorCode := -20001;
4137           errorMessage := ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn => 'PER',
4138                                               messageNameIn => 'AME_400111_UIN_MANY_ROWS');
4139           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
4140                            routineNameIn => 'serializeApprovers',
4141                            exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
4142                            exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
4143           approverNamesOut := null;
4144           approverDescriptionsOut := null;
4145           raise_application_error(errorCode, errorMessage);
4146         when ame_util.zeroApproversException then
4147           errorCode := -20001;
4148           errorMessage := ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn => 'PER',
4149                                               messageNameIn => 'AME_400110_UIN_NO_CURR_EMP');
4150           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
4151                            routineNameIn => 'serializeApprovers',
4152                            exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
4153                            exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
4154           approverNamesOut := null;
4155           approverDescriptionsOut := null;
4156           raise_application_error(errorCode, errorMessage);
4157         when others then
4158           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
4159                            routineNameIn => 'serializeApprovers',
4160                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
4161                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
4162           approverNamesOut := null;
4163           approverDescriptionsOut := null;
4164           raise;
4165     end serializeApprovers;
4166   procedure setConfigVar(variableNameIn  in varchar2,
4167                          variableValueIn in varchar2,
4168                          applicationIdIn in integer default null) as
4169    currentUserId         integer;
4170    description           ame_config_vars.description%type;
4171    errorCode             varchar2(10);
4172    errorMessage          ame_util.longestStringType;
4173    found                 varchar2(1);
4174    invalidDayException   exception;
4175    nullVariableValue     exception;
4176    variableNameTooLong   exception;
4177    variableValueTooLong  exception;
4178    begin
4179      if(variableNameIn = 'purgeFrequency' or
4180        variableNameIn = 'currencyConversionWindow') then
4181        if(instrb(variableValueIn, ',') <> 0 or
4182          instrb(variableValueIn, '.') <> 0 or
4183          (variableValueIn <= 0)) then
4184          raise invalidDayException;
4185        end if;
4186      end if;
4187      if(variableValueIn is null) then
4188        raise nullVariableValue;
4189      end if;
4190      select description
4191        into description
4192        from ame_config_vars
4193        where variable_name = variableNameIn and
4194              (application_id is null or application_id = 0) and
4195              end_date is null;
4196      currentUserId := ame_util.getCurrentUserId;
4197       if (ame_util.isArgumentTooLong(tableNameIn  => 'ame_config_vars',
4198                                     columnNameIn => 'variable_name',
4199                                     argumentIn   => variableNameIn)) then
4200          raise variableNameTooLong;
4201       end if;
4202       if (ame_util.isArgumentTooLong(tableNameIn  => 'ame_config_vars',
4203                                    columnNameIn => 'variable_value',
4204                                    argumentIn   => variableValueIn)) then
4205          raise variableValueTooLong;
4206       end if;
4207       update ame_config_vars
4208         set
4209           last_updated_by = currentUserId,
4210           last_update_date = sysdate,
4211           last_update_login = currentUserId,
4212           end_date = sysdate
4213         where variable_name = variableNameIn and
4214           ((applicationIdIn is null and (application_id is null or application_id = 0)) or
4215            application_id = applicationIdIn) and
4216            sysdate between start_date and
4217                      nvl(end_date - (ame_util.oneSecond), sysdate);
4218       insert into ame_config_vars(variable_name,
4219                                   variable_value,
4220                                   description,
4221                                   created_by,
4222                                   creation_date,
4223                                   last_updated_by,
4224                                   last_update_date,
4225                                   last_update_login,
4226                                   start_date,
4227                                   application_id)
4228         values(variableNameIn,
4229                variableValueIn,
4230                description,
4231                currentUserId,
4232                sysdate,
4233                currentUserId,
4234                sysdate,
4235                currentUserId,
4236                sysdate,
4237                applicationIdIn);
4238       commit;
4239       exception
4240         when invalidDayException then
4241           errorCode := -20001;
4242           errorMessage := ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn => 'PER',
4243                                               messageNameIn => 'AME_400225_UTL_CFGVAR_POS_INT');
4244           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
4245                            routineNameIn => 'setConfigVar',
4246                            exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
4247                            exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
4248           raise_application_error(errorCode, errorMessage);
4249         when nullVariableValue then
4250           errorCode := -20001;
4251           errorMessage := ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn => 'PER',
4252                                               messageNameIn => 'AME_400409_MUST_ENT_CFGVAR_VAL');
4253           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
4254                            routineNameIn => 'setConfigVar',
4255                            exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
4256                            exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
4257           raise_application_error(errorCode, errorMessage);
4258         when variableNameTooLong then
4259           errorCode := -20001;
4260           errorMessage := ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn => 'PER',
4261                                               messageNameIn => 'AME_400296_UTL_VAN_LONG');
4262           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
4263                            routineNameIn => 'setConfigVar',
4264                            exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
4265                            exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
4266           raise_application_error(errorCode, errorMessage);
4267         when variableValueTooLong then
4268           errorCode := -20001;
4269           errorMessage := ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn => 'PER',
4270                                               messageNameIn => 'AME_400226_UTL_VAR_LONG');
4271           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
4272                            routineNameIn => 'setConfigVar',
4273                            exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
4274                            exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
4275           raise_application_error(errorCode, errorMessage);
4276         when others then
4277           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
4278                            routineNameIn => 'setConfigVar',
4279                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
4280                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
4281           raise;
4282     end setConfigVar;
4283 /*
4285   procedure setCurrentStripeSetId(applicationIdIn in integer,
4286                                   stripeSetIdIn in integer) as
4287     begin
4288        owa_util.mime_header('text/html',
4289                             false);
4290        owa_cookie.send(name => ame_util.getStripeSetCookieName(applicationIdIn => applicationIdIn),
4291                        value => to_char(stripeSetIdIn),
4292                        expires => sysdate + 365);
4293        owa_util.http_header_close;
4294        exception
4295         when others then
4296           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
4297                            routineNameIn => 'setCurrentStripeSetId',
4298                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
4299                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
4300           raise;
4301     end setCurrentStripeSetId;
4302 */
4303   procedure setTransTypeCookie(applicationIdIn in integer) as
4304     userId integer;
4305     begin
4306        userId := ame_util.getCurrentUserId;
4307        owa_util.mime_header('text/html',
4308                             false);
4309        owa_cookie.send(name => ame_util.transactionTypeCookie || ':' || userId,
4310                        value => applicationIdIn,
4311                        expires => sysdate + (10 * 365),
4312                        path => ame_util.getPlsqlDadPath,
4313                        domain => substrb(ame_util.getServerName, 8));
4314        owa_util.http_header_close;
4315        exception
4316         when others then
4317           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
4318                            routineNameIn => 'setTransTypeCookie',
4319                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
4320                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
4321           raise;
4322     end setTransTypeCookie;
4323   procedure sortIdListInPlace(idListInOut in out nocopy idList) as
4324     tempId integer;
4325     upperLimit integer;
4326     begin
4327       for i in 2 .. idListInOut.count loop
4328         upperLimit := i - 1;
4329         for j in 1 .. upperLimit loop
4330           if(idListInOut(i) < idListInOut(j)) then
4331             tempId := idListInOut(i);
4332             idListInOut(i) := idListInOut(j);
4333             idListInOut(j) := tempId;
4334           end if;
4335         end loop;
4336       end loop;
4337     exception
4338       when others then
4339         runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
4340                          routineNameIn => 'sortIdListInPlace',
4341                          exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
4342                          exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
4343           raise;
4344     end sortIdListInPlace;
4345   procedure sortLongStringListInPlace(longStringListInOut in out nocopy longStringList) as
4346     tempLongStringType ame_util.longStringType;
4347     upperLimit integer;
4348     begin
4349       for i in 2 .. longStringListInOut.count loop
4350         upperLimit := i - 1;
4351         for j in 1 .. upperLimit loop
4352           if(longStringListInOut(i) < longStringListInOut(j)) then
4353             tempLongStringType := longStringListInOut(i);
4354             longStringListInOut(i) := longStringListInOut(j);
4355             longStringListInOut(j) := tempLongStringType;
4356           end if;
4357         end loop;
4358       end loop;
4359       exception
4360         when others then
4361           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
4362                            routineNameIn => 'sortLongStringListInPlace',
4363                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
4364                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
4365           raise;
4366     end sortLongStringListInPlace;
4367   procedure sortLongestStringListInPlace(longestStringListInOut in out nocopy longestStringList) as
4368     tempLongestStringType ame_util.longestStringType;
4369     upperLimit integer;
4370     begin
4371       for i in 2 .. longestStringListInOut.count loop
4372         upperLimit := i - 1;
4373         for j in 1 .. upperLimit loop
4374           if(longestStringListInOut(i) < longestStringListInOut(j)) then
4375             tempLongestStringType := longestStringListInOut(i);
4376             longestStringListInOut(i) := longestStringListInOut(j);
4377             longestStringListInOut(j) := tempLongestStringType;
4378           end if;
4379         end loop;
4380       end loop;
4381       exception
4382         when others then
4383           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
4384                            routineNameIn => 'sortLongestStringListInPlace',
4385                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
4386                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
4387           raise;
4388     end sortLongestStringListInPlace;
4389   procedure sortStringListInPlace(stringListInOut in out nocopy stringList) as
4390     tempStringType integer;
4391     upperLimit integer;
4392     begin
4393       for i in 2 .. stringListInOut.count loop
4394         upperLimit := i - 1;
4395         for j in 1 .. upperLimit loop
4396           if(stringListInOut(i) < stringListInOut(j)) then
4397             tempStringType := stringListInOut(i);
4398             stringListInOut(i) := stringListInOut(j);
4399             stringListInOut(j) := tempStringType;
4400           end if;
4401         end loop;
4402       end loop;
4403       exception
4404         when others then
4405           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
4406                            routineNameIn => 'sortStringListInPlace',
4407                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
4408                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
4409           raise;
4410     end sortStringListInPlace;
4411   procedure stringListToIdList(stringListIn in stringList,
4412                                idListOut out nocopy idList) as
4413     tempIndex integer;
4414     tempIndex2 integer;
4415     begin
4416       tempIndex := stringListIn.first;
4417       tempIndex2 := 0;
4418       loop
4419         if(tempIndex is null) then
4420           exit;
4421         end if;
4422         tempIndex2 := tempIndex2 + 1;
4423         idListOut(tempIndex2) := to_number(stringListIn(tempIndex));
4424         tempIndex := stringListIn.next(tempIndex);
4425       end loop;
4426       exception
4427         when others then
4428           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
4429                            routineNameIn => 'stringListToIdList',
4430                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
4431                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
4432           raise;
4433     end stringListToIdList;
4434   procedure substituteStrings(stringIn in varchar2,
4435                               targetStringsIn in ame_util.stringList,
4436                               substitutionStringsIn in ame_util.stringList,
4437                               stringOut out nocopy varchar2) as
4438     errorCode integer;
4439     errorMessage ame_util.longestStringType;
4440     listMismatchException exception;
4441     upperLimit integer;
4442     begin
4443       upperLimit := targetStringsIn.count;
4444       if(upperLimit <> substitutionStringsIn.count) then
4445         raise listMismatchException;
4446       end if;
4447       stringOut := stringIn;
4448       for i in 1 .. upperLimit loop
4449         stringOut := replace(stringOut, targetStringsIn(i), substitutionStringsIn(i));
4450       end loop;
4451       exception
4452         when listMismatchException then
4453           errorCode := -20001;
4454           errorMessage := ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn => 'PER',
4455                                               messageNameIn => 'AME_400227_UTL_INP_STG_SIZE');
4456           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
4457                            routineNameIn => 'substituteStrings',
4458                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
4459                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
4460           raise_application_error(errorCode,
4461                                   errorMessage);
4462         when others then
4463           runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
4464                            routineNameIn => 'substituteStrings',
4465                            exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
4466                            exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
4467           raise;
4468     end substituteStrings;
4469 end ame_util;