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Line 519: rcv_transactions rt

515: po_headers ph,
516: rcv_supply rs,
517: rcv_shipment_headers rsh,
518: -- rcv_shipment_lines rsl,
519: rcv_transactions rt
520: where rsh.receipt_source_code = 'VENDOR'
521: AND ph.po_header_id = header_id
522: AND pod.po_line_id = Nvl(v_po_line_id, pod.po_line_id)
523: AND pod.line_location_id = Nvl(v_po_line_location_id, pod.line_location_id)

Line 541: from rcv_transactions rt2

537: -- transfer_lpn_id should match the lpn being putaway.
538: --AND Nvl(rt.transfer_lpn_id,-1) = Nvl(v_lpn_id,-1)
539: -- Fix for 1865886. Commented the above and added the following for lpn
540: AND Nvl(v_lpn_id,-1) IN (select nvl(rt2.transfer_lpn_id,-1)
541: from rcv_transactions rt2
542: where rt2.transaction_type <> 'DELIVER'
543: start with rt2.transaction_id = rs.supply_source_id
544: connect by prior rt2.transaction_id = rt2.parent_transaction_id
545: union all

Line 547: from rcv_transactions rt2

543: start with rt2.transaction_id = rs.supply_source_id
544: connect by prior rt2.transaction_id = rt2.parent_transaction_id
545: union all
546: select nvl(rt2.lpn_id,-1)
547: from rcv_transactions rt2
548: where rt2.transaction_type not in ('RECEIVE', 'DELIVER')
549: start with rt2.transaction_id = rs.supply_source_id
550: connect by prior rt2.transaction_id = rt2.parent_transaction_id
551: )

Line 596: rcv_transactions rt

592: po_headers ph,
593: rcv_supply rs,
594: rcv_shipment_headers rsh,
595: -- rcv_shipment_lines rsl,
596: rcv_transactions rt
597: where rsh.receipt_source_code = 'VENDOR'
598: AND ph.po_header_id = header_id
599: AND pod.po_line_id = Nvl(v_po_line_id, pod.po_line_id)
600: AND pod.line_location_id = Nvl(v_po_line_location_id, pod.line_location_id)

Line 618: from rcv_transactions rt2

614: -- transfer_lpn_id should match the lpn being putaway.
615: --AND Nvl(rt.transfer_lpn_id,-1) = Nvl(v_lpn_id,-1)
616: -- Fix for 1865886. Commented the above and added the following for lpn
617: AND Nvl(v_lpn_id,-1) IN (select nvl(rt2.transfer_lpn_id,-1)
618: from rcv_transactions rt2
619: where rt2.transaction_type <> 'DELIVER'
620: start with rt2.transaction_id = rs.supply_source_id
621: connect by prior rt2.transaction_id = rt2.parent_transaction_id
622: union all

Line 624: from rcv_transactions rt2

620: start with rt2.transaction_id = rs.supply_source_id
621: connect by prior rt2.transaction_id = rt2.parent_transaction_id
622: union all
623: select nvl(rt2.lpn_id,-1)
624: from rcv_transactions rt2
625: where rt2.transaction_type not in ('RECEIVE', 'DELIVER')
626: start with rt2.transaction_id = rs.supply_source_id
627: connect by prior rt2.transaction_id = rt2.parent_transaction_id
628: )

Line 672: x_expected_date rcv_transactions_interface.expected_receipt_date%TYPE;

668: x_bkp_qty number := 0;
669: x_progress varchar2(3);
670: x_converted_trx_qty number := 0;
671: transaction_ok boolean := FALSE;
672: x_expected_date rcv_transactions_interface.expected_receipt_date%TYPE;
673: high_range_date DATE;
674: low_range_date DATE;
675: rows_fetched number := 0;
676: x_tolerable_qty number := 0;

Line 707: SAVEPOINT rcv_transactions_sa;

703: BEGIN
705: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
707: SAVEPOINT rcv_transactions_sa;
708: -- the following steps will create a set of rows linking the line_record with
709: -- its corresponding po_line_location rows until the quantity value from
710: -- the asn is consumed. (Cascade)
711: if ((x_cascaded_table(n).po_header_id is not null) AND

Line 1015: rcv_transactions_interface_sv.convert_into_correct_qty(

1011: x_ShipmentDistributionRec.unit_meas_lookup_code;
1012: END IF;
1013: temp_cascaded_table(current_n).primary_quantity :=
1014: temp_cascaded_table(current_n).primary_quantity +
1015: rcv_transactions_interface_sv.convert_into_correct_qty(
1016: x_remaining_quantity,
1017: temp_cascaded_table(1).unit_of_measure,
1018: temp_cascaded_table(1).item_id,
1019: temp_cascaded_table(1).primary_unit_of_measure);

Line 1300: rcv_transactions_interface_sv.convert_into_correct_qty(x_remaining_quantity,

1297: -- converts from temp_cascaded_table(1).unit_of_measure to
1298: -- x_ShipmentDistributionRec.unit_meas_lookup_code
1299: x_remaining_qty_po_uom :=
1300: rcv_transactions_interface_sv.convert_into_correct_qty(x_remaining_quantity,
1301: temp_cascaded_table(1).unit_of_measure,
1302: temp_cascaded_table(1).item_id,
1303: x_ShipmentDistributionRec.unit_meas_lookup_code);

Line 1344: rcv_transactions_interface_sv.convert_into_correct_qty(x_remaining_qty_po_uom,

1341: -- change asn uom qty so both qtys are in sync
1343: x_remaining_quantity :=
1344: rcv_transactions_interface_sv.convert_into_correct_qty(x_remaining_qty_po_uom,
1345: x_ShipmentDistributionRec.unit_meas_lookup_code,
1346: temp_cascaded_table(1).item_id,
1347: temp_cascaded_table(1).unit_of_measure);

Line 1395: rcv_transactions_interface_sv.convert_into_correct_qty(

1391: temp_cascaded_table(current_n).source_doc_unit_of_measure :=
1392: x_ShipmentDistributionRec.unit_meas_lookup_code;
1394: temp_cascaded_table(current_n).quantity :=
1395: rcv_transactions_interface_sv.convert_into_correct_qty(
1396: x_converted_trx_qty,
1397: x_ShipmentDistributionRec.unit_meas_lookup_code,
1398: temp_cascaded_table(current_n).item_id,
1399: temp_cascaded_table(current_n).unit_of_measure); -- in asn uom

Line 1411: rcv_transactions_interface_sv.convert_into_correct_qty(

1407: temp_cascaded_table(current_n).primary_unit_of_measure :=
1408: x_ShipmentDistributionRec.unit_meas_lookup_code;
1409: END IF;
1410: temp_cascaded_table(current_n).primary_quantity :=
1411: rcv_transactions_interface_sv.convert_into_correct_qty(
1412: x_converted_trx_qty,
1413: x_ShipmentDistributionRec.unit_meas_lookup_code,
1414: temp_cascaded_table(current_n).item_id,
1415: temp_cascaded_table(current_n).primary_unit_of_measure);

Line 1560: ROLLBACK TO rcv_transactions_sa;

1556: END IF;
1558: exception
1559: WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
1560: ROLLBACK TO rcv_transactions_sa;
1561: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
1562: -- Get message count and data
1563: fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get
1564: ( p_count => x_msg_count

Line 1609: ROLLBACK TO rcv_transactions_sa;

1605: CLOSE count_std_distributions;
1606: END IF;
1608: WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
1609: ROLLBACK TO rcv_transactions_sa;
1610: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error ;
1612: -- Get message count and data
1613: fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get

Line 1659: ROLLBACK TO rcv_transactions_sa;

1655: CLOSE count_std_distributions;
1656: END IF;
1659: ROLLBACK TO rcv_transactions_sa;
1660: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error ;
1661: IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_unexp_error)
1662: THEN
1663: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg