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1 PACKAGE BODY wma_material AS
2 /* $Header: wmapmtlb.pls 120.1 2006/05/06 04:04:36 mraman noship $ */
4   /**
5    * Forward declaration
6    */
7   Function checkQty(txnType    NUMBER,
8                     txnQty     NUMBER,
9                     errMessage OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) RETURN boolean;
12   /**
13    * This procedure is the entry point into the Material Transaction
14    * processing code for processing.
15    * Parameters:
16    *   parameters  ResParams contains values from the mobile form.
17    *   status      Indicates success (0), failure (-1).
18    *   errMessage  The error or warning message, if any.
19    */
20   PROCEDURE process(param      IN     MtlParam,
21                     status     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
22                     errMessage OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
23     error VARCHAR2(241);                        -- error message
24     mtlRec MtlRecord;                           -- record to populate and insert
25     procMode NUMBER;
26     l_returnStatus VARCHAR2(1);
27     l_params wip_logger.param_tbl_t;
28     l_logLevel NUMBER;
29   BEGIN
30     savepoint wmapmtlb0;
32     l_logLevel  := to_number(fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level);
34     if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
35       l_params(1).paramName := 'not printing params';
36       l_params(1).paramValue := ' ';
37       wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wma_material.process',
38                           p_params => l_params,
39                           x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
40     end if;
42     status := 0;
44     if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
45       wip_logger.log('before derive', l_returnStatus);
46     end if;
48     -- derive and validate all necessary fields for insertion
49     if ( derive(param, mtlRec, error) = false ) then
50       -- process error
51       status := -1;
52       errMessage := error;
53       return;
54     end if;
56     if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
57       wip_logger.log('before put', l_returnStatus);
58     end if;
60     -- insert into the interface table for background processing
61     if ( put(mtlRec, error) = false ) then
62       -- process error
63       status := -1;
64       errMessage := error;
65       return;
66     end if;
68     --if online, go ahead and process the txn
69 --    if(wma_derive.getTxnMode(param.environment.orgID) = wip_constants.online OR
70 --       param.isFromSerializedPage = 1 ) then
71 --      wip_mtlProc_priv.processTemp(p_initMsgList => fnd_api.g_true,
72 --                                   p_processInv  => fnd_api.g_true,
73 --                                   p_endDebug => fnd_api.g_true,
74 --                                   p_txnTmpID => param.transactionTempID,
75 --                                   x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
77     if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
78       wip_logger.log('before processor', l_returnStatus);
79     end if;
81     wip_mtlTempProc_priv.processTemp(p_initMsgList => fnd_api.g_true,
82                                      p_txnHdrID => mtlRec.transaction_header_id,
83                                      p_txnMode => mtlRec.transaction_mode,
84                                      p_destroyQtyTrees => fnd_api.g_true,
85                                      x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus,
86                                      x_errorMsg => errMessage);
87     if(l_returnStatus <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) then
88       raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
89     end if;
91     if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
92       wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wma_material.process',
93                            p_procReturnStatus => status,
94                            p_msg => 'success',
95                            x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
96     end if;
98     when fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error then
99       rollback to wmapmtlb0;
100       status := -1;
101 --      wip_utilities.get_message_stack(p_msg => errMessage);
102       if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
103         wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wma_material.process',
104                                p_procReturnStatus => status,
105                                p_msg => errMessage,
106                                x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
107       end if;
108     when others then
109       status := -1;
110       fnd_message.set_name ('WIP', 'GENERIC_ERROR');
111       fnd_message.set_token ('FUNCTION', 'wma_material.process');
112       fnd_message.set_token ('ERROR', SQLERRM);
113       errMessage := fnd_message.get;
114       if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
115         wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wma_material.process',
116                                p_procReturnStatus => status,
117                                p_msg => errMessage,
118                                x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
119       end if;
120   END process;
123   /**
124    * This function is used to derive the neccessary information to filled out
125    * the MtlRecord structure to passed into function put.
126    *
127    * HISTORY:
128    * 30-DEC-2004  spondalu  Bug 4093569: eAM-WMS Integration enhancements: Set value
129    *                        for element rebuild_item_id of record mtlRec
130    */
131   Function derive(param  MtlParam,
132                   mtlRec OUT NOCOPY MtlRecord,
133                   errMsg OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) Return boolean IS
135     periodID number;
136     job wma_common.Job;
137     item wma_common.Item;
138     openPastPeriod boolean := false;
140   Begin
142     job := wma_derive.getJob(param.jobID);
143     if (job.wipEntityID is null) then
144       fnd_message.set_name ('WIP', 'WIP_JOB_DOES_NOT_EXIST');
145       fnd_message.set_token('INTERFACE', 'wma_material.derive', TRUE);
146       errMsg := fnd_message.get;
147       return false;
148     end if;
150     item := wma_derive.getItem(param.itemID,
151                                param.environment.orgID,
152                                param.locatorID);
154     -- First, check qty entered.
155     if ( checkQty(param.transactionType,
156                   param.transactionQty,
157                   errMsg) = false ) then
158       return false;
159     end if;
161     -- check the project reference
162     if ( pjm_project_locator.check_project_references(
163                              param.environment.orgID,
164                              param.locatorID,
165                              'SPECIFIC',
166                              'N',
167                              job.projectID,
168                              job.taskID) = false ) then
169       errMsg := FND_MESSAGE.get;
170       return false;
171     end if;
175     -- get the accounting period
176     invttmtx.tdatechk(
177         org_id           => param.environment.orgID,
178         transaction_date => sysdate,
179         period_id        => periodID,
180         open_past_period => openPastPeriod);
182     if (periodID = -1 or periodID = 0) then
183       fnd_message.set_name(
184         application => 'INV',
185         name        => 'INV_NO_OPEN_PERIOD');
186       errMsg := fnd_message.get;
187       return false;
188     end if;
190     mtlRec.final_completion_flag := 'N';
191     mtlRec.transaction_header_id := param.transactionHeaderID;
192     mtlRec.transaction_interface_id := param.transactionIntID;
194     if(wma_derive.getTxnMode(param.environment.orgID) = wip_constants.online OR
195       param.isFromSerializedPage = 1 ) then
196       mtlRec.transaction_mode := WIP_CONSTANTS.ONLINE;
197     else
198       mtlRec.transaction_mode := WIP_CONSTANTS.BACKGROUND;
199     end if;
200 --    mtlRec.lock_flag := 'N';
201     mtlRec.inventory_item_id := param.itemID;
202     mtlRec.subinventory_code := param.subinventoryCode;
203     mtlRec.transaction_date := sysdate;
204     mtlRec.organization_id := param.environment.orgID;
205     mtlRec.acct_period_id := periodID;
206     mtlRec.last_update_date := sysdate;
207     mtlRec.last_updated_by := param.environment.userID;
208     mtlRec.creation_date := sysdate;
209     mtlRec.created_by := param.environment.userID;
210     mtlRec.transaction_source_id := param.jobID;
211     mtlRec.transaction_source_type_id := 5;
213     if ( param.isFromSerializedPage = 1 ) then
214       mtlRec.source_code := wma_common.SERIALIZATION_SOURCE_CODE;
215     else
216       mtlRec.source_code := wma_common.SOURCE_CODE;
217     end if;
219     mtlRec.source_line_id := -1;
220     mtlRec.source_header_id := -1;
221     -- set up the transaction action id and trx quantity
222     mtlRec.transaction_quantity := param.transactionQty;
223     mtlRec.primary_quantity := param.transactionQty;
224     mtlRec.negative_req_flag := 1;
225     if ( param.transactionType = WIP_CONSTANTS.ISSCOMP_TYPE ) then
226       mtlRec.transaction_action_id := WIP_CONSTANTS.ISSCOMP_ACTION;
227       mtlRec.transaction_quantity := param.transactionQty * -1;
228       mtlRec.primary_quantity := param.transactionQty * -1;
229     elsif ( param.transactionType = WIP_CONSTANTS.RETCOMP_TYPE ) then
230       mtlRec.transaction_action_id := WIP_CONSTANTS.RETCOMP_ACTION;
231     elsif ( param.transactionType = WIP_CONSTANTS.ISSNEGC_TYPE ) then
232       mtlRec.transaction_action_id := WIP_CONSTANTS.ISSNEGC_ACTION;
233       mtlRec.negative_req_flag := -1;
234     elsif ( param.transactionType = WIP_CONSTANTS.RETNEGC_TYPE ) then
235       mtlRec.transaction_action_id := WIP_CONSTANTS.RETNEGC_ACTION;
236       mtlRec.transaction_quantity := param.transactionQty * -1;
237       mtlRec.primary_quantity := param.transactionQty * -1;
238       mtlRec.negative_req_flag := -1;
239     end if;
240     mtlRec.transaction_type_id := param.transactionType;
241     mtlRec.wip_entity_type := WIP_CONSTANTS.DISCRETE;
243     mtlRec.locator_id := param.locatorID;
244     mtlRec.operation_seq_num := param.opSeqNum;
245     mtlRec.department_id := param.deptID;
246 --    mtlRec.row.item_trx_enabled_flag := item.mtlTxnsEnabled;
247 --    mtlRec.row.item_description := item.description;
248 --    mtlRec.row.item_location_control_code := item.locationControlCode;
249 --    mtlRec.row.item_restrict_subinv_code := item.restrictSubinvCode;
250 --    mtlRec.row.item_restrict_locators_code := item.restrictLocatorsCode;
251 --    mtlRec.row.item_revision_qty_control_code := item.revQtyControlCode;
252     mtlRec.revision := param.revision;
253 --    mtlRec.item_primary_uom_code := item.primaryUOMCode;
254     mtlRec.transaction_uom := param.transactionUOM;
255 --    mtlRec.row.item_inventory_asset_flag := item.invAssetFlag;
256 --    mtlRec.row.allowed_units_lookup_code := item.allowedUnitsLookupCode;
257 --    mtlRec.row.item_shelf_life_code := item.shelfLifeCode;
258 --    mtlRec.row.item_shelf_life_days := item.shelfLifeDays;
259 --    mtlRec.row.item_serial_control_code := item.serialNumberControlCode;
260 --    mtlRec.row.item_lot_control_code := item.lotControlCode;
261 --    mtlRec.row.posting_flag := 'Y';
263     mtlRec.process_flag := wip_constants.mti_inventory;
265     mtlRec.project_id := param.projectID;
266     mtlRec.task_id := param.taskID;
267     mtlRec.source_project_id := job.projectID;
268     mtlRec.source_task_id := job.taskID;
269     mtlRec.qa_collection_id := param.qualityID;
270     mtlRec.wip_entity_type := param.wipEntityType;
271     if (param.wipEntityType = WIP_CONSTANTS.EAM) then
272       mtlRec.rebuild_item_id := param.itemID;
273     else
274       mtlRec.rebuild_item_id := NULL;
275     end if;
276     return true;
277   End derive;
280   /**
281    * This function is used to insert the record encapsulated in mtlRec to
282    * table MMTT and some furthur validation and processing.
283    *
284    * HISTORY:
285    * 30-DEC-2004  spondalu  Bug 4093569: eAM-WMS Integration enhancements:
286    *                        Insert rebuild_item_id into mti.
287    */
288   Function put(mtlRec MtlRecord, errMsg OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) return boolean IS
289     l_retStatus VARCHAR2(1);
290     l_logLevel NUMBER;
291   Begin
292     l_logLevel := fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level;
294     INSERT INTO mtl_transactions_interface
295                (wip_supply_type,
296                 final_completion_flag,
297                 transaction_header_id,
298                 transaction_interface_id,
299                 transaction_mode,
300 --                lock_flag,
301                 inventory_item_id,
302                 subinventory_code,
303                 primary_quantity,
304                 transaction_quantity,
305                 transaction_date,--10
306                 organization_id,
307                 acct_period_id,
308                 last_update_date,
309                 last_updated_by,
310                 creation_date,
311                 created_by,
312                 transaction_source_id,
313                 transaction_source_type_id,
314                 transaction_type_id,
315                 transaction_action_id,--20
316                 wip_entity_type,
317                 locator_id,
318                 operation_seq_num,
319                 department_id,
320 --                item_trx_enabled_flag,
321 --                item_description,
322 --                item_location_control_code,
323 --                item_restrict_subinv_code,
324 --                item_restrict_locators_code,
325 --                item_revision_qty_control_code, --30
326                 revision,
327 --                item_primary_uom_code,
328                 transaction_uom,
329 --                item_inventory_asset_flag,
330 --                allowed_units_lookup_code,
331 --                item_shelf_life_code,
332 --                item_shelf_life_days,
333 --                item_serial_control_code,
334 --                item_lot_control_code,
335                 negative_req_flag,
336 --                posting_flag,
337                 process_flag,
338                 project_id,
339                 task_id,
340                 source_project_id,
341                 source_task_id,
342                 qa_collection_id,
343                 source_code,
344                 source_line_id,
345                 source_header_id,
346                 rebuild_item_id)
347         VALUES
348                (wip_constants.push, --always a push item
349                 mtlRec.final_completion_flag,
350                 mtlRec.transaction_header_id,
351                 mtlRec.transaction_interface_id,
352                 mtlRec.transaction_mode,
353 --                mtlRec.lock_flag,
354                 mtlRec.inventory_item_id,
355                 mtlRec.subinventory_code,
356                 mtlRec.primary_quantity,
357                 mtlRec.transaction_quantity,
358                 mtlRec.transaction_date,--10
359                 mtlRec.organization_id,
360                 mtlRec.acct_period_id,
361                 mtlRec.last_update_date,
362                 mtlRec.last_updated_by,
363                 mtlRec.creation_date,
364                 mtlRec.created_by,
365                 mtlRec.transaction_source_id,
366                 mtlRec.transaction_source_type_id,
367                 mtlRec.transaction_type_id,
368                 mtlRec.transaction_action_id,--20
369                 mtlRec.wip_entity_type,
370                 mtlRec.locator_id,
371                 mtlRec.operation_seq_num,
372                 mtlRec.department_id,
373 --                mtlRec.item_trx_enabled_flag,
374 --                mtlRec.item_description,
375 --                mtlRec.item_location_control_code,
376 --                mtlRec.item_restrict_subinv_code,
377 --                mtlRec.item_restrict_locators_code,
378 --                mtlRec.item_revision_qty_control_code,
379                 mtlRec.revision,
380 --                mtlRec.item_primary_uom_code,
381                 mtlRec.transaction_uom,
382 --                mtlRec.item_inventory_asset_flag,
383 --                mtlRec.allowed_units_lookup_code,
384 --                mtlRec.item_shelf_life_code,
385 --                mtlRec.item_shelf_life_days,
386 --                mtlRec.item_serial_control_code,
387 --                mtlRec.item_lot_control_code,
388                 mtlRec.negative_req_flag,
389 --                mtlRec.posting_flag,
390                 mtlRec.process_flag,
391                 mtlRec.project_id,
392                 mtlRec.task_id,
393                 mtlRec.source_project_id,
394                 mtlRec.source_task_id,
395                 mtlRec.qa_collection_id,
396                 mtlRec.source_code,
397                 mtlRec.source_line_id,
398                 mtlRec.source_header_id,
399                 mtlRec.rebuild_item_id);
401     wip_mtlTempProc_priv.validateInterfaceTxns(p_txnHdrID     => mtlRec.transaction_header_id,
402                                                p_initMsgList  => fnd_api.g_true,
403                                                x_returnStatus => l_retStatus);
405     if(l_retStatus <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) then
406       if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
407         wip_logger.log('put: error from validateInterfaceTxns', l_retStatus);
408       end if;
409       wip_utilities.get_message_stack(p_msg => errMsg);
410       return false;
411     end if;
413     return true;
416     when others then
417       fnd_message.set_name ('WIP', 'GENERIC_ERROR');
418       fnd_message.set_token ('FUNCTION', 'wma_material.derive');
419       fnd_message.set_token ('ERROR',  SQLERRM);
420       errMsg := fnd_message.get;
421       return false;
422   End put;
424   /**
425    * This is a private function used by this pacakge only. It checks the qty entered
426    * for material txn to make sure the qty > 0.
427    */
428   Function checkQty(txnType    NUMBER,
429                     txnQty     NUMBER,
430                     errMessage OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) RETURN boolean IS
431   Begin
432     if ( txnQty <= 0 ) then
433        fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_GREATER_THAN_ZERO');
434        errMessage := fnd_message.get;
435        return false;
436     end if;
438     return true;
439   End checkQty;
441   procedure validateIssueProject(p_orgID       in  number,
442                                  p_wipEntityID in  number,
443                                  p_locatorID   in  number,
444                                  p_allowCrossIssue in number,
445                                  x_projectID   out nocopy number,
446                                  x_taskID      out nocopy number,
447                                  x_projectNum  out nocopy varchar2,
448                                  x_taskNum     out nocopy varchar2,
449                                  x_returnStatus out nocopy varchar2,
450                                  x_returnMsg   out nocopy varchar2) is
451     l_jobProjectID number;
452     l_jobTaskID number;
453     l_locProjectID number;
454     l_locTaskID number;
455     l_num number;
456   begin
457     x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
458     x_projectID := null;
459     x_taskID := null;
460     x_projectNum := null;
461     x_taskNum := null;
462     x_returnMsg := null;
464  /* Bug 5111027 -  The following SQL will raise a
465     NO DATA FOUND exception for PJM organization with no locator
466     control at org/subinventory/item level. Added EXCEPTION
467     block to handle it.*/
468     BEGIN
469       select project_id, task_id
470         into l_locProjectID, l_locTaskID
471         from mtl_item_locations_kfv
472        where organization_id = p_orgID
473          and inventory_location_id = p_locatorID;
475       when NO_DATA_FOUND THEN
476         RETURN;
477     END;
480     -- no project/task reference on the locator
481     if ( l_locProjectID is null and l_locTaskID is null ) then
482       return;
483     end if;
485     x_projectID := l_locProjectID;
486     x_taskID := l_locTaskID;
487     x_projectNum := pjm_project.all_proj_idtonum(l_locProjectID);
488     x_taskNum := pjm_project.all_task_idtonum(l_locTaskID);
490     select project_id, task_id
491       into l_jobProjectID, l_jobTaskID
492       from wip_discrete_jobs
493      where organization_id = p_orgID
494        and wip_entity_id = p_wipEntityID;
496     -- you can't issue project controlled item to non project controlled job
497     if ( l_jobProjectID is null ) then
498       x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
499       x_projectID := null;
500       x_taskID := null;
501       x_projectNum := null;
502       x_taskNum := null;
503       fnd_message.set_name('WIP', 'JOB_NOT_PROJ_CNTL');
504       x_returnMsg := fnd_message.get;
505       return;
506     end if;
509     -- project/task are the same with job project/task
510     if ( (l_locProjectID = l_jobProjectID) and (l_locTaskID = l_jobTaskID) ) then
511       return;
512     end if;
514     -- project is the same and all cross project issue
515     if ( (l_locProjectID = l_jobProjectID) and (p_allowCrossIssue = 1) ) then
516       return;
517     end if;
520     -- diff project with the same cost group and planning group when
521     -- allow cross issue
522     if ( l_locProjectID <> l_jobProjectID and p_allowCrossIssue = 1 ) then
523       select count(*)
524         into l_num
525         from pjm_project_parameters pp,
526              pjm_project_parameters jpp
527        where pp.organization_id = p_orgID
528          and pp.project_id = l_locProjectID
529          and jpp.organization_id = p_orgID
530          and jpp.project_id = l_jobProjectID
531          and pp.costing_group_id = jpp.costing_group_id
532          and pp.planning_group = jpp.planning_group;
533       if ( l_num > 0 ) then
534         return;
535       end if;
536     end if;
538     x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
539     x_projectID := null;
540     x_taskID := null;
541     x_projectNum := null;
542     x_taskNum := null;
543     fnd_message.set_name('WIP', 'INVALID_SER_PROJECT_TASK');
544     x_returnMsg := fnd_message.get;
545   end validateIssueProject;
548 END wma_material;