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Line 317: FROM fnd_responsibility_vl resp

314: -- get violated responsibilities
315: CURSOR c_violated_responsibilities(l_constraint_rev_id IN NUMBER) IS
316: SELECT resp.responsibility_name
317: FROM fnd_responsibility_vl resp
318: WHERE resp.responsibility_id in (
319: SELECT function_id
320: FROM amw_constraint_entries cons
321: WHERE constraint_rev_id = l_constraint_rev_id

Line 559: 'select resp.responsibility_name from fnd_responsibility_vl resp'

555: ||' and rle.name in ( '||l_sub_role_names||' ) '
556: ||') ';
558: l_violating_new_roles_sql :=
559: 'select resp.responsibility_name from fnd_responsibility_vl resp'
560: ||' where resp.responsibility_id in ( '
561: ||' select function_id from amw_constraint_entries cons, wf_roles rl '
562: ||' where constraint_rev_id = :1 '
563: ||' and cons.application_id = resp.application_id '

Line 571: 'select resp.responsibility_name from fnd_responsibility_vl resp'

567: ||' and rl.owner_tag = (select application_short_name '
568: ||' from fnd_application app where app.application_id = resp.application_id)) ';
570: l_violating_existing_roles_sql :=
571: 'select resp.responsibility_name from fnd_responsibility_vl resp'
572: ||' where resp.responsibility_id in ( '
573: ||' select function_id from amw_constraint_entries cons, wf_roles rl '
574: ||' where constraint_rev_id = :1 '
575: ||' and cons.application_id = resp.application_id '

Line 2369: ||' FROM fnd_responsibility_vl frv '

2365: -- Bug 5558490 : Added below query to find new responsibilities user has
2366: -- (results in violating the specified constraint)
2367: l_new_resp_dynamic_sql VARCHAR2(1500) :=
2368: ' SELECT distinct rv.display_name '
2369: ||' FROM fnd_responsibility_vl frv '
2370: ||' ,'||G_AMW_ALL_ROLES_VL||' rv ,'
2371: ||' amw_constraint_entries ace'
2372: ||' WHERE rv.name IN (:1)'
2373: ||' AND frv.responsibility_id = ace.function_id '