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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 51

    select ppev1.element_version_id
      into x_task_version_id
      from pa_proj_element_versions ppev1,
           pa_proj_element_versions ppev2,
           pa_proj_elem_ver_structure ppevs,
           pa_structure_types pst,
           pa_proj_structure_types ppst
     where ppevs.project_id = p_project_id
       and ppevs.latest_eff_published_flag = 'Y'
       and ppevs.element_version_id = ppev1.parent_structure_version_id
       and ppevs.element_version_id = ppev2.element_version_id
       and ppev2.proj_element_id = ppst.proj_element_id
       and ppst.structure_type_id = pst.structure_type_id
       and pst.structure_type_class_code = 'WORKPLAN'
       and ppev1.proj_element_id = p_task_id
       and ppev1.object_type = 'PA_TASKS';
Line: 78

    select 'Y'
      into x_record_exists
      from pa_percent_completes
     where object_version_id = p_element_version_id
       and object_type = p_object_type
       and published_flag = 'Y'
       and project_id = p_project_id; -- Fixed bug # 3688901
Line: 96

    select ppevs.element_version_id
      into x_structure_version_id
      from pa_proj_elem_ver_structure ppevs,
           pa_proj_element_versions ppev,
           pa_structure_types pst,
           pa_proj_structure_types ppst
     where ppevs.project_id = p_project_id
       and ppevs.latest_eff_published_flag = 'Y'
       and ppevs.element_version_id = ppev.element_version_id
       and ppev.proj_element_id = ppst.proj_element_id
       and ppst.structure_type_id = pst.structure_type_id
       and pst.structure_type_class_code = 'WORKPLAN';
Line: 120

    select 'Y'
      into x_val
     from pa_project_parties
    where project_id = p_project_id
      and resource_source_id = l_person_id
      and project_role_id = 1
      and trunc(sysdate) between trunc(start_date_active) and trunc(nvl(end_date_active,sysdate)); ----- Project Manager
Line: 141

    select percent_complete_id
      into l_percent_complete_id
     from pa_percent_completes
    where project_id = p_project_id
      and task_id = p_task_id
      and current_flag = 'N'
      and published_flag = 'N';
Line: 156

PROCEDURE UPDATE_TASK_PROG_REQ_DATE(p_commit        in varchar2 := FND_API.G_TRUE,
                                  p_object_id      in number,
                                  p_object_type    in varchar2,
                                  x_return_status  out NOCOPY varchar2, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
                                  x_msg_count      out NOCOPY number, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
                                  x_msg_data       out NOCOPY varchar2) IS --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
  CURSOR get_setup_info
         object_id, object_type,  reporting_cycle_id,
         next_reporting_date, record_version_number,
         initial_progress_status, final_progress_status,
         rollup_progress_status, object_page_layout_id
     FROM pa_object_page_layouts popl
         page_type_code = 'TPR'
     AND page_id = -99
     AND object_id = p_object_id
     AND object_type = p_object_type;
Line: 204

              p_object_id                 => l_OBJECT_ID ,
              p_object_Type               => l_OBJECT_TYPE ,
              p_page_id                   => -99 ,
              p_page_type_code            => 'TPR' ,
              p_approval_required         => null ,
              p_reporting_cycle_id        => l_report_cycle_id ,
              p_reporting_offset_days     => null,
              p_next_reporting_date       => x_next_reporting_date ,
              p_reminder_days             => null ,
              p_reminder_days_type        => null ,
              p_initial_progress_status   => l_initial_progress_status,
              p_final_progress_status     => l_final_progress_status,
              p_rollup_progress_status    => l_rollup_progress_status,
              P_REPORT_TYPE_ID            => null,
              P_APPROVER_SOURCE_ID        => null,
              P_APPROVER_SOURCE_TYPE      => null,
              P_EFFECTIVE_FROM            => null,
              P_EFFECTIVE_TO              => null,
              p_object_page_layout_id     => l_object_page_layout_id,
              p_record_version_number     => l_record_version_number,
              x_return_status             => x_return_status ,
              x_msg_count                 => x_msg_count,
              x_msg_data                  => x_msg_data
Line: 243

                     ,p_procedure_name  => 'UPDATE_TASK_PROG_REQ_DATE'
             ,p_error_text => x_msg_data );
Line: 247

Line: 265

  SELECT next_reporting_date, reporting_cycle_id, report_offset_days
  INTO l_reporting_date, l_cycle_id, l_offset_days
  FROM pa_object_page_layouts
  WHERE object_id = p_project_id
    AND object_type = 'PA_PROJECTS'
    AND page_type_code = 'TPR';
Line: 285

        UPDATE pa_object_page_layouts
            SET next_reporting_date = l_reporting_date
            WHERE object_id = p_project_id
            AND object_type = 'PA_PROJECTS'
            AND page_type_code = 'TPR';
Line: 314

    select 'Y'
      into x_record_exists
      from pa_percent_completes
     where project_id = p_project_id
       and task_id = decode(p_task_id,0,task_id,p_task_id)
       and published_flag = 'Y';
Line: 334

        select  completed_percentage
    from    pa_percent_completes
    where   project_id = l_project_id
    and task_id = l_task_id
    and published_flag = 'Y'
    and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
    and date_computed  < l_as_of_date
    and object_type = 'PA_TASKS'
    order by date_computed desc;*/
Line: 346

   select nvl(completed_percentage,eff_rollup_percent_comp)
     from pa_progress_rollup
    where project_id = l_project_id
    and object_id = l_task_id
    and object_type in ('PA_STRUCTURES', 'PA_TASKS')
    and structure_Type = 'WORKPLAN'
    and structure_version_id is null
    and as_of_date < l_as_of_date
    order by as_of_date desc;
Line: 357

    /*select completed_percentage
      into prior_pc
      from pa_percent_completes
     where project_id = p_project_id
       and task_id = p_task_id
       and published_flag = 'Y'
       and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
       and date_computed <= p_as_of_date;*/
Line: 393

    SELECT project_id
     FROM pa_proj_elements
    WHERE proj_element_id = p_task_id;
Line: 401

    SELECT date_computed
      FROM pa_percent_completes
     WHERE object_id = decode(p_object_id, null, p_task_id, p_object_id)
       AND project_id = c_project_id
       and object_type = p_object_type
       AND current_flag = 'Y'
       AND published_flag = 'Y'
       AND structure_type = p_structure_type
       AND NVL(task_id, -1) = DECODE(p_object_type, 'PA_DELIVERABLES', NVL(p_task_id, NVL(task_id, -1)), NVL(p_task_id,p_object_id)) /* Amit : Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
Line: 466

Line: 579

     SELECT max( date_computed )
       FROM pa_percent_completes
      WHERE project_id = X_Project_ID
        AND object_id = x_object_id
        AND object_type = x_object_type
        AND current_flag = 'Y'
        AND published_flag = 'Y'
        AND structure_type = x_structure_type
    AND NVL(task_id,-1) = DECODE(X_Object_type, 'PA_DELIVERABLES', NVL(X_proj_element_id, NVL(task_id,-1)), NVL(X_proj_element_id, X_Object_id))
Line: 594

     SELECT max( date_computed )
       FROM pa_percent_completes
      WHERE project_id = X_Project_ID
        AND object_id = x_object_id
        AND current_flag = 'Y'
        AND published_flag = 'Y'
        AND object_type = x_object_type
        AND structure_type = X_structure_type
    AND task_id = NVL(X_proj_element_id,x_object_id)
Line: 607

     SELECT max( date_computed )
       FROM pa_percent_completes
      WHERE project_id = X_Project_ID
        AND current_flag = 'Y'
        AND published_flag = 'Y'
        AND ((object_type = 'PA_ASSIGNMENTS' and object_id = x_object_id)
             or (object_type = 'PA_TASKS' and object_id = X_proj_element_id))
        AND structure_type = X_structure_type
    AND task_id = X_proj_element_id
Line: 622

          SELECT por.object_id_from2
          FROM pa_object_relationships por
          por.object_type_to = 'PA_DELIVERABLES'
      AND por.relationship_subtype IN  ('STRUCTURE_TO_DELIVERABLE', 'TASK_TO_DELIVERABLE')
      AND por.relationship_type = 'A'
      AND por.object_id_to2 = c_del_elem_id
Line: 634

     SELECT max( date_computed )
       FROM pa_percent_completes
      WHERE project_id = X_Project_ID
        AND object_id = x_object_id
        AND current_flag = 'Y'
        AND published_flag = 'Y'
        AND object_type = 'PA_DELIVERABLES'
        AND structure_type = X_structure_type
    AND NVL(task_id, -1) = NVL(X_proj_element_id, NVL(task_id, -1))
Line: 647

     SELECT max( date_computed )
       FROM pa_percent_completes
      WHERE project_id = X_Project_ID
        AND ((object_id = x_object_id and object_type = 'PA_DELIVERABLES') or
            (object_id = c_task_id and object_type = 'PA_TASKS'))
        AND current_flag = 'Y'
        AND published_flag = 'Y'
        AND structure_type = X_structure_type
Line: 661

     SELECT start_date, completion_date
       from pa_projects_all
      where project_id = x_project_id;
Line: 668

   SELECT max(as_of_date)
   FROM pa_progress_rollup
   where project_id = X_Project_ID
   and object_type IN ('PA_TASKS', 'PA_STRUCTURES')
   and object_id = x_object_id
   and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
   and structure_version_id is null;
Line: 679

   Select Billing_Cycle_Type, Billing_Value1
   From    PA_Billing_Cycles
   Where   Billing_Cycle_ID = X_Billing_Cycle_ID;
Line: 787

        select PA_PERCENT_COMPLETES_S.nextval
        into l_return_ppc_id
        from dual;
Line: 824

  SELECT trunc(p_as_of_date) FROM DUAL
     WHERE project_id = p_project_id
--       AND proj_element_id = p_object_id
       AND object_id = p_object_id
       AND object_type = p_object_type
       AND rownum < 11;*/
Line: 838

  SELECT trunc(p_as_of_date) FROM DUAL
  SELECT PA_PROGRESS_UTILS.AS_OF_DATE(ppe.project_id,  ppe.proj_element_id, ppp.progress_cycle_id, ppe.object_type, 'WORKPLAN', p_proj_element_id/* Amit : Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */) as_of_date
  from  pa_project_statuses po, pa_proj_progress_attr ppp, pa_proj_elements ppe -- Bug 4535784 Changed from pa_resource_types to pa_project_statuses
  where ppe.project_id = ppp.project_id(+)
  AND ppp.structure_type (+) = 'WORKPLAN'
  and ppe.project_id= p_project_id
  and ppe.proj_element_id = p_object_id
  and ppe.object_type = p_object_type
  and ((ppe.object_type in ('PA_TASKS', 'PA_STRUCTURES') and rownum <61) or (ppe.object_type = 'PA_DELIVERABLES' and rownum <11)) -- Bug 4535784
  --and rownum <11
Line: 856

  SELECT trunc(p_as_of_date) FROM DUAL
  SELECT PA_PROGRESS_UTILS.AS_OF_DATE(ppe.project_id,  ppe.resource_list_member_id, ppp.progress_cycle_id, 'PA_ASSIGNMENTS', 'WORKPLAN', p_proj_element_id/* Amit : Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */) as_of_date
  from  pa_resource_types po, pa_proj_progress_attr ppp, PA_TASK_ASSIGNMENTS_V ppe
  where ppe.project_id = ppp.project_id(+)
  AND ppp.structure_type (+) = 'WORKPLAN'
  and ppe.project_id= p_project_id
  and ppe.resource_list_member_id = p_object_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
  and ppe.task_id = p_proj_element_id /* Amit : Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
  and rownum <11;
Line: 909

     FROM pa_latest_proj_task_prog_v
    WHERE task_id = p_task_id;
Line: 918

      FROM pa_proj_elements ppe,
           pa_proj_element_versions ppev,
           pa_proj_elem_ver_schedule ppevsh
     WHERE ppe.project_id = ppev.project_id
       AND ppe.proj_element_id = p_task_id
       AND ppev.proj_element_id = ppe.proj_element_id
       AND ppev.element_version_id = ppevsh.element_version_id
       AND ppev.project_id = ppevsh.project_id
       AND ppev.parent_structure_version_id = PA_PROJ_ELEMENTS_UTILS.latest_published_ver_id(ppe.project_id, 'WORKPLAN');
Line: 931

     FROM pa_proj_elements ppe, pa_task_types ptt
    WHERE ppe.type_id = ptt.task_type_id(+)
      AND ptt.object_type = 'PA_TASKS' /* bug 3279978 FP M Enhancement */
      AND ppe.proj_element_id = p_task_id ;
Line: 1007

    SELECT project_id
     FROM pa_proj_elements
    WHERE proj_element_id = p_task_id;
Line: 1015

           pps.status_icon_ind, pps.status_icon_active_ind
      FROM pa_progress_rollup ppr, pa_project_statuses pps
     WHERE object_id = p_task_id
       AND project_id = l_project_id
       AND ppr.eff_rollup_prog_stat_code = pps.project_status_code(+)
       AND as_of_date = ( SELECT max( as_of_date ) from pa_progress_rollup
                            WHERE object_id = p_task_id and as_of_date <= p_as_of_date
                             AND project_id = l_project_id );
Line: 1062

     SELECT max( date_computed )
       FROM pa_percent_completes
      WHERE project_id = p_Project_ID
        AND object_id = decode(p_object_id, null, p_task_id, p_object_id) -- This is done to avoid any impact of parameter additions
        AND current_flag = 'Y'
        AND published_flag = 'Y'
        AND object_type = p_object_type
        AND structure_type = p_structure_type
    AND NVL(task_id, -1) = DECODE(p_object_type, 'PA_DELIVERABLES', NVL(p_task_id, NVL(task_id, -1)), NVL(p_task_id,p_object_id))
Line: 1077

     SELECT max( date_computed )
       FROM pa_percent_completes
      WHERE project_id = p_Project_ID
        AND object_id = decode(p_object_id, null, p_task_id, p_object_id)
        AND current_flag = 'Y'
        AND published_flag = 'Y'
        AND object_type = p_object_type
        AND structure_type = p_structure_type
    AND task_id = NVL(p_task_id,p_object_id)
Line: 1090

     SELECT max( date_computed )
       FROM pa_percent_completes
      WHERE project_id = p_Project_ID
        AND current_flag = 'Y'
        AND published_flag = 'Y'
        AND object_type IN ('PA_ASSIGNMENTS' ,'PA_TASKS')
        AND structure_type = p_structure_type
    AND task_id = p_task_id
Line: 1102

          SELECT por.object_id_from2
          FROM pa_object_relationships por
          por.object_type_to = 'PA_DELIVERABLES'
      AND por.relationship_subtype IN  ('STRUCTURE_TO_DELIVERABLE', 'TASK_TO_DELIVERABLE')
      AND por.relationship_type = 'A'
      AND por.object_id_to2 = c_del_elem_id
Line: 1114

     SELECT max( date_computed )
       FROM pa_percent_completes
      WHERE project_id = p_Project_ID
        AND ((c_task_id IS NULL AND object_id =p_object_id) OR (c_task_id IS NOT NULL AND object_id IN (c_task_id, p_object_id)))
        AND current_flag = 'Y'
        AND published_flag = 'Y'
        AND object_type IN ('PA_DELIVERABLES' ,'PA_TASKS')
        AND structure_type = p_structure_type
    AND NVL(task_id, -1) = NVL(p_task_id, NVL(task_id, -1))
Line: 1128

     SELECT progress_cycle_id
       FROM pa_proj_progress_attr
      WHERE project_id = p_project_id
      AND structure_type = p_structure_type;
Line: 1135

   SELECT start_date, completion_date
     FROM pa_projects_all
    WHERE project_id = p_project_id;
Line: 1150

  Select Billing_Cycle_Type, Billing_Value1
  From    PA_Billing_Cycles
  Where   Billing_Cycle_ID = l_progress_cycle_id;
Line: 1256

   SELECT start_date, completion_date
     FROM pa_projects_all
    WHERE project_id = p_project_id;
Line: 1264

     SELECT max( date_computed )
       FROM pa_percent_completes
      WHERE project_id = p_Project_ID
--        AND object_id    = p_task_id
        AND object_id    = decode(p_object_id, null, p_task_id, p_object_id) -- This is Done to avoid the impact
        AND object_type = p_object_type
        AND current_flag = 'Y'
        AND published_flag = 'Y'
        AND structure_type = p_structure_type
    AND NVL(task_id, -1) = DECODE(p_object_type, 'PA_DELIVERABLES', NVL(p_task_id, NVL(task_id, -1)), NVL(p_task_id,p_object_id))
    --and task_id = p_task_id
Line: 1281

     SELECT max( date_computed )
       FROM pa_percent_completes
      WHERE project_id = p_Project_ID
        AND object_id = decode(p_object_id, null, p_task_id, p_object_id)
        AND current_flag = 'Y'
        AND published_flag = 'Y'
        AND object_type = p_object_type
        AND structure_type = p_structure_type
    AND task_id = NVL(p_task_id,p_object_id)
Line: 1294

     SELECT max( date_computed )
       FROM pa_percent_completes
      WHERE project_id = p_Project_ID
        AND current_flag = 'Y'
        AND published_flag = 'Y'
        AND ((object_type = 'PA_ASSIGNMENTS' and object_id = p_object_id)
             or (object_type = 'PA_TASKS' and object_id = p_task_id))
        AND structure_type = p_structure_type
        AND task_id = p_task_id
Line: 1307

          SELECT por.object_id_from2
          FROM pa_object_relationships por
          por.object_type_to = 'PA_DELIVERABLES'
      AND por.relationship_subtype IN  ('STRUCTURE_TO_DELIVERABLE', 'TASK_TO_DELIVERABLE')
      AND por.relationship_type = 'A'
      AND por.object_id_to2 = c_del_elem_id
Line: 1319

     SELECT max( date_computed )
       FROM pa_percent_completes
      WHERE project_id = p_Project_ID
        AND object_id = p_object_id
        AND current_flag = 'Y'
        AND published_flag = 'Y'
        AND object_type = 'PA_DELIVERABLES'
        AND structure_type = p_structure_type
        AND NVL(task_id, -1) = NVL(p_task_id, NVL(task_id, -1))
Line: 1332

     SELECT max( date_computed )
       FROM pa_percent_completes
      WHERE project_id = p_Project_ID
        AND ((object_id = p_object_id and object_type = 'PA_DELIVERABLES') or
            (object_id = p_task_id and object_type = 'PA_TASKS'))
        AND current_flag = 'Y'
        AND published_flag = 'Y'
        AND structure_type = p_structure_type
Line: 1343

     SELECT max( date_computed )
       FROM pa_percent_completes
      WHERE project_id = p_Project_ID
--        AND object_id    = p_task_id
        AND object_id    = decode(p_object_id, null, p_task_id, p_object_id) -- This is Done to avoid the impact
        AND object_type = p_object_type
        AND current_flag = 'N'
        AND published_flag = 'N'
        AND structure_type = p_structure_type
        AND NVL(task_id, -1) = DECODE(p_object_type, 'PA_DELIVERABLES', NVL(p_task_id, NVL(task_id, -1)), NVL(p_task_id,p_object_id)) /* Amit : Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
    --and task_id = p_task_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */;
Line: 1358

     SELECT progress_cycle_id
       FROM pa_proj_progress_attr
      WHERE project_id = p_project_id
      AND structure_type = p_structure_type;
Line: 1370

  Select Billing_Cycle_Type, Billing_Value1
  From    PA_Billing_Cycles
  Where   Billing_Cycle_ID = l_progress_cycle_id;
Line: 1530

    SELECT decode( published_flag, 'Y', 'PUBLISHED', 'N', 'WORKING' )
      FROM pa_percent_completes
     WHERE object_id = nvl(p_object_id, p_task_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
       AND object_type = p_object_type
       AND project_id  = p_project_id
       AND date_computed = p_as_of_date
       AND structure_type = p_structure_type
       and NVL(task_id,-1) = DECODE(p_object_type, 'PA_DELIVERABLES', NVL(p_task_id,NVL(task_id,-1)),NVL(p_task_id, p_object_id)) /* Amit : Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
       order by published_flag;  --bug 4185364
Line: 1559

     SELECT percent_complete_id
       FROM pa_percent_completes
      WHERE object_type = p_object_type
        AND object_id = p_object_id
        AND project_id = p_project_id
--        AND object_version_id = p_object_version_id
        AND date_computed = p_as_of_date
        AND structure_type = p_structure_type
        and NVL(task_id,-1) = DECODE(p_object_type, 'PA_DELIVERABLES', NVL(p_task_id,NVL(task_id,-1)),NVL(p_task_id, p_object_id)) /* Amit : Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
    --and task_id = nvl(p_task_id, p_object_id)  /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
       order by published_flag  --bug 4185364
Line: 1600

     SELECT progress_rollup_id, record_version_number
       FROM pa_progress_rollup
      WHERE object_type = p_object_type
        AND object_id = p_object_id
        AND project_id = p_project_id
--        AND object_version_id = p_object_version_id
        AND as_of_date = p_as_of_date
        AND structure_type = p_structure_type
        AND structure_version_id is null
    and ((p_action = 'SAVE' AND current_flag = 'W') OR (p_action = 'PUBLISH' AND current_flag IN ('Y', 'N'))) -- Bug 3879461
        and NVL(proj_element_id,-1) = DECODE(p_object_type, 'PA_DELIVERABLES', NVL(p_proj_element_id,NVL(proj_element_id,-1)),NVL(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id)) /* Amit : Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */;
Line: 1616

     SELECT progress_rollup_id, record_version_number
       FROM pa_progress_rollup
      WHERE object_type = p_object_type
        AND object_id = p_object_id
        AND project_id = p_project_id
        AND structure_type = p_structure_type
        AND structure_version_id = p_structure_version_id
        and NVL(proj_element_id,-1) = DECODE(p_object_type, 'PA_DELIVERABLES', NVL(p_proj_element_id,NVL(proj_element_id,-1)),NVL(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id)) /* Amit : Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */;
Line: 1650

    SELECT project_id
     FROM pa_proj_elements
    WHERE proj_element_id = p_task_id;
Line: 1658

      SELECT 'X'
        FROM pa_percent_completes
       WHERE object_id = p_task_id
         AND project_id = c_project_id;
Line: 1694

     SELECT cumulative_work_quantity
       FROM pa_progress_rollup
      WHERE project_id = p_project_id
        AND object_id = p_object_id
        AND object_type = p_object_type
    AND structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
    AND structure_version_id is null
        AND as_of_date = ( SELECT max( as_of_date )
                             FROM pa_progress_rollup
                            WHERE project_id = p_project_id
                              AND object_id = p_object_id
                              AND object_type = p_object_type
                              AND as_of_date < p_as_of_date
                  AND structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                  AND structure_version_id is null
Line: 1726

    SELECT NVL( wq_planned_quantity, 0 )
      FROM pa_proj_elem_ver_schedule
     WHERE project_id = p_project_id
       AND proj_element_id = p_object_id
       AND element_version_id = p_object_version_id;
Line: 1761

         UPDATE pa_proj_elements
            SET progress_outdated_flag = 'N'
           WHERE proj_element_id = l_proj_element_id;
Line: 1766

         UPDATE pa_proj_elements ppe
            SET progress_outdated_flag = 'N'
          WHERE proj_element_id = ( SELECT proj_element_id
                                      FROM pa_proj_structure_types ppst
                                     WHERE ppst.structure_type_id = 1      --WORKPLAN
                                       AND ppst.proj_element_id = ppe.proj_element_id )
            AND project_id = p_project_id;
Line: 1776

        UPDATE pa_proj_elements
           SET progress_outdated_flag = 'N'
        WHERE proj_element_id in ( SELECT proj_element_id
                                     FROM pa_proj_element_versions
                                     WHERE project_id = p_project_id
                                       AND parent_structure_version_id = p_structure_version_id
                                       AND object_type in ( 'PA_STRUCTURES', 'PA_TASKS' )  )
        AND object_type in ( 'PA_STRUCTURES', 'PA_TASKS' )
        AND project_id = p_project_id
Line: 1816

       FROM pa_proj_progress_attr
       WHERE project_id = p_project_id
         AND structure_type = p_structure_type;
Line: 1879

       WHERE project_id = p_project_id
         AND task_id = p_object_id
         AND object_type = p_object_type
Line: 1893

               decode(ptt.WQ_ENABLE_FLAG, 'Y', decode(pppa.WQ_ENABLE_FLAG, 'Y', 'Y', 'N'), 'N')),
               decode(ptt.REMAIN_EFFORT_ENABLE_FLAG, 'Y', decode(pppa.REMAIN_EFFORT_ENABLE_FLAG, 'Y', 'Y', 'N'), 'N')),
        NVL( ppe.base_percent_comp_deriv_code, ptt.base_percent_comp_deriv_code),
               decode(ptt.PERCENT_COMP_ENABLE_FLAG, 'Y', decode(pppa.PERCENT_COMP_ENABLE_FLAG, 'Y', 'Y','N'), 'N')),
       FROM pa_proj_elements ppe, pa_task_types ptt, pa_proj_progress_attr pppa, pa_proj_elem_ver_structure ppvs, pa_proj_structure_types ppst
       WHERE ppe.project_id = p_project_id
         AND ppe.proj_element_id = p_object_id
         AND ppe.object_type = p_object_type
         AND ppe.type_id = ptt.task_type_id(+)
         AND ppvs.project_id = pppa.project_id(+)
         AND pppa.structure_type = p_structure_type
         AND ppe.project_id = ppvs.project_id
         AND ppvs.latest_eff_published_flag = 'Y'
         AND ppvs.proj_element_id = pppa.object_id(+)
         AND ppvs.proj_element_id = ppst.proj_element_id
         AND ptt.object_type(+) = 'PA_TASKS'  /* bug 3279978 FP M Enhancement */ --bug 4330450 added outer join
         AND ppst.structure_type_id =1;
Line: 1985

      SELECT 'X'
        FROM pa_percent_completes
       WHERE project_id = p_project_id
         AND object_id = decode(nvl(p_object_id,0),0,object_id,p_object_id)
         AND object_type = 'PA_STRUCTURES'
         AND task_id = 0;
Line: 2012

   FROM pa_percent_completes
  WHERE project_id = p_project_id
    AND object_id = decode(nvl(p_object_id,0),0,object_id,p_object_id)
    AND object_type = 'PA_STRUCTURES'
    AND task_id = 0;
Line: 2021

     SELECT 'X'
       FROM pa_percent_completes
      WHERE project_id = p_project_id
        AND object_id = decode(nvl(p_object_id,0),0,object_id,p_object_id)
        AND object_type = 'PA_STRUCTURES'
        AND task_id = 0
        AND STRUCTURE_TYPE = p_structure_type;
Line: 2077

      SELECT date_computed
        FROM pa_percent_completes
       WHERE project_id = p_project_id
         AND object_id = nvl(p_object_id, p_task_id)  /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
         AND object_type = p_object_type
     AND structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
         AND published_flag = 'N'
         AND current_flag = 'N'
         and NVL(task_id,-1) = DECODE(p_object_type, 'PA_DELIVERABLES', NVL(p_task_id,NVL(task_id,-1)),NVL(p_task_id, p_object_id)) /* Amit : Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
     and trunc(date_computed) <= trunc(p_as_of_date); --bug 4185364
Line: 2103

  select 'X' from pa_percent_completes
  where ( progress_status_code = p_status_code
  or status_code = p_status_code)
  AND rownum <= 1;
Line: 2110

   select 'X' from pa_progress_rollup
   where ( progress_status_code = p_status_code
   or base_progress_status_code = p_status_code
   or eff_rollup_prog_stat_code = p_status_code)
   AND rownum <= 1;
Line: 2118

 select 'X' from pa_proj_elements
 where status_code = p_status_code
   AND rownum <= 1;
Line: 2124

 select 'X' from pa_proj_elem_ver_structure
 where status_code = p_status_code
  AND rownum <= 1;
Line: 2130

 select 'X' from pa_task_types
 where ( initial_status_code = p_status_code
 or initial_progress_status_code = p_status_code)
 AND object_type = 'PA_TASKS' /* bug 3279978 FP M Enhancement */
 AND rownum <= 1;
Line: 2197

    SELECT project_id
     FROM pa_proj_elements
    WHERE proj_element_id = p_task_id;
Line: 2205

    SELECT MAX( date_computed )
      FROM pa_percent_completes
     WHERE object_id = p_task_id
       AND project_id = c_project_id
       AND date_computed < p_as_of_Date
Line: 2233

      SELECT ppe.status_code
        FROM pa_object_relationships por,
             pa_proj_element_versions ppev,
             pa_proj_elements ppe,
             pa_project_statuses pps
       WHERE object_id_to1 = p_object_version_id
         AND ppev.element_version_id = por.object_id_from1
         AND ppev.proj_element_id = ppe.proj_element_id
         AND ppev.object_type = ppe.object_type
         AND ppe.object_type = 'PA_TASKS'
         AND ppe.status_code = pps.project_status_code
         AND pps.project_system_status_code = 'ON_HOLD';
Line: 2268

     SELECT status_code
       FROM pa_proj_elements
      WHERE proj_element_id = p_object_id
        AND project_id      = p_project_id
        AND object_type = p_object_type;
Line: 2290

     SELECT project_system_status_code
       FROM pa_project_statuses pps   -----, fnd_lookup_values flv
      WHERE project_status_code = p_status_code
        AND status_type = decode(p_object_type, 'PA_TASKS', 'TASK', 'PA_DELIVERABLES', 'DELIVERABLE');
Line: 2306

Function is_cycle_ok_to_delete(p_progress_cycle_id  IN  NUMBER) return
   cursor prog_cycle is
   select 'N'
    from pa_proj_progress_attr
   where progress_cycle_id = p_progress_cycle_id
   and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN';-- FPM Dev CR 3
Line: 2328

End is_cycle_ok_to_delete;
Line: 2338

select nvl(max(percent_complete_id),-99)
            into l_ppc_id
            from pa_percent_completes
           where project_id = p_project_id
             and object_id = p_object_id
             and object_type = p_object_type
             and date_computed <= p_as_of_date;
Line: 2366

           select max(as_of_date)
             into l_rollup_date
             from pa_progress_rollup
            where project_id = p_project_id
              and object_id = p_object_id
              and object_type = p_object_type
          and structure_type = p_structure_type -- FPM Dev CR 3
              and as_of_date <= p_as_of_date
          and ((p_structure_version_id is null AND structure_version_id is null) OR (p_structure_version_id is not null AND structure_version_id = p_structure_version_id)) -- FPM Dev CR 4
Line: 2377

           select max(as_of_date)
             into l_rollup_date
             from pa_progress_rollup
            where project_id = p_project_id
              and object_id = p_object_id
              and object_type = p_object_type
              and structure_type = p_structure_type -- FPM Dev CR 3
              and trunc(as_of_date) = (select max(trunc(date_computed))
                                       from pa_percent_completes
                                      where project_id = p_project_id
                                        and object_id = p_object_id
                                        and object_type = p_object_type
                        and structure_type = p_structure_type -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                        and published_flag = 'Y'
                                        and date_computed <= p_as_of_date);
Line: 2396

           select max(as_of_date)
             into l_rollup_date
             from pa_progress_rollup
            where project_id = p_project_id
              and object_id = p_object_id
              and object_type = p_object_type
          and structure_type = p_structure_type
              and as_of_date <= p_as_of_date
          and ((p_structure_version_id is null AND structure_version_id is null) OR (p_structure_version_id is not null AND structure_version_id = p_structure_version_id))
              AND current_flag <> 'W'   -- Bug 3879461
--        and as_of_date not in (select trunc(date_computed)
--                       from pa_percent_completes
--                                      where project_id = p_project_id
--                                        and object_id = p_object_id
--                                        and object_type = p_object_type
--                      and structure_type = p_structure_type
--                                        and published_flag = 'N'
--                                        and date_computed <= p_as_of_date
--                  and NVL(proj_element_id,-1) = DECODE(p_object_type, 'PA_DELIVERABLES'
-- , NVL(p_proj_element_id,NVL(proj_element_id,-1)),NVL(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id)) /* Amit : Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */

-- Begin fix for Bug # 4243074.

and NVL(proj_element_id,-1) = DECODE(p_structure_type, 'FINANCIAL'
                             , DECODE(p_object_type, 'PA_STRUCTURES'
                                           , 0
                                       --bug 4250623, for deliverable dont compare with p_proj_element_id as it may not be associated with task
                                       --, (DECODE(p_object_type, 'PA_DELIVERABLES', NVL(p_proj_element_id,NVL(proj_element_id,-1)),NVL(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id))))
                                       , (DECODE(p_object_type, 'PA_DELIVERABLES', NVL(proj_element_id,-1),NVL(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id))))
                             --bug 4250623, for deliverable dont compare with p_proj_element_id as it may not be associated with task
                             --,(DECODE(p_object_type, 'PA_DELIVERABLES', NVL(p_proj_element_id,NVL(proj_element_id,-1)),NVL(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id))))
                             ,(DECODE(p_object_type, 'PA_DELIVERABLES', NVL(proj_element_id,-1),NVL(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id))))

-- End fix for Bug # 4243074.

                    --and task_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
--                                     )

--              and NVL(proj_element_id,-1) = DECODE(p_object_type, 'PA_DELIVERABLES', NVL(p_proj_element_id,NVL(proj_element_id,-1)),NVL(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id)) /* Amit : Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
-- Commented out to fix Bug # 4243074.

          --and proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
Line: 2449

   select wq_enable_flag
     into l_wq_enable_flag
     from pa_proj_progress_attr
    where project_id = p_project_id
      and object_Type = 'PA_STRUCTURES'
      and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
Line: 2474

  select percent_complete_id
    from pa_percent_completes
   where project_id = p_project_id
     and object_id = p_object_id
     and object_type = p_object_type
     and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
     and published_flag = 'Y'
     and current_flag = 'Y';
Line: 2505

      X_last_update_login => fnd_global.login_id);
Line: 2531

  SELECT ppe.manager_person_id
  FROM pa_proj_elements PPE,
       pa_proj_element_versions PPEV
  WHERE ppev.element_version_id = c_element_version_id
  AND ppev.proj_element_id = ppe.proj_element_id;
Line: 2539

  SELECT rel.object_id_from1
  FROM pa_object_relationships rel
  WHERE rel.object_id_to1 = c_element_version_id
  AND rel.object_type_to = 'PA_TASKS'
  AND rel.relationship_type = 'S'
  AND rel.object_type_from = 'PA_TASKS';
Line: 2548

  SELECT ppev.element_version_id
  FROM pa_proj_element_versions ppev
  WHERE ppev.proj_element_id = c_proj_element_id
  AND ppev.parent_structure_version_id = c_parent_structure_version_id;
Line: 2555

  SELECT ppevs.element_version_id
  FROM pa_proj_elem_ver_structure ppevs
  WHERE ppevs.project_id = p_project_id
  AND ppevs.latest_eff_published_flag = 'Y';
Line: 2616

     Select ppa.task_weight_basis_code
     From   pa_proj_progress_attr ppa,pa_proj_structure_types pst,pa_structure_types st
     Where  ppa.project_id  = c_project_id
     And    ppa.object_type = 'PA_STRUCTURES'
     And ppa.structure_type = p_structure_type -- FPM Dev CR 3
     And    ppa.object_id   = pst.proj_element_id
        And    st.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
     And    st.structure_type_id = pst.structure_type_id;
Line: 2648

        select status_code
        into l_status_code
        from pa_proj_elements
        where project_id = p_project_id
        and proj_element_id = p_proj_element_id
        and object_type = p_object_type;
Line: 2664

            select ptt.prog_entry_enable_flag
            into l_return_value
            from pa_proj_elements ppe, pa_task_types ptt
            where ppe.type_id = ptt.task_type_id(+)
            and ppe.project_id = p_project_id
            and ppe.proj_element_id = p_proj_element_id;
Line: 2697

        select percent_comp_enable_flag,allow_phy_prcnt_cmp_overrides
        from pa_proj_progress_attr
        where project_id = p_project_id
        and structure_type = p_structure_type;
Line: 2736

    SELECT min(date_computed)
      FROM pa_percent_completes
     WHERE object_id = p_object_id
       AND project_id = p_project_id
       and object_type = p_object_type
       AND structure_type = p_structure_type
       and NVL(task_id,-1) = DECODE(p_object_type, 'PA_DELIVERABLES', NVL(p_task_id,NVL(task_id,-1)),NVL(p_task_id, p_object_id)) /* Amit : Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
       --and task_id = nvl(p_task_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */;
Line: 2784

   SELECT 'x'
   FROM pa_proj_elements ppe,
    pa_object_relationships por,
    pa_task_types ttype
              ppe.object_type = 'PA_TASKS'
          and ppe.proj_element_id = por.object_id_from2
          and por.object_type_from = 'PA_TASKS'
          and por.object_type_to = 'PA_DELIVERABLES'
          and por.relationship_type = 'A'
          and por.relationship_subtype = 'TASK_TO_DELIVERABLE'
          and nvl(ppe.base_percent_comp_deriv_code,ttype.base_percent_comp_deriv_code)='DELIVERABLE'
      and ppe.proj_element_id = p_object_id
      and ppe.type_id = ttype.task_type_id;
Line: 2822

    SELECT NVL( EQPMT_ACT_EFFORT_TO_DATE, 0 ) + NVL( PPL_ACT_EFFORT_TO_DATE, 0 ) + nvl(oth_quantity_to_date,0)
     FROM pa_progress_rollup
    WHERE  project_id = p_project_id
     AND   object_id  = p_object_id
     --Commented by rtarway for BUG 3835474
     /*AND   as_of_date = ( SELECT max(as_of_date)
                           from pa_progress_rollup
                          WHERE as_of_date < p_as_of_date
                           AND  project_id = p_project_id
                           AND object_id  = p_object_id
                           AND object_type = p_object_type
                           AND structure_type = p_structure_type
                           and NVL(proj_element_id,-1) = DECODE(p_object_type, 'PA_DELIVERABLES', NVL(p_proj_element_id,NVL(proj_element_id,-1)),NVL(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id)) /* Amit : Modified for IB4 Progress CR.
                   --and proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id)  Modified for IB4 Progress CR.
     --Added by rtarway for BUG 3835474
     AND   as_of_date = ( SELECT max(as_of_date)
                           from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                          WHERE ppr2.as_of_date <= p_as_of_date
                           AND  ppr2.project_id = p_project_id
                           AND ppr2.object_id  = p_object_id
                           AND ppr2.object_type = p_object_type
                           AND ppr2.structure_type = p_structure_type
               AND ppr2.current_flag <> 'W'   -- Bug 3879461
               AND ppr2.structure_version_id is null   -- Bug 3879461
                           and NVL(ppr2.proj_element_id,-1)
                           = DECODE(p_object_type, 'PA_DELIVERABLES',
                                    NVL(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id)
                                   ) /* Amit : Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
--                           AND NOT EXISTS
--                           (
--                      SELECT 'X' FROM pa_percent_completes ppc
--                      WHERE ppc.date_computed = ppr2.as_of_date
--                      AND   ppc.project_id = p_project_id
--                      AND   ppc.object_id  = p_object_id
--                      AND   ppc.object_type = p_object_type
--                      AND   ppc.structure_type = p_structure_type
--                      AND   ppc.published_flag = 'N'
--                           )
     AND   object_type = p_object_type
     AND structure_type = p_structure_type
     AND current_flag <> 'W'   -- Bug 3879461
     AND structure_version_id is null   -- Bug 3879461
     and NVL(proj_element_id,-1) = DECODE(p_object_type, 'PA_DELIVERABLES', NVL(p_proj_element_id,NVL(proj_element_id,-1)),NVL(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id)) /* Amit : Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
     --and proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
Line: 2892

    SELECT (nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.eqpmt_act_cost_to_date_tc,0))
     FROM pa_progress_rollup ppr
    WHERE  ppr.project_id = p_project_id
     AND   ppr.object_id  = p_object_id
     AND   ppr.as_of_date = ( SELECT max(as_of_date)
                           from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                          WHERE ppr2.as_of_date < p_as_of_date
                           AND  ppr2.project_id = p_project_id
                           AND ppr2.object_id  = p_object_id
                           AND ppr2.object_type = p_object_type
                           AND ppr2.structure_type = p_structure_type
               AND ppr2.current_flag <> 'W'   -- Bug 3879461
               AND ppr2.structure_version_id is null   -- Bug 3879461
                       and NVL(proj_element_id,-1) = DECODE(p_object_type, 'PA_DELIVERABLES', NVL(p_proj_element_id,NVL(proj_element_id,-1)),NVL(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id)) /* Amit : Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                       --and ppr2.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
     AND   ppr.object_type = p_object_type
     AND ppr.structure_type = p_structure_type
     AND ppr.current_flag <> 'W'   -- Bug 3879461
     AND ppr.structure_version_id is null   -- Bug 3879461
     and NVL(proj_element_id,-1) = DECODE(p_object_type, 'PA_DELIVERABLES', NVL(p_proj_element_id,NVL(proj_element_id,-1)),NVL(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id)) /* Amit : Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
     --and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */;
Line: 2975

SELECT org_id from pa_implementations;
Line: 2984

SELECT ppa.project_currency_code,
FROM pa_projects_all ppa,
    pa_proj_fp_options ppfo
WHERE ppa.project_id = p_project_id
and ppfo.fin_plan_type_id = (select fin_plan_type_id
            from pa_fin_plan_types_b
               where use_for_workplan_flag = 'Y')
and ppfo.project_id = p_project_id
and ppfo.fin_plan_option_level_code = 'PLAN_TYPE';
Line: 3005

SELECT resource_assignment_id,
FROM pa_budget_lines
where budget_version_id = c_budget_version_id
and resource_assignment_id = c_res_assignment_id
and c_as_of_date between start_date and end_date
and txn_currency_code = c_txn_curr_code;
Line: 3024

SELECT c.projfunc_cost_exchange_rate
FROM pa_fp_txn_currencies c
WHERE c.proj_fp_options_id = c_proj_fp_options_id
AND   c.txn_currency_code = c_txn_curr_code ;
Line: 3033

SELECT gsb.period_set_name
         ppfo.all_time_phased_code) time_phase_code
FROM gl_sets_of_books           gsb
    ,pa_implementations_all pia
    ,pa_projects_all        ppa
    ,pa_budget_versions     pbv
    ,pa_proj_fp_options     ppfo
WHERE ppa.project_id        = pbv.project_id
AND pbv.budget_version_id = ppfo.fin_plan_version_id
--AND nvl(ppa.org_id,-99)   = nvl(pia.org_id,-99)  R12: Bug 4363092:
AND ppa.org_id   = pia.org_id
AND gsb.set_of_books_id   = pia.set_of_books_id
AND pbv.budget_version_id = c_budget_version_id;
Line: 3055

FROM gl_periods gp
WHERE gp.period_set_name  = c_period_set_name
AND gp.period_type      = decode(c_time_phase_code,'G',c_accounted_period_type,'P',c_pa_period_type)
AND gp.adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
AND gp.start_date  <= c_as_of_date
AND gp.end_date   >= c_as_of_date
ORDER BY gp.start_date;
Line: 3656

            select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_cost_to_date_pc,0)
            into l_actual_cost
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                and prog_pa_period_name = p_period_name
            and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                and ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
            and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(as_of_date)
                                     from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                     where ppr2.project_id = ppr.project_id
                                     and ppr2.object_id = ppr.object_id
                     and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                     and ppr2.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                                     and ppr2.prog_pa_period_name = ppr.prog_pa_period_name
                     and ppr2.proj_element_id = ppr.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
Line: 3682

            select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_cost_to_date_pc,0)
                  into l_prev_period_actual_cost
                  from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                 where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                   and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                   and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                   and ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL
               and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                   and ppr.as_of_date = ( select max(ppr1.as_of_date)
                                 from pa_progress_rollup ppr1
                                where ppr1.project_id = ppr.project_id
                                  and ppr1.object_id = ppr.object_id
                                  and ppr1.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                                  and ppr1.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                   and ppr1.proj_element_id = ppr.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                                  and as_of_date < ( select min(as_of_date)
                                                   from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                                   where ppr2.project_id = ppr1.project_id
                                                     and ppr2.object_id = ppr1.object_id
                                                     and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                                                     and ppr2.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                                                     and ppr2.prog_pa_period_name = p_period_name
                             and ppr2.proj_element_id = ppr1.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
Line: 3713

            select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_cost_to_date_pc,0)
            into l_actual_cost
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                and prog_gl_period_name = p_period_name
            and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                  and ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(as_of_date)
                                     from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                     where ppr2.project_id = ppr.project_id
                                     and ppr2.object_id = ppr.object_id
                                     and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                  and ppr2.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                                     and ppr2.prog_gl_period_name = ppr.prog_gl_period_name
                     and ppr2.proj_element_id = ppr.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */);
Line: 3738

            select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_cost_to_date_pc,0)
                  into l_prev_period_actual_cost
                  from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                 where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                   and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                   and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                   and ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL
       and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                   and ppr.as_of_date = ( select max(ppr1.as_of_date)
                                 from pa_progress_rollup ppr1
                                where ppr1.project_id = ppr.project_id
                                  and ppr1.object_id = ppr.object_id
                                  and ppr1.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                                  and ppr1.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
            and ppr1.proj_element_id = ppr.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                                  and as_of_date < ( select min(as_of_date)
                                                   from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                                   where ppr2.project_id = ppr1.project_id
                                                     and ppr2.object_id = ppr1.object_id
                                                     and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                                  and ppr2.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                                                     and ppr2.prog_gl_period_name = p_period_name
            and ppr2.proj_element_id = ppr1.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
Line: 3768

                select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_cost_to_date_pc,0)
                into l_actual_cost
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                --and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
            and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                  and ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                and ppr.as_of_date = p_as_of_date
    and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */;
Line: 3783

           select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_cost_to_date_pc,0)
           into l_actual_cost
           from pa_progress_rollup ppr
          where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
            and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
            and ppr.structure_version_id = p_structure_version_id
            and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
        and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */;
Line: 3803

            select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)
            into l_actual_cost
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                and prog_pa_period_name = p_period_name
                and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                  and ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
    and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(as_of_date)
                                     from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                     where ppr2.project_id = ppr.project_id
                                     and ppr2.object_id = ppr.object_id
                                     and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                  and ppr2.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                                     and ppr2.prog_pa_period_name = ppr.prog_pa_period_name
            and ppr2.proj_element_id = ppr.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */);
Line: 3828

            select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)
                  into l_prev_period_actual_cost
                  from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                 where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                   and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                   and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                   and ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL
       and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                   and ppr.as_of_date = ( select max(ppr1.as_of_date)
                                 from pa_progress_rollup ppr1
                                where ppr1.project_id = ppr.project_id
                                  and ppr1.object_id = ppr.object_id
                                  and ppr1.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                                  and ppr1.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
            and ppr1.proj_element_id = ppr.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                                  and as_of_date < ( select min(as_of_date)
                                                   from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                                   where ppr2.project_id = ppr1.project_id
                                                     and ppr2.object_id = ppr1.object_id
                                                     and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                                  and ppr2.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                                                     and ppr2.prog_pa_period_name = p_period_name
            and ppr2.proj_element_id = ppr1.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
Line: 3860

            select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)
            into l_actual_cost
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                and prog_gl_period_name = p_period_name
                and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                  and ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
    and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(as_of_date)
                                     from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                     where ppr2.project_id = ppr.project_id
                                     and ppr2.object_id = ppr.object_id
                                     and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                  and ppr2.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                                     and ppr2.prog_gl_period_name = ppr.prog_gl_period_name
            and ppr2.proj_element_id = ppr.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */);
Line: 3885

            select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)
                  into l_prev_period_actual_cost
                  from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                 where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                   and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                   and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                   and ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL
       and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                   and ppr.as_of_date = ( select max(ppr1.as_of_date)
                                 from pa_progress_rollup ppr1
                                where ppr1.project_id = ppr.project_id
                                  and ppr1.object_id = ppr.object_id
                                  and ppr1.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                                  and ppr1.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
            and ppr1.proj_element_id = ppr.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                                  and as_of_date < ( select min(as_of_date)
                                                   from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                                   where ppr2.project_id = ppr1.project_id
                                                     and ppr2.object_id = ppr1.object_id
                                                     and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                                  and ppr2.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                                                     and ppr2.prog_gl_period_name = p_period_name
            and ppr2.proj_element_id = ppr1.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
Line: 3915

                select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)
                into l_actual_cost
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
            and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                  and ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                and ppr.as_of_date = p_as_of_date
    and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */;
Line: 3930

               select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)
                into l_actual_cost
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
                and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                and ppr.structure_version_id = p_structure_version_id
    and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */;
Line: 3949

            select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_cost_to_date_fc,0)
            into l_actual_cost
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                and prog_pa_period_name = p_period_name
                and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                  and ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
    and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(as_of_date)
                                     from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                     where ppr2.project_id = ppr.project_id
                                     and ppr2.object_id = ppr.object_id
                                     and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                  and ppr2.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                                     and ppr2.prog_pa_period_name = ppr.prog_pa_period_name
            and ppr2.proj_element_id = ppr.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */);
Line: 3974

            select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_cost_to_date_fc,0)
                  into l_prev_period_actual_cost
                  from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                 where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                   and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                   and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                   and ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL
       and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                   and ppr.as_of_date = ( select max(ppr1.as_of_date)
                                 from pa_progress_rollup ppr1
                                where ppr1.project_id = ppr.project_id
                                  and ppr1.object_id = ppr.object_id
                                  and ppr1.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                                  and ppr1.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
            and ppr1.proj_element_id = ppr.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                                  and as_of_date < ( select min(as_of_date)
                                                   from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                                   where ppr2.project_id = ppr1.project_id
                                                     and ppr2.object_id = ppr1.object_id
                                                     and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                                  and ppr2.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                                                     and ppr2.prog_pa_period_name = p_period_name
            and ppr2.proj_element_id = ppr1.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
Line: 4005

            select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_cost_to_date_fc,0)
            into l_actual_cost
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                and prog_gl_period_name = p_period_name
                and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                  and ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
    and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(as_of_date)
                                     from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                     where ppr2.project_id = ppr.project_id
                                     and ppr2.object_id = ppr.object_id
                                     and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                  and ppr2.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                                     and ppr2.prog_gl_period_name = ppr.prog_gl_period_name
            and ppr2.proj_element_id = ppr.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */);
Line: 4030

            select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_cost_to_date_fc,0)
                  into l_prev_period_actual_cost
                  from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                 where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                   and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                   and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                   and ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL
       and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                   and ppr.as_of_date = ( select max(ppr1.as_of_date)
                                 from pa_progress_rollup ppr1
                                where ppr1.project_id = ppr.project_id
                                  and ppr1.object_id = ppr.object_id
                                  and ppr1.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                                  and ppr1.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
            and ppr1.proj_element_id = ppr.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                                  and as_of_date < ( select min(as_of_date)
                                                   from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                                   where ppr2.project_id = ppr1.project_id
                                                     and ppr2.object_id = ppr1.object_id
                                                     and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                                  and ppr2.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                                                     and ppr2.prog_gl_period_name = p_period_name
            and ppr2.proj_element_id = ppr1.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
Line: 4060

                select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_cost_to_date_fc,0)
                into l_actual_cost
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
            and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                  and ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                and ppr.as_of_date = p_as_of_date
    and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */;
Line: 4076

                select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_cost_to_date_fc,0)
                into l_actual_cost
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
                and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                and ppr.structure_version_id = p_structure_version_id
    and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */;
Line: 4118

            select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_rawcost_to_date_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_pc,0)
            into l_actual_rawcost
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                and prog_pa_period_name = p_period_name
                and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                  and ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
    and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(as_of_date)
                                     from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                     where ppr2.project_id = ppr.project_id
                                     and ppr2.object_id = ppr.object_id
                                     and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                  and ppr2.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                                     and ppr2.prog_pa_period_name = ppr.prog_pa_period_name
            and ppr2.proj_element_id = ppr.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */);
Line: 4143

            select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_rawcost_to_date_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_pc,0)
                  into l_prev_period_actual_rawcost
                  from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                 where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                   and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                   and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                   and ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL
       and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                   and ppr.as_of_date = ( select max(ppr1.as_of_date)
                                 from pa_progress_rollup ppr1
                                where ppr1.project_id = ppr.project_id
                                  and ppr1.object_id = ppr.object_id
                                  and ppr1.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                                  and ppr1.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
            and ppr1.proj_element_id = ppr.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                                  and as_of_date < ( select min(as_of_date)
                                                   from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                                   where ppr2.project_id = ppr1.project_id
                                                     and ppr2.object_id = ppr1.object_id
                                                     and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                                  and ppr2.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                                                     and ppr2.prog_pa_period_name = p_period_name
            and ppr2.proj_element_id = ppr1.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
Line: 4174

            select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_rawcost_to_date_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_pc,0)
            into l_actual_rawcost
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                and prog_gl_period_name = p_period_name
                and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                  and ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
    and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(as_of_date)
                                     from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                     where ppr2.project_id = ppr.project_id
                                     and ppr2.object_id = ppr.object_id
                                     and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                  and ppr2.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                                     and ppr2.prog_gl_period_name = ppr.prog_gl_period_name
            and ppr2.proj_element_id = ppr.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */);
Line: 4199

            select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_rawcost_to_date_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_pc,0)
                  into l_prev_period_actual_rawcost
                  from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                 where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                   and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                   and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                   and ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL
       and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                   and ppr.as_of_date = ( select max(ppr1.as_of_date)
                                 from pa_progress_rollup ppr1
                                where ppr1.project_id = ppr.project_id
                                  and ppr1.object_id = ppr.object_id
                                  and ppr1.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                                  and ppr1.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
            and ppr1.proj_element_id = ppr.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                                  and as_of_date < ( select min(as_of_date)
                                                   from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                                   where ppr2.project_id = ppr1.project_id
                                                     and ppr2.object_id = ppr1.object_id
                                                     and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                                  and ppr2.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                                                     and ppr2.prog_gl_period_name = p_period_name
            and ppr2.proj_element_id = ppr1.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
Line: 4229

                select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_rawcost_to_date_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_pc,0)
                into l_actual_rawcost
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                --and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
            and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                  and ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                and ppr.as_of_date = p_as_of_date
    and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */;
Line: 4244

                select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_rawcost_to_date_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_pc,0)
                into l_actual_rawcost
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
                and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                and ppr.structure_version_id = p_structure_version_id
    and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */;
Line: 4263

            select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_rawcost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_tc,0)
            into l_actual_rawcost
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                and prog_pa_period_name = p_period_name
                and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                  and ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
    and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(as_of_date)
                                     from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                     where ppr2.project_id = ppr.project_id
                                     and ppr2.object_id = ppr.object_id
                                     and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                  and ppr2.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                                     and ppr2.prog_pa_period_name = ppr.prog_pa_period_name
            and ppr2.proj_element_id = ppr.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */);
Line: 4288

            select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_rawcost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_tc,0)
                  into l_prev_period_actual_rawcost
                  from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                 where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                   and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                   and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                   and ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL
       and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                   and ppr.as_of_date = ( select max(ppr1.as_of_date)
                                 from pa_progress_rollup ppr1
                                where ppr1.project_id = ppr.project_id
                                  and ppr1.object_id = ppr.object_id
                                  and ppr1.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                                  and ppr1.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
            and ppr1.proj_element_id = ppr.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                                  and as_of_date < ( select min(as_of_date)
                                                   from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                                   where ppr2.project_id = ppr1.project_id
                                                     and ppr2.object_id = ppr1.object_id
                                                     and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                                  and ppr2.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                                                     and ppr2.prog_pa_period_name = p_period_name
            and ppr2.proj_element_id = ppr1.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
Line: 4320

            select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_rawcost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_tc,0)
            into l_actual_rawcost
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                and prog_gl_period_name = p_period_name
                and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                  and ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
    and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(as_of_date)
                                     from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                     where ppr2.project_id = ppr.project_id
                                     and ppr2.object_id = ppr.object_id
                                     and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                  and ppr2.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                                     and ppr2.prog_gl_period_name = ppr.prog_gl_period_name
            and ppr2.proj_element_id = ppr.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */);
Line: 4345

            select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_rawcost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_tc,0)
                  into l_prev_period_actual_rawcost
                  from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                 where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                   and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                   and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                   and ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL
       and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                   and ppr.as_of_date = ( select max(ppr1.as_of_date)
                                 from pa_progress_rollup ppr1
                                where ppr1.project_id = ppr.project_id
                                  and ppr1.object_id = ppr.object_id
                                  and ppr1.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                                  and ppr1.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
            and ppr1.proj_element_id = ppr.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                                  and as_of_date < ( select min(as_of_date)
                                                   from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                                   where ppr2.project_id = ppr1.project_id
                                                     and ppr2.object_id = ppr1.object_id
                                                     and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                                  and ppr2.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                                                     and ppr2.prog_gl_period_name = p_period_name
            and ppr2.proj_element_id = ppr1.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
Line: 4375

                select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_rawcost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_tc,0)
                into l_actual_rawcost
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
            and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                  and ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                and ppr.as_of_date = p_as_of_date
    and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */;
Line: 4390

                select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_rawcost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_tc,0)
                into l_actual_rawcost
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
                and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                and ppr.structure_version_id = p_structure_version_id
    and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */;
Line: 4409

            select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_rawcost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_fc,0)
            into l_actual_rawcost
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                and prog_pa_period_name = p_period_name
                and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                  and ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
    and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(as_of_date)
                                     from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                     where ppr2.project_id = ppr.project_id
                                     and ppr2.object_id = ppr.object_id
                                     and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                  and ppr2.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                                     and ppr2.prog_pa_period_name = ppr.prog_pa_period_name
            and ppr2.proj_element_id = ppr.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */);
Line: 4434

            select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_rawcost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_fc,0)
                  into l_prev_period_actual_rawcost
                  from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                 where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                   and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                   and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                   and ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL
       and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                   and ppr.as_of_date = ( select max(ppr1.as_of_date)
                                 from pa_progress_rollup ppr1
                                where ppr1.project_id = ppr.project_id
                                  and ppr1.object_id = ppr.object_id
                                  and ppr1.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                                  and ppr1.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                            and ppr1.proj_element_id = ppr.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                                  and as_of_date < ( select min(as_of_date)
                                                   from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                                   where ppr2.project_id = ppr1.project_id
                                                     and ppr2.object_id = ppr1.object_id
                                                     and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                                                     and ppr2.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                                                     and ppr2.prog_pa_period_name = p_period_name
            and ppr2.proj_element_id = ppr1.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
Line: 4465

            select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_rawcost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_fc,0)
            into l_actual_rawcost
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                and prog_gl_period_name = p_period_name
                and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                and ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
    and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(as_of_date)
                                     from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                     where ppr2.project_id = ppr.project_id
                                     and ppr2.object_id = ppr.object_id
                     and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                     and ppr2.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                                     and ppr2.prog_gl_period_name = ppr.prog_gl_period_name
            and ppr2.proj_element_id = ppr.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */);
Line: 4490

            select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_rawcost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_fc,0)
                  into l_prev_period_actual_rawcost
                  from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                 where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                   and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                   and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                   and ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL
       and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                   and ppr.as_of_date = ( select max(ppr1.as_of_date)
                                 from pa_progress_rollup ppr1
                                where ppr1.project_id = ppr.project_id
                                  and ppr1.object_id = ppr.object_id
                                  and ppr1.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                                  and ppr1.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
            and ppr1.proj_element_id = ppr.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                                  and as_of_date < ( select min(as_of_date)
                                                   from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                                   where ppr2.project_id = ppr1.project_id
                                                     and ppr2.object_id = ppr1.object_id
                                                     and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                                                     and ppr2.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                                                     and ppr2.prog_gl_period_name = p_period_name
            and ppr2.proj_element_id = ppr1.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
Line: 4520

                select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_rawcost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_fc,0)
                into l_actual_rawcost
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
            and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                and ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                and ppr.as_of_date = p_as_of_date
    and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */;
Line: 4535

               select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_rawcost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_fc,0)
                into l_actual_rawcost
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
                and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                and ppr.structure_version_id = p_structure_version_id
    and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */;
Line: 4573

                select (nvl(ppr.ppl_act_effort_to_date,0)+nvl(ppr.eqpmt_act_effort_to_date,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_effort,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_effort,0)+nvl(ppr.oth_quantity_to_date,0))
                into l_actual_effort
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                and prog_pa_period_name = p_period_name
                and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                and ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
            and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(as_of_date)
                                     from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                     where ppr2.project_id = ppr.project_id
                                     and ppr2.object_id = ppr.object_id
                     and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                     and ppr2.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                                     and ppr2.prog_pa_period_name = ppr.prog_pa_period_name
                         and ppr2.proj_element_id = ppr.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */);
Line: 4596

                select (nvl(ppr.ppl_act_effort_to_date,0)+nvl(ppr.eqpmt_act_effort_to_date,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_effort,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_effort,0)+nvl(ppr.oth_quantity_to_date,0))
                  into l_prev_period_actual_effort
                  from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                 where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                   and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                   and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                   and ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL
               and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                   and ppr.as_of_date = ( select max(ppr1.as_of_date)
                                 from pa_progress_rollup ppr1
                                where ppr1.project_id = ppr.project_id
                                  and ppr1.object_id = ppr.object_id
                                  and ppr1.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                                  and ppr1.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                          and ppr1.proj_element_id = ppr.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                                  and as_of_date < ( select min(as_of_date)
                                                   from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                                   where ppr2.project_id = ppr1.project_id
                                                     and ppr2.object_id = ppr1.object_id
                                                     and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                                                     and ppr2.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                                                     and ppr2.prog_pa_period_name = p_period_name
            and ppr2.proj_element_id = ppr1.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
Line: 4627

                select (nvl(ppr.ppl_act_effort_to_date,0)+nvl(ppr.eqpmt_act_effort_to_date,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_effort,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_effort,0)+nvl(ppr.oth_quantity_to_date,0))
                into l_actual_effort
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                and prog_gl_period_name = p_period_name
            and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                and ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
    and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(as_of_date)
                                     from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                     where ppr2.project_id = ppr.project_id
                                     and ppr2.object_id = ppr.object_id
                                     and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                and ppr2.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                             and ppr2.prog_gl_period_name = ppr.prog_gl_period_name --maansari6/15 bug 3694031
            and ppr2.proj_element_id = ppr.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */);
Line: 4650

                select (nvl(ppr.ppl_act_effort_to_date,0)+nvl(ppr.eqpmt_act_effort_to_date,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_effort,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_effort,0)+nvl(ppr.oth_quantity_to_date,0))
                  into l_prev_period_actual_effort
                  from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                 where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                   and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                   and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                   and ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL
               and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                   and ppr.as_of_date = ( select max(ppr1.as_of_date)
                                 from pa_progress_rollup ppr1
                                where ppr1.project_id = ppr.project_id
                                  and ppr1.object_id = ppr.object_id
                                  and ppr1.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                                  and ppr1.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                            and ppr1.proj_element_id = ppr.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
                                  and as_of_date < ( select min(as_of_date)
                                                   from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                                   where ppr2.project_id = ppr1.project_id
                                                     and ppr2.object_id = ppr1.object_id
                                                     and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                                                     and ppr2.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                                                     and ppr2.prog_gl_period_name = p_period_name
            and ppr2.proj_element_id = ppr1.proj_element_id /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
Line: 4680

                select (nvl(ppr.ppl_act_effort_to_date,0)+nvl(ppr.eqpmt_act_effort_to_date,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_effort,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_effort,0)+nvl(ppr.oth_quantity_to_date,0))
                into l_actual_effort
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
            and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                and ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL   --bug 3802177
                and ppr.as_of_date = p_as_of_date
            and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */;
Line: 4694

               select (nvl(ppr.ppl_act_effort_to_date,0)+nvl(ppr.eqpmt_act_effort_to_date,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_effort,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_effort,0)+nvl(ppr.oth_quantity_to_date,0))
                into l_actual_effort
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
             and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                and ppr.structure_version_id = p_structure_version_id
    and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */;
Line: 4723

                 select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_cost_to_date_pc,0)
                     +nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_cost_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_cost_pc,0)) act_cost_to_date
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                        and ppr.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3764224
                and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Bug 3764224
                and current_flag = 'Y'
Line: 4736

                 select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_cost_to_date_pc,0)
                     +nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_cost_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_cost_pc,0)) act_cost_to_date
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                and ppr.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3764224
                and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Bug 3764224
                and ppr.current_flag= 'W'
Line: 4779

         select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.eqpmt_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_oth_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_cost_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_cost_tc,0)) act_cost_to_date
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                -- and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
         and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
    and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Modified for IB4 Progress CR.
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(ppr2.as_of_date)
                                     from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                     where ppr2.project_id = p_project_id
                                     and ppr2.object_id = p_object_id
                                     -- and ppr2.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
                     and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                     and ppr2.as_of_date > p_as_of_date
    and ppr2.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Modified for IB4 Progress CR. );
Line: 4799

         select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.eqpmt_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_oth_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_cost_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_cost_tc,0)) act_cost_to_date
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                -- and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
            and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
        and ppr.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3764224
            and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Bug 3764224
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(ppr2.as_of_date)
                                     from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                     where ppr2.project_id = p_project_id
                                     and ppr2.object_id = p_object_id
                     and ppr2.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                     and ppr2.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3764224
                     and ppr2.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Bug 3764224
                                     and ppr2.as_of_date < p_as_of_date);
Line: 4817

        select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.eqpmt_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_oth_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_cost_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_cost_tc,0)) act_cost_to_date
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                -- and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
            and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
        and ppr.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3764224
            and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Bug 3764224
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(ppr2.as_of_date)
                                     from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                     where ppr2.project_id = p_project_id
                                     and ppr2.object_id = p_object_id
                     and ppr2.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                     and ppr2.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3764224
                     and ppr2.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Bug 3764224
                                     and ppr2.as_of_date >= p_as_of_date);
Line: 4839

                 select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)
                     +nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_cost_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_cost_tc,0)) act_cost_to_date
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                -- and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
                and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                        and ppr.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3764224
                and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Bug 3764224
                and current_flag = 'Y'
Line: 4853

                 select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)
                     +nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_cost_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_cost_tc,0)) act_cost_to_date
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
        -- Bug 3879461 : No need to have percent complete table join now we can directly check current_flag as W
--                    ,pa_percent_completes ppc
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                -- and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
                and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                and ppr.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3764224
                and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Bug 3764224
--                and ppr.object_id = ppc.object_id
--                and ppr.as_of_date = ppc.date_computed
--                and ppr.percent_complete_id = ppc.percent_complete_id
--                and ppr.project_id = ppc.project_id
--                and ppr.proj_element_id=ppc.task_id
--                and ppr.structure_type = ppc.structure_type
--                and ppc.current_flag= 'N'
--                and ppc.published_flag = 'N'
                  and ppr.current_flag= 'W'
Line: 4886

        select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.eqpmt_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_oth_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_cost_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_cost_tc,0))
                into l_act_cost_pub
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr,pa_percent_completes ppc
                where ppr.project_id = ppc.project_id
            and ppr.object_id = ppc.object_id
            and ppr.object_version_id = ppc.object_version_id
            and ppr.as_of_date = ppc.date_computed (+)
        and ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                -- and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
    and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Modified for IB4 Progress CR.
            and ppr.percent_complete_id = ppc.percent_complete_id
         and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
         and ppr.structure_type = ppc.structure_type(+) -- FPM Dev CR 3
        and ppr.proj_element_id = ppc.task_id (+) -- Modified for IB4 Progress CR.
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(ppc2.date_computed)
                                     from pa_percent_completes ppc2
                                     where ppc2.project_id = p_project_id
                                     and ppc2.object_id = p_object_id
                                     -- and ppc2.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
                     and ppc2.published_flag = 'Y'
                     and ppc2.current_flag = 'Y'
                         and ppc2.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
        and ppc2.task_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Modified for IB4 Progress CR.
Line: 4964

     SELECT  (nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.eqpmt_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)
                     +nvl(ppr.subprj_oth_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_cost_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_cost_tc,0)) act_bur_cost_tc,
                     +nvl(ppr.subprj_oth_act_cost_to_date_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_cost_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_cost_pc,0)) act_bur_cost_pc,
                     +nvl(ppr.subprj_oth_act_cost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_cost_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_cost_fc,0)) act_bur_cost_fc,
                     +nvl(ppr.spj_oth_act_rawcost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_rawcost_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_rawcost_tc,0)) act_raw_cost_tc,
                     +nvl(ppr.spj_oth_act_rawcost_to_date_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_rawcost_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_rawcost_pc,0)) act_raw_cost_pc,
                     +nvl(ppr.spj_oth_act_rawcost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_rawcost_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_rawcost_fc,0)) act_raw_cost_fc,
                     +nvl(ppr.subprj_oth_etc_cost_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_etc_cost_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_etc_cost_tc,0)) etc_bur_cost_tc,
                     +nvl(ppr.subprj_oth_etc_cost_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_etc_cost_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_etc_cost_pc,0)) etc_bur_cost_pc,
                     +nvl(ppr.subprj_oth_etc_cost_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_etc_cost_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_etc_cost_fc,0)) etc_bur_cost_fc,
                     +nvl(ppr.subprj_oth_etc_rawcost_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_etc_rawcost_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_etc_rawcost_tc,0)) etc_raw_cost_tc,
                     +nvl(ppr.subprj_oth_etc_rawcost_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_etc_rawcost_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_etc_rawcost_pc,0)) etc_raw_cost_pc,
                     +nvl(ppr.subprj_oth_etc_rawcost_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_etc_rawcost_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_etc_rawcost_fc,0)) etc_raw_cost_fc,
         (nvl(ppr.ppl_act_effort_to_date,0)+nvl(ppr.eqpmt_act_effort_to_date,0))--+nvl(ppr.oth_quantity_to_date,0))Oth quantity is not required as it can be in diffrent UOM
                     +nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_effort,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_effort,0) act_effort,
         (nvl(ppr.estimated_remaining_effort,0)+nvl(ppr.eqpmt_etc_effort,0))--+nvl(ppr.oth_etc_quantity,0))Oth quantity is not required as it can be in diffrent UOM
                     +nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_etc_effort,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_etc_effort,0) etc_effort
                FROM pa_progress_rollup ppr
                WHERE ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                AND ppr.object_id = p_object_id
        AND ppr.object_type = p_object_type
                AND ppr.structure_version_id = p_structure_version_id
            AND ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
    and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */;
Line: 5001

     SELECT  (nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.eqpmt_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)
                     +nvl(ppr.subprj_oth_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_cost_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_cost_tc,0)) act_bur_cost_tc,
                     +nvl(ppr.subprj_oth_act_cost_to_date_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_cost_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_cost_pc,0)) act_bur_cost_pc,
                     +nvl(ppr.subprj_oth_act_cost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_cost_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_cost_fc,0)) act_bur_cost_fc,
                     +nvl(ppr.spj_oth_act_rawcost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_rawcost_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_rawcost_tc,0)) act_raw_cost_tc,
                     +nvl(ppr.spj_oth_act_rawcost_to_date_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_rawcost_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_rawcost_pc,0)) act_raw_cost_pc,
                     +nvl(ppr.spj_oth_act_rawcost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_rawcost_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_rawcost_fc,0)) act_raw_cost_fc,
                     +nvl(ppr.subprj_oth_etc_cost_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_etc_cost_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_etc_cost_tc,0)) etc_bur_cost_tc,
                     +nvl(ppr.subprj_oth_etc_cost_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_etc_cost_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_etc_cost_pc,0)) etc_bur_cost_pc,
                     +nvl(ppr.subprj_oth_etc_cost_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_etc_cost_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_etc_cost_fc,0)) etc_bur_cost_fc,
                     +nvl(ppr.subprj_oth_etc_rawcost_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_etc_rawcost_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_etc_rawcost_tc,0)) etc_raw_cost_tc,
                     +nvl(ppr.subprj_oth_etc_rawcost_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_etc_rawcost_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_etc_rawcost_pc,0)) etc_raw_cost_pc,
                     +nvl(ppr.subprj_oth_etc_rawcost_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_etc_rawcost_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_etc_rawcost_fc,0)) etc_raw_cost_fc,
         (nvl(ppr.ppl_act_effort_to_date,0)+nvl(ppr.eqpmt_act_effort_to_date,0))--+nvl(ppr.oth_quantity_to_date,0))Oth quantity is not required as it can be in diffrent UOM
                     +nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_effort,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_effort,0) act_effort,
         (nvl(ppr.estimated_remaining_effort,0)+nvl(ppr.eqpmt_etc_effort,0))--+nvl(ppr.oth_etc_quantity,0))Oth quantity is not required as it can be in diffrent UOM
                     +nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_etc_effort,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_etc_effort,0) etc_effort
                FROM pa_progress_rollup ppr
                WHERE ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                AND ppr.object_id = p_object_id
        AND ppr.object_type = p_object_type
                AND ppr.structure_version_id is null
            AND ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
            and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
            AND ppr.current_flag <> 'W'   -- Bug 3879461
        AND trunc(as_of_date) = (
                SELECT trunc(max(as_of_date))
                FROM pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                        WHERE ppr2.project_id = p_project_id
                AND ppr2.object_id = p_object_id
                AND ppr2.object_type = p_object_type
                AND ppr2.structure_version_id is null
                AND ppr2.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                AND as_of_date <= p_as_of_date
                    AND ppr2.current_flag <> 'W'   -- Bug 3879461
                            and ppr2.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
Line: 5151

         select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_cost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.eqpmt_act_cost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_oth_act_cost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_cost_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_cost_fc,0)) act_cost_to_date
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                -- and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
         and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
    and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id)  --Modified for IB4 Progress CR.
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(ppr2.as_of_date)
                                     from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                     where ppr2.project_id = p_project_id
                                     and ppr2.object_id = p_object_id
                                     -- and ppr2.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
                     and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                     and ppr2.as_of_date > p_as_of_date
        and ppr2.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Modified for IB4 Progress CR. );
Line: 5170

         select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_cost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.eqpmt_act_cost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_oth_act_cost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_cost_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_cost_fc,0)) act_cost_to_date
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                -- and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
            and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
        and ppr.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3764224
            and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Bug 3764224
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(ppr2.as_of_date)
                                     from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                     where ppr2.project_id = p_project_id
                                     and ppr2.object_id = p_object_id
                     and ppr2.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                     and ppr2.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3764224
                     and ppr2.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Bug 3764224
                                     and ppr2.as_of_date < p_as_of_date);
Line: 5188

         select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_cost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.eqpmt_act_cost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_oth_act_cost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_cost_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_cost_fc,0)) act_cost_to_date
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                -- and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
            and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
        and ppr.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3764224
            and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Bug 3764224
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(ppr2.as_of_date)
                                     from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                     where ppr2.project_id = p_project_id
                                     and ppr2.object_id = p_object_id
                     and ppr2.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                     and ppr2.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3764224
                     and ppr2.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Bug 3764224
                                     and ppr2.as_of_date >= p_as_of_date);
Line: 5214

        select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_cost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.eqpmt_act_cost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_oth_act_cost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_cost_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_cost_fc,0))
                into l_act_cost_pub
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr,pa_percent_completes ppc
                where ppr.project_id = ppc.project_id
            and ppr.object_id = ppc.object_id
            and ppr.object_version_id = ppc.object_version_id
            and ppr.as_of_date = ppc.date_computed (+)
        and ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                -- and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
    and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Modified for IB4 Progress CR.
            and ppr.percent_complete_id = ppc.percent_complete_id
         and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
         and ppr.structure_type = ppc.structure_type(+) -- FPM Dev CR 3
        and ppr.proj_element_id = ppc.task_id (+) -- Modified for IB4 Progress CR.
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(ppc2.date_computed)
                                     from pa_percent_completes ppc2
                                     where ppc2.project_id = p_project_id
                                     and ppc2.object_id = p_object_id
                                     -- and ppc2.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
                     and ppc2.published_flag = 'Y'
                     and ppc2.current_flag = 'Y'
                         and ppc2.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
        and ppc2.task_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Modified for IB4 Progress CR.
Line: 5277

         select (nvl(ppr.ppl_act_effort_to_date,0)+nvl(ppr.eqpmt_act_effort_to_date,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_effort,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_effort,0)+nvl(ppr.oth_quantity_to_date,0)) act_effort_to_date
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                -- and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
         and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(ppr2.as_of_date)
                                     from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                     where ppr2.project_id = p_project_id
                                     and ppr2.object_id = p_object_id
                                     -- and ppr2.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
                     and ppr2.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                     and ppr2.as_of_date > p_as_of_date);
Line: 5293

         select (nvl(ppr.ppl_act_effort_to_date,0)+nvl(ppr.eqpmt_act_effort_to_date,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_effort,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_effort,0)+nvl(ppr.oth_quantity_to_date,0)) act_effort_to_date
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                -- and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
                and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                and ppr.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3764224
                and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Bug 3764224
                and current_flag = 'Y'
Line: 5304

                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(ppr2.as_of_date)
                                     from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                     where ppr2.project_id = p_project_id
                                     and ppr2.object_id = p_object_id
                     and ppr2.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                     and ppr2.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3764224
                     and ppr2.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Bug 3764224
                                     and ppr2.as_of_date <= p_as_of_date);
Line: 5315

         select (nvl(ppr.ppl_act_effort_to_date,0)+nvl(ppr.eqpmt_act_effort_to_date,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_effort,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_effort,0)+nvl(ppr.oth_quantity_to_date,0)) act_effort_to_date
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
              -- Bug 3879461 : Now percent complete join is not required. current_flag = W can be used
--                    ,pa_percent_completes ppc
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                -- and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
                and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
            and ppr.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3764224
            and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Bug 3764224
--                and ppr.object_id = ppc.object_id
--                and ppr.as_of_date = ppc.date_computed
--                and ppr.percent_complete_id = ppc.percent_complete_id
--                and ppr.project_id = ppc.project_id
--                and ppr.proj_element_id=ppc.task_id
--                and ppr.structure_type = ppc.structure_type
--                and ppc.current_flag= 'N'
--                and ppc.published_flag = 'N'
                and ppr.current_flag= 'W'
Line: 5336

                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(ppr2.as_of_date)
                                     from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                     where ppr2.project_id = p_project_id
                                     and ppr2.object_id = p_object_id
                                     and ppr2.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                     and ppr2.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3764224
                                     and ppr2.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Bug 3764224
                                     and ppr2.as_of_date > p_as_of_date);
Line: 5377

        select (nvl(ppr.ppl_act_effort_to_date,0)+nvl(ppr.eqpmt_act_effort_to_date,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_effort,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_effort,0)+nvl(ppr.oth_quantity_to_date,0))
                into l_act_effort_pub
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr,pa_percent_completes ppc
                where ppr.project_id = ppc.project_id
            and ppr.object_id = ppc.object_id
            and ppr.object_version_id = ppc.object_version_id
            and ppr.as_of_date = ppc.date_computed (+)
        and ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                -- and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
            and ppr.percent_complete_id = ppc.percent_complete_id
         and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
         and ppr.structure_type = ppc.structure_type (+) -- FPM Dev CR 3
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(ppc2.date_computed)
                                     from pa_percent_completes ppc2
                                     where ppc2.project_id = p_project_id
                                     and ppc2.object_id = p_object_id
                                     -- and ppc2.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
                     and ppc2.published_flag = 'Y'
                     and ppc2.current_flag = 'Y'
                     and ppc2.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
Line: 5452

        select 'N'
        from pa_proj_elem_ver_structure ppevs
        where ppevs.project_id = p_project_id
        and ppevs.element_version_id = p_structure_version_id
        and ppevs.date_prog_applied_on_wver < (select max(l_update_date)
                                              from (
                                              select max(last_update_date) l_update_date
                                              from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                                              where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                                              and object_type in ('PA_ASSIGNMENTS','PA_DELIVERABLES')
                                              and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                                              and current_flag = 'Y'
                                              and ppr.structure_version_id is null
                                              select max(last_update_date) l_update_date
                                              from pa_percent_completes
                                              where project_id = p_project_id
                                              and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                                              and published_flag = 'Y'));
Line: 5473

        select 'N'
        from pa_proj_elem_ver_structure ppevs
        where ppevs.project_id = p_project_id
        and ppevs.element_version_id = p_structure_version_id
        and ppevs.date_prog_applied_on_wver is null
        and exists (select '1'
                      from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                     where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                      and object_type in ('PA_ASSIGNMENTS','PA_DELIVERABLES')
                      and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                      and current_flag = 'Y'
                      and ppr.structure_version_id is null
                    select '1'
                      from pa_percent_completes
                     where project_id = p_project_id
                      and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                      and published_flag = 'Y');     */
Line: 5495

        l_last_update_date                     DATE;
Line: 5512

	SELECT date_prog_applied_on_wver
        INTO   l_date_prog_applied_on_wver
        FROM   pa_proj_elem_ver_structure ppevs
        WHERE  ppevs.project_id = p_project_id
        AND    ppevs.element_version_id = p_structure_version_id;
Line: 5523

			INTO   l_last_update_date
			FROM   pa_progress_rollup ppr
			WHERE  ppr.project_id = p_project_id
			AND    ppr.object_type in ('PA_ASSIGNMENTS','PA_DELIVERABLES')
			AND    ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
			AND    ppr.current_flag = 'Y'
			AND    ppr.structure_version_id is null;
Line: 5533

			INTO   l_last_update_date
			FROM   pa_progress_rollup ppr, pa_proj_elem_ver_structure ppevs
			WHERE  ppr.project_id = p_project_id
			AND    ppr.object_id = ppevs.PROJ_ELEMENT_ID
			AND    ppr.object_type ='PA_STRUCTURES'
			AND    ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
			AND    ppr.current_flag = 'Y'
			AND    ppr.structure_version_id is null
			AND    ppevs.project_id = ppr.project_id
			AND    ppevs.element_version_id = p_structure_version_id;
Line: 5549

            IF l_date_prog_applied_on_wver >= NVL(l_last_update_date,l_date_prog_applied_on_wver) THEN
		If nvl(l_program_flag,'N') = 'Y' then
			SELECT MAX(last_update_date)
			INTO   l_last_update_date
			FROM   pa_percent_completes ppr
			WHERE  project_id = p_project_id
			AND    structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
			AND    published_flag = 'Y'
			AND    current_flag = 'Y';
Line: 5560

                IF l_date_prog_applied_on_wver < NVL(l_last_update_date,l_date_prog_applied_on_wver) THEN

                    l_return_value := 'N';
Line: 5575

                SELECT 'N'
                INTO   l_return_value
                FROM   DUAL
                WHERE  EXISTS (  SELECT '1'
                                 FROM   pa_progress_rollup ppr
                                 WHERE  ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                                 AND    object_type in ('PA_ASSIGNMENTS','PA_DELIVERABLES')
                                 AND    structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                                 AND    current_flag = 'Y'
                                 AND    ppr.structure_version_id IS NULL);
Line: 5595

                    SELECT 'N'
                    INTO   l_return_value
                    FROM   DUAL
                    WHERE  EXISTS (  SELECT '1'
                                     FROM   pa_percent_completes
                                     WHERE  project_id = p_project_id
                                     AND    structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                                     AND    published_flag = 'Y');
Line: 5665

        /*+ INDEX(pji_fm_xbs_accum_tmp1 pji_fm_xbs_accum_tmp1_n1)*/ -- Fix for Bug # 4162534.
    decode(p_task_weight_method, 'EFFORT',nvl(LABOR_HOURS,0)+nvl(EQUIPMENT_HOURS,0), PRJ_BRDN_COST)
                INTO  l_value
                FROM PJI_FM_XBS_ACCUM_TMP1
                WHERE project_id = p_project_id
                AND project_element_id = p_proj_element_id
                AND PLAN_VERSION_ID = l_plan_version_id
        AND txn_currency_code is null    --bug no. 3646988
                AND res_list_member_id is null;
Line: 5688

        /*SELECT decode(p_task_weight_method, 'EFFORT',nvl(BASE_LABOR_HOURS,nvl(LABOR_HOURS,0))+
                                                     NVL(PRJ_BASE_BRDN_COST,nvl(PRJ_BRDN_COST,0)))  --if base is not avilable then select the published planned. bug 3781922*/
                -- Bug 4493105 : Added p_program_flag decode
        /*+ INDEX(pji_fm_xbs_accum_tmp1 pji_fm_xbs_accum_tmp1_n1)*/ -- Fix for Bug # 4162534.
               decode(p_task_weight_method, 'EFFORT', decode(p_program_flag, 'N',    nvl(P_BASE_LBR_HOURS, nvl(P_LPB_LBR_HOURS, nvl(P_LBR_HOURS,0)))+
                                                                                     nvl(P_BASE_EQP_HOURS, nvl(P_LPB_EQP_HOURS, nvl(P_EQP_HOURS,0))),
                                                     nvl(BASE_LABOR_HOURS, nvl(LPB_LABOR_HOURS, nvl(LABOR_HOURS,0)))+
                                                                                 nvl(BASE_EQUIP_HOURS, nvl(LPB_EQUIP_HOURS, nvl(EQUIPMENT_HOURS,0)))
                                                     decode(p_program_flag, 'N',NVL(P_BASE_BRDN_COST, nvl(P_LPB_BRDN_COST, nvl(P_BRDN_COST,0)))
                                                       ,NVL(PRJ_BASE_BRDN_COST, nvl(PRJ_LPB_BRDN_COST, nvl(PRJ_BRDN_COST,0)))
             )  --if base is not avilable then select the published planned. bug 3781922
                INTO  l_value
                FROM PJI_FM_XBS_ACCUM_TMP1
                WHERE project_id = p_project_id
                AND struct_version_id = p_structure_version_id
                AND project_element_id = p_proj_element_id
                AND txn_currency_code is null    --bug no. 3646988
                AND res_list_member_id is null;
Line: 5713

        /*+ INDEX(pji_fm_xbs_accum_tmp1 pji_fm_xbs_accum_tmp1_n1)*/ -- Fix for Bug # 4162534.
    decode(p_task_weight_method, 'EFFORT',decode(p_program_flag,'N',nvl(P_LBR_HOURS,0)+nvl(P_EQP_HOURS,0)
                               , decode(p_program_flag,'N',P_BRDN_COST,PRJ_BRDN_COST))
                INTO  l_value
                FROM PJI_FM_XBS_ACCUM_TMP1
                WHERE project_id = p_project_id
                AND struct_version_id = p_structure_version_id
                AND project_element_id = p_proj_element_id
        AND txn_currency_code is null    --bug no. 3646988
                AND res_list_member_id is null;
Line: 5751

    SELECT min(trunc(last_update_date))
      FROM pa_percent_completes
     WHERE object_id = p_object_id
       AND project_id = p_project_id
       and object_type = p_object_type
       AND published_flag = 'Y'
       AND structure_type = p_structure_type
       and NVL(task_id,-1) = DECODE(p_object_type, 'PA_DELIVERABLES', NVL(p_task_id,NVL(task_id,-1)),NVL(p_task_id, p_object_id)) /* Amit : Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
       --and task_id = nvl(p_task_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */;
Line: 5785

    SELECT max(trunc(last_update_date))
      FROM pa_percent_completes
     WHERE object_id = p_object_id
       AND project_id = p_project_id
       and object_type = p_object_type
       AND published_flag = 'Y'
       AND structure_type = p_structure_type
       and NVL(task_id,-1) = DECODE(p_object_type, 'PA_DELIVERABLES', NVL(p_task_id,NVL(task_id,-1)),NVL(p_task_id, p_object_id)) /* Amit : Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
Line: 5813

    select max(date_computed)
    from pa_percent_completes ppc
    where ppc.project_id = p_project_id
    and ppc.structure_type = p_structure_type;
Line: 5838

    select 'Y'
    from pa_progress_rollup ppr
    where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
    and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
    and ppr.object_type = p_object_type
    and ppr.structure_type = p_structure_type
    and ppr.structure_version_id is null -- FPM Dev CR 7
        and NVL(proj_element_id,-1) = DECODE(p_object_type, 'PA_DELIVERABLES', NVL(p_proj_element_id,NVL(proj_element_id,-1)),NVL(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id)) /* Amit : Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
    --and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
Line: 5850

        select 'Y'
        from pa_progress_rollup ppr
        where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
        and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
        and ppr.object_type = p_object_type
        and ppr.structure_type = p_structure_type
        and ppr.structure_version_id is null -- FPM Dev CR 7
        and NVL(proj_element_id,-1) = DECODE(p_object_type, 'PA_DELIVERABLES', NVL(p_proj_element_id,NVL(proj_element_id,-1)),NVL(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id)) /* Amit : Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
        and current_flag in ('Y','N');
Line: 5898

  SELECT org_id INTO l_Org_ID FROM PA_Implementations;
Line: 5919

  SELECT org_id INTO l_Org_ID FROM PA_Implementations;
Line: 5964

      Select decode( p_calling_context, 'PROGRESS', NVL(EFF_ROLLUP_PERCENT_COMP,completed_percentage),
                          decode(p_structure_type, 'FINANCIAL',  NVL(completed_percentage,EFF_ROLLUP_PERCENT_COMP)
                                                              ,  NVL(completed_percentage,BASE_PERCENT_COMPLETE)))
      From   PA_Progress_Rollup
      Where  Project_ID     = P_Project_ID
      AND    Object_ID      = P_Proj_Element_ID
      AND    Object_Type        = p_object_type
      AND    current_flag       <> 'W'     --bug 3879461
      AND    As_Of_Date     = ( select max(As_Of_Date) from pa_progress_rollup
                                    where  Project_ID         = P_Project_ID
                                      AND    Object_ID          = P_Proj_Element_ID
                                      AND    Object_Type        = p_object_type
                                      AND    structure_version_id IS NULL
                                      AND    current_flag       <> 'W'     --bug 3879461
                                      AND    Structure_type     = p_structure_type
                                      AND   as_of_date <= p_as_of_date
      AND    structure_version_id IS NULL
      AND    Structure_type = p_structure_type;
Line: 5990

      Select decode( p_calling_context, 'PROGRESS', NVL(EFF_ROLLUP_PERCENT_COMP,completed_percentage),
                          decode(p_structure_type, 'FINANCIAL',  NVL(completed_percentage,EFF_ROLLUP_PERCENT_COMP)
                                                              ,  NVL(completed_percentage,BASE_PERCENT_COMPLETE)))
      From   PA_Progress_Rollup
      Where  Project_ID         = P_Project_ID
      AND    Object_Type        = p_object_type
      AND    current_flag       <> 'W'     --bug 3879461
      AND    As_Of_Date         = ( select max(As_Of_Date) from pa_progress_rollup
                                    where  Project_ID         = P_Project_ID
                                      AND    Object_Type        = p_object_type
                                      AND    structure_version_id IS NULL
                                      AND    current_flag       <> 'W'     --bug 3879461
                                      AND    Structure_type     = p_structure_type
                                      AND   as_of_date <= p_as_of_date

      AND    structure_version_id IS NULL
      AND    Structure_type     = p_structure_type;
Line: 6016

      Select decode( p_calling_context, 'PROGRESS', NVL(EFF_ROLLUP_PERCENT_COMP,completed_percentage),
                          decode(p_structure_type, 'FINANCIAL',  NVL(completed_percentage,EFF_ROLLUP_PERCENT_COMP)
                                                              ,  NVL(completed_percentage,BASE_PERCENT_COMPLETE)))
      From   PA_Progress_Rollup
      Where  Project_ID         = P_Project_ID
      AND    Object_ID          = P_Proj_Element_ID
      AND    Object_Type        = p_object_type
      AND    current_flag       = 'W'     --bug 3879461
      AND    As_Of_Date         = ( select max(As_Of_Date) from pa_progress_rollup
                                    where  Project_ID         = P_Project_ID
                                      AND    Object_ID          = P_Proj_Element_ID
                                      AND    Object_Type        = p_object_type
                                      AND    structure_version_id IS NULL
                                      AND    current_flag       = 'W'     --bug 3879461
                                      AND    Structure_type     = p_structure_type
                                      AND   as_of_date <= p_as_of_date
      AND    structure_version_id IS NULL
      AND    Structure_type     = p_structure_type;
Line: 6042

      Select decode( p_calling_context, 'PROGRESS', NVL(EFF_ROLLUP_PERCENT_COMP,completed_percentage),
                          decode(p_structure_type, 'FINANCIAL',  NVL(completed_percentage,EFF_ROLLUP_PERCENT_COMP)
                                                              ,  NVL(completed_percentage,BASE_PERCENT_COMPLETE)))
      From   PA_Progress_Rollup
      Where  Project_ID         = P_Project_ID
      AND    Object_Type        = p_object_type
      AND    current_flag       = 'W'     --bug 3879461
      AND    As_Of_Date         = ( select max(As_Of_Date) from pa_progress_rollup
                                    where  Project_ID         = P_Project_ID
                                      AND    Object_Type        = p_object_type
                                      AND    structure_version_id IS NULL
                                      AND    current_flag       = 'W'     --bug 3879461
                                      AND    Structure_type     = p_structure_type
                                      AND   as_of_date <= p_as_of_date

      AND    structure_version_id IS NULL
      AND    Structure_type     = p_structure_type;
Line: 6071

      Select decode( p_calling_context, 'PROGRESS', NVL(EFF_ROLLUP_PERCENT_COMP,completed_percentage),
                          decode(p_structure_type, 'FINANCIAL',  NVL(completed_percentage,EFF_ROLLUP_PERCENT_COMP)
                                                          ,  NVL(completed_percentage,BASE_PERCENT_COMPLETE)))
      From   PA_Progress_Rollup
      Where  Project_ID         = P_Project_ID
      AND    Object_ID          = P_Proj_Element_ID
      AND    Object_Type        = p_object_type
      --AND    As_Of_Date         = p_As_Of_Date
      AND    structure_version_id = p_structure_version_id
      AND    Structure_type     = p_structure_type;
Line: 6089

      Select decode( p_calling_context, 'PROGRESS', NVL(EFF_ROLLUP_PERCENT_COMP,completed_percentage),
                          decode(p_structure_type, 'FINANCIAL',  NVL(completed_percentage,EFF_ROLLUP_PERCENT_COMP)
                                                              ,  NVL(completed_percentage,BASE_PERCENT_COMPLETE)))
      From   PA_Progress_Rollup
      Where  Project_ID         = P_Project_ID
      AND    Object_Type        = p_object_type
      --AND    As_Of_Date         = p_As_Of_Date
      AND    structure_version_id = p_structure_version_id
      AND    Structure_type     = p_structure_type;
Line: 6203

      SELECT scheduled_start_date, scheduled_finish_date
      from pa_proj_elem_ver_schedule ppevs
      where project_id=p_project_id
       and element_version_id=p_task_version_id
Line: 6214

      select parent_structure_version_id
      from pa_proj_element_versions
      where project_id = p_project_id
      and proj_element_id =     p_proj_element_id
      and element_version_id = p_task_version_id
Line: 6228

    select baseline_start_date, baseline_finish_date
    from pa_proj_elements
    where project_id = p_project_id
    and proj_element_id = p_proj_element_id;
Line: 6239

      SELECT project_currency_code from pa_projects_all where project_id=p_project_id;
Line: 6248

  From   pa_proj_progress_attr
  Where  Project_ID     = p_project_id
  AND    Structure_type = p_structure_type;
Line: 6385

      into x_Sch_At_Completion
      from pa_proj_elem_ver_schedule
       where project_id = p_project_id
      and proj_element_id = p_proj_element_id
      and element_version_id = p_task_version_id;
Line: 6464

    Select MIN(Estimated_Start_Date), MAX(Estimated_Finish_Date), MIN(Actual_Start_Date), MAX(Actual_Finish_Date)
    FROM   PA_Progress_Rollup
    Where  Project_ID       = P_Project_ID
    AND    Proj_Element_ID  = P_Proj_Element_ID
    AND    Object_Type      = 'PA_ASSIGNMENTS'
    AND    As_Of_Date       = p_As_Of_Date
    AND    Structure_type   = p_structure_type;
Line: 6506

    select remain_effort_enable_flag
    into l_return_value
    from pa_proj_progress_attr
    where project_id = p_project_id
    and structure_type = p_structure_type;
Line: 6537

    select pppa.task_weight_basis_code
    from pa_proj_progress_attr pppa
    where pppa.project_id = p_project_id
    and pppa.structure_type = p_structure_type;
Line: 6543

        /*+ INDEX(pji_fm_xbs_accum_tmp1 pji_fm_xbs_accum_tmp1_n1)*/ -- Fix for Bug # 4162534.
        nvl(pfxat.BASE_LABOR_HOURS,pfxat.labor_hours) labor_hours
           ,nvl(pfxat.BASE_EQUIP_HOURS,pfxat.equipment_hours) equipment_hours
           ,nvl(pfxat.PRJ_BASE_BRDN_COST,pfxat.prj_brdn_cost) prj_brdn_cost
    from pji_fm_xbs_accum_tmp1 pfxat
    where pfxat.struct_version_id = p_structure_version_id
    and pfxat.project_id = p_project_id
    and pfxat.project_element_id = p_proj_element_id
    and pfxat.plan_version_id > 0
    AND pfxat.txn_currency_code is null    --bug no. 3646988
    and pfxat.calendar_type  = 'A';
Line: 6562

      SELECT project_currency_code from pa_projects_all where project_id=p_project_id;
Line: 6570

        select ppe.baseline_start_date, ppe.baseline_finish_date
        from pa_proj_elements ppe
        where ppe.project_id = p_project_id
        and ppe.proj_element_id = p_proj_element_id;
Line: 6576

        select ppevs.scheduled_start_date, ppevs.scheduled_finish_date
        from pa_proj_elem_ver_schedule ppevs
        where ppevs.project_id = p_project_id
        and ppevs.proj_element_id = p_proj_element_id
        and ppevs.element_version_id = (select ppev.element_version_id
                                        from pa_proj_element_versions ppev
                                        where ppev.project_id = p_project_id
                                        and ppev.proj_element_id = p_proj_element_id
                                        and ppev.parent_structure_version_id = p_structure_version_id);
Line: 6823

    select max(date_computed)
    into l_return_date
    from pa_percent_completes ppc
    where ppc.project_id = p_project_id
    and ppc.structure_type = p_structure_type
    and ppc.object_id = p_object_id
    and ppc.object_type = p_object_type
    and ppc.task_id = nvl(p_task_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */;
Line: 6839

      SELECT resource_list_id
        FROM pa_resource_list_members
       WHERE resource_list_member_id = p_resource_list_member_id ;
Line: 6859

CURSOR cur_rollupdate
           select max(as_of_date)
             from pa_progress_rollup
            where project_id = p_project_id
              and object_id = p_object_id
              and object_type = p_object_type
          and structure_type = p_structure_type -- FPM Dev CR 4
          and ((p_structure_version_id is null AND structure_version_id is null) OR (p_structure_version_id is not null AND structure_version_id = p_structure_version_id)) -- FPM Dev CR 4

--              and NVL(proj_element_id,-1) = DECODE(p_object_type, 'PA_DELIVERABLES', NVL(p_proj_element_id,NVL(proj_element_id,-1)),NVL(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id)) /* Amit : Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
--  Commented out to fix Bug # 4243074.

-- Begin fix for Bug # 4243074.

and NVL(proj_element_id,-1) = DECODE(p_structure_type, 'FINANCIAL'
                                                     , DECODE(p_object_type, 'PA_STRUCTURES'
                                                                           , 0
                                                                           , (DECODE(p_object_type, 'PA_DELIVERABLES', NVL(p_proj_element_id,NVL(proj_element_id,-1)),NVL(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id))))
                                                     ,(DECODE(p_object_type, 'PA_DELIVERABLES', NVL(p_proj_element_id,NVL(proj_element_id,-1)),NVL(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id))))

-- End fix for Bug # 4243074.

          and current_flag <> 'W' -- Bug 3879461
         -- and proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
Line: 6887

   OPEN cur_rollupdate;
Line: 6888

   FETCH cur_rollupdate INTO l_rollup_date;
Line: 6889

   CLOSE cur_rollupdate;
Line: 6961

  SELECT count(*) FROM pa_task_asgmts_v
  WHERE project_id = p_project_id
  AND   task_id  = p_task_id
  AND   structure_version_id = p_structure_version_id
  AND   ta_display_flag = 'Y';
Line: 6968

  SELECT resource_class_code FROM pa_task_asgmts_v
  WHERE project_id = p_project_id
  AND   task_id  = p_task_id
  AND   structure_version_id = p_structure_version_id
  AND   ta_display_flag = 'Y';
Line: 6975

  SELECT resource_class_code, ta_display_flag FROM pa_task_asgmts_v
  WHERE project_id = p_project_id
  AND   task_id  = p_task_id
  AND   resource_list_member_id = p_object_id
  AND   structure_version_id = p_structure_version_id;
Line: 7093

select cumulative_work_quantity, ppl_act_cost_to_date_pc, eqpmt_act_cost_to_date_pc, oth_act_cost_to_date_pc,
ppl_act_cost_to_date_fc, eqpmt_act_cost_to_date_fc, oth_act_cost_to_date_fc, ppl_act_effort_to_date,
eqpmt_act_effort_to_date, ppl_act_cost_to_date_tc, eqpmt_act_cost_to_date_tc, oth_act_cost_to_date_tc,
txn_currency_code, ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_pc, eqpmt_act_rawcost_to_date_pc, oth_act_rawcost_to_date_pc,
ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_fc, eqpmt_act_rawcost_to_date_fc, oth_act_rawcost_to_date_fc,
ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_tc, eqpmt_act_rawcost_to_date_tc, oth_act_rawcost_to_date_tc, oth_quantity_to_date
from pa_progress_rollup ppr1
where ppr1.project_id = p_project_id
and ppr1.object_id = p_object_id
and ppr1.structure_version_id is null
AND ppr1.current_flag <> 'W'   -- Bug 3879461
and ppr1.as_of_date = ( SELECT max(ppr2.as_of_date)
                     from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                    WHERE ppr2.as_of_date <= p_as_of_date
                      AND ppr2.object_id = p_object_id
                      AND ppr2.project_id = p_project_id
                      and ppr2.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                      AND ppr2.current_flag <> 'W'   -- Bug 3879461
                      and ppr2.structure_version_id is null
and ppr1.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
Line: 7117

select cumulative_work_quantity, ppl_act_cost_to_date_pc, eqpmt_act_cost_to_date_pc, oth_act_cost_to_date_pc,
ppl_act_cost_to_date_fc, eqpmt_act_cost_to_date_fc, oth_act_cost_to_date_fc, ppl_act_effort_to_date,
eqpmt_act_effort_to_date, ppl_act_cost_to_date_tc, eqpmt_act_cost_to_date_tc, oth_act_cost_to_date_tc,
txn_currency_code, ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_pc, eqpmt_act_rawcost_to_date_pc, oth_act_rawcost_to_date_pc,
ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_fc, eqpmt_act_rawcost_to_date_fc, oth_act_rawcost_to_date_fc,
ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_tc, eqpmt_act_rawcost_to_date_tc, oth_act_rawcost_to_date_tc, oth_quantity_to_date
from pa_progress_rollup ppr1
where ppr1.project_id = p_project_id
and ppr1.object_id = p_object_id
and ppr1.proj_element_id = p_proj_element_id
and ppr1.structure_version_id is null
AND ppr1.current_flag <> 'W'   -- Bug 3879461
and ppr1.as_of_date = ( SELECT max(ppr2.as_of_date)
                     from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                    WHERE ppr2.as_of_date <= p_as_of_date
                      AND ppr2.object_id = p_object_id
              AND ppr2.proj_element_id = p_proj_element_id
                      AND ppr2.project_id = p_project_id
                      and ppr2.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                      AND ppr2.current_flag <> 'W'   -- Bug 3879461
                      and ppr2.structure_version_id is null
and ppr1.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
Line: 7145

select wq_uom_code
from pa_proj_elements
where project_id = p_project_id
and proj_element_id = p_proj_element_id;
Line: 7151

select proj_element_id
from pa_proj_element_versions
where element_version_id = p_element_version_id;
Line: 7156

select wq_planned_quantity
from pa_proj_elem_ver_schedule
where project_id = p_project_id
and element_version_id = p_element_version_id;
Line: 7163

select cumulative_work_quantity, ppl_act_cost_to_date_pc, eqpmt_act_cost_to_date_pc, oth_act_cost_to_date_pc,
ppl_act_cost_to_date_fc, eqpmt_act_cost_to_date_fc, oth_act_cost_to_date_fc, ppl_act_effort_to_date,
from pa_progress_rollup ppr1
where ppr1.project_id = p_project_id
and ppr1.object_type = 'PA_STRUCTURES'
and ppr1.structure_version_id is null
AND ppr1.current_flag <> 'W'   -- Bug 3879461
and ppr1.as_of_date = ( SELECT max(ppr2.as_of_date)
                     from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                    WHERE ppr2.as_of_date <= p_as_of_date
                      AND ppr2.object_type = 'PA_STRUCTURES'
                      AND ppr2.project_id = p_project_id
                      and ppr2.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                      and ppr2.structure_version_id is null
                      AND ppr2.current_flag <> 'W'   -- Bug 3879461
and ppr1.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
Line: 7186

select ppev.element_version_id
from pa_proj_element_versions ppev
where ppev.project_id = c_project_id
and ppev.proj_element_id = c_wp_task_id
and ppev.parent_structure_version_id = c_wp_str_ver_id;
Line: 7366

    select element_version_id
    from pa_proj_element_versions
    where project_id = p_project_id
    and proj_element_id = p_proj_element_id
    and parent_structure_version_id = p_structure_version_id;
Line: 7373

    select object_id_from1
        from pa_object_relationships
        where relationship_type='M'
        and object_type_from='PA_TASKS'
        and object_type_to='PA_TASKS'
        and object_id_to1 = p_fin_task_ver_id;
Line: 7381

    select structure_sharing_code
    from pa_projects_all
    where project_id = p_project_id;
Line: 7431

     FROM pa_progress_rollup
    WHERE  project_id = p_project_id
     AND   object_id  = p_object_id
     and proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
     --Commented by rtarway for BUG 3835474
     /*AND   as_of_date = ( SELECT max(as_of_date)
                           from pa_progress_rollup
                          WHERE as_of_date < p_as_of_date
                           AND  project_id = p_project_id
                           AND object_id  = p_object_id
                           AND object_type = p_object_type
                           AND structure_type = p_structure_type
        and proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR.
     --Added by rtarway for BUG 3835474
     AND   as_of_date = ( SELECT max(as_of_date)
                           from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                          WHERE ppr2.as_of_date <= p_as_of_date
                           AND  ppr2.project_id = p_project_id
                           AND ppr2.object_id  = p_object_id
                           AND ppr2.object_type = p_object_type
                           AND ppr2.structure_type = p_structure_type
                           AND ppr2.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3879461
                   and ppr2.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR.*/
                           AND ppr2.current_flag <> 'W'   -- Bug 3879461
--                           AND NOT EXISTS (
--                      SELECT 'X' FROM pa_percent_completes ppc
--                      WHERE ppc.date_computed = ppr2.as_of_date
--                      AND   ppc.project_id = p_project_id
--                      AND   ppc.object_id  = p_object_id
--                      AND   ppc.object_type = p_object_type
--                      AND   ppc.structure_type = p_structure_type
--                      AND   ppc.published_flag = 'N'
--                    )
     AND   object_type = p_object_type
     AND structure_type = p_structure_type
     AND structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3879461
     AND current_flag <> 'W'   -- Bug 3879461
Line: 7494

    SELECT (nvl(ppr.oth_etc_cost_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_etc_cost_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.eqpmt_etc_cost_tc,0))
     FROM pa_progress_rollup ppr
    WHERE  ppr.project_id = p_project_id
     AND   ppr.object_id  = p_object_id
     and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
     AND   ppr.as_of_date = ( SELECT max(as_of_date)
                           from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                          WHERE ppr2.as_of_date < p_as_of_date
                           AND  ppr2.project_id = p_project_id
                           AND ppr2.object_id  = p_object_id
                           AND ppr2.object_type = p_object_type
                           AND ppr2.structure_type = p_structure_type
               AND ppr2.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3879461
                          AND ppr2.current_flag <> 'W'   -- Bug 3879461
                        and ppr2.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
     AND   ppr.object_type = p_object_type
     AND ppr.structure_type = p_structure_type
     AND ppr.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3879461
     AND ppr.current_flag <> 'W'   -- Bug 3879461

Line: 7552

    SELECT (nvl(ppr.oth_etc_rawcost_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_etc_rawcost_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.eqpmt_etc_rawcost_tc,0)) etc_txn_raw_rawcost_last_subm
    ,(nvl(ppr.oth_etc_rawcost_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_etc_rawcost_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.eqpmt_etc_rawcost_pc,0)) etc_prj_raw_rawcost_last_subm
    ,(nvl(ppr.oth_etc_rawcost_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_etc_rawcost_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.eqpmt_etc_rawcost_fc,0)) etc_pfc_raw_rawcost_last_subm
        ,(nvl(ppr.oth_etc_cost_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_etc_cost_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.eqpmt_etc_cost_tc,0)) etc_txn_bur_cost_last_subm
    ,(nvl(ppr.oth_etc_cost_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_etc_cost_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.eqpmt_etc_cost_pc,0)) etc_prj_bur_cost_last_subm
    ,(nvl(ppr.oth_etc_cost_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_etc_cost_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.eqpmt_etc_cost_fc,0)) etc_pfc_bur_cost_last_subm
    , (NVL( ESTIMATED_REMAINING_EFFORT, 0 ) + NVL( EQPMT_ETC_EFFORT, 0 )) etc_effort_last_subm
     FROM pa_progress_rollup ppr
    WHERE  ppr.project_id = p_project_id
     AND   ppr.object_id  = p_object_id
     and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id)
     --Commented by rtarway for BUG 3835474
     --AND   ppr.as_of_date = ( SELECT max(as_of_date)
     --                      from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
     --                     WHERE ppr2.as_of_date < p_as_of_date
     --                      AND  ppr2.project_id = p_project_id
     --                      AND ppr2.object_id  = p_object_id
     --                      AND ppr2.object_type = p_object_type
     --                      AND ppr2.structure_type = p_structure_type
    --and ppr2.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Modified for IB4 Progress CR.
     --                  )
     --Added by rtarway for BUG 3835474
     AND   ppr.as_of_date = ( SELECT max(as_of_date)
                           from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                          WHERE ppr2.as_of_date <= p_as_of_date
                           AND  ppr2.project_id = p_project_id
                           AND ppr2.object_id  = p_object_id
                           AND ppr2.object_type = p_object_type
                           AND ppr2.structure_type = p_structure_type
                           AND ppr2.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id)
               AND ppr2.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3879461
                           AND ppr2.current_flag <> 'W'   -- Bug 3879461
--                            AND NOT EXISTS
--                                (
--                                  SELECT 'X' FROM pa_percent_completes ppc
--                                  WHERE ppc.date_computed = ppr2.as_of_date
--                                  AND   ppc.project_id = p_project_id
--                                  AND   ppc.object_id  = p_object_id
--                                  AND   ppc.object_type = p_object_type
--                                  AND   ppc.structure_type = p_structure_type
--                                  AND   ppc.published_flag = 'N'
--                                )
     AND ppr.object_type = p_object_type
     AND ppr.structure_type = p_structure_type
     AND ppr.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3879461
     AND ppr.current_flag <> 'W'   -- Bug 3879461

Line: 7641

     decode( p_resource_class_code, 'PEOPLE', ppr.ppl_etc_rawcost_tc
                                   ,'EQUIPMENT', ppr.eqpmt_etc_rawcost_tc
                                   ,ppr.oth_etc_rawcost_tc )  etc_txn_raw_rawcost_last_subm
    ,decode(p_resource_class_code, 'PEOPLE', ppr.ppl_etc_rawcost_pc
                                  ,'EQUIPMENT', ppr.eqpmt_etc_rawcost_pc
                                  , ppr.oth_etc_rawcost_pc ) etc_prj_raw_rawcost_last_subm
    ,decode(p_resource_class_code, 'PEOPLE', ppr.ppl_etc_rawcost_fc
                                  ,'EQUIPMENT', ppr.eqpmt_etc_rawcost_fc
                                  ,ppr.oth_etc_rawcost_fc) etc_pfc_raw_rawcost_last_subm
    ,decode(p_resource_class_code, 'PEOPLE', ppr.ppl_etc_cost_tc
                                  ,'EQUIPMENT', ppr.eqpmt_etc_cost_tc
                                  ,ppr.oth_etc_cost_tc ) etc_txn_bur_cost_last_subm
    ,decode(p_resource_class_code, 'PEOPLE', ppr.ppl_etc_cost_pc
                                  ,'EQUIPMENT', ppr.eqpmt_etc_cost_pc
                  ,ppr.oth_etc_cost_pc ) etc_prj_bur_cost_last_subm
    ,decode(p_resource_class_code, 'PEOPLE', ppr.ppl_etc_cost_fc
                                  ,'EQUIPMENT', ppr.eqpmt_etc_cost_fc
                                  ,ppr.oth_etc_cost_fc ) etc_pfc_bur_cost_last_subm
    ,decode(p_resource_class_code, 'PEOPLE', ESTIMATED_REMAINING_EFFORT
                                  ,'EQUIPMENT', EQPMT_ETC_EFFORT
                  , ppr.OTH_ETC_QUANTITY) etc_effort_last_subm
     FROM pa_progress_rollup ppr
    WHERE  ppr.project_id = p_project_id
     AND   ppr.object_id  = p_object_id
     and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
     AND   ppr.as_of_date = ( SELECT max(as_of_date)
                           from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                          WHERE ppr2.as_of_date <= p_as_of_date--Added eqaulity condition, 4091457, rtarway
                           AND  ppr2.project_id = p_project_id
                           AND ppr2.object_id  = p_object_id
                           AND ppr2.object_type = p_object_type
                           AND ppr2.structure_type = p_structure_type
                           AND ppr2.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3879461
                           AND ppr2.current_flag <> 'W'   -- Bug 3879461
                           and ppr2.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) /* Modified for IB4 Progress CR. */
     AND ppr.object_type = p_object_type
     AND ppr.structure_type = p_structure_type
     AND ppr.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3879461
     AND ppr.current_flag <> 'W'   -- Bug 3879461
Line: 7783

         select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_rawcost_to_date_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_pc,0)
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                -- and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
         and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
    and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id)-- Modified for IB4 Progress CR.
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(ppr2.as_of_date)
                                     from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                     where ppr2.project_id = p_project_id
                                     and ppr2.object_id = p_object_id
                                     -- and ppr2.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
                     and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                     and ppr2.as_of_date > p_as_of_date
    and ppr2.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id)); --Modified for IB4 Progress CR. );
Line: 7805

         select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_rawcost_to_date_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_pc,0)
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                -- and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
            and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
        and ppr.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3764224
            and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Bug 3764224
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(ppr2.as_of_date)
                                     from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                     where ppr2.project_id = p_project_id
                                     and ppr2.object_id = p_object_id
                     and ppr2.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                     and ppr2.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3764224
                     and ppr2.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Bug 3764224
                                     and ppr2.as_of_date < p_as_of_date);
Line: 7826

         select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_rawcost_to_date_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_pc,0)
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                -- and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
            and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
        and ppr.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3764224
            and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Bug 3764224
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(ppr2.as_of_date)
                                     from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                     where ppr2.project_id = p_project_id
                                     and ppr2.object_id = p_object_id
                     and ppr2.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                     and ppr2.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3764224
                     and ppr2.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Bug 3764224
                                     and ppr2.as_of_date >= p_as_of_date);
Line: 7855

        select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_rawcost_to_date_pc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_pc,0)
                into l_act_rawcost_pub
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr,pa_percent_completes ppc
                where ppr.project_id = ppc.project_id
            and ppr.object_id = ppc.object_id
            and ppr.object_version_id = ppc.object_version_id
            and ppr.as_of_date = ppc.date_computed (+)
        and ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                -- and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
    and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Modified for IB4 Progress CR.
            and ppr.percent_complete_id = ppc.percent_complete_id
         and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
         and ppr.structure_type = ppc.structure_type(+) -- FPM Dev CR 3
        and ppr.proj_element_id = ppc.task_id (+) -- Modified for IB4 Progress CR.
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(ppc2.date_computed)
                                     from pa_percent_completes ppc2
                                     where ppc2.project_id = p_project_id
                                     and ppc2.object_id = p_object_id
                                     -- and ppc2.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
                     and ppc2.published_flag = 'Y'
                     and ppc2.current_flag = 'Y'
                         and ppc2.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
        and ppc2.task_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Modified for IB4 Progress CR.
Line: 7921

         select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_rawcost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_tc,0)
            +nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_rawcost_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_rawcost_tc,0)) act_rawcost_to_date
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                -- and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
         and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(ppr2.as_of_date)
                                     from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                     where ppr2.project_id = p_project_id
                                     and ppr2.object_id = p_object_id
                                     -- and ppr2.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
                     and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                     and ppr2.as_of_date > p_as_of_date);
Line: 7942

              select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_rawcost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_tc,0)
                     +nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_rawcost_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_rawcost_tc,0)) act_rawcost_to_date
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr,pa_percent_completes ppc
                where ppr.project_id = ppc.project_id
                and ppr.object_id = ppc.object_id
                and ppr.as_of_date = ppc.date_computed
                and ppr.project_id = p_project_id
            and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
        and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Modified for IB4 Progress CR.
            and ppr.percent_complete_id = ppc.percent_complete_id
                and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
            and ppr.structure_type = ppc.structure_type (+) -- FPM Dev CR 3
        and ppr.proj_element_id = ppc.task_id (+) -- Modified for IB4 Progress CR.
            and ppc.current_flag = 'N'
            and ppc.published_flag = 'N'
Line: 7963

         select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_rawcost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_tc,0)
                     +nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_rawcost_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_rawcost_tc,0)) act_rawcost_to_date
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                -- and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
                and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                and ppr.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3764224
                and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Bug 3764224
                and current_flag = 'Y'
Line: 7978

         select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_rawcost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_tc,0)
                     +nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_rawcost_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_rawcost_tc,0)) act_rawcost_to_date
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                -- and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
            and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
        and ppr.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3764224
            and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Bug 3764224
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(ppr2.as_of_date)
                                     from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                     where ppr2.project_id = p_project_id
                                     and ppr2.object_id = p_object_id
                     and ppr2.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                     and ppr2.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3764224
                     and ppr2.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Bug 3764224
                                     and ppr2.as_of_date < p_as_of_date);
Line: 8000

         select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_rawcost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_tc,0)
                     +nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_rawcost_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_rawcost_tc,0)) act_rawcost_to_date
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                -- and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
            and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
        and ppr.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3764224
            and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Bug 3764224
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(ppr2.as_of_date)
                                     from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                     where ppr2.project_id = p_project_id
                                     and ppr2.object_id = p_object_id
                     and ppr2.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                     and ppr2.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3764224
                     and ppr2.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Bug 3764224
                                     and ppr2.as_of_date >= p_as_of_date);
Line: 8021

         select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_rawcost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_tc,0)
                     +nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_rawcost_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_rawcost_tc,0)) act_rawcost_to_date
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
             -- Bug 3879461 : percemnt compete join is not required. current_flag = W is sufficient
--                    ,pa_percent_completes ppc
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                -- and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
                and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
            and ppr.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3764224
                and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Bug 3764224
--               and ppr.object_id = ppc.object_id
--               and ppr.as_of_date = ppc.date_computed
--                and ppr.percent_complete_id = ppc.percent_complete_id
--                and ppr.project_id = ppc.project_id
--                and ppr.proj_element_id=ppc.task_id
--                and ppr.structure_type = ppc.structure_type
--                and ppc.current_flag= 'N'
--                and ppc.published_flag = 'N'
                and ppr.current_flag= 'W'
Line: 8055

        select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_rawcost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_tc,0)
                into l_act_rawcost_pub
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr,pa_percent_completes ppc
                where ppr.project_id = ppc.project_id
            and ppr.object_id = ppc.object_id
            and ppr.object_version_id = ppc.object_version_id
            and ppr.as_of_date = ppc.date_computed (+)
        and ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                -- and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
            and ppr.percent_complete_id = ppc.percent_complete_id
         and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
         and ppr.structure_type = ppc.structure_type(+) -- FPM Dev CR 3
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(ppc2.date_computed)
                                     from pa_percent_completes ppc2
                                     where ppc2.project_id = p_project_id
                                     and ppc2.object_id = p_object_id
                                      -- and ppc2.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
                     and ppc2.published_flag = 'Y'
                     and ppc2.current_flag = 'Y'
                         and ppc2.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
Line: 8144

         select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_rawcost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_fc,0)
            +nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_rawcost_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_rawcost_fc,0)) act_rawcost_to_date
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                -- and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
    and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Modified for IB4 Progress CR.
         and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(ppr2.as_of_date)
                                     from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                     where ppr2.project_id = p_project_id
                                     and ppr2.object_id = p_object_id
                                     -- and ppr2.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
                     and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                                     and ppr2.as_of_date > p_as_of_date
    and ppr2.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Modified for IB4 Progress CR. );
Line: 8165

         select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_rawcost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_fc,0)
            +nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_rawcost_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_rawcost_fc,0)) act_rawcost_to_date
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                -- and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
            and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
        and ppr.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3764224
            and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Bug 3764224
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(ppr2.as_of_date)
                                     from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                     where ppr2.project_id = p_project_id
                                     and ppr2.object_id = p_object_id
                     and ppr2.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                     and ppr2.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3764224
                     and ppr2.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Bug 3764224
                                     and ppr2.as_of_date < p_as_of_date);
Line: 8185

         select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_rawcost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_fc,0)
            +nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_rawcost_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_rawcost_fc,0)) act_rawcost_to_date
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                -- and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
            and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
        and ppr.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3764224
            and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Bug 3764224
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(ppr2.as_of_date)
                                     from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                     where ppr2.project_id = p_project_id
                                     and ppr2.object_id = p_object_id
                     and ppr2.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
                     and ppr2.structure_version_id is null -- Bug 3764224
                     and ppr2.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Bug 3764224
                                     and ppr2.as_of_date >= p_as_of_date);
Line: 8215

        select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_rawcost_to_date_fc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_rawcost_to_date_fc,0)
                into l_act_rawcost_pub
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr,pa_percent_completes ppc
                where ppr.project_id = ppc.project_id
            and ppr.object_id = ppc.object_id
            and ppr.object_version_id = ppc.object_version_id
            and ppr.as_of_date = ppc.date_computed (+)
        and ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                -- and ppr.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
    and ppr.proj_element_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Modified for IB4 Progress CR.
            and ppr.percent_complete_id = ppc.percent_complete_id
         and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
         and ppr.structure_type = ppc.structure_type(+) -- FPM Dev CR 3
        and ppr.proj_element_id = ppc.task_id (+) -- Modified for IB4 Progress CR.
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(ppc2.date_computed)
                                     from pa_percent_completes ppc2
                                     where ppc2.project_id = p_project_id
                                     and ppc2.object_id = p_object_id
                                     -- and ppc2.object_version_id = p_object_version_id
                     and ppc2.published_flag = 'Y'
                     and ppc2.current_flag = 'Y'
                         and ppc2.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' -- FPM Dev CR 3
        and ppc2.task_id = nvl(p_proj_element_id, p_object_id) -- Modified for IB4 Progress CR.
Line: 8478

    SELECT resource_assignment_id
     FROM pa_task_assignments_v
    WHERE structure_version_id = c_structure_version_id
      AND task_id              = c_task_id
      AND resource_list_member_id = c_resource_list_member_id
Line: 8488

     FROM pa_budget_lines
    WHERE budget_version_id = c_budget_version_id
      AND resource_assignment_id = c_resource_assignment_id
      AND TXN_CURRENCY_CODE = p_currency_code
      AND p_as_of_date BETWEEN start_date and end_date
Line: 8499

  IS                                                                                  SELECT TXN_RAW_COST_RATE_OVERRIDE, TXN_BURDEN_COST_RATE_OVERRIDE
     FROM pa_resource_asgn_curr                                                        WHERE budget_version_id = c_budget_version_id
      AND resource_assignment_id = c_resource_assignment_id                              AND TXN_CURRENCY_CODE = p_currency_code;
Line: 8514

  SELECT pra.person_id,
  FROM pa_resource_assignments pra,  ----pa_task_assignments_v  4871809
       pa_budget_versions pbv,
       pa_resource_list_members rlm
  WHERE pbv.project_structure_version_id  = c_structure_version_id
  AND pbv.budget_version_id = pra.budget_version_id
  AND pra.task_id           = c_task_id
  AND pra.resource_list_member_id   = c_resource_list_member_id
  AND pra.project_id        = c_project_id
  AND pra.resource_list_member_id = rlm.resource_list_member_id
Line: 8873

        /* Select the project Type */
        SELECT project_type, carrying_out_organization_id
        INTO   l_project_type, l_carrying_out_org_id
        FROM   pa_projects_all
        WHERE  project_id = p_project_id;
Line: 8880

    /* Select the resource name  TO BE CHECKED
        SELECT resource_alias
        INTO   l_resource_alias
        FROM   pa_task_assignments_v
        WHERE  resource_list_member_id = l_BOM_resource_id
        AND project_id = p_project_id; -- Modifications for Bug # 3688902.
Line: 8897

         SELECT task_id
         INTO   l_task_id
         FROM   pa_task_assignments_v
         WHERE  resource_list_member_id = l_res_list_memb_id_tbl(i)
         AND project_id = p_project_id ;
Line: 8938

        SELECT use_planning_rates_flag,res_class_raw_cost_sch_id INTO l_use_planning_rates_flag, l_pl_res_class_raw_cost_sch_id
        FROM pa_proj_fp_options
        WHERE fin_plan_version_id = l_plan_version_id
        AND project_id = p_project_id;
Line: 9557

                SELECT 'Y'
        WHERE object_id = p_dlv_proj_elt_id
                  AND object_type = 'PA_DELIVERABLES'
                  AND project_id  = p_project_id
                  AND structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                  AND published_flag = 'Y';
Line: 9928

     select ppr.completed_percentage
     from pa_progress_rollup ppr
     where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
     and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
     and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
     and ppr.structure_version_id is null
     and ppr.object_type = p_object_type
     and ppr.current_flag <> 'W' -- Bug 3879461
     and ppr.as_of_date =
          select max(ppr2.as_of_date)
          from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
          where ppr2.project_id = p_project_id
          and ppr2.object_id = p_object_id
          and ppr2.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
          and ppr2.structure_version_id is null
          and ppr.object_type = p_object_type
          and ppr2.as_of_date <= p_as_of_date
          and ppr2.current_flag = 'Y'
Line: 9973

select scheduled_start_date
from pa_proj_elem_ver_schedule ppevs
where ppevs.project_id = p_project_id
and  ppevs.proj_element_id = p_proj_element_id
and ppevs.element_version_id = (select ppev.element_version_id
                from pa_proj_element_versions ppev
                where ppev.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppev.proj_element_id = p_proj_element_id
                and ppev.object_type = p_object_type
                and ppev.parent_structure_version_id = p_str_ver_id);
Line: 9985

select scheduled_finish_date
from pa_proj_elem_ver_schedule ppevs
where ppevs.project_id = p_project_id
and  ppevs.proj_element_id = p_proj_element_id
and ppevs.element_version_id = (select ppev.element_version_id
                                from pa_proj_element_versions ppev
                                where ppev.project_id = p_project_id
                                and ppev.proj_element_id = p_proj_element_id
                                and ppev.object_type = p_object_type
                                and ppev.parent_structure_version_id = p_str_ver_id);
Line: 10062

    substrb(pe.element_number,1,30), -- Bug 4348814 : Added substr
    substrb(pe.name,1,30), -- Bug 4348814 : Added substr
    substrb(rlm.alias,1,40), -- Bug 4348814 : Added substr
    pa_proj_element_versions pev,
    pa_proj_elements pe,
    pa_resource_assignments ra,
    pa_resource_list_members rlm,
    pa_budget_lines bl,
    pa_progress_rollup pr
    pev.parent_structure_version_id = p_struct_ver_id AND
    pe.proj_element_id = pev.proj_element_id AND
    ra.wbs_element_version_id = pev.element_version_id AND
    rlm.resource_list_member_id = ra.resource_list_member_id AND
    bl.resource_assignment_id = ra.resource_assignment_id AND
    pr.project_id = ra.project_id AND
    pr.object_id = ra.resource_list_member_id AND
    pr.object_type = 'PA_ASSIGNMENTS' AND
    pr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' AND
    pr.proj_element_id = ra.task_id AND
    pr.current_flag = 'Y' AND
    pr.structure_version_id IS NULL AND
    bl.txn_currency_code <> pr.txn_currency_code
Line: 10185

PROCEDURE check_prog_for_update_asgmts
    p_task_assignment_tbl IN  PA_TASK_ASSIGNMENT_UTILS.l_resource_rec_tbl_type,
    x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895


CURSOR get_all_parameters IS
    decode(ra.resource_class_code, 'PEOPLE', pr.ppl_act_effort_to_date,
                                   'EQUIPMENT', pr.eqpmt_act_effort_to_date ,pr.oth_quantity_to_date),
    decode(pr.structure_version_id, NULL, 'Y', 'N')
    pa_res_asgmts_temp rat,
    pa_resource_assignments ra,
    pa_proj_element_versions pev,
    pa_progress_rollup pr
    ra.resource_assignment_id = rat.resource_assignment_id AND
    pev.element_version_id = ra.wbs_element_version_id AND
    pr.project_id = ra.project_id AND
    pr.object_id = ra.resource_list_member_id AND
    pr.object_type = 'PA_ASSIGNMENTS' AND
    pr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN' AND
    pr.proj_element_id = ra.task_id AND
    pr.current_flag = 'Y' AND
    (pr.structure_version_id IS NULL OR pr.structure_version_id = pev.parent_structure_version_id);
Line: 10257

    SELECT to_number(value)
    INTO   l_db_block_size
    FROM   v$parameter
    WHERE  name = 'db_block_size';
Line: 10290

        DELETE pa_res_asgmts_temp;
Line: 10292

            INSERT INTO pa_res_asgmts_temp VALUES
                (l_res_asgmt_id_tbl(j), l_new_rlm_id_tbl(j), l_override_cur_tbl(j), l_new_project_role_id_tbl(j),
                l_new_total_qty_tbl(j), l_new_sched_start_date_tbl(j), l_new_sched_finish_date_tbl(j));
Line: 10429

END check_prog_for_update_asgmts;
Line: 10462

    select planned_bur_cost_proj_cur
    from pa_task_asgmts_v
    where project_id = p_project_id
    and task_id = p_task_id
    and structure_version_id = p_structure_version_id
    and resource_list_member_id = p_resource_list_mem_id;
Line: 10471

     select pra.total_project_burdened_cost as planned_bur_cost_proj_cur
     , pra.resource_assignment_id -- Bug 4372462
     , pra.budget_version_id -- Bug 4372462
       FROM pa_resource_assignments pra,
      where pra.resource_list_member_id = p_resource_list_mem_id
        and pra.task_id = p_task_id
        AND PPEV.PROJECT_ID = p_project_id
        AND PPEV.PARENT_STRUCTURE_VERSION_ID = p_structure_version_id
        AND pra.wbs_element_version_id = ppev.element_version_id;
Line: 10905

   select next_progress_update_date
     into l_prog_act_summ_date
     from pa_proj_progress_attr
    where project_id = p_project_id
      and object_type = 'PA_STRUCTURES'
      and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN';
Line: 10916

      select as_of_date
        into l_prog_act_summ_date
        from pa_progress_rollup
       where project_id = p_project_id
         and object_type = 'PA_STRUCTURES'
         and structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
         and structure_version_id is null
         and current_flag = 'Y';
Line: 11004

FUNCTION check_prog_exists_and_delete(
 p_project_id       NUMBER
 ,p_task_id     NUMBER
 ,p_object_type     VARCHAR2 := 'PA_TASKS'
 ,p_object_id       NUMBER   := null
 ,p_structure_type  VARCHAR2 := 'WORKPLAN'
 ,p_delete_progress_flag    VARCHAR2 := 'Y' -- Fix for Bug # 4140984.


  CURSOR cur_ppc_assgn(c_object_id NUMBER, c_task_id NUMBER, c_object_type VARCHAR2
               , c_project_id NUMBER, c_structure_type VARCHAR2)
     SELECT 'Y'
     FROM pa_percent_completes ppc
     WHERE ppc.object_id = c_object_id
     AND ppc.task_id = c_task_id
     AND ppc.object_type = c_object_type
     AND ppc.project_id  = c_project_id
     AND ppc.structure_type = c_structure_type
     AND ppc.published_flag = 'Y';
Line: 11029

    SELECT 'Y'
    FROM pa_progress_rollup ppr
    WHERE ppr.object_id = c_object_id
    AND ppr.proj_element_id = c_task_id
    AND ppr.object_type = c_object_type
    AND ppr.project_id  = c_project_id
    AND ppr.structure_type = p_structure_type
    AND (((nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)
           + nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_cost_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_cost_tc,0)) <> 0 ) -- 4417665 : making it <> 0 rather than >0
       +nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_effort,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_effort,0)) <> 0) -- 4417665 : making it <> 0 rather than >0
           +nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_etc_cost_tc,0) +nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_etc_cost_tc,0)) > 0)
       +nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_etc_effort,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_etc_effort,0)) > 0))
     AND ppr.current_flag in ('Y', 'W')
     AND ppr.structure_version_id is null;
Line: 11055

     SELECT 'Y'
     FROM pa_percent_completes ppc
     WHERE ppc.task_id = c_task_id
     AND ppc.object_type = c_object_type
     AND ppc.project_id  = c_project_id
     AND ppc.structure_type = c_structure_type
     AND ppc.published_flag = 'Y';
Line: 11066

    SELECT 'Y'
    FROM pa_progress_rollup ppr
    WHERE ppr.proj_element_id = c_task_id
    AND ppr.object_type = c_object_type
    AND ppr.project_id  = c_project_id
    AND ppr.structure_type = p_structure_type
    AND (((nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.ppl_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)
           + nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_cost_tc,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_cost_tc,0)) <> 0 ) ---- 4417665 : making it <> 0 rather than >0
           +nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_act_effort,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_effort,0)) <> 0) -- 4417665 : making it <> 0 rather than >0
           +nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_etc_cost_tc,0) +nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_etc_cost_tc,0)) > 0)
           +nvl(ppr.subprj_ppl_etc_effort,0)+nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_etc_effort,0)) > 0))
     AND ppr.current_flag in ('Y', 'W')
     AND ppr.structure_version_id is null;
Line: 11126

        if ((l_return_value = 'N') and (p_delete_progress_flag = 'Y')) then -- fix for Bug # 4140984.

            DELETE FROM pa_progress_rollup ppr
            WHERE ppr.object_id = p_object_id
            AND ppr.proj_element_id = p_task_id
                AND ppr.object_type = p_object_type
                AND ppr.project_id  = p_project_id
                AND ppr.structure_type = p_structure_type;
Line: 11168

                if ((l_return_value = 'N') and (p_delete_progress_flag = 'Y')) then -- Fix for Bug # 4140984.

                        DELETE FROM pa_progress_rollup ppr
                        WHERE ppr.proj_element_id = p_task_id
            AND ppr.object_type = 'PA_ASSIGNMENTS'
                        AND ppr.project_id  = p_project_id
                        AND ppr.structure_type = p_structure_type;
Line: 11182

END check_prog_exists_and_delete;
Line: 11504

             SELECT NVL(SUM(NVL(pbl.txn_raw_cost,0)-NVL(pbl.txn_init_raw_cost,0)),0),
             INTO   x_rawcost_tc,
             FROM   pa_budget_lines pbl,
                    pa_resource_assignments pra
             WHERE  pra.budget_version_id=p_budget_version_id
             AND    pra.project_id=p_project_id
             AND    pra.task_id=p_task_id
             AND    pra.resource_list_member_id=p_resource_list_mem_id
             AND    pbl.resource_assignment_id=pra.resource_assignment_id
             AND    pbl.txn_currency_code=p_txn_currency_code;
Line: 11579

   SELECT asgn.resource_assignment_id resource_assignment_id
        , asgn.task_version_id task_version_id
        , 'PA_ASSIGNMENTS' object_type
        , asgn.resource_class_code resource_class_code
        , asgn.rate_based_flag rate_based_flag
        , decode(asgn.rate_based_flag,'Y','EFFORT','N','COST') assignment_type
    , ppr.PPL_ACT_EFFORT_TO_DATE + ppr.EQPMT_ACT_EFFORT_TO_DATE total_act_effort_to_date
    , ppr.EQPMT_ETC_EFFORT + ppr.estimated_remaining_effort total_etc_effort
    , ppr.OTH_ACT_COST_TO_DATE_TC + ppr.PPL_ACT_COST_TO_DATE_TC + ppr.EQPMT_ACT_COST_TO_DATE_TC total_act_cost_to_date_tc
        , ppr.OTH_ACT_COST_TO_DATE_PC + ppr.PPL_ACT_COST_TO_DATE_PC + ppr.EQPMT_ACT_COST_TO_DATE_PC total_act_cost_to_date_pc
        , ppr.OTH_ACT_COST_TO_DATE_FC + ppr.PPL_ACT_COST_TO_DATE_FC + ppr.EQPMT_ACT_COST_TO_DATE_FC total_act_cost_to_date_fc
        , ppr.OTH_ETC_COST_TC + ppr.PPL_ETC_COST_TC + ppr.EQPMT_ETC_COST_TC total_etc_cost_tc
        , ppr.OTH_ETC_COST_PC + ppr.PPL_ETC_COST_PC + ppr.EQPMT_ETC_COST_PC total_etc_cost_pc
        , ppr.OTH_ETC_COST_FC + ppr.PPL_ETC_COST_FC + ppr.EQPMT_ETC_COST_FC total_etc_cost_fc

    , decode(c_task_per_comp_deriv_method,'EFFORT'
                , ( nvl(ppr.PPL_ACT_EFFORT_TO_DATE,0)
                     + nvl(ppr.EQPMT_ACT_EFFORT_TO_DATE,0))
                , ( nvl(ppr.OTH_ACT_COST_TO_DATE_PC,0)
                     + nvl(ppr.PPL_ACT_COST_TO_DATE_PC,0)
                     + nvl(ppr.EQPMT_ACT_COST_TO_DATE_PC,0))) earned_value
        , decode(c_wp_rollup_method, 'COST'
                 , nvl(ppr.OTH_ACT_COST_TO_DATE_PC,0)
                   + nvl(ppr.PPL_ACT_COST_TO_DATE_PC,0)
                               + nvl(ppr.EQPMT_ACT_COST_TO_DATE_PC,0)
                   + nvl(ppr.OTH_ETC_COST_PC,0)
                   + nvl(ppr.PPL_ETC_COST_PC,0)
                           + nvl(ppr.EQPMT_ETC_COST_PC,0)
                 , 'EFFORT'
                 , decode(rate_based_flag,'N', 0,
                         + nvl(ppr.EQPMT_ACT_EFFORT_TO_DATE,0)
                         + nvl(ppr.EQPMT_ETC_EFFORT,0)
                         + nvl(ppr.estimated_remaining_effort,0)), 0) bac_value_in_rollup_method
        , decode(c_task_per_comp_deriv_method,'EFFORT'
                 , ( NVL( decode( asgn.rate_based_flag, 'Y',
                                  decode( asgn.resource_class_code,
                                         'PEOPLE', nvl(ppr.PPL_ACT_EFFORT_TO_DATE,0)
                               + nvl(ppr.estimated_remaining_effort,
                                    -nvl(ppr.PPL_ACT_EFFORT_TO_DATE,0)), -1, 0,
                                                 nvl( asgn.planned_quantity-ppr.PPL_ACT_EFFORT_TO_DATE,0))),
                                          'EQUIPMENT', nvl(ppr.EQPMT_ACT_EFFORT_TO_DATE,0)
                               + nvl(ppr.EQPMT_ETC_EFFORT,
                                 -nvl(ppr.EQPMT_ACT_EFFORT_TO_DATE,0)), -1, 0,
                                                 nvl( asgn.planned_quantity-ppr.EQPMT_ACT_EFFORT_TO_DATE,0)))),0),0)
                                 ( NVL( decode( asgn.resource_class_code,
                                         nvl(ppr.OTH_ACT_COST_TO_DATE_PC,0) + nvl(ppr.OTH_ETC_COST_PC,
                            -nvl(ppr.OTH_ACT_COST_TO_DATE_PC,0)), -1, 0,
                                         nvl(ppr.OTH_ACT_COST_TO_DATE_PC,0) + nvl(ppr.OTH_ETC_COST_PC,
                           -nvl(ppr.OTH_ACT_COST_TO_DATE_PC,0)), -1, 0,
                                                 nvl( asgn.planned_bur_cost_proj_cur-ppr.OTH_ACT_COST_TO_DATE_PC,0))),
                                        nvl(ppr.PPL_ACT_COST_TO_DATE_PC,0) + nvl(ppr.PPL_ETC_COST_PC,
                        -nvl(ppr.PPL_ACT_COST_TO_DATE_PC,0)), -1, 0,
                                        nvl(ppr.EQPMT_ACT_COST_TO_DATE_PC,0) + nvl(ppr.EQPMT_ETC_COST_PC,
                        -nvl(ppr.EQPMT_ACT_COST_TO_DATE_PC,0)), -1, 0,
                                    ))) bac_value_in_task_deriv
           pa_task_asgmts_v  asgn
           , pa_progress_rollup ppr
   WHERE asgn.task_version_id = c_task_ver_id
         AND asgn.project_id = p_project_id  ---4871809
         AND asgn.task_id = p_proj_element_id
         AND asgn.ta_display_flag = 'Y'
         AND asgn.project_id = ppr.project_id
         AND asgn.RESOURCE_LIST_MEMBER_ID = ppr.object_id
         AND asgn.task_id = ppr.proj_element_id
         AND ppr.object_type = 'PA_ASSIGNMENTS'
         AND ppr.as_of_date = pa_progress_utils.get_max_rollup_asofdate(asgn.project_id
                       ,asgn.RESOURCE_LIST_MEMBER_ID, 'PA_ASSIGNMENTS'
                       ,c_as_of_date,asgn.task_version_id, c_structure_type
                       , decode(c_published_structure, 'Y', null, c_structure_version_id), asgn.task_id)
         AND ppr.current_flag <> 'W'
         AND ppr.structure_type = c_structure_type
         AND ((c_published_structure = 'Y' AND ppr.structure_version_id is null)
               OR (c_published_structure = 'N'
                   AND ppr.structure_version_id = c_structure_version_id))
   SELECT asgn.resource_assignment_id resource_assignment_id
          , asgn.task_version_id task_version_id
          , 'PA_ASSIGNMENTS' object_type
          , asgn.resource_class_code resource_class_code
          , asgn.rate_based_flag rate_based_flag
          , decode(asgn.rate_based_flag,'Y','EFFORT','N','COST') assignment_type
          , to_number(null) total_act_effort_to_date
          , to_number(null) total_etc_effort
          , to_number(null) total_act_cost_to_date_tc
          , to_number(null) total_act_cost_to_date_pc
          , to_number(null) total_act_cost_to_date_fc
          , to_number(null) total_etc_cost_tc
          , to_number(null) total_etc_cost_pc
          , to_number(null) total_etc_cost_fc
          , to_number(null) earned_value
          , to_number(null) bac_value_in_rollup_method
          , decode(c_task_per_comp_deriv_method,'EFFORT',
                                 , asgn.planned_quantity, 'EQUIPMENT'
                             , asgn.planned_quantity, 0),0)
                                ,asgn.planned_bur_cost_proj_cur) bac_value_in_task_deriv
          pa_task_asgmts_v  asgn
    WHERE asgn.task_version_id = c_task_ver_id
          AND  asgn.project_id = p_project_id  ---4871809
          AND  asgn.task_id = p_proj_element_id
          AND  pa_progress_utils.get_max_rollup_asofdate(asgn.project_id
                                        , asgn.RESOURCE_LIST_MEMBER_ID
                                , 'PA_ASSIGNMENTS',c_as_of_date
                                , c_structure_type
                                , decode(c_published_structure, 'Y', null
                                 , c_structure_version_id)
                            , asgn.task_id) IS NULL
          AND asgn.ta_display_flag = 'Y';
Line: 11710

   SELECT decode(status.project_system_status_code, 'STRUCTURE_PUBLISHED', 'Y', 'N')
   FROM pa_proj_elem_ver_structure str
   , pa_project_statuses status
   where str.element_version_id = c_structure_version_id
   AND str.project_id = c_project_id
   AND str.status_code = status.project_status_code;
Line: 11724

   SELECT max(as_of_date)
   FROM pa_progress_rollup
   WHERE project_id = c_project_id
   AND object_id = c_object_id
   AND object_type = c_object_type
   AND structure_type = c_structure_type
   AND ((c_published_structure = 'Y' AND structure_version_id is null)
         OR (c_published_structure = 'N'
             AND structure_version_id = c_structure_version_id)
         OR (c_structure_type = 'FINANCIAL' AND structure_version_id is null)    /* Bug#6485646 */
   AND current_flag <> 'W'
   AND as_of_date <= c_as_of_date;
Line: 11743

   SELECT max(as_of_date)
   FROM pa_progress_rollup ppr, pa_proj_element_versions ppev -- Bug # 4658185.
   WHERE ppr.project_id = c_project_id
   AND ppr.object_id = c_object_id
   AND ppr.object_type = c_object_type
   AND ppr.structure_type = c_structure_type
   AND ppr.project_id = ppev.project_id  -- Bug # 4658185.
   AND ppr.object_id = ppev.proj_element_id  -- Bug # 4658185.
   AND ppr.object_version_id = ppev.element_version_id  -- Bug # 4658185.
   AND ppev.parent_structure_version_id = c_structure_version_id  -- Bug # 4658185.
   AND ((c_published_structure = 'Y' AND ppr.structure_version_id is null)
             OR (c_published_structure = 'N'
                     AND ppr.structure_version_id = c_structure_version_id))
   AND ppr.current_flag <> 'W';
Line: 11766

    SELECT nvl(ppr.completed_percentage,decode(nvl(c_program_flag,'Y'),'Y', ppr.eff_rollup_percent_comp, ppr.base_percent_complete))
    -- 4392189 : Program Reporting Changes - Phase 2 : Added Decode above
    FROM pa_progress_rollup ppr
    WHERE ppr.project_id = c_project_id
    and ppr.object_id = c_object_id
    and ppr.object_type = c_object_type
    and ppr.structure_type = c_structure_type
    and ((c_published_structure = 'Y' AND structure_version_id is null)
         OR (c_published_structure = 'N'
             AND structure_version_id = c_structure_version_id)
         OR (c_structure_type = 'FINANCIAL' AND structure_version_id is null)    /* Bug#6485646 */
    and current_flag <> 'W'
    and ppr.as_of_date = c_as_of_date;
Line: 11784

    SELECT decode(elem.base_percent_comp_deriv_code, null
                  , ttype.base_percent_comp_deriv_code,'^'
    FROM pa_proj_elements elem
         , pa_task_types ttype
    where elem.proj_element_id = c_task_id
    AND elem.project_id = c_project_id
    AND elem.object_type =c_object_type
    AND elem.type_id = ttype.task_type_id;
Line: 11798

    SELECT task_weight_basis_code
    from pa_proj_progress_attr pppa
    where pppa.project_id = c_project_id
    AND pppa.object_id = c_task_id
    AND pppa.structure_type = c_structure_type
    and pppa.object_type = c_object_type;
Line: 11931

                select structure_sharing_Code
                from pa_projects_all
                where project_id=p_project_id;
Line: 11942

         select (nvl(ppr.ppl_act_effort_to_date,0)
             +nvl(ppr.oth_quantity_to_date,0)) act_effort_prev_asofdate
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
        and ppr.proj_element_id = p_proj_element_id
        and ppr.structure_version_id is null
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(ppr2.as_of_date)
                                      from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                      where ppr2.project_id = p_project_id
                                      and ppr2.object_id = p_object_id
                      and ppr2.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                      and ppr2.proj_element_id = p_proj_element_id
                      and ppr2.structure_version_id is null
                      and ppr2.current_flag <> 'W' -- Fix for Bug # 4249286.
                                   -- Fix for Bug # 4185974.
                      and ppr2.as_of_date < l_as_of_date); -- Fix for Bug # 4185974.
Line: 11969

        select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_tc,0)
            +nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_cost_tc,0)) act_bur_cost_tc_prev_asofdate
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
        and ppr.proj_element_id = p_proj_element_id
        and ppr.structure_version_id is null
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(ppr2.as_of_date)
                                      from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                      where ppr2.project_id = p_project_id
                                      and ppr2.object_id = p_object_id
                      and ppr2.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                      and ppr2.proj_element_id = p_proj_element_id
                      and ppr2.structure_version_id is null
                      and ppr2.current_flag <> 'W' -- Fix for Bug # 4249286.
                                  -- Fix for Bug # 4185974.
                      and ppr2.as_of_date < l_as_of_date); -- Fix for Bug # 4185974.
Line: 11995

                 select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_cost_to_date_pc,0)
             +nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_cost_pc,0)) act_bur_cost_pc_prev_asofdate
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                and ppr.proj_element_id = p_proj_element_id
                and ppr.structure_version_id is null
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(ppr2.as_of_date)
                                      from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                      where ppr2.project_id = p_project_id
                                      and ppr2.object_id = p_object_id
                                      and ppr2.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                                      and ppr2.proj_element_id = p_proj_element_id
                                      and ppr2.structure_version_id is null
                      and ppr2.current_flag <> 'W' -- Fix for Bug # 4249286.
                                   -- Fix for Bug # 4185974.
                      and ppr2.as_of_date < l_as_of_date); -- Fix for Bug # 4185974.
Line: 12022

         select (nvl(ppr.oth_act_rawcost_to_date_tc,0)
             +nvl(ppr.subprj_eqpmt_act_rawcost_tc,0)) act_raw_cost_tc_prev_asofdate
                from pa_progress_rollup ppr
                where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
                and ppr.object_id = p_object_id
                and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                and ppr.proj_element_id = p_proj_element_id
                and ppr.structure_version_id is null
                and ppr.as_of_date = (select max(ppr2.as_of_date)
                                      from pa_progress_rollup ppr2
                                      where ppr2.project_id = p_project_id
                                      and ppr2.object_id = p_object_id
                                      and ppr2.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                                      and ppr2.proj_element_id = p_proj_element_id
                                      and ppr2.structure_version_id is null
                      and ppr2.current_flag <> 'W' -- Fix for Bug # 4249286.
                                  -- Fix for Bug # 4185974.
                      and ppr2.as_of_date < l_as_of_date); -- Fix for Bug # 4185974.
Line: 12320

select nvl(ppl_act_effort_to_date,0) asgn_act_eff
    ,nvl(ppl_act_cost_to_date_pc,0) asgn_act_cost
    ,nvl(estimated_remaining_effort,0) asgn_etc_eff
    ,nvl(ppl_etc_cost_pc,0) agn_etc_cost
from pa_progress_rollup ppr
where ppr.project_id = p_project_id
and ppr.proj_element_id = p_proj_element_id
and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
and ppr.structure_version_id is null
and ppr.object_type = 'PA_ASSIGNMENTS'
and ppr.current_flag = p_current_flag
and ppr.as_of_date = p_as_of_date;
Line: 12432

select progress_rollup_id
            FROM pa_progress_rollup
           WHERE project_id = p_project_id
             AND object_id = p_object_id
             AND decode(p_chk_task,'Y',proj_element_id,p_task_id) = p_task_id
             AND object_type = p_object_type
             AND structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
             AND structure_version_id is null
             AND as_of_date <= p_as_of_date
             AND current_flag = 'W';
Line: 12444

select progress_rollup_id
  from pa_progress_rollup ppr
 WHERE ppr.project_id = p_project_id
   AND ppr.object_id = p_object_id
   AND decode(p_chk_task,'Y',ppr.proj_element_id,p_task_id) = p_task_id
   AND ppr.object_type = p_object_Type
   AND ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
   AND ppr.structure_version_id is null
   AND ppr.as_of_date = (select max(as_of_date)
                      from pa_progress_rollup
                     where project_id = p_project_id
                       AND object_id = p_object_id
                       AND decode(p_chk_task,'Y',proj_element_id,p_task_id) = p_task_id
                       AND object_type = p_object_Type
                       AND structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
                       AND structure_version_id is null
                       AND as_of_Date <= p_as_of_date);
Line: 12490

  select current_flag
    FROM pa_progress_rollup
   WHERE project_id = p_project_id
     AND object_id = p_object_id
     AND object_type = p_object_type
     AND decode(p_chk_task,'Y',proj_element_id,nvl(p_task_id,-99)) = nvl(p_task_id,-99)
     AND structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
     AND structure_version_id is null
     AND current_flag in ('W','Y')
   order by current_flag asc;
Line: 12516

	select 'Y'
	pa_resource_assignments pra,
	pa_progress_rollup ppr
	where pra.ta_display_flag = 'N'
			and pra.wbs_element_version_id = p_element_ver_id
			and pra.project_id = p_project_id
			and ppr.project_id = p_project_id
			and ppr.object_type = 'PA_ASSIGNMENTS'
			and ppr.object_id = pra.resource_list_member_id
			and ppr.structure_type = 'WORKPLAN'
			and ppr.structure_version_id is null
			and ppr.proj_element_id = p_proj_element_id
			and rownum = 1;
Line: 12559

  select time_id.proj_element_id proj_element_id
       ,time_id.as_of_date as_of_date
       ,sum(pfxaf.labor_hrs) labor_hours
       ,sum(pfxaf.equipment_hours) equipment_hours
       ,sum(pfxaf.brdn_cost) prj_brdn_cost
    from   pji_fp_xbs_accum_f pfxaf,
           pa_budget_versions pbv,
            select prog_date.proj_element_id proj_element_id,
            prog_date.as_of_date as_of_date,
            ptcpv.cal_period_id cal_period_id,
            ptcpv.name period_name,
            ptcpv.start_date pstart_date,
            ptcpv.end_date pend_date
            PJI_TIME_CAL_PERIOD_V ptcpv,
               select ppv.proj_element_id proj_element_id,
                      nvl(p_as_of_date,(ppr.as_of_date)) as_of_date
               from pa_progress_rollup ppr,
                      pa_proj_element_versions ppv
                where ppv.parent_structure_version_id=p_structure_version_id
                  and ppv.project_id=p_project_id
                and ppv.proj_element_id=p_proj_element_id
                and ppr.object_id (+) =ppv.proj_element_id
                and ppr.object_version_id (+) =ppv.element_version_id
                and ppr.project_id (+) = ppv.project_id
                and ppr.structure_version_id (+) = ppv.parent_structure_version_id
                and ppr.structure_type (+) = 'WORKPLAN'
                and ppr.current_flag (+) = 'Y'
             where ptcpv.calendar_id=p_cal_id
            -- and ptcpv.start_date <= prog_date.as_of_date
             and ptcpv.end_date <= prog_date.as_of_date
    where  pfxaf.project_id=p_project_id
    and    pfxaf.project_id=pbv.project_id
    and    pbv.project_structure_version_id=p_baseline_struc_id
    and    pbv.budget_version_id=pfxaf.plan_version_id
    and    pfxaf.project_element_id=time_id.proj_element_id
    and    pfxaf.wbs_rollup_flag='N'
    and    pfxaf.rbs_aggr_level='T'
    and    pfxaf.prg_rollup_flag='N'
    and    pfxaf.period_type_id=32
    and    pfxaf.calendar_type=p_cal_type
    and    pfxaf.time_id=time_id.cal_period_id
    group by time_id.proj_element_id
       ,time_id.as_of_date ;
Line: 12610

  select pfxaf.project_element_id proj_element_id
       ,time_id.pstart_date pstart_date
       ,time_id.pend_date pend_date
       ,time_id.as_of_date as_of_date
       ,pfxaf.labor_hrs labor_hours
       ,pfxaf.equipment_hours equipment_hours
       ,pfxaf.brdn_cost prj_brdn_cost
    from   pji_fp_xbs_accum_f pfxaf,
           pa_budget_versions pbv,
            select prog_date.proj_element_id proj_element_id,
            prog_date.as_of_date as_of_date,
            ptcpv.cal_period_id cal_period_id,
            ptcpv.name period_name,
            ptcpv.start_date pstart_date,
            ptcpv.end_date pend_date
            PJI_TIME_CAL_PERIOD_V ptcpv,
               select ppv.proj_element_id proj_element_id,
                      nvl(p_as_of_date,(ppr.as_of_date)) as_of_date
               from pa_progress_rollup ppr,
                      pa_proj_element_versions ppv
                where ppv.parent_structure_version_id=p_structure_version_id
                  and ppv.project_id=p_project_id
                and ppv.proj_element_id=p_proj_element_id
                and ppr.object_id (+) =ppv.proj_element_id
                and ppr.object_version_id (+) =ppv.element_version_id
                and ppr.project_id (+) = ppv.project_id
                and ppr.structure_version_id (+) = ppv.parent_structure_version_id
                and ppr.structure_type (+) = 'WORKPLAN'
                and ppr.current_flag (+) = 'Y'
             where ptcpv.calendar_id=p_cal_id
             and ptcpv.start_date <= prog_date.as_of_date
             and ptcpv.end_date >prog_date.as_of_date
    where  pfxaf.project_id=p_project_id
    and    pfxaf.project_id=pbv.project_id
    and    pbv.project_structure_version_id=p_baseline_struc_id
    and    pbv.budget_version_id=pfxaf.plan_version_id
    and    pfxaf.project_element_id=time_id.proj_element_id
    and    pfxaf.wbs_rollup_flag='N'
    and    pfxaf.rbs_aggr_level='T'
    and    pfxaf.prg_rollup_flag='N'
    and    pfxaf.period_type_id=32
    and    pfxaf.calendar_type=p_cal_type
    and    pfxaf.time_id=time_id.cal_period_id
Line: 12666

  select time_id.proj_element_id proj_element_id
       ,time_id.as_of_date as_of_date
       ,sum(pfxaf.labor_hrs) labor_hours
       ,sum(pfxaf.equipment_hours) equipment_hours
       ,sum(pfxaf.brdn_cost) prj_brdn_cost
    from   pji_fp_xbs_accum_f pfxaf,
           pa_budget_versions pbv,
            select prog_date.proj_element_id proj_element_id,
            prog_date.as_of_date as_of_date,
            ptcpv.cal_period_id cal_period_id,
            ptcpv.name period_name,
            ptcpv.start_date pstart_date,
            ptcpv.end_date pend_date
            PJI_TIME_CAL_PERIOD_V ptcpv,
               select ppv.proj_element_id proj_element_id,
                      nvl(p_as_of_date,(ppr.as_of_date)) as_of_date
               from pa_progress_rollup ppr,
                      pa_proj_element_versions ppv
                where ppv.parent_structure_version_id=p_structure_version_id
                  and ppv.project_id=p_project_id
                and ppv.proj_element_id=p_proj_element_id
                and ppr.object_id (+) =ppv.proj_element_id
                and ppr.object_version_id (+) =ppv.element_version_id
                and ppr.project_id (+) = ppv.project_id
                and ppr.structure_version_id (+) IS NULL
                and ppr.structure_type (+) = 'WORKPLAN'
                and ppr.current_flag (+) ='Y'
              --group by ppv.proj_element_id
             where ptcpv.calendar_id=p_cal_id
            -- and ptcpv.start_date <= prog_date.as_of_date
             and ptcpv.end_date <= prog_date.as_of_date
    where  pfxaf.project_id=p_project_id
    and    pfxaf.project_id=pbv.project_id
    and    pbv.project_structure_version_id=p_baseline_struc_id
    and    pbv.budget_version_id=pfxaf.plan_version_id
    and    pfxaf.project_element_id=time_id.proj_element_id
    and    pfxaf.wbs_rollup_flag='N'
    and    pfxaf.rbs_aggr_level='T'
    and    pfxaf.prg_rollup_flag='N'
    and    pfxaf.period_type_id=32
    and    pfxaf.calendar_type=p_cal_type
    and    pfxaf.time_id=time_id.cal_period_id
    group by time_id.proj_element_id
       ,time_id.as_of_date ;
Line: 12718

  select pfxaf.project_element_id proj_element_id
       ,time_id.pstart_date pstart_date
       ,time_id.pend_date pend_date
       ,time_id.as_of_date as_of_date
       ,pfxaf.labor_hrs labor_hours
       ,pfxaf.equipment_hours equipment_hours
       ,pfxaf.brdn_cost prj_brdn_cost
    from   pji_fp_xbs_accum_f pfxaf,
           pa_budget_versions pbv,
            select prog_date.proj_element_id proj_element_id,
            prog_date.as_of_date as_of_date,
            ptcpv.cal_period_id cal_period_id,
            ptcpv.name period_name,
            ptcpv.start_date pstart_date,
            ptcpv.end_date pend_date
            PJI_TIME_CAL_PERIOD_V ptcpv,
               select ppv.proj_element_id proj_element_id,
                      nvl(p_as_of_date,(ppr.as_of_date)) as_of_date
               from pa_progress_rollup ppr,
                      pa_proj_element_versions ppv
                where ppv.parent_structure_version_id=p_structure_version_id
                  and ppv.project_id=p_project_id
                and ppv.proj_element_id=p_proj_element_id
                and ppr.object_id (+) =ppv.proj_element_id
                and ppr.object_version_id (+) =ppv.element_version_id
                and ppr.project_id (+) = ppv.project_id
                and ppr.structure_version_id (+) IS NULL
                and ppr.structure_type (+) = 'WORKPLAN'
                and ppr.current_flag (+) = 'Y'
              --group by ppv.proj_element_id
             where ptcpv.calendar_id=p_cal_id
             and ptcpv.start_date <= prog_date.as_of_date
             and ptcpv.end_date >prog_date.as_of_date
    where  pfxaf.project_id=p_project_id
    and    pfxaf.project_id=pbv.project_id
    and    pbv.project_structure_version_id=p_baseline_struc_id
    and    pbv.budget_version_id=pfxaf.plan_version_id
    and    pfxaf.project_element_id=time_id.proj_element_id
    and    pfxaf.wbs_rollup_flag='N'
    and    pfxaf.rbs_aggr_level='T'
    and    pfxaf.prg_rollup_flag='N'
    and    pfxaf.period_type_id=32
    and    pfxaf.calendar_type=p_cal_type
    and    pfxaf.time_id=time_id.cal_period_id
Line: 12776

  select time_id.proj_element_id proj_element_id
       ,time_id.as_of_date as_of_date
       ,sum(pfxaf.labor_hrs) labor_hours
       ,sum(pfxaf.equipment_hours) equipment_hours
       ,sum(pfxaf.brdn_cost) prj_brdn_cost
    from   pji_fp_xbs_accum_f pfxaf,
           pa_budget_versions pbv,
            select prog_date.proj_element_id proj_element_id,
            prog_date.as_of_date as_of_date,
            ptcpv.cal_period_id cal_period_id,
            ptcpv.name period_name,
            ptcpv.start_date pstart_date,
            ptcpv.end_date pend_date
            PJI_TIME_CAL_PERIOD_V ptcpv,
               select ppv.proj_element_id proj_element_id,
                      max(ppv.parent_structure_version_id) parent_structure_id,
                      nvl(p_as_of_date,max(ppr.as_of_date)) as_of_date
               from pa_progress_rollup ppr,
                      pa_proj_element_versions ppv
                where ppv.parent_structure_version_id<=p_structure_version_id
                  and ppv.project_id=p_project_id
                and ppv.proj_element_id=p_proj_element_id
                and ppr.object_id (+) =ppv.proj_element_id
                and ppr.object_version_id (+) =ppv.element_version_id
                and ppr.project_id (+) = ppv.project_id
                and ppr.structure_version_id (+) IS NULL
                and ppr.structure_type (+) = 'WORKPLAN'
                and ppr.current_flag (+) <> 'W'
              group by ppv.proj_element_id
             where ptcpv.calendar_id=p_cal_id
            -- and ptcpv.start_date <= prog_date.as_of_date
             and ptcpv.end_date <= prog_date.as_of_date
    where  pfxaf.project_id=p_project_id
    and    pfxaf.project_id=pbv.project_id
    and    pbv.project_structure_version_id=p_baseline_struc_id
    and    pbv.budget_version_id=pfxaf.plan_version_id
    and    pfxaf.project_element_id=time_id.proj_element_id
    and    pfxaf.wbs_rollup_flag='N'
    and    pfxaf.rbs_aggr_level='T'
    and    pfxaf.prg_rollup_flag='N'
    and    pfxaf.period_type_id=32
    and    pfxaf.calendar_type=p_cal_type
    and    pfxaf.time_id=time_id.cal_period_id
    group by time_id.proj_element_id
       ,time_id.as_of_date ;
Line: 12829

  select pfxaf.project_element_id proj_element_id
       ,time_id.pstart_date pstart_date
       ,time_id.pend_date pend_date
       ,time_id.as_of_date as_of_date
       ,pfxaf.labor_hrs labor_hours
       ,pfxaf.equipment_hours equipment_hours
       ,pfxaf.brdn_cost prj_brdn_cost
    from   pji_fp_xbs_accum_f pfxaf,
           pa_budget_versions pbv,
            select prog_date.proj_element_id proj_element_id,
            prog_date.as_of_date as_of_date,
            ptcpv.cal_period_id cal_period_id,
            ptcpv.name period_name,
            ptcpv.start_date pstart_date,
            ptcpv.end_date pend_date
            PJI_TIME_CAL_PERIOD_V ptcpv,
               select ppv.proj_element_id proj_element_id,
                      max(ppv.parent_structure_version_id) parent_structure_id,
                      nvl(p_as_of_date,max(ppr.as_of_date)) as_of_date
               from pa_progress_rollup ppr,
                      pa_proj_element_versions ppv
                where ppv.parent_structure_version_id<=p_structure_version_id
                  and ppv.project_id=p_project_id
                and ppv.proj_element_id=p_proj_element_id
                and ppr.object_id (+) =ppv.proj_element_id
                and ppr.object_version_id (+) =ppv.element_version_id
                and ppr.project_id (+) = ppv.project_id
                and ppr.structure_version_id (+) IS NULL
                and ppr.structure_type (+) = 'WORKPLAN'
                and ppr.current_flag (+) <> 'W'
              group by ppv.proj_element_id
             where ptcpv.calendar_id=p_cal_id
             and ptcpv.start_date <= prog_date.as_of_date
             and ptcpv.end_date >prog_date.as_of_date
    where  pfxaf.project_id=p_project_id
    and    pfxaf.project_id=pbv.project_id
    and    pbv.project_structure_version_id=p_baseline_struc_id
    and    pbv.budget_version_id=pfxaf.plan_version_id
    and    pfxaf.project_element_id=time_id.proj_element_id
    and    pfxaf.wbs_rollup_flag='N'
    and    pfxaf.rbs_aggr_level='T'
    and    pfxaf.prg_rollup_flag='N'
    and    pfxaf.period_type_id=32
    and    pfxaf.calendar_type=p_cal_type
    and    pfxaf.time_id=time_id.cal_period_id
Line: 12882

  select ppev1.proj_element_id proj_element_id,
         ppev2.proj_element_id parent_task_id,
         nvl(ppe.baseline_start_date,ppevs.scheduled_start_date) sch_start_date,
         nvl(ppe.baseline_finish_date,ppevs.scheduled_finish_date) sch_end_date
  from pa_proj_element_versions ppev1,
           pa_proj_element_versions ppev2,
       pa_object_relationships por,
           pa_proj_elements ppe,
           pa_proj_elem_ver_schedule ppevs
  where ppev1.parent_structure_version_id = p_structure_version_id
  and  ppev1.proj_element_id=ppe.proj_element_id
  and  nvl(ppe.link_task_flag,'N') = 'N'
  and  ppev1.element_version_id=ppevs.element_version_id
  and    ppev1.element_version_id = por.object_id_to1
  and  ppev2.element_version_id = por.object_id_from1
  and  por.relationship_type = 'S'
  order by  ppev1.wbs_level desc;
Line: 12902

  select 'Y'
    from pa_proj_elem_ver_structure
   where project_id = p_project_id
     and element_version_id = p_structure_version_id
     and status_code = 'STRUCTURE_PUBLISHED';
Line: 12924

Line: 12951

  SELECT ppfo.cost_time_phased_code INTO l_cal_type
  FROM pa_proj_fp_options ppfo, pa_budget_versions pbv
  WHERE pbv.project_id=p_project_id
  AND   pbv.project_structure_version_id=p_structure_version_id
  AND   pbv.budget_version_id=ppfo.fin_plan_version_id
  AND   ppfo.fin_plan_option_level_code='PLAN_VERSION';
Line: 12966

    SELECT ftcn.calendar_id INTO l_cal_id
    FROM fii_time_cal_name ftcn,
         pa_projects_all ppa,
         pa_implementations_all pia,
         gl_sets_of_books gsb
    WHERE ppa.project_id=p_project_id
    AND   ppa.org_id=pia.org_id
    AND   pia.set_of_books_id=gsb.set_of_books_id
    AND   gsb.period_set_name=ftcn.period_set_name
    AND   gsb.accounted_period_type=ftcn.period_type;
Line: 12977

    SELECT ftcn.calendar_id INTO l_cal_id
    FROM fii_time_cal_name ftcn,
         pa_projects_all ppa,
         pa_implementations_all pia
    WHERE ppa.project_id=p_project_id
    AND   ppa.org_id=pia.org_id
    AND   pia.period_set_name=ftcn.period_set_name
    AND   pia.pa_period_type=ftcn.period_type;
Line: 13202

    SELECT  as_of_date FROM (
    SELECT  ppe.project_id project_id,
            PA_PROGRESS_UTILS.AS_OF_DATE(ppe.project_id, ppe.proj_element_id, ppp.progress_cycle_id, ppe.object_type) as_of_date ,
            ppe.object_type object_type
    FROM    pa_project_statuses po,
            pa_proj_progress_attr ppp,
            pa_proj_elements ppe
    WHERE   ppe.project_id         = ppp.project_id(+)
    AND ppp.structure_type (+) = 'WORKPLAN'
    AND ppe.project_id         = p_project_id
    AND ppe.proj_element_id    = p_proj_element_id
    AND ppe.object_type        = p_object_type
    AND ((ppe.object_type     IN ('PA_TASKS', 'PA_STRUCTURES')
    AND rownum                 <61)
     OR (ppe.object_type       = 'PA_DELIVERABLES'
    AND rownum                 <11))
    SELECT  to_number(p_project_id) project_id,
            to_date(NULL) as_of_date,
            TO_CHAR(p_object_type) object_type
    FROM    dual