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Line 309: ln_asg_act_to_lock pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%TYPE;

305: ln_prev_assignment_id NUMBER := 0;
306: ln_prev_tax_unit_id NUMBER := 0;
307: ld_prev_effective_date DATE ;
308: lv_report_type pay_payroll_actions.report_type%TYPE ;
309: ln_asg_act_to_lock pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%TYPE;
312: lv_serial_number VARCHAR2(30);
313: ln_eoy_pactid number:= 0;

Line 335: --and exists (select 1 from pay_assignment_actions paa

331: per_all_assignments_f paf
332: where assignment_set_id = cp_asg_set
333: and asgset.include_or_exclude = 'I'
334: and paf.assignment_id = asgset.assignment_id
335: --and exists (select 1 from pay_assignment_actions paa
336: -- where paa.assignment_id = asgset.assignment_id
337: -- and paa.payroll_action_id = cp_eoy_pactid)
338: and paf.person_id between cp_start_person
339: and cp_end_person

Line 353: pay_assignment_actions paa,

349: ,cp_start_date in date) is
350: select ppa.report_type, paa.assignment_id,
351: paa.assignment_action_id
352: from pay_payroll_actions ppa,
353: pay_assignment_actions paa,
354: per_assignments_f paf
355: where paa.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
356: and paf.person_id = cp_person_id
357: and paf.effective_start_date <= cp_effective_date

Line 387: pay_assignment_actions paa,

383: CURSOR get_rehired_emp (cp_person_id in number,cp_tax_unit_id in number
384: ,cp_start_date in date, cp_end_date in date) is
385: SELECT max(paa.assignment_id)
386: FROM
387: pay_assignment_actions paa,
388: per_assignments_f paf,
389: pay_payroll_actions ppa,
390: pay_action_classifications pac
391: WHERE paf.person_id = cp_person_id

Line 456: select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval

452: if get_prev_w2c_dtls%found then
453: if lv_report_type in ('YREND', 'W-2C PAPER') then
455: /* Create an assignment action for this person */
456: select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
457: into ln_w2c_asg_action
458: from dual;
459: hr_utility.trace('New w2c Action = ' ||
460: to_char(ln_w2c_asg_action));

Line 462: /* Insert into pay_assignment_actions. */

458: from dual;
459: hr_utility.trace('New w2c Action = ' ||
460: to_char(ln_w2c_asg_action));
462: /* Insert into pay_assignment_actions. */
463: hr_utility.trace('creating asg action');
465: /*Bug No. 2819817- pick up latest processed primary assignment
466: In case a terminated employee is rehired and paid, the

Line 495: update pay_assignment_actions aa

491: table */
493: hr_utility.trace('updating asg action');
495: update pay_assignment_actions aa
496: set aa.serial_number = p_person_id
497: where aa.assignment_action_id = ln_w2c_asg_action;
499: /* Interlock the yepp/last w2c report