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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 46

       SELECT Bom_Operation_Sequences_S.NEXTVAL Op_Seq_Id
       FROM SYS.DUAL ;
Line: 71

           SELECT routing_sequence_id
           FROM   bom_operational_routings bor
           WHERE  bor.assembly_item_id = p_revised_item_id
           AND    bor.organization_id  = p_organization_id
           AND    NVL(bor.alternate_routing_designator, FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) =
                  NVL(p_alternate_routing_code, FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR);
Line: 80

        SELECT Bom_Operational_Routings_S.NEXTVAL Rtg_Seq_Id
        FROM SYS.DUAL ;
Line: 143

        SELECT SYSDATE   -- Changed for bug 2647027
        INTO l_current_date
        FROM SYS.DUAL ;
Line: 207

          SELECT  bom_item_type
          INTO    g_assy_item_type
          WHERE   organization_id   = p_organization_id
          AND     inventory_item_id = p_revised_item_id ;
Line: 419

       SELECT 'Resource Exist'
       FROM   DUAL
                      FROM   BOM_OPERATION_RESOURCES
                      WHERE  operation_sequence_id = p_op_seq_id
                    ) ;
Line: 435

       SELECT   bso.department_id
              , bso.minimum_transfer_quantity
              , bso.count_point_type
              , bso.operation_description
              , bso.backflush_flag
              , bso.option_dependent_flag
              , bso.attribute_category
              , bso.attribute1
              , bso.attribute2
              , bso.attribute3
              , bso.attribute4
              , bso.attribute5
              , bso.attribute6
              , bso.attribute7
              , bso.attribute8
              , bso.attribute9
              , bso.attribute10
              , bso.attribute11
              , bso.attribute12
              , bso.attribute13
              , bso.attribute14
              , bso.attribute15
              , bso.operation_yield_enabled
              , bso.shutdown_type
              , bso.yield  --bug 3572770
	      , bso.lowest_acceptable_yield  -- Added for MES Enhancement
	      ,	bso.use_org_settings
	      ,	bso.queue_mandatory_flag
	      ,	bso.run_mandatory_flag
	      ,	bso.to_move_mandatory_flag
	      ,	bso.show_next_op_by_default
	      ,	bso.show_scrap_code
	      ,	bso.show_lot_attrib
	      ,	bso.track_multiple_res_usage_dates  -- End of MES Changes
              , bom_operational_routings bor
       WHERE   NVL(bso.operation_type,1 )
                               = DECODE(p_op_type, FND_API.G_MISS_NUM, 1
                                        , NVL(p_op_type, 1))
       AND     NVL(bso.line_id, FND_API.G_MISS_NUM)
                               = NVL(bor.line_id, FND_API.G_MISS_NUM)
       AND    bor.routing_sequence_id   = p_rtg_seq_id
       AND    bso.organization_id       = p_org_id
       AND    bso.standard_operation_id = p_std_op_id
       SELECT   bso.department_id
              , bso.minimum_transfer_quantity
              , bso.count_point_type
              , bso.operation_description
              , bso.backflush_flag
              , bso.option_dependent_flag
              , bso.attribute_category
              , bso.attribute1
              , bso.attribute2
              , bso.attribute3
              , bso.attribute4
              , bso.attribute5
              , bso.attribute6
              , bso.attribute7
              , bso.attribute8
              , bso.attribute9
              , bso.attribute10
              , bso.attribute11
              , bso.attribute12
              , bso.attribute13
              , bso.attribute14
              , bso.attribute15
              , bso.operation_yield_enabled
              , bso.shutdown_type
              , bso.yield  --bug 3572770
	      , bso.lowest_acceptable_yield  -- Added for MES Enhancement
	      ,	bso.use_org_settings
	      ,	bso.queue_mandatory_flag
	      ,	bso.run_mandatory_flag
	      ,	bso.to_move_mandatory_flag
	      ,	bso.show_next_op_by_default
	      ,	bso.show_scrap_code
	      ,	bso.show_lot_attrib
	      ,	bso.track_multiple_res_usage_dates  -- End of MES Changes
             -- , ENG_REVISED_ITEMS        eri   --Bug : 3640944 By AMALVIYA
       WHERE   NVL(bso.operation_type, 1)
                 = DECODE( p_op_type, FND_API.G_MISS_NUM, 1
                         , NVL(p_op_type, 1 ) )
       -- AND     NVL(bso.line_id, FND_API.G_MISS_NUM)
       --                      = NVL(eri.line_id, FND_API.G_MISS_NUM)
       -- AND     eri.revised_item_sequence_id =  p_rev_item_sequence_id
       AND    BOM_Rtg_Globals.Get_Routing_Sequence_Id   IS NULL
       AND    bso.organization_id       = p_org_id
       AND    bso.standard_operation_id = p_std_op_id
Line: 1453

    * Procedure : Populate_Null_Columns used by Rtg BO(Update or Delete)
    * Parameters IN : Operation exposed column record
    *                 Operation unexposed column record
    *                 Old Operation exposed column record
    *                 Old Operation unexposed column record
    * Parameters out: Operation exposed column record after populating null columns
    *                 Operation unexposed column record after populating null columns
    * Purpose   : Convert Routing Operation to Common Operation and
    *             Call Populate_Null_Columns for Common.
    *             The procedure will populate the NULL columns from the record that
    *             is queried from the database.
    PROCEDURE Populate_Null_Columns
    (  p_operation_rec          IN  Bom_Rtg_Pub.Operation_Rec_Type
     , p_op_unexp_rec           IN  Bom_Rtg_Pub.Op_Unexposed_Rec_Type
     , p_old_operation_rec      IN  Bom_Rtg_Pub.Operation_Rec_Type
     , p_old_op_unexp_rec       IN  Bom_Rtg_Pub.Op_Unexposed_Rec_Type
     , x_operation_rec          IN OUT NOCOPY Bom_Rtg_Pub.Operation_Rec_Type
     , x_op_unexp_rec           IN OUT NOCOPY Bom_Rtg_Pub.Op_Unexposed_Rec_Type

        l_com_operation_rec      Bom_Rtg_Pub.Com_Operation_Rec_Type ;
Line: 1532

    *            used by ECO BO(Update, Delete or Create with ACD_Type:2 Change)
    * Parameters IN : Revised Operation exposed column record
    *                 Revised Operation unexposed column record
    *                 Old Revised Operation exposed column record
    *                 Old Revised Operation unexposed column record
    * Parameters out: Revised Operation exposed column record after
    *                 populating null columns
    *                 Revised Operation unexposed column record after
    *                 populating null columns
    * Purpose   : Convert Revised Operation to Common Operation and
    *             Call Populate_Null_Columns for Common.
    *             The procedure will populate the NULL columns from the record that
    *             is queried from the database.
    PROCEDURE Populate_Null_Columns
    (  p_rev_operation_rec      IN  Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Operation_Rec_Type
     , p_rev_op_unexp_rec       IN  Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Op_Unexposed_Rec_Type
     , p_old_rev_operation_rec  IN  Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Operation_Rec_Type
     , p_old_rev_op_unexp_rec   IN  Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Op_Unexposed_Rec_Type
     , x_rev_operation_rec      IN OUT NOCOPY Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Operation_Rec_Type
     , x_rev_op_unexp_rec       IN OUT NOCOPY Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Op_Unexposed_Rec_Type )
        l_com_operation_rec      Bom_Rtg_Pub.Com_Operation_Rec_Type ;