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Line 269: NULL, nvl(sp.standard_terms,

266: select nvl(su.payment_term_id,
267: decode(spt.billing_cycle_id,
268: -- if cycle is NULL
269: NULL, nvl(sp.standard_terms,
270: decode(apt.billing_cycle_id,
271: -- if cycle is NULL
272: NULL, nvl(nvl(ap.standard_terms, tt.default_term) , -94) ,
273: -- if cycle is NOT NULL

Line 272: NULL, nvl(nvl(ap.standard_terms, tt.default_term) , -94) ,

268: -- if cycle is NULL
269: NULL, nvl(sp.standard_terms,
270: decode(apt.billing_cycle_id,
271: -- if cycle is NULL
272: NULL, nvl(nvl(ap.standard_terms, tt.default_term) , -94) ,
273: -- if cycle is NOT NULL
274: -92)),
275: -- if cycle is NOT NULL
276: decode(ap.cons_bill_level,

Line 278: 'ACCOUNT', nvl(ap.standard_terms, -93),

274: -92)),
275: -- if cycle is NOT NULL
276: decode(ap.cons_bill_level,
277: -- if bill level = Account
278: 'ACCOUNT', nvl(ap.standard_terms, -93),
279: -- if bill level = Site
280: 'SITE', nvl(nvl(sp.standard_terms, ap.standard_terms), -95)
281: -- if bill level is not set
282: , -91)))

Line 280: 'SITE', nvl(nvl(sp.standard_terms, ap.standard_terms), -95)

276: decode(ap.cons_bill_level,
277: -- if bill level = Account
278: 'ACCOUNT', nvl(ap.standard_terms, -93),
279: -- if bill level = Site
280: 'SITE', nvl(nvl(sp.standard_terms, ap.standard_terms), -95)
281: -- if bill level is not set
282: , -91)))
283: into l_default_term
284: from ra_cust_trx_types tt,

Line 297: and ap.standard_terms = apt.term_id (+)

293: and p_bill_to_customer = ap.cust_account_id
294: and ap.site_use_id is null
295: and p_bill_to_customer = sp.cust_account_id (+)
296: and su.site_use_id = sp.site_use_id (+)
297: and ap.standard_terms = apt.term_id (+)
298: and sysdate between nvl(apt.start_date_active, sysdate) and
299: nvl(apt.end_date_active, sysdate)
300: and sp.standard_terms = spt.term_id (+)
301: and sysdate between nvl(spt.start_date_active, sysdate) and

Line 300: and sp.standard_terms = spt.term_id (+)

296: and su.site_use_id = sp.site_use_id (+)
297: and ap.standard_terms = apt.term_id (+)
298: and sysdate between nvl(apt.start_date_active, sysdate) and
299: nvl(apt.end_date_active, sysdate)
300: and sp.standard_terms = spt.term_id (+)
301: and sysdate between nvl(spt.start_date_active, sysdate) and
302: nvl(spt.end_date_active, sysdate);
304: return l_default_term;

Line 325: NULL, nvl(sp.standard_terms,

321: NULL, decode(decode(ap.cons_bill_level,'SITE',sp.override_terms,ap.override_terms),
322: 'Y', trx.term_id,
323: nvl(su.payment_term_id,
324: decode(spt.billing_cycle_id,
325: NULL, nvl(sp.standard_terms,
326: decode(apt.billing_cycle_id,
327: NULL, nvl(nvl(ap.standard_terms, tt.default_term) , -94),
328: -92)),
329: decode(ap.cons_bill_level,

Line 327: NULL, nvl(nvl(ap.standard_terms, tt.default_term) , -94),

323: nvl(su.payment_term_id,
324: decode(spt.billing_cycle_id,
325: NULL, nvl(sp.standard_terms,
326: decode(apt.billing_cycle_id,
327: NULL, nvl(nvl(ap.standard_terms, tt.default_term) , -94),
328: -92)),
329: decode(ap.cons_bill_level,
330: 'ACCOUNT', nvl(ap.standard_terms, -93),
331: 'SITE', nvl(nvl(sp.standard_terms, ap.standard_terms), -95),

Line 330: 'ACCOUNT', nvl(ap.standard_terms, -93),

326: decode(apt.billing_cycle_id,
327: NULL, nvl(nvl(ap.standard_terms, tt.default_term) , -94),
328: -92)),
329: decode(ap.cons_bill_level,
330: 'ACCOUNT', nvl(ap.standard_terms, -93),
331: 'SITE', nvl(nvl(sp.standard_terms, ap.standard_terms), -95),
332: -91)))),
333: nvl(su.payment_term_id,
334: decode(spt.billing_cycle_id,

Line 331: 'SITE', nvl(nvl(sp.standard_terms, ap.standard_terms), -95),

327: NULL, nvl(nvl(ap.standard_terms, tt.default_term) , -94),
328: -92)),
329: decode(ap.cons_bill_level,
330: 'ACCOUNT', nvl(ap.standard_terms, -93),
331: 'SITE', nvl(nvl(sp.standard_terms, ap.standard_terms), -95),
332: -91)))),
333: nvl(su.payment_term_id,
334: decode(spt.billing_cycle_id,
335: NULL, nvl(sp.standard_terms,

Line 335: NULL, nvl(sp.standard_terms,

331: 'SITE', nvl(nvl(sp.standard_terms, ap.standard_terms), -95),
332: -91)))),
333: nvl(su.payment_term_id,
334: decode(spt.billing_cycle_id,
335: NULL, nvl(sp.standard_terms,
336: decode(apt.billing_cycle_id,
337: NULL, nvl(nvl(ap.standard_terms, tt.default_term) , -94) ,
338: -92)),
339: decode(ap.cons_bill_level,

Line 337: NULL, nvl(nvl(ap.standard_terms, tt.default_term) , -94) ,

333: nvl(su.payment_term_id,
334: decode(spt.billing_cycle_id,
335: NULL, nvl(sp.standard_terms,
336: decode(apt.billing_cycle_id,
337: NULL, nvl(nvl(ap.standard_terms, tt.default_term) , -94) ,
338: -92)),
339: decode(ap.cons_bill_level,
340: 'ACCOUNT', nvl(ap.standard_terms, -93),
341: 'SITE', nvl(nvl(sp.standard_terms, ap.standard_terms), -95)

Line 340: 'ACCOUNT', nvl(ap.standard_terms, -93),

336: decode(apt.billing_cycle_id,
337: NULL, nvl(nvl(ap.standard_terms, tt.default_term) , -94) ,
338: -92)),
339: decode(ap.cons_bill_level,
340: 'ACCOUNT', nvl(ap.standard_terms, -93),
341: 'SITE', nvl(nvl(sp.standard_terms, ap.standard_terms), -95)
342: , -91)))) new_term_id, trx.customer_trx_id
343: from ra_customer_trx trx,
344: ra_cust_trx_types tt,

Line 341: 'SITE', nvl(nvl(sp.standard_terms, ap.standard_terms), -95)

337: NULL, nvl(nvl(ap.standard_terms, tt.default_term) , -94) ,
338: -92)),
339: decode(ap.cons_bill_level,
340: 'ACCOUNT', nvl(ap.standard_terms, -93),
341: 'SITE', nvl(nvl(sp.standard_terms, ap.standard_terms), -95)
342: , -91)))) new_term_id, trx.customer_trx_id
343: from ra_customer_trx trx,
344: ra_cust_trx_types tt,
345: hz_customer_profiles ap,

Line 370: and ap.standard_terms = apt.term_id (+)

366: and ap.site_use_id is null
367: and NVL(ap.cons_inv_flag, 'N') = 'Y' -- 7575555
368: and trx.bill_to_customer_id = sp.cust_account_id (+)
369: and trx.bill_to_site_use_id = sp.site_use_id (+)
370: and ap.standard_terms = apt.term_id (+)
371: and trx.trx_date between nvl(apt.start_date_active, trx.trx_date) and
372: nvl(apt.end_date_active, trx.trx_date)
373: and sp.standard_terms = spt.term_id (+)
374: and trx.trx_date between nvl(spt.start_date_active, trx.trx_date) and

Line 373: and sp.standard_terms = spt.term_id (+)

369: and trx.bill_to_site_use_id = sp.site_use_id (+)
370: and ap.standard_terms = apt.term_id (+)
371: and trx.trx_date between nvl(apt.start_date_active, trx.trx_date) and
372: nvl(apt.end_date_active, trx.trx_date)
373: and sp.standard_terms = spt.term_id (+)
374: and trx.trx_date between nvl(spt.start_date_active, trx.trx_date) and
375: nvl(spt.end_date_active, trx.trx_date);
377: t_trx_id l_trx_id_type;

Line 391: arp_standard.debug('ar_bfb_utils_pvt.validate_and_default_term()+');

387: l_msg_94 fnd_new_messages.message_text%type;
388: l_msg_95 fnd_new_messages.message_text%type;
389: BEGIN
390: IF PG_DEBUG in ('Y', 'C') THEN
391: arp_standard.debug('ar_bfb_utils_pvt.validate_and_default_term()+');
392: arp_standard.debug(' request_id = ' || p_request_id);
393: END IF;
395: /* Fetch rows (transactions) for processing */

Line 392: arp_standard.debug(' request_id = ' || p_request_id);

388: l_msg_95 fnd_new_messages.message_text%type;
389: BEGIN
390: IF PG_DEBUG in ('Y', 'C') THEN
391: arp_standard.debug('ar_bfb_utils_pvt.validate_and_default_term()+');
392: arp_standard.debug(' request_id = ' || p_request_id);
393: END IF;
395: /* Fetch rows (transactions) for processing */
396: /* 7575555 - we now only fetch records where the account-level cons_inv_flag = Y.

Line 412: arp_standard.debug(' rows selected = ' || l_rows_selected);

408: IF l_rows_selected > 0
409: THEN
410: /* Process what we've got */
411: IF PG_DEBUG in ('Y', 'C') THEN
412: arp_standard.debug(' rows selected = ' || l_rows_selected);
413: END IF;
415: /* Bulk update of transaction terms
416: NOTE: This excludes those in error or null */

Line 465: arp_standard.debug(' NO ROWS TO PROCESS');

461: END IF;
462: ELSE
463: /* Nothing to process */
464: IF PG_DEBUG in ('Y', 'C') THEN
465: arp_standard.debug(' NO ROWS TO PROCESS');
466: END IF;
467: END IF;
469: p_error_count := l_rows_rejected;

Line 472: arp_standard.debug(' rows processed = ' || l_rows_updated);

469: p_error_count := l_rows_rejected;
471: IF PG_DEBUG in ('Y', 'C') THEN
472: arp_standard.debug(' rows processed = ' || l_rows_updated);
473: arp_standard.debug(' rows rejected = ' || l_rows_rejected);
474: arp_standard.debug('ar_bfb_utils_pvt.validate_and_default_term()-');
475: END IF;

Line 473: arp_standard.debug(' rows rejected = ' || l_rows_rejected);

469: p_error_count := l_rows_rejected;
471: IF PG_DEBUG in ('Y', 'C') THEN
472: arp_standard.debug(' rows processed = ' || l_rows_updated);
473: arp_standard.debug(' rows rejected = ' || l_rows_rejected);
474: arp_standard.debug('ar_bfb_utils_pvt.validate_and_default_term()-');
475: END IF;
477: END validate_and_default_term;

Line 474: arp_standard.debug('ar_bfb_utils_pvt.validate_and_default_term()-');

471: IF PG_DEBUG in ('Y', 'C') THEN
472: arp_standard.debug(' rows processed = ' || l_rows_updated);
473: arp_standard.debug(' rows rejected = ' || l_rows_rejected);
474: arp_standard.debug('ar_bfb_utils_pvt.validate_and_default_term()-');
475: END IF;
477: END validate_and_default_term;