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Line 755: okc_k_lines_b CLE,

751: CURSOR C2 is
752: SELECT contract_number, contract_number_modifier,
753: contract_number||decode(contract_number_modifier, NULL,'','-'||contract_number_modifier) contracts
754: FROM okc_k_headers_b CHR,
755: okc_k_lines_b CLE,
756: okc_statuses_b STE,
757: okc_operation_lines OLI1,
758: okc_operation_lines OLI2,
759: okc_operation_instances OIE1,

Line 820: from OKC_K_LINES_B CLE,

816: and CHR.date_renewed is NOT NULL;
818: cursor c2 is
819: select distinct 'Y'
820: from OKC_K_LINES_B CLE,
821: okc_operation_lines OLI,
822: okc_operation_instances OIE,
823: okc_class_operations COP
824: where cle.id = oli.object_cle_id

Line 882: okc_k_lines_b CLE,

879: CURSOR c2 IS
880: SELECT distinct 'Y'
881: FROM okc_k_headers_b CHR,
882: okc_k_lines_b CLE,
883: okc_statuses_b STS,
884: okc_operation_lines OLI1,
885: okc_operation_lines OLI2,
886: okc_operation_instances OIE1, --**

Line 968: okc_k_lines_b CLE,

965: CURSOR c2 IS
966: SELECT distinct 'Y'
967: FROM okc_k_headers_b CHR,
968: okc_k_lines_b CLE,
969: okc_statuses_b STS,
970: okc_operation_lines OLI1,
971: okc_operation_lines OLI2,
972: okc_operation_instances OIE1, --**

Line 1144: from okc_k_lines_b

1140: -- end of bug#6144856 --
1142: cursor c_top_line_chk is
1143: select id
1144: from okc_k_lines_b
1145: where id=p_cle_id
1146: and cle_id is null;
1148: l_top_line number;

Line 1286: from okc_k_lines_b L

1282: IF (l_top_line is not null) THEN
1283: IF (l_type = 'ENTERED' and l_old_type = 'CANCELLED' ) THEN
1284: --Query modified as part of bugfix for 6525864
1285: open c_lines for select L.id,p_new_sts_code code, L.lse_id,L.object_version_number
1286: from okc_k_lines_b L
1287: where L.dnz_chr_id = p_id
1288: and (L.id = p_cle_id or
1289: L.cle_id = p_cle_id)
1290: and EXISTS (select 'x'

Line 1299: from okc_k_lines_b L

1296: ELSE
1297: --Query modified as part of bugfix for 6525864
1298: open c_lines for select L.id, p_new_sts_code code, L.lse_id,L.object_version_number
1299: from okc_k_lines_b L
1300: where L.dnz_chr_id = p_id
1301: and (L.id = p_cle_id or
1302: L.cle_id = p_cle_id)
1303: and EXISTS( select 'x'

Line 1313: from okc_k_lines_b L

1310: END IF;
1311: ELSE
1312: open c_lines for select L.id, p_new_sts_code code, L.lse_id,L.object_version_number
1313: from okc_k_lines_b L
1314: where L.id = p_cle_id
1315: and NVL(L.term_cancel_source,'MANUAL') NOT IN ('IBTRANSFER', 'IBRETURN', 'IBTERMINATE', 'IBREPLACE'); --To ignore lines/sublines due to IBTRANSFER, IBRETURN, IBTERMINATE, IBREPLACE
1316: END IF;

Line 1766: Select sts_code, start_date, end_date from okc_k_lines_b where id = p_id;

1762: cursor get_k_hdr_cur (p_id in number) is
1763: Select sts_code, start_date, end_date from okc_k_headers_b where id = p_id;
1765: cursor get_k_line_cur(p_cle_id in number) is
1766: Select sts_code, start_date, end_date from okc_k_lines_b where id = p_id;
1768: begin
1770: l_new_sts_code := p_new_sts_code;

Line 1940: from okc_k_lines_b

1936: --Cursor to get topline id for a particular subline; For a topline this will return NULL
1938: Cursor get_line_lvl_csr is
1939: Select cle_id
1940: from okc_k_lines_b
1941: where id = p_cle_id
1942: and dnz_chr_id = p_id;

Line 1949: from okc_k_lines_b cle, oks_k_lines_b sle

1945: --Cursor to fetch tax_amount for a particular subline
1947: Cursor get_subline_tax_amt_csr (p_cle_id NUMBER) IS
1948: Select sle.tax_amount
1949: from okc_k_lines_b cle, oks_k_lines_b sle
1950: where cle.id = p_cle_id
1951: and cle.dnz_chr_id = p_id
1952: and cle.id = sle.cle_id
1953: and cle.dnz_chr_id = sle.dnz_chr_id;

Line 1959: from okc_k_lines_b cle, oks_k_lines_b sle

1955: --Cursor to add tax_amount of all the toplines
1957: Cursor get_hdr_tax_amt_csr IS
1958: select nvl(sum(nvl(tax_amount,0)),0)
1959: from okc_k_lines_b cle, oks_k_lines_b sle
1960: where cle.dnz_chr_id = p_id
1961: and cle.lse_id in (1, 12, 14, 19, 46)
1962: and cle.cle_id is null
1963: and cle.id = sle.cle_id

Line 1971: from okc_k_lines_b

1967: --Cursor to fectch lse_id of topline
1969: Cursor get_lse_id_csr (p_cle_id NUMBER) IS
1970: select lse_id
1971: from okc_k_lines_b
1972: where id=p_cle_id;
1975: --

Line 2130: from okc_k_lines_b cle, oks_k_lines_b sle

2127: Update oks_k_lines_b
2128: set tax_amount=
2129: (Select nvl(sum(nvl(tax_amount,0)),0)
2130: from okc_k_lines_b cle, oks_k_lines_b sle
2131: where cle.cle_id = p_cle_id
2132: and cle.lse_id in (7,8,9,10,11,18,25,35)
2133: and cle.dnz_chr_id = p_id
2134: and cle.id = sle.cle_id

Line 2169: from okc_k_lines_b

2165: set tax_amount = 0
2166: where dnz_chr_id = p_id
2167: and cle_id IN
2168: (select id
2169: from okc_k_lines_b
2170: where cle_id is null
2171: and dnz_chr_id = p_id
2172: and lse_id in (1, 12, 14, 19, 46)
2173: );

Line 2188: from oks_k_lines_b oks2, okc_k_lines_b okc2

2184: update oks_k_lines_b oks1
2185: set oks1.tax_amount =
2186: (
2187: select nvl(sum(nvl(tax_amount,0)),0)
2188: from oks_k_lines_b oks2, okc_k_lines_b okc2
2189: where oks2.cle_id = okc2.id
2190: and oks2.dnz_chr_id = okc2.dnz_chr_id
2191: and okc2.dnz_chr_id = p_id
2192: and okc2.cle_id = oks1.cle_id

Line 2198: from okc_k_lines_b okc1

2194: )
2195: where oks1.dnz_chr_id = p_id
2196: and oks1.cle_id IN
2197: (select id
2198: from okc_k_lines_b okc1
2199: where okc1.cle_id is null
2200: and okc1.lse_id in (1, 12, 14, 19) --removed 46 (subscription type)
2201: and okc1.dnz_chr_id = p_id
2202: and okc1.date_cancelled IS NULL -- Bug 5474479.

Line 2301: from okc_k_lines_b

2297: IS
2299: Cursor get_K_subscription_lines IS
2300: select id
2301: from okc_k_lines_b
2302: where cle_id is null
2303: and lse_id = 46
2304: and dnz_chr_id = p_id;