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2 -- $Header: cnwfpmts.pls 115.6 2002/11/21 21:20:25 hlchen ship $ --+
3 --
4 -- Procedure
5 --	StartProcess
6 --
7 -- Description		starts the workflow.
8 --
9 -- IN
10 --   srp_role_id
11 --   RequestorUsername  - Requisition Requestor Username from callling application
12 --   ProcessOwner	- Requisition process Owner Username from calling application
13 --   Workflowprocess    - Workflow process to run.
14 --
15 procedure StartProcess(	p_posting_detail_id	in number,
16 			p_RequestorUsername	in varchar2,
17 			p_ProcessOwner		in varchar2,
18 			p_WorkflowProcess	in varchar2,
19 			p_Item_Type		in varchar2 );
20 -- Procedure
21 --	Get_ccid
22 --
23 -- Description		gets the ccid
24 --
25 -- IN
26 --   itemkey
27 --   RequestorUsername  - Requisition Requestor Username from callling application
28 --   ProcessOwner	- Requisition process Owner Username from calling application
29 --   Workflowprocess    - Workflow process to run.
30 --
31 procedure get_ccid(  	itemtype	in varchar2,
32 	itemkey  	in varchar2,
33 	actid		in number,
34 	funcmode	in varchar2,
35 	resultout out nocopy varchar2	) ;
37 --
38 -- Procedure
39 --	selector
40 --
41 -- Description
42 --
43 -- IN
44 --   itemtype  - A valid item type from (WF_ITEM_TYPES table).
45 --   itemkey   - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
46 --   itemuserkey - A string generated from the application object user-friendly
47 --               primary key.
48 --   actid     - The function activity(instance id).
49 --   processowner - The username owner for this item instance.
50 --   funcmode  - Run/Cancel
51 -- OUT
52 --   resultout    - Name of workflow process to run
53 --
54 procedure Selector (	itemtype	in varchar2,
55 			itemkey  	in varchar2,
56 			actid		in number,
57 			funcmode	in varchar2,
58 			resultout out nocopy varchar2	);
60 -- Record_Notification
61 --   Records the notification
62 -- IN
63 --   itemtype  - A valid item type from (WF_ITEM_TYPES table).
64 --   itemkey   - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
65 --   actid     - The function activity(instance id).
66 --   funcmode  - Run/Cancel
67 -- OUT
68 --   Resultout    - 'COMPLETE'
69 --
71 procedure update_trx_ccid (	itemtype	in varchar2,
72 				itemkey  	in varchar2,
73 				actid		in number,
74 				funcmode	in varchar2,
75 				resultout out nocopy varchar2	);
77 -- Procedure
78 --	Get_acc_gen_type
79 --
80 -- Description		dummy procedure
81 --
82 -- IN
83 --   itemkey
84 --
85 procedure get_acc_gen_type
86   (  	itemtype	in varchar2,
87 	itemkey  	in varchar2,
88 	actid		in number,
89 	funcmode	in varchar2,
90 	resultout out nocopy varchar2	);
92 end CN_WF_PMT_PKG;