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APPS.OE_BIS dependencies on SO_HEADERS_ALL

Line 65: from so_lines_all l, so_headers_all h

62: begin
63: select count(*)
64: into p_days_returns
65: from so_lines_all l, so_headers_all h
66: where h.customer_id in
67: (select customer_id from oe_bis_top_customers)
68: and l.creation_date = p_day
69: and nvl(p_org_id,l.org_id) = l.org_id

Line 236: from so_lines_all l, so_headers_all h

233: update oe_bis_top_customers c set
234: return_lines =
235: (select count(*)
236: from so_lines_all l, so_headers_all h
237: where l.header_id = h.header_id
238: and h.customer_id = c.customer_id
239: and l.line_type_code = 'RETURN'
240: and l.org_id = nvl(p_org_id,l.org_id)