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1 PACKAGE inv_quantity_tree_grp as
2 /* $Header: INVGQTTS.pls 120.0 2005/05/25 04:57:09 appldev noship $*/
4 -- synonyms used in this program
5 --     qoh          quantity on hand
6 --     rqoh         reservable quantity on hand
7 --     qr           quantity reserved
8 --     qs           quantity suggested
9 --     att          available to transact
10 --     atr          available to reserve
11 --    sqoh          secondary quantity on hand                  -- invConv change
12 --    srqoh         secondary reservable quantity on hand       -- invConv change
13 --    sqr           secondary quantity reserved                 -- invConv change
14 --    sqs           secondare quantity suggested                -- invConv change
15 --    satt          secondary available to transact             -- invConv change
16 --    satr          secondary available to reserve              -- invConv change
18 -- Constant Definition
19 --
20 -- Tree mode constants
21 --   Users can call create_tree() in two mode, reservation mode and
22 --   transaction mode
23 g_reservation_mode CONSTANT INTEGER := inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_reservation_mode;
24 g_transaction_mode CONSTANT INTEGER := inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_transaction_mode;
25 --
26 --
27 -- Quantity type constants
28 --   User can call update_quantities to change quantities at a given level.
29 --   Quantity type constans should be used to specify which quantity the user
30 --   intents to change: quantity onhand, or quantity reserved for the (same) demand
31 --   source that was used to create the tree, and in the future, quantity suggested
32 --   when quantity suggestion is implemented.
33 g_qoh              CONSTANT INTEGER := inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qoh;
34 -- quantity reserved by same demand source
35 g_qr_same_demand   CONSTANT INTEGER := inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qr_same_demand;
36 -- quantity for suggested reservation
37 g_qs_rsv          CONSTANT INTEGER := inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_rsv;
38 -- quantity for suggested transaction
39 g_qs_txn          CONSTANT INTEGER := inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_txn;
41 -- Procedure
42 --   clear_quantity_cache
43 -- Description
44 --   Delete all quantity trees in the memory. Should be called when you call
45 --   rollback. Otherwise the trees in memory may not be in sync with the data
46 --   in the corresponding database tables
47 PROCEDURE clear_quantity_cache;
49 -- Procedure
50 --   create_tree
51 -- Description
52 --   Create a quantity tree, if it does not exist, in memory based on the input
53 --   and return the tree id
54 PROCEDURE create_tree
55   (  p_api_version_number       IN  NUMBER
56    , p_init_msg_lst             IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false
57    , x_return_status            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
58    , x_msg_count                OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
59    , x_msg_data                 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
60    , p_organization_id          IN  NUMBER
61    , p_inventory_item_id        IN  NUMBER
62    , p_tree_mode                IN  INTEGER
63    , p_is_revision_control      IN  BOOLEAN
64    , p_is_lot_control           IN  BOOLEAN
65    , p_is_serial_control        IN  BOOLEAN
66    , p_grade_code               IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL         -- invConv change
67    , p_asset_sub_only           IN  BOOLEAN  DEFAULT FALSE
68    , p_include_suggestion       IN  BOOLEAN  DEFAULT FALSE
69    , p_demand_source_type_id    IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT -9999
70    , p_demand_source_header_id  IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT -9999
71    , p_demand_source_line_id    IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT -9999
72    , p_demand_source_name       IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
73    , p_lot_expiration_date      IN  DATE     DEFAULT NULL
74    , p_onhand_source		IN  NUMBER DEFAULT inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_all_subs
75    , x_tree_id                  OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
76    );
79 -- Procedure
80 --   query_tree
81 -- Description
82 --   Query a quantity tree for quantity information at the level
83 --   specified by the input
84 PROCEDURE query_tree
85   (  p_api_version_number   IN  NUMBER
86    , p_init_msg_lst         IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false
87    , x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
88    , x_msg_count            OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
89    , x_msg_data             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
90    , p_tree_id              IN  INTEGER
91    , p_revision             IN  VARCHAR2
92    , p_lot_number           IN  VARCHAR2
93    , p_subinventory_code    IN  VARCHAR2
94    , p_locator_id           IN  NUMBER
95    , x_qoh                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
96    , x_rqoh                 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
97    , x_qr                   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
98    , x_qs                   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
99    , x_att                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
100    , x_atr                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
101    , p_transfer_subinventory_code IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
102    , p_cost_group_id	    IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
103    , p_lpn_id		    IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
104    , p_transfer_locator_id  IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
105    );
107 -- invConv changes begin: overload
108 PROCEDURE query_tree
109   (  p_api_version_number   IN  NUMBER
110    , p_init_msg_lst         IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false
111    , x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
112    , x_msg_count            OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
113    , x_msg_data             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
114    , p_tree_id              IN  INTEGER
115    , p_revision             IN  VARCHAR2
116    , p_lot_number           IN  VARCHAR2
117    , p_subinventory_code    IN  VARCHAR2
118    , p_locator_id           IN  NUMBER
119    , x_qoh                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
120    , x_rqoh                 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
121    , x_qr                   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
122    , x_qs                   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
123    , x_att                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
124    , x_atr                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
125    , x_sqoh                 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER   -- invConv change
126    , x_srqoh                OUT NOCOPY NUMBER   -- invConv change
127    , x_sqr                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER   -- invConv change
128    , x_sqs                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER   -- invConv change
129    , x_satt                 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER   -- invConv change
130    , x_satr                 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER   -- invConv change
131    , p_transfer_subinventory_code IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
132    , p_cost_group_id	    IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
133    , p_lpn_id		    IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
134    , p_transfer_locator_id  IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
135    );
136 -- invConv changes end.
138 -- Procedure
139 --   update_quantities
140 -- Description
141 --   Update quantity at the level specified by the input and
142 --   return the quantities at the level after the update
143 PROCEDURE update_quantities
144   (  p_api_version_number    IN  NUMBER
145    , p_init_msg_lst          IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false
146    , x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
147    , x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
148    , x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
149    , p_tree_id               IN  INTEGER
150    , p_revision              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
151    , p_lot_number            IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
152    , p_subinventory_code     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
153    , p_locator_id            IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL
154    , p_primary_quantity      IN  NUMBER
155    , p_quantity_type         IN  INTEGER
156    , x_qoh                   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
157    , x_rqoh                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
158    , x_qr                    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
159    , x_qs                    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
160    , x_att                   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
161    , x_atr                   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
162    , p_transfer_subinventory_code IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
163    , p_cost_group_id         IN  NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL
164    , p_containerized         IN  NUMBER  DEFAULT inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_containerized_false
165    , p_lpn_id                IN  NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL
166    , p_transfer_locator_id   IN  NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL
167    ) ;
169 -- invConv changes begin: overload
170 PROCEDURE update_quantities
171   (  p_api_version_number    IN  NUMBER
172    , p_init_msg_lst          IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false
173    , x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
174    , x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
175    , x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
176    , p_tree_id               IN  INTEGER
177    , p_revision              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
178    , p_lot_number            IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
179    , p_subinventory_code     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
180    , p_locator_id            IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL
181    , p_primary_quantity      IN  NUMBER
182    , p_secondary_quantity    IN  NUMBER          -- invConv change
183    , p_quantity_type         IN  INTEGER
184    , x_qoh                   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
185    , x_rqoh                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
186    , x_qr                    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
187    , x_qs                    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
188    , x_att                   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
189    , x_atr                   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
190    , x_sqoh                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER   -- invConv change
191    , x_srqoh                 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER   -- invConv change
192    , x_sqr                   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER   -- invConv change
193    , x_sqs                   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER   -- invConv change
194    , x_satt                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER   -- invConv change
195    , x_satr                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER   -- invConv change
196    , p_transfer_subinventory_code IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
197    , p_cost_group_id         IN  NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL
198    , p_containerized         IN  NUMBER  DEFAULT inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_containerized_false
199    , p_lpn_id                IN  NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL
200    , p_transfer_locator_id   IN  NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL
201    ) ;
202 -- invConv changes end.
204 -- Procedure
205 --   do_check
206 -- Description
207 --   check whether the updates done in a tree so far are still valid
208 -- Return
209 --   x_no_violation = true if no violation has found
210 --   , otherwise = false
211 PROCEDURE do_check
212   (  p_api_version_number  IN  NUMBER
213    , p_init_msg_lst        IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false
214    , x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
215    , x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
216    , x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
217    , p_tree_id             IN  INTEGER
218    , x_no_violation        OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN
219    );
221 -- Procedure
222 --   do_check
223 -- Description
224 --   check whether the updates done in all trees so far are still valid
225 -- Return
226 --   x_no_violation = true if no violation has found
227 --   , otherwise = false
228 PROCEDURE do_check
229   (  p_api_version_number  IN  NUMBER
230    , p_init_msg_lst        IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false
231    , x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
232    , x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
233    , x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
234    , x_no_violation        OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN
235    );
237 -- Procedure
238 --   free_tree
239 -- Description
240 --   Free a tree when no longer needed.
241 -- Warning
242 --   If you have called update_quantities to change quantity on the tree
243 --   but have not make corresponding changes to the underlying database
244 --   tables, these changes are lost when you call free_tree.
245 PROCEDURE free_tree
246   (  p_api_version_number  IN  NUMBER
247    , p_init_msg_lst        IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false
248    , x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
249    , x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
250    , x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
251    , p_tree_id             IN  INTEGER
252    );
254 -- Procedure
255 --   backup_tree
256 -- Description
257 --   backup the current state of a tree
258 -- Note
259 --   This is only a one level backup. Calling it twice will
260 --   overwrite the previous backup
261 PROCEDURE backup_tree
262   (
263      x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
264    , p_tree_id       IN  INTEGER
265    );
267 -- Procedure
268 --   restore_tree
269 -- Description
270 --   restore the current state of a tree to the state
271 --   at the last time when savepoint_tree is called
272 -- Note
273 --   This is only a one level restore. Calling it more than once
274 --   has the same effect as calling it once.
275 PROCEDURE restore_tree
276   (
277      x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
278    , p_tree_id       IN  INTEGER
279    );
281 END inv_quantity_tree_grp;
282 /*
283 **show errors package INV_QUANTITY_TREE_GRP
284 **
285 **SELECT to_date('SQLERROR') FROM user_errors
287 **AND    type = 'PACKAGE';
288 */