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1 PACKAGE BODY hri_bpl_pyugen_wrapper AS
2 /* $Header: hribpgw.pkb 115.4 2004/05/18 07:04:47 vsethi noship $ */
3 --
4 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 --
8 -- Purpose
9 -- -------
10 -- This package was created to detect if shared HR is installed for
11 -- processes that require PYUGEN. If shared HR is detected, then either
12 -- execute a shared HR process or put an appropriate unsupported
13 -- functionality message in the log and end.
14 -- Processes can be forced to run in Shared HR Mode by setting the value of
15 -- profile "HRI:DBI Force Foundation HR Processes" to Yes.
16 --
17 -- Requirements
18 -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
19 -- A concurrent process (e.g. HRI_OPL_WMV_WRPR) that executes the executable
20 -- HRI_BPL_PYUGEN_WRAPPER passing in the parameters:
21 --      + p_collect_from_date
22 --      + p_collect_to_date
23 --      + p_full_refresh
24 --      + p_attribute1
25 --      + p_attribute2
26 --  It IS necessary to pass these parameters into this package from the
27 --  concurrent process that calls it. However they can be set to NULL,
28 --  and are not essential for this package to work
29 --
30 -- Foundation HR Processing
31 -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
32 -- If shared HR is detected or if the profile value for "HRI:DBI Force
33 -- Foundation HR Processes" is set to Yes, the following steps will be followed:
34 --
35 -- 1. Try to find a concurrent that has the same name as p_collection_name
36 --    concatenated with '_SHRDHR' (p_collection_name||'_SHRDHR') (For
37 --    example HRI_MB_WMV_SHRDHR).
38 -- 2. If the concurrent process is not detected assume this is the intended
39 --    behaviour and end without error, put an appropriate message in the
40 --    log.
41 -- 3. If the concurrent process is detected then execute it passing in the
42 --    parameters passed into this process when it was called.
43 --
44 --    The called process should contain the following procedure to handle
45 --    default processing when shared HR is not present:
46 --
47 --      PROCEDURE shared_hrms_dflt_prcss
48 --        (
49 --         errbuf              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
50 --        ,retcode             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
51 --        ,p_collect_from_date IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL -- Optional Param
52 --        ,p_collect_to_date   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL -- Optional Param
53 --        ,p_full_refresh      IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL -- Optional Param
54 --        ,p_attribute1        IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL -- Optional Param
55 --        ,p_attribute2        IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL -- Optional Param
56 --        );
57 --
58 -- 4. Submit the concurrent process p_collection_name||'_SHRDHR', and wait
59 --    for it to complete.
60 --
61 -- Full HR Processing
62 -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
63 -- If full HR is detected, the following steps will be followed:
64 -- 3/ Execute the pre-seeded concurrent process 'HRI_PYUGEN_WRAPPER',
65 --    passing in the parameters:
66 --      + p_collect_from_date
67 --      + p_collect_to_date
68 --      + p_full_refresh
69 --      + p_attribute1
70 --      + p_attribute2
71 --    It is necessary to pass these parameters into this package from the
72 --    concurrent process that calls it. However they can be set to NULL,
73 --    and are not essential for this package to work. They only need to be
74 --    set to something useful if the PYUGEN process that we are
75 --    going to call needs them.
76 --
77 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
78 --
80 --
82 --
83 -- Global constants used by PEM (Payroll Events Model)
84 --
85 c_application         CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'HRI';
86 c_report_type         CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'HISTORIC_SUMMARY';
87 c_process_name        CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'ARCHIVE';
88 c_report_category     CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'PROCESS';
89 c_magnetic_file_name  CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := TO_CHAR(NULL);
90 c_report_file_name    CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := TO_CHAR(NULL);
91 c_cncrrnt_prcss_name  CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'HRI_PYUGEN_WRAPPER';
92 --
93 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
95 --
96 -- Debug and logging globals
97 --
98   g_debugging                  BOOLEAN := FALSE;
99   g_concurrent_logging         BOOLEAN := FALSE;
100 --
101 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
102 -- set_debugging
103 -- Switches debugging messages on or off.
104 -- ============================================================================
105 -- Setting to on will mean extra debugging information will be generated when
106 -- the process is run.
107 --
108 PROCEDURE set_debugging(p_on IN BOOLEAN) IS
110   --
111   g_debugging := p_on;
112   --
113 END set_debugging;
114 --
115 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
116 -- set_concurrent_logging
117 -- Turns concurrent logging on or off
118 -- ============================================================================
119 -- This procedure sets the global g_concurrent_logging to
120 -- the value passed in. If set log messages will be output
121 -- through fnd_file.put_line.
122 --
123 PROCEDURE set_concurrent_logging(p_on IN BOOLEAN) IS
125   --
126   g_concurrent_logging := p_on;
127   --
128 END set_concurrent_logging;
129 --
130 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
131 -- msg
132 -- logs a message, either using fnd_file, or hr_utility.trace
133 -- ============================================================================
134 --
135 PROCEDURE msg(p_text IN VARCHAR2)
136 IS
137   l_pos   NUMBER := 1;
138   l_txt   VARCHAR2(255);
140   --
141   IF g_concurrent_logging
142   THEN
143     --
144     -- Chop up p_text string into 250 char chunks as we are
145     -- writing to the concurrent manager log file.
146     --
147     LOOP
148       --
149       l_txt := SUBSTR(p_text,l_pos,c_OUTPUT_LINE_LENGTH);
150       --
151       fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG,l_txt);
152       --
153       l_pos := l_pos + c_OUTPUT_LINE_LENGTH;
154       --
155       EXIT WHEN l_pos > LENGTH(p_text);
156       --
157     END LOOP;
158     --
159   ELSE
160     --
161     -- Use HR trace
162     --
163     hr_utility.trace(p_text);
164     --
165   END IF;
166   --
167 END msg;
168 --
169 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
170 -- dbg
171 -- Decides whether to log the passed in message
172 -- ============================================================================
173 -- Depending on whether debug mode is set, decides whether to log the passed
174 -- in message
175 --
176 PROCEDURE dbg(p_text IN VARCHAR2)
177 IS
178   --
180   --
181 --  dbms_output.put_line(p_text);
182  -- dbms_output.put_line(sqlerrm);
183   IF g_debugging THEN
184     --
185     msg(p_text);
186     --
187   END IF;
188   --
189 END dbg;
190 --
191 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
192 -- check_cncrrnt_prcss_exists
193 -- Checks whether a given concurrent process exists.
194 -- ============================================================================
195 --
196 FUNCTION check_cncrrnt_prcss_exists(p_process_name IN VARCHAR2)
198   --
199   CURSOR c_cncrrnt_prcss(p_process_name IN VARCHAR2) IS
200     SELECT 'x'
201     FROM Fnd_Concurrent_Programs FCP
202     WHERE Concurrent_Program_Name   = Upper (p_process_name)
203     AND   application_id            = 453; -- HRI
204   --
205   l_result VARCHAR2(240);
206   --
208   --
209   dbg('Checking concurrent process '||p_process_name||' exists.');
210   --
211   -- Check the concurrent process exists
212   --
213   OPEN c_cncrrnt_prcss(p_process_name);
214   FETCH c_cncrrnt_prcss INTO l_result;
215   IF c_cncrrnt_prcss%NOTFOUND
216   THEN
217     --
218     dbg('Concurrent Process "'||p_process_name||'" not found.');
219     --
220     CLOSE c_cncrrnt_prcss;
221     --
222     -- Return FALSE to indicate that the concurrent process does not exist.
223     --
225     --
226   ELSE
227     --
228     dbg('Concurrent Process "'||p_process_name||'" found.');
229     --
230     CLOSE c_cncrrnt_prcss;
231     --
232     -- Return TRUE to indicate that the concurrent process exists.
233     --
234     RETURN TRUE;
235     --
236   END IF;
237   --
239   --
241   THEN
242     --
243     dbg('Exception raised in check_cncrrnt_prcss_exists ..');
244     RAISE;
245     --
246 END check_cncrrnt_prcss_exists;
247 --
248 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
249 -- process_request
250 -- This is the main process in this package.
251 -- ============================================================================
252 -- This process will either call a PYUGEN concurrent process, a default
253 -- single threaded shared HR concurrent process (for the process we are
254 -- trying to execute, or if no process exists exit cleanly putting a suitable
255 -- message in the log.
256 --
257 PROCEDURE process_request
258   (--
259    -- p_collection_name:
260    -- The meta data name of the the PYUGEN process to be executed.
261    --
262    p_collection_name     IN VARCHAR2
263    --
264    -- p_business_group_id:
265    -- The value for this parameter will be set by the concurrent manager
266    -- using default type 'Profile', and default value 'PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID'
267    --
268   ,p_business_group_id   IN VARCHAR2
269    --
270    -- p_collect_from_date:
271    -- The date to start collection from. This is not mandatory, and can be
272    -- defaulted to NULL.
273    --
274   ,p_collect_from_date   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT TO_CHAR(NULL)
275    --
276    -- p_collect_to_date:
277    -- The date to run collection to. This is not mandatory, and can be
278    -- defaulted to NULL.
279    --
280   ,p_collect_to_date     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT TO_CHAR(NULL)
281    --
282    -- p_full_refresh:
283    -- Whether to run full refresh or not. This is not mandatory, and can be
284    -- defaulted to NULL.
285    --
286   ,p_full_refresh        IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT TO_CHAR(NULL)
287    --
288    -- p_attribute1:
289    -- Spare attribute field 1. This is not mandatory, and can be
290    -- defaulted to NULL.
291    --
292   ,p_attribute1          IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT TO_CHAR(NULL)
293    --
294    -- p_attribute2:
295    -- Spare attribute field 1. This is not mandatory, and can be
296    -- defaulted to NULL.
297    --
298   ,p_attribute2          IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT TO_CHAR(NULL)
299   )
300 IS
301   --
302   -- Used to store the return value of fnd_conc_global.request_data. If
303   -- it is non null then this indicates that the process has returned
304   -- from a paused state.
305   --
306   l_request_data VARCHAR2(240);
307   --
308   -- Store the request id of the sub process launched to run PYUGEN.
309   --
310   l_request_id   NUMBER;
311   --
312   -- Used later to generate the concurrent process name that we attempt to
313   -- launch.
314   --
315   l_cncrrnt_prcss_name VARCHAR2(30);
316   --
317   -- Local variables used to store details of successfully completed
318   -- sub processes.
319   --
323   l_dev_status  VARCHAR2(240); -- Set to NORMAL if the sub process ended
320   l_phase       VARCHAR2(240); -- Dummy output variable that is ignored.
321   l_status      VARCHAR2(240); -- Dummy output variable that is ignored.
322   l_dev_phase   VARCHAR2(240); -- Dummy output variable that is ignored.
324                                -- successfully.
325   l_message     VARCHAR2(240); -- Dummy output variable that is ignored.
326   l_success     BOOLEAN;
327   --
328   l_hr_installed         VARCHAR2(30); -- Stores HR installed or not
329   l_frc_shrd_hr_prfl_val VARCHAR2(30); -- Variable to store value for
330                                        -- Profile HRI:DBI Force Foundation HR Processes
331   --
333   --
334   -- Call fnd_conc_global.request_data, to see if this program is re-entering
335   -- after being paused, while the PYUGEN master process completes.
336   --
337   l_request_data := fnd_conc_global.request_data;
338   --
340   -- 'IF l_request_data IS NOT NULL', is only run after re-entering the
341   -- package when sub processes have completed.
342   -- See the section titled 'INITIAL FLOW THROUGH', for the code that
343   -- is run on intial execution.
344   --
345   -- If the process is re-entering at the end of being paused awaiting PYUGEN
346   -- completion, then we have nothing left to do other than end.
347   --
348   IF l_request_data IS NOT NULL
349   THEN
350     --
351     msg('Re-starting '||p_collection_name||'.');
352     --
353     -- Get the request_id of the sub process previously executed so that we
354     -- can check it's status.
355     --
356     l_request_id := TO_NUMBER(l_request_data);
357     --
358     -- Check whether the sub process finished successfully.
359     --
360     l_success := fnd_concurrent.get_request_status
361       (
362        request_id      => l_request_id
363       ,appl_shortname  => NULL
364       ,program         => NULL
365       ,phase           => l_phase
366       ,status          => l_status
367       ,dev_phase       => l_dev_phase
368       ,dev_status      => l_dev_status
369       ,message         => l_message
370       );
371     --
372     -- Set Varchar2 equivalent (l_success_chr) of l_success
373     --
374     IF l_success
375     THEN
376       --
377       -- Debug info
378       --
379       dbg('Sub process finished with status '||l_dev_status||'.');
380       --
381       -- If l_dev_status 'NORMAL', then that means the sub process was
382       -- successful.
383       --
384       IF l_dev_status <> 'NORMAL'
385       THEN
386         --
387         -- The sub process failed so raise an exception
388         --
389         msg('The sub process failed. Raising an exception.');
390         --
391         RAISE  sub_process_failed;
392         --
393       ELSE
394         --
395         -- The sub process completed successfully so end.
396         --
397         msg('All processes have ended successfully.');
398         --
399         RETURN;
400         --
401       END IF;
402       --
403     ELSE
404       --
405       -- Details of the sub process can not be found for some reason, so
406       -- raise an exception.
407       --
408       msg('An un-expected error has occurred');
409       --
410       RAISE sub_process_not_found;
411       --
412     END IF;
413     --
414   END IF; -- End process re-entered logic.
415   --
417   -- --------------------
418   -- This is the initial flow through this process for this executaion.
419   -- If it had not been l_request_data would not have been NULL, and we would
420   -- have exited.
421   --
422   --
423   -- If we are in shared HR or if profile HRI:DBI Force Foundation HR Processes has been set
424   -- then call the shared HR process (if it exists) or put a suitable message in
425   -- the log and end with success.
426   --
427   --
428   msg('Starting '||p_collection_name||'.');
429   --
430   l_frc_shrd_hr_prfl_val := NVL(fnd_profile.value('HRI_DBI_FORCE_SHARED_HR'),'N');
431   l_hr_installed         := hr_general.chk_product_installed(800);
432   --
433   IF l_hr_installed = 'FALSE'
434      OR l_frc_shrd_hr_prfl_val = 'Y'
435   THEN
436     --
437     -- Insert the appropriate message in the log file
438     --
439     IF l_hr_installed = 'FALSE' THEN
440       --
441       msg('Foundation HR detected ...');
442       --
443     ELSIF l_frc_shrd_hr_prfl_val = 'Y' THEN
444       --
445       msg('Profile HRI:DBI Force Foundation HR Processes has been set. Forcing the Foundation HR version of the process');
446       --
447     END IF;
448     --
449     -- Generate concurrent process name to use for shared HR.
450     --
451     l_cncrrnt_prcss_name := p_collection_name||'_SHRDHR';
452     --
453     -- Check if the concurrent process we think we need to run exists
454     --
455     IF check_cncrrnt_prcss_exists(l_cncrrnt_prcss_name) = FALSE
456     THEN
457       --
458       -- Output a message saying that this process is not supported in
459       -- shared HR, and end.
460       --      --
461       msg ('The process '||l_cncrrnt_prcss_name||
462            ' is not supported in HR Foundation.');
463       --
464       RETURN;
465       --
466     ELSE
467       --
468       -- execute simplified collection process for shared HRMS based on the
469       -- the PYUGEN process being executed.
470       --
471       msg('Requesting single threaded foundation HR collection process.');
472       --
473       l_request_id :=
474         fnd_request.submit_request
475           (
476            application => c_application
477           ,program     => l_cncrrnt_prcss_name -- Name of concurrent process
478           ,sub_request => TRUE -- Indicates that the request should be
479                                -- executed as a sub process.
480           ,argument1   => p_collect_from_date -- Optional Parameter defaulted
481                                               -- to NULL
482           ,argument2   => p_collect_to_date   -- Optional Parameter defaulted
483                                               -- to NULL
484           ,argument3  => p_full_refresh -- Optional Parameter defaulted
485                                         -- to NULL
486           ,argument4  => p_attribute1 -- Optional Parameter defaulted to NULL
487           ,argument5  => p_attribute2 -- Optional Parameter defaulted to NULL
488           );
489       --
490       dbg('Request Submitted for single threaded foundation HR collection '||
491           'process.');
492       --
493       dbg('Telling concurrent manage to wait for sub processes to complete.');
494       --
495       -- Tell the process to pause awaiting sub process completion.
496       --
497       fnd_conc_global.set_req_globals(conc_status => 'PAUSED',
498                                       request_data=> TO_CHAR(l_request_id));
499       --
500       dbg('Waiting for sub processes to complete.');
501       --
502       RETURN;
503       --
504     END IF;
505   --
506   -- IF the following ELSE condition is entered then we have a full HRMS
507   -- installation, so we can call the standard refresh process that uses
508   --  PYUGEN.
509   --
510   ELSE
511     --
512     dbg('Full HR Installation detected ...');
513     --
514     msg('Requesting multi threaded full HR collection process.');
515     --
516     -- Call PYUGEN passing through the parameters that process_request was
517     -- originally called with.
518     --
519     l_request_id :=
520       fnd_request.submit_request
521         (
522          application => c_application
523         ,program     => c_cncrrnt_prcss_name -- Name of concurrent process
524         ,sub_request => TRUE -- Indicates that the request should be
525                              -- executed as a sub process.
526         ,argument1   => c_process_name -- The type of PYUGEN process. Fixed
527                                        -- to 'ARCHIVE'.
528         ,argument2   => c_report_type  -- PYUGEN Report type. Fixed to 'C'.
529         ,argument3   => p_collection_name -- The seeded name of the PYUGEN
530                                           -- process we have created.
531         ,argument4   => p_collect_from_date -- PYUGEN Fixed parameter
532         ,argument5   => p_collect_to_date -- PYUGEN Fixed parameter
533         ,argument6   => c_report_category -- PYUGEN Fixed parameter
534                                           -- 'PROCESS'
535         ,argument7   => p_business_group_id -- PYUGEN parameter, based on
536                                             -- profile option
537                                             -- PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
538         ,argument8   => c_magnetic_file_name -- PYUGEN Fixed parameter
539                                              -- (IGNORED)
540         ,argument9   => c_report_file_name -- PYUGEN Fixed parameter
541                                            -- (IGNORED)
542         ,argument10  => p_full_refresh -- Optional Parameter defaulted
543                                        -- to NULL
544         ,argument11  => p_attribute1   -- Optional Parameter defaulted
545                                        -- to NULL
546         ,argument12  => p_attribute2   -- Optional Parameter defaulted
547                                        -- to NULL
548       );
549     --
550     dbg('Request Submitted for multi threaded full HR collection '||
551         'process.');
552     --
553     dbg('Telling concurrent manager to wait for sub processes to complete.');
554     --
555     --
556     -- Tell the process to pause awaiting sub process completion.
557     --
558     fnd_conc_global.set_req_globals(conc_status => 'PAUSED',
559                                     request_data=> TO_CHAR(l_request_id));
560     --
561     RETURN;
562     --
563   END IF; -- hr_general.chk_product_installed(800) = 'FALSE'
564   --
566   --
568   THEN
569     --
570     msg('Exception found in HRI PYUGEN Wrapper process ..');
571     dbg(SQLERRM);
572     --
573     RAISE;
574   --
575 END process_request;
576 --
577 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
578 -- process_request
579 -- ============================================================================
580 -- Overloaded version of process_request to be called from the concurrent
581 -- manager.
582 --
583 PROCEDURE process_request
584   (errbuf                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
585   ,retcode               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
586   ,p_collection_name     IN VARCHAR2
587   ,p_business_group_id   IN VARCHAR2
588   ,p_collect_from_date   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT TO_CHAR(NULL)
589   ,p_collect_to_date     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT TO_CHAR(NULL)
590   ,p_full_refresh        IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT TO_CHAR(NULL)
591   ,p_attribute1          IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT TO_CHAR(NULL)
592   ,p_attribute2          IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT TO_CHAR(NULL)
593   )
594 IS
595   --
597   --
598   -- Set concurrent logging on.
599   --
600   set_concurrent_logging(TRUE);
601   --
602   process_request
603             (p_collection_name    => p_collection_name
604             ,p_business_group_id  => p_business_group_id
605             ,p_collect_from_date  => p_collect_from_date
609             ,p_attribute2         => p_attribute2
606             ,p_collect_to_date    => p_collect_to_date
607             ,p_full_refresh       => p_full_refresh
608             ,p_attribute1         => p_attribute1
610             );
611   --
614   THEN
615     --
616     errbuf := SQLERRM;
617     retcode := SQLCODE;
618     RAISE;
619     --
620   --
621 END process_request;
622 --
623 END hri_bpl_pyugen_wrapper;