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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 20

    insert into IGW_budget_details(
				,last_update_login )
			values (
Line: 75

    insert into igw_budget_personnel_cal_amts (
Line: 113

   insert into igw_budget_details_cal_amts (
			values	(
Line: 165

  select apply_inflation_setup_rates
  ,      apply_eb_setup_rates
  ,      apply_oh_setup_rates
  ,      enter_budget_at_period_level
  from   igw_budgets
  where  proposal_id = p_proposal_id
  and    version_id = p_version_id;
Line: 175

  select count(*)
  from	 igw_budget_periods
  where  proposal_id = p_proposal_id
  and	 version_id = p_version_id;
Line: 182

  select pbd.proposal_id
  ,      pbd.version_id
  , 	 pbd.budget_period_id
  ,	 pbd.line_item_id
  ,	 pbd.expenditure_type
  ,	 pbd.budget_category_code
  ,	 pbd.expenditure_category_flag
  , 	 pbd.line_item_description
  ,	 pbd.line_item_cost
  , 	 pbd.cost_sharing_amount
  ,	 pbd.underrecovery_amount
  ,	 pbd.apply_inflation_flag
  ,	 pbd.budget_justification
  ,	 pbd.location_code
  ,	 et.personnel_attached_flag
  from	 igw_budget_details   	pbd
  ,	 igw_budget_expenditures_v et
  where  pbd.expenditure_type = et.budget_expenditure
  and	 pbd.expenditure_category_flag = et.expenditure_category_flag
  and	 pbd.proposal_id = p_proposal_id
  and	 pbd.budget_period_id = p_budget_period_id
  and	 pbd.version_id = p_version_id;
Line: 208

  select budget_personnel_detail_id
  ,	 line_item_id
  ,	 person_id
  ,	 party_id
  ,	 start_date
  ,	 end_date
  ,	 period_type_code
  ,	 appointment_type_code
  ,	 salary_requested
  ,	 percent_charged
  ,	 percent_effort
  ,	 cost_sharing_percent
  ,	 underrecovery_amount
  from	 igw_budget_personnel_details
  where	 line_item_id = l_line_item_id;
Line: 290

      select '1'
      into   l_value
      from   igw_budget_details  pbd
      where  pbd.proposal_id = p_proposal_id
      and    pbd.version_id = p_version_id
      and    pbd.budget_period_id <> 1
      and    rownum < 2;
Line: 336

        select 	apply_rate_flag
	into   	l_apply_rate_flag_oh
	from   	igw_budget_details_cal_amts
	where  	line_item_id = rec_budget_details.line_item_id;
Line: 364

          select start_date, end_date
 	  into	 l_budget_start_date
	  ,	 l_budget_end_date
	  from	 igw_budget_periods
	  where	 proposal_id = p_proposal_id
	  and	 version_id = p_version_id
	  and	 budget_period_id = l_budget_period_id;
Line: 383

            select max(end_date)
	    into 	 l_budget_end_date
	    from 	 igw_budget_periods
  	    where	 proposal_id = p_proposal_id
  	    and	 version_id = p_version_id;
Line: 496

            insert into igw_budget_details_cal_amts (
			values	(
Line: 543

      select     max(end_date), max(start_date)
      into 	 l_max_budget_end_date, l_max_budget_start_date
      from 	 igw_budget_periods
      where	 proposal_id = p_proposal_id
      and	 version_id = p_version_id;
Line: 553

        select 	'1'
        into	l_dummy_value
        from	igw_budget_periods
        where	((end_date-start_date) < 364 or (end_date-start_date) > 365)
        --and 	start_date <> l_max_budget_start_date
        and	 proposal_id = p_proposal_id
         and	 version_id = p_version_id
        and	rownum <2;
Line: 570

          select start_date, end_date
          into	 l_budget_start_date
	  ,	 l_budget_end_date
  	  from	 igw_budget_periods
  	  where	 proposal_id = p_proposal_id
	  and	 version_id = p_version_id
	  and	 budget_period_id = l_budget_period_id;
Line: 609

            insert into igw_budget_details_cal_amts (
			values	(
Line: 642

            insert into igw_budget_details_cal_amts (
			values	(
Line: 678

              select pca.apply_rate_flag
	      into   l_apply_rate_flag_oh
	      from   igw_budget_personnel_cal_amts  pca
	      ,	     igw_budget_personnel_details   pbd
	      where  pbd.budget_personnel_detail_id =                                                                                                            rec_budget_personnel.budget_personnel_detail_id
	      and    pca.budget_personnel_detail_id = pbd.budget_personnel_detail_id
              and    pca.rate_class_id = (select  pr.rate_class_id
					from 	igw_rate_classes  pr
					where 	pca.rate_class_id = pr.rate_class_id
					and	pr.rate_class_type = 'O');
Line: 693

              select pca.apply_rate_flag
	      into   l_apply_rate_flag_eb
	      from   igw_budget_personnel_cal_amts  pca
	      ,	     igw_budget_personnel_details   pbd
	      where  pbd.budget_personnel_detail_id =                                                                                                                 rec_budget_personnel.budget_personnel_detail_id
	      and    pca.budget_personnel_detail_id = pbd.budget_personnel_detail_id
              and    pca.rate_class_id = (select  pr.rate_class_id
					from 	igw_rate_classes  pr
					where 	pca.rate_class_id = pr.rate_class_id
					and	pr.rate_class_type = 'E');
Line: 720

	    select 	calculation_base
	    ,		effective_date
	    ,		appointment_type_code
	    into	l_calculation_base
            ,		l_effective_date
	    ,		l_appointment_type_code
	    from	igw_budget_persons
	    where	proposal_id = p_proposal_id
	    and		version_id = p_version_id
	    --and		person_id = rec_budget_personnel.person_id
	    and		party_id = rec_budget_personnel.party_id
            and		appointment_type_code = rec_budget_personnel.appointment_type_code;
Line: 843

            insert into igw_budget_personnel_details (
			values (
			        ,rec_budget_personnel.cost_sharing_percent/100 *l_inflated_salary_ov
				,l_oh_value_ov - l_oh_value
Line: 890

            select  igw_budget_personnel_s.currval into l_dummy_personnel_id from dual;
Line: 912

      select 	igw_budget_details_s.currval
      into	l_line_item_seq
      from  	dual;
Line: 917

     update igw_budget_details_cal_amts pdc
      set    pdc.calculated_cost =
   		(select nvl(sum(ppc.calculated_cost),0)
      		from   igw_budget_personnel_cal_amts       ppc
      		,	     igw_budget_personnel_details  ppd
      		,	     igw_budget_details	    pd
      		where  pd.line_item_id = ppd.line_item_id
      		and    ppd.budget_personnel_detail_id =ppc.budget_personnel_detail_id
      		and    pd.proposal_id = p_proposal_id
      		and    pd.version_id = p_version_id
      		and    pd.budget_period_id = l_budget_period_id
      		and    pd.line_item_id = l_line_item_seq
      		and    ppc.rate_class_id = pdc.rate_class_id
      		and    ppc.rate_type_id = pdc.rate_type_id)
      ,   pdc.calculated_cost_sharing =
      		(select nvl(sum(ppc.calculated_cost_sharing),0)
      		from   igw_budget_personnel_cal_amts       ppc
      		,	     igw_budget_personnel_details  ppd
      		,	     igw_budget_details	    pd
      		where  pd.line_item_id = ppd.line_item_id
      		and    ppd.budget_personnel_detail_id = ppc.budget_personnel_detail_id
      		and    pd.proposal_id = p_proposal_id
      		and    pd.version_id = p_version_id
      		and    pd.budget_period_id = l_budget_period_id
      		and    pd.line_item_id = l_line_item_seq
      		and    ppc.rate_class_id = pdc.rate_class_id
      		and    ppc.rate_type_id = pdc.rate_type_id)
      where  pdc.line_item_id = l_line_item_seq;
Line: 946

      update igw_budget_details  pdb
      set    line_item_cost =
		(select nvl(sum(salary_requested),0)
		from	igw_budget_personnel_details  ppd
		where	ppd.line_item_id = l_line_item_seq)
      ,	     cost_sharing_amount =
		(select nvl(sum(cost_sharing_amount),0)
		from	igw_budget_personnel_details  ppd
		where	ppd.line_item_id = l_line_item_seq)
      where  pdb.line_item_id = l_line_item_seq;
Line: 965

        select 	nvl(sum(line_item_cost),0)
	, 	nvl(sum(cost_sharing_amount),0)
	, 	nvl(sum(underrecovery_amount),0)
        into	l_direct_cost1
	,	l_cost_share1
	,	l_underrecovery
        from	igw_budget_details
        where   proposal_id = p_proposal_id
        and	version_id = p_version_id
	and	budget_period_id = i+1;
Line: 976

        select 	nvl(sum(calculated_cost_sharing),0)
	, 	nvl(sum(calculated_cost),0)
        into	l_cost_share2
	,	l_indirect_cost
  	from 	igw_budget_details_cal_amts pc
        where   proposal_id = p_proposal_id
        and	version_id = p_version_id
	and	budget_period_id = i+1
        and	pc.rate_class_id = (	select  pr.rate_class_id
					from 	igw_rate_classes  pr
					where 	pc.rate_class_id = pr.rate_class_id
					and	pr.rate_class_type = 'O');
Line: 988

        select 	nvl(sum(calculated_cost_sharing),0)
	, 	nvl(sum(calculated_cost),0)
        into	l_cost_share3
	,	l_direct_cost2
  	from 	igw_budget_details_cal_amts pc
        where   proposal_id = p_proposal_id
        and	version_id = p_version_id
	and	budget_period_id = i+1
        and	pc.rate_class_id = (	select  pr.rate_class_id
					from 	igw_rate_classes  pr
					where 	pc.rate_class_id = pr.rate_class_id
					and	pr.rate_class_type = 'E');
Line: 1001

        update 	igw_budget_periods
	set	total_cost = (l_direct_cost1+l_direct_cost2+l_indirect_cost)
	,	total_direct_cost = (l_direct_cost1+l_direct_cost2)
	,	total_indirect_cost = l_indirect_cost
	,	cost_sharing_amount = (l_cost_share1+l_cost_share2+l_cost_share3)
	,	underrecovery_amount = l_underrecovery
        where   proposal_id = p_proposal_id
        and	version_id = p_version_id
	and	budget_period_id = i+1;
Line: 1013

      	select 	nvl(sum(total_cost),0)
	,	nvl(sum(total_direct_cost),0)
	,	nvl(sum(total_indirect_cost),0)
	,	nvl(sum(cost_sharing_amount),0)
	,	nvl(sum(underrecovery_amount),0)
	,	nvl(sum(total_cost_limit),0)
	into 	l_total_cost
	,	l_total_direct_cost
	,	l_total_indirect_cost
	,	l_cost_sharing_amt
	,	l_underrecovery_amount
	,	l_total_cost_limit
 	from	igw_budget_periods
	where	proposal_id = p_proposal_id
	and	version_id = p_version_id;
Line: 1030

        update 	igw_budgets
	set	total_cost = l_total_cost
	,	total_direct_cost = l_total_direct_cost
	,	total_indirect_cost = l_total_indirect_cost
	,	cost_sharing_amount = l_cost_sharing_amt
	,	underrecovery_amount = l_underrecovery_amount
	,	total_cost_limit = l_total_cost_limit
	where	proposal_id = p_proposal_id
	and	version_id = p_version_id;
Line: 1092

  select count(*)
  from	 igw_budget_periods
  where  proposal_id = p_proposal_id
  and	 version_id = p_version_id
  and	 budget_period_id > p_budget_period_id;
Line: 1099

  select pbd.proposal_id
  ,      pbd.version_id
  ,	 pbd.expenditure_type
  ,	 pbd.budget_category_code
  ,	 pbd.expenditure_category_flag
  ,	 pbd.line_item_id
  , 	 pbd.line_item_description
  ,	 pbd.line_item_cost
  , 	 pbd.cost_sharing_amount
  ,	 pbd.underrecovery_amount
  ,	 pbd.apply_inflation_flag
  ,	 pbd.budget_justification
  ,	 pbd.location_code
  ,	 et.personnel_attached_flag
  from	 igw_budget_details   	pbd
  ,	 igw_budget_expenditures_v et
  where  pbd.expenditure_type = et.budget_expenditure
  and	 pbd.expenditure_category_flag = et.expenditure_category_flag
  and	 pbd.line_item_id = p_line_item_id;
Line: 1123

  select budget_personnel_detail_id
  ,	 line_item_id
  ,	 person_id
  ,	 party_id
  ,	 start_date
  ,	 end_date
  ,	 period_type_code
  ,	 appointment_type_code
  ,	 salary_requested
  ,	 percent_charged
  ,	 percent_effort
  ,	 cost_sharing_percent
  ,	 underrecovery_amount
  from	 igw_budget_personnel_details
  where	 line_item_id = l_line_item_id;
Line: 1231

          select apply_rate_flag
	  into   l_apply_rate_flag_oh
	  from   igw_budget_details_cal_amts
	  where  line_item_id = rec_budget_details.line_item_id;
Line: 1240

         select distinct based_on_line_item
         into   l_dummy_based_on
         from   igw_budget_details
         where  based_on_line_item = rec_budget_details.line_item_id;
Line: 1250

            delete from igw_budget_details_cal_amts
            where  line_item_id IN (select line_item_id
 				    from  igw_budget_details pd
				    where pd.based_on_line_item = l_dummy_based_on);
Line: 1255

            delete from igw_budget_details
            where  based_on_line_item = l_dummy_based_on;
Line: 1263

            select  start_date, end_date
            into    l_budget_start_date
	    ,	    l_budget_end_date
	    from    igw_budget_periods
  	    where   proposal_id = p_proposal_id
	    and	    version_id = p_version_id
	    and	    budget_period_id = i;
Line: 1370

              insert into igw_budget_details_cal_amts (
			values	(
Line: 1414

        select   max(end_date), max(start_date)
        into 	 l_max_budget_end_date, l_max_budget_start_date
        from 	 igw_budget_periods
        where	 proposal_id = p_proposal_id
        and	 version_id = p_version_id;
Line: 1424

        select 	'1'
        into	l_dummy_value
        from	igw_budget_periods
        where	((end_date-start_date) < 364 or (end_date-start_date) > 365)
        --and 	start_date <> l_max_budget_start_date
        and	 proposal_id = p_proposal_id
         and	 version_id = p_version_id
        and	rownum <2;
Line: 1437

       select distinct based_on_line_item
       into   l_dummy_based_on
       from   igw_budget_details
       where  based_on_line_item = rec_budget_details.line_item_id;
Line: 1448

       delete from igw_budget_personnel_cal_amts
       where budget_personnel_detail_id IN (select budget_personnel_detail_id
						from  igw_budget_details pd
						,     igw_budget_personnel_details ppd
						where pd.line_item_id = ppd.line_item_id
						and   pd.based_on_line_item = l_dummy_based_on);
Line: 1455

       delete from igw_budget_personnel_details
       where  line_item_id IN (select line_item_id
 				    from  igw_budget_details pd
				    where pd.based_on_line_item = l_dummy_based_on);
Line: 1460

       delete from igw_budget_details_cal_amts
       where  line_item_id IN (select line_item_id
 	     		       from  igw_budget_details pd
			       where pd.based_on_line_item = l_dummy_based_on);
Line: 1465

       delete from igw_budget_details
       where  based_on_line_item = l_dummy_based_on;
Line: 1472

            select  start_date, end_date
            into    l_budget_start_date
	    ,	    l_budget_end_date
	    from    igw_budget_periods
	    where   proposal_id = p_proposal_id
	    and	    version_id = p_version_id
	    and	    budget_period_id = i;
Line: 1507

            insert into igw_budget_details_cal_amts (
			values	(
Line: 1540

            insert into igw_budget_details_cal_amts (
			values	(
Line: 1578

            select pca.apply_rate_flag
	    into   l_apply_rate_flag_oh
	    from   igw_budget_personnel_cal_amts  pca
	    ,	   igw_budget_personnel_details   pbd
	      where  pbd.budget_personnel_detail_id = rec_budget_personnel.budget_personnel_detail_id
	    and	   pca.budget_personnel_detail_id = pbd.budget_personnel_detail_id
            and	   pca.rate_class_id = (	select  pr.rate_class_id
					from 	igw_rate_classes  pr
					where 	pca.rate_class_id = pr.rate_class_id
					and	pr.rate_class_type = 'O');
Line: 1593

            select pca.apply_rate_flag
	    into   l_apply_rate_flag_eb
	    from   igw_budget_personnel_cal_amts  pca
	    ,	   igw_budget_personnel_details   pbd
	      where  pbd.budget_personnel_detail_id = rec_budget_personnel.budget_personnel_detail_id
	    and	   pca.budget_personnel_detail_id = pbd.budget_personnel_detail_id
            and	   pca.rate_class_id = (	select  pr.rate_class_id
					from 	igw_rate_classes  pr
					where 	pca.rate_class_id = pr.rate_class_id
					and	pr.rate_class_type = 'E');
Line: 1621

	    select 	calculation_base
	    ,		effective_date
	    ,		appointment_type_code
	    into	l_calculation_base
            ,		l_effective_date
	    ,		l_appointment_type_code
	    from	igw_budget_persons
	    where	proposal_id = p_proposal_id
	    and		version_id = p_version_id
	    --and		person_id = rec_budget_personnel.person_id
	    and		party_id = rec_budget_personnel.party_id
            and		appointment_type_code = rec_budget_personnel.appointment_type_code;
Line: 1693

            insert into igw_budget_personnel_details (
			values (
				,rec_budget_personnel.cost_sharing_percent/100 * l_inflated_salary
Line: 1740

            select  igw_budget_personnel_s.currval into l_dummy_personnel_id from dual;
Line: 1764

      select 	igw_budget_details_s.currval
      into	l_line_item_seq
      from  	dual;
Line: 1768

      update igw_budget_details_cal_amts pdc
      set    pdc.calculated_cost =
   		(select nvl(sum(ppc.calculated_cost),0)
      		from   igw_budget_personnel_cal_amts       ppc
      		,	     igw_budget_personnel_details  ppd
      		,	     igw_budget_details	    pd
      		where  pd.line_item_id = ppd.line_item_id
      		and    ppd.budget_personnel_detail_id =ppc.budget_personnel_detail_id
      		and    pd.proposal_id = p_proposal_id
      		and    pd.version_id = p_version_id
      		and    pd.budget_period_id = i
      		and    pd.line_item_id = l_line_item_seq
      		and    ppc.rate_class_id = pdc.rate_class_id
      		and    ppc.rate_type_id = pdc.rate_type_id)
      ,   pdc.calculated_cost_sharing =
      		(select nvl(sum(ppc.calculated_cost_sharing),0)
      		from   igw_budget_personnel_cal_amts       ppc
      		,	     igw_budget_personnel_details  ppd
      		,	     igw_budget_details	    pd
      		where  pd.line_item_id = ppd.line_item_id
      		and    ppd.budget_personnel_detail_id = ppc.budget_personnel_detail_id
      		and    pd.proposal_id = p_proposal_id
      		and    pd.version_id = p_version_id
      		and    pd.budget_period_id = i
      		and    pd.line_item_id = l_line_item_seq
      		and    ppc.rate_class_id = pdc.rate_class_id
      		and    ppc.rate_type_id = pdc.rate_type_id)
      where  pdc.line_item_id = l_line_item_seq;
Line: 1798

      update igw_budget_details  pdb
      set    line_item_cost =
		(select nvl(sum(salary_requested),0)
		from	igw_budget_personnel_details  ppd
		where	ppd.line_item_id = l_line_item_seq)
      ,	     cost_sharing_amount =
		(select nvl(sum(cost_sharing_amount),0)
		from	igw_budget_personnel_details  ppd
		where	ppd.line_item_id = l_line_item_seq)
      where  pdb.line_item_id = l_line_item_seq;
Line: 1817

        select 	nvl(sum(line_item_cost),0)
	, 	nvl(sum(cost_sharing_amount),0)
	, 	nvl(sum(underrecovery_amount),0)
        into	l_direct_cost1
	,	l_cost_share1
	,	l_underrecovery
        from	igw_budget_details
        where   proposal_id = p_proposal_id
        and	version_id = p_version_id
	and	budget_period_id = i;
Line: 1828

        select 	nvl(sum(calculated_cost_sharing),0)
	, 	nvl(sum(calculated_cost),0)
        into	l_cost_share2
	,	l_indirect_cost
  	from 	igw_budget_details_cal_amts pc
        where   proposal_id = p_proposal_id
        and	version_id = p_version_id
	and	budget_period_id = i
        and	pc.rate_class_id = (	select  pr.rate_class_id
					from 	igw_rate_classes  pr
					where 	pc.rate_class_id = pr.rate_class_id
					and	pr.rate_class_type = 'O');
Line: 1840

        select 	nvl(sum(calculated_cost_sharing),0)
	, 	nvl(sum(calculated_cost),0)
        into	l_cost_share3
	,	l_direct_cost2
  	from 	igw_budget_details_cal_amts pc
        where   proposal_id = p_proposal_id
        and	version_id = p_version_id
	and	budget_period_id = i
        and	pc.rate_class_id = (	select  pr.rate_class_id
					from 	igw_rate_classes  pr
					where 	pc.rate_class_id = pr.rate_class_id
					and	pr.rate_class_type = 'E');
Line: 1853

        update 	igw_budget_periods
	set	total_cost = (l_direct_cost1+l_direct_cost2+l_indirect_cost)
	,	total_direct_cost = (l_direct_cost1+l_direct_cost2)
	,	total_indirect_cost = l_indirect_cost
	,	cost_sharing_amount = (l_cost_share1+l_cost_share2+l_cost_share3)
	,	underrecovery_amount = l_underrecovery
        where   proposal_id = p_proposal_id
        and	version_id = p_version_id
	and	budget_period_id = i;
Line: 1865

      	select 	nvl(sum(total_cost),0)
	,	nvl(sum(total_direct_cost),0)
	,	nvl(sum(total_indirect_cost),0)
	,	nvl(sum(cost_sharing_amount),0)
	,	nvl(sum(underrecovery_amount),0)
	,	nvl(sum(total_cost_limit),0)
	into 	l_total_cost
	,	l_total_direct_cost
	,	l_total_indirect_cost
	,	l_cost_sharing_amt
	,	l_underrecovery_amount
	,	l_total_cost_limit
 	from	igw_budget_periods
	where	proposal_id = p_proposal_id
	and	version_id = p_version_id;
Line: 1882

        update 	igw_budgets
	set	total_cost = l_total_cost
	,	total_direct_cost = l_total_direct_cost
	,	total_indirect_cost = l_total_indirect_cost
	,	cost_sharing_amount = l_cost_sharing_amt
	,	underrecovery_amount = l_underrecovery_amount
	,	total_cost_limit = l_total_cost_limit
	where	proposal_id = p_proposal_id
	and	version_id = p_version_id;
Line: 1948

  select total_cost
  from	 igw_budget_periods
  where  proposal_id = p_proposal_id
  and	 version_id = p_version_id
  and 	 budget_period_id = p_budget_period_id;
Line: 1972

      select calculated_cost
      into   l_calculated_cost
      from   igw_budget_details_cal_amts
      where  line_item_id = p_line_item_id;
Line: 2055

    select proposal_id
    ,      version_id
    ,      budget_period_id
    ,      expenditure_category_flag
    ,      expenditure_type
    from   igw_budget_details
    where  line_item_id = p_line_item_id;
Line: 2075

        select personnel_attached_flag
        into 	 l_personnel_attached_flag
        from 	 igw_expenditure_categories_v
        where	 expenditure_category = l_expenditure_type;
Line: 2085

        select   personnel_attached_flag
        into 	 l_personnel_attached_flag
        from 	 igw_expenditure_categories_v
        where	 expenditure_category =  (select expenditure_category from igw_expenditure_types_v
					  where  expenditure_type = l_expenditure_type);
Line: 2103

      select activity_type_code
      into   l_activity_type_code
      from   igw_proposals_all
      where  proposal_id = l_proposal_id;
Line: 2113

      select total_cost_limit
      into   l_period_cost_limit
      from   igw_budget_periods
      where  proposal_id = l_proposal_id
      and    version_id  = l_version_id
      and    budget_period_id = l_budget_period_id;
Line: 2170

    update igw_budget_details
    set line_item_cost = nvl(l_new_line_item_cost, line_item_cost)
    where  line_item_id = p_line_item_id;
Line: 2174

    update igw_budget_details_cal_amts
    set calculated_cost = nvl(l_new_calculated_cost, calculated_cost)
    where  line_item_id = p_line_item_id;
Line: 2219

    select line_item_cost
    from   igw_budget_details
    where  line_item_id = p_line_item_id;