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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 16

		rpad(fvs.flex_value_set_name, 30, ' ') vs_name,
		ifs.id_flex_structure_name coa_name
	from ( select distinct sas.chart_of_accounts_id
	       from fii_slg_assignments sas,
	            fii_source_ledger_groups slg
	       where slg.usage_code = 'DBI'
	       and slg.source_ledger_group_id = sas.source_ledger_group_id
	     ) coa_list,
		 fii_dim_mapping_rules dmr,
		 fnd_flex_value_sets fvs,
		 fnd_id_flex_structures_v ifs
	where coa_list.chart_of_accounts_id = dmr.chart_of_accounts_id
	and dmr.dimension_short_name = p_dim_short_name
	and not exists (
	    select 1
	    from fii_dim_norm_hierarchy dnh
	    where dnh.parent_flex_value_set_id = l_master_vs_id
	    and dnh.child_flex_value_set_id = dmr.flex_value_set_id1
	    and rownum = 1
	and dmr.flex_value_set_id1 = fvs.flex_value_set_id
	and dmr.chart_of_accounts_id = ifs.id_flex_num
	and ifs.application_id = 101
	and ifs.id_flex_code = 'GL#'
	and ifs.enabled_flag = 'Y';
Line: 47

    SELECT master_value_set_id
    INTO   l_master_vs_id
    FROM   fii_financial_dimensions
    WHERE  dimension_short_name = p_dim_short_name;
Line: 93

    select  count(*) cnt,
    from  fii_ccc_mgr_gt
    where company_id     is not null
    and cost_center_id is not null
    group by company_id, cost_center_id
    having count(*) > 1;
Line: 104

    select org.name       organization,
           com.flex_value company,
           cc.flex_value  cost_center,
           per.full_name  manager,
           fnd_date.canonical_to_date(hoi.org_information3) eff_date
    from fii_ccc_mgr_gt            gt,
         hr_all_organization_units org,
         fnd_flex_values           com,
         fnd_flex_values           cc,
         per_all_people_f          per,
         hr_organization_information hoi
    where gt.company_id   = p_com_id
    and gt.cost_center_id = p_cc_id
    and gt.ccc_org_id     = org.organization_id
    and gt.company_id     = com.flex_value_id
    and gt.cost_center_id = cc.flex_value_id
    and gt.manager        = per.person_id
    and hoi.org_information_context = 'Organization Name Alias'
    and hoi.organization_id = gt.ccc_org_id;
Line: 185

    SELECT 1
    FROM dual
      SELECT DISTINCT  suph.sup_person_id
      FROM (SELECT    to_number (mgr_tbl.org_information2)  manager,
                      ccc_tbl.organization_id               ccc_org_id
            FROM      hr_organization_information ccc_tbl,
                    ( SELECT organization_id, org_information2
                      FROM hr_organization_information b
                      WHERE org_information_context = 'Organization Name Alias'
                      AND nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date( org_information3 ),
                               sysdate + 1 ) <= sysdate
                      AND nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date( org_information4 ),
                               sysdate + 1 ) >= sysdate
                     ) mgr_tbl,
                      hr_organization_information org,
                      fnd_flex_values    fv1,
                      fnd_flex_values    fv2
             WHERE    ccc_tbl.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
             AND      ccc_tbl.org_information1 = 'CC'
             AND      ccc_tbl.org_information2 = 'Y'
             AND      ccc_tbl.organization_id = mgr_tbl.organization_id (+)
             AND      org.org_information_context = 'Company Cost Center'
             AND      org.organization_id   = ccc_tbl.organization_id
             AND      fv1.flex_value_set_id = org.org_information2
             AND      fv1.flex_value        = org.org_information3
             AND      fv2.flex_value_set_id = org.org_information4
             AND      fv2.flex_value        = org.org_information5) ct,
             hri_cs_suph                 suph,
             per_assignment_status_types ast
      WHERE ct.manager = suph.sub_person_id
      AND sysdate between suph.effective_start_date and suph.effective_end_date
      AND suph.sup_assignment_status_type_id = ast.assignment_status_type_id
      AND ast.per_system_status IN ('ACTIVE_ASSIGN', 'SUSP_ASSIGN')
      AND ct.manager = user_id);
Line: 222

    SELECT security_profile_name
    FROM   per_security_profiles
    WHERE security_profile_id NOT IN (SELECT security_profile_id
                                      FROM per_organization_list);
Line: 256

      SELECT DISTINCT employee_id
      INTO  l_user_id
      FROM  fnd_user a,
            fii_cc_mgr_sup_v b
      WHERE a.user_name = UPPER(p_user_name)
      AND   a.employee_id = b.id;
Line: 454

     select 1
     from   gl_periods
     where  adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
     and    period_set_name = l_period_set_name
     and    period_type = l_period_type
     and    day between start_date and end_date;
Line: 462

    select min(a.start_date), max(end_date)
    from gl_periods a
    where a.period_set_name = l_period_set_name
    and a.period_type = l_period_type
    and a.adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
    and a.period_year = year;
Line: 470

    select dimension_name, dimension_short_name
    from fii_financial_dimensions_v
    where dbi_enabled_flag = 'Y';
Line: 475

    select 'R'
    from dual
    where not exists (select 1 from fii_fin_cat_type_assgns
                      where fin_cat_type_code = 'R')
    select 'OE'
    from dual
    where not exists (select 1 from fii_fin_cat_type_assgns
                      where fin_cat_type_code = 'OE')
    select 'TE'
    from dual
    where not exists (select 1 from fii_fin_cat_type_assgns
                      where fin_cat_type_code = 'TE')
    select 'CGS'
    from dual
    where not exists (select 1 from fii_fin_cat_type_assgns
                      where fin_cat_type_code = 'CGS')
    select 'DR'
    from dual
    where not exists (select 1 from fii_fin_cat_type_assgns
                      where fin_cat_type_code = 'DR');
Line: 502

  select  fv_co.flex_value     company,
          fv_co.flex_value_id  com_id,
          fv_cc.flex_value     cost_center,
          fv_cc.flex_value_id  cc_id
  from   (select distinct company_id, cost_center_id
          from fii_gl_je_summary_b) b,
         fnd_flex_values     fv_co,
         fnd_flex_values     fv_cc
  where  fv_co.flex_value_id = b.company_id
  and    fv_cc.flex_value_id = b.cost_center_id
  and   not exists (select 1 from hr_organization_information
                    where org_information_context = 'Company Cost Center'
                    and   org_information2 = fv_co.flex_value_set_id
                    and   org_information3 = fv_co.flex_value
                    and   org_information4 = fv_cc.flex_value_set_id
                    and   org_information5 = fv_cc.flex_value);
Line: 520

    select fv_co.flex_value_id co_id,
           fv_co.flex_value co,
    from (select distinct company_id
          from fii_gl_je_summary_b) b,
         fnd_flex_values fv_co,
         hr_organization_information org,
         hr_all_organization_units org2
    where fv_co.flex_value_id = b.company_id
    and   org_information_context = 'Company Cost Center'
    and   org_information2 = fv_co.flex_value_set_id
    and   org_information3 = fv_co.flex_value
    and   org_information4 is null
    and   org_information5 is null
    and   org2.organization_id = org.organization_id;
Line: 538

    select fv_co.flex_value co,
           fv_cc.flex_value cc,
           org2.name organization
    from (select distinct company_id, cost_center_id
          from fii_gl_je_summary_b) b,
          fnd_flex_values fv_co,
          fnd_flex_values fv_cc,
          hr_organization_information org,
          hr_all_organization_units org2
    where fv_co.flex_value_id = b.company_id
    and   fv_cc.flex_value_id = b.cost_center_id
    and   org_information_context = 'Company Cost Center'
    and   org_information2 = fv_co.flex_value_set_id
    and   org_information3 = fv_co.flex_value
    and   org_information4 = fv_cc.flex_value_set_id
    and   org_information5 = fv_cc.flex_value
    and   org2.organization_id = org.organization_id
    and   not exists
            (select 1
             from hr_organization_information mgr
             where mgr.org_information_context = 'Organization Name Alias'
             and   (nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date( mgr.org_information3 ),
                         sysdate + 1 ) <= sysdate
                 or nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date( mgr.org_information4 ),
                         sysdate + 1 ) >= sysdate)
             and   mgr.org_information2 is not null
             and   mgr.organization_id = org.organization_id);
Line: 568

      select per2.first_name || ' ' || per2.last_name name,
             org.name organization,
          ( select organization_id, org_information2
            from   hr_organization_information b
            where org_information_context = 'Organization Name Alias'
            and   (nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date( org_information3 ),
                        sysdate + 1 ) <= sysdate
                or nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date( org_information4 ),
                        sysdate + 1 ) >= sysdate)
            and   org_information2 is not null
          ) mgr_tbl,
          hr_all_organization_units org,
          per_all_people_f per2
      where org.organization_id = mgr_tbl.organization_id
      and   per2.person_id = mgr_tbl.org_information2
      and   not exists (select 1
                        from per_all_people_f per
                        where per.person_id = mgr_tbl.org_information2
                        and   per.effective_end_date > sysdate);
Line: 591

      select distinct per.full_name, ast.per_system_status
      from ( select organization_id, org_information2
             from   hr_organization_information b
             where org_information_context = 'Organization Name Alias'
             and   (nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date( org_information3 ),
                         sysdate + 1 ) <= sysdate
                 or nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date( org_information4 ),
                         sysdate + 1 ) >= sysdate)
             and   org_information2 is not null) ct,
           hri_cs_suph                 suph,
           per_assignment_status_types ast,
           per_all_people_f            per
      where ct.org_information2 = suph.sub_person_id
      and   per.person_id       = suph.sub_person_id
      and sysdate between suph.effective_start_date
                      and suph.effective_end_date
      and suph.sup_assignment_status_type_id = ast.assignment_status_type_id
      and ast.per_system_status NOT IN ('ACTIVE_ASSIGN', 'SUSP_ASSIGN');
Line: 611

      SELECT  ccc_tbl.organization_id ccc_org_id,
              rpad(hou.name, 40, ' '), fgj.company_id, fv1.flex_value co,
              fgj.cost_center_id, fv2.flex_value cc
      FROM    hr_organization_information ccc_tbl,
            ( select organization_id, org_information2
              from hr_organization_information
              where org_information_context = 'Organization Name Alias'
              and nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date( org_information3 ),
                       sysdate + 1 ) <= sysdate
              and nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date( org_information4 ),
                       sysdate + 1 ) >= sysdate
             ) mgr_tbl,
             hr_organization_information org,
             hr_all_organization_units   hou,
             fnd_flex_values    fv1,
             fnd_flex_values    fv2,
             (select distinct company_id, cost_center_id
              from fii_gl_je_summary_b) fgj
      WHERE  ccc_tbl.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
      AND    ccc_tbl.org_information1 = 'CC'
      AND    ccc_tbl.org_information2 = 'Y'
      AND    ccc_tbl.organization_id = mgr_tbl.organization_id (+)
      AND    org.org_information_context = 'Company Cost Center'
      AND    org.organization_id   = ccc_tbl.organization_id
      AND    hou.organization_id = ccc_tbl.organization_id
      AND    fv1.flex_value_set_id = org.org_information2
      AND    fv1.flex_value        = org.org_information3
      AND    fv2.flex_value_set_id = org.org_information4
      AND    fv2.flex_value        = org.org_information5
      AND    fv1.flex_value_id     = fgj.company_id
      AND    fv2.flex_value_id     = fgj.cost_center_id
      AND    fgj.company_id IS NOT NULL
      AND    fgj.cost_center_id IS NOT NULL
      AND    mgr_tbl.org_information2 IS NULL;
Line: 647

      SELECT  b.flex_value_set_id, rpad(e.flex_value_set_name, 40, ' '),
              c.fin_category_id, d.flex_value
      FROM fnd_segment_attribute_values a,
           fnd_id_flex_segments b,
          (select distinct v.fin_category_id, v.chart_of_accounts_id
         ( select  distinct fgj.fin_category_id, fgj.chart_of_accounts_id
           from  hr_organization_information ccc_tbl,
               ( select organization_id, org_information2
                 from hr_organization_information
                 where org_information_context = 'Organization Name Alias'
                 and nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date( org_information3 ),
                          sysdate + 1 ) <= sysdate
                 and nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date( org_information4 ),
                          sysdate + 1 ) >= sysdate
               ) mgr_tbl,
                 hr_organization_information org,
                 fnd_flex_values    fv1,
                 fnd_flex_values    fv2,
                (select distinct company_id, cost_center_id, fin_category_id,
                 from fii_gl_je_summary_b) fgj
                 where  ccc_tbl.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
                 and    ccc_tbl.org_information1 = 'CC'
                 and    ccc_tbl.org_information2 = 'Y'
                 and    ccc_tbl.organization_id = mgr_tbl.organization_id (+)
                 and    org.org_information_context = 'Company Cost Center'
                 and    org.organization_id   = ccc_tbl.organization_id
                 and    fv1.flex_value_set_id = org.org_information2
                 and    fv1.flex_value        = org.org_information3
                 and    fv2.flex_value_set_id = org.org_information4
                 and    fv2.flex_value        = org.org_information5
                 and    fv1.flex_value_id        = fgj.company_id
                 and    fv2.flex_value_id        = fgj.cost_center_id) v
           where not exists (select fcm.child_fin_cat_id
                             from fii_fin_cat_mappings fcm
                             where fcm.child_fin_cat_id = v.fin_category_id )) c,
           fnd_flex_values d,
           fnd_flex_value_sets e
      WHERE a.application_id = 101
      AND   a.id_flex_code = 'GL#'
      AND   a.id_flex_num = c.chart_of_accounts_id
      AND   a.segment_attribute_type = 'GL_ACCOUNT'
      AND   a.attribute_value = 'Y'
      AND   b.application_id = a.application_id
      AND   b.id_flex_code = a.id_flex_code
      AND   b.id_flex_num = a.id_flex_num
      AND   b.application_column_name = a.application_column_name
      AND   d.flex_value_set_id = b.flex_value_set_id
      AND   d.flex_value_id = c.fin_category_id
      AND   e.flex_value_set_id = b.flex_value_set_id;
Line: 700

      SELECT fvs.flex_value_set_id, fvs.flex_value_set_name,
             fv.flex_value_id, fv.flex_value
      FROM fnd_flex_values fv,
           fnd_flex_value_sets fvs,
          ( SELECT DISTINCT user_dim1_id flex_value_id
            FROM fii_gl_ccid_dimensions
            SELECT child_value_id flex_value_id
            FROM fii_full_udd1_hiers
            WHERE parent_value_id = child_value_id) udd1
      WHERE fv.flex_value_id = udd1.flex_value_id
      AND   fvs.flex_value_set_id = fv.flex_value_set_id;
Line: 714

      SELECT fvs.flex_value_set_id, fvs.flex_value_set_name,
             fv.flex_value_id, fv.flex_value
      FROM fnd_flex_values fv,
           fnd_flex_value_sets fvs,
           ( SELECT distinct user_dim2_id flex_value_id
             From fii_gl_ccid_dimensions
             SELECT child_value_id flex_value_id
             FROM fii_full_udd2_hiers
             WHERE parent_value_id = child_value_id) udd2
     WHERE fv.flex_value_id = udd2.flex_value_id
     AND   fvs.flex_value_set_id = fv.flex_value_set_id;
Line: 728

      SELECT b.flex_value_set_id, rpad(e.flex_value_set_name, 40, ' '),
             c.fin_category_id, d.flex_value
      FROM fnd_segment_attribute_values a,
           fnd_id_flex_segments b,
          (select v.fin_category_id, v.chart_of_accounts_id
                (select  distinct fgj.fin_category_id,
                 from  hr_organization_information ccc_tbl,
                     ( select organization_id, org_information2
                       from hr_organization_information
                       where org_information_context = 'Organization Name Alias'
                       and nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date( org_information3 ),
                                sysdate + 1 ) <= sysdate
                       and nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date( org_information4 ),
                                sysdate + 1 ) >= sysdate
                      ) mgr_tbl,
                       hr_organization_information org,
                       fnd_flex_values    fv1,
                       fnd_flex_values    fv2,
                      (select distinct company_id, cost_center_id, fin_category_id,
                       from fii_gl_je_summary_b) fgj,
                       fii_fin_cat_mappings fcm
                 where  ccc_tbl.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
                 and    ccc_tbl.org_information1 = 'CC'
                 and    ccc_tbl.org_information2 = 'Y'
                 and    ccc_tbl.organization_id = mgr_tbl.organization_id (+)
                 and    org.org_information_context = 'Company Cost Center'
                 and    org.organization_id   = ccc_tbl.organization_id
                 and    fv1.flex_value_set_id = org.org_information2
                 and    fv1.flex_value        = org.org_information3
                 and    fv2.flex_value_set_id = org.org_information4
                 and    fv2.flex_value        = org.org_information5
                 and    fv1.flex_value_id        = fgj.company_id
                 and    fv2.flex_value_id        = fgj.cost_center_id
                 and    fcm.child_fin_cat_id  = fgj.fin_category_id ) v
             WHERE NOT EXISTS (select fct.fin_category_id
                        from   fii_fin_cat_type_assgns fct
                        where  fct.fin_category_id = v.fin_category_id))c,
             fnd_flex_values d,
             fnd_flex_value_sets e
      WHERE a.application_id = 101
      AND   a.id_flex_code = 'GL#'
      AND   a.id_flex_num = c.chart_of_accounts_id
      AND   a.segment_attribute_type = 'GL_ACCOUNT'
      AND   a.attribute_value = 'Y'
      AND   b.application_id = a.application_id
      AND   b.id_flex_code = a.id_flex_code
      AND   b.id_flex_num = a.id_flex_num
      AND   b.application_column_name = a.application_column_name
      AND   d.flex_value_set_id = b.flex_value_set_id
      AND   d.flex_value_id = c.fin_category_id
      AND   e.flex_value_set_id = b.flex_value_set_id;
Line: 784

    SELECT a.lookup_code,
                  'FII_PSI_ENCUM_TYPES_OBLIGATION', 'Obligation',
                  'FII_PSI_ENCUM_TYPES_COMMITMENT', 'Commitment') lookup_type
    FROM  fnd_lookup_values a
    WHERE a.lookup_type in ( 'FII_PSI_ENCUM_TYPES_OBLIGATION',
    AND a.view_application_id = 450
    AND a.language = userenv('LANG')
    AND upper(a.lookup_code) not in (select upper(encumbrance_type)
                                     from gl_encumbrance_types);
Line: 797

      SELECT object_name
      FROM sys.dba_objects
      WHERE object_name IN (  'FII_GL_AGRT_SUM_MV', 'FII_GL_BASE_MAP_MV',
                              'FII_GL_BASE_MV',     'FII_GL_MGMT_CCC_MV',
                              'FII_GL_MGMT_SUM_MV', 'FII_GL_TREND_SUM_MV')
      AND object_type = 'MATERIALIZED VIEW';
Line: 805

      SELECT object_name
      FROM sys.dba_objects
      WHERE object_name IN ( 'FII_AP_HATY_XB_MV', 'FII_AP_HCAT_B_MV',
                             'FII_AP_HCAT_IB_MV', 'FII_AP_HCAT_I_MV',
                             'FII_AP_HHIST_B_MV', 'FII_AP_HHIST_IB_MV',
                             'FII_AP_HHIST_I_MV', 'FII_AP_HLIA_IB_MV',
                             'FII_AP_HLIA_I_MV',  'FII_AP_HLWAG_IB_MV',
                             'FII_AP_INV_B_MV',   'FII_AP_IVATY_B_MV',
                             'FII_AP_LIA_IB_MV',  'FII_AP_LIA_I_MV',
                             'FII_AP_LIA_KPI_MV', 'FII_AP_LIWAG_IB_MV',
                             'FII_AP_MGT_KPI_MV', 'FII_AP_PAID_XB_MV',
      AND object_type = 'MATERIALIZED VIEW';
Line: 821

      SELECT object_name
      FROM sys.dba_objects
      WHERE object_name IN ( 'FII_AR_BILLING_ACT_AGRT_MV',
      AND object_type = 'MATERIALIZED VIEW';
Line: 836

      select rpad(dimension_name, 40), dimension_short_name, dbi_enabled_flag
      from fii_financial_dimensions_v
      where dimension_short_name in ('FII_LOB', 'GL_FII_FIN_ITEM')
      order by (decode (dimension_short_name, 'FII_LOB', 1, 'GL_FII_FIN_ITEM', 2));
Line: 842

      select rpad(dimension_name, 40), dimension_short_name, dbi_enabled_flag
      from fii_financial_dimensions_v
      where dimension_short_name in ('FII_COMPANIES', 'HRI_CL_ORGCC',
                                     'FII_USER_DEFINED_1', 'GL_FII_FIN_ITEM')
      order by (decode (dimension_short_name,
                        'FII_COMPANIES',      1,
                        'HRI_CL_ORGCC',       2,
                        'FII_USER_DEFINED_1', 3,
                        'GL_FII_FIN_ITEM',    4));
Line: 855

    SELECT to_char(sysdate, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS'), sysdate
    INTO l_start_time, l_sys_date
    FROM dual;
Line: 966

    SELECT banner
    INTO l_db_version
    FROM v$version
    WHERE upper(banner) like 'ORACLE%';
Line: 996

      SELECT period_year
      INTO l_year
      FROM gl_periods a
      WHERE a.period_set_name = l_period_set_name
      AND   a.period_type = l_period_type
      AND   a.adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
      AND   l_day between a.start_date and a.end_date;
Line: 1011

      SELECT start_date
      INTO l_day
      FROM gl_periods
      WHERE period_set_name = l_period_set_name
      AND period_type = l_period_type
      AND period_num = 1
      AND period_year = l_year - 1;
Line: 1081

    SELECT year_start_date
    INTO   l_min_start_date
    FROM   gl_periods
    WHERE period_set_name = l_period_set_name
    AND   period_type = l_period_type
    AND   period_year = l_year - 1
    AND   period_num = 1
    AND   adjustment_period_flag = 'N';
Line: 1115

        fii_util.put_line('DIAGNOSIS: Please make sure that the number of weeks in your Fiscal Years are between the ranges of 50 and 54 weeks.  Otherwise, the DBI Update Time Dimension program will have issues.');
Line: 1575

    select dbi_enabled_flag
    into l_udd_enabled_flag
    from fii_financial_dimensions_v
    where dimension_short_name = 'FII_USER_DEFINED_1';
Line: 1637

    select dbi_enabled_flag
    into l_udd_enabled_flag
    from fii_financial_dimensions_v
    where dimension_short_name = 'FII_USER_DEFINED_2';
Line: 1749

    SELECT count(*)
    INTO l_cnt
    FROM sys.dba_objects
    WHERE object_name = 'FII_ENCUM_TYPE_MAPPINGS';
Line: 1764

      SELECT count(*)
      INTO l_cnt
      FROM  fnd_lookup_values a,
            gl_encumbrance_types b
      WHERE a.lookup_type in ( 'FII_PSI_ENCUM_TYPES_OBLIGATION',
      AND a.view_application_id = 450
      AND a.language = userenv('LANG')
      AND upper(a.lookup_code) = upper(b.encumbrance_type);
Line: 1830

      l_stmt := 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '|| l_mv_name;
Line: 1863

      l_stmt := 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '|| l_mv_name;
Line: 1896

      l_stmt := 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '|| l_mv_name;
Line: 1932

    SELECT max(implementation_flag)
    INTO l_enabled_flag
    FROM bis_obj_properties
    and object_type = 'PAGE';
Line: 1992

    SELECT implementation_flag
    INTO l_enabled_flag
    FROM bis_obj_properties
    WHERE object_name  = 'FII_EXP_MGMT_PAGE_P'
    and object_type = 'PAGE';
Line: 2051

    SELECT implementation_flag
    INTO l_enabled_flag
    FROM bis_obj_properties
    and object_type = 'PAGE';
Line: 2112

    SELECT implementation_flag
    INTO l_enabled_flag
    FROM bis_obj_properties
    and object_type = 'PAGE';
Line: 2272

    SELECT to_char(sysdate, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS')
    INTO l_end_time
    FROM dual;