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1 package BODY ame_migrate_parallel_config as
2   /* $Header: amemigcfg.pkb 120.3 2006/12/26 13:03:53 avarri noship $ */
3   procedure log_message
4     (p_package       varchar2
5     ,p_routine       varchar2
6     ,p_message       varchar2
7     ,p_errorcode     integer default -20002
8     )  as
9     l_log_id integer;
10   begin
11     select ame_exceptions_log_s.nextval
12       into l_log_id
13       from dual;
15     insert into ame_exceptions_log
16       (log_id,package_name,routine_name,transaction_id,application_id,exception_number,exception_string)
17      values
18       (l_log_id,p_package,p_routine,'','',p_errorcode,to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY:MM:DD:HH24:MI:SS')|| p_message);
19   end log_message;
21   procedure migrate_approval_group_config
22     (errbuf                 out nocopy varchar2
23     ,retcode                out nocopy number
24     ) as
26     cursor unused_group_config_cursor is
27       select aagc.application_id,
28              aagc.approval_group_id
29         from ame_approval_group_config aagc
30        where sysdate between aagc.start_date
31                          and nvl(aagc.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
32          and not exists
33                (select null
34                   from ame_action_usages aau,
35                        ame_rule_usages aru,
36                        ame_actions aa,
37                        ame_action_types aat
38                  where aa.action_id = aau.action_id
39                    and aau.rule_id = aru.rule_id
40                    and aru.item_id = aagc.application_id
41                    and sysdate between aa.start_date
42                                    and nvl(aa.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
43                    and sysdate between aat.start_date
44                                    and nvl(aat.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
45                    and aa.parameter = to_char(aagc.approval_group_id)
46                    and aat.action_type_id = aa.action_type_id
47                    and aat.name in ('pre-chain-of-authority approvals'
48                                    ,'post-chain-of-authority approvals'
49                                    ,'approval-group chain of authority')
50                    and rownum < 2)
51       order by aagc.application_id;
53     l_application_id       integer;
54     l_application_name     varchar2(240);
55     l_approval_group_id    integer;
56     l_approval_group_name  varchar2(50);
57     l_group_count          integer;
58     l_string               varchar2(300);
59     l_migration_date       date;
60   begin
61     log_message('ame_migrate_parallel_config'
62                ,'migrate_approval_group_config'
63                ,'Approval Group Config Migration');
64     l_migration_date := sysdate;
65     log_message('ame_migrate_parallel_config'
66                ,'migrate_approval_group_config'
67                ,'Migration date:' || to_char(l_migration_date,'RRRR:MM:DD:HH24:MI:SS'));
68     log_message('ame_migrate_parallel_config'
69                ,'migrate_approval_group_config'
70                ,rpad('=',102,'='));
71     l_group_count := 0;
72     open unused_group_config_cursor;
73     loop
74       fetch unused_group_config_cursor
75        into l_application_id,
76             l_approval_group_id;
78       exit when unused_group_config_cursor%notfound;
80       update ame_approval_group_config master_cfg
81          set master_cfg.end_date = l_migration_date
82        where sysdate between master_cfg.start_date
83                          and nvl(master_cfg.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
84          and master_cfg.application_id = l_application_id
85          and master_cfg.approval_group_id = l_approval_group_id;
87       if lengthb(to_char(l_application_id)) < 50 then
88         l_string := rpad(to_char(l_application_id),50,' ');
89       else
90         l_string := to_char(l_application_id);
91       end if;
93       l_string := l_string || '| ' || rpad(to_char(l_approval_group_id),50,' ');
94       log_message('ame_migrate_parallel_config'
95                  ,'migrate_approval_group_config'
96                  ,l_string);
98       l_group_count := l_group_count + 1;
99     end loop;
100     close unused_group_config_cursor;
102     log_message('ame_migrate_parallel_config'
103                ,'migrate_approval_group_config'
104                ,rpad('=',102,'='));
105     log_message('ame_migrate_parallel_config'
106                ,'migrate_approval_group_config'
107                ,'Migration Completed Successfully');
108     log_message('ame_migrate_parallel_config'
109                ,'migrate_approval_group_config'
110                ,'Total ' || l_group_count || ' configurations migrated');
111     log_message('ame_migrate_parallel_config'
112                ,'migrate_approval_group_config'
113                ,'Migration completion date:' || to_char(sysdate,'RRRR:MM:DD:HH24:MI:SS'));
114     commit;
115     retcode := 0;
116     errbuf := 'Approval Groups Migrated Successfully';
117   exception
118     when others then
119       rollback;
120       if unused_group_config_cursor%isopen then
121         close unused_group_config_cursor;
122         log_message('ame_migrate_parallel_config'
123                    ,'migrate_approval_group_config'
124                    ,'Failed during migration of ' ||
125                     l_application_name ||
126                     ',' ||
127                     l_approval_group_name);
128       end if;
129       log_message('ame_migrate_parallel_config'
130                  ,'migrate_approval_group_config'
131                  ,'Approval Group Migration Failed');
132       log_message('ame_migrate_parallel_config'
133                  ,'migrate_approval_group_config'
134                  ,'Cause:' || sqlerrm);
135       retcode := 1;
136       errbuf := 'Approval Groups Migration Failed';
137   end migrate_approval_group_config;
139   procedure migrate_action_type_config
140     (errbuf                 out nocopy varchar2
141     ,retcode                out nocopy number
142     ) as
144     cursor unused_atype_config_cursor is
145       select aatc.application_id,
146              aatc.action_type_id
147         from ame_action_type_config aatc
148        where sysdate between aatc.start_date
149                          and nvl(aatc.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
150          and not exists
151               (select /*+ use_nl (aa aru) */ null
152                  from ame_actions aa,
153                       ame_action_usages aau,
154                       ame_rule_usages aru
155                 where sysdate between aa.start_date
156                                   and nvl(aa.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
157                   and aa.action_id = aau.action_id
158                   and aau.rule_id = aru.rule_id
159                   and aru.item_id = aatc.application_id
160                   and aa.action_type_id = aatc.action_type_id
161                   and rownum < 2)
162       order by aatc.application_id;
164   l_application_id       integer;
165   l_application_name     varchar2(240);
166   l_action_type_id       integer;
167   l_action_type_name     varchar2(50);
168   l_atype_count          integer;
169   l_string               varchar2(300);
170   l_migration_date       date;
171   begin
172     log_message('ame_migrate_parallel_config'
173                ,'migrate_action_type_config'
174                ,'Action Type Config Migration');
175     l_migration_date := sysdate;
176     log_message('ame_migrate_parallel_config'
177                ,'migrate_action_type_config'
178                ,'Migration date:' || to_char(l_migration_date,'RRRR:MM:DD:HH24:MI:SS'));
179     log_message('ame_migrate_parallel_config'
180                ,'migrate_action_type_config'
181                ,rpad('=',102,'='));
183     l_atype_count := 0;
184     open unused_atype_config_cursor;
185     loop
186       fetch unused_atype_config_cursor
187        into l_application_id,
188             l_action_type_id;
190       exit when unused_atype_config_cursor%notfound;
192       update ame_action_type_config master_cfg
193          set master_cfg.end_date = l_migration_date
194        where sysdate between master_cfg.start_date
195                          and nvl(master_cfg.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
196          and master_cfg.application_id = l_application_id
197          and master_cfg.action_type_id = l_action_type_id;
199       if lengthb(to_char(l_application_id)) < 50 then
200         l_string := rpad(to_char(l_application_id),50,' ');
201       else
202         l_string := to_char(l_application_id);
203       end if;
205       l_string := l_string || '| ' || rpad(to_char(l_action_type_id),50,' ');
206       log_message('ame_migrate_parallel_config'
207                  ,'migrate_action_type_config'
208                  ,l_string);
210       l_atype_count := l_atype_count + 1;
211     end loop;
212     close unused_atype_config_cursor;
214     log_message('ame_migrate_parallel_config'
215                ,'migrate_action_type_config'
216                ,rpad('=',102,'='));
217     log_message('ame_migrate_parallel_config'
218                ,'migrate_action_type_config'
219                ,'Migration Completed Successfully');
220     log_message('ame_migrate_parallel_config'
221                ,'migrate_action_type_config'
222                ,'Total ' || l_atype_count || ' configurations migrated');
223     log_message('ame_migrate_parallel_config'
224                ,'migrate_action_type_config'
225                ,'Migration completion date:' || to_char(sysdate,'RRRR:MM:DD:HH24:MI:SS'));
226     -- Set the chain ordering mode for the action type configurations of
227     -- those action types for which it is not applicable.
228     update ame_action_type_config acf
229        set chain_ordering_mode = null
230           ,voting_regime       = null
231      where (chain_ordering_mode is not null or
232             voting_regime       is not null)
233        and action_type_id not in
234                      (select action_type_id
235                         from ame_action_type_usages
236                        where rule_type = ame_util.authorityRuleType
237                          and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date,sysdate)
238                      )
239        and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date,sysdate);
240     commit;
241     retcode := 0;
242     errbuf := 'Action Types Migrated Successfully';
243   exception
244     when others then
245       rollback;
246       if unused_atype_config_cursor%isopen then
247         close unused_atype_config_cursor;
248         log_message('ame_migrate_parallel_config'
249                    ,'migrate_action_type_config'
250                    ,'Failed during migration of ' ||
251                     l_application_name ||
252                     ',' ||
253                     l_action_type_name);
254       end if;
255       log_message('ame_migrate_parallel_config'
256                  ,'migrate_action_type_config'
257                  ,'Action Types Migration Failed');
258       log_message('ame_migrate_parallel_config'
259                  ,'migrate_action_type_config'
260                  ,'Cause:' || sqlerrm);
261       retcode := 1;
262       errbuf := 'Action Types Migration Failed';
263   end migrate_action_type_config;
265   procedure migrate_parallel_config
266     (errbuf                 out nocopy varchar2
267     ,retcode                out nocopy number
268     ) as
269     actresult integer;
270     grpresult integer;
271     grperrbuf varchar2(100);
272     acterrbuf varchar2(100);
273   begin
274     migrate_approval_group_config
275       (retcode             => grpresult
276       ,errbuf              => grperrbuf
277       );
279     migrate_action_type_config
280       (retcode             => actresult
281       ,errbuf              => acterrbuf
282       );
284     if grpresult <> 0 and
285        actresult <> 0 then
286       retcode := 1;
287       errbuf := 'Parallelization Config Migration failed for both Groups and Action Types';
288     elsif grpresult <> 0 then
289       retcode := 1;
290       errbuf := 'Parallelization Config Migration failed for Groups';
291     elsif actresult <> 0 then
292       retcode := 1;
293       errbuf := 'Parallelization Config Migration failed for Action Types';
294     else
295       retcode := 0;
296       errbuf := 'Successfully Completed the Parallelization Config Migration';
297     end if;
298   end migrate_parallel_config;
300 end ame_migrate_parallel_config;