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2 /* $Header: BOMCHDUS.pls 115.0 99/07/16 05:11:42 porting ship $ */
3 /*============================================================================+
4 |  Copyright (c) 1993 Oracle Corporation    Belmont, California, USA          |
5 |                        All rights reserved.                                 |
6 |                        Oracle Manufacturing                                 |
7 +=============================================================================+
8 |									      |
9 | FILE NAME   : BOMCHDUS.pls						      |
10 | DESCRIPTION :								      |
11 |               This file creates packaged functions that check for matching  |
12 |		configurations.						      |
13 |									      |
14 |		BOMPCHDU.is_base_demand_row -- Checks whether a given row in  |
15 |		mtl_demand has already been found to be a duplicate.	      |
16 |									      |
17 |		BOMPCHDU.bomfchdu_check_dupl_config -- Checks through each    |
18 |		row in mtl_demand which has been marked to be processed.      |
19 |		Depending on profile settings, it may call a custom function  |
20 |		for pre-existing configurations or use the matching function  |
21 |		from match and reserve.  Then, it does an in batch match on   |
22 |		the configurations.					      |
23 |									      |
24 |		BOMPCHDU.existing_dupl_match -- for a given demand_id, it     |
25 |		searches BOM ATO Configurations for a matching configuration. |
26 |									      |
27 |		BOMPCHDU.check_dupl_batch_match -- for a given demand_id, it  |
28 |		checks the other rows to be processed whether any has an      |
29 |		identical configuration.  If any of the other rows are 	      |
30 |		identical, their dupl_config_demand_id or dupl_config_item_id |
31 |		is updated accordingly.					      |
32 | HISTORY     :  							      |
33 |               06/13/93  Chung Wei Lee  Initial version		      |
34 |		08/16/93  Chung Wei Lee	 Added more comments		      |
35 |		08/23/93  Chung Wei Lee  Added codes to check dup new config  |
36 |		11/08/93  Randy Roupp    Added sql_stmt_num logic             |
37 |		11/09/93  Randy Roupp    Changed is_base_demand_row function  |
38 |		01/14/94  Nagaraj        Handle the case if d1.primary_uom_   |
39 |					 quantity is zero		      |
40 |               02/21/94  Manish Modi    Moved bomfcdec_ch_du_ext_config to   |
41 |                                        BOMPCEDC.			      |
42 |		11/01/95  Edward Lee	 Re-wrote package to use a matching   |
43 |					 function similar to the one in       |
44 |					 BOMPMCFG which drives off of so_lines|
45 |					 Also added a check for existing      |
46 |					 configurations in BOM ATO Configs.   |
47 =============================================================================*/
49 function is_base_demand_row(
50 	input_demand_id	in	number,
51         error_message   out     VARCHAR2,   /* 70 bytes to hold returned msg */
52         message_name    out     VARCHAR2,   /* 30 bytes to hold returned nme */
53         table_name      out     VARCHAR2    /* 30 bytes to hold returned tbl */
54 	)
55 return integer;				    /*  1=Continue
56 						0=Already Matched */
59 function bomfchdu_check_dupl_config (
60         error_message   out     VARCHAR2,   /* 70 bytes to hold returned msg */
61         message_name    out     VARCHAR2,   /* 30 bytes to hold returned nme */
62         table_name      out     VARCHAR2,   /* 30 bytes to hold returned tbl */
63 	nobatch		in	number	default 0
64 			    /* 1=only 1 line, 0=2+ lines */
65         )
66 return integer;					/* 1 = OK
67                                                    0 = Error */
69 function existing_dupl_match (
70 	input_demand_id in	number,
71 	dupl_item_id  	out	number,
72         error_message  	out     VARCHAR2,  /* 70 bytes to hold returned msg */
73         message_name    out     VARCHAR2, /* 30 bytes to hold returned name */
74         table_name      out     VARCHAR2  /* 30 bytes to hold returned tbl */
75 	)
76 return integer;					/* 1 = OK
77 						   0 = Error */
79 function check_dupl_batch_match (
80 	input_demand_id in	number,
81 	dupl_item_id  		number,
82 	copy_line_id	in	number,
83         error_message   out     VARCHAR2,  /* 70 bytes to hold returned msg */
84         message_name    out     VARCHAR2, /* 30 bytes to hold returned name */
85         table_name      out     VARCHAR2  /* 30 bytes to hold returned tbl */
86 	)
87 return integer;					/* 1 = OK
88 						   0 = Error */
90 end BOMPCHDU;