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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 20

|     22-JUN-2003 K.Boussema    Updated error messages                       |
|     17-JUL-2003 K.Boussema    Reviewd the code                             |
|     23-FEB-2004 K.Boussema    Made changes for the FND_LOG.                |
|     17-MAR-2004 K.Boussema    Reviewed GetPADHashId to handle multiple AADs|
|                               with the same name (same product_rule_code)  |
|     22-MAR-2004 K.Boussema    Added a parameter p_module to the TRACE calls|
|                               and the procedure.                           |
|     11-MAY-2004 K.Boussema  Removed the call to XLA trace routine from     |
|                             trace() procedure                              |
|     24-JUN-2005 K.Boussema  Redefined the GetPADHashId function as an      |
|                             autonomous transaction                         |
|     26-JUN-2005 W.Chan      Add application_id and product_rule_type_code  |
|                             when looking up the hash id for the aad.       |
|     12-AUG-2005 W.Chan      bug 4549711 - Redefined the GetPADHashId       |
|                             function as an non-autonomous transaction      |
|     31-AUG-2005 W.Chan      bug 4585458 - Fix GetPADHashId to not to       |
|                             update the xla_product_rules_b with            |
|                             product_rule_hash_id if one is not found       |
--               *********** Local Trace Routine **********

Line: 131

         (p_msg      => 'SQL - select from xla_product_rules_b'
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 139

SELECT  DISTINCT product_rule_hash_id
  INTO  l_HashID
  FROM  xla_product_rules_b
 WHERE  product_rule_code           = p_product_rule_code
   AND  amb_context_code            = p_amb_context_code
   AND  application_id              = p_application_id
   AND  product_rule_type_code      = p_product_rule_type_code
   AND  product_rule_hash_id        IS NOT NULL
Line: 155

               (p_msg      => 'SQL - update xla_product_rules_b'
               ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
               ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 165

   UPDATE xla_product_rules_b  xprb
     SET xprb.product_rule_hash_id      = (SELECT NVL(MAX(xpr.product_rule_hash_id),0) + 1
                                             FROM xla_product_rules_b xpr)
   WHERE xprb.amb_context_code          = p_amb_context_code
     AND xprb.product_rule_code         = p_product_rule_code
     AND xprb.application_id            = p_application_id
     AND xprb.product_rule_type_code    = p_product_rule_type_code
     RETURNING xprb.product_rule_hash_id INTO l_HashID
Line: 175

    SELECT NVL(MAX(product_rule_hash_id),0) + 1
     INTO l_HashID
     FROM xla_product_rules_b;
Line: 329

SELECT  product_rule_hash_id
INTO    p_product_rule_hash_id
FROM    xla_product_rules_b
WHERE   product_rule_code           = p_product_rule_code
  AND   product_rule_type_code      = p_product_rule_type_code
  AND   application_id              = p_application_id
  AND   amb_context_code            = p_amb_context_code
Line: 644

      SELECT xprt.name
        INTO l_pad_name
        FROM xla_product_rules_tl xprt
       WHERE xprt.application_id         = p_application_id
         AND xprt.product_rule_code      = p_product_rule_code
         AND xprt.product_rule_type_code = p_product_rule_type_code
         AND xprt.amb_context_code       = p_amb_context_code
         AND nvl(xprt.language ,USERENV('LANG'))  = USERENV('LANG')