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Line 233: ar_receivable_applications_all ra_cm,

229: ra_customer_trx prev_trx,
230: ra_cust_trx_types ctt,
231: ra_terms rt,
232: ra_terms_lines rtl,
233: ar_receivable_applications_all ra_cm,
234: ar_payment_schedules_all cm_app_ps,
235: ar_trx_summary trx_sum
236: where trx.customer_trx_id = ps.customer_trx_id
237: and trx.request_id = p_req_id

Line 716: from ar_receivable_applications ra,

712: nvl(rps.customer_site_use_id, -99) site_use_id,
713: rps.invoice_currency_code rcpt_currency,
714: cr.receipt_date as_of_date,
715: sum(nvl(ra.amount_applied_from,ra.amount_applied)) receipt_amount
716: from ar_receivable_applications ra,
717: ar_payment_schedules rps,
718: ar_cash_receipts cr
719: where ra.request_id = p_req_id
720: and ra.status = 'UNAPP'

Line 754: ar_receivable_applications ra

750: cr.currency_code currency,
751: cr.org_id,
752: max(cr.receipt_date) last_cash_receipt_date
753: from ar_cash_receipts cr,
754: ar_receivable_applications ra
755: where ra.request_id = p_req_id
756: and ra.status = 'UNAPP'
757: and sign(ra.amount_applied) = 1
758: and cr.cash_receipt_id = ra.cash_receipt_id

Line 803: from ar_receivable_applications ra,

799: count(DECODE(ps.class,'INV',
800: ps.payment_schedule_id, null)) count_of_tot_inv_inst_paid,
801: count(decode(sign(ps.due_date-ra.apply_date),-1,
802: ps.payment_schedule_id, null)) count_of_inv_inst_paid_late
803: from ar_receivable_applications ra,
804: ar_payment_schedules ps,
805: ra_terms_b rt
806: where ra.request_id = p_req_id
807: and ra.status = 'APP'

Line 3883: ar_receivable_applications ra

3879: null)) unresolved_cash
3880: FROM ar_payment_schedules ps,
3881: ar_cash_receipts cr,
3882: ar_cash_receipt_history crh,
3883: ar_receivable_applications ra
3884: WHERE ps.payment_schedule_id = p_ps_id
3885: and ps.cash_receipt_id = cr.cash_receipt_id
3886: and crh.cash_receipt_id = cr.cash_receipt_id
3887: and crh.cash_receipt_history_id = ra.cash_receipt_history_id -- apandit

Line 4985: ar_receivable_applications ra,

4981: rcpt_ps.invoice_currency_code,
4982: nvl(ra.amount_applied_from,ra.amount_applied),
4983: ra.apply_date
4984: FROM ar_payment_schedules trx_ps,
4985: ar_receivable_applications ra,
4986: ar_payment_schedules rcpt_ps
4987: WHERE ra.receivable_application_id = p_ra_id
4988: and ra.status in ('APP')
4989: and ra.payment_schedule_id = rcpt_ps.payment_schedule_id

Line 5191: ar_receivable_applications ra,

5187: rcpt_ps.invoice_currency_code,
5188: nvl(ra.amount_applied_from,ra.amount_applied),
5189: ra.apply_date
5190: FROM ar_payment_schedules trx_ps,
5191: ar_receivable_applications ra,
5192: ar_payment_schedules rcpt_ps
5193: WHERE ra.receivable_application_id = p_ra_id
5194: and ra.status in ('APP')
5195: and ra.payment_schedule_id = rcpt_ps.payment_schedule_id

Line 5409: ar_receivable_applications ra,

5405: ra.unearned_discount_taken,
5406: decode(sign(nvl(ra.earned_discount_taken,0)),-1,-1,0,0,1) count_of_edisc,
5407: decode(sign(nvl(ra.unearned_discount_taken,0)),-1,-1,0,0,1) count_of_uedisc
5408: FROM ar_payment_schedules trx_ps,
5409: ar_receivable_applications ra,
5410: ar_payment_schedules rcpt_ps,
5411: ra_terms_b rt
5412: WHERE ra.receivable_application_id = ra_id
5413: and ra.status in ('APP','ACTIVITY')

Line 5686: ar_receivable_applications ra,

5682: ra.unearned_discount_taken,
5683: decode(sign(nvl(ra.earned_discount_taken,0)),-1,-1,0,0,1) count_of_edisc,
5684: decode(sign(nvl(ra.unearned_discount_taken,0)),-1,-1,0,0,1) count_of_uedisc
5685: FROM ar_payment_schedules trx_ps,
5686: ar_receivable_applications ra,
5687: ar_payment_schedules rcpt_ps,
5688: ra_terms_b rt
5689: WHERE ra.receivable_application_id = ra_id
5690: and ra.status in ('APP','ACTIVITY')

Line 5701: from ar_receivable_applications ra

5697: Cursor get_inv_disc_info(p_rec_app_id IN NUMBER) IS
5698: select sum( nvl(ra.earned_discount_taken,0)
5699: + nvl(ra.unearned_discount_taken,0)
5700: ) total_disc
5701: from ar_receivable_applications ra
5702: where receivable_application_id = p_rec_app_id
5703: and status = 'APP'
5704: and display = 'Y';

Line 6111: ar_receivable_applications_all ra_cm,

6107: ra_customer_trx prev_trx,
6108: ra_cust_trx_types ctt,
6109: ra_terms rt,
6110: ra_terms_lines rtl,
6111: ar_receivable_applications_all ra_cm,
6112: ar_payment_schedules_all cm_app_ps,
6113: ar_trx_summary trx_sum
6114: where trx.customer_trx_id = ps.customer_trx_id
6115: and trx.request_id = p_req_id