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Line 26: * 20-JUL-1999 Gperry 115.18 genutils -> benutils package rename.

22: * 13-Jan-1999 Hdang 115.12 Set l_all = 'All'
23: * 03-Mar-1999 Stee 115.13 Removed dbms_output.put_line.
24: * 22-Mar-1999 TMathers 115.16 CHanged -MON- to /MM/
25: * 18-May-1999 jcarpent 115.17 Use trunc not to_char for zero of time.
26: * 20-JUL-1999 Gperry 115.18 genutils -> benutils package rename.
27: * 27-JUL-1999 mhoyes 115.19 - Changed g_report_rec ref it ben_type.
28: * 28-JUL-1999 mhoyes 115.20 - Made oipl_id hashing use > rather than <
29: * 19-Oct-1999 maagrawa 115.21 - Modified procedure write_error_rec to
30: * get correct error code.

Line 36: * p_business_group_id added to benutils.formula

32: * 03-Nov-1999 lmcdonal 115.22 Added non_person_cd to end_process,
33: * write_logfile, create_restart...
34: *
35: * 18-JAN-00 pbodla 115.23 Fixed bug 4146(WWBUG 1120687)
36: * p_business_group_id added to benutils.formula
37: * call.
38: * 04-APR-00 mmogel 115.24 Added tokens to messages to make them
39: * more meaningful to the user
40: * 11-APR-00 gperry 115.25 Added application id to get over FIDO

Line 684: write(p_text => benutils.g_banner_minus);

680: ) is
681: l_proc varchar2(80) := g_package||'.write_logfile';
682: begin
683: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering '||l_proc,10);
684: write(p_text => benutils.g_banner_minus);
685: write(p_text => 'Benefits Statistical Information');
686: write(p_text => benutils.g_banner_minus);
688: if p_non_person_cd is null then

Line 686: write(p_text => benutils.g_banner_minus);

682: begin
683: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering '||l_proc,10);
684: write(p_text => benutils.g_banner_minus);
685: write(p_text => 'Benefits Statistical Information');
686: write(p_text => benutils.g_banner_minus);
688: if p_non_person_cd is null then
689: write(p_text => 'Success persons ' || to_char(p_num_pers_processed));
690: write(p_text => 'Errored persons '|| to_char(p_num_pers_errored));

Line 699: write(p_text => benutils.g_banner_minus);

695: write(p_text => 'Errored premiums '|| to_char(p_num_pers_errored));
696: write(p_text => 'Total premiums Procd '||
697: to_char(p_num_pers_processed+p_num_pers_errored));
698: end if;
699: write(p_text => benutils.g_banner_minus);
701: hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving '||l_proc,99);
702: Exception
703: when others then

Line 725: benutils.write(p_rec => l_rec);

721: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering ' || l_proc,05);
722: l_rec.rep_typ_cd := p_typ_cd;
723: l_rec.text := p_text;
724: l_rec.ERROR_MESSAGE_CODE := p_err_cd;
725: benutils.write(p_rec => l_rec);
726: hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving ' || l_proc,10);
727: End write_rec;
728: --
729: -- ============================================================================

Line 800: benutils.write_table_and_file(p_table => true,

796: ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID => p_business_group_id
797: ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER=> l_object_version_number
798: );
799: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc,11);
800: benutils.write_table_and_file(p_table => true,
801: p_file => true);
802: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc,12);
803: commit;
804: hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving ' || l_proc,100);

Line 1181: write(p_text => benutils.g_banner_asterix);

1177: -- Name : John Smith (100) Type : Employee (1) Grp : Benefits Group (1)
1178: -- BG : Freds BG (100) Org : Freds Org(1) GRE : Retiree
1179: -- Loc : HQ (100) Pst : 86727 Pyr : Payroll 3B (1)
1180: --
1181: write(p_text => benutils.g_banner_asterix);
1182: l_output_string := 'Name: '||
1183: rpad(substr(g_cache_person.full_name,1,15),15,' ')||
1184: rpad(benutils.id(p_person_id),8,' ')||
1185: 'Typ: '||

Line 1184: rpad(benutils.id(p_person_id),8,' ')||

1180: --
1181: write(p_text => benutils.g_banner_asterix);
1182: l_output_string := 'Name: '||
1183: rpad(substr(g_cache_person.full_name,1,15),15,' ')||
1184: rpad(benutils.id(p_person_id),8,' ')||
1185: 'Typ: '||
1186: rpad(substr(g_cache_person_types(1).user_person_type,1,15)
1187: ,15,' ') ||
1188: rpad('',8,' ')|| ' Grp: '||

Line 1190: rpad(benutils.id(g_cache_person.benefit_group_id),8,' ');

1186: rpad(substr(g_cache_person_types(1).user_person_type,1,15)
1187: ,15,' ') ||
1188: rpad('',8,' ')|| ' Grp: '||
1189: rpad(substr(g_cache_person.benefit_group,1,15),15,' ')||
1190: rpad(benutils.id(g_cache_person.benefit_group_id),8,' ');
1191: write(p_text => l_output_string);
1192: --
1193: -- loop through the rest of the person_types
1194: --

Line 1203: rpad(benutils.id(p_business_group_id),8,' ')||

1199: write(l_output_string);
1200: End loop;
1201: l_output_string := 'BG: '||
1202: rpad(substr(g_cache_person.bg_name,1,15),15,' ')||
1203: rpad(benutils.id(p_business_group_id),8,' ')||
1204: ' Org: '||
1205: rpad(substr(g_cache_person.org_name,1,15),15,' ')||
1206: rpad(benutils.id(g_cache_person.org_id),8,' ');
1207: --

Line 1206: rpad(benutils.id(g_cache_person.org_id),8,' ');

1202: rpad(substr(g_cache_person.bg_name,1,15),15,' ')||
1203: rpad(benutils.id(p_business_group_id),8,' ')||
1204: ' Org: '||
1205: rpad(substr(g_cache_person.org_name,1,15),15,' ')||
1206: rpad(benutils.id(g_cache_person.org_id),8,' ');
1207: --
1208: -- Need to add GRE
1209: --
1210: write(p_text => l_output_string);

Line 1213: rpad(benutils.id(g_cache_person.location_id),8,' ')||

1209: --
1210: write(p_text => l_output_string);
1211: l_output_string := 'Loc: '||
1212: rpad(substr(g_cache_person.address_line_1,1,15),15,' ')||
1213: rpad(benutils.id(g_cache_person.location_id),8,' ')||
1214: ' Pst: '||
1215: rpad(substr(g_cache_person.postal_code,1,15),15,' ')||
1216: rpad('',8,' ')||
1217: ' Pyr: '||

Line 1219: rpad(benutils.id(g_cache_person.payroll_id),8,' ');

1215: rpad(substr(g_cache_person.postal_code,1,15),15,' ')||
1216: rpad('',8,' ')||
1217: ' Pyr: '||
1218: rpad(substr(g_cache_person.payroll_name,1,15),15,' ')||
1219: rpad(benutils.id(g_cache_person.payroll_id),8,' ');
1220: write(p_text => l_output_string);
1221: hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving '||l_proc,10);
1222: end person_header;
1223: --

Line 1294: benutils.iftrue

1290: --
1291: l_actn := 'Printing p_pgm_id';
1292: If (nvl(p_pgm_id,-1) <> hr_api.g_number) then
1293: write(p_text => 'Program ID :'||
1294: benutils.iftrue
1295: (p_expression => p_pgm_id is null
1296: ,p_true => 'All'
1297: ,p_false => p_pgm_id));
1298: End if;

Line 1303: benutils.iftrue

1299: --
1300: l_actn := 'printing p_pl_id...';
1301: If (nvl(p_pl_id,-1) <> hr_api.g_number) then
1302: write(p_text => 'Plan ID :'||
1303: benutils.iftrue
1304: (p_expression => p_pl_id is null
1305: ,p_true => 'All'
1306: ,p_false => p_pl_id));
1307: End if;

Line 1312: benutils.iftrue

1308: --
1309: l_actn := 'Printing p_pl_typ_id...';
1310: If (nvl(p_pl_typ_id,-1) <> hr_api.g_number) then
1311: write(p_text => 'Plan Type ID :'||
1312: benutils.iftrue
1313: (p_expression => p_pl_typ_id is null
1314: ,p_true => 'All'
1315: ,p_false => p_pl_typ_id));
1316: End if;

Line 1321: benutils.iftrue

1317: --
1318: l_actn := 'Printting p_opt_id... ';
1319: If (nvl(p_opt_id,-1) <> hr_api.g_number) then
1320: write(p_text => 'Option ID :'||
1321: benutils.iftrue
1322: (p_expression => p_opt_id is null
1323: ,p_true => 'All'
1324: ,p_false => p_opt_id));
1325: End if;

Line 1330: benutils.iftrue

1326: --
1327: l_actn := 'Printting p_popl_enrt_typ_cycl...';
1328: If (nvl(p_popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id,-1) <> hr_api.g_number) then
1329: write(p_text => 'Enrollment Type Cycle :'||
1330: benutils.iftrue
1331: (p_expression => p_popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id is null
1332: ,p_true => 'All'
1333: ,p_false => p_popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id));
1334: End if;

Line 1351: benutils.iftrue

1347: --
1348: l_actn := 'Printting p_rptg_grp_id...';
1349: If (nvl(p_rptg_grp_id,-1) <> hr_api.g_number) then
1350: write(p_text => 'Reporting Group :'||
1351: benutils.iftrue
1352: (p_expression => p_rptg_grp_id is null
1353: ,p_true => 'All'
1354: ,p_false => p_rptg_grp_id));
1355: End if;

Line 1360: benutils.iftrue

1356: --
1357: l_actn := 'Printting p_eligy_prfl_id...';
1358: If (nvl(p_eligy_prfl_id,-1) <> hr_api.g_number) then
1359: write(p_text => 'Eligiblity Profile :'||
1360: benutils.iftrue
1361: (p_expression => p_eligy_prfl_id is null
1362: ,p_true => 'All'
1363: ,p_false => p_eligy_prfl_id));
1364: End if;

Line 1369: benutils.iftrue

1365: --
1366: l_actn := 'Printting p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id...';
1367: If (nvl(p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id,-1) <> hr_api.g_number) then
1368: write(p_text => 'Variable Rate Profile :'||
1369: benutils.iftrue
1370: (p_expression => p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id is null
1371: ,p_true => 'All'
1372: ,p_false => p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id));
1373: End if;

Line 1378: benutils.iftrue

1374: --
1375: l_actn := 'Printting p_person_selection_rule_id...';
1376: If (nvl(p_person_selection_rule_id,-1) <> hr_api.g_number) then
1377: write(p_text => 'Person Selection Rule :'||
1378: benutils.iftrue
1379: (p_expression => p_person_selection_rule_id is null
1380: ,p_true => 'None'
1381: ,p_false => p_person_selection_rule_id));
1382: End if;

Line 1387: benutils.iftrue

1383: --
1384: l_actn := 'Printting p_person_id...';
1385: If (nvl(p_person_id,-1) <> hr_api.g_number) then
1386: write(p_text => 'Person ID :'||
1387: benutils.iftrue
1388: (p_expression => p_person_id is null
1389: ,p_true => 'None'
1390: ,p_false => p_person_id));
1391: End if;

Line 1396: benutils.iftrue

1392: --
1393: l_actn := 'Printting p_person_type_id...';
1394: If (nvl(p_person_type_id,-1) <> hr_api.g_number) then
1395: write(p_text => 'Person Type ID :'||
1396: benutils.iftrue
1397: (p_expression => p_person_type_id is null
1398: ,p_true => 'None'
1399: ,p_false => p_person_type_id));
1400: End if;

Line 1405: benutils.iftrue

1401: --
1402: l_actn := 'Printting p_ler_id...';
1403: If (nvl(p_ler_id,-1) <> hr_api.g_number) then
1404: write(p_text => 'Ler ID :'||
1405: benutils.iftrue
1406: (p_expression => p_ler_id is null
1407: ,p_true => 'None'
1408: ,p_false => p_ler_id));
1409: End if;

Line 1414: benutils.iftrue

1410: --
1411: l_actn := 'Printting p_organization_id...';
1412: If (nvl(p_organization_id,-1) <> hr_api.g_number) then
1413: write(p_text => 'Organization ID :'||
1414: benutils.iftrue
1415: (p_expression => p_organization_id is null
1416: ,p_true => 'None'
1417: ,p_false => p_organization_id));
1418: End if;

Line 1423: benutils.iftrue

1419: --
1420: l_actn := 'Printting p_benfts_grp_id...';
1421: If (nvl(p_benfts_grp_id,-1) <> hr_api.g_number) then
1422: write(p_text => 'Benefits Group ID :'||
1423: benutils.iftrue
1424: (p_expression => p_benfts_grp_id is null
1425: ,p_true => 'None'
1426: ,p_false => p_benfts_grp_id));
1427: End if;

Line 1432: benutils.iftrue

1428: --
1429: l_actn := 'Printting p_location_id...';
1430: If (nvl(p_location_id,-1) <> hr_api.g_number) then
1431: write(p_text => 'Location ID :'||
1432: benutils.iftrue
1433: (p_expression => p_location_id is null
1434: ,p_true => 'None'
1435: ,p_false => p_location_id));
1436: End if;

Line 1441: benutils.iftrue

1437: --
1438: l_actn := 'Printting p_legal_entity_id...';
1439: If (nvl(p_legal_entity_id,-1) <> hr_api.g_number) then
1440: write(p_text => 'Legal Entity ID :'||
1441: benutils.iftrue
1442: (p_expression => p_legal_entity_id is null
1443: ,p_true => 'None'
1444: ,p_false => p_legal_entity_id));
1445: End if;

Line 1450: benutils.iftrue

1446: --
1447: l_actn := 'Printting p_payroll_id...';
1448: If (nvl(p_payroll_id,-1) <> hr_api.g_number) then
1449: write(p_text => 'Payroll ID :'||
1450: benutils.iftrue
1451: (p_expression => p_payroll_id is null
1452: ,p_true => 'None'
1453: ,p_false => p_payroll_id));
1454: End if;

Line 1459: benutils.iftrue

1455: --
1456: l_actn := 'Printting p_comp_selection_rule_id...';
1457: If (nvl(p_comp_selection_rule_id,-1) <> hr_api.g_number) then
1458: write(p_text => 'Comp Object Selection Rule :'||
1459: benutils.iftrue
1460: (p_expression => p_comp_selection_rule_id is null
1461: ,p_true => 'None'
1462: ,p_false => p_comp_selection_rule_id));
1463: End if;

Line 1546: l_actn := 'Calling benutils.formula procedure...';

1542: end if;
1543: --
1544: -- Call formula initialise routine
1545: --
1546: l_actn := 'Calling benutils.formula procedure...';
1547: l_outputs := benutils.formula
1548: (p_formula_id => p_person_selection_rule_id
1549: ,p_effective_date => p_effective_date
1550: ,p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id

Line 1547: l_outputs := benutils.formula

1543: --
1544: -- Call formula initialise routine
1545: --
1546: l_actn := 'Calling benutils.formula procedure...';
1547: l_outputs := benutils.formula
1548: (p_formula_id => p_person_selection_rule_id
1549: ,p_effective_date => p_effective_date
1550: ,p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id
1551: ,p_assignment_id => l_assignment_id

Line 1558: l_actn := 'Evaluating benutils.formula return...';

1554: ,p_param2 => p_input1
1555: ,p_param2_value => p_input1_value);
1556: l_return := l_outputs(l_outputs.first).value;
1557: --
1558: l_actn := 'Evaluating benutils.formula return...';
1559: --
1560: If upper(l_return) not in ('Y', 'N') then
1561: --
1562: -- Defensive coding for Non Y return

Line 1798: l_msg_error_cd := benutils.get_message_name;

1794: begin
1795: --
1796: l_actn := 'getting error message..';
1797: --
1798: l_msg_error_cd := benutils.get_message_name;
1799: l_msg := fnd_message.get;
1800: --
1801: write(p_text => l_msg);
1802: --

Line 2432: l_actn := 'Calling benutils.formula procedure...';

2428: end if;
2429: --
2430: -- Call formula initialise routine
2431: --
2432: l_actn := 'Calling benutils.formula procedure...';
2434: l_outputs := benutils.formula
2435: (p_formula_id => p_person_selection_rule_id
2436: ,p_effective_date => p_effective_date

Line 2434: l_outputs := benutils.formula

2430: -- Call formula initialise routine
2431: --
2432: l_actn := 'Calling benutils.formula procedure...';
2434: l_outputs := benutils.formula
2435: (p_formula_id => p_person_selection_rule_id
2436: ,p_effective_date => p_effective_date
2437: ,p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id
2438: ,p_assignment_id => l_assignment_id

Line 2445: l_actn := 'Evaluating benutils.formula return...';

2441: ,p_param2 => p_input1
2442: ,p_param2_value => p_input1_value);
2443: p_return := l_outputs(l_outputs.first).value;
2444: --
2445: l_actn := 'Evaluating benutils.formula return...';
2446: --
2447: If upper(p_return) not in ('Y', 'N') then
2448: Raise value_exception ;
2449: End if;