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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 148

    THEN -- update max_err_num to what it was before the run

      IF g_debug THEN
        l_proc_step := 10;
Line: 155

      UPDATE ben_batch_parameter
         SET max_err_num = p_max_err_num
      WHERE  batch_parameter_id = p_batch_parameter_id;
Line: 160

        debug(SQL%ROWCOUNT||' rows updated.');
Line: 165

    ELSE -- did not exist before run so delete the one which was inserted

      IF g_debug THEN
        l_proc_step := 20;
Line: 173

      DELETE FROM ben_batch_parameter WHERE batch_parameter_id = p_batch_parameter_id;
Line: 176

        debug(SQL%ROWCOUNT||' rows deleted.');
Line: 235

    2. set max error count to 1, insert if a row did not exist in ben_batch_param
    3. count the number of ben_reporting entries for this person
       -- to count try join with ben_benefit_actions
    4. set audit flag to Y
    5. do the usual call
    6. count the number of ben_erporting_entries for this person
    7. If it differs from the count before execution then raise exception
    8. or if an exception has occured and we are in the expcetion block
    9. check for the latest ben_reporting entry
    10. if there is one retrive the text set that token for pqp dummy message
    11. and fnd raise error.

  OPEN csr_benmngle_batch_parameter(p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id);
Line: 262

    UPDATE ben_batch_parameter
       SET max_err_num = 1
    WHERE  batch_parameter_id = l_benmngle_batch_parameter.batch_parameter_id;
Line: 274

    INSERT INTO ben_batch_parameter
     (batch_parameter_id       -- NOT NULL NUMBER(15)
     ,batch_exe_cd             --          VARCHAR2(30)
     ,business_group_id        -- NOT NULL NUMBER(15)
     ,thread_cnt_num           --          NUMBER(15)
     ,max_err_num              --          NUMBER(15)
     ,chunk_size               --          NUMBER(15)
     ,last_update_date         --          DATE
     ,last_updated_by          --          NUMBER(15)
     ,last_update_login        --          NUMBER(15)
     ,created_by               --          NUMBER(15)
     ,creation_date            --          DATE
     ,object_version_number    --          NUMBER(9)
    SELECT ben_batch_parameter_s.NEXTVAL   --batch_parameter_id
          ,'BENMNGLE'                      --batch_exe_cd
          ,p_business_group_id             --business_group_id
          ,NULL                            --thread_cnt_num
          ,1                               --max_err_num
          ,NULL                            --chunk_size
          ,SYSDATE                         --last_update_date
          ,-1                              --last_updated_by
          ,-1                              --last_update_login
          ,-1                              --created_by
          ,SYSDATE                         --creation_date
          ,1                               --object_version_number
Line: 452

  UPDATE fnd_sessions
  SET    effective_date = p_effective_date
  WHERE  session_id = USERENV('sessionid');
Line: 598

    UPDATE fnd_sessions
    SET    effective_date = p_effective_date
    WHERE  session_id = USERENV('sessionid');