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2 /*$Header: mthutils.pls 120.3.12010000.5 2008/11/06 01:37:17 tkan ship $ */
5 /* ****************************************************************************
6 * Procedure		:MTH_RUN_LOG_PRE_LOAD   			      *
7 * Description 	 	:This procedure is used for the population of the     *
8 * mth_run_log table for the initial and incremental load. The procedure is    *
9 * called at the begenning of the mapping execution sequence to set the        *
10 * boundary conditions for the ebs collection for the corresponding fact       *
11 * or dimension.                                                               *
12 * File Name	 	:MTHUTILS.PLS		             		      *
13 * Visibility		:Public                				      *
14 * Parameters	 	:                                             	      *
15 * Modification log	:						      *
16 *			Author		Date			Change	      *
17 *			Ankit Goyal	31-May-2007	Initial Creation      *
18 **************************************************************************** */
20 PROCEDURE mth_run_log_pre_load(p_fact_table IN VARCHAR2,p_db_global_name
21 IN VARCHAR2,p_run_mode IN VARCHAR2,p_run_start_date IN DATE, p_is_fact IN NUMBER
22 ,p_to_date IN DATE);
25 /* ****************************************************************************
26 * Procedure		:MTH_RUN_LOG_POST_LOAD   			      *
27 * Description 	 	:This procedure is used for the population of the     *
28 * mth_run_log table for the initial and incremental load. The procedure is    *
29 * called at the end of the mapping execution sequence to set the              *
30 * boundary conditions for the ebs collection for the corresponding fact       *
31 * File Name	 	:MTHUTILS.PLS		             		      *
32 * Visibility		:Public                				      *
33 * Parameters	 	:                                             	      *
34 * Modification log	:						      *
35 *			Author		Date			Change	      *
36 *			Ankit Goyal	31-May-2007	Initial Creation      *
37 **************************************************************************** */
38 PROCEDURE mth_run_log_post_load(p_fact_table IN VARCHAR2,
39 p_db_global_name IN VARCHAR2);
41 /* ****************************************************************************
42 * Procedure		:MTH_hrchy_BALANCE_LOAD   			      *
43 * Description 	 	:This procedure is used for the balancing of the      *
44 * hierarchy. The algorithm used for the balancing is down balancing 	      *
45 * Please refer to the Item fdd for more details on this. 		      *
46 * File Name	 	:MTHUTILS.PLS		             		      *
47 * Visibility		:Public                				      *
48 * Parameters	 	:fact table name                               	      *
49 * Modification log	:						      *
50 *			Author		Date			Change	      *
51 *			Ankit Goyal	17-Aug-2007	Initial Creation      *
52 **************************************************************************** */
53 PROCEDURE mth_hrchy_balance_load(p_fact_table IN VARCHAR2);
55 /* ****************************************************************************
56 * Procedure		:MTH_TRUNCATE_TABLE	   			      *
57 * Description 	 	:This procedure is used to truncate the table in the  *
58 * MTH Schema. Thsi can be overriden by spefying a custom schema name as well. *
59 * File Name	 	:MTHUTILS.PLS		             		      *
60 * Visibility		:Public                				      *
61 * Parameters	 	:Table name  		                    	      *
62 * Modification log	:						      *
63 *			Author		Date			Change	      *
64 *			Ankit Goyal	11-Oct-2007	Initial Creation      *
65 **************************************************************************** */
67 PROCEDURE mth_truncate_table(p_table_name IN VARCHAR2);
69 /* ****************************************************************************
70 * Procedure		:MTH_TRUNCATE_TABLE	   			      *
71 * Description 	 	:This procedure is used to truncate the table in the  *
72 * specified schema.                                                           *
73 * File Name	 	:MTHUTILS.PLS		             		      *
74 * Visibility		:Public                				      *
75 * Parameters	 	:Table name , schema name                  	      *
76 * Modification log	:						      *
77 *			Author		Date			Change	      *
78 *                       Yong Feng       July-18-2008    Initial Creation      *
79 **************************************************************************** */
81 PROCEDURE mth_truncate_table(p_table_name IN VARCHAR2,
82                              p_schema_name IN VARCHAR2);
84 /* ****************************************************************************
85 * Procedure		:MTH_TRUNCATE_TABLES	   			      *
86 * Description 	 	:This procedure is used to truncate the tables in the *
87 *                        list separated by comma.                             *
88 * File Name	 	:MTHUTILS.PLS		             		      *
89 * Visibility		:Public                				      *
90 * Parameters	 	:p_list_table_names: List of table names separated    *
91 *                        by commas.                              	      *
92 * Modification log	:						      *
93 *			Author		Date			Change	      *
94 *                       Yong Feng       Aug-07-2008     Initial Creation      *
95 **************************************************************************** */
97 PROCEDURE mth_truncate_tables(p_list_table_names IN VARCHAR2);
99 /* ****************************************************************************
100 * Procedure             :MTH_TRUNCATE_MV_LOGS                                 *
101 * Description           :This procedure is used to truncate the Materialized  *
102 *                        View log created on the tables                       *
103 *                        list separated by comma.                             *
104 * File Name             :MTHUTILS.PLS                                         *
105 * Visibility            :Public                                               *
106 * Parameters            :p_list_table_names: List of table names separated    *
107 *                        by commas.                                           *
108 * Modification log      :                                                     *
109 *                       Author          Date                    Change        *
110 *                       Yong Feng       Aug-07-2008     Initial Creation      *
111 **************************************************************************** */
115 /* ****************************************************************************
116 * Function		:MTH_UA_GET_VAL	   			 	      *
117 * Description 	 	: This procedure is used to return the lookup code for*
118 * the unasssigned							      *
119 * File Name	 	:MTHUTILS.PLS		             		      *
120 * Visibility		:Public                				      *
121 * Parameters	 	:Table name  		                    	      *
122 * Modification log	:						      *
123 *			Author		Date			Change	      *
124 *			Ankit Goyal	11-Oct-2007	Initial Creation      *
125 **************************************************************************** */
127 Function mth_ua_get_val RETURN NUMBER;
129 /* ****************************************************************************
130 * Function		:MTH_UA_GET_MEANING	   		 	      *
131 * Description 		:This procedure is used to return the lookup meaning  *
132 * for the unasssigned							      *
133 * File Name	 	:MTHUTILS.PLS		             		      *
134 * Visibility		:Public                				      *
135 * Parameters	 	:Table name  		                    	      *
136 * Modification log	:						      *
137 *			Author		Date			Change	      *
138 *			Ankit Goyal	23-Oct-2007	Initial Creation      *
139 **************************************************************************** */
141 Function mth_ua_get_meaning RETURN Varchar2;
142 /* ****************************************************************************
143 * Procedure		:request_lock	          	                      *
144 * Description 	 	:This procedure is used to request an exclusive       *
145 *    lock with p_key_table as the key using rdbms_lock package. The current   *
146 *    will wait indifinitely if the lock was held by others until the release  *
147 *    of the lock.                                                             *
148 * File Name	        :MTHUTILB.PLS			             	      *
149 * Visibility	        :Private	                          	      *
150 * Parameters	 	                              	                      *
151 *    p_key_table        : The name used to request an exclusive lock.         *
152 *    p_retval           : The return value of the operation:                  *
153 *                           0 - Success           			      *
154 *	                          1 - Timeout    			      *
155 *	                          2 - Deadlock    			      *
156 *	                          3 - Parameter Error    		      *
157 *	                          4 - Already owned    			      *
158 *	                          5 - Illegal Lock Handle    		      *
159 * Modification log	:						      *
160 *		         Author		Date		Change	              *
161 *			 Yong Feng	17-Oct-2007	Initial Creation      *
162 **************************************************************************** */
164 PROCEDURE request_lock(p_key_table IN VARCHAR2, p_retval OUT NOCOPY INTEGER);
166 /* ****************************************************************************
167 * Procedure		:generate_new_time_range	                      *
168 * Description 	 	:This procedure is used to generate a time range      *
169 *    starting from the last end date up to current time, sysdate, using       *
170 *    the p_key_table name as the key to look up the entry in MTH_RUN_LOG      *
171 *    table. If the entry does not exist, create one and set the time range    *
172 *    to a hard-coded past time to current time.                               *
173 * File Name	 	:MTHUTILB.PLS		             		      *
174 * Visibility		:Public                				      *
175 * Parameters	 	                                                      *
176 *    p_key_table        : Name to uniquely identify one entry in the          *
177 *                         mth_run_log table.                                  *
178 *    p_start_date       : An output value that specifies the start time       *
179 *                         of the new time period.                             *
180 *    p_end_date         : An output value that specifies the end time         *
181 *                         of the new time period.                             *
182 *    p_exclusive_lock   : Specify whether it needs to request an exclusive    *
183 *                         lock using p_key_table as the key so that only      *
184 *                         one procedure will be running at one point of time. *
185 *                         If the value is 1, then it will run in exclusive    *
186 *                         mode. The lock will be released when the            *
187 *                         transaction is either committed or rollbacked.      *
188 * Modification log	:						      *
189 *			   Author	Date		Change	              *
190 *			   Yong Feng	17-Oct-2007	Initial Creation      *
191 **************************************************************************** */
193 PROCEDURE generate_new_time_range(p_key_table IN VARCHAR2,
194                                   p_start_date OUT NOCOPY DATE,
195                                   p_end_date OUT NOCOPY DATE,
196                                   p_exclusive_lock IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1);
200 /* ****************************************************************************
201 * Function		:GET_PROFILE_VAL  	                              *
202 * Description 	 	:This function is used to retrive the value of the    *
203 * 			 profile for the profile name provided by the user    *
204 * File Name	 	:MTHSOURCEPATCHS.PLS	             		      *
205 * Visibility		:Public                				      *
206 * Return	 	: V_PROFILE_NAME - Global name of the source DB       *
207 * Modification log	:						      *
208 *			Author		Date		    Change	      *
209 *			Ankit Goyal	29-Oct-2007	Initial Creation      *
210 ******************************************************************************/
211 FUNCTION get_profile_val(p_profile_name IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2;
213 /* ****************************************************************************
214 * Function		:Get_UDA_Eq_HId  	                              *
215 * Description 	 	:This function is used to retrive the hierarchy id of *
216 *			the UDA Equipment profile			      *
217 * File Name	 	:MTHUTILS.PLS	                   		      *
218 * Visibility		:Public                				      *
219 * Return	 	:Hierarchy id for the equipment UDA profile           *
220 * Modification log	:						      *
221 *			Author		Date		    Change	      *
222 *			Vivek		18-Jan-2008	Initial Creation      *
223 ******************************************************************************/
226 /* ****************************************************************************
227 * Function		:Get_UDA_Eq_LNo  	                              *
228 * Description 	 	:This function is used to retrive the Level Number of *
229 *			the UDA Equipment profile			      *
230 * File Name	 	:MTHUTILS.PLS	                   		      *
231 * Visibility		:Public                				      *
232 * Return	 	:Level Number for the equipment UDA profile           *
233 * Modification log	:						      *
234 *			Author		Date		    Change	      *
235 *			Vivek		18-Jan-2008	Initial Creation      *
236 ******************************************************************************/
240 /* ****************************************************************************
241 * Procedure		:REFRESH_MV	          	                      *
242 * Description 	 	:This procedure is used to call DBMS_MVIEW.REFRESH    *
243 *    procedure to refresh MVs.                                                *
244 * File Name	        :MTHUTILB.PLS			             	      *
245 * Visibility	        :Public   	                          	      *
246 * Parameters	 	                              	                      *
247 *    p_list             : Comma-separated list of materialized views that     *
248 *                         you want to refresh.                                *
249 *    p_method           :A string of refresh methods indicating how to        *
250 *                        refresh the listed materialized views.               *
251 *                        - An f indicates fast refresh                        *
252 *                        - ? indicates force refresh                          *
253 *                        - C or c indicates complete refresh                  *
254 *                        - A or a indicates always refresh. A and C are       *
255 *                          equivalent.		                              *
256 *    p_rollback_seg     :Name of the materialized view site rollback segment  *
257 *                        to use while refreshing materialized views.          *
258 *   p_push_deferred_rpc : Used by updatable materialized views only.          *
259 * p_refresh_after_errors:                                                     *
260 *   p_purge_option      :                                                     *
261 *   p_parallelism       : 0 specifies serial propagation                      *
262 *    p_heap_size        :                                                     *
263 *   p_atomic_refresh    :                                                     *
264 * Modification log	:						      *
265 *		         Author		Date		Change	              *
266 *			 Yong Feng	11-July-2008	Initial Creation      *
267 **************************************************************************** */
270    p_list                   IN     VARCHAR2,
271    p_method                 IN     VARCHAR2       := NULL,
272    p_rollback_seg           IN     VARCHAR2       := NULL,
273    p_push_deferred_rpc      IN     BOOLEAN        := true,
274    p_refresh_after_errors   IN     BOOLEAN        := false,
275    p_purge_option           IN     BINARY_INTEGER := 1,
276    p_parallelism            IN     BINARY_INTEGER := 0,
277    p_heap_size              IN     BINARY_INTEGER := 0,
278    p_atomic_refresh         IN     BOOLEAN        := true
279 );
282 /* ****************************************************************************
283 * Procedure		:REFRESH_ONE_MV	          	                              *
284 * Description 	 	:This procedure is used to call refresh one MV.       *
285 * File Name	        :MTHUTILB.PLS			             	            *
286 * Visibility	        :Public   	                          	      *
287 * Parameters	 	                              	                  *
288 *    p_mv_name          : Name of the materialized view to be refreshed.      *
289 *    p_method           :A string of refresh methods indicating how to        *
290 *                        refresh the listed materialized views.               *
291 *                        - An f indicates fast refresh                        *
292 *                        - ? indicates force refresh                          *
293 *                        - C or c indicates complete refresh                  *
294 *                        - A or a indicates always refresh. A and C are       *
295 *                          equivalent.		                              *
296 *    p_rollback_seg     :Name of the materialized view site rollback segment  *
297 *                        to use while refreshing materialized views.          *
298 *    p_refresh_mode     :A string of refresh mode:                            *
299 *                        - C , c or NULL indicates complete refresh.          *
300 *                        - R or r indicates resume refresh that has been      *
301 *                        started earlier. The MV will be refreshed if the     *
302 *                        refresh date is earlier than the date stored in      *
303 *                        to_date column in MTH_RUN_LOG for MTH_ALL_MVS entry. *
304 *   p_push_deferred_rpc : Used by updatable materialized views only.          *
305 * Modification log	:						                  *
306 *		         Author		Date		Change	                  *
307 *			 Yong Feng	19-Aug-2008	 Initial Creation                   *
308 **************************************************************************** */
311    p_mv_name                IN     VARCHAR2,
312    p_method                 IN     VARCHAR2       := NULL,
313    p_rollback_seg           IN     VARCHAR2       := NULL,
314    p_refresh_mode           IN     VARCHAR2       := NULL
315 );
317 /* *****************************************************************************
318 * Procedure		:PUT_EQUIP_DENORM_LEVEL_NUM	          	       *
319 * Description 	 	:This procedure is used to insert the level_num column *
320 *    in the mth_equipment_denorm_d table                                       *
321 * File Name	        :MTHUTILS.PLS			             	       *
322 * Visibility	        :Private	                          	       *
323 * Modification log	:						       *
324 *		       Author	      	Date	      	Change	               *
325 *		  shanthi donthu     16-Jul-2008    Initial Creation           *
326 ***************************************************************************** */
330 /* *****************************************************************************
331 * Procedure     :update_equip_hrchy_gid                                        *
332 * Description    :This procedue is used for updating the group_id column in    *
333 * the mth_equip_hierarchy table. The group id will be used to determine the    *
334 * sequence in which a particular record will be processed in the equipment SCD *
335 * logic. The oldest relationships will have the lowest group id =1 and the new *
336 * relationships will have higher group id. All the catch all relationships i.e.*
337 * the relationship with parent = -99999 and effective date = 1-Jan-1900 will   *
338 * have group id defaulted to 1 inside the MTH_EQUIP_HRCHY_UA_ALL_MAP map.      *
339 * File Name         :MTHUTILB.PLS                                              *
340 * Visibility     :Public                                                       *
341 * Parameters       : none                                                      *
342 * Modification log :                                                           *
343 * Author Date Change                                                           *
344 * Ankit Goyal 26-Aug-2008 Initial Creation                                     *
345 ***************************************************************************** */
347 PROCEDURE update_equip_hrchy_gid;
349 /* *****************************************************************************
350 * Function     :get_min_max_gid                                        	       *
351 * Description    :This finction returns the minimum or maximum group id in the *
352 * Equipment hierarchy table.                                                   *
353 * File Name         :MTHUTILB.PLS                                              *
354 * Visibility     :Public                                                       *
355 * Parameters       : minmax Number. minmax= 1 Minimum, minmax =2 Maximum       *
356 * Modification log :                                                           *
357 * Author Date Change                                                           *
358 * Ankit Goyal 26-Aug-2008 Initial Creation                                     *
359 ***************************************************************************** */
361 FUNCTION get_min_max_gid(minmax IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER;
363 /* *****************************************************************************
364 * Procedure     :switch_column_default_value                           	       *
365 * Description    :This procedure will determine the current value of the       *
366 *  processing_flag of the table, issue an alter table statement to switch      *
367 *  the default values to another (1 to 2, or 2 to 1,) and return the           *
368 *  current value. If there are no data in the table, do nothing and return     *
369 *  0.                                                                          *
370 * File Name         :MTHUTILB.PLS                                              *
371 * Visibility     :Public                                                       *
372 * Parameters       :                                                           *
373 *         p_table_name:  table name                                            *
374 *         p_current_processing_flag: the current value of processing_flag      *
375 *                                    It could be 1, or 2 for normal case.      *
376 *                                    If it is 0, then no data is available     *
377 *                                    the table. So no process is needed.       *
378 * Modification log :                                                           *
379 * Author Date Change:  Yong Feng 10/2/08 Initial creation                      *
380 ***************************************************************************** */
382 PROCEDURE switch_column_default_value (p_table_name IN VARCHAR2,
383                                        p_current_processing_flag OUT NOCOPY NUMBER);
385 /* *****************************************************************************
386 * Procedure     :truncate_table_partition                           	       *
387 * Description    :This procedure will truncate the partition corresponding     *
388 *                 to the value of p_current_processing_flag.                   *
389 * File Name         :MTHUTILB.PLS                                              *
390 * Visibility     :Public                                                       *
391 * Parameters       :                                                           *
392 *         p_table_name:  table name                                            *
393 *         p_current_processing_flag: Used to determine the partition to be     *
394 *          truncated. Truncate p1 if the value is 1; truncate p2 if 2.         *
395 * Modification log :                                                           *
396 * Author Date Change:  Yong Feng 10/2/08 Initial creation                      *
397 ***************************************************************************** */
399 PROCEDURE truncate_table_partition (p_table_name IN VARCHAR2,
400                                     p_current_processing_flag IN NUMBER);