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1 package body ffhutl as
2 /* $Header: ffhutl.pkb 115.0 99/07/16 02:03:06 porting ship $ */
3 /*
4   Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation (UK) Ltd 1993.
5   All rights reserved
7   Name:   ffhutl
9   Description:
11   Change List
12   -----------
13   D Saxby        18-JUL-1995     Moved the arcs header line.
14   P Gowers       10-MAR-1993     Rename package to ffhutl
15 */
16 -------------------------------- load_harness --------------------------------
17 -- NAME
18 --   load_harness
20 --   Copies the FDIU contents for a given formula into a harness table
21 --   which links each item with a value. The whole set of harness items
22 --   are referenced by formula_id and a test_id which is like a session
23 --   id for the current test formula form
24 --
25 procedure load_harness (p_formula_id in number) is
26 begin
27   -- get rid of any old rows first (there shouldn't be any)
28   hr_utility.set_location ('ffhutl.load_harness', 1);
29   delete from ff_harness
30   where test_id = userenv('SESSIONID') and formula_id = p_formula_id;
31 --
32   -- create new rows based on the formula_id and test_id passed containing
33   -- all input variables for the formula
34   -- NOTE all 'B' usages are indicated as 'I' because at the harness level
35   -- outputs are completely separate and unrelated to inputs
36   hr_utility.set_location ('ffhutl.load_harness', 2);
37   insert into ff_harness (test_id, formula_id, item_name, data_type, usage)
38   select userenv('SESSIONID'), p_formula_id, item_name, data_type,
39          decode (usage, 'B', 'I', usage)
40   from ff_fdi_usages
41   where formula_id = p_formula_id
42   and (usage = 'I' or usage = 'B' or usage = 'U');
43 end load_harness;
44 ------------------------------- delete_harness -------------------------------
45 -- NAME
46 --   delete_harness
48 --   Deletes all entries in the harness for the current user determined by
49 --   the test id passed as a parameter
50 --
51 procedure delete_harness is
52 begin
53   hr_utility.set_location ('ffhutl.delete_harness', 1);
54   delete from ff_harness where test_id = userenv('SESSIONID');
55 end delete_harness;
56 --
57 end ffhutl;