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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 9

   | Aug 10, 2000.       mrana            Value for 4th column in insert           |
   |                                      object_genealogy should be l_parent_id   |
  --      INVPVCGB.pls
  --      Body of package INV_genealogy_PUB
  --  NOTES
  --     10-MAY-00    Created       sthamman
  --     23-May-00    Modified      sthamman
  --            Introduced the following parameters
  --            1. p_object_id
  --            2. p_inventory_item_id
  --            3. p_org_id
  --            4. p_parent_object_id
  --            5. p_parent_inventory_item_id
  --            6. p_parent_org_id

/* Genealogy_object_types :
 * ----------------
 * 1 Lot
 * 2 Serial
 * 3 External
 * 4 Container
 * 5 Job
 * Genealogy Type
 * ----------------
 * 1 Assembly
 * 2 Lot Split
 * 3 Lot merge
 * 4 Sublot
 * 5 Assets (used by EAM)
 * Genealogy Origin
 * ----------------
 * 1 WIP
 * 2 Transaction
 * 3 Manual
 * */

  --  Global constant holding the package name
  g_pkg_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'INV_genealogy_PUB';
Line: 94

  , p_update_txn_id            IN            NUMBER
  , p_object_type2             IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  , p_object_id2               IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  , p_object_number2           IN            VARCHAR2
  , p_parent_object_type2      IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  , p_parent_object_id2        IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  , p_parent_object_number2    IN            VARCHAR2
  , p_child_lot_control_code   IN            NUMBER
  , p_parent_lot_control_code  IN            NUMBER
  , p_action                   IN            VARCHAR2
  , p_debug                    IN            NUMBER
  , x_return_status            OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
  , x_msg_count                OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
  , x_msg_data                 OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2) ;
Line: 129

    between this function and the previous select statement
    using a connect by clause.  This is a fix for bug # 2287872

  FUNCTION genealogy_loop(
    object_id        IN            NUMBER
  , parent_object_id IN            NUMBER
  , start_date       IN            DATE
  , end_date         IN            DATE
  , object_table     IN OUT NOCOPY object_id_tbl_t
    l_dummy      NUMBER       := 0;
Line: 155

        SELECT 1
          INTO l_dummy
          FROM DUAL
         WHERE parent_object_id IN (SELECT mog.object_id
                                      FROM mtl_object_genealogy mog
                                     WHERE (end_date_active IS NULL OR end_date_active >= start_date)
                                       AND parent_object_id = l_object_id
                                       AND genealogy_type = 5);
Line: 169

        SELECT 1
          INTO l_dummy
          FROM DUAL
         WHERE parent_object_id IN (SELECT mog.object_id
                                      FROM mtl_object_genealogy mog
                                     WHERE (((start_date_active <= start_date)
                                             AND (end_date_active IS NULL
                                                  OR (end_date_active >= start_date)))
                                            OR ((start_date_active >= start_date)
                                                AND (start_date_active <= end_date)))
                                       AND parent_object_id = l_object_id
                                       AND genealogy_type = 5);
Line: 195

        FOR object_id_rec IN (SELECT object_id
                                   , start_date_active
                                   , end_date_active
                                FROM mtl_object_genealogy
                               WHERE genealogy_type = 5
                                 AND parent_object_id = l_object_id
                                 AND (end_date_active IS NULL OR end_date_active >= start_date))
          l_dummy_char  := 'N';
Line: 221

            SELECT object_id_rec.object_id
                 , object_id_rec.start_date_active
                 , object_id_rec.end_date_active
              INTO object_table(l_count).object_id
                 , object_table(l_count).start_date_active
                 , object_table(l_count).end_date_active
              FROM DUAL;
Line: 254

        FOR object_id_rec IN (SELECT object_id
                                   , start_date_active
                                   , end_date_active
                                FROM mtl_object_genealogy
                               WHERE genealogy_type = 5
                                 AND parent_object_id = l_object_id
                                 AND (((start_date_active <= start_date)
                                       AND (end_date_active IS NULL
                                            OR (end_date_active >= start_date)))
                                      OR ((start_date_active >= start_date)
                                          AND (start_date_active <= end_date))))
          l_dummy_char  := 'N';
Line: 283

            SELECT object_id_rec.object_id
                 , object_id_rec.start_date_active
                 , object_id_rec.end_date_active
              INTO object_table(l_count + 1).object_id
                 , object_table(l_count + 1).start_date_active
                 , object_table(l_count + 1).end_date_active
              FROM DUAL;
Line: 321

  PROCEDURE insert_genealogy(
    p_api_version              IN            NUMBER
  , p_init_msg_list            IN            VARCHAR2 := gen_fnd_g_false
  , p_commit                   IN            VARCHAR2 := gen_fnd_g_false
  , p_validation_level         IN            NUMBER   := gen_fnd_valid_level_full
  , p_object_type              IN            NUMBER
  , p_parent_object_type       IN            NUMBER   := NULL
  , p_object_id                IN            NUMBER   := NULL
  , p_object_number            IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_inventory_item_id        IN            NUMBER   := NULL
  , p_org_id                   IN            NUMBER   := NULL
  , p_parent_object_id         IN            NUMBER   := NULL
  , p_parent_object_number     IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_parent_inventory_item_id IN            NUMBER   := NULL
  , p_parent_org_id            IN            NUMBER   := NULL
  , p_genealogy_origin         IN            NUMBER   := NULL
  , p_genealogy_type           IN            NUMBER   := NULL
  , p_start_date_active        IN            DATE     := SYSDATE
  , p_end_date_active          IN            DATE     := NULL
  , p_origin_txn_id            IN            NUMBER   := NULL
  , p_update_txn_id            IN            NUMBER   := NULL
  , x_return_status            OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
  , x_msg_count                OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
  , x_msg_data                 OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
  , p_object_type2             IN            NUMBER   := NULL    -- R12 Genealogy Enhancements
  , p_object_id2               IN            NUMBER   := NULL    -- R12 Genealogy Enhancements
  , p_object_number2           IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL    -- R12 Genealogy Enhancements
  , p_parent_object_type2      IN            NUMBER   := NULL    -- R12 Genealogy Enhancements
  , p_parent_object_id2        IN            NUMBER   := NULL    -- R12 Genealogy Enhancements
  , p_parent_object_number2    IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL    -- R12 Genealogy Enhancements
  , p_child_lot_control_code   IN            NUMBER   := NULL    -- R12 Genealogy Enhancements
  , p_parent_lot_control_code  IN            NUMBER   := NULL    -- R12 Genealogy Enhancements
  ) IS
    l_api_version     CONSTANT NUMBER          := 1.0;
Line: 355

    l_api_name        CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30)    := 'insert_genealogy';
Line: 392

    SAVEPOINT save_insert_genealogy;
Line: 393

    g_mod_name := 'Insert_Genealogy';
Line: 420

       mydebug('p_update_txn_id: '   || p_update_txn_id   );
Line: 448

    l_action  := 'INSERT';
Line: 488

        , p_update_txn_id            => p_update_txn_id
        , p_object_type2             => l_object_type2
        , p_object_id2               => l_object_id2
        , p_object_number2           => p_object_number2
        , p_parent_object_type2      => l_parent_object_type2
        , p_parent_object_id2        => l_parent_object_id2
        , p_parent_object_number2    => p_parent_object_number2
        , p_child_lot_control_code   => p_child_lot_control_code
        , p_parent_lot_control_code  => p_parent_lot_control_code
        , p_action                   => l_action
        , p_debug                    => l_debug
        , x_return_status            => x_return_status
        , x_msg_count                => x_msg_count
        , x_msg_data                 => x_msg_data);
Line: 503

    g_mod_name := 'Insert_Genealogy';
Line: 511

                          'an expected exception now..before inserting into genealogy }}' );
Line: 518

                                            'an unexpected exception now..before inserting into genealogy }}');
Line: 549

        SELECT msn.current_organization_id
          INTO l_org_id
          FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn
         WHERE msn.gen_object_id = l_object_id;
Line: 559

        SELECT msn.current_organization_id
          INTO l_parent_org_id
          FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn
         WHERE msn.gen_object_id = l_parent_object_id;
Line: 591

        SELECT msn.inventory_item_id
          INTO l_parent_inventory_item_id
          FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn
         WHERE msn.gen_object_id = l_parent_object_id;
Line: 597

      SELECT msi.eam_item_type
        INTO l_parent_item_type
        FROM mtl_system_items msi
       WHERE msi.inventory_item_id = l_parent_inventory_item_id
         AND msi.organization_id = l_parent_org_id;
Line: 612

        SELECT msn.inventory_item_id
          INTO l_inventory_item_id
          FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn
         WHERE msn.gen_object_id = l_object_id;
Line: 618

      SELECT msi.eam_item_type
        INTO l_child_item_type
        FROM mtl_system_items msi
       WHERE msi.inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id
         AND msi.organization_id = l_org_id;
Line: 657

      SELECT serial_number
        INTO l_serial_number
        FROM mtl_serial_numbers
       WHERE gen_object_id = l_object_id;
Line: 664

          SELECT mog.start_date_active start_date_active
               , mog.end_date_active end_date_active
               , msn.serial_number parent_serial_number
	       , msn.inventory_item_id parent_inventory_item_id
            FROM mtl_object_genealogy mog, mtl_serial_numbers msn
           WHERE mog.object_id = l_object_id
             AND msn.gen_object_id = mog.parent_object_id
             AND mog.genealogy_type = 5;
Line: 691

			select instance_number into l_instance_number
			from csi_item_instances
			where serial_number = l_serial_number
			and inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id
                        and last_vld_organization_id = l_org_id;
Line: 697

			select instance_number into l_parent_instance_number
			from csi_item_instances
			where serial_number = i.parent_serial_number
			and inventory_item_id = i.parent_inventory_item_id
                        and last_vld_organization_id = l_parent_org_id;
Line: 719

			select instance_number into l_instance_number
			from csi_item_instances
			where serial_number = l_serial_number
			and inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id
                        and last_vld_organization_id = l_org_id;
Line: 725

			select instance_number into l_parent_instance_number
			from csi_item_instances
			where serial_number = i.parent_serial_number
			and inventory_item_id = i.parent_inventory_item_id
                        and last_vld_organization_id = l_parent_org_id;
Line: 747

			select instance_number into l_instance_number
			from csi_item_instances
			where serial_number = l_serial_number
			and inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id
                        and last_vld_organization_id = l_org_id;
Line: 753

			select instance_number into l_parent_instance_number
			from csi_item_instances
			where serial_number = i.parent_serial_number
			and inventory_item_id = i.parent_inventory_item_id
                        and last_vld_organization_id = l_parent_org_id;
Line: 772

			select instance_number into l_instance_number
			from csi_item_instances
			where serial_number = l_serial_number
			and inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id
                        and last_vld_organization_id = l_org_id;
Line: 778

			select instance_number into l_parent_instance_number
			from csi_item_instances
			where serial_number = i.parent_serial_number
			and inventory_item_id = i.parent_inventory_item_id
                        and last_vld_organization_id = l_parent_org_id;
Line: 803

        SELECT l_object_id
          INTO l_object_table(1).object_id
          FROM DUAL;
Line: 812

          SELECT serial_number, inventory_item_id
            INTO l_parent_serial_number, l_parent_inventory_item_id
            FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn
           WHERE gen_object_id = l_parent_object_id;
Line: 818

			select instance_number into l_instance_number
			from csi_item_instances
			where serial_number = l_serial_number
			and inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id
                        and last_vld_organization_id = l_org_id;
Line: 824

			select instance_number into l_parent_instance_number
			from csi_item_instances
			where serial_number = l_parent_serial_number
			and inventory_item_id = l_parent_inventory_item_id
                        and last_vld_organization_id = l_parent_org_id;
Line: 850

    /* Fix bug 2138294, in EAM, object is not inserted into genealogy table
       Reason: l_dummy = 0 because there is existing parent/child relationship
       Fix: For EAM, it is allowed to have existing parent/child relationship,
        Added 'AND GENEALOGY_TYPE <> 5' to not include genealogy_type of 5 (Assets) */

    /* bug 2712800 The genealogy was not getting built when the serial number
       is completed the second time. Add the condition 'end_date_active is null'
       so that the genealogy is built if the end_date_active is already marked.
       For serials, end_date_active is marked with the sysdate once the serial
       number is returned (Serial-Tracking in WIP)*/

    l_dummy := -999;
Line: 870

          SELECT COUNT(*)
            INTO l_dummy
            FROM mtl_object_genealogy
           WHERE object_id = l_object_id
             AND object_id2 IS NULL  -- added this for lot+serial controlled items
             AND parent_object_id = l_parent_object_id
             AND parent_object_id2 IS NULL
             AND end_date_active IS NULL
             AND genealogy_type <> 5;
Line: 883

          SELECT COUNT(*)
            INTO l_dummy
            FROM mtl_object_genealogy
           WHERE object_id = l_object_id
             AND object_id2 IS NULL  -- added this for lot+serial controlled items
             AND parent_object_id = l_parent_object_id
             AND parent_object_id2 = l_parent_object_id2
             AND end_date_active IS NULL
             AND genealogy_type <> 5;
Line: 896

          SELECT COUNT(*)
            INTO l_dummy
            FROM mtl_object_genealogy
           WHERE object_id = l_object_id
             AND object_id2 = l_object_id2  -- added this for lot+serial controlled items
             AND parent_object_id = l_parent_object_id
             AND parent_object_id2 IS NULL
             AND end_date_active IS NULL
             AND genealogy_type <> 5;
Line: 909

          SELECT COUNT(*)
            INTO l_dummy
            FROM mtl_object_genealogy
           WHERE object_id = l_object_id
             AND object_id2 = l_object_id2  -- added this for lot+serial controlled items
             AND parent_object_id = l_parent_object_id
             AND parent_object_id2 = l_parent_object_id2
             AND end_date_active IS NULL
             AND genealogy_type <> 5;
Line: 928

                                '{{  inserted in mtl_object_genealogy for the given l_object_id, l_object_id2 }} ' ||
                                '{{  and  l_parent_object_id, l_parent_object_id2  combination }}' );
Line: 934

           INSERT INTO mtl_object_genealogy
                , object_type
                , object_id2                    -- R12 Genealogy Enhancements
                , object_type2                  -- R12 Genealogy Enhancements
                , parent_object_type
                , parent_object_id
                , parent_object_type2           -- R12 Genealogy Enhancements
                , parent_object_id2             -- R12 Genealogy Enhancements
                , last_update_date
                , last_updated_by
                , creation_date
                , created_by
                , start_date_active
                , end_date_active
                , genealogy_origin
                , origin_txn_id
                , update_txn_id
                , genealogy_type
                , last_update_login
                , attribute_category
                , attribute1
                , attribute2
                , attribute3
                , attribute4
                , attribute5
                , attribute6
                , attribute7
                , attribute8
                , attribute9
                , attribute10
                , attribute11
                , attribute12
                , attribute13
                , attribute14
                , attribute15
                , request_id
                , program_application_id
                , program_id
                , program_update_date
           VALUES (
                , p_object_type
                , l_object_id2                   -- R12Genealogy Enhancements
                , l_object_type2                 -- R12Genealogy Enhancements
                , p_parent_object_type
                , l_parent_object_id
                , l_parent_object_type2          -- R12Genealogy Enhancements
                , l_parent_object_id2            -- R12Genealogy Enhancements
                , SYSDATE
                , -1
                , SYSDATE + 10
                , fnd_global.user_id
                , p_start_date_active
                , p_end_date_active
                , p_genealogy_origin
                , p_origin_txn_id
                , p_update_txn_id
                , p_genealogy_type
                , -1
                , NULL
                , NULL
                , NULL
                , NULL
                , NULL
                , NULL
                , NULL
                , NULL
                , NULL
                , NULL
                , NULL
                , NULL
                , NULL
                , NULL
                , NULL
                , NULL
                , fnd_global.conc_request_id
                , fnd_global.prog_appl_id
                , fnd_global.conc_program_id
                , SYSDATE
Line: 1018

         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN mydebug( 'Inserted a New Record ' ); END IF;
Line: 1039

      ROLLBACK TO apiinsert_genealogy_apipub;
Line: 1047

      ROLLBACK TO apiinsert_genealogy_apipub;
Line: 1055

      ROLLBACK TO apiinsert_genealogy_apipub;
Line: 1063

  END insert_genealogy;
Line: 1065

  PROCEDURE update_genealogy(
    p_api_version       IN            NUMBER
  , p_init_msg_list     IN            VARCHAR2 := gen_fnd_g_false
  , p_commit            IN            VARCHAR2 := gen_fnd_g_false
  , p_validation_level  IN            NUMBER := gen_fnd_valid_level_full
  , p_object_type       IN            NUMBER
  , p_object_id         IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_object_number     IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_inventory_item_id IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_org_id            IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_genealogy_origin  IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_genealogy_type    IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_end_date_active   IN            DATE := NULL
  , p_update_txn_id     IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
  , x_msg_count         OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
  , x_msg_data          OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
  ) IS
    l_api_version CONSTANT NUMBER       := 1.0;
Line: 1084

    l_api_name    CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'update_genealogy';
Line: 1094

    SAVEPOINT update_genealogy_pub;
Line: 1096

    g_mod_name := 'Update Genealogy';
Line: 1161

        SELECT COUNT(*)
          INTO l_dummy
          FROM mtl_lot_numbers
         WHERE gen_object_id = p_object_id;
Line: 1176

          SELECT gen_object_id
            INTO l_object_id
            FROM mtl_lot_numbers
           WHERE lot_number = p_object_number
             AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
             AND organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 1192

        SELECT COUNT(*)
          INTO l_dummy
          FROM mtl_serial_numbers
         WHERE gen_object_id = p_object_id;
Line: 1207

          SELECT gen_object_id
            INTO l_object_id
            FROM mtl_serial_numbers
           WHERE serial_number = p_object_number
             AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
             AND current_organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 1224

        INTO l_dummy
        FROM mfg_lookups
       WHERE lookup_type = 'INV_GENEALOGY_ORIGIN'
         AND lookup_code = p_genealogy_origin;
Line: 1272

        SELECT 'Y'
          INTO l_dummy_char
          FROM DUAL
                         FROM mtl_object_genealogy
                        WHERE genealogy_type = 5
                          AND object_id = l_object_id
                          AND end_date_active IS NULL);
Line: 1281

        SELECT start_date_active
          INTO l_dummy_date
          FROM mtl_object_genealogy
         WHERE genealogy_type = 5
           AND object_id = l_object_id
           AND end_date_active IS NULL;
Line: 1303

    UPDATE mtl_object_genealogy
       SET last_update_date = SYSDATE
         , last_updated_by = -1
         , end_date_active = p_end_date_active
         , update_txn_id = p_update_txn_id
         , last_update_login = -1
         , request_id = fnd_global.conc_request_id
         , program_application_id = fnd_global.prog_appl_id
         , program_id = fnd_global.conc_program_id
         , program_update_date = SYSDATE
     WHERE object_id = l_object_id
       AND end_date_active IS NULL;
Line: 1326

      ROLLBACK TO update_genealogy_pub;
Line: 1330

      ROLLBACK TO update_genealogy_pub;
Line: 1334

      ROLLBACK TO update_genealogy_pub;
Line: 1342

  END update_genealogy;
Line: 1344

  PROCEDURE insert_flow_genealogy(
    p_api_version               IN            NUMBER
  , p_init_msg_list             IN            VARCHAR2 := gen_fnd_g_false
  , p_commit                    IN            VARCHAR2 := gen_fnd_g_false
  , p_validation_level          IN            NUMBER := gen_fnd_valid_level_full
  , p_transaction_source_id     IN            NUMBER
  , p_completion_transaction_id IN            NUMBER
  , p_parent_object_id          IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_parent_object_number      IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_parent_inventory_item_id  IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_parent_org_id             IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_genealogy_origin          IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_genealogy_type            IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_start_date_active         IN            DATE := SYSDATE
  , p_end_date_active           IN            DATE := NULL
  , p_origin_txn_id             IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_update_txn_id             IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , x_return_status             OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
  , x_msg_count                 OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
  , x_msg_data                  OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
  --,   debug_count                     OUT NUMBER
  ) IS
    l_transaction_action_id      NUMBER         := 1;
Line: 1369

    l_api_name          CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30)   := 'insert_flow_genealogy';
Line: 1372

      SELECT mtlt.lot_number
           , mmtt.organization_id
           , mmtt.inventory_item_id
        FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
       WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.transaction_temp_id
         AND mmtt.transaction_source_id = p_transaction_source_id
         AND mmtt.completion_transaction_id = p_completion_transaction_id
         AND mmtt.transaction_action_id = l_transaction_action_id
         AND mmtt.transaction_source_type_id = l_transaction_source_type_id;
Line: 1383

      SELECT mtlt.lot_number
           , mmtt.organization_id
           , mmtt.inventory_item_id
           , mmtt.transaction_id
        FROM mtl_material_transactions mmtt, mtl_transaction_lot_numbers mtlt
       WHERE mmtt.transaction_id = mtlt.transaction_id
         AND mmtt.transaction_source_id = p_transaction_source_id
         AND mmtt.completion_transaction_id = p_completion_transaction_id
         AND mmtt.transaction_action_id = l_transaction_action_id
         AND mmtt.transaction_source_type_id = l_transaction_source_type_id;
Line: 1408

      mydebug('Inside Insert_Flow_Genealogy');
Line: 1416

            || ' p_update_txn_id = ' || p_update_txn_id
            || ' p_start_date_active = ' || TO_CHAR(p_start_date_active, 'DD-MON-RRRR')
            || ' p_end_date_active = ' || TO_CHAR(p_end_date_active, 'DD-MON-RRRR') );
Line: 1422

    SAVEPOINT apiinsert_genealogy_apipub;
Line: 1462

        mydebug('call insert_genealogy');
Line: 1465

        p_api_version                => 1.0
      , p_init_msg_list              => lg_fnd_g_false
      , p_commit                     => lg_fnd_g_false
      , p_validation_level           => lg_fnd_valid_level_full
      , p_object_type                => l_object_type
      , p_parent_object_type         => l_parent_object_type
      , p_object_id                  => NULL
      , p_object_number              => l_object_number
      , p_inventory_item_id          => l_inventory_item_id
      , p_org_id                     => l_organization_id
      , p_parent_object_id           => NULL
      , p_parent_object_number       => p_parent_object_number
      , p_parent_inventory_item_id   => p_parent_inventory_item_id
      , p_parent_org_id              => p_parent_org_id
      , p_genealogy_origin           => p_genealogy_origin
      , p_genealogy_type             => p_genealogy_type
      , p_start_date_active          => SYSDATE
      , p_end_date_active            => NULL
      , p_origin_txn_id              => p_origin_txn_id
      , p_update_txn_id              => NULL
      , x_return_status              => l_return_status
      , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_count
      , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data);
Line: 1497

      INTO l_count
      FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
     WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.transaction_temp_id
       AND mmtt.transaction_source_id = p_transaction_source_id
       AND mmtt.transaction_action_id = l_transaction_action_id
       AND mmtt.transaction_source_type_id = l_transaction_source_type_id
       AND mmtt.completion_transaction_id = p_completion_transaction_id;
Line: 1520

          mydebug('call insert_genealogy');
Line: 1523

          p_api_version                => 1.0
        , p_init_msg_list              => lg_fnd_g_false
        , p_commit                     => lg_fnd_g_false
        , p_validation_level           => lg_fnd_valid_level_full
        , p_object_type                => l_object_type
        , p_parent_object_type         => l_parent_object_type
        , p_object_id                  => NULL
        , p_object_number              => l_object_number
        , p_inventory_item_id          => l_inventory_item_id
        , p_org_id                     => l_organization_id
        , p_parent_object_id           => NULL
        , p_parent_object_number       => p_parent_object_number
        , p_parent_inventory_item_id   => p_parent_inventory_item_id
        , p_parent_org_id              => p_parent_org_id
        , p_genealogy_origin           => p_genealogy_origin
        , p_genealogy_type             => p_genealogy_type
        , p_start_date_active          => SYSDATE
        , p_end_date_active            => NULL
        , p_origin_txn_id              => l_origin_txn_id
        , p_update_txn_id              => NULL
        , x_return_status              => l_return_status
        , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_count
        , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data);
Line: 1569

      ROLLBACK TO save_insert_genealogy;
Line: 1577

      ROLLBACK TO save_insert_genealogy;
Line: 1585

      ROLLBACK TO save_insert_genealogy;
Line: 1593

  END insert_flow_genealogy;
Line: 1597

  P_API_VERSION                  IN NUMBER,
  P_INIT_MSG_LIST                IN VARCHAR2 := gen_fnd_g_false,
  P_COMMIT                       IN VARCHAR2 := gen_fnd_g_false,
  P_VALIDATION_LEVEL             IN NUMBER   := gen_fnd_valid_level_full,
  P_OBJECT_ID                    IN NUMBER,
  X_MSG_COUNT                   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
  X_MSG_DATA                    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  ) IS
    l_api_name       CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'delete_row';
Line: 1630

 	Delete from mtl_object_genealogy
        where object_id = p_object_id
	and start_date_active = p_start_date_active
	and end_date_active = p_end_date_active
	and genealogy_type = 5;
Line: 1665

END Delete_EAM_Row;
Line: 1684

  , p_update_txn_id            IN            NUMBER
  , p_object_type2             IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  , p_object_id2               IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  , p_object_number2           IN            VARCHAR2
  , p_parent_object_type2      IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  , p_parent_object_id2        IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  , p_parent_object_number2    IN            VARCHAR2
  , p_child_lot_control_code   IN            NUMBER
  , p_parent_lot_control_code  IN            NUMBER
  , p_action                   IN            VARCHAR2
  , p_debug                    IN            NUMBER
  , x_return_status            OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
  , x_msg_count                OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
  , x_msg_data                 OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2)
    l_api_name        CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30)    := 'parameter_validations';
Line: 1747

       mydebug('p_update_txn_id: '   || p_update_txn_id   );
Line: 1903

                INTO   l_inventory_item_id
                FROM   mtl_serial_numbers
                WHERE  gen_object_id = p_object_id
                AND    current_Organization_id   = p_org_id;
Line: 1922

             SELECT lot_control_code
             INTO   l_child_lot_control_code
             FROM   mtl_system_items_b
             WHERE  inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id
             AND    Organization_id   = p_org_id;
Line: 1945

                INTO   l_parent_inventory_item_id
                FROM   mtl_serial_numbers
                WHERE  gen_object_id = p_parent_object_id
                AND    current_Organization_id   = p_parent_org_id;
Line: 1960

             SELECT lot_control_code
             INTO   l_parent_lot_control_code
             FROM   mtl_system_items_b
             WHERE  inventory_item_id = l_parent_inventory_item_id
             AND    Organization_id   = p_parent_org_id;
Line: 2131

           SELECT COUNT(*)
             INTO l_dummy
             FROM mtl_lot_numbers
            WHERE gen_object_id = p_object_id;
Line: 2152

          SELECT gen_object_id
            INTO l_object_id
            FROM mtl_lot_numbers
           WHERE lot_number = LTRIM(RTRIM(p_object_number))
             AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
             AND organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 2173

            SELECT COUNT(*)
              INTO l_dummy
              FROM mtl_serial_numbers
             WHERE gen_object_id = p_object_id;
Line: 2194

          SELECT gen_object_id
            INTO l_object_id
            FROM mtl_serial_numbers
           WHERE serial_number = LTRIM(RTRIM(p_object_number))
             AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
             AND current_organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 2214

        SELECT wip_entity_id
          INTO l_dummy
          FROM wip_entities
         WHERE gen_object_id = p_object_id;
Line: 2234

          SELECT gen_object_id
            INTO l_object_id
            FROM wip_entities
           WHERE wip_entity_name = LTRIM(RTRIM(p_object_number))
             AND organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 2267

           SELECT COUNT(*)
             INTO l_dummy
             FROM mtl_lot_numbers
            WHERE gen_object_id = p_parent_object_id;
Line: 2288

          SELECT gen_object_id
            INTO l_parent_object_id
            FROM mtl_lot_numbers
           WHERE lot_number = LTRIM(RTRIM(p_parent_object_number))
             AND inventory_item_id = p_parent_inventory_item_id
             AND organization_id = p_parent_org_id;
Line: 2312

           SELECT COUNT(*)
             INTO l_dummy
             FROM mtl_serial_numbers
            WHERE gen_object_id = p_parent_object_id;
Line: 2333

          SELECT gen_object_id
            INTO l_parent_object_id
            FROM mtl_serial_numbers
           WHERE serial_number = LTRIM(RTRIM(p_parent_object_number))
             AND inventory_item_id = p_parent_inventory_item_id
             AND current_organization_id = p_parent_org_id;
Line: 2354

        SELECT wip_entity_id
          INTO l_dummy
          FROM wip_entities
         WHERE gen_object_id = p_parent_object_id;
Line: 2374

          SELECT gen_object_id
            INTO l_parent_object_id
            FROM wip_entities
           WHERE wip_entity_name = LTRIM(RTRIM(p_parent_object_number))
             AND organization_id = p_parent_org_id;
Line: 2408

           SELECT COUNT(*)
             INTO l_dummy
             FROM mtl_lot_numbers
            WHERE gen_object_id = p_object_id2;
Line: 2427

             SELECT gen_object_id
               INTO l_object_id2
               FROM mtl_lot_numbers
              WHERE lot_number = LTRIM(RTRIM(p_object_number2))
                AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
                AND organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 2461

           SELECT COUNT(*)
             INTO l_dummy
             FROM mtl_lot_numbers
            WHERE gen_object_id = p_parent_object_id2;
Line: 2480

              SELECT gen_object_id
                INTO l_parent_object_id2
                FROM mtl_lot_numbers
               WHERE lot_number = LTRIM(RTRIM(p_parent_object_number2))
                 AND inventory_item_id = p_parent_inventory_item_id
                 AND organization_id = p_parent_org_id;
Line: 2511

         SELECT COUNT(*)
           INTO l_dummy
           FROM mfg_lookups
          WHERE lookup_type = 'INV_GENEALOGY_ORIGIN'
            AND lookup_code = p_genealogy_origin;
Line: 2641

PROCEDURE update_genealogy(
    p_api_version              IN            NUMBER
  , p_init_msg_list            IN            VARCHAR2 := gen_fnd_g_false
  , p_commit                   IN            VARCHAR2 := gen_fnd_g_false
  , p_validation_level         IN            NUMBER   := gen_fnd_valid_level_full
  , p_object_type              IN            NUMBER
  , p_parent_object_type       IN            NUMBER   := NULL
  , p_object_id                IN            NUMBER   := NULL
  , p_object_number            IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_inventory_item_id        IN            NUMBER   := NULL
  , p_organization_id          IN            NUMBER   := NULL
  , p_parent_object_id         IN            NUMBER   := NULL
  , p_parent_object_number     IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_parent_inventory_item_id IN            NUMBER   := NULL
  , p_parent_org_id            IN            NUMBER   := NULL
  , p_genealogy_origin         IN            NUMBER   := NULL
  , p_genealogy_type           IN            NUMBER   := NULL
  , p_start_date_active        IN            DATE     := SYSDATE
  , p_end_date_active          IN            DATE     := NULL
  , p_origin_txn_id            IN            NUMBER   := NULL
  , p_update_txn_id            IN            NUMBER   := NULL
  , p_object_type2             IN            NUMBER   := NULL
  , p_object_id2               IN            NUMBER   := NULL
  , p_object_number2           IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_parent_object_type2      IN            NUMBER   := NULL
  , p_parent_object_id2        IN            NUMBER   := NULL
  , p_parent_object_number2    IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_child_lot_control_code   IN            NUMBER   := NULL
  , p_parent_lot_control_code  IN            NUMBER   := NULL
  , p_transaction_type         IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL  -- ASSEMBLY_RETURN, COMP_RETURN, NULL
  , x_return_status            OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
  , x_msg_count                OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
  , x_msg_data                 OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
  ) IS
   -- 2/2/06: Bug: 4997221 : Added new parameter p_transaction_type
    l_api_version     CONSTANT NUMBER          := 1.0;
Line: 2677

    l_api_name        CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30)    := 'update_genealogy';
Line: 2705

    SAVEPOINT save_update_genealogy;
Line: 2706

    g_mod_name := 'update_Genealogy';
Line: 2733

       mydebug('p_update_txn_id: '   || p_update_txn_id   );
Line: 2761

    l_action  := 'UPDATE';
Line: 2790

                             , p_update_txn_id            =>   p_update_txn_id
                             , p_object_type2             =>   l_object_type2             -- IN OUT
                             , p_object_id2               =>   l_object_id2               -- IN OUT
                             , p_object_number2           =>   p_object_number2
                             , p_parent_object_type2      =>   l_parent_object_type2      -- IN OUT
                             , p_parent_object_id2        =>   l_parent_object_id2        -- IN OUT
                             , p_parent_object_number2    =>   p_parent_object_number2
                             , p_child_lot_control_code   =>   p_child_lot_control_code
                             , p_parent_lot_control_code  =>   p_parent_lot_control_code
                             , p_action                   =>   l_action
                             , p_debug                    =>   l_debug
                             , x_return_status            =>   l_return_status
                             , x_msg_count                =>   l_msg_count
                             , x_msg_data                 =>   l_msg_data);
Line: 2804

         g_mod_name := 'update_Genealogy';
Line: 2813

                          'an expected exception now..before inserting into genealogy }}' );
Line: 2820

                     'an unexpected exception now..before inserting into genealogy }}');
Line: 2844

       mydebug('{{- Only if the relationship exists that it can be updated }}' );
Line: 2853

          UPDATE mtl_object_genealogy
          SET    last_update_date = SYSDATE
               , last_updated_by = -1
               , end_date_active = l_end_date_active
               , update_txn_id = p_update_txn_id
               , last_update_login = -1
               , request_id = -1
               , program_application_id = fnd_global.prog_appl_id
               , program_id = fnd_global.conc_program_id
               , program_update_date = SYSDATE
          WHERE end_date_active IS NULL
          AND parent_object_id = l_object_id
          AND parent_object_id2 IS NULL
          AND object_type = 5                 -- Job : 5368998
          AND object_id = l_parent_object_id  -- Job's gen object id : 5368998
          AND genealogy_type <> 5;
Line: 2879

                mydebug(' {{- AR: Number of relationships deleted for parent_object_id :'
                            || l_object_id || ' - IS:' || sql%rowcount || '}}');
Line: 2890

            UPDATE mtl_object_genealogy
            SET    last_update_date = SYSDATE
                 , last_updated_by = -1
                 , end_date_active = l_end_date_active
                 , update_txn_id = p_update_txn_id
                 , last_update_login = -1
                 , request_id = fnd_global.conc_request_id
                 , program_application_id = fnd_global.prog_appl_id
                 , program_id = fnd_global.conc_program_id
                 , program_update_date = SYSDATE
            WHERE end_date_active IS NULL
              AND parent_object_id = l_object_id
              AND parent_object_id2 = l_object_id2
              AND object_type = 5                 -- Job : 5368998
              AND object_id = l_parent_object_id  -- Job's gen object id : 5368998
              AND genealogy_type <> 5;
Line: 2913

                  mydebug(' {{- AR: Number of relationships deleted for object_id ,object_id2 and any other object :'
                         || l_object_id || ':' || l_object_id2 || ' - IS:' || sql%rowcount || '}}');
Line: 2924

          UPDATE mtl_object_genealogy
          SET    last_update_date = SYSDATE
               , last_updated_by = -1
               , end_date_active = l_end_date_active
               , update_txn_id = p_update_txn_id
               , last_update_login = -1
               , request_id = -1
               , program_application_id = fnd_global.prog_appl_id
               , program_id = fnd_global.conc_program_id
               , program_update_date = SYSDATE
            WHERE end_date_active IS NULL
              AND object_id = l_object_id
              AND object_id2  IS NULL
              AND ( (parent_object_type = 5                      -- Job : 5368998
                     AND parent_object_id = l_parent_object_id)  -- Job's gen object id : 5368998
                   OR (parent_object_type <> 5))
              AND genealogy_type = 1;
Line: 2942

                  created by comp issue/assembly completion gets updated */
             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
                mydebug(' {{- CR: NO relationship between object_id and any other object :' || l_object_id || '}}');
Line: 2949

                mydebug(' {{- CR: Number of relationships deleted for parent_object_id :'
                            || l_object_id || ' - IS:' || sql%rowcount || '}}');
Line: 2960

            UPDATE mtl_object_genealogy
            SET    last_update_date = SYSDATE
                 , last_updated_by = -1
                 , end_date_active = l_end_date_active
                 , update_txn_id = p_update_txn_id
                 , last_update_login = -1
                 , request_id = fnd_global.conc_request_id
                 , program_application_id = fnd_global.prog_appl_id
                 , program_id = fnd_global.conc_program_id
                 , program_update_date = SYSDATE
            WHERE end_date_active IS NULL
              AND object_id = l_object_id
              AND object_id2 = l_object_id2
              AND ( (parent_object_type = 5                      -- Job : 5368998
                     AND parent_object_id = l_parent_object_id)  -- Job's gen object id : 5368998
                   OR (parent_object_type <> 5))
              AND genealogy_type = 1;
Line: 2978

                  created by comp issue/assembly completion gets updated */

                IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
                  mydebug(' {{- CR: NO relationship between object_id,object_id2 and any other object :' || l_object_id
                          || ':' || l_object_id2 || '}}');
Line: 2987

                  mydebug(' {{- CR: Number of relationships deleted for object_id ,object_id2 and any other object :'
                         || l_object_id || ':' || l_object_id2 || ' - IS:' || sql%rowcount || '}}');
Line: 2994

        UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
        SET parent_serial_number = NULL
            ,last_update_date = SYSDATE
            ,last_updated_by = -1
            ,last_update_login = -1
        WHERE gen_object_id = l_object_id;
Line: 3007

      ROLLBACK TO save_update_genealogy;
Line: 3013

      ROLLBACK TO save_update_genealogy;
Line: 3018

      ROLLBACK TO save_update_genealogy;
Line: 3024

END update_genealogy;