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2 /*$Header: ENIPCBPB.pls 120.5 2006/03/23 22:33:39 pfarkade noship $*/
4 PROCEDURE get_sql
5 (
6    p_page_parameter_tbl IN  BIS_PMV_PAGE_PARAMETER_TBL
7         , x_custom_sql        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
8         , x_custom_output     OUT NOCOPY BIS_QUERY_ATTRIBUTES_TBL
9 ) IS
10 l_err                  varchar2(3000);
11 l_custom_rec           BIS_QUERY_ATTRIBUTES;
12 l_err_msg              VARCHAR2(500);
13 l_period_type          VARCHAR2(40);
14 l_period_bitand        NUMBER;
15 l_view_by              VARCHAR2(200);
16 l_as_of_date           DATE;
17 l_prev_as_of_date      DATE;
18 l_report_start         DATE;
19 l_cur_period           NUMBER;
20 l_days_into_period     NUMBER;
21 l_comp_type            VARCHAR2(100);
22 l_category             VARCHAR2(100);
23 l_item                 VARCHAR2(100);
24 l_org                  VARCHAR2(100);
25 l_item_temp            VARCHAR2(100);
26 l_org_temp             VARCHAR2(100);
27 l_id_column            VARCHAR2(30);
28 l_order_by             VARCHAR2(100);
29 l_drill                VARCHAR2(30);
30 l_status               VARCHAR2(30);
31 l_priority             VARCHAR2(30);
32 l_reason               VARCHAR2(30);
33 l_lifecycle_phase      VARCHAR2(30);
34 l_currency             VARCHAR2(30);
35 l_bom_type             VARCHAR2(30);
36 l_type                 VARCHAR2(30);
37 l_manager              VARCHAR2(30);
38 l_temp                 VARCHAR2(1000);
39 l_lob                  VARCHAR2(1000);
40 l_for_cat              VARCHAR2(1000);
41 l_from_clause          VARCHAR2(1000);
42 l_where_clause         VARCHAR2(1000);
43 l_group_by_clause      VARCHAR2(500);
44 l_concat_var           varchar2(1000);
45 l_item_1               NUMBER;
46 l_org_1                NUMBER;
47 l_item_org_clause      VARCHAR2(1000);
48 l_org_exists           NUMBER;
50    ENI_DBI_UTIL_PKG.get_parameters( p_page_parameter_tbl
51                                  , l_period_type
52                                  , l_period_bitand
53                                  , l_view_by
54                                  , l_as_of_date
55                                  , l_prev_as_of_date
56                                  , l_report_start
57                                  , l_cur_period
58                                  , l_days_into_period
59                                  , l_comp_type
60                                  , l_category
61                                  , l_item_temp
62                                  , l_org_temp
63                                  , l_id_column
64                                  , l_order_by
65                                  , l_drill
66                                  , l_status
67                                  , l_priority
68                                  , l_reason
69                                  , l_lifecycle_phase
70                                  , l_currency
71                                  , l_bom_type
72                                  , l_type
73                                  , l_manager
74                                  , l_lob
75                                  );
76        eni_dbi_util_pkg.get_time_clauses
77             (
78                         'I',
79                         'edms',
80                         l_period_type,
81                         l_period_bitand,
82                         l_as_of_date,
83                         l_prev_as_of_date,
84                         l_report_start,
85                         l_cur_period,
86                         l_days_into_period,
87                         l_comp_type,
88                         l_id_column,
89                         l_from_clause,
90                         l_where_clause,
91                         l_group_by_clause,
92 			'ROLLING'
93             );
94   -- set where clauses
95 Begin
96    select
97      NVL(common_assembly_item_id,assembly_item_id),
98      NVL(common_organization_id ,organization_id)
99    INTO
100      l_item,l_org
101    from
102      bom_bill_of_materials
103    where
104      assembly_item_id = l_item_temp and
105      organization_id = l_org_temp and
106      alternate_bom_designator IS NULL;
109         l_item := NULL; l_org := NULL;
110 End;
112 IF (l_item IS NULL) THEN
113 	l_item := -9999;
114 	l_org := -9999;
115 ELSE  -- Display the data only when the organization of the item exists
116       -- in the org_temp table. Added for bug # 3669751
117 	SELECT count(*)
118 	INTO l_org_exists
119 	FROM eni_dbi_part_count_org_temp
120 	WHERE organization_id = l_org_temp;
121 	IF (l_org_exists = 0) THEN
122 		l_item := -9999;
123 		l_org := -9999;
124 	END IF;
125 END IF;
127 IF (l_item_temp IS NULL OR l_item_temp = '' OR l_item_temp = 'All')
128 THEN
129     IF (l_org_temp IS NOT NULL) THEN
130          --l_item_org_clause := ' AND eiv.organization_id = '||l_org;
131          l_item_org_clause := ' AND eiv.organization_id = :ORG';                             --Bug 5083920
132         -- l_item_org_clause := l_item_org_clause || ' AND pco.organization_id = '||l_org';
133          l_item_org_clause := l_item_org_clause || ' AND pco.organization_id = :ORG';        --Bug 5083920
134     ELSE
135          l_item_org_clause:= ' AND eiv.id = pco.item_org_id';
136     END IF;
137     l_item_1 := -1;
138 ELSE
139     --l_item_org_clause  := ' AND pco.organization_id = '||l_org;
140     l_item_org_clause  := ' AND pco.organization_id = :ORG';                                 --Bug 5083920
141     --l_item_org_clause := l_item_org_clause || ' AND pco.assembly_item_id = '||l_item;
142     l_item_org_clause := l_item_org_clause || ' AND pco.assembly_item_id = :ITEM';           --Bug 5083920
143     l_item_1 := l_item;
144     l_org_1 := l_org;
145 END IF;
147   -- return sql based on the viewby
149 IF substr(l_view_by, 1, 5) = 'TIME+'
150 THEN
151     IF (l_item_temp IS NULL OR l_item_temp = '' OR l_item_temp = 'All')
152     THEN
153        x_custom_sql :=' SELECT NULL AS VIEWBY,
154                     NULL AS ENI_MEASURE1,
155                     NULL AS ENI_MEASURE2,
156                     NULL AS ENI_MEASURE4,
157                     NULL AS ENI_MEASURE5,
158                     NULL AS ENI_ATTRIBUTE11,
159                     NULL AS ENI_ATTRIBUTE2 FROM DUAL';
160     ELSE
161        --  Setting the Order By Clause.
162        IF (UPPER(l_order_by) LIKE '%START_DATE%ASC%') THEN
163             l_order_by := 'START_DATE ASC';
164        ELSIF (UPPER(l_order_by) LIKE '%START_DATE%DESC%') THEN
165             l_order_by := 'START_DATE DESC';
166        ELSIF (UPPER(l_order_by) LIKE '%START_DATE%') THEN
167             l_order_by := 'START_DATE';
168        END IF;
169        x_custom_sql :=
170            'SELECT
171                    name AS VIEWBY,
172                    current_pco AS ENI_MEASURE1,
173                    prior_pco AS ENI_MEASURE2,
174                    current_bom_levels AS ENI_MEASURE4,
175                    prior_bom_levels AS ENI_MEASURE5,
176                    current_pco AS ENI_ATTRIBUTE11,
177                    current_bom_levels AS ENI_ATTRIBUTE2
178            FROM ((select
179                    sum(case when (t.c_end_date BETWEEN
180                            pco.effectivity_date AND pco.disable_date)
181                            then part_count
182                            else NULL end) as current_pco,
183                    sum(case when (t.p_end_date BETWEEN
184                            pco.effectivity_date AND pco.disable_date)
185                            then part_count
186                            else NULL end) as prior_pco,
187                    max(case when (t.c_end_date BETWEEN
188                            pco.effectivity_date AND pco.disable_date)
189                            then max_bom_level
190                            else NULL end) as current_bom_levels,
191                    max(case when (t.p_end_date BETWEEN
192                            pco.effectivity_date AND pco.disable_date)
193                            then max_bom_level
194                            else NULL end) as prior_bom_levels,
195                    t.name,
196                    t.start_date
197                    from
198                            eni_dbi_part_count_mv pco,
199                            ' || l_from_clause || '
200                    where
201                            '||l_where_clause|| '
202                            '||l_item_org_clause||'
203               group by
204                            t.name,t.start_date)
205           UNION ALL
206                    (select NULL AS current_pco,
207                            NULL AS prior_pco,
208                            NULL AS current_bom_levels,
209                            NULL AS prior_bom_levels,
210                            t.name,
211                            t.start_date
212                    from
213 			   ' || l_from_clause || '
214                    where
215                            (NOT EXISTS(select * from eni_dbi_part_count_mv where
216                                  assembly_item_id = :LITEM
217                                   and organization_id = :LORG)) and '           --Bug 5083920
218 			         || l_where_clause ||'))
219           order by
220                    '||l_order_by;
221      END IF;
222 END IF;
223 /*  -- For ITEM VIEWBY
224 IF (l_view_by = 'ITEM+ENI_ITEM_ORG') THEN
225    IF (l_order_by like '%VIEW%ASC') THEN
226         l_order_by := 'VIEWBY ASC';
227    ELSIF (l_order_by like '%VIEW%DESC') THEN
228         l_order_by := 'VIEWBY DESC';
229    ELSIF (l_order_by like '%VIEW%') THEN
230         l_order_by := 'VIEWBY ASC';
231    END IF;
232    x_custom_sql :=
233           '(select
234                    eiv.value as VIEWBY,
235                    sum(case when ('||'&'||'BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE BETWEEN
236                            trunc(pco.effectivity_date) AND
237                            NVL(trunc(pco.disable_date),to_date(''01-01-3000'',''DD-MM-YYYY'')))
238                            then part_count
239                            else NULL end) as ENI_MEASURE1,
240                    sum(case when ('||'&'||'BIS_PREVIOUS_ASOF_DATE BETWEEN
241                            trunc(pco.effectivity_date) AND
242                            NVL(trunc(pco.disable_date),to_date(''01-01-3000'',''DD-MM-YYYY'')))
243                            then part_count
244                            else NULL end) as ENI_MEASURE2,
245                    max(case when ('||'&'||'BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE BETWEEN
246                            trunc(pco.effectivity_date) AND
247                            NVL(trunc(pco.disable_date),to_date(''01-01-3000'',''DD-MM-YYYY'')))
248                            then max_bom_level
249                            else NULL end) as ENI_MEASURE4,
250                    max(case when ('||'&'||'BIS_PREVIOUS_ASOF_DATE BETWEEN
251                            trunc(pco.effectivity_date) AND
252                            NVL(trunc(pco.disable_date),to_date(''01-01-3000'',''DD-MM-YYYY'')))
253                            then max_bom_level
254                            else NULL end) as ENI_MEASURE5,
255                    sum(case when ('||'&'||'BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE BETWEEN
256                            trunc(pco.effectivity_date) AND
257                            NVL(trunc(pco.disable_date),to_date(''01-01-3000'',''DD-MM-YYYY'')))
258                            then part_count
259                            else NULL end) as ENI_ATTRIBUTE11,
260                    max(case when ('||'&'||'BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE BETWEEN
261                            trunc(pco.effectivity_date) AND
262                            NVL(trunc(pco.disable_date),to_date(''01-01-3000'',''DD-MM-YYYY'')))
263                            then max_bom_level
264                            else NULL end) as ENI_ATTRIBUTE2
265                    from
266                            eni_dbi_part_count_mv pco, ENI_ITEM_ORG_V eiv
267                    where
268                            (' || '&'|| 'BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE BETWEEN
269                            trunc(pco.effectivity_date) AND
270                            NVL(trunc(pco.disable_date),to_date(''01-01-3000'', ''DD-MM-YYYY''))
271                            OR
272                            ' || '&'|| 'BIS_PREVIOUS_ASOF_DATE BETWEEN
273                            trunc(pco.effectivity_date) AND
274                            NVL(trunc(pco.disable_date),to_date(''01-01-3000'', ''DD-MM-YYYY'')))
275                            '||l_item_org_clause||'
276                    group by
277                            eiv.value
278           UNION ALL
279                    select eiv.value as VIEWBY,
280                            NULL as ENI_MEASURE1,
281                            NULL AS ENI_MEASURE2,
282                            NULL AS ENI_MEASURE4,
283                            NULL AS ENI_MEASURE5,
284                            NULL AS ENI_ATTRIBUTE11,
285                            NULL AS ENI_ATTRIBUTE2
286                    from
287                            eni_item_org_v eiv
288                    where
289                            eiv.inventory_item_id = '||l_item_1||' and
290                            eiv.organization_id = '||l_org_1||' and
291                            ( NOT EXISTS (select * from eni_dbi_part_count_mv pco
292                                      where
293                                         item_id = '|| l_item_1 || ' and
294                                         organization_id = '|| l_org_1 || ' and
295                                         (' || '&'|| 'BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE BETWEEN
296                                             trunc(pco.effectivity_date) AND
297                                             NVL(trunc(pco.disable_date),to_date(''01-01-3000'', ''DD-MM-YYYY''))
298                                         OR
299                                            ' || '&'|| 'BIS_PREVIOUS_ASOF_DATE BETWEEN
300                                             trunc(pco.effectivity_date) AND
301                                             NVL(trunc(pco.disable_date),to_date(''01-01-3000'', ''DD-MM-YYYY''))))))
302           order by '
303                    ||l_order_by;
304 END IF; */
306   l_custom_rec := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.Initialize_Query_Type;
307   x_custom_output := bis_query_attributes_tbl();
309 --Start Bug 5083920
310   x_custom_output.extend;
311  l_custom_rec.attribute_name := ':ITEM';
312  l_custom_rec.attribute_value := replace(l_item,'''');
313  l_custom_rec.attribute_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.BIND_TYPE;
314  l_custom_rec.attribute_data_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.VARCHAR2_BIND;
315  x_custom_output(1) := l_custom_rec;
317  x_custom_output.extend;
318  l_custom_rec.attribute_name := ':ORG';
319  l_custom_rec.attribute_value := replace(l_org,'''');
320  l_custom_rec.attribute_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.BIND_TYPE;
321  l_custom_rec.attribute_data_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.INTEGER_BIND;
322  x_custom_output(2) := l_custom_rec;
324  x_custom_output.extend;
325  l_custom_rec.attribute_name := ':LITEM';
326  l_custom_rec.attribute_value := replace(l_item_1,'''');
327  l_custom_rec.attribute_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.BIND_TYPE;
328  l_custom_rec.attribute_data_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.VARCHAR2_BIND;
329  x_custom_output(3) := l_custom_rec;
331  x_custom_output.extend;
332  l_custom_rec.attribute_name := ':LORG';
333  l_custom_rec.attribute_value := replace(l_org_1,'''');
334  l_custom_rec.attribute_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.BIND_TYPE;
335  l_custom_rec.attribute_data_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.INTEGER_BIND;
336  x_custom_output(4) := l_custom_rec;
338  --End Bug 5083920
339  --Bug 5083652 -- Start Code
341   x_custom_output.extend;
342   l_custom_rec.attribute_name := ':PERIODTYPE';
343   l_custom_rec.attribute_value := replace(l_period_type,'''');
344   l_custom_rec.attribute_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.BIND_TYPE;
345   l_custom_rec.attribute_data_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.VARCHAR2_BIND;
346   x_custom_output(5) := l_custom_rec;
348    x_custom_output.extend;
349   l_custom_rec.attribute_name := ':COMPARETYPE';
350   l_custom_rec.attribute_value := replace(l_comp_type,'''');
351   l_custom_rec.attribute_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.BIND_TYPE;
352   l_custom_rec.attribute_data_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.VARCHAR2_BIND;
353   x_custom_output(6) := l_custom_rec;
356   x_custom_output.extend;
357   l_custom_rec.attribute_name := ':PERIODAND';
358   l_custom_rec.attribute_value := replace(l_period_bitand,'''');
359   l_custom_rec.attribute_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.BIND_TYPE;
360   l_custom_rec.attribute_data_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.INTEGER_BIND;
361   x_custom_output(7) := l_custom_rec;
363   x_custom_output.extend;
364   l_custom_rec.attribute_name := ':CUR_PERIOD_ID';
365   l_custom_rec.attribute_value := replace(l_cur_period,'''');
366   l_custom_rec.attribute_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.BIND_TYPE;
367   l_custom_rec.attribute_data_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.INTEGER_BIND;
368   x_custom_output(8) := l_custom_rec;
370 --Bug 5083652 -- End Code
374 /* ------------------------------------------------------
375    Function : GetLabel
376    The function returns YTD/QTD/PTD/WTD/Measure Name. This function is called
377    from the PMV report and relies on cached values of variables
378    called in the package init section.
379    ------------------------------------------------------*/
381 FUNCTION GetLabel(p_page_parameter_tbl IN BIS_PMV_PAGE_PARAMETER_TBL
382                   , measure_label IN NUMBER)
384 IS
385     l_Time_Level_Value VARCHAR2(80);
386     l_View_By   VARCHAR2(30);
387     l_Label     VARCHAR2(10);
388     L_YTD_Label VARCHAR2(8):='YTD';
389     L_QTD_Label VARCHAR2(8):='QTD';
390     L_MTD_Label VARCHAR2(8):='MTD';
391     L_WTD_Label VARCHAR2(8):='WTD';
393     FOR i IN 1..p_page_parameter_tbl.COUNT LOOP
394        IF p_page_parameter_tbl(i).parameter_name = 'PERIOD_TYPE' THEN
395            l_Time_Level_Value:=p_page_parameter_tbl(i).parameter_value;
396        ELSIF p_page_parameter_tbl(i).parameter_name = 'VIEW_BY' THEN
397            l_View_By:=p_page_parameter_tbl(i).parameter_value;
398        END IF;
399     END LOOP;
400     IF (l_View_By LIKE '%ENI_ITEM_ORG%') THEN
401         IF l_time_level_value IS NOT NULL THEN
402            CASE (l_time_level_value)
403               WHEN 'FII_TIME_ENT_YEAR' THEN
404                    l_Label:=L_YTD_Label;
405               WHEN 'FII_TIME_ENT_QTR' THEN
406                    l_Label:=L_QTD_Label;
407               WHEN 'FII_TIME_ENT_PERIOD' THEN
408                    l_Label:=L_MTD_Label;
409               WHEN 'FII_TIME_WEEK' THEN
410                    l_Label:=L_WTD_Label;
411            END CASE;
412         ELSE
413            l_Label:='';
414         END IF;
415     ELSE
416         IF (measure_label = 1) THEN
417              l_Label := 'Part Count';
418         ELSE
419              l_Label := 'BOM Levels';
420         END IF;
421     END IF;
422     RETURN l_Label;
425 END GetLabel;